Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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1028 lines
17 KiB

  1. # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="bnalpha" - Package Owner=<4>
  2. # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 5.00
  3. # ** DO NOT EDIT **
  4. # TARGTYPE "Win32 (ALPHA) Console Application" 0x0603
  5. CFG=bnalpha - Win32 Debug
  6. !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
  7. !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
  9. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "bnalpha.mak".
  10. !MESSAGE
  11. !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
  12. !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
  13. !MESSAGE
  14. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "bnalpha.mak" CFG="bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  15. !MESSAGE
  16. !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
  17. !MESSAGE
  18. !MESSAGE "bnalpha - Win32 Release" (based on\
  19. "Win32 (ALPHA) Console Application")
  20. !MESSAGE "bnalpha - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (ALPHA) Console Application")
  21. !MESSAGE
  22. # Begin Project
  23. # PROP Scc_ProjName ""
  24. # PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
  25. CPP=cl.exe
  26. RSC=rc.exe
  27. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  28. # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
  29. # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
  30. # PROP BASE Output_Dir "AlphaRel"
  31. # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "AlphaRel"
  32. # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
  33. # PROP Use_MFC 0
  34. # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
  35. # PROP Output_Dir "AlphaRel"
  36. # PROP Intermediate_Dir "AlphaRel"
  37. # PROP Target_Dir ""
  38. # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /Gt0 /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
  39. # ADD CPP /nologo /Gt0 /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\common" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "NOMINMAX" /YX /FD /GR"" /c
  40. # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  41. # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  42. BSC32=bscmake.exe
  43. # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
  44. # ADD BSC32 /nologo
  45. LINK32=link.exe
  46. # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:ALPHA
  47. # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:ALPHA
  48. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  49. # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
  50. # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
  51. # PROP BASE Output_Dir "AlphaDbg"
  52. # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "AlphaDbg"
  53. # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
  54. # PROP Use_MFC 0
  55. # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
  56. # PROP Output_Dir "AlphaDbg"
  57. # PROP Intermediate_Dir "AlphaDbg"
  58. # PROP Target_Dir ""
  59. # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /Gt0 /W3 /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
  60. # ADD CPP /nologo /Gt0 /W3 /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\common" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "NOMINMAX" /D "NTALPHA" /YX /FD /GR"" /c
  61. # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
  62. # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
  63. BSC32=bscmake.exe
  64. # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
  65. # ADD BSC32 /nologo
  66. LINK32=link.exe
  67. # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:ALPHA
  68. # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:ALPHA
  69. !ENDIF
  70. # Begin Target
