// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-2000.
// File: propret.cxx
// Contents: Generic property retriever filesystems
// Classes: CGenericPropRetriever
// History: 12-Dec-96 SitaramR Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <propret.hxx>
#include <seccache.hxx>
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::CGenericPropRetriever
// Synopsis: Extracts property and object tables from the catalog.
// Arguments: [cat] -- Catalog
// [pQueryPropMapper] -- Pid Remapper associated with the query
// [secCache] -- Cache of AccessCheck() results
// [pScope] -- Scope (for fixup match) if client is going
// through rdr/svr, else 0.
// [amAlreadyAccessChecked] -- Don't need to re-check for this
// access mask.
// History: 21-Aug-91 KyleP Created
CGenericPropRetriever::CGenericPropRetriever( PCatalog & cat, ICiQueryPropertyMapper *pQueryPropMapper, CSecurityCache & secCache, CRestriction const * pScope, ACCESS_MASK amAlreadyAccessChecked ) : _cat( cat ), _pQueryPropMapper( pQueryPropMapper ), _secCache( secCache ), _widPrimedForPropRetrieval( widInvalid ), _remoteAccess( cat.GetImpersonationTokenCache() ), _pScope( pScope ), _ulAttribFilter( cat.GetRegParams()->FilterDirectories() ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED : FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ), _pPropRec( 0 ), _cRefs( 1 ), _amAlreadyAccessChecked( amAlreadyAccessChecked ) { }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::~CGenericPropRetriever, public
// Synopsis: Closes catalog tables associated with this instance.
// History: 21-Aug-91 KyleP Created.
CGenericPropRetriever::~CGenericPropRetriever() { Quiesce(); }
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::Quiesce, public
// Synopsis: Close any open resources.
// History: 3-May-1994 KyleP Created
void CGenericPropRetriever::Quiesce() { _propMgr.Close(); _cat.CloseValueRecord( _pPropRec ); _pPropRec = 0; }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::RetrieveValueByPid
// Effects: Fetch value from the property cache.
// Arguments: [pid] -- Property to fetch
// [pbData] -- Place to return the value
// [pcb] -- On input, the maximum number of bytes to
// write at pbData. On output, the number of
// bytes written if the call was successful,
// else the number of bytes required.
// History: 12-Dec-96 SitaramR Created
inline BYTE * PastHeader( PROPVARIANT * ppv ) { return( (BYTE *)ppv + sizeof( PROPVARIANT ) ); }
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGenericPropRetriever::RetrieveValueByPid( PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT *pbData, ULONG *pcb ) { static const UNICODE_STRING EmptyUnicodeString = { 0, 0, 0 };
if ( widInvalid == _widPrimedForPropRetrieval ) return CI_E_WORKID_NOTVALID;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { unsigned cb = sizeof( PROPVARIANT );
// System properties are retrieved directly from FindFirst buffer.
// User properties must be retrieved through the standard retrieval
// mechanism.
switch ( pid ) { case pidDirectory: { pbData->vt = VT_LPWSTR; pbData->pwszVal = (WCHAR *)PastHeader(pbData);
unsigned cbExtra = 0;
// If the client is remote, apply the fixup to the path
if ( IsClientRemote() ) { XGrowable<WCHAR> xwcBuf;
cbExtra = BuildPath( GetPath(), & EmptyUnicodeString, xwcBuf ); if ( 0 != cbExtra ) { unsigned cwcBuf = ( *pcb - sizeof PROPVARIANT ) / sizeof WCHAR; unsigned cwc = FixupPath( xwcBuf.Get(), pbData->pwszVal, cwcBuf ); cbExtra = (1 + cwc) * sizeof WCHAR; } } else { cbExtra = BuildPath( GetPath(), & EmptyUnicodeString, pbData->pwszVal, *pcb - sizeof PROPVARIANT ); }
if ( 0 == cbExtra ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; else cb += cbExtra;
break; }
case pidClassId: { //
// If it's a Docfile, retrieve the class ID from the Docfile,
// otherwise, just return a default file or directory class id.
