// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: progress.cpp
// Purpose: Progress dialog and connection speed
// History: 12-dec-98 YAsmi Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "locstr.h"
// CWUProgress class
CWUProgress::CWUProgress(HINSTANCE hInst) :m_hInst(hInst), m_hDlg(NULL), m_dwDownloadTotal(0), m_dwDownloadVal(0), m_dwInstallVal(0), m_dwInstallTotal(0), m_style(ProgStyle::NORMAL) { m_hCancelEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); }
CWUProgress::~CWUProgress() { Destroy(); if (m_hCancelEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hCancelEvent); m_hCancelEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
void CWUProgress::SetStyle(ProgStyle style) { m_style = style; if (m_style == ProgStyle::OFF) { Destroy(); } }
HANDLE CWUProgress::GetCancelEvent() { return m_hCancelEvent; }
void CWUProgress::Destroy() { if (m_hDlg != NULL) { ::DestroyWindow(m_hDlg); m_hDlg = NULL; } m_style = ProgStyle::OFF; }
void CWUProgress::StartDisplay() { if (m_style == ProgStyle::OFF) return; if (m_hDlg == NULL) { // create the dialog window
m_hDlg = CreateDialogParam(m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROGRESS), 0, CWUProgress::DlgProc, (LPARAM)this); } ShowWindow(m_hDlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
if (m_style == ProgStyle::DOWNLOADONLY) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_PROG_INSTALL), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_INSTALLCAP), SW_HIDE); }
// update localized strings
SetWindowText(m_hDlg, GetLocStr(IDS_APP_TITLE));
ResetAll(); }
void CWUProgress::ResetAll() { SetInstall(0); SetDownload(0); ResetEvent(m_hCancelEvent); }
void CWUProgress::UpdateLocStr(int iDlg, int iStr) { LPCTSTR pszStr = GetLocStr(iStr);
if (NULL != pszStr && pszStr[0] != _T('\0')) { //update the control with loc string only if its not an empty string
if (m_style != ProgStyle::OFF) { SetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, iDlg, pszStr); } } }
void CWUProgress::SetDownloadTotal(DWORD dwTotal) { m_dwDownloadTotal = dwTotal; m_dwDownloadLast = 0; m_dwDownloadVal = 0; if (m_style != ProgStyle::OFF) { UpdateBytes(0); UpdateTime(m_dwDownloadTotal); } }
void CWUProgress::SetInstallTotal(DWORD dwTotal) { m_dwInstallTotal = dwTotal; m_dwInstallLast = 0; m_dwInstallVal = 0; }
void CWUProgress::SetDownload(DWORD dwDone) { if (m_dwDownloadTotal == 0 || m_style == ProgStyle::OFF) return; if (dwDone > m_dwDownloadTotal) dwDone = m_dwDownloadTotal;
m_dwDownloadVal = dwDone;
// update bytes display
// update progress bar and time
DWORD dwProgress = (int)((double)dwDone / m_dwDownloadTotal * 100); if (dwProgress != m_dwDownloadLast || dwDone == m_dwDownloadTotal) { m_dwDownloadLast = dwProgress;
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_PROG_DOWNLOAD), PBM_SETPOS, dwProgress, 0); if (dwDone == m_dwDownloadTotal) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_TIMELEFTCAP), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_TIMELEFT), SW_HIDE); } else { UpdateTime(m_dwDownloadTotal - dwDone); } } }
void CWUProgress::SetDownloadAdd(DWORD dwAddSize, DWORD dwTime) {
// add size and time to the connection speed tracker
CConnSpeed::Learn(dwAddSize, dwTime);
SetDownload(m_dwDownloadVal + dwAddSize); }
void CWUProgress::SetInstallAdd(DWORD dwAdd) { SetInstall(m_dwInstallVal + dwAdd); }
void CWUProgress::SetInstall(DWORD dwDone) { if (m_hDlg == NULL || m_dwInstallTotal == 0 || m_style == ProgStyle::OFF) return;
if (dwDone > m_dwInstallTotal) dwDone = m_dwInstallTotal;
m_dwInstallVal = dwDone;
DWORD dwProgress = (int)((double)dwDone / m_dwInstallTotal * 100); if (dwProgress != m_dwInstallLast || dwDone == m_dwInstallTotal) { m_dwInstallLast = dwProgress; SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_PROG_INSTALL), PBM_SETPOS, dwProgress, 0); } }
void CWUProgress::SetStatusText(LPCTSTR pszStatus) { if (m_hDlg == NULL || m_style == ProgStyle::OFF) return; SetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, IDC_STATUS, pszStatus); }
void CWUProgress::EndDisplay() { if (m_hDlg == NULL || m_style == ProgStyle::OFF) return; ShowWindow(m_hDlg, SW_HIDE); }
void CWUProgress::UpdateBytes(DWORD dwDone) { TCHAR szBuf[128]; wsprintf(szBuf, _T("%d KB/%d KB"), dwDone / 1024, m_dwDownloadTotal / 1024); SetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, IDC_BYTES, szBuf); }
void CWUProgress::UpdateTime(DWORD dwBytesLeft) { DWORD dwBPS = CConnSpeed::BytesPerSecond(); TCHAR szBuf[128];
if (dwBPS != 0) { DWORD dwSecs; DWORD dwMinutes; DWORD dwHours; DWORD dwSecsLeft = 0;
dwSecsLeft = (dwBytesLeft / dwBPS) + 1; // convert secs to hours, minutes, and secs
dwSecs = dwSecsLeft % 60; dwMinutes = (dwSecsLeft % 3600) / 60; dwHours = dwSecsLeft / 3600;
if (dwHours == 0) { if (dwMinutes == 0) wsprintf(szBuf, GetLocStr(IDS_PROG_TIME_SEC), dwSecs); else wsprintf(szBuf, GetLocStr(IDS_PROG_TIME_MIN), dwMinutes); } else { wsprintf(szBuf, GetLocStr(IDS_PROG_TIME_HRMIN), dwHours, dwMinutes); } } else { szBuf[0] = _T('\0'); } //bps is zero
SetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, IDC_TIMELEFT, szBuf); }
INT_PTR CALLBACK CWUProgress::DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER, lParam);
Animate_Open(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIM), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDA_FILECOPY)); Animate_Play(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIM), 0, -1, -1); return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: { switch (wParam) { case IDCANCEL: { CWUProgress* pProgress = (CWUProgress*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER); pProgress->Destroy(); SetEvent(pProgress->GetCancelEvent()); } break; default: return FALSE; } } break;
default: return(FALSE); } return TRUE; }