// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: cdm.cpp
// Description:
// Functions exported by CDM
// CloseCDMContext
// DetFilesDownloaded
// DownloadGetUpdatedFiles
// DownloadIsInternetAvailable
// DownloadUpdatedFiles
// FindMatchingDriver
// LogDriverNotFound
// OpenCDMContext
// OpenCDMContextEx
// QueryDetectionFiles
#include <objbase.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <iucommon.h>
#include <loadengine.h>
#include <osdet.h>
#include <iu.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <wusafefn.h>
static BOOL g_fCloseConnection /* FALSE */;
static HMODULE g_hEngineModule /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalDetFilesDownloaded g_pfnDetFilesDownloaded /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalDownloadGetUpdatedFiles g_pfnDownloadGetUpdatedFiles /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalDownloadUpdatedFiles g_pfnDownloadUpdatedFiles /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalFindMatchingDriver g_pfnFindMatchingDriver /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalLogDriverNotFound g_pfnLogDriverNotFound /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalQueryDetectionFiles g_pfnQueryDetectionFiles /* = NULL */; static PFN_InternalSetGlobalOfflineFlag g_pfnSetGlobalOfflineFlag /* = NULL */; static PFN_SetOperationMode g_pfnSetOperationMode /* = NULL */;
static HMODULE g_hCtlModule /* = NULL */; static long g_lLoadEngineRefCount /* = 0 */; static PFN_LoadIUEngine g_pfnCtlLoadIUEngine /* = NULL */; static PFN_UnLoadIUEngine g_pfnCtlUnLoadIUEngine /* = NULL */;
static CRITICAL_SECTION g_cs; BOOL g_fInitCS;
const TCHAR szOpenCDMContextFirst[] = _T("Must OpenCDMContext first!"); //
// constant for SetOperationMode() API (BUILD util won't allow building iuctl.idl from cdm dir)
const LONG UPDATE_COMMAND_CANCEL = 0x00000004;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID /*lpReserved*/ ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance);
g_fInitCS = SafeInitializeCriticalSection(&g_cs); //
// Initialize free logging
InitFreeLogging(_T("CDM")); LogMessage("Starting");
if (!g_fInitCS) { LogError(E_FAIL, "InitializeCriticalSection"); return FALSE; } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: //
// Shutdown free logging
LogMessage("Shutting down"); TermFreeLogging();
if (g_fInitCS) { DeleteCriticalSection(&g_cs); } break; } return TRUE; }
void UnLoadCtlAndEngine(void) { LOG_Block("UnLoadCtlAndEngine");
if (0 != g_lLoadEngineRefCount) { g_lLoadEngineRefCount--; }
if (0 == g_lLoadEngineRefCount) { if(NULL != g_hEngineModule) { //
// Call UnLoadIUEngine
g_pfnCtlUnLoadIUEngine(g_hEngineModule); g_hEngineModule = NULL;
g_pfnDetFilesDownloaded = NULL; g_pfnDownloadGetUpdatedFiles = NULL; g_pfnDownloadUpdatedFiles = NULL; g_pfnFindMatchingDriver = NULL; g_pfnLogDriverNotFound = NULL; g_pfnQueryDetectionFiles = NULL; g_pfnSetGlobalOfflineFlag = NULL; g_pfnSetOperationMode = NULL; }
if (NULL != g_hCtlModule) { //
// Unload the iuctl.dll
FreeLibrary(g_hCtlModule); g_hCtlModule = NULL; g_pfnCtlLoadIUEngine = NULL; g_pfnCtlUnLoadIUEngine = NULL; }
if (g_fCloseConnection) { //
// We dialed for the user - now disconnect
if (!InternetAutodialHangup(0)) { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_FAIL); SetLastError(E_FAIL); }
g_fCloseConnection = FALSE; } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_cs); }
BOOL LoadCtlAndEngine(BOOL fConnectIfNotConnected) { LOG_Block("LoadCtlAndEngine");
BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwFlags; BOOL fConnected = InternetGetConnectedState(&dwFlags, 0); LOG_Driver(_T("fConnectIfNotConnected param is %s"), fConnectIfNotConnected ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")); LOG_Driver(_T("fConnected = %s, dwFlags from InternetGetConnectedState = 0x%08x"), fConnected ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE"), dwFlags);
EnterCriticalSection(&g_cs); // start touching globals
if (fConnectIfNotConnected) { if (!fConnected) { if ((INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM & dwFlags) && !(INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE & dwFlags)) { //
// If we are not already connected to the internet and
// the system is configured to use a modem attempt a connection.
