// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 2000.
// File: colhash.cxx
// Contents: Hash table compressions for large tables.
// Classes: CCompressedColHash
// Functions: GuidHash - Hash function for GUIDs
// History: 13 Apr 1994 AlanW Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <objcur.hxx>
#include <tblvarnt.hxx>
#include "tabledbg.hxx"
#include "colcompr.hxx"
const USHORT MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 32767; // Maximum hash table size
// Function: GuidHash, public
// Synopsis: Hash a GUID value for use in a hash table.
// Arguments: [pbData] - pointer to the value to be hashed.
// [cbData] - should be sizeof (GUID), unused
// Returns: ULONG - Hash value for the input GUID
// Notes: The hash function just xors a few selected fields out
// of the GUID structure. It is intended to work well for
// both generated GUIDs (from UuidCreate) and administratively
// assigned GUIDs like OLE IIDs and CLSIDs.
ULONG GuidHash( BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbData ) { UNALIGNED GUID *pGuid = (GUID *)pbData; return (pGuid->Data1 ^ (pGuid->Data4[0]<<16) ^ (pGuid->Data4[6]<<8) ^ (pGuid->Data4[7])); }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::DefaultHash, public static
// Synopsis: Generic hash function
// Arguments: [pbData] - pointer to the value to be hashed.
// [cbData] - size of pbData
// Returns: ULONG - Hash value for the input data
ULONG CCompressedColHash::DefaultHash( BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbData ) { ULONG ulRet = cbData;
while (cbData--) ulRet = (ulRet<<1) ^ *pbData++;
return ulRet; }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::CCompressedColHash, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for a hash compressed column.
// Arguments: [vtData] - type of each data item
// [cbDataWidth] - size of each data item
// [pfnHashFunction] - pointer to hash function
// Returns: pKey is filled in with the index of the data item in
// the data array.
// Notes:
CCompressedColHash::CCompressedColHash( VARTYPE vtData, USHORT cbDataWidth, PFNHASH pfnHashFunction) : CCompressedCol( vtData, // DataType
sizeof (HASHKEY), // _cbKeyWidth
CCompressedCol::FixedHash // _CompressionType
_cbDataWidth(cbDataWidth), _pfnHash(pfnHashFunction), _pHashTable(NULL), _cHashEntries(0), _pDataItems(NULL), _cDataItems(0), _fGrowthInProgress(FALSE), _pData(NULL), _cbData(0), _ulMemCounter(0) {
CCompressedColHash::~CCompressedColHash( ) { if (_pData) { TblPageDealloc(_pData, _ulMemCounter); _pData = NULL; _cbData = 0; } Win4Assert(_ulMemCounter == 0); }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::AddData, public
// Synopsis: Add a data entry to the hash table if it is not
// already there.
// Arguments: [pVarnt] - pointer to data item
// [pKey] - pointer to lookup key value
// [reIndicator] - returns an indicator variable for
// problems
// Returns: pKey is filled in with the index of the data item in
// the data array. reIndicator is filled with an indication
// of problems.
// Notes:
VOID CCompressedColHash::AddData( PROPVARIANT const * const pVarnt, ULONG* pKey, GetValueResult& reIndicator ) { //
// Specially handle the VT_EMPTY case
if (pVarnt->vt == VT_EMPTY) { *pKey = 0; reIndicator = GVRSuccess; return; }
CTableVariant *pVar = (CTableVariant *)pVarnt; Win4Assert(pVarnt->vt == DataType);
BYTE *pbData ; USHORT cbData = (USHORT) pVar->VarDataSize();
Win4Assert(cbData && cbData == _cbDataWidth); if (pVar->VariantPointerInFirstWord( )) { pbData = (BYTE *) pVar->pszVal; } else { Win4Assert(pVar->VariantPointerInSecondWord( )); pbData = (BYTE *) pVar->blob.pBlobData; }
_AddData(pbData, cbData, pKey); reIndicator = GVRSuccess; return; }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::_AddData, protected
// Synopsis: Helper for the public AddData method. Adds
// a data entry to the hash table (if it does not already
// exist).
// Arguments: [pbData] - pointer to data item
// [cbDataSize] - size of data item
// [pKey] - pointer to lookup key value
// Returns: pKey is filled in with the index of the data item in
// the data array.