  71. # Name "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  72. # Name "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  73. # Begin Source File
  74. SOURCE=.\bndist.cpp
  75. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  76. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  78. ".\algos.h"\
  79. ".\basics.h"\
  80. ".\bndist.h"\
  81. ".\dyncast.h"\
  82. ".\errordef.h"\
  83. ".\gelem.h"\
  84. ".\glnk.h"\
  85. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  86. ".\leakchk.h"\
  87. ".\mddist.h"\
  88. ".\mdvect.h"\
  89. ".\mscver.h"\
  90. ".\refcnt.h"\
  91. ".\symt.h"\
  92. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  93. ".\zstr.h"\
  94. ".\zstrt.h"\
  95. !ENDIF
  96. # End Source File
  97. # Begin Source File
  98. SOURCE=.\bnparse.cpp
  100. ".\algos.h"\
  101. ".\basics.h"\
  102. ".\bndist.h"\
  103. ".\bnparse.h"\
  104. ".\bnreg.h"\
  105. ".\domain.h"\
  106. ".\dyncast.h"\
  107. ".\enumstd.h"\
  108. ".\errordef.h"\
  109. ".\gelem.h"\
  110. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  111. ".\glnk.h"\
  112. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  113. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  114. ".\gmobj.h"\
  115. ".\gmprop.h"\
  116. ".\leakchk.h"\
  117. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  118. ".\mddist.h"\
  119. ".\mdvect.h"\
  120. ".\model.h"\
  121. ".\mscver.h"\
  122. ".\parser.h"\
  123. ".\parsfile.h"\
  124. ".\refcnt.h"\
  125. ".\regkey.h"\
  126. ".\symt.h"\
  127. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  128. ".\zstr.h"\
  129. ".\zstrt.h"\
  130. # End Source File
  131. # Begin Source File
  132. SOURCE=.\bnreg.cpp
  133. DEP_CPP_BNREG=\
  134. ".\algos.h"\
  135. ".\basics.h"\
  136. ".\bndist.h"\
  137. ".\bnreg.h"\
  138. ".\dyncast.h"\
  139. ".\enumstd.h"\
  140. ".\errordef.h"\
  141. ".\gelem.h"\
  142. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  143. ".\glnk.h"\
  144. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  145. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  146. ".\gmobj.h"\
  147. ".\gmprop.h"\
  148. ".\leakchk.h"\
  149. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  150. ".\mddist.h"\
  151. ".\mdvect.h"\
  152. ".\model.h"\
  153. ".\mscver.h"\
  154. ".\refcnt.h"\
  155. ".\regkey.h"\
  156. ".\symt.h"\
  157. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  158. ".\zstr.h"\
  159. ".\zstrt.h"\
  160. # End Source File
  161. # Begin Source File
  162. SOURCE=.\bntest.cpp
  163. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  164. DEP_CPP_BNTES=\
  165. ".\algos.h"\
  166. ".\basics.h"\
  167. ".\bndist.h"\
  168. ".\bnparse.h"\
  169. ".\bnreg.h"\
  170. ".\cliqset.h"\
  171. ".\clique.h"\
  172. ".\domain.h"\
  173. ".\dyncast.h"\
  174. ".\enumstd.h"\
  175. ".\errordef.h"\
  176. ".\gelem.h"\
  177. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  178. ".\glnk.h"\
  179. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  180. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  181. ".\gmobj.h"\
  182. ".\gmprop.h"\
  183. ".\infer.h"\
  184. ".\leakchk.h"\
  185. ".\marginals.h"\
  186. ".\margiter.h"\
  187. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  188. ".\mddist.h"\
  189. ".\mdvect.h"\
  190. ".\model.h"\
  191. ".\mscver.h"\
  192. ".\parmio.h"\
  193. ".\parser.h"\
  194. ".\parsfile.h"\
  195. ".\recomend.h"\
  196. ".\refcnt.h"\
  197. ".\regkey.h"\
  198. ".\stlstream.h"\
  199. ".\symt.h"\
  200. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  201. ".\testinfo.h"\
  202. ".\utility.h"\
  203. ".\zstr.h"\
  204. ".\zstrt.h"\
  206. ".\distdense.hxx"\
  207. ".\distsparse.h"\
  208. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  209. DEP_CPP_BNTES=\
  210. "..\common\dist.hxx"\
  211. "..\common\distdense.hxx"\
