Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the miscellaneous UL routines.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 10-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
ULONG HttpChars[256];
// Private prototypes.
NTSTATUS UlpRestartDeviceControl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp, IN PVOID pContext );
#define FIXUP_PTR( Type, pUserPtr, pKernelPtr, pOffsetPtr, BufferLength ) \
(Type) ((PUCHAR)(pUserPtr) + DIFF((PUCHAR)(pOffsetPtr) - (PUCHAR)(pKernelPtr)))
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- UlULongLongToAscii #endif
// Public functions.
Routine Description:
Converts the given ULONGLLONG to an ASCII representation and stores it in the given string.
String - Receives the ASCII representation of the ULONGLONG.
Value - Supplies the ULONGLONG to convert.
Return Value:
PSTR - Pointer to the next character in String *after* the converted ULONGLONG.
--***************************************************************************/ PSTR UlULongLongToAscii( IN PSTR String, IN ULONGLONG Value ) { PSTR p1; PSTR p2; CHAR ch; ULONG digit;
// Special case 0 to make the rest of the routine simpler.
if (Value == 0) { *String++ = '0'; } else { //
// Convert the ULONG. Note that this will result in the string
// being backwards in memory.
p1 = String; p2 = String;
while (Value != 0) { digit = (ULONG)( Value % 10 ); Value = Value / 10; *p1++ = '0' + (CHAR)digit; }
// Reverse the string.
String = p1; p1--;
while (p1 > p2) { ch = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = ch;
p2++; p1--; } }
*String = '\0'; return String;
} // UlULongLongToAscii
NTSTATUS _RtlIntegerToUnicode( IN ULONG Value, IN ULONG Base OPTIONAL, IN LONG BufferLength, OUT PWSTR String ) { PWSTR p1; PWSTR p2; WCHAR ch; ULONG digit;
// Special case 0 to make the rest of the routine simpler.
if (Value == 0) { *String++ = L'0'; } else { //
// Convert the ULONG. Note that this will result in the string
// being backwards in memory.
p1 = String; p2 = String;
while (Value != 0) { digit = (ULONG)( Value % 10 ); Value = Value / 10; *p1++ = L'0' + (WCHAR)digit; }
// Reverse the string.
String = p1; p1--;
while (p1 > p2) { ch = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = ch;
p2++; p1--; } }
*String = L'\0';
} // _RtlIntegerToUnicode
Routine Description:
Converts an ansi string to an integer. fails if any non-digit characters appears in the string. fails on negative numbers, and assumes no preceding spaces.
PUCHAR pString the string to convert ULONG Base the base, must be 10 or 16 PULONG pValue the return value of the converted integer
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlAnsiToULongLong( PUCHAR pString, ULONG Base, PULONGLONG pValue ) { ULONGLONG Value; ULONGLONG NewValue;
if (Base != 10 && Base != 16) RETURN(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// No preceding space, we already skipped it
Value = 0;
while (pString[0] != ANSI_NULL) { if ( (Base == 10 && IS_HTTP_DIGIT(pString[0]) == FALSE) || (Base == 16 && IS_HTTP_HEX(pString[0]) == FALSE) ) { //
// Not valid , bad!
if (Base == 16) { if (IS_HTTP_ALPHA(pString[0])) { NewValue = 16 * Value + (UPCASE_CHAR(pString[0]) - 'A' + 10); } else { NewValue = 16 * Value + (pString[0] - '0'); } } else { NewValue = 10 * Value + (pString[0] - '0'); }
if (NewValue < Value) { //
// Very bad... we overflew
Value = NewValue;
pString += 1; }
*pValue = Value;
} // UlAnsiToULongLong
Routine Description:
Converts a unicode string to an integer. fails if any non-digit characters appear in the string. fails on negative numbers, and assumes no preceding spaces.