// Notes:
VOID CCompressedColHash::_AddData( BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbDataSize, ULONG* pKey ) { Win4Assert(cbDataSize == _cbDataWidth);
if (_pData == NULL) { _GrowHashTable(); }
ULONG ulHash = _pfnHash(pbData, cbDataSize);
ulHash %= _cHashEntries;
HASHKEY* pusHashChain = &_pHashTable[ulHash]; HASHKEY* pusNextData; USHORT cChainLength = 0;
while (*pusHashChain != 0) { cChainLength++; pusNextData = _IndexHashkey( *pusHashChain );
if (memcmp((BYTE *) (pusNextData+1), pbData, cbDataSize) == 0) { //
// Found the data item. Return its index.
*pKey = *pusHashChain; return; } pusHashChain = pusNextData; } if (cChainLength > _maxChain) _maxChain = cChainLength;
pusNextData = (HASHKEY *) ((BYTE *)_pDataItems + (_cDataItems) * (sizeof (HASHKEY) + _cbDataWidth)); if (((BYTE*)pusNextData + (sizeof (HASHKEY) + _cbDataWidth) - (BYTE *)_pData) > (int) _cbData || (_cDataItems > (ULONG) ( _cHashEntries * 3 ) && _cHashEntries < MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE && !_fGrowthInProgress)) {
// The new data will not fit in the table, or the hash chains will
// be too long. Grow the table, then recurse. The table may be
// rehashed, and can be moved when grown, so the lookup we've
// already done may be invalid.
_GrowHashTable(); _AddData(pbData, cbDataSize, pKey); return; }
// Now add the new data item. The data item consists of a USHORT
// for the hash chain, followed by the buffer for the fixed size
// data item.
*pKey = *pusHashChain = ++_cDataItems; Win4Assert(_cDataItems != 0); // check for overflow
*pusNextData++ = 0; RtlCopyMemory((BYTE *)pusNextData, pbData, _cbDataWidth); }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::_Rehash, protected
// Synopsis: Helper function for the _GrowHashTable method.
// reinserts an existing item into the hash table.
// Arguments: [pbData] - pointer to data item
// [kData] - index to the data item in the table
// Returns: Nothing
// Notes:
VOID CCompressedColHash::_Rehash( HASHKEY kData, BYTE *pbData ) { Win4Assert(_pData != NULL && kData > 0 && kData <= _cDataItems);
ULONG ulHash = _pfnHash(pbData, _cbDataWidth);
ulHash %= _cHashEntries;
HASHKEY* pusHashChain = &_pHashTable[ulHash]; HASHKEY* pusNextData; USHORT cChainLength = 0;
while (*pusHashChain != 0) { cChainLength++; pusNextData = _IndexHashkey( *pusHashChain ); pusHashChain = pusNextData; } if (cChainLength > _maxChain) _maxChain = cChainLength;
pusNextData = _IndexHashkey( kData );
// Now add the data item to the hash chain.
*pusHashChain = kData; *pusNextData++ = 0; Win4Assert((BYTE*)pusNextData == pbData); return; }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::GetData, public
// Synopsis: Retrieve a value from the hash table.
// Arguments: [pVarnt] - pointer to variant in which to return the data
// [PreferredType] - Peferred data type
// [ulKey] - the lookup key value
// [PropId] - (unused) property id being retrieved.
// Returns: pVarnt is filled with the result of the lookup.
// Notes: The PreferredType expresses the caller's preference only.
// This method is free to return whatever type is most
// convenient.
// The returned data does not conform to any alignment
// restrictions on the data.
GetValueResult CCompressedColHash::GetData( PROPVARIANT * pVarnt, VARTYPE PreferredType, ULONG ulKey, PROPID PropId ) { CTableVariant *pVar = (CTableVariant *)pVarnt; Win4Assert(PreferredType == DataType && ulKey >= 1 && ulKey <= _cDataItems);
if (ulKey >= 1 && ulKey <= _cDataItems) { pVarnt->vt = DataType;
BYTE *pbData = ((BYTE *)_pDataItems + (ulKey-1) * (sizeof (HASHKEY) + _cbDataWidth)) + sizeof (HASHKEY);
if (pVar->VariantPointerInFirstWord( )) { pVar->pszVal = (CHAR*)pbData; } else { Win4Assert(pVar->VariantPointerInSecondWord( )); pVar->blob.pBlobData = pbData; } return GVRSuccess; } else { pVarnt->vt = VT_EMPTY; return GVRNotAvailable; } }
void CCompressedColHash::FreeVariant(PROPVARIANT * pvarnt) { }
// Method: CCompressedColHash::_GrowHashTable, protected
// Synopsis: Grow the space allocated to the hash table and data
// items.