  212. "..\common\distijk.hxx"\
  213. "..\common\distsparse.h"\
  214. ".\algos.h"\
  215. ".\basics.h"\
  216. ".\bndist.h"\
  217. ".\bnparse.h"\
  218. ".\bnreg.h"\
  219. ".\cliqset.h"\
  220. ".\clique.h"\
  221. ".\domain.h"\
  222. ".\dyncast.h"\
  223. ".\enumstd.h"\
  224. ".\errordef.h"\
  225. ".\gelem.h"\
  226. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  227. ".\glnk.h"\
  228. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  229. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  230. ".\gmobj.h"\
  231. ".\gmprop.h"\
  232. ".\infer.h"\
  233. ".\leakchk.h"\
  234. ".\marginals.h"\
  235. ".\margiter.h"\
  236. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  237. ".\mddist.h"\
  238. ".\mdvect.h"\
  239. ".\model.h"\
  240. ".\mscver.h"\
  241. ".\parmio.h"\
  242. ".\parser.h"\
  243. ".\parsfile.h"\
  244. ".\recomend.h"\
  245. ".\refcnt.h"\
  246. ".\regkey.h"\
  247. ".\stlstream.h"\
  248. ".\symt.h"\
  249. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  250. ".\testinfo.h"\
  251. ".\utility.h"\
  252. ".\zstr.h"\
  253. ".\zstrt.h"\
  254. !ENDIF
  255. # End Source File
  256. # Begin Source File
  257. SOURCE=.\clique.cpp
  258. DEP_CPP_CLIQU=\
  259. ".\algos.h"\
  260. ".\basics.h"\
  261. ".\bndist.h"\
  262. ".\cliqset.h"\
  263. ".\clique.h"\
  264. ".\cliqwork.h"\
  265. ".\dyncast.h"\
  266. ".\enumstd.h"\
  267. ".\errordef.h"\
  268. ".\gelem.h"\
  269. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  270. ".\glnk.h"\
  271. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  272. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  273. ".\gmobj.h"\
  274. ".\gmprop.h"\
  275. ".\infer.h"\
  276. ".\leakchk.h"\
  277. ".\marginals.h"\
  278. ".\margiter.h"\
  279. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  280. ".\mddist.h"\
  281. ".\mdvect.h"\
  282. ".\model.h"\
  283. ".\mscver.h"\
  284. ".\parmio.h"\
  285. ".\refcnt.h"\
  286. ".\stlstream.h"\
  287. ".\symt.h"\
  288. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  289. ".\zstr.h"\
  290. ".\zstrt.h"\
  291. # End Source File
  292. # Begin Source File
  293. SOURCE=.\cliqwork.cpp
  294. DEP_CPP_CLIQW=\
  295. ".\algos.h"\
  296. ".\basics.h"\
  297. ".\bndist.h"\
  298. ".\cliqset.h"\
  299. ".\clique.h"\
  300. ".\cliqwork.h"\
  301. ".\dyncast.h"\
  302. ".\enumstd.h"\
  303. ".\errordef.h"\
  304. ".\gelem.h"\
  305. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  306. ".\glnk.h"\
  307. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  308. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  309. ".\gmobj.h"\
  310. ".\gmprop.h"\
  311. ".\infer.h"\
  312. ".\leakchk.h"\
  313. ".\marginals.h"\
  314. ".\margiter.h"\
  315. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  316. ".\mddist.h"\
  317. ".\mdvect.h"\
  318. ".\model.h"\
  319. ".\mscver.h"\
  320. ".\refcnt.h"\
  321. ".\symt.h"\
  322. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  323. ".\zstr.h"\
  324. ".\zstrt.h"\
  325. # End Source File
  326. # Begin Source File
  327. SOURCE=.\domain.cpp
  328. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  329. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  330. DEP_CPP_DOMAI=\
  331. ".\algos.h"\
  332. ".\basics.h"\
  333. ".\bndist.h"\
  334. ".\domain.h"\
  335. ".\dyncast.h"\
  336. ".\errordef.h"\
  337. ".\gelem.h"\
  338. ".\glnk.h"\
  339. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  340. ".\leakchk.h"\
  341. ".\mddist.h"\
  342. ".\mdvect.h"\
  343. ".\mscver.h"\
  344. ".\refcnt.h"\
  345. ".\symt.h"\
  346. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  347. ".\zstr.h"\
  348. ".\zstrt.h"\
  349. !ENDIF
  350. # End Source File
  351. # Begin Source File
  352. SOURCE=.\expand.cpp
  353. DEP_CPP_EXPAN=\
  354. ".\algos.h"\
  355. ".\basics.h"\
  356. ".\bndist.h"\
