// DataSrc.h Objects which provide the sources of data for the MMC
// data display; One object exists for Gatherer (WBEM:Web-Based
// Enterprise Management), one for version 5.0 save files, and
// one for version 4.10 save files.
// This module contains interface. Implementation for these objects
// live in GathSrc.cpp (Gatherer), V500File.cpp (Version 5.0 file),
// and V410File.cpp (Version 4.1 file), DataSrc.cpp (shared functions)
// History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#pragma once // MSINFO_DATASRC_H
#include <afxtempl.h>
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "gather.h"
#include "FileIO.h"
#include "StrList.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include <mmc.h>
class CFolder; class CBufferFolder;
* CDataSource - Abstract base for a source for display data. * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */ class CDataSource { public: // Allow FindNext to access our internal path variable.
friend class CSystemInfoScope; friend class CFolder;
// Enumerate the different types of sources we can use to
enum SourceType { GATHERER = 0x80, OCX = 0x40, BUFFER = 0x08, V410FILE = 0x09, V500FILE = 0x0a, TEXTFILE = 0x0c };
CDataSource(LPCTSTR szMachineName); virtual ~CDataSource();
virtual BOOL GetNodeName(CString &strName); virtual BOOL SetDataComplexity(enum DataComplexity Complexity);
virtual SourceType GetType() const = 0; virtual CFolder *GetRootNode() { return m_RootFolder; } virtual BOOL Refresh(BOOL fOptional = FALSE) = 0; virtual HRESULT Save(IStream *pStm) = 0; virtual BOOL Find(const CString & strSearch, long lFindOptions = 0) = 0;
// StopSearch is called asynchronously by the Find UI thread.
// No CriticalSection because the method is atomic and no race conditions
// can exist.
BOOL StartSearch() { if (!m_fCanceled) return FALSE; m_fCanceled = FALSE; return TRUE; } virtual BOOL StopSearch() { if (m_fCanceled) return FALSE; m_fCanceled = TRUE; return TRUE; }; BOOL FindStopped() { return m_fCanceled; } void SetLastFolder(CFolder *pFolder) { m_pfLast = pFolder; }
HRESULT SaveFile(LPCTSTR cszFilename, CFolder *pSaveRoot = NULL); HRESULT ReportWrite(LPCTSTR szReportFile, CFolder *pRootNode = NULL); BOOL PrintReport(CPrintDialog *pdlgPrint, CFolder *pfolSelection = NULL); BOOL RefreshPrintData(CPrintDialog * pdlgPrint, CFolder * pfolSelection); const CString &MachineName() { return m_strHeaderLeft; } virtual BOOL SetCategories(const CString & strCategory) { return FALSE; };
static CDataSource *CreateFromIStream(IStream *pStm); protected: // Data save functions.
HRESULT WriteOutput(CMSInfoFile *pFile, CFolder *pRootNode); void WriteChildMark(CMSInfoFile *pFile); void WriteEndMark(CMSInfoFile *pFile); void WriteNextMark(CMSInfoFile *pFile); void WriteParentMark(CMSInfoFile *pFile, unsigned count);
// Print functions.
int BeginPrinting(CPrintDialog *pdlgPrint, CFolder *pfolSelection); void GetLine(LPTSTR szLineBuffer, int cSize); void GetTextSize(int &cLineLength, int &cCharHeight, CRect &rectOuter, CRect &rectText); void PrintPage(CPrintDialog *pdlgPrint); void EndPrinting();
protected: CFolder *m_RootFolder; // The root folder of the data.
CString m_strPath; // Stored path to result of last find operation
int m_iLine; // Stored line of last find operation.
DataComplexity m_Complexity; // The complexity of the displayed data.
volatile BOOL m_fCanceled; // Flag to manage cancel of multi-threaded find
CFolder *m_pfLast; // The last node found.
// For Printing.
private: CDC *m_pDC; // Printer's device context.
CFont *m_pprinterFont; // The font the printer uses.
CString m_strHeaderLeft; // Header text displayed at the page's top left
CString m_strHeaderRight; // Header text displayed at the page's top right.