PWCHAR pString the string to convert ULONG Base the base, must be 10 or 16 PULONG pValue the return value of the converted integer
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlUnicodeToULongLong( PWCHAR pString, ULONG Base, PULONGLONG pValue ) { ULONGLONG Value; ULONGLONG NewValue;
if (Base != 10 && Base != 16) RETURN(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// No preceding space, we already skipped it
ASSERT(pString[0] < 128 && IS_HTTP_LWS(pString[0]) == FALSE);
Value = 0;
while (pString[0] != UNICODE_NULL) { if ((Base == 10 && (pString[0] >= 128 || IS_HTTP_DIGIT(pString[0]) == FALSE)) || (Base == 16 && (pString[0] >= 128 || IS_HTTP_HEX(pString[0]) == FALSE))) { //
// Not valid , bad!
if (Base == 16) { if (IS_HTTP_ALPHA(pString[0])) { NewValue = 16 * Value + (pString[0] - L'A' + 10); } else { NewValue = 16 * Value + (pString[0] - L'0'); } } else { NewValue = 10 * Value + (pString[0] - L'0'); }
if (NewValue < Value) { //
// Very bad... we overflew
Value = NewValue;
pString += 1; }
*pValue = Value;
} // UlUnicodeToULongLong
// Private routines.
Routine Description:
Routine to initialize the utilitu code.
Return Value:
--*/ NTSTATUS InitializeHttpUtil( VOID ) { ULONG i;
// Initialize the HttpChars array appropriately.
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { HttpChars[i] = HTTP_CHAR; }
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_UPCASE; }
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_LOCASE; }
for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= (HTTP_DIGIT | HTTP_HEX); }
for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_CTL; }
HttpChars[127] |= HTTP_CTL;
HttpChars[SP] |= HTTP_LWS; HttpChars[HT] |= HTTP_LWS;
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'F'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_HEX; }
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_HEX; }
HttpChars['('] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[')'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['<'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['>'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['@'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[','] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[';'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[':'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['\\'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['"'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['/'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['['] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[']'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['?'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['='] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['{'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['}'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[SP] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[HT] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR;
// URL "reserved" characters (rfc2396)
HttpChars[';'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['/'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['\\'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['?'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[':'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['@'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['&'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['='] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['+'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['$'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[','] |= URL_LEGAL;
// URL escape character
HttpChars['%'] |= URL_LEGAL;
// URL "mark" characters (rfc2396)
HttpChars['-'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['_'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['.'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['!'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['~'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['*'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['\''] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['('] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[')'] |= URL_LEGAL;
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (!IS_HTTP_SEPERATOR(i) && !IS_HTTP_CTL(i)) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_TOKEN; } }
// constants used by the date formatter
const PWSTR pDays[] = { L"Sun", L"Mon", L"Tue", L"Wed", L"Thu", L"Fri", L"Sat" };
const PWSTR pMonths[] = { L"Jan", L"Feb", L"Mar", L"Apr", L"May", L"Jun", L"Jul", L"Aug", L"Sep", L"Oct", L"Nov", L"Dec" };
__inline VOID TwoDigitsToUnicode( PWSTR pBuffer, ULONG Number ) { pBuffer[0] = L'0' + (WCHAR)(Number / 10); pBuffer[1] = L'0' + (WCHAR)(Number % 10); }
Routine Description:
Converts the given system time to string representation containing GMT Formatted String.
pTime - System time that needs to be converted.
pBuffer - pointer to string which will contain the GMT time on successful return.
