Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains all of the per header handling code for received headers.
Henry Sanders (henrysa) 11-May-1998
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "rcvhdrs.h"
Routine Description:
A utility routine, to find the terminating CRLF or LFLF of a header.
pHeader - Header whose end is to be found. HeaderLength - Length of data pointed to by pHeader. TokenLength - Where to return the length of the token.
Return Value:
Length of the header, or 0 if we couldn't find the end.
--*/ NTSTATUS FindHeaderEnd( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN ULONG HeaderLength, OUT BOOLEAN * pEncodedWord, OUT ULONG * pBytesTaken ) { UCHAR CurrentChar; ULONG CurrentOffset; BOOLEAN HaveCR; BOOLEAN HaveHeader; BOOLEAN HaveEQ; BOOLEAN HaveEncodedWord;
// Important this is above the label (and our of the for loop)
// to support goto repeats
CurrentOffset = 0;
HaveEncodedWord = FALSE;
HaveCR = FALSE; HaveEQ = FALSE; HaveHeader = FALSE;
// While we still have data, loop through looking for a CRLF or LFLF pair.
for (; CurrentOffset < HeaderLength; CurrentOffset++) { CurrentChar = *(pHeader + CurrentOffset);
// If this character is a CR or LF, we may be done.
if (CurrentChar == CR || CurrentChar == LF) { // If we've already seen a CR (or LF) immediately preceding this,
// see if this is a LF to terminate the line.
if (HaveCR) { if (CurrentChar == LF) { // It is a LF, so we're done.
HaveHeader = TRUE;
break; }
// Otherwise, we have a non LF after a CR (or LF). The only
// character this could be is a CR, since we're inside
// the if statement. This could be the start of a CRLF
// sequence, if this is some bizarre LFCRLF or CRCRLF
// sort of thing. Anyway, we don't want to set HaveCR
// to false here.
ASSERT(CurrentChar == CR);
// paulmcd: this seems wacked. bizarre enough to fail
pRequest->ErrorCode = UlErrorCRLF; pRequest->ParseState = ParseErrorState;
UlTrace(PARSER, ( "ul!FindHeaderEnd(pRequest = %p, pHeader = %p)\n" " ERROR: don't like to see CRCR\n", pRequest, pHeader )); return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
} else { // Otherwise, we haven't seen the start of the terminating pair
// yet, so remember that we now have.
HaveCR = TRUE; } } else if (HaveCR) { //
// it's illegal to have CR|LF and non trailing LF.
pRequest->ErrorCode = UlErrorCRLF; pRequest->ParseState = ParseErrorState;
UlTrace(PARSER, ( "ul!FindHeaderEnd(pRequest = %p, pHeader = %p)\n" " ERROR: it's illegal to have CR|LF and non trailing LF.\n", pRequest, pHeader )); return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } else if (HaveEncodedWord == FALSE) { // Were looking to see if we have any =? ?= encoded words
// according to rfc2047. we'll decode them later in a
// second pass. thus were not so strict here on format,
// this is simply a hint for perf.
if (CurrentChar == '=') { HaveEQ = TRUE; } else if (CurrentChar == '?') { if (HaveEQ) HaveEncodedWord = TRUE; } else HaveEQ = FALSE; }
// If we found the termination OK, return the length of the value.
if (HaveHeader) { ASSERT(CurrentOffset < HeaderLength);
// ok, we found a CRLF or LFLF, peek ahead 1 char to
// handle header value continuation
// Skip the LF
CurrentOffset += 1;
if (CurrentOffset == HeaderLength) { // not enough buffer to check, need more
*pBytesTaken = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
CurrentChar = *(pHeader + CurrentOffset);
// is this a second line of the same header value? check for continuation
if (IS_HTTP_LWS(CurrentChar)) { ASSERT(pHeader[CurrentOffset-1] == LF); ASSERT(CurrentOffset >= 2);
// Replace the CRLF|LFLF with SPSP
pHeader[CurrentOffset-1] = SP; pHeader[CurrentOffset-2] = SP;
// Skip this WS char
CurrentOffset += 1;
// Find the real end of the header value
goto look_for_crlf; }
// All done!
*pEncodedWord = HaveEncodedWord; *pBytesTaken = CurrentOffset; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Did not find the end of a header, let's get more buffer..
*pBytesTaken = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
Routine Description:
Append a header value to an existing HTTP_HEADER entry, allocating a buffer and copying the existing buffer.
pHttpHeader - Pointer to HTTP_HEADER structure to append to. pHeader - Pointer header to be appended. HeaderLength - Length of data pointed to by pHeader.
Return Value:
TRUE if we succeed, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ NTSTATUS AppendHeaderValue( PUL_HTTP_HEADER pHttpHeader, PUCHAR pHeader, ULONG HeaderLength ) { PUCHAR pNewHeader, pOldHeader; ULONG OldHeaderLength;
OldHeaderLength = pHttpHeader->HeaderLength;
pNewHeader = UL_ALLOCATE_ARRAY( NonPagedPool, UCHAR, OldHeaderLength + HeaderLength + sizeof(", "), // sizeof gives space
// for the NULL
if (pNewHeader == NULL) { // Had a failure.
// Copy the old data into the new header.
RtlCopyMemory(pNewHeader, pHttpHeader->pHeader, OldHeaderLength);
// And copy in the new data as well, seperated by a comma.
