* * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dpnhpastintfobj.cpp * * Content: DPNHPAST main interface object class. * * History: * Date By Reason * ======== ======== ========= * 04/16/01 VanceO Split DPNATHLP into DPNHUPNP and DPNHPAST. * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dpnhpasti.h"
// Definitions
#define DEFAULT_INITIAL_PAST_RETRY_TIMEOUT 25000 // start retry timer at 25 ms
#define PAST_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS 250 // 250 ms
#define MAX_NUM_PAST_TRIES_CONNECT 2 // how many times to send a registration request message, in case of packet loss
#define MAX_PAST_RETRY_TIME_US 250000 // max retry interval is 250 ms
#define LEASE_RENEW_TIME 120000 // renew if less than 2 minutes remaining
#define FAKE_PORT_LEASE_TIME 300000 // 5 minutes
#define IOCOMPLETE_WAIT_INTERVAL 100 // 100 ms between attempts
#define MAX_NUM_IOCOMPLETE_WAITS 10 // wait at most 1 second
#define MAX_RESERVED_PORT 1024
// WinSock 1 version of IP options
#define IP_TTL_WINSOCK1 7
// Macros
//#ifdef _X86
#define IS_CLASSD_IPV4_ADDRESS(dwAddr) (( (*((BYTE*) &(dwAddr))) & 0xF0) == 0xE0) // 1110 high bits or - multicast address, in network byte order
#define NTOHS(x) ( (((x) >> 8) & 0x00FF) | (((x) << 8) & 0xFF00) )
#define HTONS(x) NTOHS(x)
//#endif _X86
// Local static variables
static timeval s_tv0 = {0, 0};
// CNATHelpPAST constructor
// Description: Initializes the new CNATHelpPAST object.
// Arguments:
// BOOL fNotCreatedWithCOM - TRUE if this object is being instantiated
// without COM, FALSE if it is through COM.
// Returns: None (the object).
CNATHelpPAST::CNATHelpPAST(const BOOL fNotCreatedWithCOM) { this->m_blList.Initialize();
this->m_Sig[0] = 'N'; this->m_Sig[1] = 'A'; this->m_Sig[2] = 'T'; this->m_Sig[3] = 'H';
this->m_lRefCount = 1; // someone must have a pointer to this object
if (fNotCreatedWithCOM) { this->m_dwFlags = NATHELPPASTOBJ_NOTCREATEDWITHCOM; } else { this->m_dwFlags = 0; }
this->m_dwLockThreadID = 0; this->m_hAlertEvent = NULL; this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort = NULL; this->m_dwAlertCompletionKey = 0;
this->m_blDevices.Initialize(); this->m_blRegisteredPorts.Initialize(); this->m_blUnownedPorts.Initialize();
this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime = 0; this->m_dwNextPollInterval = 0; this->m_dwNumLeases = 0; this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime = 0;
this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL = NULL; this->m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo = NULL; this->m_pfnGetIpForwardTable = NULL; this->m_pfnGetBestRoute = NULL;
this->m_sIoctls = INVALID_SOCKET; this->m_wIoctlSocketPort = 0; this->m_polAddressListChange = NULL;
this->m_hWinSockDLL = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAStartup = NULL; this->m_pfnWSACleanup = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError = NULL; this->m_pfnsocket = NULL; this->m_pfnclosesocket = NULL; this->m_pfnbind = NULL; this->m_pfnsetsockopt = NULL; this->m_pfngetsockname = NULL; this->m_pfnselect = NULL; this->m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet = NULL; this->m_pfnrecvfrom = NULL; this->m_pfnsendto = NULL; this->m_pfngethostname = NULL; this->m_pfngethostbyname = NULL; this->m_pfninet_addr = NULL; this->m_pfnWSASocketA = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAIoctl = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAGetOverlappedResult = NULL;
#ifdef DBG
this->m_dwNumDeviceAdds = 0; this->m_dwNumDeviceRemoves = 0; this->m_dwNumServerFailures = 0; #endif // DBG
// CNATHelpPAST destructor
// Description: Frees the CNATHelpPAST object.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
CNATHelpPAST::~CNATHelpPAST(void) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) NumDeviceAdds = %u, NumDeviceRemoves = %u, NumServerFailures = %u", this, this->m_dwNumDeviceAdds, this->m_dwNumDeviceRemoves, this->m_dwNumServerFailures);
DNASSERT(this->m_lRefCount == 0); DNASSERT((this->m_dwFlags & ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_NOTCREATEDWITHCOM) == 0);
DNASSERT(this->m_dwLockThreadID == 0); DNASSERT(this->m_hAlertEvent == NULL); DNASSERT(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort == NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_blDevices.IsEmpty()); DNASSERT(this->m_blRegisteredPorts.IsEmpty()); DNASSERT(this->m_blUnownedPorts.IsEmpty());
DNASSERT(this->m_dwNumLeases == 0);
DNASSERT(this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL == NULL); DNASSERT(this->m_hWinSockDLL == NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_sIoctls == INVALID_SOCKET); DNASSERT(this->m_polAddressListChange == NULL);
// For grins, change the signature before deleting the object.
this->m_Sig[3] = 'h'; } // CNATHelpPAST::~CNATHelpPAST
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::QueryInterface"
// CNATHelpPAST::QueryInterface
// Description: Retrieves a new reference for an interfaces supported by this
// CNATHelpPAST object.
// Arguments:
// REFIID riid - Reference to interface ID GUID.
// LPVOID * ppvObj - Place to store pointer to object.
// Returns: HRESULT
// S_OK - Returning a valid interface pointer.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER - The destination pointer is invalid.
// E_NOINTERFACE - Invalid interface was specified.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "(0x%p) Parameters: (REFIID, 0x%p)", this, ppvObj);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid NATHelper object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if ((! IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) && (! IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDirectPlayNATHelp))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unsupported interface!"); hr = E_NOINTERFACE; goto Failure; }
if ((ppvObj == NULL) || (IsBadWritePtr(ppvObj, sizeof(void*)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid interface pointer specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
// Add a reference, and return the interface pointer (which is actually
// just the object pointer, they line up because CNATHelpPAST inherits from
// the interface declaration).
this->AddRef(); (*ppvObj) = this;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::QueryInterface
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::AddRef"
// CNATHelpPAST::AddRef
// Description: Adds a reference to this CNATHelpPAST object.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: New refcount.
// There must be at least 1 reference to this object, since someone is
// calling AddRef.
DNASSERT(this->m_lRefCount > 0);
lRefCount = InterlockedIncrement(&this->m_lRefCount);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "[0x%p] RefCount [0x%lx]", this, lRefCount);
return lRefCount; } // CNATHelpPAST::AddRef
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::Release"
// CNATHelpPAST::Release
// Description: Removes a reference to this CNATHelpPAST object. When the
// refcount reaches 0, this object is destroyed.
// You must NULL out your pointer to this object after calling
// this function.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: New refcount.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CNATHelpPAST::Release(void) { LONG lRefCount;
// There must be at least 1 reference to this object, since someone is
// calling Release.
DNASSERT(this->m_lRefCount > 0);
lRefCount = InterlockedDecrement(&this->m_lRefCount);
// Was that the last reference? If so, we're going to destroy this object.
if (lRefCount == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "[0x%p] RefCount hit 0, destroying object.", this);
// First pull it off the global list.
DNASSERT(g_lOutstandingInterfaceCount > 0); g_lOutstandingInterfaceCount--; // update count so DLL can unload now works correctly
// Make sure it's closed.
if (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) { //
// Assert so that the user can fix his/her broken code!
DNASSERT(! "DirectPlayNATHelpPAST object being released without calling Close first!");
// Then go ahead and do the right thing. Ignore error, we can't do
// much about it.
this->Close(0); }
// Then uninitialize the object.
// Finally delete this (!) object.
delete this; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "[0x%p] RefCount [0x%lx]", this, lRefCount); }
return lRefCount; } // CNATHelpPAST::Release
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::Initialize"
// CNATHelpPAST::Initialize
// Description: Prepares the object for use. No attempt is made to contact
// any Internet gateway servers at this time. The user should
// call GetCaps with the DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag to
// search for a server.
// Initialize must be called before using any other function,
// and must be balanced with a call to Close. Initialize can only
// be called once unless Close returns it to the uninitialized
// state.
// but not both.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwFlags - Flags to use when initializing.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Initialization was successful.
// DPNHERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED - Initialize has already been called.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred while initializing.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to initialize.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::Initialize(const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; BOOL fSetFlags = FALSE; BOOL fWinSockStarted = FALSE; WSADATA wsadata; int iError; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinTemp; int iAddressSize; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%lx)", this, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT;
// Skip the failure cleanup code, we haven't set anything up.
goto Exit; }
// Validate the parameters.
// Skip the failure cleanup code, we haven't set anything up.
goto Exit; }
// Both flags cannot be specified at the same time. If the caller doesn't
// want any NAT functionality, why use this object all?
// Skip the failure cleanup code, we haven't set anything up.
goto Exit; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!");
// Skip the failure cleanup code, we haven't set anything up.
goto Exit; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if ((this->m_dwFlags & ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_NOTCREATEDWITHCOM) != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object already initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED;
// Skip the failure cleanup code, we haven't set anything up.
goto Exit; }
// Read in the manual override settings from the registry
// We're not completely initialized yet, but set the flag(s) now.
this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED; fSetFlags = TRUE;
// Store the user's settings.
if (dwFlags & DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLEGATEWAYSUPPORT) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "User requested that Internet gateways not be supported."); } else { this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS; }
if (dwFlags & DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLELOCALFIREWALLSUPPORT) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "User requested that local PAST PFW not be supported."); } else { this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTPFW; }
// Take into account the registry override settings.
switch (g_dwPASTICSMode) { case OVERRIDEMODE_FORCEON: { //
// Force PAST ICS on.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Forcing PAST ICS support on."); this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS; break; }
// Force PAST ICS off.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Forcing PAST ICS support off."); this->m_dwFlags &= ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS; break; }
default: { //
// Leave PAST ICS settings alone.
break; } }
switch (g_dwPASTPFWMode) { case OVERRIDEMODE_FORCEON: { //
// Force PAST PFW on.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Forcing PAST PFW support on."); this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTPFW; break; }
// Force PAST PFW off.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Forcing PAST PFW support off."); this->m_dwFlags &= ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTPFW; break; }
default: { //
// Leave PAST PFW settings alone.
break; } }
// Try loading the IP helper DLL.
this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL = LoadLibrary( _T("iphlpapi.dll") ); if (this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Unable to load \"iphlpapi.dll\" (error = 0x%lx).", dwError); #endif // DBG
// That's not fatal, we can still function.
} else { //
// Load the functions we'll use.
this->m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo = (PFN_GETADAPTERSINFO) GetProcAddress(this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL, "GetAdaptersInfo"); if (this->m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to get \"GetAdaptersInfo\" function (error = 0x%lx)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Exit; }
this->m_pfnGetIpForwardTable = (PFN_GETIPFORWARDTABLE) GetProcAddress(this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL, "GetIpForwardTable"); if (this->m_pfnGetIpForwardTable == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to get \"GetIpForwardTable\" function (error = 0x%lx)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Exit; }
this->m_pfnGetBestRoute = (PFN_GETBESTROUTE) GetProcAddress(this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL, "GetBestRoute"); if (this->m_pfnGetBestRoute == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to get \"GetBestRoute\" function (error = 0x%lx)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Exit; } }
// Load WinSock, we always need it.
this->m_hWinSockDLL = LoadLibrary( _T("ws2_32.dll") ); if (this->m_hWinSockDLL == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Couldn't load \"ws2_32.dll\" (err = 0x%lx), resorting to WinSock 1 functionality.", dwError); #endif // DBG
this->m_hWinSockDLL = LoadLibrary( _T("wsock32.dll") ); if (this->m_hWinSockDLL == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't load \"wsock32.dll\" either (err = 0x%lx)!.", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Remember that we had to resort to WinSock 1.
this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Loaded \"ws2_32.dll\", using WinSock 2 functionality."); }
// Load pointers to all the functions we use in WinSock.
hr = this->LoadWinSockFunctionPointers(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't load WinSock function pointers!"); goto Failure; }
// Fire up WinSock. Request 2.2 if we can. For the most part we only use
// version 1.1 capabilities and interfaces anyway. The only exceptions are
// using using the event or I/O completion port handles for notification.
ZeroMemory(&wsadata, sizeof(wsadata));
if (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1) { iError = this->m_pfnWSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsadata); } else { iError = this->m_pfnWSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsadata); } if (iError != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't startup WinSock (error = %i)!", iError); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
fWinSockStarted = TRUE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Initialized WinSock version %u.%u.", LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion));
// Try creating a UDP socket for use with WSAIoctl. Do this even if we're
// WinSock 1 and can't use WSAIoctl socket. This allows us to make sure
// TCP/IP is installed and working.
this->m_sIoctls = this->m_pfnsocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (this->m_sIoctls == INVALID_SOCKET) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create Ioctl socket, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Try binding the socket. This is a continuation of the validation.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinTemp, sizeof(saddrinTemp)); saddrinTemp.sin_family = AF_INET; //saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = INADDR_ANY;
//saddrinTemp.sin_port = 0;
if (this->m_pfnbind(this->m_sIoctls, (SOCKADDR *) (&saddrinTemp), sizeof(saddrinTemp)) != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't bind the Ioctl socket to arbitrary port on any interface, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Get the address + port tuple actually bound.
iAddressSize = sizeof(saddrinTemp); if (this->m_pfngetsockname(this->m_sIoctls, (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinTemp), &iAddressSize) != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get socket name, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// WinSock needs to have bound to all adapters (because we told it to).
DNASSERT(saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_ANY);
this->m_wIoctlSocketPort = saddrinTemp.sin_port;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Bound Ioctl socket to port %u.", NTOHS(this->m_wIoctlSocketPort));
// Build the list of IP capable devices.
hr = this->CheckForNewDevices(NULL); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't build device list!"); goto Failure; }
// We could technically try to contact PAST servers right now, but we don't
// because it's a slow blocking operation, and users have to call GetCaps
// at least once anyway.
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (this->m_sIoctls != INVALID_SOCKET) { this->m_pfnclosesocket(this->m_sIoctls); // ignore error
this->m_sIoctls = INVALID_SOCKET; }
if (fWinSockStarted) { this->m_pfnWSACleanup(); // ignore error
if (this->m_hWinSockDLL != NULL) { this->m_pfnWSAStartup = NULL; this->m_pfnWSACleanup = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError = NULL; this->m_pfnsocket = NULL; this->m_pfnclosesocket = NULL; this->m_pfnbind = NULL; this->m_pfnsetsockopt = NULL; this->m_pfngetsockname = NULL; this->m_pfnselect = NULL; this->m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet = NULL; this->m_pfnrecvfrom = NULL; this->m_pfnsendto = NULL; this->m_pfngethostname = NULL; this->m_pfngethostbyname = NULL; this->m_pfninet_addr = NULL; this->m_pfnWSASocketA = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAIoctl = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAGetOverlappedResult = NULL;
this->m_dwFlags &= ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1;
FreeLibrary(this->m_hWinSockDLL); this->m_hWinSockDLL = NULL; }
if (this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL != NULL) { this->m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo = NULL; this->m_pfnGetIpForwardTable = NULL; this->m_pfnGetBestRoute = NULL;
FreeLibrary(this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL); this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL = NULL; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::Initialize
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::Close"
// CNATHelpPAST::Close
// Description: Shuts down and de-registers this application with any
// Internet gateway servers. All port assignments are implicitly
// freed as a result of this operation.
// This must balance a successful call to Initialize.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwFlags - Unused, must be zero.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Closing the helper API was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred while closing.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to close.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::Close(const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; int iError; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%lx)", this, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if (dwFlags != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid flags specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
// We need to actively deregister any devices which are registered with
// Internet gateways.
// Close the Ioctl socket.
DNASSERT(this->m_sIoctls != INVALID_SOCKET); this->m_pfnclosesocket(this->m_sIoctls); // ignore error
this->m_sIoctls = INVALID_SOCKET;
// If we submitted overlapped I/O, see if it got cancelled.
if (this->m_polAddressListChange != NULL) { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; OSVERSIONINFOEX osvix; BOOL fCanWait; DWORD dwAttempt;
ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi);
if (GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { //
// Any platform but Win2K Gold, Win2K + SP1, or Win2K + SP2 can
// just go ahead and wait for the I/O to complete.
if ((osvi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) || (osvi.dwMajorVersion > 5) || (osvi.dwMinorVersion > 0)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Windows %s version %u.%u detected, waiting for address list change Ioctl to complete.", ((osvi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) ? _T("9x") : _T("NT")), osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion);
fCanWait = TRUE; } else { //
// Win2K versions < SP3 have a bug where the I/O is not always
// cancelled by closing the socket. We can't wait for the
// completion, sometimes it doesn't happen.
fCanWait = FALSE;
ZeroMemory(&osvix, sizeof(osvix)); osvix.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvix);
if (GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO) (&osvix))) { //
// If SP3 or later is applied, we know it's fixed.
if (osvix.wServicePackMajor >= 3) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Windows 2000 Service Pack %u detected, waiting for address list change Ioctl to complete.", osvix.wServicePackMajor); fCanWait = TRUE; } #ifdef DBG
else { if (osvix.wServicePackMajor == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Windows 2000 Gold detected, not waiting for address list change Ioctl to complete."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Windows 2000 Service Pack %u detected, not waiting for address list change Ioctl to complete.", osvix.wServicePackMajor); } } #endif // DBG
} #ifdef DBG
else { dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get extended OS version information (err = %u)!.", dwError); } #endif // DBG
// Wait, if we can. Otherwise, leak the memory.
if (fCanWait) { //
// Keep looping until I/O completes. We will give up after a
// while to prevent hangs.
dwAttempt = 0; while (! HasOverlappedIoCompleted(this->m_polAddressListChange)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Waiting %u ms for address list change Ioctl to complete.", IOCOMPLETE_WAIT_INTERVAL);
// Give the OS some time to complete it.
if (dwAttempt >= MAX_NUM_IOCOMPLETE_WAITS) { break; } } } else { //
// Just leak the memory. See above notes and debug print
// statements
} } #ifdef DBG
else { dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get OS version information (err = %u)!", dwError); } #endif // DBG
// We've either freed the memory or committed to leaking the object.
if (HasOverlappedIoCompleted(this->m_polAddressListChange)) { //
// We didn't allocate it through DNMalloc, use the matching free
// function.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, this->m_polAddressListChange); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Overlapped address list change Ioctl has not completed yet, leaking %u byte overlapped structure at 0x%p.", sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED), this->m_polAddressListChange); }
this->m_polAddressListChange = NULL; }
// Cleanup WinSock.
iError = this->m_pfnWSACleanup(); if (iError != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't cleanup WinSock (error = %u)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
// Continue anyway, so we can finish cleaning up the object.
// Unload the library.
this->m_pfnWSAStartup = NULL; this->m_pfnWSACleanup = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError = NULL; this->m_pfnsocket = NULL; this->m_pfnclosesocket = NULL; this->m_pfnbind = NULL; this->m_pfnsetsockopt = NULL; this->m_pfngetsockname = NULL; this->m_pfnselect = NULL; this->m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet = NULL; this->m_pfnrecvfrom = NULL; this->m_pfnsendto = NULL; this->m_pfngethostname = NULL; this->m_pfngethostbyname = NULL; this->m_pfninet_addr = NULL; this->m_pfnWSASocketA = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAIoctl = NULL; this->m_pfnWSAGetOverlappedResult = NULL;
FreeLibrary(this->m_hWinSockDLL); this->m_hWinSockDLL = NULL;
// If we loaded IPHLPAPI.DLL, unload it.
if (this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL != NULL) { this->m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo = NULL; this->m_pfnGetIpForwardTable = NULL; this->m_pfnGetBestRoute = NULL;
FreeLibrary(this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL); this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL = NULL; }
// If there was an alert event, we're done with it.
if (this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(this->m_hAlertEvent); this->m_hAlertEvent = NULL; }
// If there was an alert I/O completion port, we're done with it.
if (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL) { CloseHandle(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort); this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort = NULL; }
// Turn off flags which should reset it back to 0 or just the
this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::Close
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::GetCaps"
// CNATHelpPAST::GetCaps
// Description: Retrieves the capabilities of the Internet gateway server(s)
// and information on leased ports. This function should be
// called periodically with the DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS
// flag to automatically extend port leases that are about to
// expire (that are in last 2 minutes of their lease).
// detection of changes in the servers' status since the last
// similar call to GetCaps. If a new server becomes available, an
// existing one became unavailable, or a server's public address
// changed in a way that affects an existing registered port
// mapping, then DPNHSUCCESS_ADDRESSESCHANGED is returned instead
// of DPNH_OK. The user should then update its port binding
// information via GetRegisteredAddresses.
// function may block for a short period of time while attempts
// are made to communicate with the server(s).
// GetCaps must be called with the
// DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag at least once prior to
// using the GetRegisteredAddresses or QueryAddress methods.
// Arguments:
// DPNHCAPS * pdpnhcaps - Pointer to structure to be filled with the NAT
// helper's current capabilities. The dwSize
// field of the structure must be filled in before
// calling GetCaps.
// DWORD dwFlags - Flags to use when retrieving capabilities
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Determining capabilities was successful.
// Address status has not changed.
// DPNHSUCCESS_ADDRESSESCHANGED - One or more of the registered port
// mappings' addresses changed, retrieve
// updated mappings with
// GetRegisteredAddress.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred while determining
// capabilities.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER - An invalid pointer was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to get
// capabilities.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the
// same thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::GetCaps(DPNHCAPS * const pdpnhcaps, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; DWORD dwCurrentTime; DWORD dwLeaseTimeRemaining; CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; CDevice * pDevice;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%lx)", this, pdpnhcaps, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if ((pdpnhcaps == NULL) || (IsBadWritePtr(pdpnhcaps, sizeof(DPNHCAPS)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid caps structure pointer specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (pdpnhcaps->dwSize != sizeof(DPNHCAPS)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid caps structure specified, dwSize must be %u!", sizeof(DPNHCAPS)); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (dwFlags & ~DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid flags specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
// Fill in the base caps structure.
pdpnhcaps->dwFlags = 0;
pdpnhcaps->dwNumRegisteredPorts = 0;
pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining = -1;
// pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval is initialized below
// Remove any cached mappings that have expired.
// Extend leases, if necessary.
hr = this->ExtendAllExpiringLeases(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Extending all expiring leases failed!"); goto Failure; }
// Check for any new devices.
hr = this->CheckForNewDevices(NULL); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Checking for new devices failed!"); goto Failure; }
// Check for possible changes in any server's status. The
// ADDRESSESCHANGED flag will be set on this object if there were
// changes that affected existing port mappings.
hr = this->UpdateServerStatus(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Updating servers' status failed!"); goto Failure; }
// Okay, so if things are different, alert the caller.
#ifdef DBG
// This flag should have been turned off by now if it ever got turned
// on.
// Print the current device and mapping status for debugging purposes.
this->DebugPrintCurrentStatus(); #endif // DBG
} else { //
// Not extending expiring leases or updating server status.
// Loop through all the devices, getting their gateway capabilities.
pBilink = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilink != (&this->m_blDevices)) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilink);
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { //
// PAST servers do not actively notify you of address changes.
if (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(TRUE)) { pdpnhcaps->dwFlags |= DPNHCAPSFLAG_PUBLICADDRESSAVAILABLE; } }
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { if (pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) { //
// PAST servers do not actively notify you of address changes.
DNASSERT(pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)); } else { //
// PAST servers do not actively notify you of address changes.
if (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)) { pdpnhcaps->dwFlags |= DPNHCAPSFLAG_PUBLICADDRESSAVAILABLE; } } }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// Loop through all registered ports, counting them.
// We have the appropriate lock.
pBilink = this->m_blRegisteredPorts.GetNext(); dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime();
while (pBilink != (&this->m_blRegisteredPorts)) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_GLOBAL_BILINK(pBilink);
// Count these registered addresses toward the total.
pdpnhcaps->dwNumRegisteredPorts += pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses();
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(); if (pDevice != NULL) { DNASSERT(! (pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.IsListMember(&this->m_blUnownedPorts)));
// If they're registered with any PAST servers and also calculate
// the minimum lease time remaining.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { dwLeaseTimeRemaining = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(FALSE) - dwCurrentTime; if (dwLeaseTimeRemaining < pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining) { //
// Temporarily store how much time remains.
pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining = dwLeaseTimeRemaining; } }
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { dwLeaseTimeRemaining = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(TRUE) - dwCurrentTime; if (dwLeaseTimeRemaining < pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining) { //
// Temporarily store how much time remains.
pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining = dwLeaseTimeRemaining; } } } else { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.IsListMember(&this->m_blUnownedPorts)); }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// There are different default recommended GetCaps intervals depending on
// whether there's a server present, and whether it supports active address
// change notification (that we can alert on) or not.
// If there are any leases which need to be renewed before that default
// time, the recommendation will be shortened appropriately.
// If GetCaps hasn't been called with UPDATESERVERSTATUS yet, recommend an
// immediate check.
if (this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Server status has not been updated yet, recommending immediate GetCaps.");
// Drop the lock, we're done here.
this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE;
goto Exit; }
// In an ideal world, we could get notified of changes and we would never
// have to poll. Unfortunately that isn't the case. We need to recommend
// a relatively short poll interval.
// Start by figuring out how long it's been since the last server update.
// This calculation really should not go negative. If it does, it means
// the caller hasn't updated the server status in ages anyway, so we should
// recommend immediate GetCaps.
// Otherwise if the 'port registered' flag is still set at this point, then
// the user must have called GetCaps previously, then RegisterPorts, then
// made this second GetCaps call before g_dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval
// elapsed. Recommend that the user call us again as soon as the minimum
// update interval does elapse.
