// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998
// File: crequest.cxx
// Contents: Client side of catalog/query requests
// Classes: CPipeClient
// CRequestClient
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <query.hxx>
#include <cidbprop.hxx>
#include <sizeser.hxx>
#include <memser.hxx>
// Member: CPipeClient::CPipeClient, protected
// Synopsis: Simple constructor
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
CPipeClient::CPipeClient() : _hPipe( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { } //CPipeClient
// Member: CPipeClient::Init, protected
// Synopsis: Second phase constructor for a client pipe. The pipe is
// opened or an exception is thrown. This method may take
// awhile to complete depending on the availability of a pipe
// instance on the server and on the timeout for the pipe as
// set on the server.
// Arguments: [pwcMachine] - Name of the server or "." for local machine
// [pwcPipe] - Name of the pipe
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CPipeClient::Init( WCHAR const * pwcMachine, WCHAR const * pwcPipe ) {
_pTraceBefore = 0; _pTraceAfter = 0; _hTraceDll = LoadLibraryEx( L"cipipetrace.dll", 0, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH );
if ( 0 != _hTraceDll ) { _pTraceBefore = (PipeTraceBeforeCall) GetProcAddress( _hTraceDll, "Before" ); _pTraceAfter = (PipeTraceAfterCall) GetProcAddress( _hTraceDll, "After" ); }
RtlZeroMemory( &_overlapped, sizeof _overlapped ); RtlZeroMemory( &_overlappedWrite, sizeof _overlappedWrite );
_fServerIsRemote = ( L'.' != pwcMachine[0] );
WCHAR awcName[ MAX_PATH ];
unsigned cwc = wcslen( pwcMachine ); cwc += wcslen( pwcPipe ); cwc += 20;
if ( cwc >= ( sizeof awcName / sizeof WCHAR ) ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
wcscpy( awcName, L"\\\\" ); wcscat( awcName, pwcMachine ); wcscat( awcName, L"\\pipe\\" ); wcscat( awcName, pwcPipe );
#if CIDBG == 1
WCHAR awcThisUser[ UNLEN ]; DWORD cbThisUser = sizeof awcThisUser / sizeof WCHAR; GetUserName( awcThisUser, &cbThisUser );
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "connecting tid %d to pipe '%ws' as user '%ws'\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), awcName, awcThisUser ));
#endif // CIDBG == 1
do { // Timeout based on what the server specified if a pipe exists
// but no instances are available. Throw if no pipe exists.
if ( ! WaitNamedPipe( awcName, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT ) ) QUIETTHROW( CException() );
// At least one instance was available. This CreateFile will fail
// if some other app grabbed the instance before we could. If so,
// wait and try again.
_hPipe = CreateFile( awcName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, // security
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != _hPipe ) { // Local client pipes are always created in byte mode, not
// message mode, so set the mode to message.
if ( ! SetNamedPipeHandleState( _hPipe, &dwMode, 0, 0 ) ) { HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( _hPipe ); _hPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; THROW( CException( hr ) ); } break; } else if ( ERROR_PIPE_BUSY != GetLastError() ) { THROW( CException() ); } } while ( TRUE );
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "created pipe 0x%x\n", _hPipe )); } //Init
// Member: CPipeClient::Close, protected
// Synopsis: Closes the pipe if it is open
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CPipeClient::Close() { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != _hPipe ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "closing pipe: 0x%x\n", _hPipe )); BOOL fCloseOk = CloseHandle( _hPipe ); Win4Assert( fCloseOk );
if ( 0 != _hTraceDll ) { FreeLibrary( _hTraceDll ); _hTraceDll = 0; }
} //Close
// Function: HandleClientWriteError
// Synopsis: Handles error case on pipe write commands
// Arguments: [hPipe] -- Pipe on which the operation failed
// Notes: When it looks like the connection has gone stale, throw
// STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED, so the caller knows to
// open a new pipe to the server.
// History: 16-May-99 dlee Created.
void HandleClientWriteError( HANDLE hPipe ) { //
// This error state will happen for stale cached ICommands.
// Alternatively, the handle will be set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE by
// TerminateRudelyNoThrow(), and the pipe will no longer
// be connected if cisvc went down.
