// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1999.
// File: RegSrv.hxx
// Contents: Macros for Self-registration of Filters
// Functions: Macros to create DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer
// History: 03-Jan-97 KyleP Created from (CiAdmin version)
#pragma once
#include <olectl.h>
// Structure to define classes (.doc, .xls, etc.)
struct SClassEntry { WCHAR const * pwszExt; // (ex: .doc) May be null
WCHAR const * pwszShortName; // (ex: Word.Document.8)
WCHAR const * pwszDescription; // (ex: Microsoft Word Document)
WCHAR const * pwszClassId; // (ex: {00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
WCHAR const * pwszClassIdDescription; // (ex: Microsoft Word Document)
// Structure to define persistent handler entry.
struct SHandlerEntry { WCHAR const * pwszClassId; WCHAR const * pwszClassIdDescription; WCHAR const * pwszClassIdFilter; };
// Structure to define filter class
struct SFilterEntry { WCHAR const * pwszClassId; WCHAR const * pwszClassIdDescription; WCHAR const * pwszDLL; WCHAR const * pwszThreadingModel; };
// Sample use of the three structures
// SClassEntry const aClasses[] = { { L".doc", L"Word.Document.8",
// L"Microsoft Word Document",
// L"{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}",
// L"Microsoft Word Document" },
// { 0, L"Word.Document.6",
// L"Microsoft Word 6.0 - 7.0 Document",
// L"{00020900-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}",
// L"Microsoft Word 6.0 - 7.0 Document" }
// };
// SHandlerEntry const OfficeHandler = { L"{98de59a0-d175-11cd-a7bd-00006b827d94}",
// L"Microsoft Office Persistent Handler",
// L"{f07f3920-7b8c-11cf-9be8-00aa004b9986}" };
// SFilterEntry const OfficeFilter = { L"{f07f3920-7b8c-11cf-9be8-00aa004b9986}",
// L"Microsoft Office Filter",
// L"OffFilt.dll",
// 0 };
// Function prototypes
inline long RegisterACLSID( SClassEntry const & Class, WCHAR const * pwszPHandler, WCHAR const * pwszClassId = 0, BOOL fAppendOnly = FALSE, BOOL fAppendDesc = TRUE );
inline long RegisterAClass( SClassEntry const & Class, WCHAR const * pwszPHandler, WCHAR const * pwszShortName = 0, BOOL fAppendOnly = FALSE );
inline long RegisterAClassAndExt( SClassEntry const & Class, WCHAR const * pwszPHandler, BOOL fAppendOnly = FALSE );
// Function: BuildKeyValues, private
// Effects: Given array of key, value, key, value, ... adds the entries
// under CLSID as:
// Key1 : <NO NAME> Value1
// Key2 : <NO NAME> Value2
// :
// :
// Arguments: [awszKeyValues] -- Keys and values
// [cKeyValues] -- Number of entries in array. Must be even.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: The *value* entries can be null, signifying no value at a
// given level.
inline long BuildKeyValues( WCHAR const * const * awszKeyValues, unsigned cKeyValues ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH]; wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID" );
long dwError; HKEY hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; unsigned i = 0;
do { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, awszKeyValues[i] );
DWORD dwDisposition;
dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
if ( 0 != awszKeyValues[i] ) dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)awszKeyValues[i], // Value
(1 + wcslen(awszKeyValues[i]) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
i++; } while ( i < cKeyValues );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey );
return dwError; }
// Function: AddThreadingModel
// Synopsis: Adds the threading model value to the CLSID\\GUID\\InProcServer32
// key
// Arguments: [wszClsId] - ClassId of the inproc server.
// [wszThreadingModel] -- 0 (for single threaded) or one of
// Apartment, Free, or Both
// History: 3-07-97 srikants Created
inline long AddThreadingModel( WCHAR const * wszClsId, WCHAR const * wszThreadingModel ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH]; wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID" ); wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, wszClsId ); wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, L"InprocServer32" );
long dwError; HKEY hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; unsigned i = 0;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) return dwError;
if ( 0 != wszThreadingModel ) dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
L"ThreadingModel", // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *) wszThreadingModel, // Value
(wcslen(wszThreadingModel) + 1) * sizeof WCHAR ); else RegDeleteValueW( hKey, // Key
L"ThreadingModel" ); // Name
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey );
return dwError; }
// Function: DestroyKeyValues, private
// Effects: Given array of key, value, key, value from AddKeyValues,
// removes the keys.
