Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the replog command.
Michael Courage (mcourage) 3-Oct-2000
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
// Private constants.
// Private globals.
// Public functions.
DECLARE_API( replog )
Routine Description:
Dumps the replenish trace log.
Return Value:
{ ULONG_PTR address = 0; ULONG_PTR context = 0; ULONG_PTR flags = 0; ULONG_PTR entryAddress; ULONG_PTR logPointer; ULONG result; TRACE_LOG logHeader; LONGLONG numEntries; REPLENISH_TRACE_LOG_ENTRY logEntry; PSTR pAction; LONGLONG index; ULONG offset1; ULONG offset2; CHAR invalidAction[sizeof("2047")]; ULONG64 context64 = 0; ULONG64 flags64 = 0;
// Snag the optional context and flags from the command line.
if (GetExpressionEx(args, &context64, &args)) GetExpressionEx(args, &flags64, &args);
context = (ULONG_PTR) context64; flags = (ULONG_PTR) flags64;
// Find the log.
address = GetExpression( "&http!g_pReplenishTraceLog" );
if (address == 0) { dprintf( "replog: cannot find http!g_pReplenishTraceLog\n" ); return; }
// Read the pointer.
if (!ReadMemory( address, &logPointer, sizeof(logPointer), &result )) { dprintf( "replog: cannot read PTRACE_LOG @ %p\n", address ); return; }
// Read the log header.
if (!ReadMemory( logPointer, &logHeader, sizeof(logHeader), &result )) { dprintf( "ref: cannot read TRACE_LOG @ %p\n", logPointer ); return; }
dprintf( "ref: log @ %p\n" " Signature = %08lx '%c%c%c%c' (%s)\n" " TypeSignature = %08lx '%c%c%c%c'\n" " LogSize = %lu\n" " NextEntry = %I64d\n" " EntrySize = %lu\n" " LogBuffer = %p\n", address, logHeader.Signature, DECODE_SIGNATURE(logHeader.Signature), logHeader.Signature == TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE ? "OK" : logHeader.Signature == TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE_X ? "FREED" : "INVALID", logHeader.TypeSignature, DECODE_SIGNATURE(logHeader.TypeSignature), logHeader.LogSize, logHeader.NextEntry, logHeader.EntrySize, logHeader.pLogBuffer );
if (logHeader.pLogBuffer > ( (PUCHAR)address + sizeof(logHeader) )) { dprintf( " ExtraData @ %p\n", address + sizeof(logHeader) ); }
if (logHeader.Signature != TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE && logHeader.Signature != TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE_X) { dprintf( "replog: log @ %p has invalid signature %08lx:\n", address, logHeader.Signature ); return; }
if (logHeader.EntrySize != sizeof(logEntry) || logHeader.TypeSignature != REPLENISH_TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "replog: log @ %p is not a replenish trace log\n", address ); return; }
if (logHeader.NextEntry == -1) { dprintf( "replog: empty log @ %p\n", address ); return; }
// Calculate the log size to dump.
if (logHeader.NextEntry < logHeader.LogSize) { numEntries = logHeader.NextEntry + 1; index = 0; } else { numEntries = logHeader.LogSize; index = (logHeader.NextEntry + 1) % logHeader.LogSize; }
entryAddress = (ULONG_PTR)logHeader.pLogBuffer + (ULONG_PTR)( index * sizeof(logEntry) );
if (entryAddress >= ( (ULONG_PTR)logHeader.pLogBuffer + (ULONG_PTR)( numEntries * sizeof(logEntry) ) ) ) { dprintf( "replog: log @ %p has invalid data\n", address ); return; }
// Dump the log.
for (; numEntries > 0 ; index++, numEntries--, entryAddress += sizeof(logEntry)) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; }
if (index >= logHeader.LogSize) { index = 0; entryAddress = (ULONG_PTR)logHeader.pLogBuffer; }
if (!ReadMemory( entryAddress, &logEntry, sizeof(logEntry), NULL )) { dprintf( "replog: cannot read memory @ %p\n", entryAddress ); return; }
if (context == 0 || context == (ULONG_PTR)logEntry.pEndpoint) { if (logEntry.Action < REPLENISH_ACTION_COUNT) { pAction = g_pReplenishActions[logEntry.Action]; } else { sprintf( invalidAction, "%lu", (ULONG)logEntry.Action ); pAction = invalidAction; }
dprintf( "CPU=%lu Endpoint=%p Act=%s" " oldCount=%3d %s newCount=%3d %s\n", logEntry.Processor, logEntry.pEndpoint, pAction, logEntry.Previous.IdleConnections, logEntry.Previous.ReplenishScheduled ? "S" : " ", logEntry.Current.IdleConnections, logEntry.Current.ReplenishScheduled ? "S" : " " );
if (flags & 1) { dprintf( "\nCPU=%lu Conn=%I64x Req=%I64x Act=%s\n" " Time=%I64x ", (ULONG)logEntry.Processor, logEntry.ConnectionId, logEntry.RequestId, pAction, logEntry.TimeStamp, (logEntry.TimeStamp - PreviousTime), (logEntry.TimeStamp - PreviousTime) / 10 ); } else { dprintf( "C=%I64x R=%I64x A=%s ", logEntry.ConnectionId, logEntry.RequestId, pAction ); } */
} }
} // replog