// In all other cases, generate a recommendation based on the current
// backed off poll interval.
dwCurrentTime = dwCurrentTime - this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime;
if ((int) dwCurrentTime < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Server status was last updated a really long time ago (%u ms), recommending immediate GetCaps.", dwCurrentTime); pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = 0; } else if (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_PORTREGISTERED) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Didn't handle new port registration because server was last updated %u ms ago, (poll interval staying at %u ms).", dwCurrentTime, this->m_dwNextPollInterval);
pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = g_dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval - dwCurrentTime; if ((int) pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval < 0) { pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = 0; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Server was last updated %u ms ago, current poll interval is %u ms.", dwCurrentTime, this->m_dwNextPollInterval);
// Calculate a new recommended interval based on the current value, and
// backoff that interval if necessary.
pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = this->m_dwNextPollInterval - dwCurrentTime; this->m_dwNextPollInterval += GetGlobalRand() % g_dwPollIntervalBackoff; if (this->m_dwNextPollInterval > g_dwMaxPollInterval) { this->m_dwNextPollInterval = g_dwMaxPollInterval; DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Capping next poll interval at %u ms.", this->m_dwNextPollInterval); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Next poll interval will be %u ms.", this->m_dwNextPollInterval); }
// If that time went negative, then it implies that the interval has
// already elapsed. Recommend immediate GetCaps.
if (((int) pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Recommended interval already elapsed (%i ms), suggesting immediate GetCaps.", ((int) pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval)); pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = 0; } }
this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE;
// If there is a non-INFINITE lease time remaining, see if that affects the
// GetCaps interval.
if (pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining != -1) { //
// If there are leases that need to be refreshed before the default
// recommendation, then use those instead.
if (pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining < LEASE_RENEW_TIME) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Lease needs renewing right away (min %u < %u ms), recommending immediate GetCaps.", pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining, LEASE_RENEW_TIME);
pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = 0; } else { //
// Either pick the time when the lease should be renewed or leave
// it as the recommended time, whichever is shorter.
if ((pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining - LEASE_RENEW_TIME) < pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval) { pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval = pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining - LEASE_RENEW_TIME; } } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "GetCaps flags = 0x%lx, num registered ports = %u, min lease time remaining = %i, recommended interval = %i.", pdpnhcaps->dwFlags, pdpnhcaps->dwNumRegisteredPorts, ((int) pdpnhcaps->dwMinLeaseTimeRemaining), ((int) pdpnhcaps->dwRecommendedGetCapsInterval));
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::GetCaps
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPorts"
// CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPorts
// Description: Asks for public realm port(s) that are aliases for the local
// port(s) on this private realm node. If a server is available,
// all traffic directed to the gateway on the public side at the
// allocated public ports-- which the gateway provides and
// specifies in the response-- will be directed to the specified
// local ports. If the DPNHREGISTERPORTS_FIXEDPORTS flag is not
// specified, the ports assigned on the public interface are
// arbitrary (i.e. may not be the same as those in awLocalPort).
// The address and ports actually allocated can be retrieved by
// calling GetRegisteredAddresses.
// The address component for every SOCKADDR structure in the
// array must be the same. A separate RegisterPorts call is
// required to register multiple ports that are not using the same
// interface. The address can be INADDR_ANY, in which case the
// "best" server will be used. If multiple servers are available
// via different adapters, an adapter with an Internet gateway is
// selected. If no adapters have Internet gateways, the first
// adapter with a local firewall is selected. If neither are
// available, then the first one where either a gateway or a
// firewall becomes available will be automatically selected.
// Once one of the adapters has been assigned, it cannot be
// changed. Since the server chosen by this method may not be
// optimal for a particular application, it is recommended that
// individual addresses be registered instead of INADDR_ANY.
// If the address in aLocalAddresses is not one of those
// available to the local machine, the registration will still
// succeed. If an adapter with that address becomes available,
// the port mapping will automatically be applied, and it will
// gain a public mapping with any server available to that
// adapter. If the address was originally available but the
// network adapter is subsequently removed from the system, any
// public address mapping is lost. It will be automatically
// regained if the local address becomes available again. It is
// recommended that the caller detect local address changes
// independently and de-register/re-register mappings per adapter
// as appropriate for maximum control.
// server will allow other NAT clients to register it as well.
// Any UDP traffic received on the public interface will be
// forwarded to all clients registered. This requires the
// DPNHREGISTERPORTS_FIXEDPORTS flag and cannot be used with
// The user should specify a requested lease time that the
// server will attempt to honor. The actual time remaining can be
// can be retrieved by calling GetRegisteredAddresses.
// Note that if a server is not available, this function will
// still succeed. GetRegisteredAddresses will return
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPING for the handle returned in phRegisteredPorts
// in that case. If the server arrives later during the session,
// calling GetCaps periodically can detect this and automatically
// map previously registered ports. Use GetRegisteredAddresses to
// retrieve the newly mapped address when that occurs.
// Only 16 ports may be registered at a time, but RegisterPorts
// may be called as many times as desired.
// The same array of addresses may be registered more than
// once. Each DPNHHANDLE returned must be released with
// DeregisterPorts or Close. If an individual address was
// previously registered but in a different array or a different
// order in the array, then the DPNHERR_PORTALREADYREGISTERED
// error code is returned.
// Arguments:
// SOCKADDR * aLocalAddresses - Array of local address and port tuples
// for which remote ports are requested.
// DWORD dwAddressesSize - Size of entire local addresses array.
// DWORD dwNumAddresses - Number of SOCKADDR structures in local
// addresses array.
// DWORD dwLeaseTime - Requested time, in milliseconds, to lease
// the ports. As long as GetCaps is
// called before this time has expired,
// the lease will automatically be
// renewed.
// DPNHHANDLE * phRegisteredPorts - Place to store an identifier for this
// binding which can later be used to
// query or release the binding.
// DWORD dwFlags - Flags to use when registering the port
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The ports were successfully registered
// (although no public address may be
// available yet).
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred that prevented
// registration of the requested ports.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER - An invalid pointer was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to register
// the ports.
// DPNHERR_PORTALREADYREGISTERED - At least one of the ports has already
// been registered in a different address
// array or order.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the
// same thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPorts(const SOCKADDR * const aLocalAddresses, const DWORD dwAddressesSize, const DWORD dwNumAddresses, const DWORD dwLeaseTime, DPNHHANDLE * const phRegisteredPorts, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT temphr; ULONG ulFirstAddress; DWORD dwTemp; DWORD dwMatch; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; BOOL fGotLocalPASTMapping = FALSE; BOOL fGotRemotePASTMapping = FALSE; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort = NULL; CDevice * pDevice = NULL; CBilink * pBilink; SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinTemp;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %u, %u, %u, 0x%p, 0x%lx)", this, aLocalAddresses, dwAddressesSize, dwNumAddresses, dwLeaseTime, phRegisteredPorts, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if (aLocalAddresses == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Local addresses array cannot be NULL!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (dwNumAddresses == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Number of addresses cannot be 0!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (dwAddressesSize != (dwNumAddresses * sizeof(SOCKADDR))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Addresses array size invalid!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(aLocalAddresses, dwAddressesSize)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Local addresses array buffer is invalid!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (dwNumAddresses > DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Only %u ports may be registered at a time!", DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_family != AF_INET) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "First address in array is not AF_INET, only IPv4 addresses are supported!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_BROADCAST) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "First address cannot be broadcast address!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_port == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "First port in array is 0, a valid port must be specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
ulFirstAddress = ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
for(dwTemp = 1; dwTemp < dwNumAddresses; dwTemp++) { //
// Make sure this address family type is supported.
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_family != AF_INET) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Address at array index %u is not AF_INET, all items in the array must be the same IPv4 address!", dwTemp); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
// If this address doesn't match the first, then the caller broke the
// rules.
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != ulFirstAddress) { //
// Don't use inet_ntoa because we may not be initialized yet.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Address %u.%u.%u.%u at array index %u differs from the first, all addresses in the array must match!", ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, dwTemp); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
// Make sure this port isn't 0 either.
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_port == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Port at array index %u is 0, valid ports must be specified!", dwTemp); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; } }
if (dwLeaseTime == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid lease time specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if ((phRegisteredPorts == NULL) || (IsBadWritePtr(phRegisteredPorts, sizeof(DPNHHANDLE)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid port mapping handle pointer specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
// SHAREDPORTS cannot be used with TCP and requires a FIXEDPORTS.
if ((dwFlags & DPNHREGISTERPORTS_TCP) || (! (dwFlags & DPNHREGISTERPORTS_FIXEDPORTS))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "SHAREDPORTS flag requires FIXEDPORTS flag and cannot be used with TCP flag!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; } }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
// Loop through all existing registered port mappings and look for this
// array of ports.
pBilink = this->m_blRegisteredPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &this->m_blRegisteredPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_GLOBAL_BILINK(pBilink);
// Don't bother looking at addresses of the wrong type or at arrays of
// the wrong size.
if (((pRegisteredPort->IsTCP() && (dwFlags & DPNHREGISTERPORTS_TCP)) || ((! pRegisteredPort->IsTCP()) && (! (dwFlags & DPNHREGISTERPORTS_TCP)))) && (pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses() == dwNumAddresses)) { psaddrinTemp = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray(); for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < dwNumAddresses; dwTemp++) { //
// If the addresses don't match, stop looping.
if ((psaddrinTemp[dwTemp].sin_port != ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_port) || (psaddrinTemp[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)) { break; } }
// If all the addresses matched, then this item was already
// registered.
if (dwTemp >= dwNumAddresses) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Array of %u addresses was already registered, returning existing mapping 0x%p.", dwNumAddresses, pRegisteredPort); goto ReturnUserHandle; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Existing mapping 0x%p does not match all %u addresses.", pRegisteredPort, dwNumAddresses); } else { //
// Existing mapping isn't same type or doesn't have same number of
// items in array.
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// If we're here, none of the existing mappings match. Loop through each
// of the ports and make sure they aren't already registered inside some
// other mapping.
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < dwNumAddresses; dwTemp++) { pBilink = this->m_blRegisteredPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &this->m_blRegisteredPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_GLOBAL_BILINK(pBilink);
psaddrinTemp = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray(); for(dwMatch = 0; dwMatch < pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses(); dwMatch++) { //
// If the addresses match, then we can't map these ports.
if ((psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_port == ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_port) && (psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[dwTemp]))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Existing mapping 0x%p already registered the address %u.%u.%u.%u:%u!", pRegisteredPort, psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(psaddrinTemp[dwMatch].sin_port));
// Clear the pointer so we don't delete the object.
pRegisteredPort = NULL;
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } }
// If we're here the ports are all unique. Create a new mapping object
// we'll use to refer to the binding.
pRegisteredPort = new CRegisteredPort(dwLeaseTime, dwFlags); if (pRegisteredPort == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
hr = pRegisteredPort->SetPrivateAddresses((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses, dwNumAddresses); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't store private addresses array!"); goto Failure; }
// Find the device that matches the given addresses.
// The first entry of aLocalAddresses is representative of all entries since
// they should all share the same address.
// Since there won't be an existing registered port for this address, don't
// bother looking through them for a matching address.
pDevice = this->FindMatchingDevice((SOCKADDR_IN*) (&aLocalAddresses[0]), FALSE); if (pDevice == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "No device for given address (%u.%u.%u.%u), storing 0x%p in unowned list.", ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pRegisteredPort);
pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.InsertBefore(&this->m_blUnownedPorts); } else { pRegisteredPort->MakeDeviceOwner(pDevice);
// If we have a client ID, that means the server is available. So if
// there's either a local or remote PAST server, we can request the
// mapping right now.
// Start with the local PAST server.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { hr = this->AssignOrListenPASTPort(pRegisteredPort, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr != DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't assign port mapping with local PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the
// server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Local PAST server indicated that the port was unavailable."); pRegisteredPort->NotePASTPortUnavailable(FALSE); }
hr = DPNH_OK; } else { fGotLocalPASTMapping = TRUE; } } else { //
// No local PAST server.
// Check remote PAST server, too.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { hr = this->AssignOrListenPASTPort(pRegisteredPort, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr != DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't assign port mapping with remote PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the
// server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, TRUE); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Remote PAST server indicated that the port was unavailable."); pRegisteredPort->NotePASTPortUnavailable(TRUE); }
hr = DPNH_OK; } else { fGotRemotePASTMapping = TRUE; } } else { //
// No remote PAST server.
} }
// Save the mapping in the global list (we have the lock).
// Remember that a port has been registered.
// We're about to give the port to the user.
// We're going to give the user a direct pointer to the object (disguised
// as an opaque DPNHHANDLE, of course).
(*phRegisteredPorts) = (DPNHHANDLE) pRegisteredPort;
this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Returning registered port 0x%p (first private address = %u.%u.%u.%u:%u).", pRegisteredPort, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(((SOCKADDR_IN*) aLocalAddresses)[0].sin_port));
hr = DPNH_OK;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (fGotRemotePASTMapping) { temphr = this->FreePASTPort(pRegisteredPort, TRUE); if (temphr != DPNH_OK) { //
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(), TRUE); } }
if (fGotLocalPASTMapping) { temphr = this->FreePASTPort(pRegisteredPort, FALSE); if (temphr != DPNH_OK) { //
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(), FALSE); } }
if (pRegisteredPort != NULL) { if (pDevice != NULL) { pRegisteredPort->ClearDeviceOwner(); }
pRegisteredPort->ClearPrivateAddresses(); delete pRegisteredPort; }
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPorts
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::GetRegisteredAddresses"
// CNATHelpPAST::GetRegisteredAddresses
// Description: Returns the current public address mappings for a given
// registered port group. If there are no servers currently
// available, then DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE is returned. If the
// servers' public interfaces are not currently valid, then
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPING is returned, but appropriate values will
// still be placed in pdwAddressTypeFlags and
// pdwLeaseTimeRemaining.
// If the mapping was registered with the
// DPNHREGISTERPORTS_FIXEDPORTS flag, but at least one port is
// already in use on the gateway, then DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE is
// returned and appropriate flags will still be placed in
// pdwAddressTypeFlags.
// If the local machine has a cooperative firewall installed,
// the requested port is opened locally on the firewall before
// being mapped on the Internet gateway. Normally this function
// returns the public address on the Internet gateway address when
// both are present. Since some firewalls remap the port number
// when opening non-fixed ports, the
// caller to retrieve the locally remapped address, even if there
// is a mapping on an Internet gateway.
// Some gateway devices do not natively support ports that are
// not fixed, and may generate the DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE return
// code even when the DPNHREGISTERPORTS_FIXEDPORTS flag was not
// specified. The caller should de-register the port mapping
// handle, rebind the application to different ports, and call
// RegisterPorts again.
// If the buffer indicated by paPublicAddresses is too small,
// then the size required is returned in pdwPublicAddressesSize
// and DPNHERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL is returned. Otherwise the number of
// bytes written is returned in pdwPublicAddressesSize.
// Even though the addresses are returned as individual
// SOCKADDRs, all ports registered at the same time will share the
// same public address. Only the port components will vary.
// All buffers are optional and may be NULL, but if
// paPublicAddresses is specified, it must be accompanied by an
// appropriate size in pdwPublicAddressesSize.
// If GetCaps has not been previously called with the
// DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag at least once, then the
// error code DPNHERR_UPDATESERVERSTATUS is returned.
// Arguments:
// DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts - Handle for a specific binding returned by
// RegisterPorts.
// SOCKADDR * paPublicAddresses - Buffer to return assigned public realm
// address, or NULL if not desired.
// DWORD * pdwPublicAddressesSize - Pointer to size of paPublicAddresses
// buffer, or place to store size
// required/written. Cannot be NULL if
// paPublicAddresses is not NULL.
// DWORD * pdwAddressTypeFlags - Place to store flags describing the
// address types returned, or NULL if not
// desired.
// DWORD * pdwLeaseTimeRemaining - Place to store approximate number of
// milliseconds remaining in the port
// lease, or NULL if not desired. Call
// GetCaps to automatically extend leases
// about to expire.
// DWORD dwFlags - Unused, must be zero.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Information on the port mapping was found and
// the addresses were stored in
// paPublicAddresses.
// DPNHERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL - There was not enough room in the buffer to
// store the addresses.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred while retrieving the
// requested port mapping.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER - An invalid pointer was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPING - The server(s) do not have valid public
// interfaces.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to get the
// addresses.
// DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE - At least one of the ports is not available on
// the server.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE - No servers are currently present.
// DPNHERR_UPDATESERVERSTATUS - GetCaps has not been called with the
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::GetRegisteredAddresses(const DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts, SOCKADDR * const paPublicAddresses, DWORD * const pdwPublicAddressesSize, DWORD * const pdwAddressTypeFlags, DWORD * const pdwLeaseTimeRemaining, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; BOOL fRegisteredWithServer = FALSE; BOOL fFoundValidMapping = FALSE; BOOL fPortIsUnavailable = FALSE; DWORD dwSizeRequired; DWORD dwAddressTypeFlags; DWORD dwCurrentTime; DWORD dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining; DWORD dwLeaseTimeRemaining = -1; CDevice * pDevice;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%lx)", this, hRegisteredPorts, paPublicAddresses, pdwPublicAddressesSize, pdwAddressTypeFlags, pdwLeaseTimeRemaining, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
pRegisteredPort = (CRegisteredPort*) hRegisteredPorts; if (! pRegisteredPort->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid registered port mapping handle specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (paPublicAddresses != NULL) { if ((pdwPublicAddressesSize == NULL) || (IsBadWritePtr(pdwPublicAddressesSize, sizeof(DWORD)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "When specifying a public addresses buffer, a valid size must be given!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (IsBadWritePtr(paPublicAddresses, (*pdwPublicAddressesSize))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "The public addresses buffer is invalid!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; } } else { if ((pdwPublicAddressesSize != NULL) && (IsBadWritePtr(pdwPublicAddressesSize, sizeof(DWORD)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid pointer for size of public addresses buffer!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; } }
if ((pdwAddressTypeFlags != NULL) && (IsBadWritePtr(pdwAddressTypeFlags, sizeof(DWORD)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid pointer for address type flags!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if ((pdwLeaseTimeRemaining != NULL) && (IsBadWritePtr(pdwLeaseTimeRemaining, sizeof(DWORD)))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid pointer for lease time remaining!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
// Start the flags off with the information regarding TCP vs. UDP.
if (pRegisteredPort->IsTCP()) { dwAddressTypeFlags = DPNHADDRESSTYPE_TCP; } else { dwAddressTypeFlags = 0; }
// Add in other flags we know already.
if (pRegisteredPort->IsFixedPort()) { dwAddressTypeFlags |= DPNHADDRESSTYPE_FIXEDPORTS; }
if (pRegisteredPort->IsSharedPort()) { dwAddressTypeFlags |= DPNHADDRESSTYPE_SHAREDPORTS; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
if (this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "GetCaps has not been called with UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag yet!"); hr = DPNHERR_UPDATESERVERSTATUS; goto Failure; }
// Get a shortcut pointer to the device (may not exist).
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice();
// Get the current time for both the remote and local lease calculations.
dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime();
// Check for a mapping on a remote PAST server.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
// There's a bind ID, so there must be a public address array.
fRegisteredWithServer = TRUE;
// Make sure the remote PAST server is currently giving out a valid
// public address. If so, hand it out.
if (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(TRUE)) { if (pdwPublicAddressesSize != NULL) { dwSizeRequired = pRegisteredPort->GetAddressesSize();
if ((paPublicAddresses == NULL) || (dwSizeRequired > (*pdwPublicAddressesSize))) { //
// Not enough room in buffer, return the size required
// and the BUFFERTOOSMALL error code.
(*pdwPublicAddressesSize) = dwSizeRequired; hr = DPNHERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; } else { //
// Buffer was large enough, return the size written.
(*pdwPublicAddressesSize) = dwSizeRequired; pRegisteredPort->CopyPASTPublicAddresses((SOCKADDR_IN*) paPublicAddresses, TRUE); } } else { //
// Not using address buffer.
fFoundValidMapping = TRUE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "The remote PAST server is not currently handing out valid public address mappings."); }
// Add in the flag indicating that there's a remote ICS server.
// Get the relative remote PAST server lease time remaining.
dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(TRUE) - dwCurrentTime;
if (((int) dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port mapping's remote PAST server lease has already expired, returning 0 for lease time remaining."); dwLeaseTimeRemaining = 0; } else { //
// The values are relative, so we don't have to worry about
// wraparound.
//if (dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining < dwLeaseTimeRemaining)
dwLeaseTimeRemaining = dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining; //}
} } else { //
// No bind ID, no public address array.
DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(TRUE));
if (pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(TRUE)) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
fRegisteredWithServer = TRUE; fPortIsUnavailable = TRUE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "The remote PAST server indicates the port(s) are unavailable.");
// Add in the flag indicating that there's a remote ICS server.
dwAddressTypeFlags |= DPNHADDRESSTYPE_GATEWAY; } #ifdef DBG
else { //
// No remote PAST server or it's an unowned port.
if (pDevice != NULL) { DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) == 0); } else { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.IsListMember(&this->m_blUnownedPorts)); } } #endif // DBG
} } else { //
// We're not allowed to return the remote PAST mapping.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Ignoring any Internet gateway mappings, LOCALFIREWALLREMAPONLY was specified."); }
// Finally, check for a mapping on a local PAST server.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
// There's a bind ID, so there must be a public address array.
fRegisteredWithServer = TRUE;
// If we didn't already get a remote mapping, return this local one.
if (! fFoundValidMapping) { //
// Make sure the local PAST server is currently giving out a valid
// public address. If so, hand it out.
if (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)) { if (pdwPublicAddressesSize != NULL) { dwSizeRequired = pRegisteredPort->GetAddressesSize();
if ((paPublicAddresses == NULL) || (dwSizeRequired > (*pdwPublicAddressesSize))) { //
// Not enough room in buffer, return the size required
// and the BUFFERTOOSMALL error code.
(*pdwPublicAddressesSize) = dwSizeRequired; hr = DPNHERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; } else { //
// Buffer was large enough, return the size written.
(*pdwPublicAddressesSize) = dwSizeRequired; pRegisteredPort->CopyPASTPublicAddresses((SOCKADDR_IN*) paPublicAddresses, FALSE); } } else { //
// Not using address buffer.
fFoundValidMapping = TRUE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "The local PAST server is not currently handing out valid public address mappings."); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Ignoring possible local PAST server mapping due to remote PAST server mapping."); }
// Add in the flag indicating whether this is a PFW only or ICS server.
// Get the relative time remaining.
dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(FALSE) - dwCurrentTime;
if (((int) dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port mapping's local PAST server lease has already expired, returning 0 for lease time remaining."); dwLeaseTimeRemaining = 0; } else { //
// If that time remaining is less than the remote PAST server lease
// time (if any), overwrite it with the shorter time. The values
// are relative, so we don't have to worry about wraparound.
if (dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining < dwLeaseTimeRemaining) { dwLeaseTimeRemaining = dwTempLeaseTimeRemaining; } } } else { //
// No bind ID, no public address array.
DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE));
if (pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(FALSE)) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
fRegisteredWithServer = TRUE; fPortIsUnavailable = TRUE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "The local PAST server indicates the port(s) are unavailable.");
// Add in the flag indicating whether this is a PFW only or ICS server.
if (pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) { dwAddressTypeFlags |= DPNHADDRESSTYPE_LOCALFIREWALL; } else { dwAddressTypeFlags |= DPNHADDRESSTYPE_GATEWAY | DPNHADDRESSTYPE_GATEWAYISLOCAL; } } #ifdef DBG
else { //
// No local PAST server or it's an unowned port.
if (pDevice != NULL) { DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) == 0); } else { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.IsListMember(&this->m_blUnownedPorts)); } } #endif // DBG
this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE;
if (! fFoundValidMapping) { if (fPortIsUnavailable) { //
// The servers indicated that the ports were already in use.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "The Internet gateway(s) could not map the port, returning PORTUNAVAILABLE."); hr = DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE; } else { //
// The servers didn't have public addresses. Return NOMAPPING.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "The Internet gateway(s) did not offer valid public addresses, returning NOMAPPING."); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; } } else { //
// One of the servers had a public address.
DNASSERT((hr == DPNH_OK) || (hr == DPNHERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL)); } } else { //
// The ports aren't registered, because there aren't any gateways.
// If the caller wants information on the type of these addresses, return
// the flags we detected.
if (pdwAddressTypeFlags != NULL) { (*pdwAddressTypeFlags) = dwAddressTypeFlags; }
// Return the minimum lease time remaining that we already calculated, if
// the caller wants it.
if (pdwLeaseTimeRemaining != NULL) { (*pdwLeaseTimeRemaining) = dwLeaseTimeRemaining; }
#ifdef DBG
// If the port is unavailable or there aren't any servers, we better not
// have a lease time.
if ((hr == DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE) || (hr == DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE)) { DNASSERT(dwLeaseTimeRemaining == -1); }
// If there aren't any servers, we better not have server flags.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Registered port 0x%p addr type flags = 0x%lx, lease time remaining = %i.", pRegisteredPort, dwAddressTypeFlags, (int) dwLeaseTimeRemaining);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::GetRegisteredAddresses
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterPorts"
// CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterPorts
// Description: Removes the lease record for the port group and informs the
// Internet gateway server that the binding is no longer needed.
// The port mapping handle must not be used after de-registering
// it.
// Arguments:
// DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts - Handle for a specific binding returned by
// RegisterPorts.
