// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-1998
// File: cimbmgr.hxx
// Contents: Content index Meta Base Manager
// Classes: CMetaDataMgr, CMetaDataHandle, CMetaDataComSink,
// CMetaDataCallBack, CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
#pragma once
#include <iadmw.h>
#include <iiscnfg.h>
enum CiVRootTypeEnum { W3VRoot = 0, NNTPVRoot = 1, IMAPVRoot = 2 };
// Timeout for opening metabase handles (in milliseconds)
const DWORD cmsCIMetabaseTimeout = 60000;
// Function: GetVRootServiceType
// Purpose: Returns a string representation of a vroot type
// History: 20-Jun-1997 dlee Created
inline WCHAR const * GetVRootService( CiVRootTypeEnum eType ) { if ( W3VRoot == eType ) return L"w3svc";
if ( NNTPVRoot == eType ) return L"nntpsvc";
Win4Assert( IMAPVRoot == eType );
return L"imapsvc"; } //GetVRootService
// Class: CMetaDataCallBack
// Purpose: Pure virtual for vpath enumeration
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CMetaDataCallBack { public: virtual SCODE CallBack( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, WCHAR const * pwcPRoot, BOOL fIsIndexed, DWORD dwAccess, WCHAR const * pwcUser, WCHAR const * pwcPassword, BOOL fIsAVRoot ) = 0; virtual ~CMetaDataCallBack() {} };
// Class: CMetaDataVirtualServerCallBack
// Purpose: Pure virtual for vroot enumeration
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CMetaDataVirtualServerCallBack { public:
virtual SCODE CallBack( DWORD iInstance, WCHAR const * pwcInstance ) = 0;
virtual ~CMetaDataVirtualServerCallBack() {} };
// Class: CMetaDataVRootChangeCallBack
// Purpose: Pure virtual for vpath change notification
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack { public: virtual SCODE CallBack( BOOL fCancel ) = 0; virtual ~CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack() {} };
// Class: CMetaDataComSink
// Purpose: Connection point callback helper class for vpath change
// notificaton.
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CMetaDataComSink : public IMSAdminBaseSink { public:
CMetaDataComSink() : _lRefCount( 1 ), _pCallBack( 0 ) { _awcInstance[0] = 0; }
~CMetaDataComSink() { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "~sink %#x %d\n", this, _lRefCount )); }
void SetCallBack( CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack *p ) { _pCallBack = p; }
CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack * GetCallBack() { return _pCallBack; }
void SetInstance( WCHAR const * pwcInstance ) { wcscpy( _awcInstance, pwcInstance ); }
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppObject ) { if ( IID_IUnknown == riid || IID_IMSAdminBaseSink == riid ) *ppObject = (IMSAdminBaseSink *) this; else return E_NOINTERFACE;
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( &_lRefCount ); }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() { Win4Assert( _lRefCount >= 1 ); ULONG cRefs = InterlockedDecrement( &_lRefCount );
if ( 0 == cRefs ) delete this;
return cRefs; }
private: long _lRefCount; CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack * _pCallBack; WCHAR _awcInstance[ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN ]; };
// Class: CMetaDataHandle
// Purpose: Smart meta data handle class
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CMetaDataHandle { public: CMetaDataHandle( XInterface<IMSAdminBase> & xAdminBase, WCHAR const * pwcPath, BOOL fWrite = FALSE ) : _xAdminBase( xAdminBase ), _h( 0 ) { SCODE sc = _xAdminBase->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, (LPWSTR) pwcPath, ( fWrite ? METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE : 0 ) | METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, cmsCIMetabaseTimeout, &_h );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "couldn't open metaobject '%ws', 0x%x\n", pwcPath, sc )); THROW( CException( sc ) ); } }
CMetaDataHandle( XInterface<IMSAdminBase> & xAdminBase, METADATA_HANDLE h ) : _xAdminBase( xAdminBase ), _h( h ) { }
~CMetaDataHandle() { if ( 0 != _h ) _xAdminBase->CloseKey( _h ); }