CString m_strFooterCenter; // Footer text at the center of the page.
CPrintInfo *m_pPrintInfo; // Information about the print job
CMSInfoFile *m_pPrintContent; // A memory file containing print data.
BOOL m_fEndOfFile; // Flag specifying whether the print job ends.
* CFolder - Abstract base for an individual folder item. * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */ class CFolder { public: friend class CScopeItemMap; friend class CWBEMDataSource; friend class CBufferV500DataSource; friend class CBufferV410DataSource; friend class COCXFolder; // Really don't want this to be a friend, but required to make Refresh work.
friend class CSystemInfoScope;
CFolder(CDataSource *pDataSource, CFolder *pParentNode = NULL); virtual ~CFolder();
virtual CDataSource::SourceType GetType() const { return m_pDataSource->GetType(); } virtual CFolder *GetChildNode() { return m_ChildFolder; } virtual CFolder *GetNextNode() { return m_NextFolder; } virtual CFolder *GetParentNode() { return m_ParentFolder; }
virtual BOOL GetName(CString &szName) const = 0; virtual BOOL HasDynamicChildren() const = 0; virtual BOOL IsDynamic() const = 0; virtual BOOL Refresh(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE) = 0; virtual BOOL FileSave(CMSInfoFile *pFile) = 0; CDataSource *DataSource() { return m_pDataSource; }
// One-time only line selection interface for find implementation.
// Used instead of MMC
void SetSelectedItem(int nLine) { m_nLine = nLine; } int GetSelectedItem() { int nLine = m_nLine; m_nLine = -1; return nLine; }
// Save the HSCOPEITEM for this folder, so we can reselect it when
// there is new data.
protected: DataComplexity GetComplexity() const { return m_pDataSource->m_Complexity; } void InternalName(CString &szName) const;
protected: CDataSource *m_pDataSource; // The data source we apply to.
CFolder *m_NextFolder; // Next folder at the same level in the tree.
CFolder *m_ParentFolder; // Back-pointer to parent for traversing
CFolder *m_ChildFolder; // Pointer to the first child folder.
BOOL fNextTested; // Optimization flag for getting sibling pointer
BOOL fChildTested; // Optimization flag for getting child pointer
int m_nLine; // This folder's selected line.
* CListViewFolder - Abstract base for folders which enumerate listview items * (As opposed to the OCX folders which handle display of listview items * themselves.) * * History: a-jsari 10/28/97 Initial version */ class CListViewFolder : public CFolder { public: CListViewFolder(CDataSource *pDataSource, CFolder *pParentNode = NULL) :CFolder(pDataSource, pParentNode) { } ~CListViewFolder() { } virtual BOOL GetSubElement(unsigned iRow, unsigned iColumn, CString &szName) const = 0; virtual DWORD GetSortIndex(unsigned iRow, unsigned iColumn) const = 0; virtual unsigned GetColumns() const = 0; virtual unsigned GetRows() const = 0; virtual DataComplexity GetColumnComplexity(unsigned iColumn) = 0; virtual DataComplexity GetRowComplexity(unsigned iRow) = 0; virtual int GetColumnTextAndWidth(unsigned iColumn, CString &szText, unsigned &uColWidth) const = 0; virtual BOOL GetSortType(unsigned iColumn, MSIColumnSortType &stColumn) const = 0;
BOOL ReportWrite(CMSInfoFile *pFile); BOOL FileSave(CMSInfoFile *pFile);
protected: void SaveTitle(CMSInfoFile *pFile); void SaveElements(CMSInfoFile *pFile); void ReportWriteTitle(CMSInfoFile *pFile); void ReportWriteElements(CMSInfoFile *pFile); };
* CWBEMFolder - Folder that queries WBEM to provide data. * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */
extern DWORD WINAPI ThreadRefresh(void * pArg); class CThreadingRefresh; class CWBEMFolder : public CListViewFolder {
friend DWORD WINAPI ThreadRefresh(void * pArg); friend class CThreadingRefresh;
public: CWBEMFolder(CDataCategory *pdcNode, CDataSource *pDataSource, CFolder *pParentNode = NULL); ~CWBEMFolder();
CDataSource::SourceType GetType() const { return CDataSource::GATHERER; }
CFolder *GetChildNode(); CFolder *GetNextNode();
BOOL GetName(CString &szName) const { return m_pCategory->GetName(szName); } BOOL HasDynamicChildren() const; BOOL IsDynamic() const;
BOOL GetSubElement(unsigned nRow, unsigned nCol, CString &szName) const; DWORD GetSortIndex(unsigned nRow, unsigned nCol) const; unsigned GetRows() const; unsigned GetColumns() const; DataComplexity GetColumnComplexity(unsigned iColumn); DataComplexity GetRowComplexity(unsigned iRow); int GetColumnTextAndWidth(unsigned iColumn, CString &szText, unsigned &uColWidth) const; BOOL GetSortType(unsigned iColumn, MSIColumnSortType &stColumn) const; BOOL Refresh(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE);
// Recursively reset the refresh flag.
