// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: install.cpp
// Purpose: Install/uninstall components
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "install.h"
#include <advpub.h>
extern CState g_v3state; //defined in CV3.CPP
// This function installs an active setup catalog item.
void InstallActiveSetupItem(LPCTSTR szLocalDir, LPCTSTR pszCifFile, PSELECTITEMINFO pStatusInfo, IWUProgress* pProgress) { USES_CONVERSION;
MSG msg; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwEngineStatus; IInstallEngine2* pInsEng = NULL; ICifFile* picif = NULL; ICifComponent* pcomp = NULL; IEnumCifComponents* penum = NULL; CInstallEngineCallback* pCallback = NULL;
try { //
// Create active setup engine
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InstallEngine, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IInstallEngine2,(void **)&pInsEng); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr;
// Tell active setup the direct and directory to use. This is the directory
// where we downloaded the files previously.
hr = pInsEng->SetDownloadDir(T2A(szLocalDir)); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pInsEng->SetLocalCif(T2A(pszCifFile)); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr;
// Create the callback object and register the install engines callback interface
pCallback = new CInstallEngineCallback; if (!pCallback) { throw HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } pCallback->SetProgressPtr(pProgress);
pInsEng->RegisterInstallEngineCallback((IInstallEngineCallback *)pCallback);
// Get a pointer to the CIF interface we need in order to enum the
// CIF components and we need to do that on this single item CIF
// becuase we need to tell the install engine what action to perform.
hr = pInsEng->GetICifFile(&picif); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr;
hr = picif->EnumComponents(&penum, 0, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr;
hr = penum->Next(&pcomp); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr;
// Set action to install and then install the component.
hr = pInsEng->InstallComponents(EXECUTEJOB_IGNORETRUST | EXECUTEJOB_IGNOREDOWNLOADERROR); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE_HR(hr, "InstallActiveSetupItem: inseng.InstallComponents failed"); throw hr; }
do { pInsEng->GetEngineStatus(&dwEngineStatus);
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } SleepEx(50, TRUE); } while (dwEngineStatus != ENGINESTATUS_READY);
if (pcomp->IsComponentInstalled() != ICI_INSTALLED) { hr = pCallback->LastError();
// if we don't know the exact error from the callback, use E_FAIL
if (hr == NOERROR) hr = E_FAIL;
TRACE_HR(hr, "InstallActiveSetupItem: inseng failed to install"); throw hr; }
// get the return status
if (pCallback->GetStatus() & STOPINSTALL_REBOOTNEEDED) pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED; else pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_SUCCESS; pStatusInfo->hrError = NOERROR;
// release interfaces
if (penum) penum->Release();
if (picif) picif->Release();
if (pInsEng) pInsEng->Release();
if (pCallback) delete pCallback; } catch(HRESULT hr) { pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_FAILED; pStatusInfo->hrError = hr;
if (penum) penum->Release();
if (picif) picif->Release();
if (pInsEng) pInsEng->Release();
if (pCallback) delete pCallback;
throw hr; }
//This function handles installation of a Device driver package.
void InstallDriverItem( LPCTSTR szLocalDir, //Local directory where installation files are.
BOOL bWindowsNT, //TRUE if client machine is NT else FALSE.
LPCTSTR pszTitle, //Description of package, Device Manager displays this in its install dialog.
PINVENTORY_ITEM pItem, //Install Item Information
PSELECTITEMINFO pStatusInfo //Returned status information.
) { LOG_block("InstallDriverItem");
try { //Note: GetCatalog automatically prunes any drivers if the system is
//not either NT 5 or Windows 98 since we only support installation
//of drivers on these platforms.
//If we do not have a hardware id then we cannot install the device.
