FUNCTION fCheckLocale (ByVal strLine, iLcid)
iNewLCID = Util.ISOToLocaleID(strLine) if iNewLCID <> iLcid then strEcho = "Error - Locale " & strLine & " not LCID " & iLcid wscript.Echo strEcho strEcho = " mapped LCID is " & iNewLCID wscript.Echo strEcho fCheckLocale = 1 else strNewName = Util.LocaleIDToISO( iLcid ) strCmpLine = UCASE(strLine) if strNewName <> strCmpLine then
' The looked-up name did not match. It might be one of several ' special cases if strNewName = LEFT(strCmpLine, 2) or strNewName = LEFT(strCmpLine, 5) then ' Might be part of a longer Accept-Language string, or ' just matched the primary language part fCheckLocale = 0 elseif strNewName = Right(strCmpLine, 2) then ' Might be part of a longer Accept-Language string, or ' preceeded by spaces fCheckLocale = 0 elseif iLcid = -1 then ' Unrecognized name, like 'IY' or 'YI' fCheckLocale = 0 elseif (iLcid = 1037 or iLcid = 1057) and LEFT(strLine,1) = "i" then ' special case for alias names 'in' and 'iw' fCheckLocale = 0 elseif iLcid = 1050 and strLine = "SR" then ' Serbian = Croatian ??? fCheckLocale = 0 else strEcho = "Error - Locale " & strLine & " not " & strNewName wscript.Echo strEcho strEcho = " LCID is " & iLcid wscript.Echo strEcho fCheckLocale = 1 end if else fCheckLocale = 0 end if end if END FUNCTION
FUNCTION fCheckSupports ( eFlag, fShouldSupport, ByVal strFlagName )
if fShouldSupport then if RecordSet.Supports( eFlag ) then fCheckSupports = 0 else strEcho = "Error - Recordset should support " & strFlagName & ", but does not." wscript.Echo strEcho fCheckSupports = 1 end if else if RecordSet.Supports( eFlag ) <> fShouldSupport then strEcho = "Error - Recordset should support " & strFlagName & ", but does not." wscript.Echo strEcho fCheckSupports = 1 else fCheckSupports = 0 end if end if END FUNCTION
FUNCTION fCompareObjects (Q1, Q2)
cErrors = 0 if Q1.Query <> Q2.Query then wscript.Echo "Error - Query property mismatch" cErrors = cErrors + 1 end if
if Q1.SortBy <> Q2.SortBy then wscript.Echo "Error - SortBy property mismatch" cErrors = cErrors + 1 end if
' if Q1.GroupBy <> Q2.GroupBy then ' wscript.Echo "Error - GroupBy property mismatch" ' cErrors = cErrors + 1 ' end if
if Q1.Catalog <> Q2.Catalog then wscript.Echo "Error - Catalog property mismatch" cErrors = cErrors + 1 end if
if Q1.MaxRecords <> Q2.MaxRecords then wscript.Echo "Error - MaxRecords property mismatch" cErrors = cErrors + 1 end if
if Q1.AllowEnumeration <> Q2.AllowEnumeration then wscript.Echo "Error - AllowEnumeration property mismatch" cErrors = cErrors + 1 end if
if cErrors <> 0 then fCompareObjects = 1 else fCompareObjects = 0 end if END FUNCTION
'-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ADO constants for VBScript ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------
'---- CursorTypeEnum Values ---- Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0 Const adOpenKeyset = 1 Const adOpenDynamic = 2 Const adOpenStatic = 3
'---- CursorOptionEnum Values ---- Const adHoldRecords = &H00000100 Const adMovePrevious = &H00000200 Const adAddNew = &H01000400 Const adDelete = &H01000800 Const adUpdate = &H01008000 Const adBookmark = &H00002000 Const adApproxPosition = &H00004000 Const adUpdateBatch = &H00010000 Const adResync = &H00020000
'-------------------------------------------- ' ' String constants used in script ' '--------------------------------------------
strPASS = " PASS" strFAIL = " FAIL"
wscript.Echo "Test 1 -- null Query "
' Create a new query SSO Set Query = CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
Query.Query = "" Query.Catalog = "web" Query.Columns = "path,size,attrib,rank,write" Query.MaxRecords = 150 Query.SortBy = "rank[d]"
' Execute Query on error resume next Set RecordSet = Query.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential") on error goto 0 if isobject( RecordSet ) then wscript.Echo "Error - CreateRecordSet failed, " & Err.Number & Err.Description wscript.Echo strFAIL set RecordSet = Nothing else wscript.Echo strPASS end if set Query = Nothing
wscript.Echo "Test 2 -- null Catalog " ' Create a new query SSO Set Query = CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
Query.Query = "ixsso and test" Query.Columns = "path,size,attrib,rank,write" Query.MaxRecords = 150 Query.SortBy = "rank[d]"