// Arguments: [awszKeyValues] -- Keys and values
// [cKeyValues] -- Number of entries in array. Must be even.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long DestroyKeyValues( WCHAR const * const * awszKeyValues, int cKeyValues ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Build path to deepest component
wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID" ); int i = 0;
do { wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, awszKeyValues[i] );
i += 2; } while ( i < cKeyValues );
// Remove components in reverse order
unsigned cc = wcslen( wcTemp );
for ( i -= 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 ) { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
#if 0 // Values deleted by RegDeleteKeyW
// Delete value, if there is one.
if ( 0 != awszKeyValues[i+1] ) dwError = RegDeleteValueW( hKey, 0 );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break; #endif // 0
// Delete subkey, if there is one.
if ( i+2 < cKeyValues ) dwError = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, awszKeyValues[i+2] );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Close key and truncate string to next component.
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
cc -= wcslen( awszKeyValues[i] ); cc --;
wcTemp[cc] = 0; }
// Remove the final top key
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { do { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key -- "CLSID"
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Delete subkey
dwError = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, awszKeyValues[0] );
} while ( FALSE ); }
return dwError; }
// Function: RegisterAClassAndExt, private
// Synopsis: Registers a class, extensions (optional) and a persistent handler.
// Arguments: [Class] -- Class description
// [pwszPHandler] -- Persistent handler for class
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: Class is only registered if similar class does not already
// exist. Persistent handler is always registered for class.
inline long RegisterAClassAndExt( SClassEntry const & Class, WCHAR const * pwszPHandler, BOOL fAppendOnly ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
do { //
// First, the optional extension entry
DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize;
if ( 0 == Class.pwszExt ) { //
// Build up named entry
wcscpy( wcTemp, Class.pwszShortName ); } else { wcscpy( wcTemp, Class.pwszExt );
dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Write or read class association
BOOL fSetValue = TRUE;
if ( REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY == dwDisposition ) { dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp);
dwError = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, // Key handle
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
&dwType, // Datatype
(BYTE *)wcTemp, // Data returned here
&dwSize ); // Size of data
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { fSetValue = FALSE;
if ( REG_SZ != dwType ) dwError = E_FAIL; } else if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError ) { //
// This is ok, but we need to remember that the
// combination of wcTemp[0] == 0 && fAppendOnly means
// don't try to register the class.
wcTemp[0] = 0; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if ( fSetValue && !fAppendOnly ) { dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)Class.pwszShortName, // Value
(1 + wcslen(Class.pwszShortName) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
wcTemp[0] = 0; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Write the persistent handler key
dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( hKey, // Root
L"PersistentHandler", // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey2, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey2, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)pwszPHandler, // Value
(1 + wcslen(pwszPHandler) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey2 ) { RegCloseKey( hKey2 ); hKey2 = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Here, wcTemp may contain the key name for the named entry (ex: Word.Document.8)
if ( wcTemp[0] != 0 || !fAppendOnly ) dwError = RegisterAClass( Class, pwszPHandler, (0 == wcTemp[0]) ? 0 : wcTemp, fAppendOnly );
} while( FALSE );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return dwError; }
// Function: RegisterAClass, private
// Synopsis: Registers a class and a persistent handler.
// Arguments: [Class] -- Class description
// [pwszPHandler] -- Persistent handler for class
// [pwszClass] -- If non 0, used instead of class from [Class]
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 12-Feb-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: Class is only registered if similar class does not already
// exist. Persistent handler is always registered for class.
inline long RegisterAClass( SClassEntry const & Class, WCHAR const * pwszPHandler, WCHAR const * pwszShortName, BOOL fAppendOnly ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
if ( 0 == pwszShortName ) wcscpy( wcTemp, Class.pwszShortName ); else wcscpy( wcTemp, pwszShortName );
do { DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize;
// Here, wcTemp contains the key name for the named entry (ex: Word.Document.8)
if ( fAppendOnly ) { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { //
// Not opening the key at all is legit.