// DWORD dwFlags - Unused, must be zero.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The binding was successfully released.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred that prevented the
// de-registration of the ports.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to de-register.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterPorts(const DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; LONG lResult;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%lx)", this, hRegisteredPorts, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
pRegisteredPort = (CRegisteredPort*) hRegisteredPorts; if (! pRegisteredPort->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid registered port mapping handle specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (dwFlags != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid flags specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
// If this isn't the last user reference on the registered port, don't
// unmap it yet.
lResult = pRegisteredPort->DecUserRef(); if (lResult != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Still %i references left on registered port 0x%p, not unmapping.", lResult, pRegisteredPort); goto Exit; }
// First, unmap from remote PAST server, if necessary.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice() != NULL);
// Free the port.
hr = this->FreePASTPort(pRegisteredPort, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't free port mapping with remote PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(), TRUE); hr = DPNH_OK; } }
// Then unmap from local PAST server, if necessary.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice() != NULL);
// Free the port.
hr = this->FreePASTPort(pRegisteredPort, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't free port mapping with local PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(), FALSE); hr = DPNH_OK; } }
// Pull the item out of the lists.
// We have the appropriate lock.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice() != NULL) { pRegisteredPort->ClearDeviceOwner(); } else { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.IsListMember(&this->m_blUnownedPorts)); pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.RemoveFromList(); }
pRegisteredPort->ClearPrivateAddresses(); delete pRegisteredPort;
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterPorts
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::QueryAddress"
// CNATHelpPAST::QueryAddress
// Description: Some Internet gateways do not loopback if an attempt is made
// to connect to an address behind (on the same private side of)
// the public interface. QueryAddress is used to determine a
// possible private alias for a given public address.
// In most cases, this function is called prior to connecting
// to a new address. pSourceAddress should contain the address of
// the socket that will perform the connect. Similar to
// RegisterPorts, the address may be INADDR_ANY, in which case the
// "best" server will be used. Since the server chosen may not be
// optimal for a particular application, it is recommended that a
// specific network interface be used instead of INADDR_ANY, when
// possible.
// If no mapping for that address has been made by the gateway,
// the error code DPNHERR_NOMAPPING is returned. When the
// extra effort is made to determine whether the address is behind
// the same Internet gateway without being mapped on the gateway.
// If that is the case, DPNHERR_NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE is returned.
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPING is still returned for addresses that are
// neither mapped nor private.
// pQueryAddress may not be INADDR_ANY or INADDR_BROADCAST.
// The port component may be zero if and only if the
// the port is zero, a specific mapping cannot be verified, and
// the address is tested.
// The resulting address (or lack thereof) can be cached for
// quick future retrieval using the DPNHQUERYADDRESS_CACHEFOUND
// and DPNHQUERYADDRESS_CACHENOTFOUND flags. The cached mappings
// will expire in 1 minute, or whenever the server's address
// changes.
// If the given source address is not currently connected to an
// Internet gateway, then the error DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE is
// returned.
// If GetCaps has not been previously called with the
// DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag at least once, then the
// error code DPNHERR_UPDATESERVERSTATUS is returned.
// Arguments:
// SOCKADDR * pSourceAddress - Address for network interface that is using
// the address in question.
// SOCKADDR * pQueryAddress - Address to look up.
// SOCKADDR * pResponseAddress - Place to store public address, if one exists.
// int iAddressesSize - Size of the SOCKADDR structure used for the
// pSourceAddress, pQueryAddress and
// pResponseAddress buffers.
// DWORD dwFlags - Flags to use when querying
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The address was found and its mapping was
// stored in pResponseAddress.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred that prevented mapping the
// requested address.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER - An invalid pointer was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPING - The server indicated that no mapping for the
// requested address was found.
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE - The server indicated that no mapping was
// found, but it is a private address.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to query.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE - There are no servers to query.
// DPNHERR_UPDATESERVERSTATUS - GetCaps has not been called with the
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::QueryAddress(const SOCKADDR * const pSourceAddress, const SOCKADDR * const pQueryAddress, SOCKADDR * const pResponseAddress, const int iAddressesSize, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT temphr; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; CDevice * pDevice; SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, %i, 0x%lx)", this, pSourceAddress, pQueryAddress, pResponseAddress, iAddressesSize, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if (pSourceAddress == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid source address specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (pQueryAddress == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid query address specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (pResponseAddress == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid response address specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (iAddressesSize < sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "The address buffers must be at least %i bytes!", sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pSourceAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid source address buffer used!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pQueryAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid query address buffer used!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if (IsBadWritePtr(pResponseAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid response address buffer used!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPOINTER; goto Failure; }
if ((((SOCKADDR_IN*) pSourceAddress)->sin_family != AF_INET) || (((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_family != AF_INET)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Source or query address is not AF_INET, only IPv4 addresses are supported!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) pSourceAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_BROADCAST) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Source address cannot be broadcast address!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if ((((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_ANY) || (((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_BROADCAST)) { //
// Don't use inet_ntoa because we may not be initialized yet.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Query address (%u.%u.%u.%u) is invalid, cannot be zero or broadcast!", ((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if ((((SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress)->sin_port == 0) && (! (dwFlags & DPNHQUERYADDRESS_CHECKFORPRIVATEBUTUNMAPPED))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Query address port cannot be zero unless CHECKFORPRIVATEBUTUNMAPPED is specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
if (this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "GetCaps has not been called with UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag yet!"); hr = DPNHERR_UPDATESERVERSTATUS; goto Failure; }
pDevice = this->FindMatchingDevice((SOCKADDR_IN*) pSourceAddress, TRUE); if (pDevice == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Couldn't determine appropriate owning device for given source address, returning SERVERNOTAVAILABLE."); hr = DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE; goto Exit; }
// Assume no servers are available. This will get overridden as
// appropriate.
// Start by querying the address passed in.
psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress = (SOCKADDR_IN*) pQueryAddress;
// If the port is zero, then we can't actually lookup a mapping. Just do
// the address locality check.
if (psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress->sin_port == 0) { //
// We should have caught this in parameter validation above, but I'm
// being paranoid.
// We don't cache these results, since there's no server (and thus, no
// network traffic) associated with it. No need to look anything up.
// If there aren't any servers, then no need to check.
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) == 0) && (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) == 0)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "No port queried and there aren't any gateways, returning SERVERNOTAVAILABLE."); hr = DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE; } else { //
// There is an Internet gateway of some kind, our locality check
// would be meaningful.
if (this->IsAddressLocal(pDevice, psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "No port queried, but address appears to be local, returning NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE."); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "No port queried and address does not appear to be local, returning NOMAPPING."); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; } }
// We've done all we can do.
goto Exit; }
// First try to query the remote PAST server, if there is one.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTSocket() != INVALID_SOCKET);
hr = this->InternalPASTQueryAddress(pDevice, psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress, (SOCKADDR_IN*) pResponseAddress, dwFlags, TRUE); switch (hr) { case DPNH_OK: { //
// If there is a local PAST server, we want to query it for the
// public address we were just returned. This technically
// would allow us to chain more than one level of Internet
// gateways, however it really won't work. I'm just doing it
// because it doesn't hurt.
// Handing the same buffer to InternalPASTQueryAddress for both
// the query and response addresses is okay.
psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress = (SOCKADDR_IN*) pResponseAddress; break; }
// There's no mapping, continue to the local PAST server query.
break; }
// There's no mapping although the address is private, continue
// to the local PAST server query.
break; }
// The server stopped responding, but treat that as non-fatal.
// It will be detected properly the next time GetCaps is
// called. We set the return code to DPNHERR_NOMAPPING in case
// there is no local PAST server to override the value.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Remote PAST server stopped responding while querying port mapping."); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING;
// Continue through to querying the local server.
break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Querying remote PAST server for port mapping failed!"); goto Failure; break; } } } else { //
// No remote PAST server.
// Then try to query the local PAST server, if there is one.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTSocket() != INVALID_SOCKET);
temphr = this->InternalPASTQueryAddress(pDevice, psaddrinNextServerQueryAddress, (SOCKADDR_IN*) pResponseAddress, dwFlags, FALSE); switch (temphr) { case DPNH_OK: { //
// Success!
hr = DPNH_OK; break; }
// There's no mapping. Overwrite the return value if we didn't
// have a remote PAST server to query.
// There's no mapping although the address is private.
// Overwrite the return value if we didn't have a remote PAST
// server to query.
// The server stopped responding, but treat that as non-fatal.
// It will be detected properly the next time GetCaps is
// called.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Local PAST server stopped responding while querying port mapping.");
// Overwrite the return value if we didn't have a remote PAST
// server to query.
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Querying local PAST server for port mapping failed!"); goto Failure; break; } } } else { //
// No local PAST server.
// If we got here with hr still set to SERVERNOTAVAILABLE, that means
// there weren't any servers. The error code is appropriate, leave it
// alone.
#ifdef DBG
if (hr == DPNHERR_SERVERNOTAVAILABLE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "No Internet gateways, unable to query port mapping."); } #endif // DBG
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::QueryAddress
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertEvent"
// CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertEvent
// Description: This function allows the user to specify an event that will
// be set when some maintenance needs to be performed. The user
// should call GetCaps using the DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS
// flag when the event is signalled.
// This function is not available on Windows 95 without WinSock
// 2, may only be called once, and cannot be used after
// SetAlertIOCompletionPort is called.
// Note that the event is used in addition to the regular
// polling of GetCaps, it simply allows the polling to be less
// frequent.
// Arguments:
// HANDLE hEvent - Handle to event to signal when GetCaps is to be called.
// DWORD dwFlags - Unused, must be zero.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The event was successfully registered.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred that prevented registering the
// event.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertEvent(const HANDLE hEvent, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%lx)", this, hEvent, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if (hEvent == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid event handle specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (dwFlags != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid flags specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
if (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Cannot use alert mechanism on WinSock 1!"); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
if ((this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) || (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "An alert event or I/O completion port has already been set!"); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Now save the event handle.
if (! DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), &this->m_hAlertEvent, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't duplicate event (error = %u)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
DNASSERT(this->m_hAlertEvent == NULL);
hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
// Create overlapped structure. Don't allocate it through DNMalloc,
// because we may have to leak it on purpose. We don't want those memory
// allocation asserts firing in that case.
this->m_polAddressListChange = (WSAOVERLAPPED*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED)); if (this->m_polAddressListChange == NULL) { //
// Close the alert handle we set.
CloseHandle(this->m_hAlertEvent); this->m_hAlertEvent = NULL;
hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Save the event in the address list change overlapped structure.
this->m_polAddressListChange->hEvent = this->m_hAlertEvent;
// Start getting notified of local address changes.
hr = this->RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't request local address list change notification!");
// Free the memory we allocated.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, this->m_polAddressListChange); this->m_polAddressListChange = NULL;
// Close the alert handle we set.
CloseHandle(this->m_hAlertEvent); this->m_hAlertEvent = NULL;
goto Failure; }
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertEvent
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertIOCompletionPort"
// CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertIOCompletionPort
// Description: This function allows the user to specify an I/O completion
// port that will receive notification when some maintenance needs
// to be performed. The user should call GetCaps using the
// DPNHGETCAPS_UPDATESERVERSTATUS flag when the packet with the
// given completion key is dequeued.
// This function is only available on Windows NT, may only be
// called once, and cannot be used after SetAlertEvent is called.
// Note that the completion port is used in addition to the
// regular polling of GetCaps, it simply allows the polling to be
// less frequent.
// Arguments:
// HANDLE hIOCompletionPort - Handle to I/O completion port which will
// be used to signal when GetCaps is to be
// called.
// DWORD dwCompletionKey - Key to use when indicating I/O
// completion.
// DWORD dwNumConcurrentThreads - Number of concurrent threads allowed to
// process, or zero for default.
// DWORD dwFlags - Unused, must be zero.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The I/O completion port was successfully
// registered.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred that prevented registering the
// I/O completion port.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertIOCompletionPort(const HANDLE hIOCompletionPort, const DWORD dwCompletionKey, const DWORD dwNumConcurrentThreads, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; HANDLE hIOCompletionPortResult;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%lx, %u, 0x%lx)", this, hIOCompletionPort, dwCompletionKey, dwNumConcurrentThreads, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
if (hIOCompletionPort == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid I/O completion port handle specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (dwFlags != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid flags specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
if (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Cannot use alert mechanism on WinSock 1!"); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
if ((this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) || (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "An alert event or I/O completion port has already been set!"); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Now save the I/O completion port handle.
if (! DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hIOCompletionPort, GetCurrentProcess(), &this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't duplicate I/O completion port (error = %u)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
DNASSERT(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort == NULL);
hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
this->m_dwAlertCompletionKey = dwCompletionKey;
// Associate our Ioctl socket with this IO completion port.
DNASSERT(this->m_sIoctls != INVALID_SOCKET); hIOCompletionPortResult = CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE) this->m_sIoctls, this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort, dwCompletionKey, dwNumConcurrentThreads); if (hIOCompletionPortResult == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't associate I/O completion port with Ioctl socket (error = %u)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// We should have just gotten the same I/O completion port back.
DNASSERT(hIOCompletionPortResult == this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort);
// Create overlapped structure. Don't allocate it through DNMalloc,
// because we may have to leak it on purpose. We don't want those memory
// allocation asserts firing in that case.
this->m_polAddressListChange = (WSAOVERLAPPED*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED)); if (this->m_polAddressListChange == NULL) { //
// Close the alert IOCP we set.
CloseHandle(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort); this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort = NULL;
hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Start getting notified of local address changes.
hr = this->RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't request local address list change notification!");
// Free the memory we allocated.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, this->m_polAddressListChange); this->m_polAddressListChange = NULL;
// Close the alert IOCP we set.
CloseHandle(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort); this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort = NULL;
goto Failure; }
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::SetAlertIOCompletionPort
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ExtendRegisteredPortsLease"
// CNATHelpPAST::ExtendRegisteredPortsLease
// Description: Manually extends the lease of the given registered port
// mapping by the requested time. The periodic calling of GetCaps
// can take care of this for the user, this function is only
// necessary to change the lease extension time or for finer
// control of individual mappings.
// The user should specify a requested lease extension time
// that the server will attempt to honor. It will be added to any
// time remaining in the existing lease, and the new total can be
// retrieved by calling GetRegisteredAddresses.
// Arguments:
// DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts - Handle for a specific binding returned by
// RegisterPorts.
// DWORD dwLeaseTime - Requested time, in milliseconds, to
// extend the lease. If 0, the previous
// requested lease time is used.
// DWORD dwFlags - Unused, must be zero.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The lease was successfully extended.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred that prevented the extending
// the lease.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS - Invalid flags were specified.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT - The interface object is invalid.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid parameter was specified.
// DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Initialize has not been called.
// DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to extend the lease.
// DPNHERR_REENTRANT - The interface has been re-entered on the same
// thread.
STDMETHODIMP CNATHelpPAST::ExtendRegisteredPortsLease(const DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts, const DWORD dwLeaseTime, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; CDevice * pDevice; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %u, 0x%lx)", this, hRegisteredPorts, dwLeaseTime, dwFlags);
// Validate the object.
if (! this->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid DirectPlay NAT Help object!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDOBJECT; goto Failure; }
// Validate the parameters.
pRegisteredPort = (CRegisteredPort*) hRegisteredPorts; if (! pRegisteredPort->IsValidObject()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid registered port mapping handle specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
if (dwFlags != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid flags specified!"); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDFLAGS; goto Failure; }
// Attempt to take the lock, but be prepared for the re-entrancy error.
hr = this->TakeLock(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not lock object!"); goto Failure; }
fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Make sure object is in right state.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Object not initialized!"); hr = DPNHERR_NOTINITIALIZED; goto Failure; }
// If they wanted to change the lease time, update it.
if (dwLeaseTime != 0) { pRegisteredPort->UpdateRequestedLeaseTime(dwLeaseTime); }
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice();
// If the ports are mapped on a remote PAST servers, extend that lease.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
hr = this->ExtendPASTLease(pRegisteredPort, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't extend port mapping lease on remote PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, TRUE); hr = DPNH_OK; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Port mapping not registered with remote PAST server."); }
// Next extend the mappings on the local PAST server, if possible.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
hr = this->ExtendPASTLease(pRegisteredPort, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't extend port mapping lease on local PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); hr = DPNH_OK; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Port mapping not registered with local PAST server."); }
this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (fHaveLock) { this->DropLock(); fHaveLock = FALSE; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::ExtendRegisteredPortsLease
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::InitializeObject"
// CNATHelpPAST::InitializeObject
// Description: Sets up the object for use like the constructor, but may
// fail with OUTOFMEMORY. Should only be called by class factory
// creation routine.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
// S_OK - Initialization was successful.
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - There is not enough memory to initialize.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::InitializeObject(void) { HRESULT hr;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
// Create the lock.
if (! DNInitializeCriticalSection(&this->m_csLock)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Don't allow critical section reentry.
DebugSetCriticalSectionRecursionCount(&this->m_csLock, 0);
hr = S_OK;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::InitializeObject
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::UninitializeObject"
// CNATHelpPAST::UninitializeObject
// Description: Cleans up the object like the destructor, mostly to balance
// InitializeObject.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::UninitializeObject(void) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CNATHelpPAST::UninitializeObject
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::TakeLock"
// CNATHelpPAST::TakeLock
// Description: Takes the main object lock.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: DPNH_OK if lock was taken successfully, DPNHERR_REENTRANT if lock
// was re-entered.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::TakeLock(void) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwStartTime;
dwStartTime = timeGetTime(); #endif // DBG
// If this same thread is already holding the lock, then bail.
if (this->m_dwLockThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Thread re-entering!"); goto Failure; }
#ifdef DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Took main object lock, elapsed time = %u ms.", (timeGetTime() - dwStartTime)); #endif // DBG
// Save this thread's ID so we know who's holding the lock.
this->m_dwLockThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
return hr;
// We're reentering. Drop the lock and return the failure.
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::TakeLock
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::DropLock"
// CNATHelpPAST::DropLock
// Description: Drops the main object lock.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::DropLock(void) { DNASSERT(this->m_dwLockThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId());
this->m_dwLockThreadID = 0; DNLeaveCriticalSection(&this->m_csLock);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Dropped main object lock."); } // CNATHelpPAST::DropLock
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::LoadWinSockFunctionPointers"
// CNATHelpPAST::LoadWinSockFunctionPointers
// Description: Loads pointers to all the functions that we use in WinSock.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Loading was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::LoadWinSockFunctionPointers(void) { // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#ifdef DBG
{\ dwError = GetLastError();\ DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get \"%hs\" function! 0x%lx", name, dwError);\ }
#endif // DBG
#define LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(var, proctype, name) \
{\ var = (##proctype) GetProcAddress(this->m_hWinSockDLL, name);\ if (var == NULL)\ {\ PRINTERRORIFDEBUG(name);\ hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC;\ goto Failure;\ }\ }
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError; #endif // DBG
LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnWSAStartup, LPFN_WSASTARTUP, "WSAStartup"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnWSACleanup, LPFN_WSACLEANUP, "WSACleanup"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError, LPFN_WSAGETLASTERROR, "WSAGetLastError"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnsocket, LPFN_SOCKET, "socket"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnclosesocket, LPFN_CLOSESOCKET, "closesocket"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnbind, LPFN_BIND, "bind"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnsetsockopt, LPFN_SETSOCKOPT, "setsockopt"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfngetsockname, LPFN_GETSOCKNAME, "getsockname"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnselect, LPFN_SELECT, "select"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet, LPFN___WSAFDISSET, "__WSAFDIsSet"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnrecvfrom, LPFN_RECVFROM, "recvfrom"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfnsendto, LPFN_SENDTO, "sendto"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfngethostname, LPFN_GETHOSTNAME, "gethostname"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfngethostbyname, LPFN_GETHOSTBYNAME, "gethostbyname"); LOADWINSOCKFUNCTION(this->m_pfninet_addr, LPFN_INET_ADDR, "inet_addr");
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::LoadWinSockFunctionPointers
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::CheckForNewDevices"
// CNATHelpPAST::CheckForNewDevices
// Description: Detects new IP capable devices that have been added and
// removes old ones no longer available.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// BOOL * pfFoundNewDevices Pointer to boolean to set to TRUE if new
// devices were added, or NULL if don't care.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The check was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::CheckForNewDevices(BOOL * const pfFoundNewDevices) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; DWORD dwError; int iReturn; char szName[1000]; PHOSTENT phostent; IN_ADDR ** ppinaddr; DWORD dwAddressesSize = 0; DWORD dwNumAddresses = 0; IN_ADDR * painaddrAddresses = NULL; CBilink * pBilinkDevice; CDevice * pDevice = NULL; // NULL it for PREfix, even though fDeviceCreated guards it
BOOL fDeviceCreated = FALSE; BOOL fFound; CBilink * pBilinkRegPort; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; SOCKET sTemp = INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinTemp; //int iAddressSize;
BOOL fTemp; DWORD dwTemp; SOCKET_ADDRESS * paSocketAddresses;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
// Handle any address list change Ioctl completions that may have gotten us
// here.
if ((this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) || (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL)) { DNASSERT(this->m_sIoctls != INVALID_SOCKET); DNASSERT(this->m_polAddressListChange != NULL);
if (this->m_pfnWSAGetOverlappedResult(this->m_sIoctls, //
this->m_polAddressListChange, //
&dwTemp, // ignore bytes transferred
FALSE, // don't wait
&dwTemp)) // ignore flags
{ DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Received address list change notification.");
// Overlapped result completed. Reissue it.
hr = this->RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't request local address list change notification!"); goto Failure; } } else { //
// Figure out what error it was.
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); switch (dwError) { case WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE: { //
// It hasn't completed yet.
break; }
// The thread that we originally submitted the Ioctl on
// went away and so the OS kindly cancelled the operation
// on us. How nice. Well, let's try resubmitting it.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Thread that submitted previous address list change notification went away, rerequesting."); hr = this->RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification(); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't request local address list change notification!"); goto Failure; } break; } default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get overlapped result, error = %u! Ignoring.", dwError); break; } } // end switch (on error)
} }
// If we're on WinSock 2, let's try getting the address list with
// an Ioctl.
if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1)) { DNASSERT(this->m_sIoctls != INVALID_SOCKET); DNASSERT(this->m_pfnWSAIoctl != NULL);
// Keep trying to get the address list until we have a large enough
// buffer. We use the IN_ADDR array pointer simply because it's
// already there. We know that IN_ADDRs are smaller than
// SOCKET_ADDRESSes, so we can reuse the same buffer.
do { iReturn = this->m_pfnWSAIoctl(this->m_sIoctls, // use the special Ioctl socket
NULL, // no input data
0, // no input data
painaddrAddresses, // output buffer
dwAddressesSize, // output buffer size
&dwTemp, // bytes needed
NULL, // no overlapped structure
NULL); // no completion routine
if (iReturn != 0) { dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError();
// Free the previous buffer, no matter what error it was.
if (painaddrAddresses != NULL) { DNFree(painaddrAddresses); painaddrAddresses = NULL; } if (dwError != WSAEFAULT) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Retrieving address list failed (err = %u)!", dwError);
// We'll try the old-fashioned WinSock 1 way.
break; }
// Be absolutely sure WinSock isn't causing us trouble.
if (dwTemp < sizeof(SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Received an invalid buffer size (%u < %u)!", dwTemp, sizeof(SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST));
// We'll try the old-fashioned WinSock 1 way.
break; }
// The buffer wasn't large enough. Try again.
painaddrAddresses = (IN_ADDR*) DNMalloc(dwTemp); if (painaddrAddresses == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
dwAddressesSize = dwTemp; } else { //
// Success! We're going to being sneaky and reuse the buffer.
// We know that the SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST returned will be larger
// than an array of IN_ADDRs, so we can save a malloc.
// But first, be absolutely sure WinSock isn't causing us
// trouble.
if (painaddrAddresses == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "WinSock returned success with a NULL buffer!");
// We'll try the old-fashioned WinSock 1 way.
break; }
dwNumAddresses = ((SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST*) painaddrAddresses)->iAddressCount; dwAddressesSize = 0;
// Make sure there are addresses.
if (dwNumAddresses > 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "WinSock 2 Ioctl returned %u addresses:", dwNumAddresses);
paSocketAddresses = ((SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST*) painaddrAddresses)->Address; for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < dwNumAddresses; dwTemp++) { DNASSERT(paSocketAddresses[dwTemp].iSockaddrLength == sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); DNASSERT(paSocketAddresses[dwTemp].lpSockaddr != NULL); DNASSERT(paSocketAddresses[dwTemp].lpSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET);
// Ignore addresses.
if (((SOCKADDR_IN*) (paSocketAddresses[dwTemp].lpSockaddr))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != INADDR_NONE) { //
// Move the IN_ADDR component of this address
// toward the front of the buffer, into it's
// correct place in the array.
painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_addr = ((SOCKADDR_IN*) (paSocketAddresses[dwTemp].lpSockaddr))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "\t%u- %u.%u.%u.%u", dwTemp, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "\t%u- Ignoring address.", dwTemp); dwAddressesSize++;
// The code should handle this fine, but why is
// WinSock doing this to us?