' Execute Query on error resume next Set RecordSet = Query.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential") ErrNum = Hex( Err.Number ) & " " ErrDesc = Err.Description on error goto 0 if isobject( RecordSet ) <> TRUE then wscript.Echo "Error - CreateRecordSet failed, " & ErrNum & ErrDesc wscript.Echo strFAIL else wscript.Echo strPASS end if set RecordSet = Nothing set Query = Nothing
wscript.Echo "Test 3 -- Verify LocaleID handling " set Util=CreateObject("IXSSO.Util") cErrors = 0 cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "BG", 1026 ) ' Bulgarian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ZH", 2052 ) ' Chinese cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ZH-CN", 2052 ) ' Chinese-China cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ZH-TW", 1028 ) ' Chinese-Taiwan cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "HR", 1050 ) ' Hungarian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "CS", 1029 ) ' Czech cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "DA", 1030 ) ' Danish cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "NL", 1043 ) ' Dutch cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EN", 1033 ) ' English cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EN-GB", 2057 ) ' English-United Kingdom cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EN-US", 1033 ) ' English-United States cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "FI", 1035 ) ' Finnish cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "FR", 1036 ) ' French cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "FR-CA", 3084 ) ' French-Canada cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "FR-FR", 1036 ) ' French-France cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "DE", 1031 ) ' German cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EL", 1032 ) ' Greek cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "IS", 1039 ) ' Icelandic cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "IT", 1040 ) ' Italian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "JA", 1041 ) ' Japanese cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "KO", 1042 ) ' Korean cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "NO", 1044 ) ' Norwegian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "PL", 1045 ) ' Polish cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "PT", 1046 ) ' Portuguese cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "PT-BR", 1046 ) ' Portuguese-Brazil cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "RO", 1048 ) ' Romanian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "RU", 1049 ) ' Russian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "SK", 1051 ) ' Slovak cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "SL", 1060 ) ' Slovenian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ES", 1034 ) ' Spanish cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ES-ES", 1034 ) ' Spanish-Spain cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "SV", 1053 ) ' Sweedish cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "TR", 1055 ) ' Turkish
cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "AF", 1078 ) ' Afrikaans cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "AR", 1025 ) ' Arabic cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EU", 1069 ) ' Basque cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "BE", 1059 ) ' Byelorussian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "CA", 1027 ) ' Catalan cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "HR", 1050 ) ' Croatian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ET", 1061 ) ' Estonian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "FO", 1080 ) ' Faeronese cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EL", 1032 ) ' Greek cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "HE", 1037 ) ' Hebrew cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "iw", 1037 ) ' Hebrew cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ID", 1057 ) ' Indonesian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "in", 1057 ) ' Indonesian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "LV", 1062 ) ' Latvian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "LT", 1063 ) ' Lithuanian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "SR", 1050 ) ' Serbian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "TH", 1054 ) ' Thai cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "UK", 1058 ) ' Ukrainian cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "VI", 1066 ) ' Vietnamese
cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "NEUTRAL", 0 )
' The following are language or country codes we don't recognize cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "PT-PT", 1046 ) ' Portuguese-Portugal cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "ES-CO", 1034 ) ' Spanish-Columbia cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "FR-BE", 1036 ) ' French-Belgium cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "IU", -1 ) ' Inuktitut (Eskimo) cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "YI", -1 ) ' Yiddish
' Check some language combinations, leading and trailing spaces, etc. cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( " EN", 1033 ) cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EN ", 1033 ) cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "EN-US", 1033 ) cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "en-us", &H409 ) cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "en-gb", &H809 ) cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "PT-PT,PT", 1046 )
' We ignore quality cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "fr-ca;q=0.3,fr;q=0.7,en", 3084 )
' We don't do IANA extensions or private use tags cErrors = cErrors + fCheckLocale( "x.klingon, i.cherokee, en", 1033 )
if 0 = cErrors then wscript.Echo strPASS else wscript.Echo strFAIL end if set Query = Nothing
wscript.Echo "Test 4 -- Verify recordset Supports and CursorType " '--------------------------- Create and Execute the Query ---------------------
'---- Create a new query SSO Set Query = CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
Query.Query = "HTML" Query.CiScope = "/" Query.CiFlags = "DEEP" Query.Columns = "vpath" Query.MaxRecords = 150 Query.SortBy = "vpath[a]"
'--------- Execute Query Set RecordSet = Query.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential")
cErrors1 = 0 if RecordSet.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly then wscript.Echo "Error - non-sequential recordset's cursor type is forward-only" cErrors1 = cErrors1 + 1 end if
' cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adHoldRecords, TRUE, "adHoldRecords" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adMovePrevious, TRUE, "adMovePrevious" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adAddNew, FALSE, "adAddNew" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adDelete, FALSE, "adDelete" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adUpdate, FALSE, "adUpdate" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adBookmark, TRUE, "adBookmark" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adApproxPosition, TRUE, "adApproxPosition" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adUpdateBatch, FALSE, "adUpdateBatch" ) cErrors1 = cErrors1 + fCheckSupports( adResync, FALSE, "adResync" )
Set Query = nothing Set Recordset = nothing
'---- Create a new query SSO Set Query = CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
Query.Query = "HTML" Query.CiScope = "/" Query.CiFlags = "DEEP" Query.Columns = "vpath" Query.MaxRecords = 150 Query.SortBy = "vpath[a]"
'--------- Execute Query Set RecordSet = Query.CreateRecordSet("sequential")
cErrors2 = 0 if RecordSet.CursorType <> adOpenForwardOnly then strEcho = "Error - sequential recordset's cursor type is not forward-only(" & RecordSet.CursorType & ")" wscript.Echo strEcho cErrors2 = cErrors2 + 1 end if
cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adHoldRecords, FALSE, "adHoldRecords" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adMovePrevious, FALSE, "adMovePrevious" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adAddNew, FALSE, "adAddNew" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adDelete, FALSE, "adDelete" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adUpdate, FALSE, "adUpdate" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adBookmark, FALSE, "adBookmark" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adApproxPosition, FALSE, "adApproxPosition" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adUpdateBatch, FALSE, "adUpdateBatch" ) cErrors2 = cErrors2 + fCheckSupports( adResync, FALSE, "adResync" )