// Throw a well-known status so we can try to connect again.
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hPipe || ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED == dwError || ERROR_BAD_PIPE == dwError || ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP == dwError ) // rdr gives this sometimes
THROW( CException() ); } //HandleClientWriteError
// Member: CPipeClient::TransactSync, protected
// Synopsis: Does a synchronous write/read transaction on the pipe.
// Arguments: [pvWrite] - Buffer to be written
// [cbToWrite] - # of bytes to write
// [pvRead] - Buffer for read result
// [cbReadRequest] - Size of pvRead
// [cbRead] - Returns # of bytes read
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CPipeClient::TransactSync( void * pvWrite, DWORD cbToWrite, void * pvRead, DWORD cbReadRequest, DWORD & cbRead ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "xact tid %d on pipe 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), _hPipe ));
// Win32 named pipe operations require buffers < 64k. If you specify
// a larger buffer it succeeds without a failure code, but the server
// never sees the request. So do an explicit check here to validate
// the buffer size.
if ( cbToWrite > 0xffff ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
_overlapped.hEvent = _event.GetHandle();
void * pvWriteOrg = pvWrite; DWORD cbToWriteOrg = cbToWrite;
if ( 0 != _pTraceBefore ) (*_pTraceBefore)( _hPipe, cbToWriteOrg, pvWriteOrg, cbToWrite, pvWrite );
if ( ! TransactNamedPipe( _hPipe, pvWrite, cbToWrite, pvRead, cbReadRequest, &cbRead, &_overlapped ) ) { if ( ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) { if ( !GetOverlappedResult( _hPipe, &_overlapped, &cbRead, TRUE ) ) HandleClientWriteError( _hPipe ); } else HandleClientWriteError( _hPipe ); }
if ( 0 != _pTraceAfter ) (*_pTraceAfter)( _hPipe, cbToWriteOrg, pvWriteOrg, cbToWrite, pvWrite, cbRead, pvRead );
} //TransactSync
// Member: CPipeClient::WriteSync, protected
// Synopsis: Does a synchronous write to the pipe.
// Arguments: [pvWrite] - Buffer to be written
// [cbToWrite] - # of bytes to write
// Notes: When it looks like the connection has gone stale, throw
// STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED, so the caller knows to
// open a new pipe to the server,.
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CPipeClient::WriteSync( void * pvWrite, DWORD cbToWrite ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "writesync tid %d on pipe 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), _hPipe ));
// Win32 named pipe operations require buffers < 64k. If you specify
// a larger buffer it succeeds without a failure code, but the server
// never sees the request. So do an explicit check here to validate
// the buffer size.
if ( cbToWrite > 0xffff ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
_overlappedWrite.hEvent = _eventWrite.GetHandle(); DWORD cbWritten;
if ( ! WriteFile( _hPipe, pvWrite, cbToWrite, &cbWritten, &_overlappedWrite ) ) { if ( ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) { if ( !GetOverlappedResult( _hPipe, &_overlappedWrite, &cbWritten, TRUE ) ) HandleClientWriteError( _hPipe ); } else HandleClientWriteError( _hPipe ); } } //WriteSync
// Member: CPipeClient::ReadSync, protected
// Synopsis: Does a synchronous from the pipe.
// Arguments: [pvRead] - Buffer for read result
// [cbReadRequest] - Size of pvRead
// [cbRead] - Returns # of bytes read
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CPipeClient::ReadSync( void * pvRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD & cbRead ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "readsync 1 tid %d on pipe 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), _hPipe ));
_overlapped.hEvent = _event.GetHandle();
if ( ! ReadFile( _hPipe, pvRead, cbToRead, &cbRead, &_overlapped ) ) { if ( ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) { if ( !GetOverlappedResult( _hPipe, &_overlapped, &cbRead, TRUE ) ) { // If this assert hits, you probably added large notify msg
Win4Assert( ERROR_MORE_DATA != GetLastError() ); THROW( CException() ); } } else THROW( CException() ); } } //ReadSync
// Member: CPipeClient::ReadSync, protected
// Synopsis: Does a synchronous read from the pipe, aborting the read
// if hEvent is signalled before the read is started or
// completed.