pbData->vt = VT_CLSID; cb += sizeof( GUID );
if ( cb <= *pcb ) { pbData->puuid = (GUID *)PastHeader(pbData); SCODE sc = E_FAIL;
CFunnyPath funnyBuf; if ( 0 == BuildPath( GetPath(), GetName(), funnyBuf ) ) { pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; cb -= sizeof(GUID); } else { //
// Try to retrieve the class id
sc = GetClassFile ( funnyBuf.GetPath(), pbData->puuid );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { // OLE was unable to obtain or infer the class id
cb -= sizeof( GUID ); pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; } } } break; }
case pidPath: { pbData->vt = VT_LPWSTR; pbData->pwszVal = (WCHAR *)PastHeader(pbData);
unsigned cbExtra = 0;
// If the client is remote, apply the fixup to the path
if ( IsClientRemote() ) { XGrowable<WCHAR> xwcBuf;
cbExtra = BuildPath( GetPath(), GetName(), xwcBuf ); if ( 0 != cbExtra ) { unsigned cwcBuf = ( *pcb - sizeof PROPVARIANT ) / sizeof WCHAR; unsigned cwc = FixupPath( xwcBuf.Get(), pbData->pwszVal, cwcBuf ); cbExtra = (1 + cwc) * sizeof WCHAR; } } else { cbExtra = BuildPath( GetPath(), GetName(), pbData->pwszVal, *pcb - sizeof PROPVARIANT ); }
if ( 0 == cbExtra ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; else cb += cbExtra;
break; }
case pidVirtualPath: { UNICODE_STRING const * pPath = GetVirtualPath();
if ( 0 == pPath ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; else { pbData->vt = VT_LPWSTR; pbData->pwszVal = (WCHAR *)PastHeader(pbData);
cb += BuildPath( pPath, GetName(), pbData->pwszVal, *pcb - sizeof(PROPVARIANT) ); } break; }
case pidName: cb = *pcb; StringToVariant( GetName(), pbData, &cb ); break;
case pidShortName: cb = *pcb; StringToVariant( GetShortName(), pbData, &cb ); break;
case pidLastChangeUsn: pbData->vt = VT_I8; pbData->hVal.QuadPart = 1; // First legal USN
case pidSize: pbData->vt = VT_I8; pbData->hVal.QuadPart = ObjectSize();
if ( pbData->hVal.QuadPart == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( VT_I8 == pbData->vt ) Win4Assert( 0xdddddddddddddddd != pbData->hVal.QuadPart ); #endif // CIDBG == 1
case pidAttrib: pbData->vt = VT_UI4; pbData->ulVal = Attributes();
if ( pbData->ulVal == 0xFFFFFFFF ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( VT_UI4 == pbData->vt ) Win4Assert( 0xdddddddd != pbData->ulVal ); #endif // CIDBG == 1
case pidWriteTime: pbData->vt = VT_FILETIME; pbData->hVal.QuadPart = ModifyTime();
if ( pbData->hVal.QuadPart == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
case pidCreateTime: pbData->vt = VT_FILETIME; pbData->hVal.QuadPart = CreateTime();
if ( pbData->hVal.QuadPart == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
case pidAccessTime: pbData->vt = VT_FILETIME; pbData->hVal.QuadPart = AccessTime();
if ( pbData->hVal.QuadPart == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
case pidStorageType: pbData->vt = VT_UI4; pbData->ulVal = StorageType();
if ( 0xFFFFFFFF == pbData->ulVal ) { //
// Try VRootType
if ( GetVRootType( pbData->ulVal ) ) { if ( pbData->ulVal & PCatalog::NNTPRoot ) pbData->ulVal = 1; else pbData->ulVal = 0; } else pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; } break;
case pidPropertyStoreLevel: pbData->vt = VT_UI4; pbData->ulVal = StorageLevel(); break;
case pidPropDataModifiable: pbData->vt = VT_BOOL; pbData->boolVal = IsModifiable() ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE; break;
case pidVRootUsed: { if ( GetVRootType( pbData->ulVal ) ) { pbData->vt = VT_BOOL;
if ( pbData->ulVal & PCatalog::UsedRoot ) pbData->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; else pbData->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } else pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
break; }
case pidVRootAutomatic: { if ( GetVRootType( pbData->ulVal ) ) { pbData->vt = VT_BOOL;
if ( pbData->ulVal & PCatalog::AutomaticRoot ) pbData->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; else pbData->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } else pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
break; }
case pidVRootManual: { if ( GetVRootType( pbData->ulVal ) ) { pbData->vt = VT_BOOL;
if ( pbData->ulVal & PCatalog::ManualRoot ) pbData->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; else pbData->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } else pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY;
break; }
case pidPropertyGuid: cb += sizeof( GUID );
if ( cb <= *pcb ) { pbData->puuid = (GUID *)PastHeader(pbData);
if ( GetPropGuid( *pbData->puuid ) ) pbData->vt = VT_CLSID; else { cb -= sizeof(GUID); pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; } } break;
case pidPropertyDispId: pbData->ulVal = GetPropPropid();
if ( pbData->ulVal == pidInvalid ) pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; else pbData->vt = VT_UI4; break;
case pidPropertyName: cb = *pcb; StringToVariant( GetPropName(), pbData, &cb ); break;
default: { //
// First, try the property cache.
