Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains all of the public definitions for the HTTP parsing code.
Henry Sanders (henrysa) 04-May-1998
Revision History:
Paul McDaniel (paulmcd) 14-Apr-1999
#ifndef _PARSE_H_
#define _PARSE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Size of a Date: header value.
#define DATE_HDR_LENGTH (sizeof("Mon, 05 May 1975 00:05:00 GMT") - sizeof(CHAR))
// The initialization routine.
NTSTATUS InitializeParser(VOID);
// The main HTTP parse routine(s).
NTSTATUS UlParseHttp( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHttpRequest, IN ULONG HttpRequestLength, OUT ULONG *pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlParseChunkLength( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pBuffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PULONG pBytesTaken, OUT PULONGLONG pChunkLength );
// Date header cache.
NTSTATUS UlInitializeDateCache( VOID );
VOID UlTerminateDateCache( VOID );
// Utility tokenizing routine.
PUCHAR FindWSToken( IN PUCHAR pBuffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT ULONG *TokenLength );
NTSTATUS UlComputeFixedHeaderSize( IN HTTP_VERSION Version, IN PHTTP_RESPONSE pUserResponse, OUT PULONG pHeaderLength );
ULONG UlComputeVariableHeaderSize( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN BOOLEAN ForceDisconnect, IN PUCHAR pContentLengthString, IN ULONG ContentLengthStringLength, OUT PUL_CONN_HDR pConnHeader );
ULONG UlComputeMaxVariableHeaderSize( VOID );
NTSTATUS UlGenerateFixedHeaders( IN HTTP_VERSION Version, IN PHTTP_RESPONSE pUserResponse, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PUCHAR pBuffer, OUT PULONG pBytesCopied );
VOID UlGenerateVariableHeaders( IN UL_CONN_HDR ConnHeader, IN PUCHAR pContentLengthString, IN ULONG ContentLengthStringLength, OUT PUCHAR pBuffer, OUT PULONG pBytesCopied, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pDateTime );
ULONG _MultiByteToWideChar( ULONG uCodePage, ULONG dwFlags, PCSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cchMultiByte, PWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar );
ULONG GenerateDateHeader( OUT PUCHAR pBuffer, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pSystemTime );
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; // extern "C"
#endif // _PARSE_H_