if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError ) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
break; }
dwDisposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY; } else { dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break; }
// If needed, write the description, but only for non-overrides.
if ( REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == dwDisposition && 0 == pwszShortName ) { dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)Class.pwszDescription, // Value
(1 + wcslen(Class.pwszDescription) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
wcscpy( wcTemp, Class.pwszShortName );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break; }
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Write or read ClassId
wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\CLSID" );
if ( fAppendOnly ) { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { //
// Not opening the key at all is legit.
if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError ) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
break; }
dwDisposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY; } else { dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break; }
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp);
dwError = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, // Key handle
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
&dwType, // Datatype
(BYTE *)(wcTemp), // Data returned here
&dwSize ); // Size of data
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) { if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError ) { //
// Don't set a class id in append mode.
if ( fAppendOnly ) { dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)Class.pwszClassId, // Value
(1 + wcslen(Class.pwszClassId) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
wcTemp[0] = 0; // Default to class from Class structure
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break; } else break; } else { if ( REG_SZ != dwType ) dwError = E_FAIL; }
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Here, wcTemp contains the {class id} (ex: CLSID\{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
dwError = RegisterACLSID( Class, pwszPHandler, (0 == wcTemp[0]) ? 0 : wcTemp, fAppendOnly );
} while( FALSE );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return dwError; }
// Function: RegisterACLSID, private
// Synopsis: Registers a CLSID / persistent handler.
// Arguments: [Class] -- Class description
// [pwszPHandler] -- Persistent handler for class
// [pwszClassId] -- If non 0, used instead of class id from [Class]
// [fAppendOnly] -- TRUE --> CLSID should not be created
// [fAppendDesc] -- TRUE --> Class description should be added.
// Only applies if [fAppendOnly] is FALSE
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 12-Feb-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: Class id is only registered if similar class does not already
// exist. Persistent handler is always registered for class.
inline long RegisterACLSID( SClassEntry const & Class, WCHAR const * pwszPHandler, WCHAR const * pwszClassId, BOOL fAppendOnly, BOOL fAppendDesc ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID\\" );
if ( 0 == pwszClassId ) wcscat( wcTemp, Class.pwszClassId ); else wcscat( wcTemp, pwszClassId );
do { DWORD dwDisposition;
// Here, wcTemp contains the CLSID\{class id} (ex: CLSID\{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
if ( fAppendOnly ) { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { //
// Not opening the key at all is legit.
if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError ) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
break; }
dwDisposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY; } else { dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// If needed, write the description, but not for override class.
if ( REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == dwDisposition && 0 == pwszClassId && fAppendDesc ) { dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)Class.pwszClassIdDescription, // Value
(1 + wcslen(Class.pwszClassIdDescription) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break; }
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Always write persistent handler.
wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\PersistentHandler" );
dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)pwszPHandler, // Value
(1 + wcslen(pwszPHandler) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
} while( FALSE );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return dwError; }
// Function: RemoveAClassName, private
// Synopsis: Removes all references to class name (ex: Word.Document.8)
// Arguments: [pwszClass] -- Class Name
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long RemoveAClassName( WCHAR * pwszClass ) { //
// First, delete class name entry.
long dwEnum = ERROR_SUCCESS; // The enumerator
long dwIgnore; // For non-fatal errors
long dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
0, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKeyEnum ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { dwIgnore = RegDeleteKeyW( hKeyEnum, pwszClass );
// Now enumerate all classes entries, looking for the clsid
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwEnum ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp)/sizeof(wcTemp[0]); FILETIME ftUnused;
dwEnum = RegEnumKeyExW( hKeyEnum, // Handle of key
dwIndex, // Index of registry subkey
wcTemp, // Buffer for name
&dwSize, // Size of buffer / key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class (unused)
0, // Class size (unused)
&ftUnused ); // Filetime (unused)
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwEnum ) { HKEY hKey;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { WCHAR wcTemp2[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType;
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp2);
dwError = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, // Key handle
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
&dwType, // Datatype
(BYTE *)wcTemp2, // Data returned here
&dwSize ); // Size of data
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && 0 == _wcsicmp( wcTemp2, pwszClass ) ) { //
// Always delete the value
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwIgnore ) dwIgnore = RegDeleteValueW( hKey, 0 ); else RegDeleteValueW( hKey, 0 );
// Any other key(s)?
