// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef __SECWIN_H__
#define __SECWIN_H__
#include "htmlhelp.h"
#include "hhctrl.h"
#include "tabctrl.h"
#include "chistory.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "navui.h" // Replace with forward reference.
// Sizebar class.
#include "sizebar.h"
// Tool Bar defines
// ----------------
// Length of the text under each toolbar button
// Select tab commands. Used by the tab accelerator table.
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_FIRST 0x9000 // Make sure this doesn't conflict with other WM_COMMANDS!
// max number of toolbar buttons
// #define MAX_TB_BUTTONS 20
#define MAX_TB_BUTTONS 18
// Dimensions of Coolbar Glyphs ..
#define TB_BMP_CX 20
#define TB_BMP_CY 20
#define TB_BTN_CY TB_BMP_CY // TB button height
#define TB_BTN_CX TB_BMP_CX // TB button width
// End Tool Bar defines
// --------------------
const int c_NUMNAVPANES = HH_MAX_TABS+1 ; //REVIEW: Why not use HH_MAX_TABS instead?
#define HHFLAG_AUTOSYNC (1 << 0)
#define SIZE_BAR_WIDTH 7
const char WINDOW_SEPARATOR = '>';
const int TAB_PADDING = 8; // UI Cleanup. Was 4 now 8.
extern RECT g_rcWorkArea; extern int g_cxScreen; extern int g_cyScreen; extern BOOL g_fOleInitialized; extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_cs; // per-instance
typedef struct { int cbStruct; RECT rcPos; int iNavWidth; BOOL fHighlight; BOOL fLockSize; BOOL fNoToolBarText; BOOL fNotExpanded; int curNavType; } WINDOW_STATE;
// Forward References
class CContainer; // forward reference
class CNotes; // forward reference
class CSizeBar; // forward reference
// WARNING! Do not add classes -- only add class members, or constructor
// for CHHWinType will trash the class.
class CHHWinType : public tagHH_WINTYPE MI2_COUNT(CHHWinType) { public: CHHWinType(LPCTSTR pszOwnerFile) :m_hAccel(NULL) { ZERO_INIT_CLASS(CHHWinType); cbStruct = sizeof(HH_WINTYPE);
// Which CHM files "owns" this window type.
m_szOwnerFile = pszOwnerFile ;
_CrtMemCheckpoint(&m_MemState) ; #endif
} ~CHHWinType();
bool ReloadNavData(CHmData* phmdata) ; // Nasty hack for mso. Reloads nav pane from new chm.
PCSTR GetCaption() const { return pszCaption; } DWORD GetExStyles() const { return dwExStyles; } DWORD GetStyles() const ; PCSTR GetTypeName() const { return pszType; } RECT* GetWinRect() { return &rcWindowPos; } BOOL IsProperty(UINT prop) const { return (fsWinProperties & prop); } BOOL IsUniCodeStrings() const { return fUniCodeStrings; } BOOL IsValidMember(UINT member) const { return (fsValidMembers & member); } void GetWindowRect(void) { if (IsValidWindow(*this)) ::GetWindowRect(*this, &rcWindowPos); } void GetClientRect(RECT* prc); // gets client area for host window
int GetShowState() const { return nShowState; }
int GetLeft() const { return rcWindowPos.left; } int GetTop() const { return rcWindowPos.top; } int GetRight() const { return rcWindowPos.right; } int GetBottom() const { return rcWindowPos.bottom; } int GetWidth() const { return RECT_WIDTH(rcWindowPos); } int GetHeight() const { return RECT_HEIGHT(rcWindowPos); }
HWND GetHwnd() const { return hwndHelp; } HWND GetCallerHwnd() const { return hwndCaller; } HWND GetToolBarHwnd() const { return hwndToolBar; } HWND GetNavigationHwnd() const { return hwndNavigation; } HWND GetSizeBarHwnd() const { return m_pSizeBar->hWnd(); } HWND GetHTMLHwnd() const { return hwndHTML; } HWND GetTabCtrlHwnd() const // TabCtrlHwnd doesn't always exist.
{return (m_pTabCtrl ? m_pTabCtrl->hWnd() : GetNavigationHwnd()); }
int GetCurrentNavPaneIndex() ; int GetTabIndexFromNavPaneIndex(int iNavPaneIndex);
PCSTR GetToc() const { return pszToc; } PCSTR GetIndex() const { return pszIndex; } PCSTR GetFile() const { return pszFile; }
// Return the CHM file which owns this window type.