Set Query = nothing Set Recordset = nothing
if 0 = cErrors1+cErrors2 then wscript.Echo strPASS else wscript.Echo strFAIL & cErrors1 & cErrors2 end if
wscript.Echo "Test 5 -- Test SetQueryFromURL and QueryToURL methods " '---- Create a new query object Set Q1 = CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
Q1.Query = "HTML" Q1.CiScope = "/" Q1.CiFlags = "DEEP" Q1.Columns = "vpath" Q1.MaxRecords = 150 Q1.SortBy = "vpath[a]" Q1.Catalog = "query://localhost/web"
' wscript.Echo "QueryString is: " & Q1.QueryToURL
'---- Create a second query object and set its state from the first object Set Q2 = CreateObject("ixsso.Query") Q2.SetQueryFromURL( Q1.QueryToURL )
cErrors1 = fCompareObjects( Q1, Q2 )
Q1.Reset Q2.Reset
Q1.Query = "Full text query & ( c1 q1 ) & ( c2 o2 q2 ) & ( q3b )" Q2.SetQueryFromURL("qu=Full+text+query&c1=c1&q3=q3a&q1=q1&c2=c2&q2=q2&o2=o2&q3=q3b&c4=col4&o4=oper4")
Q1.SortBy = "path,size,rank[d]" Q2.SetQueryFromURL("so=path&so=size&sd=rank")
Q1.AllowEnumeration=TRUE Q1.OptimizeFor="performance" Q2.SetQueryFromURL("ae=1&op=x")
cErrors2 = fCompareObjects( Q1, Q2 )
Q1.Reset Q1.SetQueryFromURL( Q2.QueryToURL )
cErrors3 = fCompareObjects( Q1, Q2 )
' regression test for NTRAID 221992 Q1.Reset Q2.Reset QueryString = "geld" + chr(225) + " verzekeringen" Q1.SetQueryFromURL( "qu=" + QueryString ) Q2.Query = QueryString
cErrors4 = fCompareObjects( Q1, Q2 )
QueryString = "geld" + chr(225) + "+verz%u0065keringen" Q1.SetQueryFromURL( "qu=" + QueryString )
cErrors4 = cErrors4 + fCompareObjects( Q1, Q2 )
set Q1 = nothing set Q2 = nothing
if 0 = cErrors1+cErrors2+cErrors3+cErrors4 then wscript.Echo strPASS else wscript.Echo strFAIL end if
wscript.Echo "Test 6 -- Test multi-scoped queries " set Util=CreateObject("IXSSO.Util") set Q=CreateObject("IXSSO.Query") Q.Columns = "Filename, Rank, vpath, Size, Write" Q.Query = "#filename *.*" Q.SortBy = "rank[d]"
Util.AddScopeToQuery Q, "E:\nt", "SHALLOW"
Q.OptimizeFor = "recall" Q.AllowEnumeration = TRUE
Q.MaxRecords = 20000
set RS=Q.CreateRecordSet( "nonsequential" ) RecordCount1 = RS.RecordCount if RecordCount1 = 0 then wscript.Echo "Warning - no records returned from first query" end if RS.close Set RS = Nothing
Q.Reset Q.Columns = "Filename, Rank, vpath, Size, Write" Q.Query = "#filename *.*" Q.SortBy = "rank[d]"
Util.AddScopeToQuery Q, "e:\nt\private\query"
Q.OptimizeFor = "recall" Q.AllowEnumeration = TRUE
Q.MaxRecords = 20000
set RS=Q.CreateRecordSet( "nonsequential" ) RecordCount2 = RS.RecordCount if RecordCount2 = 0 then wscript.Echo "Warning - no records returned from second query" end if RS.close Set RS = Nothing
Q.Reset Q.Columns = "Filename, Rank, vpath, Size, Write" Q.Query = "#filename *.*" Q.SortBy = "rank[d]"
Util.AddScopeToQuery Q, "E:\nt", "SHALLOW" Util.AddScopeToQuery Q, "e:\nt\private\query"
Q.OptimizeFor = "recall" Q.AllowEnumeration = TRUE
Q.MaxRecords = 40000
set RS=Q.CreateRecordSet( "nonsequential" ) RecordCount3 = RS.RecordCount if RecordCount3 <> RecordCount1+RecordCount2 then wscript.Echo "Error - third query is not union of first and second queries" wscript.Echo "RecordCount1 = " & RecordCount1 wscript.Echo "RecordCount2 = " & RecordCount2 wscript.Echo "RecordCount3 = " & RecordCount3 end if RS.close Set RS = Nothing Set Q = Nothing Set Util = Nothing
if RecordCount3 = RecordCount1+RecordCount2 and RecordCount3 <> 0 then wscript.Echo strPASS else wscript.Echo strFAIL end if
wscript.Echo "Test 7 -- Test TruncateToWhitespace " set Util=CreateObject("IXSSO.Util") strTest = "123 abc" & chr(10) & "!@#" & chr(11) & "({["
cErrors = 0 for i = 1 to 19 cchExp = (int ((i+1)/4)) * 4 - 1 if i <= 3 then cchExp = i end if if Util.TruncateToWhitespace(strTest, i) <> Left(strTest, cchExp) then strEcho = "Error - trunc " & CStr(i) wscript.Echo strEcho strEcho " " & Util.TruncateToWhitespace(strTest, i) wscript.Echo strEcho cErrors = cErrors + 1 end if next Set Util = Nothing
if cErrors = 0 then wscript.Echo strPASS else wscript.Echo strFAIL end if
' <!-- TODO: ' Add read-only MaxRecords test from ixtst7.asp ' Encapsulate 'On Error' handling inside subroutines ' --> wscript.Echo "Done!"