  357. ".\dyncast.h"\
  358. ".\enumstd.h"\
  359. ".\errordef.h"\
  360. ".\expand.h"\
  361. ".\gelem.h"\
  362. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  363. ".\glnk.h"\
  364. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  365. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  366. ".\gmobj.h"\
  367. ".\gmprop.h"\
  368. ".\leakchk.h"\
  369. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  370. ".\mddist.h"\
  371. ".\mdvect.h"\
  372. ".\model.h"\
  373. ".\mscver.h"\
  374. ".\refcnt.h"\
  375. ".\symt.h"\
  376. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  377. ".\zstr.h"\
  378. ".\zstrt.h"\
  379. # End Source File
  380. # Begin Source File
  381. SOURCE=.\gndleak.cpp
  382. DEP_CPP_GNDLE=\
  383. ".\algos.h"\
  384. ".\basics.h"\
  385. ".\bndist.h"\
  386. ".\dyncast.h"\
  387. ".\enumstd.h"\
  388. ".\errordef.h"\
  389. ".\gelem.h"\
  390. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  391. ".\glnk.h"\
  392. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  393. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  394. ".\gmobj.h"\
  395. ".\gmprop.h"\
  396. ".\leakchk.h"\
  397. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  398. ".\mddist.h"\
  399. ".\mdvect.h"\
  400. ".\model.h"\
  401. ".\mscver.h"\
  402. ".\refcnt.h"\
  403. ".\symt.h"\
  404. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  405. ".\zstr.h"\
  406. ".\zstrt.h"\
  407. # End Source File
  408. # Begin Source File
  409. SOURCE=.\gnodembn.cpp
  410. DEP_CPP_GNODE=\
  411. ".\algos.h"\
  412. ".\basics.h"\
  413. ".\bndist.h"\
  414. ".\cliqset.h"\
  415. ".\clique.h"\
  416. ".\domain.h"\
  417. ".\dyncast.h"\
  418. ".\enumstd.h"\
  419. ".\errordef.h"\
  420. ".\gelem.h"\
  421. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  422. ".\glnk.h"\
  423. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  424. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  425. ".\gmobj.h"\
  426. ".\gmprop.h"\
  427. ".\infer.h"\
  428. ".\leakchk.h"\
  429. ".\marginals.h"\
  430. ".\margiter.h"\
  431. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  432. ".\mddist.h"\
  433. ".\mdvect.h"\
  434. ".\model.h"\
  435. ".\mscver.h"\
  436. ".\refcnt.h"\
  437. ".\symt.h"\
  438. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  439. ".\zstr.h"\
  440. ".\zstrt.h"\
  441. # End Source File
  442. # Begin Source File
  443. SOURCE=.\marginals.cpp
  444. DEP_CPP_MARGI=\
  445. ".\algos.h"\
  446. ".\basics.h"\
  447. ".\bndist.h"\
  448. ".\dyncast.h"\
  449. ".\enumstd.h"\
  450. ".\errordef.h"\
  451. ".\gelem.h"\
  452. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  453. ".\glnk.h"\
  454. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  455. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  456. ".\gmobj.h"\
  457. ".\gmprop.h"\
  458. ".\leakchk.h"\
  459. ".\marginals.h"\
  460. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  461. ".\mddist.h"\
  462. ".\mdvect.h"\
  463. ".\model.h"\
  464. ".\mscver.h"\
  465. ".\parmio.h"\
  466. ".\refcnt.h"\
  467. ".\stlstream.h"\
  468. ".\symt.h"\
  469. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  470. ".\zstr.h"\
  471. ".\zstrt.h"\
  472. # End Source File
  473. # Begin Source File
  474. SOURCE=.\margiter.cpp
  476. ".\algos.h"\
  477. ".\basics.h"\
  478. ".\bndist.h"\
  479. ".\dyncast.h"\
  480. ".\enumstd.h"\
  481. ".\errordef.h"\
  482. ".\gelem.h"\
  483. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  484. ".\glnk.h"\
  485. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  486. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  487. ".\gmobj.h"\
  488. ".\gmprop.h"\
  489. ".\leakchk.h"\
  490. ".\marginals.h"\
  491. ".\margiter.h"\
  492. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  493. ".\mddist.h"\