void ResetRefreshFlag() { m_fBeenRefreshed = FALSE;
CWBEMFolder * pWBEMFolder = reinterpret_cast<CWBEMFolder *>(m_NextFolder); if (pWBEMFolder) pWBEMFolder->ResetRefreshFlag();
pWBEMFolder = reinterpret_cast<CWBEMFolder *>(m_ChildFolder); if (pWBEMFolder) pWBEMFolder->ResetRefreshFlag(); }
private: CDataCategory *m_pCategory; BOOL m_fBeenRefreshed; };
* CWBEMDataSource - Data source that queries WBEM to provide data. * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */
class CWBEMDataSource : public CDataSource { public: friend class CSystemInfoScope;
CWBEMDataSource(LPCTSTR szMachineName = NULL); ~CWBEMDataSource();
// BOOL StopSearch();
BOOL SetDataComplexity(enum DataComplexity Complexity); SourceType GetType() const { return CDataSource::GATHERER; } CFolder *GetRootNode(); BOOL Refresh(BOOL fOptional = FALSE) { StartSearch(); BOOL fReturn = TRUE; if (!m_fEverRefreshed || !fOptional) { if (m_pThreadRefresh && GetRootNode()) m_pThreadRefresh->RefreshAll(GetRootNode(), &m_fCanceled); else fReturn = m_pGatherer->Refresh(&m_fCanceled); m_fEverRefreshed = fReturn; } StopSearch(); return fReturn; }
void ResetCategoryRefresh() { if (m_pGatherer) m_pGatherer->ResetCategoryRefresh();
CWBEMFolder * pWBEMFolder = reinterpret_cast<CWBEMFolder *>(m_RootFolder); if (pWBEMFolder) pWBEMFolder->ResetRefreshFlag(); };
BOOL GetNodeName(CString &strName); BOOL SetMachineName(const CString &strMachine);
HRESULT Save(IStream *pStm); BOOL Find(const CString & strSearch, long lFindOptions); BOOL SetCategories(const CString & strCategory) { if (m_pGatherer) return m_pGatherer->SetCategories(strCategory); return FALSE; };
private: CDataGatherer *m_pGatherer; CString m_strMachineName; CString m_strParentPath;
BOOL m_fEverRefreshed;
public: CThreadingRefresh * m_pThreadRefresh; };
* CBufferDataSource - Abstract Data Source that reads data from an * unspecified buffer source. Comes in two flavors: Version 4.10 * data and V 5.00 data * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */ class CBufferDataSource : public CDataSource { public: CBufferDataSource(CMSInfoFile *pfileSink); virtual ~CBufferDataSource();
virtual SourceType GetType() const = 0;
LPCTSTR FileName();
BOOL SetDataComplexity(enum DataComplexity Complexity) { CDataSource::SetDataComplexity(Complexity); return TRUE; } // BufferDataSources don't get refreshed.