// Arguments: [pvRead] - Buffer for read result
// [cbReadRequest] - Size of pvRead
// [cbRead] - Returns # of bytes read
// [hEvent] - When signalled, the read is aborted
// Returns: TRUE if hEvent has been triggered
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
BOOL CPipeClient::ReadSync( void * pvRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD & cbRead, HANDLE hEvent ) { cbRead = 0;
// Since the read below can complete without going pending,
// check the terminate event here first.
if ( 0 == WaitForSingleObject( hEvent, 0 ) ) return TRUE;
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "readsync 2 tid %d on pipe 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), _hPipe ));
_overlapped.hEvent = _event.GetHandle();
if ( ! ReadFile( _hPipe, pvRead, cbToRead, &cbRead, &_overlapped ) ) { if ( ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) { HANDLE ah[2]; ah[0] = _event.GetHandle(); ah[1] = hEvent;
DWORD dw = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, ah, FALSE, INFINITE ); Win4Assert( 0 == dw || 1 == dw );
if ( 0 == dw ) { if ( !GetOverlappedResult( _hPipe, &_overlapped, &cbRead, FALSE ) ) THROW( CException() ); } else if ( 1 == dw ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "notify thread told to die, cancel i/o\n" ));
// Cancel the io so that it won't complete on buffers that
// have been freed. No check can be made of the return code
// since the pipe may have been closed by now on the server.
BOOL fOK = CancelIo( _hPipe ); prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CancelIo: %d\n", fOK )); if ( !fOK ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CancelIo error: %d\n", GetLastError() )); }
if ( !GetOverlappedResult( _hPipe, &_overlapped, &cbRead, TRUE ) ) { cbRead = 0;
DWORD dw = GetLastError(); prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "i/o cancelled, result: %d\n", dw )); // benign assert if hit; I'm is just curious.
Win4Assert( ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED == dw || ERROR_NO_DATA == dw ); }
return TRUE; } else THROW( CException() ); } else THROW( CException() ); }
return FALSE; } //ReadSync
// Function: TranslateNewPropsToOldProps
// Synopsis: Translates v 6+ client properties into version 5 props
// Arguments: [oldProps] - destination of translated values
// [newProps] - source of translated values
// History: 31-May-97 dlee Created.
void TranslateNewPropsToOldProps( CDbProperties & oldProps, CDbProperties & newProps ) { const GUID guidFsClientPropset = DBPROPSET_FSCIFRMWRK_EXT; const GUID guidQueryCorePropset = DBPROPSET_CIFRMWRKCORE_EXT;
// pluck out the catalog and scope information from the new set
BSTR bstrMachine = 0; BSTR bstrCatalog = 0; CDynArrayInPlace<LONG> aDepths(2); CDynArrayInPlace<BSTR> aScopes(2); LONG lQueryType = 0;
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < newProps.Count(); i++ ) { CDbPropSet & propSet = newProps.GetPropSet( i ); DBPROPSET *pSet = propSet.CastToStruct();
if ( guidQueryCorePropset == pSet->guidPropertySet ) { ULONG cProp = pSet->cProperties; DBPROP * pProp = pSet->rgProperties;
for ( ULONG p = 0; p < pSet->cProperties; p++, pProp++ ) { VARIANT &v = pProp->vValue; switch ( pProp->dwPropertyID ) { case DBPROP_MACHINE : { if ( VT_BSTR == v.vt ) bstrMachine = v.bstrVal; else if ( ( VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR ) == v.vt ) { ULONG cElem = v.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements; WCHAR **ppMachines = (WCHAR **) v.parray->pvData;
if ( 0 != cElem ) { // if not 1, it's a bug in higher level code
Win4Assert( 1 == cElem ); bstrMachine = ppMachines[0]; } } break; } } } } else if ( guidFsClientPropset == pSet->guidPropertySet ) { ULONG cProp = pSet->cProperties; DBPROP * pProp = pSet->rgProperties;