  494. ".\mdvect.h"\
  495. ".\model.h"\
  496. ".\mscver.h"\
  497. ".\parmio.h"\
  498. ".\refcnt.h"\
  499. ".\stlstream.h"\
  500. ".\symt.h"\
  501. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  502. ".\zstr.h"\
  503. ".\zstrt.h"\
  504. # End Source File
  505. # Begin Source File
  506. SOURCE=.\mbnet.cpp
  507. DEP_CPP_MBNET=\
  508. ".\algos.h"\
  509. ".\basics.h"\
  510. ".\bndist.h"\
  511. ".\cliqset.h"\
  512. ".\clique.h"\
  513. ".\dyncast.h"\
  514. ".\enumstd.h"\
  515. ".\errordef.h"\
  516. ".\expand.h"\
  517. ".\gelem.h"\
  518. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  519. ".\glnk.h"\
  520. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  521. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  522. ".\gmobj.h"\
  523. ".\gmprop.h"\
  524. ".\infer.h"\
  525. ".\leakchk.h"\
  526. ".\marginals.h"\
  527. ".\margiter.h"\
  528. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  529. ".\mddist.h"\
  530. ".\mdvect.h"\
  531. ".\model.h"\
  532. ".\mscver.h"\
  533. ".\refcnt.h"\
  534. ".\symt.h"\
  535. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  536. ".\zstr.h"\
  537. ".\zstrt.h"\
  538. # End Source File
  539. # Begin Source File
  540. SOURCE=.\mbnetdsc.cpp
  542. ".\algos.h"\
  543. ".\basics.h"\
  544. ".\bndist.h"\
  545. ".\bnparse.h"\
  546. ".\domain.h"\
  547. ".\dyncast.h"\
  548. ".\enumstd.h"\
  549. ".\errordef.h"\
  550. ".\gelem.h"\
  551. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  552. ".\glnk.h"\
  553. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  554. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  555. ".\gmobj.h"\
  556. ".\gmprop.h"\
  557. ".\leakchk.h"\
  558. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  559. ".\mddist.h"\
  560. ".\mdvect.h"\
  561. ".\model.h"\
  562. ".\mscver.h"\
  563. ".\parser.h"\
  564. ".\parsfile.h"\
  565. ".\refcnt.h"\
  566. ".\symt.h"\
  567. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  568. ".\zstr.h"\
  569. ".\zstrt.h"\
  570. # End Source File
  571. # Begin Source File
  572. SOURCE=.\mbnmod.cpp
  573. DEP_CPP_MBNMO=\
  574. ".\algos.h"\
  575. ".\basics.h"\
  576. ".\bndist.h"\
  577. ".\cliqset.h"\
  578. ".\dyncast.h"\
  579. ".\enumstd.h"\
  580. ".\errordef.h"\
  581. ".\gelem.h"\
  582. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  583. ".\glnk.h"\
  584. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  585. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  586. ".\gmobj.h"\
  587. ".\gmprop.h"\
  588. ".\infer.h"\
  589. ".\leakchk.h"\
  590. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  591. ".\mddist.h"\
  592. ".\mdvect.h"\
  593. ".\model.h"\
  594. ".\mscver.h"\
  595. ".\refcnt.h"\
  596. ".\symt.h"\
  597. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  598. ".\zstr.h"\
  599. ".\zstrt.h"\
  600. # End Source File
  601. # Begin Source File
  602. SOURCE=.\model.cpp
  603. DEP_CPP_MODEL=\
  604. ".\algos.h"\
  605. ".\basics.h"\
  606. ".\bndist.h"\
  607. ".\dyncast.h"\
  608. ".\enumstd.h"\
  609. ".\errordef.h"\
  610. ".\gelem.h"\
  611. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  612. ".\glnk.h"\
  613. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  614. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  615. ".\gmobj.h"\
  616. ".\gmprop.h"\
  617. ".\leakchk.h"\
  618. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  619. ".\mddist.h"\
  620. ".\mdvect.h"\
  621. ".\model.h"\
  622. ".\mscver.h"\
  623. ".\refcnt.h"\
  624. ".\symt.h"\
  625. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  626. ".\zstr.h"\
  627. ".\zstrt.h"\
  628. # End Source File
  629. # Begin Source File
  630. SOURCE=.\ntree.cpp
  631. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  632. DEP_CPP_NTREE=\
  633. ".\basics.h"\