// Subtract out any invalid addresses that we skipped.
dwNumAddresses -= dwAddressesSize; if (dwNumAddresses == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "WinSock 2 reported only invalid addresses, hoping WinSock 1 method picks up the loopback address.");
DNFree(painaddrAddresses); painaddrAddresses = NULL; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "WinSock 2 Ioctl did not report any valid addresses, hoping WinSock 1 method picks up the loopback address.");
DNFree(painaddrAddresses); painaddrAddresses = NULL; }
// Get out of the loop.
break; } } while (TRUE); }
// Get the list of all available addresses from the WinSock 1 API if we
// don't already have them.
if (painaddrAddresses == NULL) { if (this->m_pfngethostname(szName, 1000) != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get host name, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
phostent = this->m_pfngethostbyname(szName); if (phostent == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't retrieve addresses, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// WinSock says that you need to copy this data before you make any
// other API calls. So first we count the number of entries we need to
// copy.
ppinaddr = (IN_ADDR**) phostent->h_addr_list; while ((*ppinaddr) != NULL) { //
// Ignore addresses.
if ((*ppinaddr)->S_un.S_addr != INADDR_NONE) { dwNumAddresses++; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring address.");
// The code should handle this fine, but why is WinSock doing
// this to us?
ppinaddr++; }
// If there aren't any addresses, we must fail. WinSock 1 ought to
// report the loopback address at least.
if (dwNumAddresses == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "WinSock 1 did not report any valid addresses!"); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "WinSock 1 method returned %u valid addresses:", dwNumAddresses);
painaddrAddresses = (IN_ADDR*) DNMalloc(dwNumAddresses * sizeof(IN_ADDR)); if (painaddrAddresses == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Now copy all the addresses.
ppinaddr = (IN_ADDR**) phostent->h_addr_list; dwTemp = 0; while ((*ppinaddr) != NULL) { //
// Ignore addresses again.
if ((*ppinaddr)->S_un.S_addr != INADDR_NONE) { painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_addr = (*ppinaddr)->S_un.S_addr; DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "\t%u- %u.%u.%u.%u", dwTemp, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
dwTemp++; }
ppinaddr++; } DNASSERT(dwTemp == dwNumAddresses); } else { //
// Already have addresses array.
// Make sure that all of the devices we currently know about are still
// around.
pBilinkDevice = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilinkDevice != &this->m_blDevices) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkDevice); pBilinkDevice = pBilinkDevice->GetNext();
fFound = FALSE; for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < dwNumAddresses; dwTemp++) { if (painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_addr == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) { //
// It may be time for this device to use a different port...
dwTemp = pDevice->GetFirstPASTDiscoveryTime(); if ((dwTemp != 0) && ((GETTIMESTAMP() - dwTemp) > g_dwReusePortTime)) { ZeroMemory(&saddrinTemp, sizeof(saddrinTemp)); saddrinTemp.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4();
sTemp = this->CreatePASTSocket(&saddrinTemp); if (sTemp != INVALID_SOCKET) { //
// Sanity check that we didn't lose the device address.
DNASSERT(saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4());
DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Device 0x%p PAST socket 0x%p (%u.%u.%u.%u:%u) created to replace existing one.", pDevice, sTemp, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinTemp.sin_port));
// Close the existing socket.
// Transfer ownership of the new socket to the device.
pDevice->SetPASTSocket(sTemp); sTemp = INVALID_SOCKET;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Device 0x%p got re-assigned PAST socket 0x%p.", pDevice, pDevice->GetPASTSocket()); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create a replacement PAST socket for device 0x%p! Using existing one.", pDevice); } } } else { //
// Didn't find this device in the returned list, forget about
// it.
#ifdef DBG
{ IN_ADDR inaddrTemp;
inaddrTemp.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Device 0x%p no longer exists, removing (address was %u.%u.%u.%u).", pDevice, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); }
this->m_dwNumDeviceRemoves++; #endif // DBG
// Override the minimum UpdateServerStatus interval so that we can
// get information on any local public address changes due to the
// possible loss of a server on this interface.
// Since there was a change in the network, go back to polling
// relatively quickly.
// Forcefully mark the PAST servers as disconnected.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, TRUE); }
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); }
// Mark all ports that were registered to this device as unowned
// by putting them into the wildcard list.
pBilinkRegPort = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilinkRegPort != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilinkRegPort); pBilinkRegPort = pBilinkRegPort->GetNext();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port 0x%p's device went away, marking as unowned.", pRegisteredPort);
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) == 0); DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) == 0);
DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(TRUE)); DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE));
DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(TRUE)); DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(FALSE));
pRegisteredPort->ClearDeviceOwner(); pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.RemoveFromList(); pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.InsertBefore(&this->m_blUnownedPorts);
// The user doesn't directly need to be informed. If the ports
// previously had public addresses, the ADDRESSESCHANGED flag
// would have already been set by ClearDevicesPASTServer. If
// they didn't have ports with public addresses, then the user
// won't see any difference and thus ADDRESSESCHANGED wouldn't
// need to be set.
// Close the sockets.
this->m_pfnclosesocket(pDevice->GetPASTSocket()); pDevice->SetPASTSocket(INVALID_SOCKET);
delete pDevice; } }
// Search for all returned devices in our existing list, and add new
// entries for each one that we didn't already know about.
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < dwNumAddresses; dwTemp++) { fFound = FALSE;
pBilinkDevice = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilinkDevice != &this->m_blDevices) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkDevice); pBilinkDevice = pBilinkDevice->GetNext();
if (pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4() == painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_addr) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (! fFound) { //
// We didn't know about this device. Create a new object.
pDevice = new CDevice(painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_addr); if (pDevice == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
fDeviceCreated = TRUE;
#ifdef DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Found new device %u.%u.%u.%u, (object = 0x%p).", painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, painaddrAddresses[dwTemp].S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice);
this->m_dwNumDeviceAdds++; #endif // DBG
// Override the minimum UpdateServerStatus interval so that we can
// get information on this new device.
// Since there was a change in the network, go back to polling
// relatively quickly.
// Create the PAST socket.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinTemp, sizeof(saddrinTemp)); saddrinTemp.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4();
sTemp = this->CreatePASTSocket(&saddrinTemp); if (sTemp == INVALID_SOCKET) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create PAST socket! Ignoring address (and destroying device 0x%p).", pDevice);
// Get rid of the device.
delete pDevice; pDevice = NULL;
// Forget about device in case of failure later.
fDeviceCreated = FALSE;
// Move to next address.
continue; }
// Sanity check that we didn't lose the device address.
DNASSERT(saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4());
DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Device 0x%p PAST socket 0x%p (%u.%u.%u.%u:%u) created.", pDevice, sTemp, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinTemp.sin_port));
// Transfer ownership of the socket to the device.
pDevice->SetPASTSocket(sTemp); sTemp = INVALID_SOCKET;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Device 0x%p got assigned PAST socket 0x%p.", pDevice, pDevice->GetPASTSocket());
// Add the device to our known list.
// Inform the caller if they care.
if (pfFoundNewDevices != NULL) { (*pfFoundNewDevices) = TRUE; }
// Forget about device in case of failure later.
fDeviceCreated = FALSE; } }
// If we got some very weird failures and ended up here without any
// devices, complain to management (or the caller of this function, that's
// probably more convenient).
if (this->m_blDevices.IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No usable devices, cannot proceed!", 0); DNASSERTX(! "No usable devices!", 2); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
if (painaddrAddresses != NULL) { DNFree(painaddrAddresses); painaddrAddresses = NULL; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (sTemp != INVALID_SOCKET) { this->m_pfnclosesocket(sTemp); sTemp = INVALID_SOCKET; }
if (fDeviceCreated) { delete pDevice; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::CheckForNewDevices
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister"
// CNATHelpPAST::CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister
// Description: Checks for a local PAST server on the given device. If one
// is found, a new client is registered.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device to check.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The check was successful (may not be a server,
// though).
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister(CDevice * const pDevice) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; DWORD dwError; SOCKET sTemp = INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinTemp; BOOL fAddressAlreadyChanged; DWORD dwOriginalNextPollInterval;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p)", this, pDevice);
// Open a datagram socket on this device.
sTemp = this->m_pfnsocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sTemp == INVALID_SOCKET) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create datagram socket, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Try binding it to the PAST port first to see if there's a local PAST
// server on the device.
// We could just go ahead and try to register with a server, but if one
// doesn't exist, the registration code would block during the timeout. By
// simply checking if the port is in use, we can avoid that timeout. The
// only slight cost is if two PASTHelps happened to be trying this at the
// exact same time, one could be tricked by the other into thinking that
// the port was in use. In that case, it would falsely try to register...
// but then timeout. Not a big deal, that's treated as non-fatal below.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinTemp, sizeof(saddrinTemp)); saddrinTemp.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); saddrinTemp.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
if (this->m_pfnbind(sTemp, (SOCKADDR *) (&saddrinTemp), sizeof(saddrinTemp)) != 0) { //
// The bind failed. We'll print the exact error, but assume it was
// because the port was in use.
#ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Couldn't bind datagram socket %u.%u.%u.%u:%u to PAST server port, assuming because there's a local PAST server (error = %u).", saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinTemp.sin_port), dwError); #endif // DBG
// Save the current poll interval in case we need to restore it.
dwOriginalNextPollInterval = this->m_dwNextPollInterval;
// We should register with this local PAST server right now.
// This might reset the poll interval.
hr = this->RegisterWithLocalPASTServer(pDevice); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr == DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING) { //
// If the server isn't responding, we'll treat it as non-fatal,
// but obviously we can't use the server.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Local PAST server does not respond to registrations, ignoring."); } else { //
// Some other failure. Annoying, but ignore it.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't register with local PAST server (err = 0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr); }
hr = DPNH_OK;
// Drop through.
} else { fAddressAlreadyChanged = (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// We need to bind a temporary port to detect ICS vs. FW-only.
// UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity does this in addition to
// checking public address validity like the function name
// says.
hr = this->UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity(pDevice, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't update new local PAST server public address validity!", hr); goto Failure; }
// If we encountered an error that caused the PAST server to be
// removed, then we shouldn't (and can't) try registering any
// existing ports.
// Otherwise, make sure we're allowed to work with the type of PAST
// server found. If we aren't de-register. If we are, bind any
// ports already associated with this device.
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) == 0) || ((pDevice->HasLocalICSPASTServer()) && (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS))) || ((pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) && (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTPFW)))) {
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Not allowed to use local %s PAST server, de-registering.", ((pDevice->HasLocalICSPASTServer()) ? _T("ICS") : _T("PFW only")));
hr = this->DeregisterWithPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't de-register with local PAST server (err = 0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr); //
// Consider ourselves de-registered.
pDevice->SetPASTClientID(0, FALSE);
// Continue anyway...
hr = DPNH_OK; }
this->ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts(pDevice, FALSE); this->RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(pDevice, FALSE); pDevice->NoteNoPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE); pDevice->NoteNoLocalPASTServer(); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Local PAST server was removed while trying to update public address validity."); }
// Prevent the user from thinking the addresses changed unless
// something else caused the address change notification.
if (! fAddressAlreadyChanged) { this->m_dwFlags &= ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; } //
// Go back to the previous poll interval.
this->m_dwNextPollInterval = dwOriginalNextPollInterval; } else { if (! pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Local PAST server now available, registering existing ports.");
hr = this->RegisterAllPortsWithPAST(pDevice, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't register existing ports with new local PAST server!", hr); goto Failure; }
#ifdef DBG
// If we didn't encounter an error that caused the PAST
// server to be removed, then the
// by the AssignOrListenPorts function.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { DNASSERT(this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Local PAST server was removed while trying to register existing ports."); } #endif // DBG
} else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Local PAST server now available, but no previously registered ports."); } } } // end else (successfully registered with local PAST server)
} else { //
// The bind succeeded. Doesn't look like there's a local PAST server.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Bound datagram socket %u.%u.%u.%u:%u, no local PAST server present.", saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinTemp.sin_port)); }
if (sTemp != INVALID_SOCKET) { this->m_pfnclosesocket(sTemp); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllItems"
// CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllItems
// Description: Removes all devices (de-registering with Internet gateways
// if necessary). This removes all registered port mapping
// objects, as well.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllItems(void) { HRESULT hr; CBilink * pBilinkDevice; CDevice * pDevice; CBilink * pBilinkRegisteredPort; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
pBilinkDevice = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilinkDevice != &this->m_blDevices) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkDevice); pBilinkDevice = pBilinkDevice->GetNext();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Destroying device 0x%p.", pDevice);
// De-register from remote PAST server if necessary.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { hr = this->DeregisterWithPASTServer(pDevice, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't de-register with remote PAST server (err = 0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr); //
// Consider ourselves de-registered.
pDevice->SetPASTClientID(0, TRUE);
// Continue anyway, so we can finish cleaning up the object.
this->ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts(pDevice, TRUE); this->RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(pDevice, TRUE); pDevice->NoteNoPASTPublicAddressAvailable(TRUE); }
// De-register from local PAST server if necessary.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { hr = this->DeregisterWithPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't de-register with local PAST server (err = 0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr); //
// Consider ourselves de-registered.
pDevice->SetPASTClientID(0, FALSE);
// Continue anyway, so we can finish cleaning up the object.
this->ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts(pDevice, FALSE); this->RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(pDevice, FALSE); pDevice->NoteNoPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE); }
// All of the device's registered ports are implicitly freed.
pBilinkRegisteredPort = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext();
while (pBilinkRegisteredPort != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilinkRegisteredPort); pBilinkRegisteredPort = pBilinkRegisteredPort->GetNext();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Destroying registered port 0x%p (under device 0x%p).", pRegisteredPort, pDevice);
pRegisteredPort->ClearDeviceOwner(); pRegisteredPort->m_blGlobalList.RemoveFromList();
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) != 0) { pRegisteredPort->SetPASTBindID(0, TRUE); pRegisteredPort->ClearPASTPublicAddresses(TRUE); DNASSERT(this->m_dwNumLeases > 0); this->m_dwNumLeases--;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Remote PAST lease for 0x%p cleared, total num leases = %u.", pRegisteredPort, this->m_dwNumLeases); }
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0) { pRegisteredPort->SetPASTBindID(0, FALSE); pRegisteredPort->ClearPASTPublicAddresses(FALSE); DNASSERT(this->m_dwNumLeases > 0); this->m_dwNumLeases--;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Local PAST lease for 0x%p cleared, total num leases = %u.", pRegisteredPort, this->m_dwNumLeases); }
// The user implicitly released this port.
delete pRegisteredPort; }
// Close the socket.
this->m_pfnclosesocket(pDevice->GetPASTSocket()); pDevice->SetPASTSocket(INVALID_SOCKET);
// Now we can dump the device object.
delete pDevice; }
// Removing all the devices normally removes all the registered ports, but
// there may still be more wildcard ports that were never associated with
// any device.
pBilinkRegisteredPort = this->m_blUnownedPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilinkRegisteredPort != &this->m_blUnownedPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilinkRegisteredPort); pBilinkRegisteredPort = pBilinkRegisteredPort->GetNext();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Destroying unowned registered port 0x%p.", pRegisteredPort);
pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.RemoveFromList(); pRegisteredPort->m_blGlobalList.RemoveFromList();
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) == 0); DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) == 0);
// The user implicitly released this port.
delete pRegisteredPort; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllItems
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::FindMatchingDevice"
// CNATHelpPAST::FindMatchingDevice
// Description: Searches the list of devices for the object matching the
// given address, or NULL if one could not be found.
// If fMatchRegPort is TRUE, the list of registered ports
// associated with devices is searched first for an exact match to
// the address passed in.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinMatch - Pointer to address to look up.
// BOOL fMatchRegPort - Whether existing registered ports should
// be checked for an exact match first.
// Returns: CDevice
// NULL if no match, valid object otherwise.
CDevice * CNATHelpPAST::FindMatchingDevice(const SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinMatch, const BOOL fMatchRegPort) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fUpdatedDeviceList = FALSE; CDevice * pDeviceRemoteICSServer = NULL; CDevice * pDeviceLocalICSServer = NULL; CDevice * pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer = NULL; SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinTemp; CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; CDevice * pDevice; DWORD dwTemp;
do { //
// First, make sure there are devices to choose from.
if (this->m_blDevices.IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No devices, can't match address %u.%u.%u.%u!", psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); pDevice = NULL; goto Exit; }
// It's possible that the address we're trying to match is an already
// registered port. Look through all owned port mappings for this
// address, if we're allowed.
if (fMatchRegPort) { pBilink = this->m_blRegisteredPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &this->m_blRegisteredPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_GLOBAL_BILINK(pBilink);
// Only check this registered port if it has an owning device.
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(); if (pDevice != NULL) { //
// Check each port in the array.
psaddrinTemp = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray(); for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses(); dwTemp++) { //
// If the address matches, we have a winner.
if ((psaddrinTemp[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) && (psaddrinTemp[dwTemp].sin_port == psaddrinMatch->sin_port)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Registered port 0x%p index %u matches address %u.%u.%u.%u:%u, returning owning device 0x%p.", pRegisteredPort, dwTemp, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(psaddrinMatch->sin_port), pDevice); goto Exit; } } }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } }
// Darn, the address is not already registered. Well, match it up with
// a device as best as possible.
pBilink = this->m_blDevices.GetNext();
do { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilink); if ((pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4() == psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Device 0x%p matches address %u.%u.%u.%u.", pDevice, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); goto Exit; }
// Remember this device if it has the first remote ICS server we've
// seen.
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) && (pDeviceRemoteICSServer == NULL)) { pDeviceRemoteICSServer = pDevice; }
// Remember this device if it has the first local ICS or firewall
// only server we've seen.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { if ((pDevice->HasLocalICSPASTServer()) && (pDeviceLocalICSServer == NULL)) { pDeviceLocalICSServer = pDevice; } else if ((pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) && (pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer == NULL)) { pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer = pDevice; } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Device 0x%p does not match address %u.%u.%u.%u.", pDevice, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } while (pBilink != &this->m_blDevices);
// If we got here, there's no matching device. It might be because the
// caller detected an address change faster than we did. Try updating
// our device list and searching again (if we haven't already).
if (fUpdatedDeviceList) { break; }
// Don't bother updating the list to match INADDR_ANY, we know that
// will never match anything.
if (psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_ANY) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Couldn't find matching device for INADDR_ANY, as expected."); break; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Couldn't find matching device for %u.%u.%u.%u, updating device list and searching again.", psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
hr = this->CheckForNewDevices(&fUpdatedDeviceList); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't check for new devices (0x%lx), continuing.", hr); //
// Hmm, we have to treat it as non-fatal. Don't search again,
// though.
break; }
// If we didn't actually get any new devices, don't bother searching
// again.
if (! fUpdatedDeviceList) { break; }
// fUpdatedDeviceList is set to TRUE so we'll only loop one more time.
} while (TRUE);
// If we got here, there's still no matching device. If it's the wildcard
// value, that's to be expected, but we need to pick a device in the
// following order:
// 1. device has an Internet gateway
// 2. device has a firewall
// If none of those exists or it's not the wildcard value, we have to give
// up.
if (psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_ANY) { if (pDeviceRemoteICSServer != NULL) { pDevice = pDeviceRemoteICSServer;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Picking device 0x%p with remote ICS server to match INADDR_ANY.", pDevice); } else if (pDeviceLocalICSServer != NULL) { pDevice = pDeviceLocalICSServer;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Picking device 0x%p with local ICS server to match INADDR_ANY.", pDevice); } else if (pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer != NULL) { pDevice = pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Picking device 0x%p with local PFW-only server to match INADDR_ANY.", pDevice); } else { pDevice = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "No suitable device to match INADDR_ANY."); } } else { pDevice = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "No devices match address %u.%u.%u.%u.", psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinMatch->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); }
return pDevice; } // CNATHelpPAST::FindMatchingDevice
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RegisterWithLocalPASTServer"
// CNATHelpPAST::RegisterWithLocalPASTServer
// Description: Attempts to register with a local PAST server.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Device to use when registering.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The registration attempt completed
// without error.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING - No server responded to the registration
// attempt.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::RegisterWithLocalPASTServer(CDevice * const pDevice) { HRESULT hr; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; DWORD dwMsgID; PAST_MSG_REGISTER RegisterReq; PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p)", this, pDevice);
// Create a SOCKADDR to address the PAST service.
// Also initialize the message sequencing. Each message response pair is
// numbered sequentially to allow differentiation from retries over UDP.
// And finally, reset the current retry timeout (even though it doesn't
// affect this special case Register message).
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) == 0); pDevice->ResetLocalPASTMsgIDAndRetryTimeout(DEFAULT_INITIAL_PAST_RETRY_TIMEOUT); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextLocalPASTMsgID(); DNASSERT(dwMsgID == 0);
// Remember the current time, if this is the first thing we've sent from
// this port.
if (pDevice->GetFirstPASTDiscoveryTime() == 0) { pDevice->SetFirstPASTDiscoveryTime(GETTIMESTAMP()); }
// Build the request message.
ZeroMemory(&RegisterReq, sizeof(RegisterReq)); RegisterReq.version = PAST_VERSION; RegisterReq.command = PAST_MSGID_REGISTER_REQUEST;
RegisterReq.msgid.code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; RegisterReq.msgid.len = sizeof(RegisterReq.msgid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); RegisterReq.msgid.msgid = dwMsgID;
// Send the message and get the reply.
hr = this->ExchangeAndParsePAST(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress), (char *) &RegisterReq, sizeof(RegisterReq), dwMsgID, NULL, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { //
// If exchanging the registration attempt failed, see if it was because
// the server wasn't responding.
if (hr != DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Registering with a PAST server failed!"); goto Failure; }
// Server non-existence is considered non-fatal, but it still means
// we're done here.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "No PAST server responded, registration was not successful.");
goto Exit; }
if (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_REGISTER_RESPONSE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unexpected response type %u, failing registration!", RespInfo.cMsgType); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// If we got here, then we successfully registered with a server.
pDevice->SetPASTClientID(RespInfo.dwClientID, FALSE);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::RegisterWithLocalPASTServer
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterWithPASTServer"
// CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterWithPASTServer
// Description: Attempts to deregister with the PAST server (local or
// remote, as determined by fRemote).
// All port assignments are implicitly freed.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Device to use when deregistering.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if should attempt to deregister with remote
// server, FALSE if deregistering with local server.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The deregistration completed successfully.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterWithPASTServer(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; DWORD dwClientID; DWORD dwMsgID; DWORD * ptuRetry; PAST_MSG_DEREGISTER_REQUEST DeregisterReq; PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pDevice, fRemote);
// Create a SOCKADDR to address the PAST service, and get the appropriate
// client ID, initial retry timeout, and next message ID to use.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
if (fRemote) { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextRemotePASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetRemotePASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); } else { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextLocalPASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetLocalPASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); }
dwClientID = pDevice->GetPASTClientID(fRemote); DNASSERT(dwClientID != 0); //
// Build the request message.
ZeroMemory(&DeregisterReq, sizeof(DeregisterReq)); DeregisterReq.version = PAST_VERSION; DeregisterReq.command = PAST_MSGID_DEREGISTER_REQUEST;
DeregisterReq.clientid.code = PAST_PARAMID_CLIENTID; DeregisterReq.clientid.len = sizeof(DeregisterReq.clientid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); DeregisterReq.clientid.clientid = dwClientID;
DeregisterReq.msgid.code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; DeregisterReq.msgid.len = sizeof(DeregisterReq.msgid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); DeregisterReq.msgid.msgid = dwMsgID;
// Send the message and get the reply.
hr = this->ExchangeAndParsePAST(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress), (char *) &DeregisterReq, sizeof(DeregisterReq), dwMsgID, ptuRetry, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr != DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "De-registering with server failed!"); goto Failure; }
// Server stopped responding, but who cares, we were de-registering
// anyway.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Server stopped responding while de-registering! Ignoring.");
hr = DPNH_OK; } else { if (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_DEREGISTER_RESPONSE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got unexpected response type %u, failed de-registering!", RespInfo.cMsgType); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; } }
pDevice->SetPASTClientID(0, fRemote);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::DeregisterWithPASTServer
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ExtendAllExpiringLeases"
// CNATHelpPAST::ExtendAllExpiringLeases
// Description: Renews any port leases that are close to expiring (within 2
// minutes of expiration time).
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Lease extension was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::ExtendAllExpiringLeases(void) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; CDevice * pDevice; DWORD dwLeaseTimeRemaining;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Enter");
// Walk the list of all registered ports and check for leases that need to
// be extended.
// The lock is already held.
pBilink = this->m_blRegisteredPorts.GetNext();
while (pBilink != (&this->m_blRegisteredPorts)) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_GLOBAL_BILINK(pBilink);
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice();
// If the port is registered remotely, extend that lease, if necessary.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
dwLeaseTimeRemaining = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(TRUE) - timeGetTime();
if (dwLeaseTimeRemaining < LEASE_RENEW_TIME) { hr = this->ExtendPASTLease(pRegisteredPort, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't extend port mapping lease on remote PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, TRUE); hr = DPNH_OK; } } }
// If the port is registered locally, extend that lease, if necessary.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0) { DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
dwLeaseTimeRemaining = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(FALSE) - timeGetTime();
if (dwLeaseTimeRemaining < LEASE_RENEW_TIME) { hr = this->ExtendPASTLease(pRegisteredPort, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't extend port mapping lease on local PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); hr = DPNH_OK; } } }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr; } // CNATHelpPAST::ExtendAllExpiringLeases
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::UpdateServerStatus"
// CNATHelpPAST::UpdateServerStatus
// Description: Checks to see if any Internet gateways have stopped
// responding or are now available.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The update was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::UpdateServerStatus(void) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CBilink blNoRemotePASTList; DWORD dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval; DWORD dwCurrentTime; CBilink * pBilink; CDevice * pDevice; CDevice * pDeviceRemoteICSServer = NULL; CDevice * pDeviceLocalICSServer = NULL; CDevice * pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer = NULL; BOOL fSendRemoteGatewayDiscovery;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Enter");
// Cache the current value of the global. This should be atomic so no need
// to take the globals lock.
dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval = g_dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval;
// Capture the current time.
dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime();
// If this isn't the first time to update server status, but it hasn't been
// very long since we last checked, don't. This will prevent unnecessary
// network traffic if GetCaps is called frequently (in response to many
// alert events, for example).
// However, if we just found a new device, update the status anyway.
if (this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime != 0) { if ((dwCurrentTime - this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime) < dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval) { if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_DEVICECHANGED)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Server status was just updated at %u, not updating again (time = %u, min interval = %u).", this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime, dwCurrentTime, dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval);
// hr == DPNH_OK
goto Exit; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Server status was just updated at %u (time = %u, min interval = %u), but there was a device change that may affect things.", this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime, dwCurrentTime, dwMinUpdateServerStatusInterval);
// Continue...