BOOL Refresh(BOOL fOptional = FALSE) { return TRUE; } BOOL HasCAB() { return !m_strCabDirectory.IsEmpty(); } const CString &CABDirectory() { return m_strCabDirectory; }
static CBufferDataSource *CreateDataSourceFromFile(LPCTSTR szFilename);
// Buffer read functions
public: virtual void ReadFolder(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink, CFolder * & pFolder, CFolder *pParentFolder = NULL) = 0; virtual void ReadHeader(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink) = 0;
protected: CString m_strCabDirectory; // The name of a CAB file directory.
CString m_strFileName; // The name of the buffer's open file
time_t m_tsSaveTime; // The time at which the data source was saved.
CString m_strUserName; // The network username who saved the file.
CString m_strMachine; // The network machine which saved the file.
* CBufferV50DataSource - Code for parsing a version 5.00 data file * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */ class CBufferV500DataSource : public CBufferDataSource { public: CBufferV500DataSource(CMSInfoFile *pfileSink); ~CBufferV500DataSource();
SourceType GetType() const { return V500FILE; } BOOL GetNodeName(CString &strName);
HRESULT Save(IStream *pStm); BOOL Find(const CString &strSearch, long lFindOptions);
static BOOL VerifyFileVersion(CMSInfoFile *pFile);
// MASK is required so that we can or a count in with the parent value to
// store a number of iterations for a parent code.
enum NodeType { CHILD = 0x8000, NEXT = 0x4000, END = 0x2000, PARENT = 0x1000, MASK = 0xf000 }; public: void ReadFolder(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink, CFolder * & pFolder, CFolder *pParentFolder = NULL); void ReadHeader(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink);
private: void ReadElements(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink, CBufferFolder *pFolder); BOOL FolderContains(const CListViewFolder *fCurrent, const CString &strSearch, int &wRow, long lFolderOptions);
CString m_szFileName; unsigned m_iLastLine; // The last line found.
* CBufferV410DataSource - Code for parsing a version 4.10 data file * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */
class CBufferV410DataSource : public CBufferDataSource { friend class COCXFolder;
public: CBufferV410DataSource(CMSInfoFile *pfileSink); CBufferV410DataSource(IStorage * pStorage, IStream * pStream); ~CBufferV410DataSource();
BOOL GetNodeName(CString &strName); SourceType GetType() const { return V410FILE; } CFolder *GetRootNode();
HRESULT Save(IStream *pStm); BOOL Find(const CString &szSearch, long lFindOptions);
public: void ReadFolder(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink, CFolder * & pFolder, CFolder *pParentFolder = NULL); void ReadHeader(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink);
private: BOOL ReadMSInfo410Stream(IStream *pStream); BOOL RecurseLoad410Tree(IStream *pStream); COCXFolder * ReadOCXFolder(IStream *pStream, COCXFolder * pParent, COCXFolder * pPrevious);
private: CMapStringToString m_mapStreams; IStorage * m_pStorage; };
* CBufferTextDataSource - Code for parsing a text file. * * History: a-jsari 10/24/97 Initial version */ class CBufferTextDataSource : public CBufferDataSource { public: CBufferTextDataSource(CMSInfoFile *pfileSink); ~CBufferTextDataSource();
SourceType GetType() const { return TEXTFILE; } CFolder *GetRootNode(); };
* CBufferSortData - A class to manage sort data for a CBufferFolder * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ class CBufferSortData { public: CBufferSortData(); ~CBufferSortData();
BOOL SetColumns(unsigned cColumns); BOOL SetRows(unsigned cRows); BOOL SetSortType(unsigned iColumn, unsigned stColumn); BOOL GetSortType(unsigned iColumn, MSIColumnSortType &stColumn) const; BOOL ReadSortValues(CMSInfoFile *pFile, unsigned iColumn); DWORD GetSortValue(unsigned iRow, unsigned iColumn) const;
private: int ValueIndexFromColumn(unsigned iColumn) const;
private: unsigned m_cRows; unsigned m_cColumns;
CArray <MSIColumnSortType, MSIColumnSortType &> m_SortTypes; CArray <CDwordValues, CDwordValues &> m_dwSortIndices; CArray <unsigned, unsigned &> m_ValueColumns; };
* CBufferFolder - Folder that reads data from an unspecified buffer source. * * History: a-jsari 10/9/97 Initial version */ class CBufferFolder : public CListViewFolder { public: friend class CBufferV500DataSource; // friend class CBufferV410DataSource;
CBufferFolder(CDataSource *pDataSource, CFolder *pParent = NULL); virtual ~CBufferFolder();
CDataSource::SourceType GetType() const { return CDataSource::BUFFER; }
// Currently there are no dynamic buffer nodes.