PWU_VARIABLE_FIELD pvTmp = pItem->pv->Find(WU_CDM_HARDWARE_ID); if (!pvTmp) { pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_FAILED; pStatusInfo->hrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return; }
BOOL reboot = FALSE; CdmInstallDriver(bWindowsNT, (WU_ITEM_STATE_CURRENT == pItem->ps->state) ? edsCurrent : edsNew, (LPCTSTR)pvTmp->pData, szLocalDir, pszTitle, (PULONG)&reboot);
if (reboot) pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED; else pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_SUCCESS; pStatusInfo->hrError = NOERROR; } catch(HRESULT hr) { pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_FAILED; pStatusInfo->hrError = hr;
throw hr; } }
bWindowsNT = IsWindowsNT();
if (!(pvTmp = pItem->pv->Find(WU_CDM_HARDWARE_ID)) ) { pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_FAILED; pStatusInfo->hrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if (pvTitle = pItem->pd->pv->Find(WU_DESCRIPTION_TITLE)) { pTitle = (PBYTE)pvTitle->pData; } else { pTitle = (PBYTE)""; }
pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_SUCCESS;
//we will call UpdateCDMDriver with our cache directory but this directory should not
//really be used by UpdateCDMDriver in case of an uninstall since the uninstall case
//reads the correct directory from the registry
try { CdmInstallDriver(bWindowsNT, edsBackup, (LPCTSTR)pvTmp->pData, szLocalDir, (LPCTSTR)pTitle, (PULONG)&bReboot); if (bReboot) { g_v3state.m_bRebootNeeded = TRUE; }
} catch(HRESULT hr) { pStatusInfo->iStatus = ITEM_STATUS_FAILED; pStatusInfo->hrError = hr; return hr; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetUninstallCmdFromKey(LPCTSTR pszUninstallKey, LPTSTR pszCmdValue) { const TCHAR UNINSTALLKEY[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\"); const TCHAR UNINSTALLVALUE[] = _T("UninstallString"); const TCHAR QUIETUNINSTALLVALUE[] = _T("QuietUninstallString");
HKEY hRegKey = NULL; DWORD dwRegType; DWORD dwRegSize; TCHAR szRegKey[256]; LONG lRet; TCHAR szValue[256];
if (pszUninstallKey == NULL) return E_FAIL;
if (pszUninstallKey[0] == _T('"')) { //strip quotes from the key
lstrcpy(szValue, (pszUninstallKey + 1)); int l = lstrlen(szValue); if (l > 0) szValue[l - 1] = _T('\0'); } else { lstrcpy(szValue, pszUninstallKey); }
lstrcpy(szRegKey, UNINSTALLKEY); lstrcat(szRegKey, szValue);
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hRegKey); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet);
//check the uninstall value
dwRegSize = sizeof(szValue); lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, UNINSTALLVALUE, NULL, &dwRegType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwRegSize);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // try to find quiteuninstall value
dwRegSize = sizeof(szValue); lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, QUIETUNINSTALLVALUE, NULL, &dwRegType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwRegSize); }
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); RegCloseKey(hRegKey); return hr; } RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
// copy the key to the output parameter
lstrcpy(pszCmdValue, szValue);
return S_OK; }
//Given an uninstall key, looks up in the registry to find the uninsall command and launches it
//If quotes are found around the uninstall key, they are striped. This is done to make it
//compatible with the value specified in the AS CIF file. This function also understands the
//special INF syntax of the uninstall key.
HRESULT UninstallActiveSetupItem(LPCTSTR pszUninstallKey) { const TCHAR INFUNINSTALLCOMMAND[] = _T("RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection "); const TCHAR INFDIRECTORY[] = _T("INF\\");
TCHAR szCmd[256] = {_T('\0')}; TCHAR szActualKey[128] = {_T('\0')}; LONG lRet; LPCTSTR pszParse;
if (pszUninstallKey == NULL) return E_FAIL; if (lstristr(pszUninstallKey, _T(".inf")) != NULL) { //
// we have .INF syntax: frontpad,fpxpress.inf,uninstall, start parsing