cb = *pcb;
if ( FetchValue( pid, pbData, &cb ) ) { fTryOLE = FALSE;
if ( ( cb <= *pcb ) && ( IsNullPointerVariant( pbData ) ) ) { pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; cb = sizeof( PROPVARIANT ); }
// If we got back VT_EMPTY, it may be because the file has
// been scanned and not filtered. If there is no write time,
// the file hasn't been filtered yet, so trying OLE to load
// the value is worth it.
if ( VT_EMPTY == pbData->vt ) { PROPVARIANT vWrite; vWrite.vt = VT_EMPTY; unsigned cbWrite = sizeof vWrite; FetchValue( pidWriteTime, &vWrite, &cbWrite );
if ( VT_EMPTY == vWrite.vt ) fTryOLE = TRUE; } }
if ( fTryOLE ) { CImpersonateClient impClient( GetClientToken() );
if ( !_propMgr.isOpen() ) { //
// Get a full, null-terminated, path.
CFunnyPath funnyBuf; if ( 0 != BuildPath( GetPath(), GetName(), funnyBuf ) ) { // Open property manager.
if ( CImpersonateRemoteAccess::IsNetPath( funnyBuf.GetActualPath() ) ) { UNICODE_STRING const * pVPath = GetVirtualPath();
WCHAR const * pwszVPath = 0 != pVPath ? pVPath->Buffer : 0;
if ( !_remoteAccess.ImpersonateIfNoThrow( funnyBuf.GetActualPath(), pwszVPath ) ) { return CI_E_LOGON_FAILURE; } } else if ( _remoteAccess.IsImpersonated() ) { _remoteAccess.Release(); }
BOOL fSharingViolation = _propMgr.Open( funnyBuf ); if ( fSharingViolation ) return CI_E_SHARING_VIOLATION; } }
FULLPROPSPEC const *pPropSpec; SCODE sc = _pQueryPropMapper->PropidToProperty( pid, &pPropSpec ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { Win4Assert( !"PropidToProperty failed" );
THROW ( CException( sc ) ); } CFullPropSpec const * ps = (CFullPropSpec const *) pPropSpec;
cb = *pcb; _propMgr.FetchProperty( ps->GetPropSet(), ps->GetPropSpec(), pbData, &cb ); }
break; }
} // case
if ( cb <= *pcb ) { *pcb = cb; #if CIDBG == 1
CStorageVariant var( *pbData );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_PROPTIME, "Fetched value (pid = 0x%x): ", pid )); var.DisplayVariant( DEB_PROPTIME | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, 0 ); vqDebugOut(( DEB_PROPTIME | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" )); #endif
} else { *pcb = cb; vqDebugOut(( DEB_PROPTIME, "Failed to fetch value (pid = 0x%x)\n", pid )); sc = CI_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL ; } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CGenericPropRetriever::RetrieveValueByPid - Exception caught 0x%x\n", sc )); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::StringToVariant, private
// Arguments: [pString] -- String to copy.
// [pbData] -- String stored here.
// [pcb] -- On input: max length in bytes of [pbData].
