// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 2000.
// File: tblbuket.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of the bucket in large table.
// Classes: CTableBucket
// CBucketRowIter
// CBucketRowCompare
// History: 2-14-95 srikants Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <query.hxx>
#include <objcur.hxx>
#include "tblbuket.hxx"
#include "tabledbg.hxx"
#include "tblwindo.hxx"
#include "colcompr.hxx"
// Function: CTableBucket constructor
// Arguments: [pSortSet] - Pointer to the sort set.
// [masterColSet] - Reference tot he master column set.
// [segId] - Segment Id of the this segment
// History: 2-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
CTableBucket::CTableBucket( CSortSet const & sortSet, CTableKeyCompare & comparator, CColumnMasterSet & masterColSet, ULONG segId ) : CTableSegment( CTableSegment::eBucket, segId, sortSet, comparator ), _minWid(0), _maxWid(0), _fSorted(TRUE), _widArray( CTableSegment::cBucketRowLimit+20 ) ,_pLargeTable(0) { _fStoreRank = ( 0 != masterColSet.Find( pidRank ) ); _fStoreHitCount = ( 0 != masterColSet.Find( pidHitCount ) );
CColumnMasterDesc * pDesc = masterColSet.Find(pidPath); _pPathCompressor = pDesc ? pDesc->GetCompressor() : 0; }
// Function: PutRow
// Synopsis: Add/Replaces a row in the bucket
// Arguments: [obj] - Reference to the retriever for the row
// [eRowType] - Type of the row.
// Returns: FALSE always (why?)
// History: 2-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CTableBucket::PutRow( CRetriever & obj, CTableRowKey & currKey ) { WORKID wid = obj.WorkId();
PROPVARIANT vRank; if ( _fStoreRank ) { ULONG cbRank = sizeof vRank; obj.GetPropertyValue( pidRank, &vRank, &cbRank ); Win4Assert( VT_I4 == vRank.vt ); }
PROPVARIANT vHitCount; if ( _fStoreHitCount ) { ULONG cbHitCount = sizeof vHitCount; obj.GetPropertyValue( pidHitCount, &vHitCount, &cbHitCount ); Win4Assert( VT_I4 == vHitCount.vt ); }
BOOL fNew = _AddWorkId( wid, vRank.lVal, vHitCount.lVal );
// Update Low and High Keys
if ( _comparator.Compare( currKey, _lowKey ) < 0 ) _lowKey = currKey;
int iCmp = _comparator.Compare( currKey, _highKey ); if ( iCmp > 0 ) _highKey = currKey; else if ( iCmp < 0 ) _fSorted = FALSE;
return FALSE; }
// Function: _AddWorkId
// Synopsis: Add/Replace the given workid to the table. It appends the
// new workid to the end of the widArray and updates the
// hash table.
// Arguments: [wid] - The wid to be added.
// [lRank] - Rank for the hit
// [lHitCount] - HitCount for the hit
// Returns: TRUE if this is a brand new wid.
// FALSE if the wid already existed.
// History: 2-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CTableBucket::_AddWorkId( WORKID wid, LONG lRank, LONG lHitCount ) { if ( 0 == _hTable.Count() ) { _minWid = _maxWid = wid; } else if ( wid < _minWid ) { _minWid = wid; } else if ( wid > _maxWid ) { _maxWid = wid; }
CWidValueHashEntry entry( wid );
BOOL fFound = _hTable.LookUpWorkId( entry ); if ( !fFound ) { //
// The wid doesn't already exist. We have to append it to
// the end of the wid array
unsigned pos = _widArray.Count(); _widArray.Add( wid, pos ); entry.SetValue( pos );
if ( _fStoreRank ) _aRank[ pos ] = lRank;
if ( _fStoreHitCount ) _aHitCount[ pos ] = lHitCount;
// Add the workid to the hash table.
_hTable.AddEntry( entry ); } else { Win4Assert( entry.Value() < _widArray.Size() ); Win4Assert( _widArray.Get( entry.Value() ) == wid ); }
return !fFound; }
// Function: RemoveRow
// Synopsis: Removes the specified row (if present) from the table.
// Arguments: [varUnique] - The row to be removed
// History: 2-17-95 srikants Created
// Notes: NEWFEATURE/BROKENCODE: vikasman - _highKey & _lowKey not being
// updated here !! But we don't expect RemoveRow to be called
BOOL CTableBucket::RemoveRow( PROPVARIANT const & varUnique, WORKID & widNext, CI_TBL_CHAPT & chapt ) { widNext = widInvalid; // until categorization supports buckets
chapt = chaptInvalid;
Win4Assert(varUnique.vt == VT_I4);
WORKID wid = (WORKID) varUnique.lVal;
CWidValueHashEntry entry( wid );
BOOL fFound = _hTable.LookUpWorkId( entry ); if ( fFound ) { Win4Assert( entry.Value() < _widArray.Size() ); Win4Assert( _widArray.Get( entry.Value() ) == wid );
// Set the value to widInvalid in the widArray.
_widArray.Get( entry.Value() ) = widDeleted; _hTable.DeleteWorkId( wid );
// While deletions don't really destroy the sort order, the
// widArray will no longer have workids in order because we don't
// compact the widarray on deletions. Compaction is memory intensive
// as well we have to fix the hash table.