BufferLength - size of pszBuff in bytes
Return Value:
MuraliK 3-Jan-1995 paulmcd 4-Mar-1999 copied to ul
NTSTATUS TimeFieldsToHttpDate( IN PTIME_FIELDS pTime, OUT PWSTR pBuffer, IN ULONG BufferLength ) { NTSTATUS Status;
ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL);
if (BufferLength < (HTTP_DATE_COUNT + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
// 0 1 2
// 01234567890123456789012345678
// Formats a string like: "Thu, 14 Jul 1994 15:26:05 GMT"
// write the constants
pBuffer[3] = L','; pBuffer[4] = pBuffer[7] = pBuffer[11] = L' '; pBuffer[19] = pBuffer[22] = L':';
// now the variants
// 0-based Weekday
RtlCopyMemory(&(pBuffer[0]), pDays[pTime->Weekday], 3*sizeof(WCHAR));
TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[5]), pTime->Day);
// 1-based Month
RtlCopyMemory(&(pBuffer[8]), pMonths[pTime->Month - 1], 3*sizeof(WCHAR)); // 1-based
Status = _RtlIntegerToUnicode(pTime->Year, 10, 5, &(pBuffer[12])); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
pBuffer[16] = L' ';
TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[17]), pTime->Hour); TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[20]), pTime->Minute); TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[23]), pTime->Second);
RtlCopyMemory(&(pBuffer[25]), L" GMT", sizeof(L" GMT"));
} // TimeFieldsToHttpDate
ULONG _MultiByteToWideCharWin9x( ULONG uCodePage, ULONG dwFlags, PCSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cchMultiByte, PWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar ) { int i;
// simply add a 0 upper byte, it's supposed to be ascii
for (i = 0; i < cchMultiByte; ++i) { if (lpMultiByteStr[i] > 128) { lpWideCharStr[i] = (WCHAR)('_'); // (WCHAR)(DefaultChar);
} else { lpWideCharStr[i] = (WCHAR)(lpMultiByteStr[i]); } }
return (ULONG)(i);
} // _MultiByteToWideCharWin9x
Routine Description:
Copy an HTTP request to a buffer.
pRequest - Pointer to this request. pBuffer - Pointer to buffer where we'll copy. BufferLength - Length of pBuffer. pEntityBody - Pointer to entity body of request. EntityBodyLength - Length of entity body.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS UlpHttpRequestToBufferWin9x( PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, PUCHAR pKernelBuffer, ULONG BufferLength, PUCHAR pEntityBody, ULONG EntityBodyLength, ULONG ulLocalIPAddress, USHORT ulLocalPort, ULONG ulRemoteIPAddress, USHORT ulRemotePort ) { PHTTP_REQUEST pHttpRequest; PHTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER pUserCurrentUnknownHeader; PUCHAR pCurrentBufferPtr; ULONG i; ULONG BytesCopied; ULONG HeaderCount = 0; PVOID pUserBuffer; PHTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPV4 pLocalAddress; PHTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPV4 pRemoteAddress;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT(IS_VALID_HTTP_REQUEST(pRequest)); ASSERT(pKernelBuffer != NULL); ASSERT(BufferLength > sizeof(HTTP_REQUEST));
// BUGBUG - this is used for the pointer fixups
// don't know what you want to set this to
// MAUROOT - NULL should be ok.
pUserBuffer = NULL;
// wipe it clean
RtlZeroMemory( pKernelBuffer, sizeof(HTTP_REQUEST) );
// Set up our pointers to the HTTP_REQUEST structure, the
// header arrays we're going to fill in, and the pointer to
// where we're going to start filling them in.
// CODEWORK: Make this transport independent.
pHttpRequest = (PHTTP_REQUEST)pKernelBuffer;
pLocalAddress = (PHTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPV4)( pHttpRequest + 1 ); pRemoteAddress = pLocalAddress + 1;
pUserCurrentUnknownHeader = (PHTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER)( pRemoteAddress + 1 );
pCurrentBufferPtr = (PUCHAR)(pUserCurrentUnknownHeader + pRequest->UnknownHeaderCount);
// Now fill in the HTTP request structure.
pHttpRequest->ConnectionId = pRequest->ConnectionId; pHttpRequest->RequestId = pRequest->RequestId;
// BUGBUG - Don't know where you'll come up with this
// pHttpRequest->UrlContext = pRequest->pConfigGroup->UrlContext;
// MAUROOT - NULL should be ok.
pHttpRequest->UrlContext = 0;
pHttpRequest->Version = pRequest->Version; pHttpRequest->Verb = pRequest->Verb; pHttpRequest->Reason = pRequest->Reason;
pHttpRequest->Address.RemoteAddressLength = sizeof(HTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPV4); pHttpRequest->Address.RemoteAddressType = HTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4; pHttpRequest->Address.pRemoteAddress = FIXUP_PTR( PVOID, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pRemoteAddress, BufferLength );
pRemoteAddress->IpAddress = SWAP_LONG( ulRemoteIPAddress ); pRemoteAddress->Port = SWAP_SHORT( ulRemotePort );
pHttpRequest->Address.LocalAddressLength = sizeof(HTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPV4); pHttpRequest->Address.LocalAddressType = HTTP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4; pHttpRequest->Address.pLocalAddress = FIXUP_PTR( PVOID, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pLocalAddress, BufferLength );
pLocalAddress->IpAddress = SWAP_LONG( ulLocalIPAddress ); pLocalAddress->Port = SWAP_SHORT( ulLocalPort );
// any raw verb?
if (pRequest->Verb == HttpVerbUnknown) { //
// Need to copy in the raw verb for the client.