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp);
DWORD dw2 = RegEnumKeyExW( hKey, // Handle of key
0, // Index of registry subkey
wcTemp, // Buffer for name
&dwSize, // Size of buffer / key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class (unused)
0, // Class size (unused)
&ftUnused ); // Filetime (unused)
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dw2 ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwIgnore ) dwIgnore = RegDeleteKeyW( hKeyEnum, wcTemp ); else RegDeleteKeyW( hKeyEnum, wcTemp );
dwIndex = 0; }
} else dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Just didn't have a null key (or no match)
} } } }
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != dwEnum ) dwError = dwEnum;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) return dwError; else return dwIgnore; }
// Function: RemoveAClass, private
// Synopsis: Removes all references to class
// Arguments: [pwszClass] -- Class
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long RemoveAClass( WCHAR * pwszClassId ) { //
// First, delete class entry.
long dwIgnore; // For non-fatal errors
long dwEnum = ERROR_SUCCESS; // For enumerator
long dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
L"CLSID", // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKeyEnum ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { dwIgnore = RegDeleteKeyW( hKeyEnum, pwszClassId );
RegCloseKey( hKeyEnum );
long dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
0, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKeyEnum ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { //
// Now enumerate all classes entries, looking for the clsid
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwEnum ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp)/sizeof(wcTemp[0]); FILETIME ftUnused;
dwEnum = RegEnumKeyExW( hKeyEnum, // Handle of key
dwIndex, // Index of registry subkey
wcTemp, // Buffer for name
&dwSize, // Size of buffer / key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class (unused)
0, // Class size (unused)
&ftUnused ); // Filetime (unused)
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwEnum ) { wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\CLSID" );
HKEY hKey;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { WCHAR wcTemp2[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType;
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp2);
dwError = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, // Key handle
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
&dwType, // Datatype
(BYTE *)wcTemp2, // Data returned here
&dwSize ); // Size of data
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && 0 == _wcsicmp( wcTemp2, pwszClassId ) ) { wcTemp[ wcslen(wcTemp) - wcslen( L"\\CLSID" ) ] = 0;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwIgnore ) dwIgnore = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, L"CLSID" ); else RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, L"CLSID" );
dwIndex = 0; }
// If there are no more entries, then the class name can be deleted
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp)/sizeof(wcTemp[0]);
long dw2 = RegEnumKeyExW( hKey, // Handle of key
0, // Index of registry subkey
wcTemp, // Buffer for name
&dwSize, // Size of buffer / key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class (unused)
0, // Class size (unused)
&ftUnused ); // Filetime (unused)
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dw2 ) RemoveAClassName( wcTemp ); } } else dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Just didn't have CLSID
} } }
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != dwEnum ) dwError = dwEnum;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) return dwError; else return dwIgnore; }
// Function: RegisterAHandler, private
// Synopsis: Registers a persistent handler in registry
// Arguments: [Handler] -- Persistent handler
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long RegisterAHandler( SHandlerEntry const & Handler ) { WCHAR const * aKeyValues[6] = { Handler.pwszClassId, Handler.pwszClassIdDescription, L"PersistentAddinsRegistered", 0, L"{89BCB740-6119-101A-BCB7-00DD010655AF}", // IID_IFilter
Handler.pwszClassIdFilter };
return BuildKeyValues( aKeyValues, sizeof(aKeyValues)/sizeof(aKeyValues[0]) ); }
// Function: RegisterAFilter, private
// Synopsis: Registers a filter in registry
// Arguments: [Filter] -- IFilter implementation
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long RegisterAFilter( SFilterEntry const & Filter ) { WCHAR const * aKeyValues[4] = { Filter.pwszClassId, Filter.pwszClassIdDescription, L"InprocServer32", Filter.pwszDLL };
long retVal = BuildKeyValues( aKeyValues, sizeof(aKeyValues)/sizeof(aKeyValues[0]) ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == retVal ) retVal = AddThreadingModel( Filter.pwszClassId, Filter.pwszThreadingModel );
return retVal; }
// Function: UnRegisterAHandler, private
// Synopsis: Unregisters a persistent handler, including class entries.