DWORD dwErr; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwErr = InternetAttemptConnect(0))) { LOG_Driver(_T("auto-dial succeeded")); //
// The auto-dial worked, we need to disconnect later
g_fCloseConnection = TRUE; fConnected = TRUE; } else { //
// Bail with error since we are required to be online
LOG_Driver(_T("auto-dial failed")); LOG_ErrorMsg(dwErr); SetLastError(dwErr); goto CleanUp; } } else { //
// We can't connect because we aren't configured for a modem or user set IE offline mode
LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); goto CleanUp; } } }
// Now that we are connected (only required if TRUE == fConnectIfNotConnected)
if (NULL != g_hEngineModule) { LOG_Driver(_T("IUEngine is already loaded")); //
// Bump the ref count and return TRUE
g_lLoadEngineRefCount++; fRet = TRUE; goto CleanUp; } //
// This extra lock on wininet.dll is required to prevent a TerminateThread call from
// WININET!AUTO_PROXY_DLLS::FreeAutoProxyInfo during FreeLibrary of CDM.DLL.
// We don't ever free the returned handle, but will fail the call if it returns NULL
if (NULL == LoadLibraryFromSystemDir(_T("wininet.dll"))) { LOG_ErrorMsg(GetLastError()); goto CleanUp; }
// Load iuctl.dll and get the [Un]LoadIUEngine function pointers
if (NULL == (g_hCtlModule = LoadLibraryFromSystemDir(_T("iuctl.dll")))) { LOG_ErrorMsg(GetLastError()); goto CleanUp; }
if (NULL == (g_pfnCtlLoadIUEngine = (PFN_LoadIUEngine) GetProcAddress(g_hCtlModule, "LoadIUEngine"))) { LOG_ErrorMsg(GetLastError()); goto CleanUp; }
if (NULL == (g_pfnCtlUnLoadIUEngine = (PFN_UnLoadIUEngine) GetProcAddress(g_hCtlModule, "UnLoadIUEngine"))) { LOG_ErrorMsg(GetLastError()); goto CleanUp; } //
// Now we can call LoadIUEngine()
if (NULL == (g_hEngineModule = g_pfnCtlLoadIUEngine(TRUE, !fConnected))) { LOG_ErrorMsg(GetLastError()); goto CleanUp; }
g_pfnDetFilesDownloaded = (PFN_InternalDetFilesDownloaded) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalDetFilesDownloaded"); g_pfnDownloadGetUpdatedFiles = (PFN_InternalDownloadGetUpdatedFiles) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalDownloadGetUpdatedFiles"); g_pfnDownloadUpdatedFiles = (PFN_InternalDownloadUpdatedFiles) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalDownloadUpdatedFiles"); g_pfnFindMatchingDriver = (PFN_InternalFindMatchingDriver) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalFindMatchingDriver"); g_pfnLogDriverNotFound = (PFN_InternalLogDriverNotFound) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalLogDriverNotFound"); g_pfnQueryDetectionFiles = (PFN_InternalQueryDetectionFiles) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalQueryDetectionFiles"); g_pfnSetGlobalOfflineFlag = (PFN_InternalSetGlobalOfflineFlag) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "InternalSetGlobalOfflineFlag"); g_pfnSetOperationMode = (PFN_SetOperationMode) GetProcAddress(g_hEngineModule, "EngSetOperationMode");
if (NULL == g_pfnDetFilesDownloaded || NULL == g_pfnDownloadGetUpdatedFiles || NULL == g_pfnDownloadUpdatedFiles || NULL == g_pfnFindMatchingDriver || NULL == g_pfnLogDriverNotFound || NULL == g_pfnQueryDetectionFiles || NULL == g_pfnSetGlobalOfflineFlag || NULL == g_pfnSetOperationMode ) { LOG_Driver(_T("GetProcAddress on IUEngine failed")); LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else { fRet = TRUE; g_lLoadEngineRefCount++; // Set Global Offline Flag - checked by XML Classes to disable Validation (schemas are on the net)
g_pfnSetGlobalOfflineFlag(!fConnected); } // goto CleanUp;
if (FALSE == fRet) { UnLoadCtlAndEngine(); }
return fRet; }
//This API closes the internet connection opened with the OpenCDMContext() API.