// If we're allowed to keep polling for remote gateways after startup,
// do so. Otherwise, only do it if a device has changed or a port has
// been registered since our last check.
if ((g_fKeepPollingForRemoteGateway) || (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_DEVICECHANGED) || (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_PORTREGISTERED)) { fSendRemoteGatewayDiscovery = TRUE; } else { fSendRemoteGatewayDiscovery = FALSE; } } else { //
// We always poll for new remote gateways during startup.
fSendRemoteGatewayDiscovery = TRUE; }
// Prevent the timer from landing exactly on 0.
if (dwCurrentTime == 0) { dwCurrentTime = 1; } this->m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime = dwCurrentTime;
// Turn off the 'device changed' and 'port registered' flags, if they were
// on.
// Loop through all the devices.
pBilink = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &this->m_blDevices) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilink);
// This might be a new device, so register any ports with this address
// that were previously unowned (because this device's address was
// unknown at the time).
hr = this->RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice(pDevice, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't register previously unowned ports with device 0x%p!.", pDevice); goto Failure; }
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) == 0) { //
// The device did not previously have a local PAST server. See if
// one came online.
hr = this->CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister(pDevice); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't check for local PAST server (and register with it) on device 0x%p!", pDevice); goto Failure; } if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { //
// Wow, a local PAST server is now available.
// Remember the device if it has the first local ICS or PFW
// PAST server we've seen.
if ((pDevice->HasLocalICSPASTServer()) && (pDeviceLocalICSServer == NULL)) { DNASSERT(this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS); pDeviceLocalICSServer = pDevice; } else if ((pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) && (pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer == NULL)) { DNASSERT(this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTPFW); pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer = pDevice; }
// We don't need to register all the existing mappings
// associated with the device that the user has already
// requested. CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister took care of
// that for us.
} else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Still no local PAST server on device 0x%p.", pDevice); } } else { //
// The device previously had a local PAST server.
// Make sure the server is still alive and see whether it's handing
// out valid public addresses or not.
hr = this->UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity(pDevice, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't update local PAST server public address validity on device 0x%p!", pDevice); goto Failure; }
// If there's still a PAST server, remember the device if it's the
// first local ICS or PFW PAST server we've seen.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { if ((pDevice->HasLocalICSPASTServer()) && (pDeviceLocalICSServer == NULL)) { pDeviceLocalICSServer = pDevice; } else if ((pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) && (pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer == NULL)) { pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer = pDevice; } } }
if (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS) { if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) == 0) { //
// The device did not previously have a remote PAST server.
// Remember it so we can check if one came online below,
// unless we're not allowed to perform remote gateway
// discovery.
if (fSendRemoteGatewayDiscovery) { pDevice->m_blTempList.InsertBefore(&blNoRemotePASTList); } } else { //
// The device previously had a remote PAST server.
// Make sure the server is still alive and see whether it's
// handing out valid public addresses or not.
hr = this->UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity(pDevice, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't update remote PAST server public address validity on device 0x%p!", pDevice); goto Failure; }
// If there's still a PAST server, remember the device if it's
// the first remote PAST server we've seen.
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) && (pDeviceRemoteICSServer == NULL)) { pDeviceRemoteICSServer = pDevice; } } } else { //
// Not using PAST for ICS NAT traversal.
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// Update any devices that don't currently have remote PAST servers.
if (! blNoRemotePASTList.IsEmpty()) { DNASSERT(fSendRemoteGatewayDiscovery); hr = this->RegisterMultipleDevicesWithRemotePAST(&blNoRemotePASTList, &pDeviceRemoteICSServer); if (hr != S_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't register multiple devices with remote PAST servers!"); goto Failure; } }
// Some new servers may have come online. If so, we can now map wildcard
// ports that were registered previously. Figure out which device that is.
if (pDeviceRemoteICSServer != NULL) { pDevice = pDeviceRemoteICSServer; } else if (pDeviceLocalICSServer != NULL) { pDevice = pDeviceLocalICSServer; } else if (pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer != NULL) { pDevice = pDeviceLocalPFWOnlyServer; } else { pDevice = NULL; }
if (pDevice != NULL) { //
// Register any wildcard ports that are unowned with this best device.
hr = this->RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice(pDevice, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't register unowned wildcard ports with device 0x%p!.", pDevice); goto Failure; } } #ifdef DBG
else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "No devices have a remote or local PAST server."); } #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Spent %u ms updating server status, starting at %u.", (timeGetTime() - dwCurrentTime), dwCurrentTime);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
// Remove any items still in the temp list.
pBilink = blNoRemotePASTList.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &blNoRemotePASTList) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
pDevice->m_blTempList.RemoveFromList(); }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::UpdateServerStatus
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::AssignOrListenPASTPort"
// CNATHelpPAST::AssignOrListenPASTPort
// Description: Attempts to assign a port mapping with the PAST server.
// This may detect a change in server address.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort - Pointer to port object mapping to
// assign.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if should assign with remote
// server, FALSE if assign with local
// server.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The assignment was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
// DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE - The server could not bind one of the
// ports.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING - The server did not respond to the
// message.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::AssignOrListenPASTPort(CRegisteredPort * const pRegisteredPort, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CDevice * pDevice; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; DWORD dwClientID; DWORD dwMsgID; DWORD * ptuRetry; BOOL fListenRequest; BOOL fSharedUDPListener; CHAR cNumPorts; DWORD dwLeaseTimeInSecs; SOCKADDR_IN * pasaddrinAddressesToAssign; DWORD dwMsgSize; PVOID pvRequest = NULL; PBYTE pbCurrent; CHAR cTemp; PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo; CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pTempRegisteredPort; BOOL fResult; BOOL fFirstLease; HRESULT temphr; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pRegisteredPort, fRemote);
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort != NULL);
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(); DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
// Create a SOCKADDR to address the PAST service, and get the appropriate
// client ID, initial retry timeout, and next message ID to use.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
if (fRemote) { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextRemotePASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetRemotePASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); } else { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextLocalPASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetLocalPASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); }
dwClientID = pDevice->GetPASTClientID(fRemote); DNASSERT(dwClientID != 0);
fListenRequest = pRegisteredPort->IsFixedPort(); fSharedUDPListener = pRegisteredPort->IsSharedPort(); pasaddrinAddressesToAssign = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray(); cNumPorts = (CHAR) pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses(); // the possible loss of data is okay, capped at DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS anyway
DNASSERT(cNumPorts > 0); dwLeaseTimeInSecs = pRegisteredPort->GetRequestedLeaseTime() / 1000;
// If this is a remote attempt and it was already mapped with a local
// Personal Firewall PAST server, be sure to use those addresses. The
// PFW PAST server will give different port values, and if there's a NAT
// upstream we need to map the ports that are actually reachable
// externally. Yes, you could consider it user error to have a firewall
// enabled when you're behind a NAT: why wouldn't they just enable firewall
// behavior on the NAT? However, we'll support that.
if ((fRemote) && (pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) && (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)) && (! pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(FALSE))) { DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0); DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Using public addresses previously returned by local Personal Firewall-only PAST server."); pasaddrinAddressesToAssign = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE); }
DNASSERT(pasaddrinAddressesToAssign != NULL);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Sending %s%sfor %u ports (first = %u.%u.%u.%u:%u), requesting %u second lease.", ((fListenRequest) ? _T("LISTEN_REQUEST") : _T("ASSIGN_REQUEST_RSAP_IP")), ((fSharedUDPListener) ? _T(" (with SHARED UDP LISTENER vendor code) ") : _T(" ")), cNumPorts, pasaddrinAddressesToAssign[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinAddressesToAssign[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinAddressesToAssign[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinAddressesToAssign[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(pasaddrinAddressesToAssign[0].sin_port), dwLeaseTimeInSecs);
// Build the request message. We take advantage of the fact that both the
// almost identical, except SHAREDLISTEN_REQUESTs have an extra vendor
// option.
dwMsgSize = (sizeof(PAST_MSG_ASSIGNORLISTEN_REQUEST) + ((cNumPorts - 1) * sizeof(WORD) * 2)); if (! fSharedUDPListener) { dwMsgSize -= sizeof(PAST_PARAM_MSVENDOR_CODE); }
pvRequest = DNMalloc(dwMsgSize); if (pvRequest == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
pbCurrent = (PBYTE) pvRequest;
((PAST_PARAM_CLIENTID*) pbCurrent)->code = PAST_PARAMID_CLIENTID; ((PAST_PARAM_CLIENTID*) pbCurrent)->len = sizeof(PAST_PARAM_CLIENTID) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ((PAST_PARAM_CLIENTID*) pbCurrent)->clientid = dwClientID; pbCurrent += sizeof (PAST_PARAM_CLIENTID);
// Local Address (will be returned by PAST server, use don't-care value).
((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->code = PAST_PARAMID_ADDRESS; ((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->len = sizeof(PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->version = PAST_ADDRESSTYPE_IPV4; ((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->addr = PAST_ANY_ADDRESS; pbCurrent += sizeof (PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS);
// Local Port, this is the port the user has opened for which we are
// assigning a global alias.
// NOTE: Ports appeared to be transferred in x86 format, contrary to the
// spec, which says network byte order.
(*pbCurrent++) = PAST_PARAMID_PORTS; *((WORD*) pbCurrent) = sizeof(CHAR) + (sizeof(WORD) * cNumPorts); pbCurrent += 2; (*pbCurrent++) = cNumPorts; for(cTemp = 0; cTemp < cNumPorts; cTemp++) { *((WORD*) pbCurrent) = NTOHS(pasaddrinAddressesToAssign[cTemp].sin_port); pbCurrent += 2; }
// Remote Address (not used with our flow control policy and reserved for
// future use, use don't-care value)
((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->code = PAST_PARAMID_ADDRESS; ((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->len = sizeof(PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->version = PAST_ADDRESSTYPE_IPV4; ((PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS*) pbCurrent)->addr = PAST_ANY_ADDRESS; pbCurrent += sizeof (PAST_PARAM_ADDRESS);
(*pbCurrent++) = PAST_PARAMID_PORTS; *((WORD*) pbCurrent) = sizeof(CHAR) + (sizeof(WORD) * cNumPorts); pbCurrent += 2; (*pbCurrent++) = cNumPorts; //for(cTemp = 0; cTemp < cNumPorts; cTemp++)
// *((WORD*) pbCurrent) = NTOHS(PAST_ANY_PORT);
// pbCurrent += 2;
pbCurrent += cNumPorts * sizeof(WORD);
// The following parameters are optional according to PAST spec.
// Lease code, ask for what the user wants, but they shouldn't count on
// getting that.
((PAST_PARAM_LEASE*) pbCurrent)->code = PAST_PARAMID_LEASE; ((PAST_PARAM_LEASE*) pbCurrent)->len = sizeof(PAST_PARAM_LEASE) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ((PAST_PARAM_LEASE*) pbCurrent)->leasetime = dwLeaseTimeInSecs; pbCurrent += sizeof (PAST_PARAM_LEASE);
// Tunnel Type is IP-IP (PAST currently ignores it, actually).
// Message ID is optional, but we use it since we use UDP for a transport
// it is required.
((PAST_PARAM_MESSAGEID*) pbCurrent)->code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; ((PAST_PARAM_MESSAGEID*) pbCurrent)->len = sizeof(PAST_PARAM_MESSAGEID) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ((PAST_PARAM_MESSAGEID*) pbCurrent)->msgid = dwMsgID; pbCurrent += sizeof (PAST_PARAM_MESSAGEID);
// The following parameters are vendor specific options.
// Specify port type MS vendor option.
// Specify no-tunneling MS vendor option.
// A shared UDP port listen type has an extra vendor option.
// Send the message and get the reply.
hr = this->ExchangeAndParsePAST(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress), (char *) pvRequest, dwMsgSize, dwMsgID, ptuRetry, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Sending Assign/Listen Port request to server failed (err = 0x%lx)!", hr); goto Failure; }
if ((RespInfo.cMsgType == PAST_MSGID_ERROR_RESPONSE) && (RespInfo.wError == PASTERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Couldn't assign/listen, port was unavailable."); hr = DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE; goto Failure; }
if (((fListenRequest) && (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_LISTEN_RESPONSE)) || ((! fListenRequest) && (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_ASSIGN_RESPONSE_RSAP_IP))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got unexpected response type %u, failed assign/listen!", RespInfo.cMsgType); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Make sure the port count is valid.
if (RespInfo.cNumLocalPorts != cNumPorts) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "PAST server returned an invalid number of local ports with success message (%u != %u)! Assuming port unavailable.", RespInfo.cNumLocalPorts, cNumPorts); DNASSERTX(! "Why is PAST server returning bogus number of ports?", 2); hr = DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE; goto Failure; }
// Store the public address for the registered port, even if it's the
// no-public-address address (
hr = pRegisteredPort->SetPASTPublicV4Addresses(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, RespInfo.awLocalPorts, RespInfo.cNumLocalPorts, fRemote); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't set requested mapping's public addresses!"); goto Failure; }
// Remember the bind ID, actual lease time (convert back to milliseconds),
// and address we were given.
pRegisteredPort->SetPASTBindID(RespInfo.dwBindID, fRemote); pRegisteredPort->SetPASTLeaseExpiration((timeGetTime() + (RespInfo.dwLeaseTime * 1000)), fRemote);
// Note whether this was the first lease or not.
fFirstLease = (this->m_dwNumLeases == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; this->m_dwNumLeases++;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "%s PAST lease for 0x%p added, total num leases = %u.", ((fRemote) ? _T("Remote") : _T("Local")), pRegisteredPort, this->m_dwNumLeases);
// We have different behavior whether the address is valid or not.
if (RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4 == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "PAST server gave 0x%p an invalid address mapping for %u seconds (expires at %u).", pRegisteredPort, RespInfo.dwLeaseTime, pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote));
// If the mapping's IP address was zero, then we can't go handing it
// around.
// Further, if any other ports were registered with the server, their
// addresses are now all bogus as well, since it is assumed that the
// server will always hand out the same address for all assignments.
if (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(fRemote)) { pDevice->NoteNoPASTPublicAddressAvailable(fRemote);
// Since there was a change in the network, go back to polling
// relatively quickly.
// Any cached mappings could now be invalid. Force future
// re-queries to hit the network.
this->RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(pDevice, fRemote);
// Loop through the existing registered port mappings and clear the
// addresses.
// We have the appropriate lock.
pBilink = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pTempRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink);
if (pTempRegisteredPort != pRegisteredPort) { if (pTempRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Existing registered port mapping 0x%p is no longer valid.", pTempRegisteredPort);
DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(fRemote)); DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->IsFirstPASTPublicV4AddressDifferent(0, fRemote));
// Sorry, the address is gone.
pTempRegisteredPort->UpdatePASTPublicV4Addresses(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, fRemote);
// The user should call GetCaps to detect the address
// change. Note that GetRegisteredAddresses will already be
// returning NOMAPPING now, though.
this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; } else { DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); } } else { //
// Skip the port we just registered.
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } #ifdef DBG
else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Still no public address for any ports.");
// Loop through the existing registered port mappings and make sure
// they don't have addresses (debug only).
// We have the appropriate lock.
pBilink = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pTempRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink);
if (pTempRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(fRemote)) { DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) == 0); DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); } else { //
// Can't assert these things because we may not have tried
// mapping this port yet.
DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) != 0); DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); DNASSERT(! (pTempRegisteredPort->IsFirstPASTPublicV4AddressDifferent(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, fRemote))); */ }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } #endif // DBG
} else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "PAST server gave 0x%p a valid address mapping for %u seconds (expires at %u).", pRegisteredPort, RespInfo.dwLeaseTime, pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote));
// The server may have previously been handing back invalid mappings.
// If any other ports were registered with the server that didn't get
// mapped, those addresses are now valid as well, since it is assumed
// that the server will will always hand out the same address for all
// assignments.
if (! pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(fRemote)) { pDevice->NotePASTPublicAddressAvailable(fRemote);
// Since there was a change in the network, go back to polling
// relatively quickly.
// Any cached mappings could now be invalid. Force future
// re-queries to hit the network.
this->RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(pDevice, fRemote);
// Loop through the existing registered port mappings and set the
// addresses.
// We have the appropriate lock.
pBilink = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pTempRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink);
if (pTempRegisteredPort != pRegisteredPort) { if (pTempRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Existing registered port mapping 0x%p now has an address.", pTempRegisteredPort);
DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(fRemote)); DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote));
// Woohoo, there's an address now.
pTempRegisteredPort->UpdatePASTPublicV4Addresses(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, fRemote);
// The user should call GetCaps to detect the address
// change. Note that GetRegisteredAddresses will already be
// returning the new addresses now, though.
this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; } else { DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); } } else { //
// Skip the port we just registered.
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } else { //
// We assume that the server will always hand out the same address
// to every mapping. Double check that if there's something in the
// list already then it has the same IP address. If not, the
// address has changed. Loop through the existing registered port
// mappings and convert them to use the same address as was just
// handed out.
// We have the appropriate lock.
pBilink = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pTempRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink);
if (pTempRegisteredPort != pRegisteredPort) { if (pTempRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) != 0) { DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(fRemote)); DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); DNASSERT(pTempRegisteredPort->IsFirstPASTPublicV4AddressDifferent(0, fRemote));
if (pTempRegisteredPort->IsFirstPASTPublicV4AddressDifferent(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, fRemote)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Existing registered port mapping 0x%p differs from address just returned from PAST server.", pTempRegisteredPort);
pTempRegisteredPort->UpdatePASTPublicV4Addresses(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, fRemote);
// The user should call GetCaps to detect the address
// change. Note that GetRegisteredAddresses will already be
// returning the new addresses now, though.
this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; } else { //
// Address is same.
} } else { DNASSERT(! pTempRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); } } else { //
// Skip the port we just registered.
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } }
// Remember this expiration time if it's the one that's going to expire
// soonest.
if ((fFirstLease) || ((int) (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote) - this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime) < 0)) { if (fFirstLease) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port 0x%p's %s PAST lease is the first lease (expires at %u).", pRegisteredPort, ((fRemote) ? _T("remote") : _T("local")), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote)); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port 0x%p's %s PAST lease expires at %u which is earlier than the next earliest lease expiration (%u).", pRegisteredPort, ((fRemote) ? _T("remote") : _T("local")), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote), this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime); }
this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote);
// Ping the event if there is one so that the user's GetCaps interval
// doesn't miss this new, shorter lease.
if (this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) { fResult = SetEvent(this->m_hAlertEvent); #ifdef DBG
if (! fResult) { dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't set alert event 0x%p! err = %u", this->m_hAlertEvent, dwError);
// Ignore failure...
} #endif // DBG
// Ping the I/O completion port if there is one so that the user's
// GetCaps interval doesn't miss this new, shorter lease.
if (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL) { fResult = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort, 0, this->m_dwAlertCompletionKey, NULL); #ifdef DBG
if (! fResult) { dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't queue key %u on alert IO completion port 0x%p! err = %u", this->m_dwAlertCompletionKey, this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort, dwError);
// Ignore failure...
} #endif // DBG
} }
if (pvRequest != NULL) { DNFree(pvRequest); pvRequest = NULL; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
// If we registered the port, de-register it.
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) != 0) { temphr = this->FreePASTPort(pRegisteredPort, fRemote); if (temphr != DPNH_OK) { //
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(), fRemote); } }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::AssignOrListenPASTPort
// Description: Release a port mapping with the PAST server.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort - Pointer to port object mapping to
// release.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if should free from remote
// server, FALSE if freeing from local
// server.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The release was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING - The server did not respond to the
// message.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::FreePASTPort(CRegisteredPort * const pRegisteredPort, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CDevice * pDevice; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; DWORD dwClientID; DWORD dwMsgID; DWORD * ptuRetry; PAST_MSG_FREE_REQUEST FreeReq; PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pRegisteredPort, fRemote);
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort != NULL);
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(); DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
// Create a SOCKADDR to address the PAST service, and get the appropriate
// client ID, initial retry timeout, and next message ID to use.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
if (fRemote) { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextRemotePASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetRemotePASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); } else { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextLocalPASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetLocalPASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); }
dwClientID = pDevice->GetPASTClientID(fRemote); DNASSERT(dwClientID != 0);
// Build the request message.
ZeroMemory(&FreeReq, sizeof(FreeReq)); FreeReq.version = PAST_VERSION; FreeReq.command = PAST_MSGID_FREE_REQUEST;
FreeReq.clientid.code = PAST_PARAMID_CLIENTID; FreeReq.clientid.len = sizeof(FreeReq.clientid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); FreeReq.clientid.clientid = dwClientID;
FreeReq.bindid.code = PAST_PARAMID_BINDID; FreeReq.bindid.len = sizeof(FreeReq.bindid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); FreeReq.bindid.bindid = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote);
FreeReq.msgid.code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; FreeReq.msgid.len = sizeof(FreeReq.msgid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); FreeReq.msgid.msgid = dwMsgID;
// Send the message and get the reply.
hr = this->ExchangeAndParsePAST(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress), (char *) &FreeReq, sizeof(FreeReq), dwMsgID, ptuRetry, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Freeing port mapping failed!"); goto Failure; }
if (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_FREE_RESPONSE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got unexpected response type %u, failed freeing port mapping!", RespInfo.cMsgType); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
pRegisteredPort->SetPASTBindID(0, fRemote); pRegisteredPort->ClearPASTPublicAddresses(fRemote);
// One more lease is gone.
DNASSERT(this->m_dwNumLeases > 0); this->m_dwNumLeases--;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "%s PAST lease for 0x%p removed, total num leases = %u.", ((fRemote) ? _T("Remote") : _T("Local")), pRegisteredPort, this->m_dwNumLeases);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::FreePASTPort
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::InternalPASTQueryAddress"
// CNATHelpPAST::InternalPASTQueryAddress
// Description: Queries a port mapping with the PAST server.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device whose PAST
// server should be queried.
// SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinQueryAddress - Address to look up.
// SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinResponseAddress - Place to store public address, if
// one exists.
// DWORD dwFlags - Flags to use when querying.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if querying remote, FALSE
// querying local server.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The query was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPING - The server did not have a mapping for the
// given address.
// DPNHERR_NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE - The server indicated that no mapping
// exists, but the address is private.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING - The server did not respond to the
// message.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::InternalPASTQueryAddress(CDevice * const pDevice, const SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinQueryAddress, SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinResponseAddress, const DWORD dwFlags, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr; CBilink * pblCachedMaps; DWORD dwCurrentTime; CBilink * pBilink; CCacheMap * pCacheMap; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; DWORD dwClientID; DWORD dwMsgID; DWORD * ptuRetry; PAST_MSG_QUERY_REQUEST_PORTS QueryReq; PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo; DWORD dwCacheMapFlags;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%lx, %i)", this, pDevice, psaddrinQueryAddress, psaddrinResponseAddress, dwFlags, fRemote);
DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL); DNASSERT(psaddrinQueryAddress != NULL); DNASSERT(psaddrinResponseAddress != NULL);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Querying for address %u.%u.%u.%u:%u %s.", psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_port), ((dwFlags & DPNHQUERYADDRESS_TCP) ? _T("TCP") : _T("UDP")));
// First, check if we've looked this address up recently and already have
// the result cached.
// The lock is already held.
pblCachedMaps = pDevice->GetPASTCachedMaps(fRemote); dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime();
pBilink = pblCachedMaps->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pblCachedMaps) { pCacheMap = CACHEMAP_FROM_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
// Make sure this cached mapping hasn't expired.
if ((int) (pCacheMap->GetExpirationTime() - dwCurrentTime) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Cached mapping 0x%p has expired.", pCacheMap);
pCacheMap->m_blList.RemoveFromList(); delete pCacheMap; } else { //
// If this mapping is for the right address and type of address,
// then we've already got our answer.
if (pCacheMap->DoesMatchQuery(psaddrinQueryAddress, dwFlags)) { if (pCacheMap->IsNotFound()) { if ((dwFlags & DPNHQUERYADDRESS_CHECKFORPRIVATEBUTUNMAPPED) && (pCacheMap->IsPrivateButUnmapped())) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Address was already determined to not have a mapping but still be private."); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Address was already determined to not have a mapping."); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; } } else { pCacheMap->GetResponseAddressV4(psaddrinResponseAddress);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Address was already determined to have a mapping."); hr = DPNH_OK; }
goto Exit; } } }
dwCacheMapFlags = QUERYFLAGSMASK(dwFlags);
// If we're here, we haven't already cached the answer.
// Create a SOCKADDR to address the PAST service, and get the appropriate
// client ID, initial retry timeout, and next message ID to use.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
if (fRemote) { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextRemotePASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetRemotePASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); } else { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextLocalPASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetLocalPASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); }
dwClientID = pDevice->GetPASTClientID(fRemote); DNASSERT(dwClientID != 0);
// Build the request message for asking the server.
ZeroMemory(&QueryReq, sizeof(QueryReq)); QueryReq.version = PAST_VERSION; QueryReq.command = PAST_MSGID_QUERY_REQUEST;
QueryReq.clientid.code = PAST_PARAMID_CLIENTID; QueryReq.clientid.len = sizeof(QueryReq.clientid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); QueryReq.clientid.clientid = dwClientID;
QueryReq.address.code = PAST_PARAMID_ADDRESS; QueryReq.address.len = sizeof(QueryReq.address) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); QueryReq.address.version = PAST_ADDRESSTYPE_IPV4; QueryReq.address.addr = psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_addr.s_addr;
// NOTE: Ports appeared to be transferred in x86 format, contrary to
// the spec, which says network byte order.