BOOL HasDynamicChildren() const { return FALSE; } BOOL IsDynamic() const { return FALSE; } BOOL GetName(CString &szName) const; BOOL Refresh(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE) { return TRUE; }
BOOL GetSubElement(unsigned nRow, unsigned nCol, CString &szName) const; unsigned GetColumns() const; unsigned GetRows() const; DataComplexity GetColumnComplexity(unsigned iColumn); DataComplexity GetRowComplexity(unsigned iRow); int GetColumnTextAndWidth(unsigned iColumn, CString &szText, unsigned &uColWidth) const; BOOL GetSortType(unsigned iColumn, MSIColumnSortType &stColumn) const; DWORD GetSortIndex(unsigned iRow, unsigned iColumn) const;
private: CBufferDataSource *GetDataSource() { return dynamic_cast<CBufferDataSource *>(m_pDataSource); } void SetName(CString szName); void SetSubElement(DWORD nRow, DWORD nColumn, CString szName); void SetColumns(unsigned cColumns); void SetRows(unsigned cRows); unsigned BasicColumn(unsigned iColumn) const; unsigned BasicRow(unsigned iRow) const;
private: unsigned m_cRows; unsigned m_cColumns; CString m_szName; CStringValues m_szColumns;
CBufferSortData m_SortData; CArray <unsigned, unsigned &> m_uWidths; CArray <CStringValues, CStringValues &> m_szElements; CArray <DataComplexity, DataComplexity &> m_dcColumns; CArray <DataComplexity, DataComplexity &> m_dcRows; };
* COCXFolder - A folder which contains data provided by an OCX. * This is planned expansion, not currently implemented. * * History: a-jsari 10/27/97 Initial version */
class COCXFolder : public CFolder { public: COCXFolder(CDataSource *pDataSource) : CFolder(pDataSource) {} COCXFolder(CDataSource * pSource, CLSID clsid, CFolder * pParent, CFolder * pPrevious, DWORD dwView, LPOLESTR lpName) : CFolder(pSource, pParent), m_clsid(clsid), m_dwView(dwView), m_strName(lpName) { if (pParent && pParent->m_ChildFolder == NULL) pParent->m_ChildFolder = this;
if (pPrevious) pPrevious->m_NextFolder = this; } ~COCXFolder() {}
CDataSource::SourceType GetType() const { return CDataSource::OCX; } CFolder * GetChildNode() { return m_ChildFolder; }; CFolder * GetNextNode() { return m_NextFolder; }; BOOL Refresh(IUnknown * pUnknown = NULL); BOOL Refresh(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE) { return (Refresh((IUnknown *)NULL)); }; BOOL ReportWrite(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { return FALSE; }; BOOL FileSave(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { return FALSE; }; BOOL GetName(CString &szName) const { szName = m_strName; return TRUE; }; BOOL HasDynamicChildren() const { return FALSE; }; BOOL IsDynamic() const { return FALSE; }; BOOL GetCLSID(LPOLESTR * ppCLSID) { return (SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(m_clsid, ppCLSID))); }; BOOL GetCLSIDString(CString & strCLSID); void SetOCXView(IUnknown * pUnknown, DWORD dwView); BOOL GetDISPID(IDispatch * pDispatch, LPOLESTR szMember, DISPID *pID);
public: CLSID m_clsid; DWORD m_dwView; CString m_strName; CString m_strCLSID; };