Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. [Strings]
  2. cdname ="CD n� 2 de Windows XP Professionnel"
  4. SHORTCUT_DESC_INKBALL = "Lance le jeu InkBall."
  5. SHORTCUT_NAME_JOURNAL = "Journal Windows"
  6. SHORTCUT_DESC_JOURNAL = "Utilisez le stylet du Tablet PC pour cr�er et g�rer vos fichiers de notes"
  7. SHORTCUT_NAME_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL = "Didacticiel du Journal Windows"
  8. SHORTCUT_DESC_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL = "Apprenez � utiliser le Journal."
  9. SHORTCUT_NAME_WIZARD = "Familiarisez-vous avec votre Tablet PC"
  10. SHORTCUT_DESC_WIZARD = "Apprenez � utiliser votre Tablet PC et votre stylet."
  11. SHORTCUT_NAME_TIPTUTE = "Didacticiel du Panneau de saisie Tablet PC"
  12. SHORTCUT_DESC_TIPTUTE = "Apprendre � utiliser le Panneau de saisie."
  13. SHORTCUT_NAME_SPEECHTUTE = "Didacticiel de la reconnaissance vocale"
  14. SHORTCUT_DESC_SPEECHTUTE = "Apprenez � utiliser les fonctionnalit�s vocales."
  15. SHORTCUT_NAME_OVERTUTE = "Didacticiel du Tablet PC"
  16. SHORTCUT_DESC_OVERTUTE = "D�couvrez le Tablet PC et ses accessoires."
  17. SHORTCUT_NAME_LAUNCHTUTE = "Didacticiels du Tablet PC"
  18. SHORTCUT_DESC_LAUNCHTUTE = "Page de lancement des didacticiels du Tablet PC"
  19. SHORTCUT_NAME_STICKY = "Pense-b�te"
  20. SHORTCUT_DESC_STICKY = "Utilisez le stylet du Tablet PC pour prendre des notes"
  22. DESKTOP_FOLDER = "Bureau"
  23. GAMES_FOLDER = "Jeux"
  24. STATIONARY_FOLDER = "Papier � lettres"
  25. TEMPLATES_FOLDER = "Mod�les"
  26. TIP_DESC_ODIN = "Insertion de texte Tablet PC"
  27. TIP_DESC_CORRECTION = "Correction Tablet PC"
  28. TIP_DESC_JRNL = "Correction Tablet PC pour Journal Windows"
  29. BLUE_GRADIENT_JPG = "D�grad� de bleus.jpg"
  30. CAVE_DRAWINGS_GIF = "Peintures rupestres.gif"
  31. CONNECTIVITY_GIF = "Connectivit�.gif"
  32. MONET_JPG = "Monet.jpg"
  33. NOTEBOOK_JPG = "Cahier � spirales.jpg"
  34. PINE_LUMBER_JPG = "Arri�re-plan Pin.jpg"
  35. PRETTY_PEACOCK_JPG = "Joli paon.jpg"
  36. PSYCHEDELIC_JPG = "Psych�d�lique.jpg"
  37. SAND_PAPER_JPG = "Papier de verre.jpg"
  38. SMALL_NEWS_JPG = "Petites nouvelles.jpg"
  39. STUCCO_GIF = "Stuc.gif"
  40. TANSPECKS_JPG = "Points bruns.jpg"
  41. TIKI_GIF = "Tiki.gif"
  42. WHITE_CHOCOLATE_JPG = "Chocolat blanc.jpg"
  43. WRINKLED_PAPER_GIF = "Papier froiss�.gif"
  44. GRID_INCH_WMF = "Grille (pouces).wmf"
  45. GRID_CM_WMF = "Grille (cm).wmf"
  46. DOTTED_LINES_EMF = "Lignes pointill�es.emf"
  47. FAX_EMF = "T�l�copie.emf"
  48. GENKO_1_EMF = "Papier Genko 1.emf"
  49. GENKO_2_EMF = "Papier Genko 2.emf"
  50. GRAPH_EMF = "Papier millim�tr�.emf"
  51. MEETING_NOTES_EMF = "Notes de r�union.emf"
  52. MEMO_EMF = "M�mo.emf"
  53. MONTH_CALENDAR_EMF = "Calendrier mensuel.emf"
  54. MUSIC_EMF = "Musique.emf"
  55. PHONE_MESSAGE_EMF = "Message t�l�phonique.emf"
  56. SCHEDULE_EMF = "Planning.emf"
  57. SEYES_EMF = "Papier d'�colier.emf"
  58. SHORTHAND_EMF = "St�nographie.emf"
  59. TO_DO_LIST_EMF = "Liste de t�ches.emf"
  60. BLANK_JTP = "Vierge.jtp"
  61. FAX_JTP = "T�l�copie.jtp"
  62. DOTTED_LINE_PAPER_JTP = "Ligne pointill�e.jtp"
  63. GENKO_LANDSCAPE_PAPER_JTP = "Papier Genko 1.jtp"
  64. GENKO_PAPER_JTP = "Papier Genko 2.jtp"
  65. GRAPH_PAPER_JTP = "Papier millim�tr�.jtp"
  66. MEETING_NOTES_JTP = "Notes de r�union.jtp"
  67. MEMO_JTP = "M�mo.jtp"
  68. MONTH_CALENDAR_JTP = "Calendrier mensuel.jtp"
  69. MUSIC_JTP = "Musique.jtp"
  70. PHONE_MESSAGE_JTP = "Message t�l�phonique.jtp"
  71. SCHEDULE_JTP = "Planning.jtp"
  72. SEYES_RULED_PAPER_JTP = "Papier d'�colier.jtp"
  73. SHORTHAND_JTP = "St�nographie.jtp"
  74. TO_DO_LIST_JTP = "Liste de t�ches.jtp"
  75. JOURNAL_DOCUMENT = "Document Journal"
  76. JOURNAL_TEMPLATE = "Mod�le de Journal"
  77. COMMANDING_TABLET_PC_INPUT_PANEL = "Commande du Panneau de saisie Tablet PC"
  78. CONTROL_TEXT_ENTRY_FROM_INPUT_PANEL = "Contr�le de la saisie de texte du Panneau de saisie"
  79. STARTING_PROGRAMS = "D�marrage des programmes"
  80. START_ANY_INSTALLED_PROGRAM = "D�marre tout programme install�"
  81. SWITCHING_PROGRAMS = "Basculer vers un autre programme"
  82. SWITCH_BETWEEN_OPEN_PROGRAMS = "Basculer d'un programme ouvert vers un autre"
  83. USING_MENUS_AND_BUTTONS = "Utilisation des menus et des boutons"
  84. USE_MENUS_AND_BUTTONS = "Utiliser les menus et les boutons"
  85. WORKING_WITH_TEXT = "Modification de texte"
  86. EDIT_AND_CORRECT_TEXT = "Modifier et corriger du texte"
  87. WINDOWS_XP_MICROPHONE_OFF_WAV = "Windows XP Microphone �teint.wav"
  88. WINDOWS_XP_MICROPHONE_ON_WAV = "Windows XP Microphone allum�.wav"
  89. WINDOWS_XP_SPEECH_RECOGNIZED_WAV = "Windows XP Parole reconnue.wav"
  90. WINDOWS_XP_SPEECH_UNRECOGNIZED_WAV = "Windows XP Parole non reconnue.wav"