METADATA_HANDLE Get() { return _h; }
private: METADATA_HANDLE _h; XInterface<IMSAdminBase> & _xAdminBase; };
// Class: CVRootStack
// Purpose: Stack of vroots, proots, and access masks
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CVRootStack { public: CVRootStack() {}
void Push( WCHAR const * pwcVRoot, WCHAR const * pwcPRoot, DWORD access ) { _Access[ _Access.Count() ] = access;
unsigned cwcV = 1 + wcslen( pwcVRoot ); XArray<WCHAR> xVRoot( cwcV ); RtlCopyMemory( xVRoot.GetPointer(), pwcVRoot, xVRoot.SizeOf() );
_VRoots.Push( xVRoot.GetPointer() ); xVRoot.Acquire();
unsigned cwcP = 1 + wcslen( pwcPRoot ); XArray<WCHAR> xPRoot( cwcP ); RtlCopyMemory( xPRoot.GetPointer(), pwcPRoot, xPRoot.SizeOf() );
_PRoots.Push( xPRoot.GetPointer() ); xPRoot.Acquire(); }
void Pop() { delete [] _VRoots.Pop(); delete [] _PRoots.Pop(); _Access.Remove( _Access.Count() - 1 ); }
WCHAR const * PeekTopVRoot() const { Win4Assert( !IsEmpty() );
return _VRoots.Get( _VRoots.Count() - 1 ); }
WCHAR const * PeekTopPRoot() const { Win4Assert( !IsEmpty() );
return _PRoots.Get( _PRoots.Count() - 1 ); }
DWORD PeekTopAccess() const { Win4Assert( !IsEmpty() );
return _Access[ _Access.Count() - 1 ]; }
BOOL IsEmpty() const { return 0 == _VRoots.Count(); }
private: CDynStack<WCHAR> _VRoots; CDynStack<WCHAR> _PRoots; CDynArrayInPlace<DWORD> _Access; };
// Class: CMetaDataMgr
// Purpose: Class that encapsulates K2 metabase API for CI
// History: 07-Feb-1997 dlee Created
class CMetaDataMgr { public: CMetaDataMgr( BOOL fTopLevel, CiVRootTypeEnum eType, DWORD dwInstance = 0xffffffff, WCHAR const * pwcMachine = L"." );
static BOOL IsIISAdminUp( BOOL & fIISAdminInstalled );
void EnumVPaths( CMetaDataCallBack & callBack ); void AddVRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVRoot, WCHAR const * pwcPRoot, DWORD dwAccess ); SCODE RemoveVRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVRoot );
void GetVRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVRoot, WCHAR * pwcPRoot );
void GetVRootPW( WCHAR const * pwcVRoot, WCHAR * pwcPassword );
void AddScriptMap( WCHAR const * pwcMap ); void RemoveScriptMap( WCHAR const * pwcExt ); BOOL ExtensionHasScriptMap( WCHAR const * pwcExt ); BOOL ExtensionHasTargetScriptMap( WCHAR const * pwcExt, WCHAR const * pwcDll );
void AddInProcessIsapiApp( WCHAR const * pwcApp );
void EnableVPathNotify( CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack *pCallBack ); void DisableVPathNotify();
void SetIsIndexed( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, BOOL fIsIndexed ); BOOL IsIndexed( WCHAR const * pwcVPath );
void EnumVServers( CMetaDataVirtualServerCallBack & callBack );
ULONG GetVPathAccess( WCHAR const * pwcVPath ); ULONG GetVPathSSLAccess( WCHAR const * pwcVPath ); ULONG GetVPathAuthorization( WCHAR const * pwcVPath );
void Flush( void );
ULONG GetVPathFlags( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, ULONG mdID, ULONG ulDefault );
XInterface<IMSAdminBase> & Get() { return _xAdminBase; }
BOOL ReportVPath( CVRootStack & vrootStack, CMetaDataCallBack & callBack, CMetaDataHandle & mdRoot, WCHAR const * pwcRelative );
void ReportVirtualServer( CMetaDataVirtualServerCallBack & callBack, CMetaDataHandle & mdRoot, WCHAR const * pwcRelative );
void Enum( CVRootStack & vrootStack, CMetaDataCallBack & callBack, CMetaDataHandle & mdRoot, WCHAR const * pcRelative );
void Enum( CMetaDataVirtualServerCallBack & callBack, CMetaDataHandle & mdRoot, WCHAR const * pwcRelative );
void ReadRootValue( CMetaDataHandle & mdRoot, METADATA_RECORD & mdr, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xData, DWORD dwIdentifier );
void WriteRootValue( CMetaDataHandle & mdRoot, METADATA_RECORD & mdr, WCHAR const * pwcData, unsigned cwcData );
BOOL _fNotifyEnabled; BOOL _fTopLevel; XInterface<IMSAdminBase> _xAdminBase;
XInterface<CMetaDataComSink> _xSink; XInterface<IConnectionPoint> _xCP; DWORD _dwCookie; WCHAR _awcInstance[METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; };