ASSERT(pRequest->RawVerbLength <= 0x7fff);
pHttpRequest->UnknownVerbLength = (USHORT)(pRequest->RawVerbLength * sizeof(CHAR)); pHttpRequest->pUnknownVerb = FIXUP_PTR( PSTR, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pCurrentBufferPtr, BufferLength );
RtlCopyMemory( pCurrentBufferPtr, pRequest->pRawVerb, pRequest->RawVerbLength ); pCurrentBufferPtr += pRequest->RawVerbLength;
// terminate it
((PSTR)pCurrentBufferPtr)[0] = ANSI_NULL; pCurrentBufferPtr += sizeof(CHAR); }
// copy the raw url
ASSERT(pRequest->RawUrl.Length <= 0x7fff);
pHttpRequest->RawUrlLength = (USHORT)(pRequest->RawUrl.Length * sizeof(CHAR)); pHttpRequest->pRawUrl = FIXUP_PTR( PSTR, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pCurrentBufferPtr, BufferLength );
RtlCopyMemory( pCurrentBufferPtr, pRequest->RawUrl.pUrl, pRequest->RawUrl.Length );
pCurrentBufferPtr += pRequest->RawUrl.Length;
// terminate it
((PSTR)pCurrentBufferPtr)[0] = ANSI_NULL; pCurrentBufferPtr += sizeof(CHAR);
// and now the cooked url sections
// make sure they are valid
ASSERT(pRequest->CookedUrl.pUrl != NULL); ASSERT(pRequest->CookedUrl.pHost != NULL); ASSERT(pRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath != NULL);
// do the full url
ASSERT(pRequest->CookedUrl.Length <= 0xffff);
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.FullUrlLength = (USHORT)(pRequest->CookedUrl.Length); pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pFullUrl = FIXUP_PTR( PWSTR, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pCurrentBufferPtr, BufferLength );
// and the host
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.HostLength = DIFF(pRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath - pRequest->CookedUrl.pHost) * sizeof(WCHAR);
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pHost = pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pFullUrl + DIFF(pRequest->CookedUrl.pHost - pRequest->CookedUrl.pUrl);
// is there a query string?
if (pRequest->CookedUrl.pQueryString != NULL) { pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.AbsPathLength = DIFF(pRequest->CookedUrl.pQueryString - pRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath) * sizeof(WCHAR);
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath = pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pHost + (pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.HostLength / sizeof(WCHAR));
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.QueryStringLength = (USHORT)(pRequest->CookedUrl.Length) - ( DIFF( pRequest->CookedUrl.pQueryString - pRequest->CookedUrl.pUrl ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pQueryString = pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath + (pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.AbsPathLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.AbsPathLength = (USHORT)(pRequest->CookedUrl.Length) - ( DIFF( pRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath - pRequest->CookedUrl.pUrl ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pAbsPath = pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pHost + (pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.HostLength / sizeof(WCHAR));
pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.QueryStringLength = 0; pHttpRequest->CookedUrl.pQueryString = NULL; }
// copy the full url
RtlCopyMemory( pCurrentBufferPtr, pRequest->CookedUrl.pUrl, pRequest->CookedUrl.Length );
pCurrentBufferPtr += pRequest->CookedUrl.Length;
// terminate it
((PWSTR)pCurrentBufferPtr)[0] = UNICODE_NULL; pCurrentBufferPtr += sizeof(WCHAR);
// no entity body, CODEWORK.
if (pRequest->ContentLength > 0 || pRequest->Chunked == 1) { pHttpRequest->MoreEntityBodyExists = 1; } else { pHttpRequest->MoreEntityBodyExists = 0; }
pHttpRequest->EntityChunkCount = 0; pHttpRequest->pEntityChunks = NULL;
// Copy in the known headers.