//If CDM did not open the internet connection this API simply returns. The CDM
//context handle must have been the same handle that was returned from
//the OpenCDMContext() API.
//This call cannot fail. If the pConnection handle is invalid this function
//simply ignores it.
VOID WINAPI CloseCDMContext ( IN HANDLE /* hConnection */ // Obsolete handle returned by OpenCDMContext.
) { LOG_Block("CloseCDMContext");
// This is the only spot we unload engine (but note exceptions in
// DownloadGetUpdatedFiles).
// Doesn't use COM
UnLoadCtlAndEngine(); }
void WINAPI DetFilesDownloaded( IN HANDLE hConnection ) { LOG_Block("DetFilesDownloaded");
HRESULT hr; if (g_pfnDetFilesDownloaded) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(0))) { g_pfnDetFilesDownloaded(hConnection);
CoUninitialize(); } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); } } else { LOG_Error(szOpenCDMContextFirst); } }
//Win 98 entry point
//This function allows Windows 98 to call the same entry points as NT.
//The function returns TRUE if the download succeeds and FALSE if it
//does not.
BOOL DownloadGetUpdatedFiles( IN PDOWNLOADINFOWIN98 pDownloadInfoWin98, //The win98 download info structure is
//slightly different that the NT version
//so this function handles conversion.
IN OUT LPTSTR lpDownloadPath, //returned Download path to the downloaded
//cab files.
IN UINT uSize //size of passed in download path buffer.
) {
if (1 == IsWindowsUpdateUserAccessDisabled()) { LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED); return FALSE; }
// Special case - we need to load and unloadengine since historically we haven't required an
// OpenCDMContext[Ex] call before calling this function and CloseCDMContext after.
HRESULT hr; BOOL fRet; if (LoadCtlAndEngine(TRUE)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(0))) { fRet = g_pfnDownloadGetUpdatedFiles(pDownloadInfoWin98, lpDownloadPath, uSize);
CoUninitialize(); } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); fRet = FALSE; }
UnLoadCtlAndEngine(); return fRet; } else { return FALSE; } }
//This function determines if this client can connect to the internet.
BOOL DownloadIsInternetAvailable(void) { LOG_Block("DownloadIsInternetAvailable");
if (1 == IsWindowsUpdateUserAccessDisabled()) { LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED); return FALSE; }
// We don't care about the current online state, just if we have a
// connection configured (returned in dwFlags).
DWORD dwFlags; (void) InternetGetConnectedState(&dwFlags, 0);
&& !(INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE & dwFlags) ) { LOG_Driver(_T("Returning TRUE: InternetGetConnectedState returned 0x%08x in dwFlags"), dwFlags); return TRUE; } else { LOG_Driver(_T("Returning FALSE: InternetGetConnectedState returned 0x%08x in dwFlags"), dwFlags); return FALSE; } }
//This function downloads the specified CDM package. The hConnection handle must have
//been returned from the OpenCDMContext() API.
//This function Returns TRUE if download is successful GetLastError() will return
//the error code indicating the reason that the call failed.
BOOL WINAPI DownloadUpdatedFiles( IN HANDLE hConnection, //Connection handle from OpenCDMContext() API.