for ( ULONG p = 0; p < pSet->cProperties; p++, pProp++ ) { VARIANT &v = pProp->vValue; prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "converting from vt: 0x%x\n", v.vt )); switch ( pProp->dwPropertyID ) { case DBPROP_CI_INCLUDE_SCOPES : { // can be either a BSTR or a safearray of BSTRs
if ( VT_BSTR == v.vt ) { aScopes[0] = v.bstrVal; } else if ( ( VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR ) == v.vt ) { ULONG cElem = v.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements; WCHAR **ppScopes = (WCHAR **) v.parray->pvData;
for ( ULONG e = 0; e < cElem; e++ ) aScopes[ e ] = ppScopes[ e ]; } break; } case DBPROP_CI_DEPTHS : { // can be either an I4 or an array of I4s
if ( VT_I4 == v.vt ) { aDepths[0] = v.lVal; } else if ( ( VT_ARRAY | VT_I4 ) == v.vt ) { ULONG cElem = v.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements; ULONG *pElem = (ULONG *) v.parray->pvData; for ( ULONG e = 0; e < cElem; e++ ) aDepths[ e ] = pElem[ e ]; } break; } case DBPROP_CI_CATALOG_NAME : { if ( VT_BSTR == v.vt ) bstrCatalog = v.bstrVal; else if ( ( VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR ) == v.vt ) { ULONG cElem = v.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements; WCHAR **ppNames = (WCHAR **) v.parray->pvData;
if ( 0 != cElem ) { // if not 1, it's a bug in higher level code
Win4Assert( 1 == cElem ); bstrCatalog = ppNames[0]; } } break; } case DBPROP_CI_QUERY_TYPE : { Win4Assert( VT_I4 == v.vt ); lQueryType = v.lVal; break; } } } } }
if ( 0 == bstrCatalog || 0 == bstrMachine ) THROW( CException( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) );
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Converting new props to old props, catalog '%ws'\n", bstrCatalog ));
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "type %d, %d scopes, %d depths\n", lQueryType, aScopes.Count(), aDepths.Count() ));
// create an old set of properties based on the info
DBPROPSET aNewSet[2]; DBPROP aFSProps[4]; RtlZeroMemory( aFSProps, sizeof aFSProps ); ULONG cNewSet = 2; aNewSet[0].cProperties = 2; aNewSet[0].guidPropertySet = guidFsClientPropset; aNewSet[0].rgProperties = aFSProps;
aFSProps[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_CI_CATALOG_NAME; aFSProps[0].vValue.vt = VT_LPWSTR; aFSProps[0].vValue.bstrVal = bstrCatalog; aFSProps[0].colid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID;
aFSProps[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_CI_QUERY_TYPE; aFSProps[1].vValue.vt = VT_I4; aFSProps[1].vValue.lVal = lQueryType; aFSProps[1].colid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID;
if ( 0 != aDepths.Count() ) { aFSProps[cNewSet].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_CI_DEPTHS; aFSProps[cNewSet].colid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID; PROPVARIANT &vDepths = (PROPVARIANT &) aFSProps[cNewSet].vValue; cNewSet++; vDepths.vt = VT_VECTOR | VT_I4; vDepths.cal.cElems = aDepths.Count(); vDepths.cal.pElems = (LONG *) aDepths.GetPointer(); }
if ( 0 != aScopes.Count() ) { aFSProps[cNewSet].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_CI_INCLUDE_SCOPES; aFSProps[cNewSet].colid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID; PROPVARIANT &vScopes = (PROPVARIANT &) aFSProps[cNewSet].vValue; cNewSet++; vScopes.vt = VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR; vScopes.calpwstr.cElems = aScopes.Count(); vScopes.calpwstr.pElems = (WCHAR **) aScopes.GetPointer(); }
aNewSet[0].cProperties = cNewSet;
DBPROP aQueryProps[1]; RtlZeroMemory( aQueryProps, sizeof aQueryProps ); aNewSet[1].cProperties = 1; aNewSet[1].guidPropertySet = guidQueryCorePropset; aNewSet[1].rgProperties = aQueryProps;