// On output: size required by [pString]. If
// less-than-or-equal-to input size, then string
// was copied.
// History: 17-Jul-95 KyleP Created header.
void CGenericPropRetriever::StringToVariant( UNICODE_STRING const * pString, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb ) { unsigned cb = sizeof(PROPVARIANT);
if ( 0 == pString || 0 == pString->Length ) { pbData->vt = VT_EMPTY; } else { pbData->vt = VT_LPWSTR; cb += pString->Length + sizeof( WCHAR ); // For L'\0' at end.
if ( cb <= *pcb ) { WCHAR * pwcName = (WCHAR *)PastHeader(pbData); pbData->pwszVal = pwcName; RtlCopyMemory( pwcName, pString->Buffer, pString->Length ); pwcName[pString->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; } }
*pcb = cb; }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::BuildPath, private
// Synopsis: Gloms path + filename together
// Arguments: [pPath] -- Path, sans filename
// [pFilename] -- Filename
// [funnyBuf] -- Full path copied here.
// Returns: Size in **bytes** of full path. 0 --> No path
// History: 04-Jun-98 VikasMan Created
unsigned CGenericPropRetriever::BuildPath( UNICODE_STRING const * pPath, UNICODE_STRING const * pFilename, CFunnyPath & funnyBuf) { if ( 0 == pPath || 0 == pPath->Length || 0 == pFilename ) return 0;
funnyBuf.SetPath( pPath->Buffer, pPath->Length/sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pFilename->Length > 0 ) { funnyBuf.AppendBackSlash();
funnyBuf.AppendPath( pFilename->Buffer, pFilename->Length/sizeof(WCHAR) ); } return funnyBuf.GetLength() * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::BuildPath, private
// Synopsis: Gloms path + filename together
// Arguments: [pPath] -- Path, sans filename
// [pFilename] -- Filename
// [xwcBuf] -- Full path copied here.
// Returns: Size in **bytes** of full path. 0 --> No path
// History: 04-Jun-98 VikasMan Created
unsigned CGenericPropRetriever::BuildPath( UNICODE_STRING const * pPath, UNICODE_STRING const * pFilename, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcBuf) { if ( 0 == pPath || 0 == pFilename ) return 0;
unsigned cb = pPath->Length + pFilename->Length + sizeof WCHAR; // L'\0' at end
if ( pFilename->Length > 0 ) cb += sizeof WCHAR; // L'\\' between path and filename
xwcBuf.SetSizeInBytes( cb ); return BuildPath( pPath, pFilename, xwcBuf.Get(), cb ); }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::BuildPath, private
// Synopsis: Gloms path + filename together
// Arguments: [pPath] -- Path, sans filename
// [pFilename] -- Filename
// [pwcBuf] -- Full path copied here.
// [cbBuf] -- Size in **bytes** of pwcBuf.
// Returns: Size in **bytes** of full path. Path only built if return
// value is <= [cbBuf]. 0 --> No path
// History: 07-Feb-96 KyleP Created header.
unsigned CGenericPropRetriever::BuildPath( UNICODE_STRING const * pPath, UNICODE_STRING const * pFilename, WCHAR * pwcBuf, unsigned cbBuf ) { if ( 0 == pPath || 0 == pFilename ) return 0;
unsigned cb = pPath->Length + pFilename->Length + sizeof WCHAR; // L'\0' at end
if ( pFilename->Length > 0 ) cb += sizeof WCHAR; // L'\\' between path and filename
if ( cb <= cbBuf ) { RtlCopyMemory( pwcBuf, pPath->Buffer, pPath->Length ); pwcBuf += pPath->Length/sizeof(WCHAR);
if ( pFilename->Length > 0 ) { *pwcBuf++ = L'\\'; RtlCopyMemory( pwcBuf, pFilename->Buffer, pFilename->Length ); pwcBuf += pFilename->Length / sizeof WCHAR; }
*pwcBuf = 0; }
return cb; }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::FetchValue, protected
// Effects: Fetch value from the property cache.
// Arguments: [pid] -- Property to fetch
// [pbData] -- Place to return the value
// [pcb] -- On input, the maximum number of bytes to
// write at pbData. On output, the number of
// bytes written if the call was successful,
// else the number of bytes required.