// Loop through the known header array in the HTTP connection,
// and copy any that we have.
for (i = 0; i < HttpHeaderRequestMaximum; i++) { if (pRequest->Headers[i].Valid == 1) { //
// Have a header here we need to copy in.
ASSERT(pRequest->Headers[i].HeaderLength <= 0x7fff);
// ok for HeaderLength to be 0 . we will give usermode a pointer
// pointing to a NULL string. RawValueLength will be 0.
pHttpRequest->Headers.pKnownHeaders[i].RawValueLength = (USHORT)(pRequest->Headers[i].HeaderLength * sizeof(CHAR));
pHttpRequest->Headers.pKnownHeaders[i].pRawValue = FIXUP_PTR( PSTR, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pCurrentBufferPtr, BufferLength );
RtlCopyMemory( pCurrentBufferPtr, pRequest->Headers[i].pHeader, pRequest->Headers[i].HeaderLength );
pCurrentBufferPtr += pRequest->Headers[i].HeaderLength;
// terminate it
((PSTR)pCurrentBufferPtr)[0] = ANSI_NULL; pCurrentBufferPtr += sizeof(CHAR);
} else { pHttpRequest->Headers.pKnownHeaders[i].RawValueLength = 0; pHttpRequest->Headers.pKnownHeaders[i].pRawValue = NULL; } }
// Now loop through the unknown headers, and copy them in.
pHttpRequest->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount = pRequest->UnknownHeaderCount;
if (pRequest->UnknownHeaderCount == 0) { pHttpRequest->Headers.pUnknownHeaders = NULL; } else { pHttpRequest->Headers.pUnknownHeaders = FIXUP_PTR( PHTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pUserCurrentUnknownHeader, BufferLength ); }
while (!IsListEmpty(&pRequest->UnknownHeaderList)) { PUL_HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER pUnknownHeader; PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry;
pListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pRequest->UnknownHeaderList); pListEntry->Flink = pListEntry->Blink = NULL;
HeaderCount++; ASSERT(HeaderCount <= pRequest->UnknownHeaderCount);
// First copy in the header name.
pUserCurrentUnknownHeader->NameLength = (USHORT) pUnknownHeader->HeaderNameLength * sizeof(CHAR);
pUserCurrentUnknownHeader->pName = FIXUP_PTR( PSTR, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pCurrentBufferPtr, BufferLength );
RtlCopyMemory( pCurrentBufferPtr, pUnknownHeader->pHeaderName, pUnknownHeader->HeaderNameLength );
pCurrentBufferPtr += pUnknownHeader->HeaderNameLength;
// terminate it
((PSTR)pCurrentBufferPtr)[0] = ANSI_NULL; pCurrentBufferPtr += sizeof(CHAR);
// Now copy in the header value.
ASSERT(pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.HeaderLength <= 0x7fff);
if (pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.HeaderLength == 0) { pUserCurrentUnknownHeader->RawValueLength = 0; pUserCurrentUnknownHeader->pRawValue = NULL; } else {
pUserCurrentUnknownHeader->RawValueLength = (USHORT)(pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.HeaderLength * sizeof(CHAR));
pUserCurrentUnknownHeader->pRawValue = FIXUP_PTR( PSTR, pUserBuffer, pKernelBuffer, pCurrentBufferPtr, BufferLength );
RtlCopyMemory( pCurrentBufferPtr, pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.pHeader, pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.HeaderLength );
pCurrentBufferPtr += pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.HeaderLength;
// terminate it
((PSTR)pCurrentBufferPtr)[0] = ANSI_NULL; pCurrentBufferPtr += sizeof(CHAR);
// skip to the next header
// Free the unknown header structure now, as well as the pointer
// (if needed).
if (pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.OurBuffer == 1) { UL_FREE_POOL( pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.pHeader, UL_KNOWN_HEADER_POOL_TAG );
pUnknownHeader->HeaderValue.OurBuffer = 0; }
// no more unknown headers exist
pRequest->UnknownHeaderCount = 0;
// Make sure we didn't use too much
ASSERT(DIFF(pCurrentBufferPtr - pKernelBuffer) <= BufferLength);