// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: WaitUtil.h
// Description:
// IU wait message utility library
#include "WaitUtil.h"
DWORD WaitAndPumpMessages(DWORD nCount, LPHANDLE pHandles, DWORD dwWakeMask) { DWORD dwWaitResult; MSG msg;
while (TRUE) { dwWaitResult = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, pHandles, FALSE, 1000, dwWakeMask); if (dwWaitResult <= WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nCount - 1) { return dwWaitResult; }
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nCount == dwWaitResult) { while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } return dwWaitResult; }
DWORD MyMsgWaitForMultipleObjects(DWORD nCount, LPHANDLE pHandles, BOOL fWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds, DWORD dwWakeMask) { DWORD dwTickStart; DWORD dwWaitResult; DWORD dwLoopMS = 250; // default 250 ms timeout for MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
MSG msg;
dwTickStart = GetTickCount();
if (dwLoopMS > dwMilliseconds) { //
// Never wait more than dwMilliseconds
dwLoopMS = dwMilliseconds; }
while (TRUE) { //
// Empty message queue before calling MsgWaitForMultipleObjects or any
// existing messages will not be processed until a new message arrives
// in the queue.
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { switch (msg.message) { case WM_QUIT: case WM_CLOSE: case WM_DESTROY: { // if the message is one that indicates we're trying to close down, we'll signal the abort
// and leave.
dwWaitResult = ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED; return dwWaitResult; } default: break; }
TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); }
dwWaitResult = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, pHandles, fWaitAll, dwLoopMS, dwWakeMask);
if (dwWaitResult <= WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nCount - 1) { //
// One (or all depending on fWaitAll) of the objects is signaled, return dwWaitResult
break; }
// NOTE: we ignore WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + n cases and just time out since our callers
// don't handle this special case.
// Stop pumping messages after dwMilliseconds
// Timer wraparound handled by unsigned subtract
if (GetTickCount() - dwTickStart >= dwMilliseconds) { //
// No need to continue, even if caused by new message (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nCount == dwWaitResult),
// we have reached our dwMilliseconds timeout
dwWaitResult = WAIT_TIMEOUT; break; }
// Otherwise continue, WAIT_TIMEOUT from MsgWaitForMultipleObjects is only case left
continue; }
return dwWaitResult; }