LPCTSTR GetOwnerFile() const { return m_szOwnerFile.psz; }
BOOL IsExpandedNavPane() const { return !fNotExpanded; }
operator HWND() const { return hwndHelp; } operator RECT*() { return &rcWindowPos; } operator PCSTR() const { return pszType; }
void SetUniCodeStrings(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { fUniCodeStrings = phhWinType->fUniCodeStrings; } void SetTypeName(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType); void SetValidMembers(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { fsValidMembers = phhWinType->fsValidMembers; } void SetProperties(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_PROPERTIES)) fsWinProperties = phhWinType->fsWinProperties; } void SetStyles(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_STYLES)) dwStyles = phhWinType->dwStyles; } void SetExStyles(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_EXSTYLES)) dwExStyles = phhWinType->dwExStyles; } void SetWindowRect(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_RECT)) memcpy(&rcWindowPos, &phhWinType->rcWindowPos, sizeof(RECT)); } void SetDisplayState(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_SHOWSTATE)) nShowState = phhWinType->nShowState; else nShowState = SW_SHOW; } void SetTabPos(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_TABPOS)) tabpos = phhWinType->tabpos; else tabpos = HHWIN_NAVTAB_TOP; } void SetTabOrder(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType); void SetCaption(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { SetString(phhWinType->pszCaption, (PSTR*) &pszCaption); } void SetJump1(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType); void SetJump2(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType); void SetToc(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { SetUrl(phhWinType->pszToc, (PSTR*) &pszToc); } void SetIndex(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { SetUrl(phhWinType->pszIndex, (PSTR*) &pszIndex); } void SetFile(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { SetUrl(phhWinType->pszFile, (PSTR*) &pszFile); } void SetNavExpansion(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_EXPANSION)) fNotExpanded = phhWinType->fNotExpanded; } void SetNavWidth(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_NAV_WIDTH)) iNavWidth = phhWinType->iNavWidth; } void SetCaller(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { hwndCaller = phhWinType->hwndCaller; } void SetHome(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { SetUrl(phhWinType->pszHome, (PSTR*) &pszHome); } void SetToolBar(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { fsToolBarFlags = IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_TB_FLAGS) ? phhWinType->fsToolBarFlags : HHWIN_DEF_BUTTONS; } void SetString(PCSTR pszSrcString, PSTR* ppszDst); void SetUrl(PCSTR pszSrcString, PSTR* ppszDst); void SetCurNavType(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_CUR_TAB)) curNavType = phhWinType->curNavType ;}
void SetLeft(int left) { rcWindowPos.left = left; } void SetTop(int top) { rcWindowPos.top = top; } void SetRight(int right) { rcWindowPos.right = right; } void SetBottom(int bottom) { rcWindowPos.bottom = bottom; }
// General functions
void AddExStyle(DWORD style) { dwExStyles |= style; } void AddStyle(DWORD style) { dwStyles |= style; } void AddToHistory(PCSTR pszTitle, PCSTR pszUrl);
void AuthorMsg(UINT idStringFormatResource, PCSTR pszSubString = "") { ::AuthorMsg(idStringFormatResource, pszSubString, *this, NULL); } void CalcHtmlPaneRect(void); void CloseWindow(); void SaveState() ; void ReloadCleanup() ; void ProcessDetachSafeCleanup(); void CreateBookmarksTab() ; void CreateHistoryTab(void); void CreateCustomTab(int iPane, LPCOLESTR pszProgId); BOOL IsValidNavPane(int iTab); int GetValidNavPane(); // Returns the index of the first valid tab it finds. -1 if no valid tabs.
BOOL AnyValidNavPane(void) {return GetValidNavPane() != -1; } int GetValidNavPaneCount() ;
void CreateIndex(void); void CreateNavPane(int iPane) ; // Creates the appropriate NavPane if it doesn't already exist.
void CreateOrShowHTMLPane(void); void CreateOrShowNavPane(void); void CreateSearchTab(void); void CreateSizeBar( void ); void CreateToc(void); int CreateToolBar(TBBUTTON* pabtn); void DestroySizeBar( void ); void doSelectTab(int newTabIndex); void OnNavigateComplete(LPCTSTR pszUrl);
#ifndef CHIINDEX
void OnPrint(void); #endif
BOOL OnTrackNotifyCaller(int idAction); void SetActiveHelpWindow(void); void SetChmData(CHmData* phmData) { m_phmData = phmData; } void SetDisplayState(int nShow) { nShowState = nShow; } void SetTypeName(PCSTR pszSetType) { ASSERT(!pszType); pszType = lcStrDup(pszSetType); } void ToggleExpansion(bool bNotify=true); void UpdateInformationTypes(void); void WrapTB();
bool ManualTranslateAccelerator(char iChar); bool DynamicTranslateAccelerator(MSG* pMsg);
int GetExtTabCount() ; EXTENSIBLE_TAB* GetExtTab(int pos) ; HFONT GetUIFont() const { return _Resource.GetUIFont(); } HFONT GetContentFont(); HFONT GetAccessableContentFont(); INT GetContentCharset(); UINT GetCodePage(void); void UpdateCmdUI(void);
//--- Save/Restore focus during WM_ACTIVATE.
