| | File: dmotest.cpp | | Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved | | Abstract: | bridge code between dmo test case functions and shell98 | | Contents: | | History: | 5/3/2000 wendyliu initial version | | \============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <s98inc.h>
#include <cderr.h> // controls which shell (EXE or DLL form) is used
#include <commdlg.h> // includes common dialog functionality
#include <dlgs.h> // includes common dialog template defines
#include "dmotest.h" // Derives a variable passing test module Class
// from CTreeModule
#include "dmoApiTst.h" // test case functions
#include "resource.h"
#include "DmoTestCases.h"
BOOL AddListViewItems(HWND hLV); BOOL AddTestFilesInListView(HWND hLV); BOOL GetTestFileName( HWND hWnd, HWND hLV );
BOOL GetInOutFileName( HWND hWnd, HWND hLV ); BOOL SaveSelectedTestFiles(HWND hLV); BOOL WriteSelectedDmos(); BOOL GetRegisteredDmos();
int g_dwNumOfComponents; int g_dwNumOfSelectedComponents;
//struct of components to be tested
typedef struct { char szComName[MAX_LEN]; char szClsid[MAX_LEN]; int iSelectedForTest; int iNumTestFiles; char szInputFile[MAX_LEN][MAX_LEN]; } ComInfo;
ComInfo g_component[MAX_LEN];
CDmoTest* pThis = NULL;
HWND CDmoTest::m_hSelectFilesDlg = NULL; HWND CDmoTest::m_hSelectDmoDlg = NULL; HWND CDmoTest::m_hMediaTypeDlg = NULL; HWND CDmoTest::m_hDataGenDlg = NULL; /*=============================================================================
| Test file selection dialog stuff |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | \============================================================================*/
typedef struct _MYDATA { char szTest1[80]; // a test buffer containing the file selected
char szTest2[80]; // a test buffer containing the file path
MYDATA sMyData; // an instance of a MYDATA
CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[2]= { { 0 // CFactoryTemplate.m_name
, 0 // CFactoryTemplate.m_ClsID
, 0 // CFactoryTemplate.m_lpfnNew
, NULL // CFactoryTemplate.m_lpfnInit
, 0 // CFactoryTemplate.m_pAMovieSetup_Filter
} };
int g_cTemplates = sizeof(g_Templates) / sizeof(g_Templates[0]);
| Shell98 / ModMgr98 stuff |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Notes: | The only things that should need to be changed in this area are the | derived class name, the module name, and the App ID. \============================================================================*/ static LPSTR szModuleName = "DMO TEST"; static DWORD dwAppID = 1104; CTreeModule* g_pVariableModule;
| Function: InitCaseTree | Purpose: | Arguments: None | Returns: None | Notes: | This function is called by the constructor of this Module, providing a central | function from them. Rather than statically adding cases to a public | structure, these functions provide a consistent interface through which | to add cases to a test application. | Full descriptions of AddCase(), AddGroup(), EndGroup(), and EndBranch() | can be found in "treemod.cpp". | Additional: | In this particular version, through the use of CDmoTestCase (derived from | CTestNodeItem), AddCase has been overloaded to allow the | passing of the container dmotest to the test function. \============================================================================*/
void CDmoTest::InitCaseTree() { AddGroup("DMOTest", 0); AddGroup("Functional Test",0); AddCase("1.0", "DMO Functional Test 1: Positive Timestamp Offset Test", FunctionalTest1, pThis ); AddCase("1.1", "DMO Functional Test 2: Negative Timestamp Offset Test", FunctionalTest2, pThis );
EndGroup(); AddGroup("IMediaObject Interface Test",0); AddCase("2.0", "Test GetStreamCount()", TestGetStreamCount, pThis ); AddCase("2.1", "Test GetInputType()", TestGetTypes, pThis ); AddCase("2.2", "Test Stream Index on GetInputStreamInfo()", TestStreamIndexOnGetInputStreamInfo, pThis); AddCase("2.3", "Test Stream Index on GetOutputStreamInfo()", TestStreamIndexOnGetOutputStreamInfo, pThis ); AddCase("2.4", "Test Invalide Parameter on GetInputStreamInfo()", TestInvalidParamOnGetInputStreamInfo, pThis ); AddCase("2.5", "Test Invalide Parameter on GetOutputStreamInfo()", TestInvalidParamOnGetOutputStreamInfo, pThis ); EndGroup(); }
| Function: DllMain | Purpose: DLL initialization and exit code | Arguments: | Returns: FALSE on failure, TRUE on success | Notes: | If this module ends up being used by ModMgr98 this will be needed. | If not it doesn't hurt. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL CALLBACK DllMain ( HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { BOOL fRes = TRUE; g_hInst = hinst; switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; }
return fRes; }
ITestShell* g_IShell;
| Function: NewTestModule | Purpose: Called as the shell loads to setup the derived test module | class inside the shell | Arguments: pShell - Pointer to shell for tests' access | hInstDLL - | Returns: CTestModule* to this test module class \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CTestModule* WINAPI NewTestModule ( CTestShell* pShell, HINSTANCE hInstDLL ) { g_IShell = (ITestShell*)pShell; g_pVariableModule = new CDmoTest(pShell, hInstDLL); g_hInst = hInstDLL; return (CTestModule*)g_pVariableModule; }