IN HWND hwnd, //Window handle for call context
IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, //download information structure describing
//package to be read from server
OUT LPWSTR lpDownloadPath, //local computer directory location of the
//downloaded files
IN UINT uSize, //size of the download path buffer. If this
//buffer is to small to contain the complete
//path and file name no file will be downloaded.
//The PUINT puReguiredSize parameter can be checked
//to determine the size of buffer necessary to
//perform the download.
OUT PUINT puRequiredSize //required lpDownloadPath buffer size. This
//parameter is filled in with the minimum size
//that is required to place the complete path
//file name of the downloaded file. If this
//parameter is NULL no size is returned.
) { LOG_Block("DownloadUpdatedFiles");
HRESULT hr; BOOL fRet; if (g_pfnDownloadUpdatedFiles) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(0))) { fRet = g_pfnDownloadUpdatedFiles(hConnection, hwnd, pDownloadInfo, lpDownloadPath, uSize, puRequiredSize);
CoUninitialize(); return fRet; } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return FALSE; } } else { LOG_Error(szOpenCDMContextFirst); return FALSE; } }
BOOL WINAPI FindMatchingDriver( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, OUT PWUDRIVERINFO pWuDriverInfo ) { LOG_Block("FindMatchingDriver");
HRESULT hr; BOOL fRet; if (g_pfnFindMatchingDriver) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(0))) { fRet = g_pfnFindMatchingDriver(hConnection, pDownloadInfo, pWuDriverInfo);
CoUninitialize(); return fRet; } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return FALSE; } } else { LOG_Error(szOpenCDMContextFirst); return FALSE; } }
// supports offline logging
// hConnection NOT used at all
// no network connection or osdet.dll needed for languauge, SKU, platform detection
void WINAPI LogDriverNotFound( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN LPCWSTR lpDeviceInstanceID, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { LOG_Block("LogDriverNotFound");
HRESULT hr; if (g_pfnLogDriverNotFound) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(0))) { g_pfnLogDriverNotFound(hConnection, lpDeviceInstanceID, dwFlags);
CoUninitialize(); } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); } } else { LOG_Error(szOpenCDMContextFirst); } }
HANDLE WINAPI OpenCDMContext( IN HWND /* hwnd */ //Window handle to use for any UI that needs to be presented (not used)
) { LOG_Block("OpenCDMContext");
return OpenCDMContextEx(TRUE); }
HANDLE WINAPI OpenCDMContextEx( IN BOOL fConnectIfNotConnected ) { LOG_Block("OpenCDMContextEx");
// Don't open a context if we are disabled (0 and -1 OK)
// Other functions will fail because their g_pfnXxxxx == NULL.
if (1 == IsWindowsUpdateUserAccessDisabled()) { LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED); SetLastError(ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED); return NULL; }
// Doesn't use COM
if (LoadCtlAndEngine(fConnectIfNotConnected)) { //
// This is an obsolete function that just loads the engine (which may do autodial to connect).
// We just return non-NULL g_lLoadEngineRefCount to keep existing clients happy, but never use it.
return LongToHandle(g_lLoadEngineRefCount); } else { return NULL; } }
int WINAPI QueryDetectionFiles( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN void* pCallbackParam, IN PFN_QueryDetectionFilesCallback pCallback ) { LOG_Block("QueryDetectionFiles");
HRESULT hr; int nRet; if (g_pfnQueryDetectionFiles) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(0))) { nRet = g_pfnQueryDetectionFiles(hConnection, pCallbackParam, pCallback);
CoUninitialize(); return nRet; } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return 0; } } else { LOG_Error(szOpenCDMContextFirst); return 0; } }
// 502965 Windows Error Reporting bucket 2096553: Hang following NEWDEV.DLL!CancelDriverSearch
// Provide API to allow clients to cancel synchronous calls into CDM by calling this function
// asynchronously from a second thread.
HRESULT WINAPI CancelCDMOperation(void) { LOG_Block("CancelCDMOperation");
if (g_pfnSetOperationMode) { return g_pfnSetOperationMode(NULL, NULL, UPDATE_COMMAND_CANCEL); } else { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_ACCESSDENIED); return E_ACCESSDENIED; } }