bool RestoreCtrlWithFocus(); void SaveCtrlWithFocus(); HWND m_hwndLastFocus ; // The window handle of the control which had focus last. See WM_ACTIVATE in wndproc.cpp
HWND m_hwndIndexEdit; HWND m_hwndIndexDisplay; HWND m_hwndNotes; HWND m_hwndListBox; CSizeBar* m_pSizeBar ;// moveable window in TRIPANE to size the HTML and NAV panes.
// Tab classes
HWND m_hwndControl;
INavUI* m_aNavPane[c_NUMNAVPANES] ; CToc* m_ptocDynCast ; // We need a dynamic cast, but we don't have RTTI. Use this as a temp hack.
HH_INFOTYPE* m_paInfoTypes; // Pointer to an array of Information Types
RECT rcNav; RECT rcToolBar; RECT rcNotes; BOOL m_fNotesWindow; // TRUE to show the notes window
BOOL m_fHighlight; BOOL m_bCancel; BOOL m_fLockSize; // TRUE to prevent show/hide from changing window size
CTable* m_ptblBtnStrings; BOOL m_fNoToolBarText; CTabControl* m_pTabCtrl; CContainer* m_pCIExpContainer; CHmData* m_phmData; CHmData* m_phmDataOrg; // The original CHM before the ReloadNavData call.
#ifdef _DEBUG
CNotes* m_pNotes; #endif
BOOL m_fActivated; HWND m_hwndFocused; // The window with the focus.
HWND m_hWndSSCB; HWND m_hWndST; //
// This is the total height in pels for margins + static text + combo-box.
// ie. it's the distance between the bootm of the toolbar and the top of the hh child window that frames the nav pane.
int m_iSSCBHeight;
private: // Filename of the CHM File which owns this window definition.
CStr m_szOwnerFile;
HMENU m_hMenuOptions;
HACCEL m_hAccel ; // The accelerator table for this window.
// Zoom support.
int m_iZoom; int m_iZoomMin; int m_iZoomMax; HRESULT Zoom(int iZoom); HRESULT GetZoomMinMax(void);
void ZoomOut(void); void ZoomIn(void); //
// Next/Prev in TOC support.
BOOL OnTocNext(BOOL bDoJump); BOOL OnTocPrev(BOOL bDoJump);
// image lists
HIMAGELIST m_hImageListGray; HIMAGELIST m_hImageList;
// Memory checking class.
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CrtMemState m_MemState ; #endif
extern CHHWinType** pahwnd;
__inline CHHWinType* FindWindowIndex(HWND hwnd) { for (int i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd && pahwnd[i] != NULL && pahwnd[i]->hwndHelp == hwnd) return pahwnd[i]; } return NULL; }
CExCollection* GetCurrentCollection( HWND hwnd, LPCSTR lpszChmFilespec = NULL );
BOOL GetCurrentURL( CStr* pcszCurrentURL, HWND hWnd = NULL );
CHHWinType* CreateHelpWindow(PCSTR pszType, LPCTSTR pszFile, HWND hwndCaller, CHmData* phmData); HWND doDisplaySearch(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, HH_FTS_QUERY* pFtsQuery); CHHWinType* FindCurWindow(); CHHWinType* FindHHWindowIndex(CContainer* m_pOuter); CHHWinType* FindHHWindowIndex(HWND hwndChild); CHHWinType* FindOrCreateWindowSlot(LPCTSTR pszType, LPCTSTR pszOwnerFile); CHHWinType* FindWindowType(PCSTR pszType, HWND hwndCaller, LPCTSTR pszOwnerFile); HWND OnKeywordSearch(HWND hwndCaller, PCSTR pszFile, HH_AKLINK* pakLink, BOOL fKLink = TRUE);
void DeleteWindows() ;
// These functions handle the HH_GET/SET_WINTYPE commands
HWND GetWinType(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, HH_WINTYPE** pphh) ; HWND SetWinType(LPCSTR pszFile, HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType, CHmData* pChmDataOrg = NULL) ;
// Helper function for resizing the window. see wndproc.cpp
void ResizeWindow(CHHWinType* phh, bool bRecalcHtmlFrame=true) ;
#endif // __SECWIN_H__