*(pNewHeader + OldHeaderLength) = ','; *(pNewHeader + OldHeaderLength + 1) = ' '; OldHeaderLength += sizeof(", ") - 1;
RtlCopyMemory( pNewHeader + OldHeaderLength, pHeader, HeaderLength);
// Now replace the existing header.
pOldHeader = pHttpHeader->pHeader; pHttpHeader->HeaderLength = OldHeaderLength + HeaderLength; pHttpHeader->pHeader = pNewHeader;
// If the old header was our buffer, free it too.
if (pHttpHeader->OurBuffer) { UL_FREE_POOL( pOldHeader, UL_KNOWN_HEADER_POOL_TAG ); }
pHttpHeader->OurBuffer = 1;
// null terminate it
pHttpHeader->pHeader[pHttpHeader->HeaderLength] = ANSI_NULL;
Routine Description:
The default routine for handling headers. Used when we don't want to do anything with the header but find out if we have the whole thing and save a pointer to it if we do. this does not allow multiple header values to exist for this header. use MultipleHeaderHandler for handling that by appending the values together (CSV) .
pHttpConn - HTTP connection on which this header was received. pHeader - Pointer to the header value. HeaderLength - Length of data pointed to by pHeader. HeaderID - ID of the header.
Return Value:
The length of the header value, or 0 if it's not terminated.
--*/ NTSTATUS SingleHeaderHandler( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN ULONG HeaderLength, IN HTTP_HEADER_ID HeaderID, OUT ULONG * pBytesTaken ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG BytesTaken; ULONG HeaderValueLength; BOOLEAN EncodedWord;
// Find the end of the header value
Status = FindHeaderEnd( pRequest, pHeader, HeaderLength, &EncodedWord, &BytesTaken ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) == FALSE) goto end;
if (BytesTaken > 0) { // Strip of the trailing CRLF from the header value length
HeaderValueLength = BytesTaken - CRLF_SIZE;
// skip any preceding LWS.
while (HeaderValueLength > 0 && IS_HTTP_LWS(*pHeader)) { pHeader++; HeaderValueLength--; }
// Was it encoded at all?
pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].Encoded = EncodedWord ? 1 : 0;
// do we have an existing header?
if (pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].Valid == 0) { // No existing header, just save this pointer for now.
pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].Valid = 1; pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].HeaderLength = HeaderValueLength; pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].pHeader = pHeader;
// null terminate it. we have space as all headers end with CRLF.
// we are over-writing the CR
pHeader[HeaderValueLength] = ANSI_NULL;
// make space for a terminator
pRequest->TotalRequestSize += (HeaderValueLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
} else { //
// uh oh. Have an existing header, fail the request.
pRequest->ErrorCode = UlErrorHeader; pRequest->ParseState = ParseErrorState;
UlTrace(PARSER, ( "ul!SingleHeaderHandler(pRequest = %p, pHeader = %p)\n" " ERROR: multiple headers not allowed.\n", pRequest, pHeader )); Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; goto end;
// Success!
*pBytesTaken = BytesTaken;
end: return Status;
} // SingleHeaderHandler
Routine Description:
The default routine for handling headers. Used when we don't want to do anything with the header but find out if we have the whole thing and save a pointer to it if we do. this function handles multiple headers with the same name, and appends the values together seperated by commas.
pHttpConn - HTTP connection on which this header was received. pHeader - Pointer to the header value. HeaderLength - Length of data pointed to by pHeader. HeaderID - ID of the header.
Return Value:
The length of the header value, or 0 if it's not terminated.
--*/ NTSTATUS MultipleHeaderHandler( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN ULONG HeaderLength, IN HTTP_HEADER_ID HeaderID, OUT ULONG * pBytesTaken ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG BytesTaken; ULONG HeaderValueLength; BOOLEAN EncodedWord;
// Find the end of the header value
Status = FindHeaderEnd( pRequest, pHeader, HeaderLength, &EncodedWord, &BytesTaken ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) == FALSE) goto end;
if (BytesTaken > 0) { // Strip of the trailing CRLF from the header value length
HeaderValueLength = BytesTaken - CRLF_SIZE;
// skip any preceding LWS.
while (HeaderValueLength > 0 && IS_HTTP_LWS(*pHeader)) { pHeader++; HeaderValueLength--; }
// Was it encoded at all?
pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].Encoded = EncodedWord ? 1 : 0;
// do we have an existing header?
if (pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].Valid == 0) { // No existing header, just save this pointer for now.
pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].Valid = 1; pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].HeaderLength = HeaderValueLength; pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].pHeader = pHeader;
// null terminate it. we have space as all headers end with CRLF.
// we are over-writing the CR
pHeader[HeaderValueLength] = ANSI_NULL;
// make space for a terminator
pRequest->TotalRequestSize += (HeaderValueLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
} else { ULONG OldHeaderLength;
// Have an existing header, append this one.
OldHeaderLength = pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].HeaderLength;
Status = AppendHeaderValue( &pRequest->Headers[HeaderID], pHeader, HeaderValueLength );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) == FALSE) goto end;
// Update total request length for the amount we just added.
// space for the terminator is already in there
pRequest->TotalRequestSize += (pRequest->Headers[HeaderID].HeaderLength - OldHeaderLength) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Success!
*pBytesTaken = BytesTaken;
end: return Status;
} // MultipleHeaderHandler