// Arguments: [Handler] -- Persistent handler
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long UnRegisterAHandler( SHandlerEntry const & Handler ) { WCHAR const * aKeyValues[6] = { Handler.pwszClassId, Handler.pwszClassIdDescription, L"PersistentAddinsRegistered", 0, L"{89BCB740-6119-101A-BCB7-00DD010655AF}", // IID_IFilter
Handler.pwszClassIdFilter };
// dwIgnore is used to record non-fatal errors
long dwIgnore = DestroyKeyValues( aKeyValues, sizeof(aKeyValues)/sizeof(aKeyValues[0]) ); long dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Now, enumerate all classes and delete any persistent handler entries.
long dwEnum = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
L"CLSID", // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKeyEnum ); // Handle
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwEnum ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID\\" ); unsigned cc = wcslen( wcTemp );
DWORD dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp)/sizeof(wcTemp[0]) - cc; FILETIME ftUnused;
dwEnum = RegEnumKeyExW( hKeyEnum, // Handle of key
dwIndex, // Index of registry subkey
wcTemp + cc, // Buffer for name
&dwSize, // Size of buffer / key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class (unused)
0, // Class size (unused)
&ftUnused ); // Filetime (unused)
// Does the key have a persistent handler?
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwEnum ) { wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\PersistentHandler" );
HKEY hKey;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { //
// Is this the persistent handler we're looking for?
WCHAR wcTemp2[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType;
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp2);
dwError = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, // Key handle
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
&dwType, // Datatype
(BYTE *)wcTemp2, // Data returned here
&dwSize ); // Size of data
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && 0 == _wcsicmp( wcTemp2, Handler.pwszClassId ) ) { wcTemp[ wcslen(wcTemp) - wcslen( L"\\PersistentHandler" ) ] = 0;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwIgnore ) dwIgnore = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, L"PersistentHandler" ); else RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, L"PersistentHandler" );
dwIndex = 0; // Start over again
// If that was the *only* entry under the clsid, then the class can be
// removed.
dwSize = sizeof(wcTemp2)/sizeof(wcTemp2[0]);
long dw2 = RegEnumKeyExW( hKey, // Handle of key
0, // Index of registry subkey
wcTemp2, // Buffer for name
&dwSize, // Size of buffer / key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class (unused)
0, // Class size (unused)
&ftUnused ); // Filetime (unused)
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dw2 ) RemoveAClass( wcTemp + wcslen( L"CLSID\\" ) ); } else { //
// Didn't have persistent handler null key. Odd but not fatal.
// Or, key didn't match target.
dwIgnore = dwError; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
} else dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Just didn't have persistent handler
} }
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKeyEnum ) RegCloseKey( hKeyEnum );
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != dwEnum ) dwError = dwEnum;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) return dwError; else return dwIgnore; }
// Function: UnRegisterAnExt, private
// Synopsis: Unregisters a filter extension
// Arguments: [Class] -- Class description to unregister
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 21-Jan-1999 KyleP Created
inline long UnRegisterAnExt( SClassEntry const & Class ) { HKEY hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwError;
do { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
Class.pwszExt, // Sub key -- "CLSID"
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
dwError = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, L"PersistentHandler" );
} while ( FALSE );
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return dwError; }
// Function: UnRegisterAFilter, private
// Synopsis: Unregisters a filter
// Arguments: [Filter] -- IFilter implementation
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long UnRegisterAFilter( SFilterEntry const & Filter ) { WCHAR const * aKeyValues[4] = { Filter.pwszClassId, Filter.pwszClassIdDescription, L"InprocServer32", Filter.pwszDLL };
return DestroyKeyValues( aKeyValues, sizeof(aKeyValues)/sizeof(aKeyValues[0]) ); }
// Function: DllUnregisterServer
// Synopsis: Self-unregistration
// History: 22-Nov-96 KyleP Created
// Function: DllRegisterServer
// Synopsis: Self-registration
// History: 22-Nov-96 KyleP Created
// Notes: There are two versions here. Version 1 registers only
// extensions. Version 2 registers extensions and
// [nameless] Class IDs.