// Returns: TRUE if property was fetched
// History: 03-Apr-96 KyleP Created.
BOOL CGenericPropRetriever::FetchValue( PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb ) { OpenPropertyRecord();
return _cat.FetchValue( _pPropRec, pid, pbData, pcb ); }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::CheckSecurity
// Synopsis: Test wid for security access
// Arguments: [am] -- Access Mask
// [pfGranted] -- Result of security check returned here
// History: 19-Aug-93 KyleP Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGenericPropRetriever::CheckSecurity( ACCESS_MASK am, BOOL *pfGranted) { //
// No need to impersonate the client because the Win32 AccessCheck API
// takes a client token as a parameter
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { if ( _widPrimedForPropRetrieval == widInvalid ) sc = CI_E_WORKID_NOTVALID; else { OpenPropertyRecord();
if ( am != _amAlreadyAccessChecked ) { SDID sdid = _cat.FetchSDID( _pPropRec, _widPrimedForPropRetrieval ); *pfGranted = _secCache.IsGranted( sdid, am ); } else *pfGranted = TRUE; } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CGenericPropRetriever::CheckSecurity - Exception caught 0x%x\n", sc )); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Member: CGenericPropRetriever::EndPropertyRetrieval
// Synopsis: Reset wid for property retrieval
// History: 12-Dec-96 SitaramR Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGenericPropRetriever::EndPropertyRetrieval() { Win4Assert( _widPrimedForPropRetrieval != widInvalid );
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { Quiesce(); if ( _remoteAccess.IsImpersonated() ) _remoteAccess.Release();
_widPrimedForPropRetrieval = widInvalid; } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CGenericPropRetriever::EndPropertyRetrieval - Exception caught 0x%x\n", sc )); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increments refcount
// History: 12-Dec-1996 SitaramR Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGenericPropRetriever::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &_cRefs ); }
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement refcount. Delete if necessary.
// History: 12-Dec-1996 SitaramR Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGenericPropRetriever::Release() { Win4Assert( _cRefs > 0 );
ULONG uTmp = InterlockedDecrement( (long *) &_cRefs );
if ( 0 == uTmp ) delete this;
return uTmp; }
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Rebind to other interface
// Arguments: [riid] -- IID of new interface
// [ppvObject] -- New interface * returned here
// Returns: S_OK if bind succeeded, E_NOINTERFACE if bind failed
// History: 12-Dec-1996 SitaramR Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGenericPropRetriever::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject) { *ppvObject = 0;
if ( IID_ICiCPropRetriever == riid ) *ppvObject = (IUnknown *)(ICiCPropRetriever *)this; else if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) *ppvObject = (IUnknown *)this; else return E_NOINTERFACE;
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::FetchPath, protected
// Synopsis: Reads the path from the open property record
// Arguments: [pwcPath] -- where to put the path
// [cwc] -- size of the buffer in/out in characters
// History: 15-Jan-1998 dlee Created
void CGenericPropRetriever::FetchPath( WCHAR * pwcPath, unsigned & cwc ) { PROPVARIANT var; unsigned cb = cwc * sizeof WCHAR;
if ( _cat.FetchValue( GetPropertyRecord(), pidPath, &var, (BYTE *) pwcPath, &cb ) ) cwc = cb / sizeof WCHAR; else cwc = 0; } //FetchPath
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::FixupPath, private
// Synopsis: Fixes up path (e.g. converts E:\Foo --> \\KyleP-1\RootE\Foo)
// Arguments: [pwcsPath] -- Source (local) path
// [pwcsFixup] -- Aliased result
// [cwcFixup] -- Count of characters in [pwcsFixup].
// Returns: Count of characters that are in [pwcsFixup]. If return
// value is larger than [cwcFixup] then nothing was copied.