QueryReq.port.code = PAST_PARAMID_PORTS; QueryReq.port.len = sizeof(QueryReq.port) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); QueryReq.port.nports = 1; QueryReq.port.port = NTOHS(psaddrinQueryAddress->sin_port);
QueryReq.porttype.code = PAST_PARAMID_VENDOR; QueryReq.porttype.len = sizeof(QueryReq.porttype) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); QueryReq.porttype.vendorid = PAST_MS_VENDOR_ID; QueryReq.porttype.option = (dwFlags & DPNHQUERYADDRESS_TCP) ? PAST_VC_MS_TCP_PORT : PAST_VC_MS_UDP_PORT;
QueryReq.querytype.code = PAST_PARAMID_VENDOR; QueryReq.querytype.len = sizeof(QueryReq.querytype) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); QueryReq.querytype.vendorid = PAST_MS_VENDOR_ID; QueryReq.querytype.option = PAST_VC_MS_QUERY_MAPPING;
QueryReq.msgid.code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; QueryReq.msgid.len = sizeof(QueryReq.msgid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); QueryReq.msgid.msgid = dwMsgID;
// Send the message and get the reply.
hr = this->ExchangeAndParsePAST(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress), (char *) &QueryReq, sizeof(QueryReq), dwMsgID, ptuRetry, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Querying port mapping failed!"); goto Failure; }
if (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_QUERY_RESPONSE) { //
// We got something, but it's not the right response. Try determining
// if the address is local, if allowed.
// If Personal Firewall is enabled, don't bother checking if the
// address is local. Anything on the other side of the firewall is
// considered non-local.
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) == 0) || (! pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer())) { if (this->IsAddressLocal(pDevice, psaddrinQueryAddress)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Address appears to be local, returning NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE.");
hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPINGBUTPRIVATE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Address does not appear to be local, returning NOMAPPING.");
hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Device 0x%p has Personal Firewall enabled, not checking address locality and returning NOMAPPING.");
hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Got non-success response type %u while querying port mapping, assuming does not exist.", RespInfo.cMsgType); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; }
// Cache the fact that we could not determine a mapping for that
// address, if allowed.
if (dwFlags & DPNHQUERYADDRESS_CACHENOTFOUND) { pCacheMap = new CCacheMap(psaddrinQueryAddress, (GETTIMESTAMP() + g_dwCacheLifeNotFound), (dwCacheMapFlags | CACHEMAPOBJ_NOTFOUND)); if (pCacheMap == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
pCacheMap->m_blList.InsertBefore(pblCachedMaps); }
goto Failure; }
// Make sure the port count is valid.
if (RespInfo.cNumLocalPorts != 1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "PAST server returned an invalid number of local ports with success message (%u)! Assuming no mapping.", RespInfo.cNumLocalPorts); DNASSERTX(! "Why is PAST server returning bogus number of ports?", 2); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; goto Failure; }
// Convert the loopback address to the device address.
if (RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4 == NETWORKBYTEORDER_INADDR_LOOPBACK) { RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4 = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Converted loopback address to device address (%u.%u.%u.%u).", ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); }
// Ensure that we're not getting something bogus. Use saddrinServerAddress
// as a temporary variable.
saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4; if ((RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4 == 0) || (RespInfo.awLocalPorts[0] == 0) || (! this->IsAddressLocal(pDevice, &saddrinServerAddress))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "PAST server returned an invalid private address (%u.%u.%u.%u:%u)! Assuming no mapping.", ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR*) (&RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(RespInfo.awLocalPorts[0])); DNASSERTX(! "Why is PAST server returning invalid private address?", 2); hr = DPNHERR_NOMAPPING; goto Failure; }
// Return the address mapping to our caller.
ZeroMemory(psaddrinResponseAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); psaddrinResponseAddress->sin_family = AF_INET; psaddrinResponseAddress->sin_addr.s_addr = RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4; psaddrinResponseAddress->sin_port = RespInfo.awLocalPorts[0];
// Cache the fact that we found a mapping for that address, if allowed.
if (dwFlags & DPNHQUERYADDRESS_CACHEFOUND) { pCacheMap = new CCacheMap(psaddrinQueryAddress, (GETTIMESTAMP() + g_dwCacheLifeFound), dwCacheMapFlags); if (pCacheMap == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
pCacheMap->SetResponseAddressV4(RespInfo.dwLocalAddressV4, RespInfo.awLocalPorts[0]);
pCacheMap->m_blList.InsertBefore(pblCachedMaps); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::InternalPASTQueryAddress
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ExtendPASTLease"
// CNATHelpPAST::ExtendPASTLease
// Description: Asks the PAST server to extend a port mapping lease.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort - Pointer to port object mapping to
// extend.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if extending on remote server,
// FALSE if extending on local server.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The extension was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING - The server did not respond to the
// message.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::ExtendPASTLease(CRegisteredPort * const pRegisteredPort, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CDevice * pDevice; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; DWORD dwClientID; DWORD dwMsgID; DWORD * ptuRetry; PAST_MSG_EXTEND_REQUEST ExtendReq; PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo; BOOL fResult; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pRegisteredPort, fRemote);
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort != NULL);
pDevice = pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice(); DNASSERT(pDevice != NULL);
// Create a SOCKADDR to address the PAST service, and get the appropriate
// client ID, initial retry timeout, and next message ID to use.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
if (fRemote) { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextRemotePASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetRemotePASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); } else { saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); dwMsgID = pDevice->GetNextLocalPASTMsgID(); ptuRetry = pDevice->GetLocalPASTRetryTimeoutPtr(); }
dwClientID = pDevice->GetPASTClientID(fRemote); DNASSERT(dwClientID != 0);
// Build the request message.
ZeroMemory(&ExtendReq, sizeof(ExtendReq)); ExtendReq.version = PAST_VERSION; ExtendReq.command = PAST_MSGID_EXTEND_REQUEST;
ExtendReq.clientid.code = PAST_PARAMID_CLIENTID; ExtendReq.clientid.len = sizeof(ExtendReq.clientid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ExtendReq.clientid.clientid = dwClientID;
ExtendReq.bindid.code = PAST_PARAMID_BINDID; ExtendReq.bindid.len = sizeof(DWORD); ExtendReq.bindid.bindid = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote);
// Lease code, ask for what the user wants, but they shouldn't count on
// getting that.
// Convert the request (in milliseconds) to PAST's time unit (in seconds).
ExtendReq.lease.code = PAST_PARAMID_LEASE; ExtendReq.lease.len = sizeof(ExtendReq.lease) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ExtendReq.lease.leasetime = pRegisteredPort->GetRequestedLeaseTime() / 1000;
ExtendReq.msgid.code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; ExtendReq.msgid.len = sizeof(ExtendReq.msgid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); ExtendReq.msgid.msgid = dwMsgID;
// Send the message and get the reply.
hr = this->ExchangeAndParsePAST(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress), (char *) &ExtendReq, sizeof(ExtendReq), dwMsgID, ptuRetry, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Sending port lease extension request to server failed!"); goto Failure; }
if (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_EXTEND_RESPONSE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got unexpected response type %u, failed port lease extension!", RespInfo.cMsgType); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Note the lease time extension (which is in seconds). It had better be
// longer than our auto-extension rate. We use it to extend the current
// lease expiration (which is in milliseconds).
DNASSERT((RespInfo.dwLeaseTime * 1000) > LEASE_RENEW_TIME); pRegisteredPort->SetPASTLeaseExpiration((timeGetTime() + (RespInfo.dwLeaseTime * 1000)), fRemote); DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Extended lease (registered port = 0x%p) to %u seconds from now, expires at %u.", pRegisteredPort, RespInfo.dwLeaseTime, pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote));
// Remember this expiration time if it's the one that's going to expire
// soonest.
DNASSERT(this->m_dwNumLeases > 0); if ((int) (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote) - this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port 0x%p's %s PAST lease expires at %u which is earlier than the next earliest lease expiration (%u).", pRegisteredPort, ((fRemote) ? _T("remote") : _T("local")), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote), this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime);
this->m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(fRemote);
// Ping the event if there is one so that the user's GetCaps interval
// doesn't miss this new, shorter lease.
if (this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) { fResult = SetEvent(this->m_hAlertEvent); #ifdef DBG
if (! fResult) { dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't set alert event 0x%p! err = %u", this->m_hAlertEvent, dwError);
// Ignore failure...
} #endif // DBG
// Ping the I/O completion port if there is one so that the user's
// GetCaps interval doesn't miss this new, shorter lease.
if (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL) { fResult = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort, 0, this->m_dwAlertCompletionKey, NULL); #ifdef DBG
if (! fResult) { dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't queue key %u on alert IO completion port 0x%p! err = %u", this->m_dwAlertCompletionKey, this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort, dwError);
// Ignore failure...
} #endif // DBG
} }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::ExtendPASTLease
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity"
// CNATHelpPAST::UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity
// Description: Checks to see if the given device's PAST server is handing
// out valid public addresses or not.
// The PAST server information might be cleared if a failure
// occurs.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device that should be checked.
// BOOL fRemote - Whether the local or remote PAST server should be
// checked.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The update was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinTemp; CRegisteredPort * pTempRegisteredPort = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pDevice, fRemote);
// Create a temporary port mapping object. We mark it as "local PAST port
// unavailable" when checking remove PAST servers because we have not and
// will not attempt to map the local port when there is a local PAST
// server. Since AssignOrListenPASTPort assumes the local port will have
// been mapped first, we need to prevent it from trying to use that address
// and crashing.
pTempRegisteredPort = new CRegisteredPort(FAKE_PORT_LEASE_TIME, ((fRemote) ? REGPORTOBJ_PORTUNAVAILABLE_PAST_LOCAL : 0)); if (pTempRegisteredPort == NULL) { hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Pick an arbitrary port value to map. In this case, we should just use
// the socket we're using for Ioctl communication, since that port is
// guaranteed to be unique by WinSock (so no multi-PASTHelp-instance race
// conditions like if we had used a hardcoded temporary port).
// One difference: the Ioctl socket is bound to INADDR_ANY, but we'll use
// the specific device address so our ICS vs. PFW-only address comparison
// below works correctly. This shouldn't make a difference, since a port
// in use by INADDR_ANY should be the same as the same port in use on each
// of the adapters.
ZeroMemory(&saddrinTemp, sizeof(saddrinTemp)); saddrinTemp.sin_family = AF_INET; saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); saddrinTemp.sin_port = this->m_wIoctlSocketPort;
// Assign it the communication socket's address.
hr = pTempRegisteredPort->SetPrivateAddresses(&saddrinTemp, 1); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't set temporary private addresses!"); goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Temporarily assigning port %u.%u.%u.%u:%u to check server status.", saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(this->m_wIoctlSocketPort));
// Attempt to map it. AssignOrListenPASTPort will handle the actual logic
// of changing addresses.
hr = this->AssignOrListenPASTPort(pTempRegisteredPort, fRemote); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't assign temporary port mapping with server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we'll dump the server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, fRemote); hr = DPNH_OK; } else { //
// If we're checking the local server, determine whether it's a local ICS
// server or it's Personal Firewall only.
if (! fRemote) { //
// If public address is the same, it's PFW only, if it's different,
// it's ICS (although that could be PFWed, too). If there's no
// public address, then we can't really tell. It should be safe to
// assume that it's ICS, since this device must have an address or
// else it wouldn't exist.
if ((! pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)) || (pTempRegisteredPort->IsFirstPASTPublicV4AddressDifferent(saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, FALSE))) { #ifdef DBG
if (! pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Device %u.%u.%u.%u (object = 0x%p) doesn't have public address, assuming ICS.", saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice); } else { SOCKADDR_IN * pasaddrinPublic;
pasaddrinPublic = pTempRegisteredPort->GetPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE); DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Device %u.%u.%u.%u (object = 0x%p) has different public address (%u.%u.%u.%u), appears to be ICS.", saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice, pasaddrinPublic[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinPublic[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinPublic[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinPublic[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); } #endif // DBG
pDevice->NoteLocalPASTServerIsICS(); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Device %u.%u.%u.%u (object = 0x%p) has same public address, appears to be firewall only.", saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinTemp.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice);
pDevice->NoteLocalPASTServerIsPFWOnly(); } } else { //
// A remote PAST server.
// Free the temporary port, because we don't need it.
hr = this->FreePASTPort(pTempRegisteredPort, fRemote); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't free temporary port mapping (0x%lx)!", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to drop the PAST
// server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, fRemote); hr = DPNH_OK; } }
// If we're here we either never mapped the temporary port, explicitly
// freed the port, or deregistered (which implies freeing the port). So
// we're done with the object.
pTempRegisteredPort->ClearDeviceOwner(); pTempRegisteredPort->ClearPrivateAddresses(); delete pTempRegisteredPort; pTempRegisteredPort = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (pTempRegisteredPort != NULL) { delete pTempRegisteredPort; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RegisterAllPortsWithPAST"
// CNATHelpPAST::RegisterAllPortsWithPAST
// Description: Registers all ports owned by the given device with the PAST
// server.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device whose ports should be registered.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if registering on remote server, FALSE if
// registering on local server.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The extension was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::RegisterAllPortsWithPAST(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fRemote) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pDevice, fRemote);
pBilink = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink);
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) == 0);
hr = this->AssignOrListenPASTPort(pRegisteredPort, fRemote); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr != DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't assign port mapping with server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the
// server and bail out of here.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, fRemote); hr = DPNH_OK; goto Exit; }
// Uh oh, the server couldn't register one of the ports! We don't
// have a way of directly informing the user now. We'll have to
// mark the port and continue.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Server indicated that the port was unavailable."); pRegisteredPort->NotePASTPortUnavailable(fRemote); hr = DPNH_OK; } else { //
// Hey, this now has an address.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Previously registered port 0x%p now has a %s PAST server public address.", pRegisteredPort, ((fRemote) ? _T("remote") : _T("local"))); this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr; } // CNATHelpPAST::RegisterAllPortsWithPAST
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice"
// CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice
// Description: Associates unknown ports with the given device, and
// registers them with the device's PAST server(s).
// If fWildcardToo is FALSE, only previously unowned ports that
// match the device's address are associated. If TRUE, unowned
// INADDR_ANY ports are associated as well.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device to take ownership of ports.
// BOOL fAll - Whether all ports should be associated.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The extension was successful.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fWildcardToo) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; SOCKADDR_IN * pasaddrinPrivate; #ifdef DBG
BOOL fAssignedPort = FALSE; IN_ADDR inaddrTemp; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pDevice, fWildcardToo);
// Loop through all unowned ports, assign them to the device if
// appropriate, then register them.
pBilink = this->m_blUnownedPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &this->m_blUnownedPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
// The registered port must match the device's address in order to
// associate them. If wildcards are allowed, then INADDR_ANY
// registrations can be associated, too.
// All addresses should be same (if there are more than one), so just
// compare the first one in the array.
pasaddrinPrivate = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray();
if (pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { if (pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != INADDR_ANY) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Unowned registered port 0x%p private address %u.%u.%u.%u doesn't match device 0x%p's, skipping.", pRegisteredPort, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice); continue; } #ifdef DBG
inaddrTemp.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(); #endif // DBG
if (! fWildcardToo) { #ifdef DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Unowned registered port 0x%p (INADDR_ANY) not allowed to be associated with device 0x%p (address %u.%u.%u.%u), skipping.", pRegisteredPort, pDevice, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); #endif // DBG
continue; }
#ifdef DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Unowned registered port 0x%p (INADDR_ANY) becoming associated with device 0x%p (address %u.%u.%u.%u).", pRegisteredPort, pDevice, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); #endif // DBG
} else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Unowned registered port 0x%p private address %u.%u.%u.%u matches device 0x%p's, associating.", pRegisteredPort, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinPrivate[0].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice);
// The way it's currently implemented, all non-wildcard ports
// should be registered before we even try to register the wildcard
// ones.
DNASSERT(! fWildcardToo); }
// If we made it here, we can associate the port with the device.
pRegisteredPort->m_blDeviceList.RemoveFromList(); pRegisteredPort->MakeDeviceOwner(pDevice);
// Attempt to automatically map it with the (new) local server, if
// present.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) { hr = this->AssignOrListenPASTPort(pRegisteredPort, FALSE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr != DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't assign port mapping 0x%p with local server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", pRegisteredPort, hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the
// server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, FALSE); } else { //
// Uh oh, the server couldn't register one of the ports!
// We don't have a way of directly informing the user now.
// We'll have to mark the port and continue.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Local PAST server indicated that the port (0x%p) was unavailable.", pRegisteredPort); pRegisteredPort->NotePASTPortUnavailable(FALSE); }
hr = DPNH_OK; } else { //
// Ta da, user needs to note address mapping changes.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Previously unowned port 0x%p now bound to device object 0x%p and mapped locally.", pRegisteredPort, pDevice);
#ifdef DBG
fAssignedPort = TRUE; #endif // DBG
} }
// Attempt to automatically map it with the (new) remote PAST server,
// if present.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { hr = this->AssignOrListenPASTPort(pRegisteredPort, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { if (hr != DPNHERR_PORTUNAVAILABLE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't assign port mapping 0x%p with remote PAST server (0x%lx)! Ignoring.", pRegisteredPort, hr);
// We'll treat this as non-fatal, but we have to dump the
// server.
this->ClearDevicesPASTServer(pDevice, TRUE); } else { //
// Uh oh, the server couldn't register one of the ports!
// We don't have a way of directly informing the user now.
// We'll have to mark the port and continue.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Remote PAST server indicated that the port (0x%p) was unavailable.", pRegisteredPort); pRegisteredPort->NotePASTPortUnavailable(TRUE); }
hr = DPNH_OK; } else { //
// Ta da, user needs to note address mapping changes.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Previously unowned port 0x%p now bound to device object 0x%p and mapped remotely.", pRegisteredPort, pDevice);
#ifdef DBG
fAssignedPort = TRUE; #endif // DBG
} } }
#ifdef DBG
if (! fAssignedPort) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "No unowned ports were bound to device object 0x%p.", pDevice); } #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr; } // CNATHelpPAST::RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ExchangeAndParsePAST"
// CNATHelpPAST::ExchangeAndParsePAST
// Description: Sends a message to the PAST server and waits for a response,
// which is parsed into a PAST_RESPONSE_INFO buffer. The message
// will be continually retried at the current retry interval
// unless ptuRetry == NULL, which indicates that this is the
// initial message looking for a server, in which case it will be
// tried twice over a second. If there is no response,
// Since there is almost no scenario where we don't immediately
// need to know the response, there is no point in doing this
// asynchronously. The assumption is that a PAST server is
// sufficiently local that long retries are not necessary.
// Arguments:
// SOCKET sSocket - Socket to use when sending.
// SOCKADDR * psaddrServerAddress - Pointer to address of server.
// int iAddressesSize - Size of psaddrServerAddress and
// psaddrRecvAddress.
// char * pcRequestBuffer - Pointer to request message to send.
// int iRequestBufferSize - Size of request message.
// DWORD dwMsgID - ID of the message being sent (to
// correlate responses).
// DWORD * ptuRetry - Pointer to current retry time value
// (may be modified), or NULL if this is
// an initial registration (a different
// timer strategy is used).
// PAST_RESPONSE_INFO * pRespInfo - Pointer to structure that will be filled
// in with values from the server's
// response message.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The request and response were
// successfully exchanged.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
// DPNHERR_SERVERNOTRESPONDING - The server did not respond to the message.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::ExchangeAndParsePAST(const SOCKET sSocket, const SOCKADDR * const psaddrServerAddress, const int iAddressesSize, const char * const pcRequestBuffer, const int iRequestBufferSize, const DWORD dwMsgID, DWORD * const ptuRetry, PAST_RESPONSE_INFO * const pRespInfo) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; char acRespBuffer[PAST_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE]; timeval tv; FD_SET fdsRead; DWORD dwTriesRemaining; int iReturn; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinReceive; int iRecvAddressSize = iAddressesSize; DWORD dwError;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p, %i, 0x%p, %i, %u, 0x%p, 0x%p)", this, sSocket, psaddrServerAddress, iAddressesSize, pcRequestBuffer, iRequestBufferSize, dwMsgID, ptuRetry, pRespInfo);
DNASSERT(sSocket != INVALID_SOCKET); DNASSERT(psaddrServerAddress != NULL); DNASSERT(iAddressesSize == sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); DNASSERT(pcRequestBuffer != NULL); DNASSERT(iRequestBufferSize != 0); DNASSERT(pRespInfo != NULL);
ZeroMemory(pRespInfo, sizeof(*pRespInfo)); #ifdef DBG
ZeroMemory(acRespBuffer, sizeof(acRespBuffer)); #endif // DBG
if (ptuRetry == NULL) { //
// On initial registration requests we try twice with a 250ms total
// timeout.
tv.tv_usec = PAST_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL_US; tv.tv_sec = 0; dwTriesRemaining = MAX_NUM_PAST_TRIES_CONNECT; } else { //
// All normal traffic uses the current retry interval and a default
// number of tries.
tv.tv_usec = (*ptuRetry); tv.tv_sec = 0; dwTriesRemaining = MAX_NUM_PAST_TRIES; }
FD_ZERO(&fdsRead); FD_SET(sSocket, &fdsRead);
// First clear out any extraneous responses from previous communication.
while (this->m_pfnselect(0, &fdsRead, NULL, NULL, &s_tv0) != 0) { iReturn = this->m_pfnrecvfrom(sSocket, acRespBuffer, sizeof(acRespBuffer), 0, (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinReceive), &iRecvAddressSize); if ((iReturn == 0) || (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR)) { dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError();
// WSAENOBUFS means WinSock is out of memory.
if (dwError == WSAENOBUFS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "WinSock returned WSAENOBUFS while clearing incoming queue!"); hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Ignore WSAECONNRESET, that's just WinSock's way of telling us
// that the target actively refused a previous message we tried to
// send. Since we don't know which send WinSock means, we can't do
// a whole lot about it.
if (dwError != WSAECONNRESET) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u trying to receive (clearing incoming queue)!", dwError); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Ignoring CONNRESET while clearing incoming queue."); } else { //
// If we got here, that means there's a message.
#ifdef DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Found extra response from previous PAST request (sent by %u.%u.%u.%u:%u), parsing for fun.", saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port));
// For grins, let's see what this message is. Ignore errors.
this->ParsePASTMessage(acRespBuffer, iReturn, pRespInfo); ZeroMemory(pRespInfo, sizeof(*pRespInfo)); #endif // DBG
if (ptuRetry != NULL) { //
// Don't re-try so quickly, since responses to our retries are
// lagging.
if ((*ptuRetry) < MAX_PAST_RETRY_TIME_US) { (*ptuRetry) *= 2;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Backing initial retry timer off to %u usec.", (*ptuRetry)); } } } DNASSERT(iRecvAddressSize == iAddressesSize);
FD_ZERO(&fdsRead); FD_SET(sSocket, &fdsRead); }
// Now do the exchange, get a response to the request (does retries too).
do { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Sending PAST request type %u (%i bytes, msg id = %u) to server (%u.%u.%u.%u:%u).", ((PPAST_MSG) pcRequestBuffer)->msgtype, iRequestBufferSize, dwMsgID, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) psaddrServerAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) psaddrServerAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) psaddrServerAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((SOCKADDR_IN*) psaddrServerAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(((SOCKADDR_IN*) psaddrServerAddress)->sin_port));
// First, send off the request.
iReturn = this->m_pfnsendto(sSocket, pcRequestBuffer, iRequestBufferSize, 0, psaddrServerAddress, iAddressesSize);
if (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u when sending to PAST gateway!", dwError); #endif // DBG
// It's possible that we caught WinSock at a bad time,
// particularly with WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL (10049), which seems to
// occur if the address is going away (and we haven't detected
// it in CheckForNewDevices yet).
// Break out of the receive loop, which should result in the
break; }
if (iReturn != iRequestBufferSize) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Didn't send entire datagram (%i != %i)?!", iReturn, iRequestBufferSize); DNASSERT(FALSE); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Now see if we get a response.
Wait: FD_ZERO(&fdsRead); FD_SET(sSocket, &fdsRead);
iReturn = this->m_pfnselect(0, &fdsRead, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u trying to select on PAST socket!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// If our socket was signalled, there's data to read.
//if (FD_ISSET(sSocket, &fdsRead))
if (this->m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet(sSocket, &fdsRead)) { iReturn = this->m_pfnrecvfrom(sSocket, acRespBuffer, sizeof(acRespBuffer), 0, (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinReceive), &iRecvAddressSize);
if ((iReturn == 0) || (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR)) { dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError();
// If we get WSAECONNRESET here, we can probably assume that
// it's because of the message we just sent. That means that
// there's no PAST server on the gateway.
if (dwError == WSAECONNRESET) { if (ptuRetry == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Got CONNRESET while waiting for initial registration response, assuming no PAST server."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got CONNRESET while waiting for PAST server response!"); }
// Break out of the loop, it should result in the
break; }
// WSAENOBUFS means WinSock is out of memory.
if (dwError == WSAENOBUFS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "WinSock returned WSAENOBUFS when waiting for response!"); hr = DPNHERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u trying to receive (waiting for response)!", dwError); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; }
goto Failure; }
// We got some data.
DNASSERT(iRecvAddressSize == iAddressesSize);
hr = this->ParsePASTMessage(acRespBuffer, iReturn, pRespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { //
// We couldn't handle the response, try again (without touching
// the remaining tries or backoff timer).
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed parsing message from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u (err = %lx), ignoring.", saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port), hr); goto Wait; }
if (saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != ((SOCKADDR_IN*) psaddrServerAddress)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) { //
// This message is not from the server to which we sent the
// request. Ignore it.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got message from unexpected source (%u.%u.%u.%u:%u), ignoring %i byte message.", saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port), iReturn); goto Wait; }
if (pRespInfo->dwMsgID != dwMsgID) { //
// We got a response to a different message, try again
// (without touching the remaining tries or backoff timer).
