Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains debug-specific declarations.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 10-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#ifndef _DEBUG_H_
#define _DEBUG_H_
// #if DBG
#if 0
// Initialization/termination functions.
VOID UlDbgInitializeDebugData( VOID );
VOID UlDbgTerminateDebugData( VOID );
// Driver entry/exit notifications.
VOID UlDbgEnterDriver( IN PSTR pFunctionName, IN PIRP pIrp OPTIONAL, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgLeaveDriver( IN PSTR pFunctionName, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
#define UL_ENTER_DRIVER( function, pirp ) \
UlDbgEnterDriver( \ (function), \ (pirp), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UL_LEAVE_DRIVER( function ) \
UlDbgLeaveDriver( \ (function), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
// An instrumented resource.
typedef struct _UL_ERESOURCE { //
// The actual resource.
// N.B. This must be the first entry in the structure to make the
// debugger extension work properly!
// Links onto the global resource list.
LIST_ENTRY GlobalResourceListEntry;
// Pointer to the thread that owns this lock exclusively.
PETHREAD pExclusiveOwner;
// Statistics.
LONG ExclusiveCount; LONG SharedCount; LONG ReleaseCount;
// The name of the resource, for display purposes.
NTSTATUS UlDbgInitializeResource( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pResourceName, IN ULONG_PTR Parameter, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
NTSTATUS UlDbgDeleteResource( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
BOOLEAN UlDbgAcquireResourceExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
BOOLEAN UlDbgAcquireResourceShared( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgReleaseResource( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
BOOLEAN UlDbgResourceOwnedExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource );
BOOLEAN UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource );
#define UlInitializeResource( resource, name, param ) \
UlDbgInitializeResource( \ (resource), \ (name), \ (ULONG_PTR)(param), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlDeleteResource( resource ) \
UlDbgDeleteResource( \ (resource), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlAcquireResourceExclusive( resource, wait ) \
UlDbgAcquireResourceExclusive( \ (resource), \ (wait), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlAcquireResourceShared( resource, wait ) \
UlDbgAcquireResourceShared( \ (resource), \ (wait), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlReleaseResource( resource ) \
UlDbgReleaseResource( \ (resource), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define IS_RESOURCE_INITIALIZED( resource ) \
((resource)->Resource.SystemResourcesList.Flink != NULL)
// An instrumented spinlock.
typedef struct _UL_SPIN_LOCK // SpinLock
{ //
// The actual lock.
// N.B. This must be the first entry in the structure to make the
// debugger extension work properly!
// The name of the spinlock, for display purposes.
PSTR pSpinLockName;
// Pointer to the thread that owns this lock.
PETHREAD pOwnerThread;
// Statistics.
PSTR pLastAcquireFileName; PSTR pLastReleaseFileName; USHORT LastAcquireLineNumber; USHORT LastReleaseLineNumber; ULONG OwnerProcessor; LONG Acquisitions; LONG Releases; LONG AcquisitionsAtDpcLevel; LONG ReleasesFromDpcLevel; LONG Spare;
VOID UlDbgInitializeSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PSTR pSpinLockName, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgAcquireSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, OUT PKIRQL pOldIrql, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgReleaseSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN KIRQL OldIrql, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
BOOLEAN UlDbgSpinLockOwned( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock );
BOOLEAN UlDbgSpinLockUnowned( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock );
#define UlInitializeSpinLock( spinlock, name ) \
UlDbgInitializeSpinLock( \ (spinlock), \ (name), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlAcquireSpinLock( spinlock, oldirql ) \
UlDbgAcquireSpinLock( \ (spinlock), \ (oldirql), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlReleaseSpinLock( spinlock, oldirql ) \
UlDbgReleaseSpinLock( \ (spinlock), \ (oldirql), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( spinlock ) \
UlDbgAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( \ (spinlock), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UlReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( spinlock ) \
UlDbgReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( \ (spinlock), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
// Debug spew control.
// If you change or add a flag, please update the FlagTable
// in ul\test\dll\tul.c.
#undef IF_DEBUG
#define IF_DEBUG(a) if ( (UL_DEBUG_ ## a & g_UlDebug) != 0 )
#define UL_DEBUG_OPEN_CLOSE 0x00000001
#define UL_DEBUG_SEND_RESPONSE 0x00000002
#define UL_DEBUG_SEND_BUFFER 0x00000004
#define UL_DEBUG_TDI 0x00000008
#define UL_DEBUG_FILE_CACHE 0x00000010
#define UL_DEBUG_CONFIG_GROUP_FNC 0x00000020
#define UL_DEBUG_CONFIG_GROUP_TREE 0x00000040
#define UL_DEBUG_REFCOUNT 0x00000080
#define UL_DEBUG_HTTP_IO 0x00000100
#define UL_DEBUG_ROUTING 0x00000200
#define UL_DEBUG_URI_CACHE 0x00000400
#define UL_DEBUG_PARSER 0x00000800
#define UL_DEBUG_SITE 0x00001000
#define UL_DEBUG_WORK_ITEM 0x00002000
#define UL_DEBUG_PARSER2 0x80000000
#define DEBUG
// Tracing.
#define UlTrace(a, _b_) \
do \ { \ IF_DEBUG(##a) \ { \ DbgPrint _b_ ; \ } \ } while (FALSE)
// Debug pool allocator.
PVOID UlDbgAllocatePool ( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgFreePool ( IN PVOID pPointer, IN ULONG Tag );
#define UL_ALLOCATE_POOL( type, len, tag ) \
UlDbgAllocatePool( \ (type), \ (len), \ (tag), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define UL_FREE_POOL( ptr, tag ) \
UlDbgFreePool( \ (ptr), \ (tag) \ )
// Exception filter.