_fSorted = FALSE; }
return fFound; }
// Function: SortOrder
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 2-17-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
CSortSet const & CTableBucket::SortOrder() { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); return *((CSortSet *) 0); }
// Function: IsGettingFull
// Synopsis: Checks if the bucket is getting too full.
// Returns: TRUE if getting full. FALSE o/w
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CTableBucket::IsGettingFull() { return _hTable.Count() >= CTableSink::cBucketRowLimit; }
// Function: WorkIdAtOffset
// Synopsis: Returns the workid at the specified offset, if one can
// be found. windInvalid o/w
// Arguments: [offset] - The offset at which the wid is needed.
// Returns: If the bucket is sorted and the offset is within the
// limits of the bucket, it will be the workid at that offset.
// O/W, it will be widInvalid.
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
WORKID CTableBucket::WorkIdAtOffset( ULONG offset ) const {
WORKID wid = widInvalid;
if ( IsSorted() && ( offset < _widArray.Count() )) { wid = _widArray.Get(offset); }
return wid; }
// Function: RowOffset
// Synopsis: Gives the row offset of the workid, if possible.
// Arguments: [wid] - The workid to look up.
// [rOffset] - On output, it will have the offset of the
// row.
// Returns: TRUE if the wid could be located and the bucket is sorted.
// FALSE o/w
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CTableBucket::RowOffset( WORKID wid, ULONG & rOffset ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; if ( _fSorted ) { CWidValueHashEntry entry( wid );
if ( _hTable.LookUpWorkId( entry ) ) { fRet = TRUE; rOffset = entry.Value(); Win4Assert( _widArray.Get( rOffset ) == wid ); } }
return fRet; }
// Function: WorkIdToPath
// Synopsis: Used in downlevel for bucket->window conversion. Given a
// workid, it returns the path associated with the wid.
// Arguments: [wid] - The wid to convert to a path.
// [outVarnt] - The variant that will contain the path.
// [cbVarnt] - Length of the variant
// Returns: TRUE if successfully retrieved.
// FALSE o/w
// History: 3-29-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CTableBucket::WorkIdToPath( WORKID wid, CInlineVariant & outVarnt, ULONG & cbVarnt ) {
Win4Assert( 0 != _pLargeTable ); Win4Assert( 0 != _pPathCompressor );
CLock lock( _pLargeTable->GetMutex() );
CTableVariant pathVarnt; XCompressFreeVariant xpvarnt;
BOOL fStatus = FALSE;
if ( GVRSuccess == _pPathCompressor->GetData( &pathVarnt, VT_LPWSTR, wid, pidPath ) ) { xpvarnt.Set( _pPathCompressor, &pathVarnt );
// Copy the data from the variant to the buffer.
const ULONG cbHeader = sizeof(CInlineVariant); ULONG cbVarData = pathVarnt.VarDataSize(); ULONG cbTotal = cbVarData + cbHeader;
if ( cbVarnt >= cbTotal ) { CVarBufferAllocator bufAlloc( outVarnt.GetVarBuffer(), cbVarData ); bufAlloc.SetBase(0); pathVarnt.Copy( &outVarnt, bufAlloc, (USHORT) cbVarData, 0 ); fStatus = TRUE; }
cbVarnt = cbTotal; }
return fStatus; }
#if DBG==1
// Function: _CheckIfTooBig
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 4-14-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CTableBucket::_CheckIfTooBig() { if ( _hTable.Count() > CTableSink::cBucketRowLimit ) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Bucket 0x%X is getting too full 0x%X Rows. Still adding. \n", GetSegId(), _hTable.Count() )); } } #endif // DBG==1
// Function: WorkId
// Synopsis: Returns the current workid in the retriever.
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
WORKID CBucketRowIter::WorkId() { WORKID wid = widInvalid;
// Skip over the deleted wids
while ( !_AtEnd() && ( (wid=_Get()) == widDeleted ) ) _Next();
if ( !_AtEnd() ) { Win4Assert( widInvalid != wid );
if ( _fRetrievePath ) { _pwszPath[0] = 0; _cwcCurrPath = 1;
ULONG cbVarnt = cbPathVarnt; BOOL fStatus = _bucket.WorkIdToPath( wid, _pathVarnt, cbVarnt ); Win4Assert( fStatus ); Win4Assert( cbVarnt >= sizeof(CTableVariant) ); _cwcCurrPath = (cbVarnt-sizeof(CTableVariant))/sizeof(WCHAR); }
return wid; } else { return widInvalid; } }
// Function: NextWorkId
// Synopsis: Positions to the next workid in the iterator
// Returns: The next work id.
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
WORKID CBucketRowIter::NextWorkId() { Win4Assert ( !_AtEnd() ); _Next(); return WorkId(); }
// Function: Path
// Synopsis: Retrieves the path of the current wid.
// History: 3-29-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
WCHAR const * CBucketRowIter::Path() { return _pwszPath; }
// Function: PathSize
// Synopsis: Returns the size of the path in bytes excluding the
// null termination
// Returns: The size of the path in BYTES WITHOUT the null termination
// History: 3-29-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
unsigned CBucketRowIter::PathSize() {
Win4Assert( _cwcCurrPath > 0 ); //
// Don't include the trailing zero
return (_cwcCurrPath-1)*sizeof(WCHAR); }