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got messageid %u, expecting messageid %u, ignoring %i byte message.", pRespInfo->dwMsgID, dwMsgID, iReturn); goto Wait; }
// If we got here, then it looks like we got the response we want.
// We're done.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Received expected messageid %u from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u, it's %i bytes.", pRespInfo->dwMsgID, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port), iReturn); goto Exit; }
// The initial registration attempt is a special case since we don't
// know if the server exists or not. Once we're registered, we expect
// the server to be available, so we'll retry more times and
// temporarily back off further each time.
if (ptuRetry != NULL) { tv.tv_usec *= 2; // exponential backoff.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Didn't get response, increasing temporary timeout value to %u.", tv.tv_usec); }
dwTriesRemaining--; } while (dwTriesRemaining > 0);
// If we got here, it means we didn't get a response.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::ExchangeAndParsePAST
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RegisterMultipleDevicesWithRemotePAST"
// CNATHelpPAST::RegisterMultipleDevicesWithRemotePAST
// Description: Sends a registration message to the remote PAST server for
// all the devices in the temporary pSourceList simultaneously
// and waits for replies. A pointer to the first device that
// successfully registers with a remote PAST server will be placed
// in ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer. All devices will be removed
// removed from pSourceList.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CBilink * pSourceList - Temporary bilink with all
// devices to check. Will be
// emptied.
// CDevice ** ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer - Place to store first device
// which successfully
// registers with a remote
// PAST server
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The devices were successfully handled.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::RegisterMultipleDevicesWithRemotePAST(CBilink * pSourceList, CDevice ** ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer) { HRESULT hr; CBilink * pBilink; CDevice * pDevice; CBilink * pBilinkSameGateway; CDevice * pDeviceSameGateway; char acRespBuffer[PAST_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE]; timeval tv; FD_SET fdsRead; int iReturn; PAST_MSG_REGISTER RegisterReq; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinServerAddress; int iRecvAddressSize = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); PAST_RESPONSE_INFO RespInfo; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwTry; DWORD dwFinishTime; DWORD dwTimeRemaining; SOCKADDR_IN saddrinReceive;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters (0x%p, 0x%p)", this, pSourceList, ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer);
#ifdef DBG
ZeroMemory(acRespBuffer, sizeof(acRespBuffer)); #endif // DBG
// Loop through each device.
pBilink = pSourceList->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pSourceList) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) == 0);
// Create the temporary set.
FD_ZERO(&fdsRead); FD_SET(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), &fdsRead);
// Try to get the device's gateway's address. This might return FALSE
// if the device does not have a gateway. In that case, we will ignore
// the device. Otherwise the address should be filled in with the
// gateway or broadcast address.
if (! this->GetAddressToReachGateway(pDevice, &saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Device 0x%p should not attempt to reach a gateway.", pDevice);
// Take it out of the list, but continue.
pDevice->m_blTempList.RemoveFromList(); } else { //
// Store the address with the device for use below.
// Clear out any extraneous responses from previous communication.
while (this->m_pfnselect(0, &fdsRead, NULL, NULL, &s_tv0) != 0) { iReturn = this->m_pfnrecvfrom(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), acRespBuffer, sizeof(acRespBuffer), 0, (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinReceive), &iRecvAddressSize); if ((iReturn == 0) || (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR)) { dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError();
// Ignore WSAECONNRESET, that's just WinSock's way of
// telling us that the target actively refused a previous
// message we tried to send. Since we don't know which
// send WinSock means, we can't do a whole lot about it.
if (dwError != WSAECONNRESET) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u on device 0x%p trying to receive (clearing incoming queue)! Ignoring.", dwError, pDevice);
// Take it out of the list, but continue.
pDevice->m_blTempList.RemoveFromList(); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Ignoring CONNRESET on device 0x%p while clearing incoming queue.", pDevice); } } else { //
// If we got here, that means there's a message.
#ifdef DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Found extra response from previous PAST request on device 0x%p (sent by %u.%u.%u.%u:%u), parsing for fun.", pDevice, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port));
// For grins, let's see what this message is. Ignore
// errors.
ZeroMemory(&RespInfo, sizeof(RespInfo)); this->ParsePASTMessage(acRespBuffer, iReturn, &RespInfo); #endif // DBG
DNASSERT(iRecvAddressSize == sizeof(saddrinServerAddress));
FD_ZERO(&fdsRead); FD_SET(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), &fdsRead); } } // end else (device can try to reach gateway)
// If there aren't any devices that aren't registered, we're done.
if (pSourceList->IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "No devices remaining to be checked."); hr = DPNH_OK; goto Exit; }
// Build the registration request message.
ZeroMemory(&RegisterReq, sizeof(RegisterReq)); RegisterReq.version = PAST_VERSION; RegisterReq.command = PAST_MSGID_REGISTER_REQUEST;
RegisterReq.msgid.code = PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID; RegisterReq.msgid.len = sizeof(RegisterReq.msgid) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM); //RegisterReq.msgid.msgid = 0; // it always starts at 0 for registration
ZeroMemory(&saddrinServerAddress, sizeof(saddrinServerAddress)); saddrinServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; //saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr = ? // filled in below
saddrinServerAddress.sin_port = HTONS(PAST_HOST_PORT);
// Now actually try to register with all the ports. Keep looping until
// either all devices are registered or we exceed the number of tries.
for(dwTry = 0; dwTry < MAX_NUM_PAST_TRIES_CONNECT; dwTry++) { //
// Send the message for all devices that aren't registered yet.
pBilink = pSourceList->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pSourceList) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
// Remember the current time, if this is the first thing we've sent
// from this port.
if (pDevice->GetFirstPASTDiscoveryTime() == 0) { pDevice->SetFirstPASTDiscoveryTime(GETTIMESTAMP()); }
// Retrieve the gateway address we detected above.
saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4();
// Try sending the registration message.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Device 0x%p sending PAST registration request (type %u, %i bytes) to server (%u.%u.%u.%u:%u).", pDevice, RegisterReq.command, sizeof(RegisterReq), saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinServerAddress.sin_port));
iReturn = this->m_pfnsendto(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), (char*) (&RegisterReq), sizeof(RegisterReq), 0, (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinServerAddress), sizeof(saddrinServerAddress));
if (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Device 0x%p got sockets error %u when sending to PAST gateway!", pDevice, dwError); #endif // DBG
// It's possible that we caught WinSock at a bad time,
// particularly with WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL (10049), which seems to
// occur if the address is going away (and we haven't detected
// it in CheckForNewDevices yet).
// Ignore the error, we can survive. Take the out of the list,
// but continue.
// If there aren't any more devices, we can bail.
if (pSourceList->IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Last device got sendto error, exiting gracefully."); hr = DPNH_OK; goto Exit; } } else { if (iReturn != sizeof(RegisterReq)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Didn't send entire datagram (%i != %i)?!", iReturn, sizeof(RegisterReq)); DNASSERT(FALSE); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; } } }
// Remember how long to wait for replies to this send attempt.
// Keep looping until all devices are registered or we timeout.
do { //
// Rebuild the socket set.
pBilink = pSourceList->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pSourceList) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilink);
DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) == 0);
FD_SET(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), &fdsRead);
// Move to next device
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
tv.tv_usec = dwTimeRemaining * 1000; tv.tv_sec = 0;
// Wait for data to come in on any of the sockets.
iReturn = this->m_pfnselect(0, &fdsRead, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u trying to select on PAST sockets!", dwError); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Stop looping if we timed out; it's time to repeat the message
// (or exit, if no more tries left).
if (iReturn == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "No more sockets have data, try = %u of %u.", (dwTry + 1), MAX_NUM_PAST_TRIES_CONNECT); break; }
// If we're here, data came in on at least one of the sockets.
// Read it and parse it.
pBilink = pSourceList->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pSourceList) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
// If this device's socket is set there's data to read.
//if (FD_ISSET(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), &fdsRead))
if (this->m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), &fdsRead)) { iReturn = this->m_pfnrecvfrom(pDevice->GetPASTSocket(), acRespBuffer, sizeof(acRespBuffer), 0, (SOCKADDR*) (&saddrinReceive), &iRecvAddressSize);
if ((iReturn == 0) || (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR)) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError();
// If we get WSAECONNRESET here, we can probably assume
// that it's because of the message we just sent. That
// means that there's no PAST server on the gateway.
if (dwError == WSAECONNRESET) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Got CONNRESET while waiting for registration response on device 0x%p, assuming no PAST server.", pDevice); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got sockets error %u trying to receive on device 0x%p (waiting for response)! Ignoring", dwError); } #endif // DBG
// Take it out of the list, but continue.
// We can also be smart and remove any other devices
// with the same gateway because they will have the
// same problem; WinSock might not even give another
// notification for the other sockets. Don't try this
// trick for the broadcast address, though.
if (pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4() != INADDR_BROADCAST) { pBilinkSameGateway = pSourceList->GetNext(); while (pBilinkSameGateway != pSourceList) { pDeviceSameGateway = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilinkSameGateway); pBilinkSameGateway = pBilinkSameGateway->GetNext();
if (pDeviceSameGateway->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4() == pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4()) { #ifdef DBG
saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Removing device 0x%p, because it shares gateway %u.%u.%u.%u with device 0x%p.", pDeviceSameGateway, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice); #endif // DBG
// Before we remove this similar device,
// make sure we don't screw up the list of
// remaining devices. Otherwise, that
// outer list traversal may get caught in
// an infinite loop.
if ((&pDeviceSameGateway->m_blTempList) == pBilink) { pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
pDeviceSameGateway->m_blTempList.RemoveFromList(); } } } else { //
// Sent to broadcast address, can't optimize.
// If there aren't any more devices, we can bail.
if (pSourceList->IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Last device got recvfrom error, exiting gracefully."); hr = DPNH_OK; goto Exit; } } else { //
// We got some data.
DNASSERT(iRecvAddressSize == sizeof(saddrinServerAddress));
ZeroMemory(&RespInfo, sizeof(RespInfo));
hr = this->ParsePASTMessage(acRespBuffer, iReturn, &RespInfo); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { //
// We couldn't handle the response, try again.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed parsing message (err = %lx), ignoring.", hr); } else { if (RespInfo.dwMsgID != 0) { //
// We got a response to a different message,
// try again.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got messageid %u, expecting messageid 0, ignoring.", RespInfo.dwMsgID); } else { if (RespInfo.cMsgType != PAST_MSGID_REGISTER_RESPONSE) { //
// We got an unxpected response type, try
// again.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got message type %u, expecting %u, ignoring.", RespInfo.cMsgType, PAST_MSGID_REGISTER_RESPONSE); } else { //
// If we got here, then it looks like we
// got the response we want.
// If we were broadcasting, accept the
// first response we receive. Otherwise,
// throw out the message if it's not from
// the address we expect.
if (saddrinServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_BROADCAST) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Accepting response from PAST server %u.%u.%u.%u:%u.", saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port));
pDevice->SetRemotePASTServerAddressV4(saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr); }
if (pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4() == saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) { pDevice->SetPASTClientID(RespInfo.dwClientID, TRUE);
// Move to the next message ID.
pDevice->ResetRemotePASTMsgIDAndRetryTimeout(DEFAULT_INITIAL_PAST_RETRY_TIMEOUT); pDevice->GetNextRemotePASTMsgID();
// Pull this device from the list of
// remaining devices.
// Register all the existing mappings
// associated with the device that the
// user has already requested.
if (! pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.IsEmpty()) { hr = this->RegisterAllPortsWithPAST(pDevice, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't register all existing ports with remote PAST server!"); goto Failure; }
#ifdef DBG
// If we didn't encounter an error
// that caused the PAST server to
// be removed, then the
// flag must have been set by the
// AssignOrListenPorts function.
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { if (! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Successfully registered with remote PAST server, but no addresses changed; all ports should be unavailable."); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Remote PAST server was removed while trying to register existing ports."); } #endif // DBG
} else { BOOL fAddressAlreadyChanged;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Remote PAST server now available for device 0x%p, but no ports are currently registered.", pDevice);
fAddressAlreadyChanged = (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Forcefully check if there's a
// public address available.
hr = this->UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity(pDevice, TRUE); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't update remote PAST server address validity!"); goto Failure; }
// Prevent the user from thinking
// the addresses changed unless
// something else already caused
// the address change notification.
if (! fAddressAlreadyChanged) { this->m_dwFlags &= ~NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; } }
// Store this device, if it's the first
// one that successfully registered.
if ((*ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer) == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Saving device 0x%p that was just registered with new remote PAST server.", pDevice); (*ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer) = pDevice; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Already have device with remote PAST server 0x%p, not storing newly registered 0x%p.", (*ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer), pDevice); }
// If there aren't any more devices, we
// can bail.
if (pSourceList->IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Last device (0x%p) got registered with remote PAST server.", pDevice); hr = DPNH_OK; goto Exit; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring correctly formed message from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u!", saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, saddrinReceive.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(saddrinReceive.sin_port)); } } // end else (got correct message type)
} // end else (got correct message ID)
} // end else (failed parsing message)
} // end else (successfully received data)
} else { //
// Socket did not receive any data.
} }
// Calculate how much time remains. If that went negative, loop
// one extra time (with a timeout of 0). We will bail after the
// select if no data arrived while we were processing the last
// round of data.
dwTimeRemaining = dwFinishTime - timeGetTime(); if ((int) dwTimeRemaining < 0) { dwTimeRemaining = 0; } } while (TRUE);
// Go to next attempt
// If we're here some devices still do not have remote PAST servers.
// There should still be items in the temp source list.
DNASSERT(! pSourceList->IsEmpty());
// Remove any remaining items from the temp source list.
pBilink = pSourceList->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pSourceList) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_TEMP_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext();
pDevice->m_blTempList.RemoveFromList(); }
hr = DPNH_OK;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::RegisterMultipleDevicesWithRemotePAST
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ParsePASTMessage"
// CNATHelpPAST::ParsePASTMessage
// Description: Parses a PAST message and extracts the codes into fields in
// a standardized structure.
// This is not completely general, as we know that we will only
// operate with v4 addresses and our commands will never deal with
// more than 1 address/port at a time. PAST allows for multiple
// ports to be allocated in a single request, but we do not take
// advantage of this feature. If you need to handle such multiple
// address requests and responses, then you will need to change
// this function.
// Arguments:
// char * pcMsg - Pointer to buffer containing a PAST
// request or response message.
// int iMsgSize - Size of message buffer in bytes.
// PAST_RESPONSE_INFO * pRespInfo - Pointer to structure that is filled with
// the parameters from the PAST message.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - Parsing was successful.
// DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM - An invalid buffer was given.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::ParsePASTMessage(const char * const pcMsg, const int iMsgSize, PAST_RESPONSE_INFO * const pRespInfo) { HRESULT hr = DPNH_OK; BOOL fGotlAddress = FALSE; BOOL fGotlPort = FALSE; PPAST_PARAM pParam; PPAST_PARAM pNextParam; const char * pcEnd; char * pcData; char cTemp; #ifdef DBG
char szPortList[(DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS * 7) + 1]; // "nnnnn, " + NULL termination
char * pszTemp; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i, 0x%p)", this, pcMsg, iMsgSize, pRespInfo);
if (iMsgSize < 2) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Buffer too small to be valid PAST message (%i bytes)!", iMsgSize); DNASSERTX(! "Buffer too small to be valid PAST message!", 2); hr = DPNHERR_INVALIDPARAM; goto Failure; }
pRespInfo->cVersion = ((PPAST_MSG) pcMsg)->version; pRespInfo->cMsgType = ((PPAST_MSG) pcMsg)->msgtype;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "version %u msgtype %u", pRespInfo->cVersion, pRespInfo->cMsgType);
pParam = (PPAST_PARAM) (pcMsg + sizeof(PAST_MSG)); pcEnd = pcMsg + iMsgSize;
while ((char *) (pParam + 1) < pcEnd) { pcData = (char *) (pParam + 1); pNextParam = (PPAST_PARAM) (pcData + pParam->len);
if ((pParam->len > (iMsgSize - sizeof(PAST_MSG) - sizeof(PAST_PARAM))) || ((char *) pNextParam > pcEnd)) { break; }
switch (pParam->code) { case PAST_PARAMID_ADDRESS: { if (pParam->len >= 1) { //
// Addresses are type[1]|addr[?]
if ((*pcData) != PAST_ADDRESSTYPE_IPV4) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got unexpected PAST address code type %u!", (*pcData)); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Validate the size of the address parameter.
if (pParam->len == 5) { if (! fGotlAddress) { CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4, pcData + 1, 4);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got local address %u.%u.%u.%u.", ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
if ((pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4 == INADDR_BROADCAST) || (IS_CLASSD_IPV4_ADDRESS(pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring invalid local address and using INADDR_ANY instead."); pRespInfo->dwLocalAddressV4 = 0; }
fGotlAddress = TRUE; } else { fGotlPort = TRUE; // just in case there wasn't a local port
CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4, pcData + 1, 4);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got remote address %u.%u.%u.%u.", ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR *) (&pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
if ((pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4 == INADDR_BROADCAST) || (IS_CLASSD_IPV4_ADDRESS(pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Ignoring invalid remote address and using INADDR_ANY instead."); pRespInfo->dwRemoteAddressV4 = 0; }
} } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring address parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring 0 byte address parameter."); }
break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_PORTS: { if (pParam->len >= 1) { //
// Validate the port count.
if ((*pcData) == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring %u byte port parameter with 0 ports.", pParam->len); break; }
// Validate the size of the parameter.
if (pParam->len < (((*pcData) * sizeof (WORD)) + 1)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Port parameter is %u bytes, but is reporting %u ports! Ignoring.", pParam->len, (*pcData)); break; }
// NOTE: Ports appeared to be transferred in x86 format,
// contrary to the spec, which says network byte order.
// Ports are Count[1]|Port[2]....Port[2]
if (! fGotlPort) { pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts = (*pcData);
if (pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts > DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got %u local ports, only using first %u:", pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts, DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS);
pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts = DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got %u local ports:", pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts); }
// Copy the port array.
CopyMemory(pRespInfo->awLocalPorts, (pcData + 1), (pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts * sizeof (WORD)));
// Unfortunately we want the array to have ports in
// network byte order for real. Loop through each port
// and switch them.
#ifdef DBG
szPortList[0] = '\0'; // initialize
pszTemp = szPortList; #endif // DBG
for(cTemp = 0; cTemp < pRespInfo->cNumLocalPorts; cTemp++) { #ifdef DBG
pszTemp += wsprintfA(pszTemp, "%u, ", pRespInfo->awLocalPorts[cTemp]); #endif // DBG
pRespInfo->awLocalPorts[cTemp] = HTONS(pRespInfo->awLocalPorts[cTemp]); } #ifdef DBG
szPortList[strlen(szPortList) - 2] = '\0'; // chop off trailing ", "
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " {%hs}", szPortList); #endif // DBG
fGotlPort = TRUE; } else { if (pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts > 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Already received %u remote ports, ignoring %u more.", pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts, (*pcData)); } else { pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts = (*pcData);
if (pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts > DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got %u remote ports, only using first %u:", pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts, DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS);
pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts = DPNH_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_PORTS; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got %u remote ports:", pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts); }
// Copy the port array.
CopyMemory(pRespInfo->awRemotePorts, (pcData + 1), (pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts * sizeof (WORD)));
// Unfortunately we want the array to have ports in
// network byte order for real. Loop through each
// port and switch them.
#ifdef DBG
szPortList[0] = '\0'; // initialize
pszTemp = szPortList; #endif // DBG
for(cTemp = 0; cTemp < pRespInfo->cNumRemotePorts; cTemp++) { #ifdef DBG
pszTemp += wsprintfA(pszTemp, "%u, ", pRespInfo->awRemotePorts[cTemp]); #endif // DBG
pRespInfo->awRemotePorts[cTemp] = HTONS(pRespInfo->awRemotePorts[cTemp]); }
#ifdef DBG
szPortList[strlen(szPortList) - 2] = '\0'; // chop off trailing ", "
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " {%hs}", szPortList); #endif // DBG
} } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring 0 byte port parameter."); } break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_LEASE: { if (pParam->len == 4) { CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->dwLeaseTime, pcData, 4); DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got lease of %u seconds.", pRespInfo->dwLeaseTime); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty lease parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring lease parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } }
break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_CLIENTID: { if (pParam->len == 4) { CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->dwClientID, pcData, 4); DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got client ID %u.", pRespInfo->dwClientID); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty client ID parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring client ID parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } }
break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_BINDID: { if (pParam->len == 4) { CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->dwBindID, pcData, 4); DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got bind ID %u.", pRespInfo->dwBindID); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty bind ID parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring bind ID parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } }
break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_MESSAGEID: { if (pParam->len == 4) { CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->dwMsgID, pcData, 4); DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got message ID %u.", pRespInfo->dwMsgID); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty message ID parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring message ID parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } }
break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_TUNNELTYPE: { if (pParam->len == 1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got tunnel type %u, ignoring.", (*pcData)); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty tunnel type parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring tunnel type parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } } break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_PASTMETHOD: { if (pParam->len == 1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got PAST method %u, ignoring.", (*pcData)); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty PAST method parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring PAST method parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } } break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_ERROR: { if (pParam->len == 2) { #ifdef DBG
char * pszErrorString; #endif // DBG
CopyMemory(&pRespInfo->wError, pcData, 2);
#ifdef DBG
switch (pRespInfo->wError) { case PASTERR_UNKNOWNERROR: { pszErrorString = "UNKNOWNERROR"; break; }
case PASTERR_BADBINDID: { pszErrorString = "BADBINDID"; break; }
case PASTERR_BADCLIENTID: { pszErrorString = "BADCLIENTID"; break; }
case PASTERR_MISSINGPARAM: { pszErrorString = "MISSINGPARAM"; break; }
case PASTERR_DUPLICATEPARAM: { pszErrorString = "DUPLICATEPARAM"; break; }
case PASTERR_ILLEGALPARAM: { pszErrorString = "ILLEGALPARAM"; break; }
case PASTERR_ILLEGALMESSAGE: { pszErrorString = "ILLEGALMESSAGE"; break; }
case PASTERR_REGISTERFIRST: { pszErrorString = "REGISTERFIRST"; break; }
case PASTERR_BADMESSAGEID: { pszErrorString = "BADMESSAGEID"; break; }
case PASTERR_BADTUNNELTYPE: { pszErrorString = "BADTUNNELTYPE"; break; }
default: { pszErrorString = "? unknown ?"; break; } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Got PAST error %u, %hs.", pRespInfo->wError, pszErrorString); #endif // DBG
} else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty PAST error parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring PAST error parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } }
break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_FLOWPOLICY: { if (pParam->len == 2) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Got PAST flow policy local %u, remote %u; ignoring.", (*pcData), *(pcData + 1)); } else { if (pParam->len == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Ignoring empty flow policy parameter."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring flow policy parameter with invalid length (%u)!", pParam->len); } } break; }
case PAST_PARAMID_VENDOR: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Got %u byte vendor code parameter, ignoring.", pParam->len); break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Got %u byte unknown parameter code %u, ignoring.", pParam->len, pParam->code); break; } }
pParam = pNextParam; }
Failure: //Exit:
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr; } // CNATHelpPAST::ParsePASTMessage
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification"
// CNATHelpPAST::RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification
// Description: Attempts to request asynchronous notification (via the
// user's alert event or I/O completion port) when the local
// address list changes.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
// DPNH_OK - The notification request was successfully submitted.
// DPNHERR_GENERIC - An error occurred.
HRESULT CNATHelpPAST::RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification(void) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwTemp; int iReturn;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
DNASSERT(! (this->m_dwFlags & NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1)); DNASSERT(this->m_sIoctls != INVALID_SOCKET); DNASSERT(this->m_pfnWSAIoctl != NULL); DNASSERT((this->m_hAlertEvent != NULL) || (this->m_hAlertIOCompletionPort != NULL)); DNASSERT(this->m_polAddressListChange != NULL);
do { iReturn = this->m_pfnWSAIoctl(this->m_sIoctls, // use the special Ioctl socket
NULL, // no input data
0, // no input data
NULL, // no output data
0, // no output data
&dwTemp, // ignore bytes returned
this->m_polAddressListChange, // overlapped structure
NULL); // no completion routine
if (iReturn != 0) { dwTemp = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); if (dwTemp != WSA_IO_PENDING) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Submitting address list change notification request failed (err = %u)!", dwTemp); hr = DPNHERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Pending is what we want, we're set.
hr = DPNH_OK; break; }
// Address list changed right away?
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Address list changed right away somehow, submitting again."); } while (TRUE);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::CreatePASTSocket"
// CNATHelpPAST::CreatePASTSocket
// Description: Creates a PAST communication socket bound to a new random
// port on the specified IP interface. Completely random (but
// non-reserved) port numbers are chosen first, but if those ports
// are in use, WinSock is allowed to choose. The port actually
// selected will be returned in psaddrinAddress.
// Arguments:
// SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinAddress - Pointer to base address to use when
// binding. The port will be modified.