LONG UlDbgExceptionFilter( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
UlDbgExceptionFilter( \ GetExceptionInformation(), \ (PSTR)__FILE__, \ (USHORT)__LINE__ \ )
// Invalid completion routine for catching incomplete IRP contexts.
VOID UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine( IN PVOID pCompletionContext, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN ULONG_PTR Information );
// Error handlers.
NTSTATUS UlDbgStatus( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
#define RETURN(status) \
return UlDbgStatus( \ (status), \ __FILE__, \ __LINE__ \ )
#define CHECK_STATUS(status) \
UlDbgStatus( \ (status), \ (PSTR)__FILE__, \ (USHORT)__LINE__ \ )
// Random structure dumpers.
VOID UlDbgDumpRequestBuffer( IN struct _UL_REQUEST_BUFFER *pBuffer, IN PSTR pName );
VOID UlDbgDumpHttpConnection( IN struct _HTTP_CONNECTION *pConnection, IN PSTR pName );
// IO wrappers.
PIRP UlDbgAllocateIrp( IN CCHAR StackSize, IN BOOLEAN ChargeQuota, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgFreeIrp( IN PIRP pIrp, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
NTSTATUS UlDbgCallDriver( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN OUT PIRP pIrp, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
VOID UlDbgCompleteRequest( IN PIRP pIrp, IN CCHAR PriorityBoost, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber );
#define UlAllocateIrp( stack, quota ) \
UlDbgAllocateIrp( \ (stack), \ (quota), \ (PSTR)__FILE__, \ (USHORT)__LINE__ \ )
#define UlFreeIrp( pirp ) \
UlDbgFreeIrp( \ (pirp), \ (PSTR)__FILE__, \ (USHORT)__LINE__ \ )
#define UlCallDriver( pdevice, pirp ) \
UlDbgCallDriver( \ (pdevice), \ (pirp), \ (PSTR)__FILE__, \ (USHORT)__LINE__ \ )
#define UlCompleteRequest( pirp, boost ) \
UlDbgCompleteRequest( \ (pirp), \ (boost), \ (PSTR)__FILE__, \ (USHORT)__LINE__ \ )
#else // !DBG
// Disable all of the above.
#define UL_ENTER_DRIVER( function, pirp )
#define UL_LEAVE_DRIVER( function )
#define UlInitializeResource( resource, name, param ) \
ExInitializeResource( (resource) )
#define UlDeleteResource( resource ) \
ExDeleteResource( (resource) )
#define UlAcquireResourceExclusive( resource, wait ) \
do \ { \ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); \ ExAcquireResourceExclusive( (resource), (wait) ); \ } while (FALSE)
#define UlAcquireResourceShared( resource, wait ) \
do \ { \ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); \ ExAcquireResourceShared( (resource), (wait) ); \ } while (FALSE)
#define UlReleaseResource( resource ) \
do \ { \ ExReleaseResource( (resource) ); \ KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); \ } while (FALSE)
#define IS_RESOURCE_INITIALIZED( resource ) \
((resource)->SystemResourcesList.Flink != NULL)
#define KSPIN_LOCK_FROM_UL_SPIN_LOCK( pLock ) (pLock)
#define UlInitializeSpinLock( spinlock, name ) \
KeInitializeSpinLock( (spinlock) )
#define UlAcquireSpinLock( spinlock, oldirql ) \
KeAcquireSpinLock( (spinlock), (oldirql) )
#define UlReleaseSpinLock( spinlock, oldirql ) \
KeReleaseSpinLock( (spinlock), (oldirql) )
#define UlAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( spinlock ) \
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( (spinlock) )
#define UlReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( spinlock ) \
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( (spinlock) )
#undef IF_DEBUG
#define IF_DEBUG(a) if (FALSE)
#define DEBUG if ( FALSE )
#define UlTrace(a, _b_) \
// do {printf _b_; printf( " - line #%d.\n", __LINE__ ); } while(0)
#define UL_ALLOCATE_POOL( type, len, tag ) \
HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0 , (len) )
#define UL_FREE_POOL( ptr, tag ) \
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0 , (ptr) )
#define RETURN(status) return (status)
#define CHECK_STATUS(Status)
#define UlAllocateIrp( stack, quota ) \
IoAllocateIrp( (stack), (quota) )
#define UlFreeIrp( pirp ) \
IoFreeIrp( (pirp) )
#define UlCallDriver( pdevice, pirp ) \
IoCallDriver( (pdevice), (pirp) )
#define UlCompleteRequest( pirp, boost ) \
IoCompleteRequest( (pirp), (boost) )
#endif // DBG
// BUGBUG: ALIGN_UP(PVOID) won't work, it needs to be the type of the first entry of the
// following data (paulmcd 4/29/99)
#define UL_ALLOCATE_STRUCT_WITH_SPACE(pt,ot,cb,t) \
(ot *)(UL_ALLOCATE_POOL(pt,ALIGN_UP(sizeof(ot),PVOID)+(cb),t))
#define UL_ALLOCATE_STRUCT(pt,ot,t) \
(ot *)(UL_ALLOCATE_POOL(pt,sizeof(ot),t))
#define UL_ALLOCATE_ARRAY(pt,et,c,t) \
(et *)(UL_ALLOCATE_POOL(pt,sizeof(et)*(c),t))
#define UL_FREE_POOL_WITH_SIG(a,t) \
do { \ (a)->Signature = MAKE_FREE_TAG(t); \ UL_FREE_POOL(a,t); \ (a) = NULL; \ } while (0)
#endif // _DEBUG_H_