// History: 01-Oct-1998 KyleP Created (from ciprop.cxx vroot equivalent)
unsigned CGenericPropRetriever::FixupPath( WCHAR const * pwcsPath, WCHAR * pwcsFixup, unsigned cwcFixup ) { BOOL fUseAnyPath = FALSE; unsigned cwc = 0;
if ( RTScope == _pScope->Type() ) { CScopeRestriction const & scp = * (CScopeRestriction *) _pScope;
if ( scp.IsPhysical() ) { BOOL fUnchanged; cwc = FetchFixupInScope( pwcsPath, pwcsFixup, cwcFixup, scp.GetPath(), scp.PathLength(), scp.IsDeep(), fUnchanged ); Win4Assert( cwc > 0 ); } else fUseAnyPath = TRUE; } else if ( RTOr == _pScope->Type() ) { CNodeRestriction const & node = * _pScope->CastToNode();
fUseAnyPath = TRUE;
for ( ULONG x = 0; x < node.Count(); x++ ) { Win4Assert( RTScope == node.GetChild( x )->Type() );
CScopeRestriction const & scp = * (CScopeRestriction *) node.GetChild( x );
if ( scp.IsPhysical() ) { BOOL fUnchanged; cwc = FetchFixupInScope( pwcsPath, pwcsFixup, cwcFixup, scp.GetPath(), scp.PathLength(), scp.IsDeep(), fUnchanged ); if ( cwc > 0 && !fUnchanged ) { fUseAnyPath = FALSE; break; } } } }
// If no fixup works for the file, use the first match to physical scope.
if ( fUseAnyPath ) cwc = _cat.FixupPath( pwcsPath, pwcsFixup, cwcFixup, 0 );
return cwc; } //FixupPath
// Method: CGenericPropRetriever::FetchFixupInScope, private
// Synopsis: Worker subroutine for FixupPath
// Arguments: [pwcsPath] -- Source (local) path
// [pwcsFixup] -- Aliased result
// [cwcFixup] -- Count of characters in [pwcsFixup].
// [pwcRoot] -- Root scope (must match alias)
// [cwcRoot] -- Size (in chars) of [pwcRoot]
// [fDeep] -- True if [pwcRoot] is a deep scope.
// Returns: Count of characters that are in [pwcsFixup]. If return
// value is larger than [cwcFixup] then nothing was copied.
// History: 01-Oct-1998 KyleP Created (from ciprop.cxx vroot equivalent)
unsigned CGenericPropRetriever::FetchFixupInScope( WCHAR const * pwcsPath, WCHAR * pwcsFixup, unsigned cwcFixup, WCHAR const * pwcRoot, unsigned cwcRoot, BOOL fDeep, BOOL & fUnchanged ) { fUnchanged = FALSE; CScopeMatch Match( pwcRoot, cwcRoot ); unsigned cSkip = 0; unsigned cwcPath = 0; unsigned cwcMaxPath = 0; // Used to hold longest path (when cwcFixup == 0)
unsigned cwcOriginalPath = wcslen( pwcsPath );
while ( TRUE ) { cwcPath = _cat.FixupPath( pwcsPath, pwcsFixup, cwcFixup, cSkip );
if ( 0 == cwcPath ) return cwcMaxPath;
// If no fixups matched, return the original path
if ( cwcPath == cwcOriginalPath && RtlEqualMemory( pwcsPath, pwcsFixup, cwcPath * sizeof WCHAR ) ) { fUnchanged = TRUE; return cwcPath; }
// In scope?
if ( cwcPath > cwcFixup || !Match.IsInScope( pwcsFixup, cwcFixup ) ) { cSkip++;
// Update max fixup size if we're polling for space requirements.
if ( cwcPath > cwcFixup && cwcPath > cwcMaxPath ) cwcMaxPath = cwcPath;
continue; }
Win4Assert( 0 == pwcsFixup[cwcPath] );
// If the scope is shallow, check that it's still in scope
if ( !fDeep ) { unsigned cwcName = 0; WCHAR * pwcName = pwcsFixup + cwcPath - 1;
while ( L'\\' != *pwcName ) { Win4Assert( cwcName < cwcPath ); cwcName++; pwcName--; }
unsigned cwcJustPath = cwcPath - cwcName - 1;
BOOL fTooDeep = cwcJustPath > cwcRoot;
if ( fTooDeep ) { cSkip++; continue; } else break; } else break; }
if (0 == cwcMaxPath) return cwcPath; else return cwcMaxPath; } //FetchFixupInScope