// Returns: SOCKET
SOCKET CNATHelpPAST::CreatePASTSocket(SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinAddress) { SOCKET sTemp; DWORD dwTry; int iTemp; BOOL fTemp; #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwError; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p)", this, psaddrinAddress);
// Create the socket.
sTemp = this->m_pfnsocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sTemp == INVALID_SOCKET) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create datagram socket, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Failure; }
// Try binding the socket to a completely random port a few times.
for(dwTry = 0; dwTry < MAX_NUM_RANDOM_PORT_TRIES; dwTry++) { //
// Pick a completely random port. For the moment, the value is stored
// in host byte order while we make sure it's not a reserved value.
do { psaddrinAddress->sin_port = (WORD) GetGlobalRand(); } while ((psaddrinAddress->sin_port <= MAX_RESERVED_PORT) || (psaddrinAddress->sin_port == 1900) || // SSDP
(psaddrinAddress->sin_port == 2234) || // PAST
(psaddrinAddress->sin_port == 6073) || // DPNSVR
(psaddrinAddress->sin_port == 47624)); // DPLAYSVR
// Now try binding to the port (in network byte order).
psaddrinAddress->sin_port = HTONS(psaddrinAddress->sin_port); if (this->m_pfnbind(sTemp, (SOCKADDR*) psaddrinAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)) == 0) { //
// We successfully bound to the port.
break; }
// Assume that the port is in use.
#ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Couldn't bind to port %u (err = %u), continuing.", NTOHS(psaddrinAddress->sin_port), dwError); #endif // DBG
psaddrinAddress->sin_port = 0; }
// If we ran out of completely random port attempts, just let WinSock
// choose it.
if (psaddrinAddress->sin_port == 0) { if (this->m_pfnbind(sTemp, (SOCKADDR*) psaddrinAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)) != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed binding to any port (err = %u)!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Failure; }
// Find out what port WinSock chose.
iTemp = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); if (this->m_pfngetsockname(sTemp, (SOCKADDR *) psaddrinAddress, &iTemp) != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't get the socket's address, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Failure; } DNASSERT(psaddrinAddress->sin_port != 0); }
// Set the unicast TTL, if requested. Use the appropriate constant for the
// the version of WinSock we're using.
if (g_iUnicastTTL != 0) { iTemp = this->m_pfnsetsockopt(sTemp, IPPROTO_IP, #ifdef DPNBUILD_NOWINSOCK2
(char *) (&g_iUnicastTTL), sizeof(g_iUnicastTTL)); if (iTemp != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't set unicast TTL socket option, error = %u! Ignoring.", dwError); #endif // DBG
// Continue...
} }
// Set the socket up to allow broadcasts in case we can't determine the
// gateway.
fTemp = TRUE; if (this->m_pfnsetsockopt(sTemp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) (&fTemp), sizeof(fTemp)) != 0) { #ifdef DBG
dwError = this->m_pfnWSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't set broadcast socket option, error = %u!", dwError); #endif // DBG
goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%x]", this, sTemp);
return sTemp;
if (sTemp != INVALID_SOCKET) { this->m_pfnclosesocket(sTemp); sTemp = INVALID_SOCKET; }
goto Exit; } // CNATHelpPAST::CreatePASTSocket
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::GetAddressToReachGateway"
// CNATHelpPAST::GetAddressToReachGateway
// Description: Retrieves the address of the gateway for the given device,
// or the broadcast address if unable to be determined.
// This will return TRUE if the gateway's address was found, or
// the IPHLPAPI DLL could not be used (Win95). FALSE is returned
// if IPHLPAPI reported that there was no gateway (ICS private
// side adapter).
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device whose gateway should be retrieved.
// IN_ADDR * pinaddr - Place to store gateway or broadcast address.
// Returns: BOOL
// TRUE - Gateway address was found or had to use broadcast.
// FALSE - There is no gateway, do not attempt to use the address.
BOOL CNATHelpPAST::GetAddressToReachGateway(CDevice * const pDevice, IN_ADDR * const pinaddr) { DWORD dwError; BOOL fResult = TRUE; ULONG ulSize; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdaptersBuffer = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo; PIP_ADDR_STRING pIPAddrString; DWORD dwAdapterIndex; PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE pIPForwardTableBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwTemp; PMIB_IPFORWARDROW pIPForwardRow;
// Fill in the default address. This should be atomic, so don't worry
// about locking the globals.
pinaddr->S_un.S_addr = g_dwDefaultGatewayV4;
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->ClearGatewayFlags(); #endif // DBG
// If this is the loopback address, then don't bother looking for a
// gateway, we won't find one.
if (pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4() == NETWORKBYTEORDER_INADDR_LOOPBACK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "No gateway for loopback address (device = 0x%p).", pDevice);
// No gateway.
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->NoteNoGateway(); #endif // DBG
fResult = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// If we didn't load the IP helper DLL, we can't do our fancy gateway
// tricks.
if (this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Didn't load \"iphlpapi.dll\", returning default address for device 0x%p.", pDevice); goto Exit; }
// Keep trying to get the list of adapters until we get ERROR_SUCCESS or a
// legitimate error (other than ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW or
ulSize = 0; do { dwError = this->m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo(pAdaptersBuffer, &ulSize); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We succeeded, we should be set. But make sure there are
// adapters for us to use.
if (ulSize < sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Getting adapters info succeeded but didn't return any valid adapters (%u < %u), returning default address for device 0x%p.", ulSize, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO), pDevice); goto Exit; }
break; }
if ((dwError != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) && (dwError != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to get adapters info (error = 0x%lx), returning default address for device 0x%p.", dwError, pDevice); goto Exit; }
// We need more adapter space. Make sure there are adapters for us to
// use.
if (ulSize < sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Getting adapters info didn't return any valid adapters (%u < %u), returning default address for device 0x%p.", ulSize, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO), pDevice); goto Exit; }
// If we previously had a buffer, free it.
if (pAdaptersBuffer != NULL) { DNFree(pAdaptersBuffer); }
// Allocate the buffer.
pAdaptersBuffer = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO) DNMalloc(ulSize); if (pAdaptersBuffer == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to allocate memory for adapters info, returning default address for device 0x%p.", pDevice); goto Exit; } } while (TRUE);
// Now find the device in the adapter list returned. Loop through all
// adapters.
pAdapterInfo = pAdaptersBuffer; while (pAdapterInfo != NULL) { //
// Loop through all addresses for this adapter looking for the one for
// the device we have bound.
pIPAddrString = &pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList; while (pIPAddrString != NULL) { if (this->m_pfninet_addr(pIPAddrString->IpAddress.String) == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { pinaddr->S_un.S_addr = this->m_pfninet_addr(pAdapterInfo->GatewayList.IpAddress.String); if ((pinaddr->S_un.S_addr == INADDR_ANY) || (pinaddr->S_un.S_addr == INADDR_NONE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Found address for device 0x%p under adapter index %u (\"%hs\") but there is no gateway.", pDevice, pAdapterInfo->Index, pAdapterInfo->Description, pAdapterInfo->GatewayList.IpAddress.String);
// Although this isn't reporting a gateway, we may still
// want to use this adapter. That's because this could be
// a multihomed machine with multiple NICs on the same
// network, where this one isn't the "default" adapter.
// So save the index so we can search for it later.
dwAdapterIndex = pAdapterInfo->Index;
goto CheckRouteTable; }
// Make sure the address doesn't match the local device.
if (pinaddr->S_un.S_addr == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Gateway address for device 0x%p (adapter index %u, \"%hs\") matches device IP address %hs! Forcing no gateway.", pDevice, pAdapterInfo->Index, pAdapterInfo->Description, pAdapterInfo->GatewayList.IpAddress.String);
// Pretend there's no gateway, since the one we received is
// bogus.
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->NoteNoGateway(); #endif // DBG
fResult = FALSE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Found address for device 0x%p under adapter index %u (\"%hs\"), gateway = %hs.", pDevice, pAdapterInfo->Index, pAdapterInfo->Description, pAdapterInfo->GatewayList.IpAddress.String);
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->NotePrimaryDevice(); #endif // DBG
goto Exit; }
pIPAddrString = pIPAddrString->Next; }
if (! fResult) { break; }
pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next; }
// If we got here, then we didn't find the address. fResult will still be
// TRUE.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Did not find adapter with matching address, returning default address for device 0x%p.", pDevice); goto Exit;
// The adapter info structure said that the device doesn't have a gateway.
// However for some reason the gateway is only reported for the "default"
// device when multiple NICs can reach the same network. Check the routing
// table to determine if there's a gateway for secondary devices.
// Keep trying to get the routing table until we get ERROR_SUCCESS or a
// legitimate error (other than ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW or
ulSize = 0; do { dwError = this->m_pfnGetIpForwardTable(pIPForwardTableBuffer, &ulSize, TRUE); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We succeeded, we should be set. But make sure the size is
// valid.
if (ulSize < sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Getting IP forward table succeeded but didn't return a valid buffer (%u < %u), returning \"no gateway\" indication for device 0x%p.", ulSize, sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE), pDevice); fResult = FALSE; goto Exit; }
break; }
if ((dwError != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) && (dwError != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to get IP forward table (error = 0x%lx), returning \"no gateway\" indication for device 0x%p.", dwError, pDevice); fResult = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// We need more table space. Make sure there are adapters for us to
// use.
if (ulSize < sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Getting IP forward table didn't return any valid adapters (%u < %u), returning \"no gateway\" indication for device 0x%p.", ulSize, sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE), pDevice); fResult = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// If we previously had a buffer, free it.
if (pIPForwardTableBuffer != NULL) { DNFree(pIPForwardTableBuffer); }
// Allocate the buffer.
pIPForwardTableBuffer = (PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE) DNMalloc(ulSize); if (pIPForwardTableBuffer == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to allocate memory for IP forward table, returning \"no gateway\" indication for device 0x%p.", pDevice); fResult = FALSE; goto Exit; } } while (TRUE); //
// Now find the interface. Note that we don't look it up as a destination
// address. Instead, we look for it as the interface to use for a
// network destination.
// We're looking for a route entry:
// Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric
// xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 1
// We have yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, we're trying to get xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
pIPForwardRow = pIPForwardTableBuffer->table; for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < pIPForwardTableBuffer->dwNumEntries; dwTemp++) { //
// Is this a network destination?
if (pIPForwardRow->dwForwardDest == INADDR_ANY) { DNASSERT(pIPForwardRow->dwForwardMask == INADDR_ANY);
// Is this the right interface?
if (pIPForwardRow->dwForwardIfIndex == dwAdapterIndex) { if (pIPForwardRow->dwForwardNextHop == INADDR_ANY) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Found route table entry, but it didn't have a gateway (device = 0x%p).", pDevice);
// No gateway.
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->NoteNoGateway(); #endif // DBG
fResult = FALSE; } else { //
// Make sure the address doesn't match the local device.
if (pinaddr->S_un.S_addr == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Route table gateway for device 0x%p matches device's IP address %u.%u.%u.%u! Forcing no gateway.", pDevice, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
// Pretend there's no gateway, since the one we
// received is bogus.
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->NoteNoGateway(); #endif // DBG
fResult = FALSE; } else { pinaddr->S_un.S_addr = pIPForwardRow->dwForwardNextHop;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Found route table entry, gateway = %u.%u.%u.%u (device = 0x%p).", pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pinaddr->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice);
// We found a gateway after all, fResult == TRUE.
#ifdef DBG
pDevice->NoteSecondaryDevice(); #endif // DBG
} }
// We're done here.
goto Exit; } }
// Move to next row.
pIPForwardRow++; }
// If we got here, then we couldn't find an appropriate entry in the
// routing table.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Did not find adapter in routing table, returning \"no gateway\" indication for device 0x%p.", pDevice); #ifdef DBG
pDevice->NoteNoGateway(); #endif // DBG
fResult = FALSE;
if (pAdaptersBuffer != NULL) { DNFree(pAdaptersBuffer); pAdaptersBuffer = NULL; }
if (pIPForwardTableBuffer != NULL) { DNFree(pIPForwardTableBuffer); pIPForwardTableBuffer = NULL; }
return fResult; } // CNATHelpPAST::GetAddressToReachGateway
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::IsAddressLocal"
// CNATHelpPAST::IsAddressLocal
// Description: Returns TRUE if the given address is local to the given
// device; that is, if the device can send to the address directly
// without having to go through the gateway.
// Note that if IPHLPAPI is not available (Win95), this
// function will make an educated guess using a reasonable subnet
// mask.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device to use.
// SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinAddress - Address whose locality is in question.
// Returns: BOOL
// TRUE - Address is behind the same gateway as the device.
// FALSE - Address is not behind the same gateway as the device.
BOOL CNATHelpPAST::IsAddressLocal(CDevice * const pDevice, const SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinAddress) { DWORD dwError; BOOL fResult; MIB_IPFORWARDROW IPForwardRow; DWORD dwSubnetMaskV4;
// If the address to query matches the device's local address exactly, then
// of course it's local.
if (psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "The address %u.%u.%u.%u matches device 0x%p's local address exactly.", psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice); fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; }
// If it's a multicast address, then it should not be considered local.
if (IS_CLASSD_IPV4_ADDRESS(psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Address %u.%u.%u.%u is multicast, not considered local for device 0x%p.", psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice); fResult = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// If we didn't load the IP helper DLL, we will have to guess.
if (this->m_hIpHlpApiDLL == NULL) { goto EducatedGuess; }
// Figure out what IPHLPAPI says about how to get there.
ZeroMemory(&IPForwardRow, sizeof(IPForwardRow));
dwError = this->m_pfnGetBestRoute(psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4(), &IPForwardRow); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unable to get best route to %u.%u.%u.%u via device 0x%p (error = 0x%lx)! Using subnet mask.", psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice, dwError); goto EducatedGuess; }
// Key off what IPHLPAPI returned.
switch (IPForwardRow.dwForwardType) { case 1: { //
// Other.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "The route from device 0x%p to %u.%u.%u.%u is unknown.", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); fResult = FALSE; break; }
case 2: { //
// The route is invalid.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "The route from device 0x%p to %u.%u.%u.%u is invalid.", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); fResult = FALSE; break; }
case 3: { //
// The next hop is the final destination (local route).
// Unfortunately, on multi-NIC machines querying an address
// reachable by another device returns success... not sure why, but
// if that's the case we need to further qualify this result. We
// do that by making sure the next hop address is actually the
// device with which we're querying.
if (IPForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop == pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Device 0x%p can reach %u.%u.%u.%u directly, it's local.", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
fResult = TRUE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Device 0x%p can reach %u.%u.%u.%u but it would be routed via another device (%u.%u.%u.%u).", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, ((IN_ADDR*) (&IPForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR*) (&IPForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR*) (&IPForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR*) (&IPForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
fResult = FALSE; } break; }
case 4: { //
// The next hop is not the final destination (remote route).
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Device 0x%p cannot reach %u.%u.%u.%u directly.", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); fResult = FALSE; break; }
default: { //
// What?
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unexpected forward type %u for device 0x%p and address %u.%u.%u.%u!", IPForwardRow.dwForwardType, pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); fResult = FALSE; break; } }
goto Exit;
// This should be atomic, so don't worry about locking.
dwSubnetMaskV4 = g_dwSubnetMaskV4;
if ((pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4() & dwSubnetMaskV4) == (psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr & dwSubnetMaskV4)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Didn't load \"iphlpapi.dll\", guessing that device 0x%p can reach %u.%u.%u.%u (using subnet mask %u.%u.%u.%u).", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); fResult = TRUE; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 4, "Didn't load \"iphlpapi.dll\", guessing that device 0x%p cannot reach %u.%u.%u.%u (using subnet mask %u.%u.%u.%u).", pDevice, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ((IN_ADDR*) (&dwSubnetMaskV4))->S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); fResult = FALSE; }
return fResult; } // CNATHelpPAST::IsAddressLocal
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ClearDevicesPASTServer"
// CNATHelpPAST::ClearDevicesPASTServer
// Description: Forcefully simulates de-registration with a PAST server
/// without actually going to the network. This clears all bind
// IDs, public addresses, and cached mappings for a given device's
// local or remote server, and should only be called after the
// server appears to have died.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device whose ports should be unbound.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if clearing remote PAST server, FALSE if
// clearing local PAST server.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::ClearDevicesPASTServer(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fRemote) { #ifdef DBG
DNASSERT(pDevice->GetPASTClientID(fRemote) != 0);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Clearing PAST server, device = 0x%p, remote = %i", pDevice, fRemote);
pDevice->IncrementPASTServerFailures(fRemote); this->m_dwNumServerFailures++; #endif // DBG
if (! fRemote) { pDevice->NoteNoLocalPASTServer(); }
pDevice->SetPASTClientID(0, fRemote);
this->ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts(pDevice, fRemote); pDevice->NoteNoPASTPublicAddressAvailable(fRemote); this->RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(pDevice, fRemote);
// Since there was a change in the network, go back to polling relatively
// quickly.
this->ResetNextPollInterval(); } // CNATHelpPAST::ClearDevicesPASTServer
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts"
// CNATHelpPAST::ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts
// Description: Clears all bind IDs and public addresses for a given
// device's local or remote PAST server. This should only be
// called after the PAST server dies because the registered ports
// remain associated with the device.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device whose ports should be unbound.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if clearing remote server, FALSE if clearing
// local server.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fRemote) { CBilink * pBilink; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, %i)", this, pDevice, fRemote);
pBilink = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilink);
if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(fRemote) != 0) { DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote)); DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(fRemote));
if (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(fRemote)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port 0x%p losing %s PAST public address.", pRegisteredPort, ((fRemote) ? _T("remote") : _T("local")));
// Let the user know next time GetCaps is called.
this->m_dwFlags |= NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Registered port 0x%p losing %s PAST binding, but it didn't have a public address.", pRegisteredPort, ((fRemote) ? _T("remote") : _T("local"))); }
pRegisteredPort->ClearPASTPublicAddresses(fRemote); pRegisteredPort->SetPASTBindID(0, fRemote);
DNASSERT(this->m_dwNumLeases > 0); this->m_dwNumLeases--;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "%s PAST lease for 0x%p cleared, total num leases = %u.", ((fRemote) ? _T("Remote") : _T("Local")), pRegisteredPort, this->m_dwNumLeases); } else { DNASSERT(! pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(fRemote));
// Port no longer unavailable (if it had been).
pRegisteredPort->NoteNotPASTPortUnavailable(fRemote); }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CNATHelpPAST::ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::ExpireOldCachedMappings"
// CNATHelpPAST::ExpireOldCachedMappings
// Description: Removes any cached mappings for any device which has
// expired.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::ExpireOldCachedMappings(void) { DWORD dwCurrentTime; CBilink * pBilinkDevice; CDevice * pDevice; CBilink * pCachedMaps; CBilink * pBilinkCacheMap; CCacheMap * pCacheMap;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime();
// Check the PAST cached mappings.
pBilinkDevice = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilinkDevice != &this->m_blDevices) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkDevice);
// Check the remote PAST server mappings.
pCachedMaps = pDevice->GetPASTCachedMaps(TRUE); pBilinkCacheMap = pCachedMaps->GetNext(); while (pBilinkCacheMap != pCachedMaps) { pCacheMap = CACHEMAP_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkCacheMap); pBilinkCacheMap = pBilinkCacheMap->GetNext();
if ((int) (pCacheMap->GetExpirationTime() - dwCurrentTime) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Remote PAST server cached mapping 0x%p has expired.", pCacheMap);
pCacheMap->m_blList.RemoveFromList(); delete pCacheMap; } }
// Check the local PAST server mappings.
pCachedMaps = pDevice->GetPASTCachedMaps(FALSE); pBilinkCacheMap = pCachedMaps->GetNext(); while (pBilinkCacheMap != pCachedMaps) { pCacheMap = CACHEMAP_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkCacheMap); pBilinkCacheMap = pBilinkCacheMap->GetNext();
if ((int) (pCacheMap->GetExpirationTime() - dwCurrentTime) < 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Local PAST server cached mapping 0x%p has expired.", pCacheMap);
pCacheMap->m_blList.RemoveFromList(); delete pCacheMap; } }
pBilinkDevice = pBilinkDevice->GetNext(); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CNATHelpPAST::ExpireOldCachedMappings
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings"
// CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings
// Description: Removes all cached mappings for a given device's local or
// remote PAST server.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments:
// CDevice * pDevice - Pointer to device whose cache should be emptied.
// BOOL fRemote - TRUE if emptying remote server, FALSE if emptying
// local server.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(CDevice * const pDevice, const BOOL fRemote) { CBilink * pCachedMaps; CBilink * pBilink; CCacheMap * pCacheMap;
pCachedMaps = pDevice->GetPASTCachedMaps(fRemote); pBilink = pCachedMaps->GetNext(); while (pBilink != pCachedMaps) { pCacheMap = CACHEMAP_FROM_BILINK(pBilink); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Removing cached mapping 0x%p.", pCacheMap);
pCacheMap->m_blList.RemoveFromList(); delete pCacheMap; } } // CNATHelpPAST::RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings
#ifdef DBG
#define DPF_MODNAME "CNATHelpPAST::DebugPrintCurrentStatus"
// CNATHelpPAST::DebugPrintCurrentStatus
// Description: Prints all the devices and mappings to the debug log
// routines.
// The object lock is assumed to be held.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CNATHelpPAST::DebugPrintCurrentStatus(void) { CBilink * pBilinkDevice; CBilink * pBilinkRegisteredPort; CDevice * pDevice; CRegisteredPort * pRegisteredPort; IN_ADDR inaddrTemp; DWORD dwTemp; SOCKADDR_IN * pasaddrinPrivate; SOCKADDR_IN * pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic; SOCKADDR_IN * pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Object flags = 0x%08x", this->m_dwFlags);
pBilinkDevice = this->m_blDevices.GetNext(); while (pBilinkDevice != &this->m_blDevices) { pDevice = DEVICE_FROM_BILINK(pBilinkDevice); inaddrTemp.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetLocalAddressV4();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Device 0x%p (%u.%u.%u.%u):", pDevice, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
// Print the gateway information. We may not have detected it yet,
// that's okay.
if (pDevice->IsPrimaryDevice()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Primary device."); } else if (pDevice->IsSecondaryDevice()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Secondary device."); } else if (pDevice->HasNoGateway()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Has no gateway."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " No gateway information known."); }
if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { inaddrTemp.S_un.S_addr = pDevice->GetRemotePASTServerAddressV4();
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Remote ICS PAST server %u.%u.%u.%u, client ID is %u.", inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, inaddrTemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE)); }
if (pDevice->HasLocalICSPASTServer()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Local ICS PAST server, client ID is %u.", pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE)); }
if (pDevice->HasLocalPFWOnlyPASTServer()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Local PFW-only PAST server, client ID is %u.", pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE)); }
if (pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " No registered port mappings."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Registered port mappings:");
pBilinkRegisteredPort = pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilinkRegisteredPort != &pDevice->m_blOwnedRegPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilinkRegisteredPort); pasaddrinPrivate = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray();
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) && (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(TRUE)) && (! pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(TRUE))) { if (pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(TRUE)) { pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTPublicAddressesArray(TRUE); } else { pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic = NULL; } } else { pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic = NULL; }
if ((pDevice->GetPASTClientID(FALSE) != 0) && (pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE)) && (! pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(FALSE))) { if (pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE)) { pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic = pRegisteredPort->GetPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE); } else { pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic = NULL; } } else { pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic = NULL; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Registered port 0x%p:", pRegisteredPort);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses(); dwTemp++) { //
// Print private address.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " %u-\tPrivate = %u.%u.%u.%u:%u", dwTemp, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_port));
// Print flags.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tFlags = 0x%lx", pRegisteredPort->GetFlags());
// Print remote PAST information.
if (pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tRemote PAST = %u.%u.%u.%u:%u, lease %u expires at %u", pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(pasaddrinRemotePASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_port), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(TRUE)); } else if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) != 0) { //
// We should have caught address availability up above.
DNASSERT(! pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(TRUE));
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tRemote PAST = no public address (lease %u expires at %u)", pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(TRUE)); } else if (pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(TRUE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tRemote PAST = port unavailable"); } else if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tRemote PAST = not registered"); } else { //
// No remote PAST server.
// Print local PAST information.
if (pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tLocal PAST = %u.%u.%u.%u:%u, lease %u expires at %u", pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(pasaddrinLocalPASTPublic[dwTemp].sin_port), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(FALSE)); } else if (pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) != 0) { //
// We should have caught address availability up above.
DNASSERT(! pDevice->IsPASTPublicAddressAvailable(FALSE));
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tLocal PAST = no public address (lease %u expires at %u)", pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE), pRegisteredPort->GetPASTLeaseExpiration(FALSE)); } else if (pRegisteredPort->IsPASTPortUnavailable(FALSE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tLocal PAST = port unavailable"); } else if (pDevice->GetPASTClientID(TRUE) != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tLocal PAST = not registered"); } else { //
// No local PAST server.
} }
pBilinkRegisteredPort = pBilinkRegisteredPort->GetNext(); } }
pBilinkDevice = pBilinkDevice->GetNext(); }
if (this->m_blUnownedPorts.IsEmpty()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "No unowned registered port mappings."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Unowned registered port mappings:");
pBilinkRegisteredPort = this->m_blUnownedPorts.GetNext(); while (pBilinkRegisteredPort != &this->m_blUnownedPorts) { pRegisteredPort = REGPORT_FROM_DEVICE_BILINK(pBilinkRegisteredPort); pasaddrinPrivate = pRegisteredPort->GetPrivateAddressesArray();
DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetOwningDevice() == NULL); DNASSERT(! (pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(TRUE))); DNASSERT(! (pRegisteredPort->HasPASTPublicAddressesArray(FALSE))); DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(TRUE) == 0); DNASSERT(pRegisteredPort->GetPASTBindID(FALSE) == 0);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " Registered port 0x%p:", pRegisteredPort);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < pRegisteredPort->GetNumAddresses(); dwTemp++) { //
// Print private address.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " %u-\tPrivate = %u.%u.%u.%u:%u", dwTemp, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, NTOHS(pasaddrinPrivate[dwTemp].sin_port));
// Print flags.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, " \tFlags = 0x%lx", pRegisteredPort->GetFlags()); }
pBilinkRegisteredPort = pBilinkRegisteredPort->GetNext(); } } } // CNATHelpPAST::DebugPrintCurrentStatus
#endif // DBG