  634. ".\dyncast.h"\
  635. ".\errordef.h"\
  636. ".\gelem.h"\
  637. ".\glnk.h"\
  638. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  639. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  640. ".\leakchk.h"\
  641. ".\mscver.h"\
  642. ".\ntree.h"\
  643. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  644. DEP_CPP_NTREE=\
  645. ".\basics.h"\
  646. ".\dyncast.h"\
  647. ".\errordef.h"\
  648. ".\gelem.h"\
  649. ".\glnk.h"\
  650. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  651. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  652. ".\leakchk.h"\
  653. ".\mscver.h"\
  654. ".\ntree.h"\
  655. !ENDIF
  656. # End Source File
  657. # Begin Source File
  658. SOURCE=.\parmio.cpp
  659. DEP_CPP_PARMI=\
  660. ".\algos.h"\
  661. ".\basics.h"\
  662. ".\dyncast.h"\
  663. ".\errordef.h"\
  664. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  665. ".\mdvect.h"\
  666. ".\mscver.h"\
  667. ".\parmio.h"\
  668. ".\stlstream.h"\
  669. ".\zstr.h"\
  670. # End Source File
  671. # Begin Source File
  672. SOURCE=.\parser.cpp
  673. DEP_CPP_PARSE=\
  674. ".\algos.h"\
  675. ".\basics.h"\
  676. ".\bndist.h"\
  677. ".\bnparse.h"\
  678. ".\domain.h"\
  679. ".\dyncast.h"\
  680. ".\enumstd.h"\
  681. ".\errordef.h"\
  682. ".\gelem.h"\
  683. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  684. ".\glnk.h"\
  685. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  686. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  687. ".\gmobj.h"\
  688. ".\gmprop.h"\
  689. ".\leakchk.h"\
  690. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  691. ".\mddist.h"\
  692. ".\mdvect.h"\
  693. ".\model.h"\
  694. ".\mscver.h"\
  695. ".\parser.h"\
  696. ".\parsfile.h"\
  697. ".\refcnt.h"\
  698. ".\symt.h"\
  699. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  700. ".\zstr.h"\
  701. ".\zstrt.h"\
  702. # End Source File
  703. # Begin Source File
  704. SOURCE=.\parsfile.cpp
  705. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  706. DEP_CPP_PARSF=\
  707. ".\basics.h"\
  708. ".\dyncast.h"\
  709. ".\errordef.h"\
  710. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  711. ".\mscver.h"\
  712. ".\parsfile.h"\
  713. ".\zstr.h"\
  714. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  715. DEP_CPP_PARSF=\
  716. ".\basics.h"\
  717. ".\dyncast.h"\
  718. ".\errordef.h"\
  719. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  720. ".\mscver.h"\
  721. ".\parsfile.h"\
  722. ".\zstr.h"\
  723. !ENDIF
  724. # End Source File
  725. # Begin Source File
  726. SOURCE=.\propmbn.cpp
  727. DEP_CPP_PROPM=\
  728. ".\algos.h"\
  729. ".\basics.h"\
  730. ".\bndist.h"\
  731. ".\dyncast.h"\
  732. ".\enumstd.h"\
  733. ".\errordef.h"\
  734. ".\gelem.h"\
  735. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  736. ".\glnk.h"\
  737. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  738. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  739. ".\gmobj.h"\
  740. ".\gmprop.h"\
  741. ".\leakchk.h"\
  742. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  743. ".\mddist.h"\
  744. ".\mdvect.h"\
  745. ".\model.h"\
  746. ".\mscver.h"\
  747. ".\refcnt.h"\
  748. ".\symt.h"\
  749. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  750. ".\zstr.h"\
  751. ".\zstrt.h"\
  752. # End Source File
  753. # Begin Source File
  754. SOURCE=.\recomend.cpp
  755. DEP_CPP_RECOM=\
  756. ".\algos.h"\
  757. ".\basics.h"\
  758. ".\bndist.h"\
  759. ".\cliqset.h"\
  760. ".\dyncast.h"\
  761. ".\enumstd.h"\
  762. ".\errordef.h"\
  763. ".\gelem.h"\
  764. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  765. ".\glnk.h"\
  766. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  767. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  768. ".\gmobj.h"\
  769. ".\gmprop.h"\
  770. ".\infer.h"\
  771. ".\leakchk.h"\