aQueryProps[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_MACHINE; aQueryProps[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; aQueryProps[0].vValue.bstrVal = bstrMachine; aQueryProps[0].colid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID;
SCODE sc = oldProps.SetProperties( 2, aNewSet );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) ); } //TranslateNewPropsToOldProps
// Member: CRequestClient::CRequestClient, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for a client request
// Arguments: [pwcMachine] - Machine name of server
// [pDbProperties] - Client version 6 set of properties
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
CRequestClient::CRequestClient( WCHAR const * pwcMachine, IDBProperties * pDbProperties ) : _fNotifyOn( FALSE ), _fNotifyEverOn( FALSE ), _fReadPending( FALSE ), _pvDataTemp( 0 ), _cbDataTemp( 0 ) { WCHAR const * pwcMach = pwcMachine; WCHAR const * pwcPipe = CI_PIPE_NAME; WCHAR awcMachine[ MAX_PATH + 1 ];
WCHAR const * pwcColon = wcschr( pwcMachine, L':' );
if ( 0 != pwcColon ) { unsigned cwc = (unsigned) ( pwcColon - pwcMachine );
if ( cwc >= MAX_PATH ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
RtlCopyMemory( awcMachine, pwcMachine, sizeof( WCHAR ) * cwc );
awcMachine[ cwc ] = 0; pwcMach = awcMachine; pwcPipe = pwcColon + 1; }
Init( pwcMach, pwcPipe );
// Send the pmConnect message to the server. For logging and
// debugging, send the machine and username with the message.
WCHAR awcThisMachine[ MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; DWORD cwcThisMachine = sizeof awcThisMachine / sizeof WCHAR; if ( !GetComputerName( awcThisMachine, &cwcThisMachine ) ) THROW( CException() );
WCHAR awcThisUser[ UNLEN + 1 ]; DWORD cwcThisUser = sizeof awcThisUser / sizeof WCHAR; if ( !GetUserName( awcThisUser, &cwcThisUser ) ) THROW( CException() );
Win4Assert( 0 != pDbProperties );
// We know that the IDbProperties is implemented by CDbProperties.
CDbProperties & dbp2 = *((CDbProperties *) pDbProperties);
// Make and marshall v5 properties
XInterface<CDbProperties> xdbp( new CDbProperties() ); if ( xdbp.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); TranslateNewPropsToOldProps( xdbp.GetReference(), dbp2 );
CSizeSerStream ssSize; xdbp->Marshall( ssSize ); ULONG cbProps = ssSize.Size();
// Compute the size of the dbproperties to be sent.
// The DBPROPSET_ROWSET properties aren't used on the server side in
// this form -- it's a waste to marshall/unmarshall 0x27 properties
// for no good reason. The rowset props we care about are sent in
// a compressed form when a query is issued.
CSizeSerStream ssSize2; GUID guidRowsetProp = DBPROPSET_ROWSET; dbp2.Marshall( ssSize2, 1, &guidRowsetProp ); ULONG cbProps2 = ssSize2.Size();
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "cb old props %d, cb new props: %d\n", cbProps, cbProps2 ));
DWORD cbRequest = CPMConnectIn::SizeOf( awcThisMachine, awcThisUser, cbProps, cbProps2 ); XArray<BYTE> xRequest( cbRequest ); CPMConnectIn *pRequest = new( xRequest.Get() ) CPMConnectIn( awcThisMachine, awcThisUser, IsServerRemote(), cbProps, cbProps2 );
// Serialize the DbProperties.
BYTE * pb = pRequest->GetBlobStartAddr(); CMemSerStream ss( pb, cbProps ); xdbp->Marshall( ss );
BYTE * pb2 = pRequest->GetBlob2StartAddr(); CMemSerStream ss2( pb2, cbProps2 ); dbp2.Marshall( ss2, 1, &guidRowsetProp );
pRequest->SetCheckSum( cbRequest );
CPMConnectOut reply; DWORD cbReply; DataWriteRead( pRequest, cbRequest, &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply ); Win4Assert( sizeof reply == cbReply );
_ServerVersion = reply.ServerVersion(); } //CRequestClient
// Member: CRequestClient::Disconnect, public
// Synopsis: Sends a disconnect message to the server, which will then
// do a Win32 disconnect from the pipe. After this call, the
// pipe handle can only be closed.