pszParse = lstrcpystr(pszUninstallKey, _T(","), szActualKey); // get actual uninstall key
} else { lstrcpy(szActualKey, pszUninstallKey); pszParse = NULL; }
// get the uninstall command from the registry
hr = GetUninstallCmdFromKey(szActualKey, szCmd); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // we have the uninstall command, try to launch it
lRet = LaunchProcess(szCmd, NULL, SW_NORMAL, TRUE);
TRACE("Uninstall: %s, %d", szCmd, lRet);
if (lRet != 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); } } else { // we did not get the uninstall command from registry, launch INF
if (pszParse != NULL) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
hr = S_OK;
//get INF directory
if (! GetWindowsDirectory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); TRACE("Uninstall: GetWindowsDirectory failed, hr=0x%x", hr); return hr; } AddBackSlash(szTemp); lstrcat(szTemp, INFDIRECTORY);
//start building the command
lstrcpy(szCmd, INFUNINSTALLCOMMAND); lstrcat(szCmd, szTemp);
pszParse = lstrcpystr(pszParse, _T(","), szTemp); // get INF file name
lstrcat(szCmd, szTemp);
lstrcat(szCmd, _T(","));
pszParse = lstrcpystr(pszParse, _T(","), szTemp); // get INF section
lstrcat(szCmd, szTemp);
lRet = LaunchProcess(szCmd, NULL, SW_NORMAL, TRUE); if (lRet != 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); }
TRACE("Uninstall: %s, %d", szCmd, lRet);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// reboot handling after uninstall only if uninstall was successful
pszParse = lstrcpystr(pszParse, _T(","), szTemp); // get the reboot key
if (lstrcmpi(szTemp, _T("reboot")) == 0) { g_v3state.m_bRebootNeeded = TRUE; } } } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
return hr; }
void InstallPrinterItem(LPCTSTR pszDriverName, LPCTSTR pszInstallFolder, LPCTSTR pszArchitecture) { DWORD dw = InstallPrinterDriver(pszDriverName, pszInstallFolder, pszArchitecture); HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; }
HRESULT AdvPackRunSetupCommand(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszInfFile, LPCSTR pszSection, LPCSTR pszDir, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; RUNSETUPCOMMAND pfRunSetupCommand; HINSTANCE hAdvPack = LoadLibrary(_T("advpack.dll")); if (hAdvPack != NULL) { pfRunSetupCommand = (RUNSETUPCOMMAND)GetProcAddress(hAdvPack, "RunSetupCommand"); if (pfRunSetupCommand) { dwFlags |= (RSC_FLAG_INF | RSC_FLAG_NGCONV | RSC_FLAG_QUIET); hr = pfRunSetupCommand(hwnd, pszInfFile, pszSection, pszDir, NULL, NULL, dwFlags, NULL); } FreeLibrary(hAdvPack); } return hr; }
// checks to see if inseng is up to date
void CheckLocalDll(LPCTSTR pszServer, LPCTSTR pszDllName, LPCTSTR pszServDllName, LPCTSTR pszDllVersion) { USES_CONVERSION;
const TCHAR TEMPINFFN[] = _T("temp.inf"); const TCHAR PERIOD[] = _T(".");
TCHAR szServDllName[32] = _T("\0"); TCHAR szValue[256] = _T("\0"); TCHAR szTempFN[MAX_PATH] = _T("\0"); TCHAR szDllFN[MAX_PATH] = _T("\0"); TCHAR szInfDir[MAX_PATH] = _T("\0"); TCHAR szDllName[MAX_PATH] = _T("\0"); TCHAR szDllVersion[64] = _T("\0"); TCHAR *pszToken = NULL; DWORD dwIniMSVer = 0; DWORD dwIniLSVer = 0; DWORD dwFileMSVer = 0; DWORD dwFileLSVer = 0; LPTSTR p = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//check input arguments
if (NULL == pszDllName || NULL == pszServDllName || NULL == pszDllVersion) { return ; }
if (!GetSystemDirectory(szDllFN, sizeof(szDllFN) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { return; }
AddBackSlash(szDllFN); lstrcat(szDllFN, pszDllName); lstrcpy(szDllVersion, pszDllVersion); lstrcpy(szServDllName, pszServDllName);
if (FileExists(szDllFN)) { // convert file version
ConvertVersionStrToDwords(szDllVersion, &dwIniMSVer, &dwIniLSVer);
// get file version of the DLL
if (!GetFileVersionDwords(szDllFN, &dwFileMSVer, &dwFileLSVer)) { TRACE("Could not check file version: %s", szDllFN); return; }
// compare the versions
if ((dwFileMSVer > dwIniMSVer) || ((dwFileMSVer == dwIniMSVer) && (dwFileLSVer >= dwIniLSVer))) { // install version is up to date
return; } } //
// we need to download and install it!