#define DEFINE_REGISTERFILTER( Name, Handler, Filter, aClasses ) \
\ STDAPI Name##UnregisterServer() \ { \ /* \
* Always remove Persistent Handler and Filter entries \ */ \ \ long dwError = UnRegisterAHandler( Handler ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ dwError = UnRegisterAFilter( Filter ); \ else \ UnRegisterAFilter( Filter ); \ \ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ { \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ dwError = UnRegisterAnExt( aClasses[i] ); \ else \ UnRegisterAnExt( aClasses[i] ); \ } \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ return S_OK; \ else \ return S_FALSE; \ } \ \ STDAPI Name##RegisterServer() \ { \ /* \
* Always create Persistent Handler and Filter entries \ */ \ \ long dwError = RegisterAHandler( Handler ); \ \ /* \
* First, register the CLSID and persistent handler, \ * then work back to the class description and the \ * extension. This ensures we cover all possible \ * mappings. \ * \ */ \ \ OSVERSIONINFO Version; \ Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Version); \ \ BOOL fAppendOnly = FALSE; \ \ if ( GetVersionEx( &Version ) && \ Version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && \ Version.dwMajorVersion >= 5 ) \ { \ fAppendOnly = TRUE; \ } \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ dwError = RegisterAFilter( Filter ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ for ( unsigned i = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ dwError = RegisterACLSID( aClasses[i], Handler.pwszClassId, 0, fAppendOnly ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ for ( unsigned i = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ dwError = RegisterAClass( aClasses[i], Handler.pwszClassId, 0, fAppendOnly ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ for ( unsigned i = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ dwError = RegisterAClassAndExt( aClasses[i], Handler.pwszClassId, fAppendOnly ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ return S_OK; \ else \ return SELFREG_E_CLASS; \ }
#define DEFINE_DLLREGISTERFILTER( Handler, Filter, aClasses ) \
DEFINE_REGISTERFILTER( Dll, Handler, Filter, aClasses )
// Version 2
#define DEFINE_REGISTERFILTER2( Name, Handler, Filter, aClasses ) \
\ STDAPI Name##UnregisterServer() \ { \ /* \
* Always remove Persistent Handler and Filter entries \ */ \ \ long dwError = UnRegisterAHandler( Handler ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ dwError = UnRegisterAFilter( Filter ); \ else \ UnRegisterAFilter( Filter ); \ \ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ { \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ dwError = UnRegisterAnExt( aClasses[i] ); \ else \ UnRegisterAnExt( aClasses[i] ); \ } \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ return S_OK; \ else \ return S_FALSE; \ } \ \ STDAPI Name##RegisterServer() \ { \ /* \
* Always create Persistent Handler and Filter entries \ */ \ \ long dwError = RegisterAHandler( Handler ); \ \ /* \
* First, register the CLSID and persistent handler, \ * then work back to the class description and the \ * extension. This ensures we cover all possible \ * mappings. \ * \ */ \ \ OSVERSIONINFO Version; \ Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Version); \ \ BOOL fAppendOnly = FALSE; \ \ if ( GetVersionEx( &Version ) && \ Version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && \ Version.dwMajorVersion >= 5 ) \ { \ fAppendOnly = TRUE; \ } \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ dwError = RegisterAFilter( Filter ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ for ( unsigned i = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ dwError = RegisterACLSID( aClasses[i], Handler.pwszClassId, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ for ( unsigned i = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ dwError = RegisterAClass( aClasses[i], Handler.pwszClassId, 0, fAppendOnly ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ for ( unsigned i = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && i < sizeof(aClasses)/sizeof(aClasses[0]); i++ ) \ dwError = RegisterAClassAndExt( aClasses[i], Handler.pwszClassId, fAppendOnly ); \ \ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) \ return S_OK; \ else \ return SELFREG_E_CLASS; \ }
#define DEFINE_DLLREGISTERFILTER2( Handler, Filter, aClasses ) \
DEFINE_REGISTERFILTER2( Dll, Handler, Filter, aClasses )