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CRequestClient::Disconnect() { CProxyMessage request( pmDisconnect ); DataWrite( &request, sizeof request ); } //Disconnect
// Member: CRequestClient::EnableNotify, public
// Synopsis: Tells the class that the notify thread will be doing reads
// for data threads.
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CRequestClient::EnableNotify() { CLock lock( _mutex ); prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "enable notify\n" ));
Win4Assert( !_fNotifyOn ); _fNotifyOn = TRUE; _fNotifyEverOn = TRUE; prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "enabled notify\n" )); } //EnableNotify
// Member: CRequestClient::DisableNotify, public
// Synopsis: Tells the class that the notify thread is busy so
// data threads should wait for themselves.
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CRequestClient::DisableNotify() { CReleasableLock lock( _mutex ); prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "disable notify\n" ));
Win4Assert( _fNotifyOn );
// If a read is pending for the notify thread to complete,
// wake the data thread up so it can wait for itself.
_fNotifyOn = FALSE;
if ( _fReadPending ) { _pvDataTemp = 0; _eventData.Set(); lock.Release(); _eventDataDone.Wait(); } prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "disabled notify\n" )); } //DisableNotify
// Member: CRequestClient::DataWrite, public
// Synopsis: Writes data to the pipe
// Arguments: [pvWrite] - pointer to the buffer to be written
// [cbWrite] - # of bytes to write
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CRequestClient::DataWrite( void * pvWrite, DWORD cbWrite ) { CLock lockData( _mutexData ); CLock lock( _mutex );
WriteSync( pvWrite, cbWrite ); } //DataWrite
// Member: CRequestClient::DataWriteRead, public
// Synopsis: Does a data (non-notification) write/read transaction with
// the server.
// Arguments: [pvWrite] - Buffer to be written
// [cbToWrite] - # of bytes to write
// [pvRead] - Buffer for read result
// [cbReadRequest] - Size of pvRead
// [cbRead] - Returns # of bytes read
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
void CRequestClient::DataWriteRead( void * pvWrite, DWORD cbWrite, void * pvRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD & cbRead ) { int ExpectedMsg = ((CProxyMessage *)pvWrite)->GetMessage(); prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "DataWriteRead msg %d, cb %d\n", ExpectedMsg, cbWrite ));
CLock lockData( _mutexData ); CReleasableLock lock( _mutex );
if ( _fNotifyOn ) { WriteSync( pvWrite, cbWrite );
_fReadPending = TRUE; lock.Release(); _eventData.Wait(); _fReadPending = FALSE;
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "dwr eventdata triggered, _pvDataTemp: 0x%lx\n", _pvDataTemp ));
// set this event when we fall out of scope
CEventSetter setter( _eventDataDone );
if ( 0 == _pvDataTemp ) { // we can wait ourselves
lock.Request(); ReadSync( pvRead, cbToRead, cbRead ); prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "dwr done, this, cb: %d\n", cbRead )); } else { // notify thread completed the read for us
Win4Assert( _cbDataTemp <= cbToRead ); RtlCopyMemory( pvRead, _pvDataTemp, _cbDataTemp ); cbRead = _cbDataTemp; prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "dwr done, other, cb: %d\n", cbRead )); } } else { if ( _fNotifyEverOn ) { // Spurious notify messages prohibit use of TransactSync. Use
// an individual Write, then Read until the appropriate msg is
// found, throwing away unwanted notification messages.
WriteSync( pvWrite, cbWrite );
do { // Some notification messages are larger than what we might
// be reading here, so we may need to use a temporary buffer.
void * pvReadBuffer = pvRead; DWORD cbReadBuffer = cbToRead;
// CPMRatioFinishedOut is the largest notification msg.
// Change this code if you add a larger notification message.
Win4Assert( sizeof CPMRatioFinishedOut >= sizeof CPMSendNotifyOut ); CPMRatioFinishedOut pmTmp;
if ( cbToRead < sizeof pmTmp ) { pvReadBuffer = &pmTmp; cbReadBuffer = sizeof pmTmp; }
ReadSync( pvReadBuffer, cbReadBuffer, cbRead ); int msg = ((CProxyMessage *) pvReadBuffer)->GetMessage();
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "dwr done, msg %d cb: %d\n", msg, cbRead ));
if ( ExpectedMsg == msg ) { // Copy from the temporary buffer if it was used.
if ( pvReadBuffer != pvRead ) { // Normal case and error case...