BLOCK { CWUDownload dl(pszServer, 8192); if (!dl.Copy(szServDllName, NULL, NULL, NULL, DOWNLOAD_NEWER | CACHE_FILE_LOCALLY, NULL)) { throw HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } // filename with OS ext
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szTempFN); lstrcat(szTempFN, szServDllName); // filename with .dll
lstrcpy(szDllFN, szTempFN); p = _tcschr(szDllFN, _T('.')); if (p) *p = _T('\0'); lstrcat(szDllFN, _T(".dll")); CDiamond dm; // decompress or copy to .dll name
if (dm.IsValidCAB(szTempFN)) { hr = dm.Decompress(szTempFN, szDllFN); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw hr; } } else { if (!CopyFile(szTempFN, szDllFN, FALSE)) { return; } } } //
// write out an INF file
HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytes; char szInfText[1024];
sprintf (szInfText, "[Version]\r\n\
AdvancedINF=2.5\r\n\ [DestinationDirs]\r\n\ WUSysDirCopy=11\r\n\ [InstallControl]\r\n\ CopyFiles=WUSysDirCopy\r\n\ RegisterOCXs=WURegisterOCXSection\r\n\ [WUSysDirCopy]\r\n\ %s,,,32\r\n\ [WURegisterOCXSection]\r\n\ %%11%%\\%s\r\n\ [SourceDisksNames]\r\n\ 55=\"Disk\",,0\r\n\
[SourceDisksFiles]\r\n\ %s=55\r\n", T2A(pszDllName), T2A(pszDllName), T2A(pszDllName));
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szTempFN); lstrcat(szTempFN, TEMPINFFN); hFile = CreateFile(szTempFN, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID)szInfText, strlen(szInfText), &dwBytes, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); }
// RunSetupCommand to install the .INF
hr = AdvPackRunSetupCommand(NULL, T2A(szTempFN), "InstallControl", T2A(szInfDir), 0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { throw hr; } }
void CheckDllsToJit(LPCTSTR pszServer) { const TCHAR SEPS[] = _T("="); TCHAR szValue[1024]; TCHAR szTempFN[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szKey[256]; TCHAR szDllBaseName[64]; TCHAR szDllExt[32]; TCHAR szKeyLhs[64]; TCHAR szDllName[64]; TCHAR szDllTempName[64]; TCHAR szDllVersion[64]; TCHAR *pszValue; long len;
if (g_v3state.m_bInsengChecked) return;
g_v3state.m_bInsengChecked = TRUE;
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szTempFN); lstrcat(szTempFN, FILEVERINI_FN);
if (0 == GetPrivateProfileSection(_T("version"), szValue, sizeof(szValue) / sizeof(TCHAR), szTempFN)) { // version not available for this file
TRACE("Section: version is missing from FileVer.ini"); return; }
pszValue = szValue; while (0 != (len = lstrlen(pszValue))) { lstrcpyn(szKey, pszValue, len+1); lstrcat(szKey, _T("\0")); pszValue += len + 1;
_stscanf(szKey, _T("%[^=]=%s"), szKeyLhs, szDllVersion); _stscanf(szKeyLhs, _T("%[^.].%s"), szDllBaseName, szDllExt); wsprintf(szDllName, _T("%s.dll"), szDllBaseName);
wsprintf(szDllTempName, _T("%s."), szDllBaseName); AppendExtForOS(szDllTempName); if (0 == lstrcmpi(szDllTempName, szKeyLhs)) CheckLocalDll(pszServer, szDllName, szKeyLhs, szDllVersion); }
// Pings a URL for tracking purposes
// NOTE: pszStatus must not contain spaces and cannot be null
void URLPingReport(PINVENTORY_ITEM pItem, CCatalog* pCatalog, PSELECTITEMINFO pSelectItem, LPCTSTR pszStatus) { LOG_block("URLPingReport");
//check for input arguments
if (NULL == pItem || NULL == pCatalog) { return; }
// create a download object
try { CWUDownload dl(g_v3state.GetIdentServer(), 8192);
// build the URL with parameters
TCHAR szURL[INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; wsprintf(szURL, _T("wutrack.bin?VER=%s&PUID=%d&PLAT=%d&LOCALE=%s&STATUS=%s&ERR=0x%x&SESSID=%s"), CCV3::s_szControlVer, pItem->GetPuid(), pCatalog->GetPlatform(), pCatalog->GetMachineLocaleSZ(), pszStatus, pSelectItem->hrError, CWUDownload::m_szWUSessionID);
LOG_out("Sending %s", szURL);
// ping the URL and receive the response in memory
PVOID pMemBuf; ULONG ulMemSize; if (dl.QCopy(szURL, &pMemBuf, &ulMemSize)) { // we don't care about the response so we just free it
V3_free(pMemBuf); } } catch(HRESULT hr) { return; } }