// Arguments: - none -
// Returns: Nothing
// Notes: Also called to allocate the initial data area.
// The number of hash buckets starts out at a low
// number, then is increased as the amount of data
// grows. Data items must be rehashed when this occurs.
// Since items are identified by their offset in the
// data array, this must not change while rehashing.
const unsigned MIN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 11; // Minimum hash table size
inline USHORT CCompressedColHash::_NextHashSize( HASHKEY cItems, USHORT cHash ) { do { cHash = cHash*2 + 1; } while (cHash < _cDataItems); return (cHash < MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) ? cHash : MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; }
VOID CCompressedColHash::_GrowHashTable( void ) { ULONG cbSize; USHORT cNewHashEntries; int fRehash = FALSE;
Win4Assert(!_fGrowthInProgress && "Recursive call to CCompressedColHash::_GrowHashTable");
_fGrowthInProgress = TRUE; if (_pData == NULL) { cNewHashEntries = MIN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; } else if (_cHashEntries < MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE && (_cDataItems > (ULONG) _cHashEntries*2 || (_cDataItems > _cHashEntries && _maxChain > 3))) { cNewHashEntries = _NextHashSize(_cDataItems, _cHashEntries); fRehash = TRUE; tbDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Growing hash table, old,new sizes = %d,%d\n", _cHashEntries, cNewHashEntries)); }
// Compute the required size of the hash table and data
cbSize = _cHashEntries * sizeof(HASHKEY); cbSize += (_cDataItems + 4) * (_cbDataWidth + sizeof (HASHKEY)); cbSize = TblPageGrowSize(cbSize, TRUE); Win4Assert(cbSize > _cbData || (fRehash && cbSize == _cbData));
BYTE *pbNewData;
if (_pData && cbSize < TBL_PAGE_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE) { pbNewData = (BYTE *) TblPageRealloc(_pData, _ulMemCounter, cbSize, 0); } else { pbNewData = (BYTE *)TblPageAlloc(cbSize, _ulMemCounter, TBL_SIG_COMPRESSED); }
tbDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "New hash table at = %x\n", pbNewData));
if (_pData != NULL && !fRehash) { if (_pData != pbNewData) { RtlCopyMemory(pbNewData, _pData, _cbData); TblPageDealloc(_pData, _ulMemCounter, _cbData); _pData = pbNewData; } _cbData = cbSize; _pHashTable = (HASHKEY *) _pData; _pDataItems = (BYTE *) (_pHashTable + _cHashEntries); } else { BYTE *pOldDataItems = _pDataItems; VOID *pOldData = _pData; ULONG cbOldSize = _cbData;
_pData = pbNewData; _cbData = cbSize; _pHashTable = (HASHKEY *)_pData; _cHashEntries = cNewHashEntries; _pDataItems = (BYTE *) (_pHashTable + _cHashEntries); if (pOldData != NULL) RtlMoveMemory(_pDataItems, pOldDataItems, _cDataItems * (sizeof (HASHKEY) + _cbDataWidth)); RtlZeroMemory(_pHashTable, cNewHashEntries * sizeof (HASHKEY)); _maxChain = 0;
// Now re-add all old data items to the hash table.
pOldDataItems = _pDataItems; for (HASHKEY i=1; i<=_cDataItems; i++) { pOldDataItems += sizeof (HASHKEY); // skip hash chain
_Rehash(i, pOldDataItems); pOldDataItems += _cbDataWidth; // skip data item
} if (pOldData != NULL && pOldData != _pData) TblPageDealloc(pOldData, _ulMemCounter, cbOldSize); }
_fGrowthInProgress = FALSE; return; }
// Function: _ClearAll
// Synopsis: Method clears all the data in the "fixed width" part of the
// memory buffer.
// Arguments: (none)
// History: 12-16-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCompressedColHash::_ClearAll() { RtlZeroMemory(_pHashTable, _cHashEntries * sizeof (HASHKEY)); RtlZeroMemory(_pDataItems, _cDataItems * _cbDataWidth ); _cDataItems = 0; }