Win4Assert( cbToRead <= cbRead || sizeof CProxyMessage == cbRead );
RtlCopyMemory( pvRead, pvReadBuffer, cbRead ); }
break; }
prxDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "dwr tossing spurious notify msg %d cb: %d\n", msg, cbRead )); } while ( TRUE ); } else { TransactSync( pvWrite, cbWrite, pvRead, cbToRead, cbRead ); } }
CProxyMessage &reply = * (CProxyMessage *) pvRead;
// If the message returned a failure code, throw it.
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( reply.GetStatus() ) ) QUIETTHROW( CException( reply.GetStatus() ) ); } //DataWriteRead
// Member: CRequestClient::NotifyWriteRead, public
// Synopsis: Does a notification (non-data) write/read transaction with
// the server. If the read is a message destined for another'
// thread, notify the thread that data is available and wait
// for another message.
// Arguments: [hStopNotify] - if signalled, read is cancelled
// [pvWrite] - Buffer to be written
// [cbWrite] - # of bytes to write
// [pvRead] - Buffer for read result
// [cbBuffer] - Size of pvRead
// [cbRead] - Returns # of bytes read
// Returns: TRUE if hStopNotify was signalled, FALSE otherwise
// Notes: This function knows about pmGetNotify and pmSendNotify
// History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created.
BOOL CRequestClient::NotifyWriteRead( HANDLE hStopNotify, void * pvWrite, DWORD cbWrite, void * pvRead, DWORD cbBuffer, DWORD & cbRead ) { // First check if we are shutting down the query
if ( 0 == WaitForSingleObject( hStopNotify, 0 ) ) return TRUE;
// ensure notifications are disabled by the time we exit scope
Win4Assert( !_fNotifyOn ); CEnableNotify enable( *this ); Win4Assert( _fNotifyOn );
// If a pmGetNotify is sent and the reply is pmGetNotify, it means that
// notifications aren't available yet and a pmSendNotify will come later.
// If a pmSendNotify is replied, notifications were available.
int ExpectedMsg = ((CProxyMessage *)pvWrite)->GetMessage(); if ( pmGetNotify == ExpectedMsg ) ExpectedMsg = pmSendNotify;
{ CLock lock( _mutex ); WriteSync( pvWrite, cbWrite ); }
do { BYTE abBuf[ cbMaxProxyBuffer ]; cbRead = 0; BOOL fStopNotify = ReadSync( abBuf, sizeof abBuf, cbRead, hStopNotify );
// If we got any data, process the data even if "stop notify" is
// true, since we don't want to leave the data thread stranded.
if ( 0 != cbRead ) { CProxyMessage &msg = * (CProxyMessage *) abBuf;
prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "NotifyWriteRead complete cb %d, msg %d\n", cbRead, msg.GetMessage() ));
// If the pmGetNotify came back, loop around and wait for
// a real notification or a message intended for a data thread.
if ( pmGetNotify == msg.GetMessage() ) { if ( ! SUCCEEDED( msg.GetStatus() ) ) THROW( CException( msg.GetStatus() ) ); } else { // If this is a notification, return so the client can be
// advised, then this function will be re-entered.
if ( msg.GetMessage() == ExpectedMsg ) { CProxyMessage &reply = * (CProxyMessage *) pvRead;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( msg.GetStatus() ) ) THROW( CException( msg.GetStatus() ) );
Win4Assert( cbRead <= cbBuffer ); RtlCopyMemory( pvRead, abBuf, cbRead ); return fStopNotify; }
// Tell the thread waiting for data that it's available.
// That thread can throw if the status is failure.
_pvDataTemp = abBuf; _cbDataTemp = cbRead;
_eventData.Set(); _eventDataDone.Wait(); } }
if ( fStopNotify ) return TRUE; } while ( TRUE );
return FALSE; } //NotifyWriteRead