  772. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  773. ".\mddist.h"\
  774. ".\mdvect.h"\
  775. ".\model.h"\
  776. ".\mscver.h"\
  777. ".\parmio.h"\
  778. ".\recomend.h"\
  779. ".\refcnt.h"\
  780. ".\stlstream.h"\
  781. ".\symt.h"\
  782. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  783. ".\zstr.h"\
  784. ".\zstrt.h"\
  785. # End Source File
  786. # Begin Source File
  787. SOURCE=.\regkey.cpp
  788. DEP_CPP_REGKE=\
  789. ".\regkey.h"\
  790. # End Source File
  791. # Begin Source File
  792. SOURCE=.\symt.cpp
  793. DEP_CPP_SYMT_=\
  794. ".\algos.h"\
  795. ".\basics.h"\
  796. ".\bndist.h"\
  797. ".\dyncast.h"\
  798. ".\errordef.h"\
  799. ".\gelem.h"\
  800. ".\glnk.h"\
  801. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  802. ".\leakchk.h"\
  803. ".\mddist.h"\
  804. ".\mdvect.h"\
  805. ".\mscver.h"\
  806. ".\refcnt.h"\
  807. ".\symt.h"\
  808. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  809. ".\zstr.h"\
  810. ".\zstrt.h"\
  811. # End Source File
  812. # Begin Source File
  813. SOURCE=.\testinfo.cpp
  814. DEP_CPP_TESTI=\
  815. ".\algos.h"\
  816. ".\basics.h"\
  817. ".\bndist.h"\
  818. ".\cliqset.h"\
  819. ".\clique.h"\
  820. ".\dyncast.h"\
  821. ".\enumstd.h"\
  822. ".\errordef.h"\
  823. ".\gelem.h"\
  824. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  825. ".\glnk.h"\
  826. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  827. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  828. ".\gmobj.h"\
  829. ".\gmprop.h"\
  830. ".\infer.h"\
  831. ".\leakchk.h"\
  832. ".\marginals.h"\
  833. ".\margiter.h"\
  834. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  835. ".\mddist.h"\
  836. ".\mdvect.h"\
  837. ".\model.h"\
  838. ".\mscver.h"\
  839. ".\parmio.h"\
  840. ".\recomend.h"\
  841. ".\refcnt.h"\
  842. ".\stlstream.h"\
  843. ".\symt.h"\
  844. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  845. ".\testinfo.h"\
  846. ".\utility.h"\
  847. ".\zstr.h"\
  848. ".\zstrt.h"\
  849. # End Source File
  850. # Begin Source File
  851. SOURCE=.\utility.cpp
  852. DEP_CPP_UTILI=\
  853. ".\algos.h"\
  854. ".\basics.h"\
  855. ".\bndist.h"\
  856. ".\dyncast.h"\
  857. ".\enumstd.h"\
  858. ".\errordef.h"\
  859. ".\gelem.h"\
  860. ".\gelmwalk.h"\
  861. ".\glnk.h"\
  862. ".\glnkenum.h"\
  863. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  864. ".\gmobj.h"\
  865. ".\gmprop.h"\
  866. ".\infer.h"\
  867. ".\leakchk.h"\
  868. ".\mbnflags.h"\
  869. ".\mddist.h"\
  870. ".\mdvect.h"\
  871. ".\model.h"\
  872. ".\mscver.h"\
  873. ".\refcnt.h"\
  874. ".\symt.h"\
  875. ".\symtmbn.h"\
  876. ".\utility.h"\
  877. ".\zstr.h"\
  878. ".\zstrt.h"\
  879. # End Source File
  880. # Begin Source File
  881. SOURCE=.\zstr.cpp
  882. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  883. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  884. DEP_CPP_ZSTR_=\
  885. ".\basics.h"\
  886. ".\dyncast.h"\
  887. ".\errordef.h"\
  888. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  889. ".\mscver.h"\
  890. ".\zstr.h"\
  891. !ENDIF
  892. # End Source File
  893. # Begin Source File
  894. SOURCE=.\zstrt.cpp
  895. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Release"
  896. DEP_CPP_ZSTRT=\
  897. ".\basics.h"\
  898. ".\dyncast.h"\
  899. ".\errordef.h"\
  900. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  901. ".\mscver.h"\
  902. ".\refcnt.h"\
  903. ".\zstr.h"\
  904. ".\zstrt.h"\
  905. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bnalpha - Win32 Debug"
  906. DEP_CPP_ZSTRT=\
  907. ".\basics.h"\
  908. ".\dyncast.h"\
  909. ".\errordef.h"\
  910. ".\gmexcept.h"\
  911. ".\mscver.h"\
  912. ".\refcnt.h"\
  913. ".\zstr.h"\
  914. ".\zstrt.h"\
  915. !ENDIF
  916. # End Source File
  917. # End Target
  918. # End Project