| Function: CDmoTest::CDmoTest | Purpose: Constructor for derived module class. | Arguments: pShell - Pointer to shell for tests' access | hInstDLL - | Returns: None | Notes: Additional Initialization for this module should | _NOT_ be put here \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CDmoTest::CDmoTest ( CTestShell* pShell, HINSTANCE hInstDLL ) : CTreeModule(pShell, hInstDLL) { m_dwAppID = dwAppID; m_pstrModuleName = szModuleName; InitCaseTree(); g_hInst = hInstDLL; m_nIconID = APPICON; m_dwModuleType = STTYPE_DSOUND | STTYPE_DSCAPTURE | STTYPE_WAVEOUT | STTYPE_WAVEIN | STTYPE_MIXER; }
| Function: CDmoTest::~CDmoTest | Purpose: Destructor for derived module class. | Arguments: None | Returns: None | Notes: Any clean up from the Initialize function should be put here. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CDmoTest::~CDmoTest ( void ) { SaveSettings(" ", " "); }
| Function: CDmoTest::Initialize | Purpose: Initialize derived module class | Arguments: None | Returns: 0 = Success, otherwise failure | Notes: Additional Initialization for this module should be put here \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDmoTest::Initialize ( void ) { return 0; }
//wrapper for AddCase in tree module
void CDmoTest::AddCase(LPSTR pszCaseID, LPSTR pszName, DMOTESTFNPROC1 pfnTest, CDmoTest* pDmoTest) { AddNode(new CDmoTestCase1(pszCaseID, pszName, pfnTest, pDmoTest)); }
//wrapper for AddCase in tree module
void CDmoTest::AddCase(LPSTR pszCaseID, LPSTR pszName, DMOTESTFNPROC2 pfnTest, CDmoTest* pDmoTest) { AddNode(new CDmoTestCase2(pszCaseID, pszName, pfnTest, pDmoTest)); }
// access function
int CDmoTest::GetNumComponent() {
return g_dwNumOfComponents; }
// access function
LPSTR CDmoTest::GetDmoName(int i) {
return g_component[i].szComName; } // access function
LPSTR CDmoTest::GetDmoClsid(int i) { return g_component[i].szClsid;
} // access function
BOOL CDmoTest::IsDmoSelected(int i) {
if(0 != ListView_GetCheckState( pThis->m_hDmoList, i)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // access function
int CDmoTest::GetNumTestFile(int i) {
return g_component[i].iNumTestFiles ; } // access function
LPSTR CDmoTest::GetFileName(int comIndex, int fileIndex) {
return g_component[comIndex].szInputFile[fileIndex]; } // access function
HWND CDmoTest::GetWindowHandle() {
return m_pShell->m_hwndShell;
} // access function
int CDmoTest::GetNumSelectedDmo() { return g_dwNumOfSelectedComponents; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Function: CDmoTest::SaveSettings | Purpose: Save the custom entries to the profile or ini file | Arguments: pszFileName - Profile Name or ini file name | pzsSection - section name | Returns: 0 = Success, otherwise failure | Notes: Additional custom entries for this module should be saved here \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDmoTest::SaveSettings(LPSTR pszFileName, LPSTR pszSetction) { char szEntryStr[MAX_LEN]; char szNumTestFiles[MAX_NUM]; char szNumFiles[MAX_NUM]; char szSelected[MAX_NUM];
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s", TX_NO_OF_COMPONENTS_ENTRY); _itoa(g_dwNumOfComponents, szNumFiles, 10); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, szNumFiles );
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s", TX_NO_OF_SELECTED_COMPONENTS_ENTRY); _itoa(g_dwNumOfSelectedComponents, szNumFiles, 10); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, szNumFiles );
for(int i = 0; i< g_dwNumOfComponents; i++) { sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_COMPONENT_ENTRY, i); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, g_component[i].szComName );
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_CLASSID_ENTRY, i); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, g_component[i].szClsid );
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_SELECTED_FOR_TEST, i); _itoa(g_component[i].iSelectedForTest, szSelected, 10); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, szSelected );
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_NO_OF_TEST_FILES_ENTRY, i); _itoa(g_component[i].iNumTestFiles, szNumFiles, 10); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, szNumFiles );
if( g_component[i].iSelectedForTest != 0 ) // selected
for (int j = 0; j<g_component[i].iNumTestFiles; j++) { sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d.%d", TX_FILENAME_ENTRY, i, j); g_IShell->WriteProfileString( szEntryStr, g_component[i].szInputFile[j] ); } } }
return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Function: CDmoTest::LoadSettings | Purpose: Load the custom entries from the profile or ini file | Arguments: pszFileName - Profile Name or ini file name | pzsSection - section name | Returns: 0 = Success, otherwise failure | Notes: Additional custom entries for this module should be loaded here \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CDmoTest::LoadSettings(LPSTR pszFileName, LPSTR pszSetction) { char szEntryStr[MAX_LEN]; char szNumFiles[MAX_NUM]; int iSelected; char szComName[MAX_NUM];
int iNumOfComponentsInProfile = g_IShell->GetProfileInt( TX_NO_OF_COMPONENTS_ENTRY,0 ); g_dwNumOfSelectedComponents = g_IShell->GetProfileInt(TX_NO_OF_SELECTED_COMPONENTS_ENTRY,0);
//get component name, classid, test file name for each component
if( g_dwNumOfSelectedComponents > 0)
{ for( int i=0; i<iNumOfComponentsInProfile; i++) { // check if the component was selected for test
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_SELECTED_FOR_TEST, i); iSelected = g_IShell->GetProfileInt(szEntryStr, 0 );
if(iSelected != 0 ) // selected
{ sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_COMPONENT_ENTRY, i); g_IShell->GetProfileString(szEntryStr, TX_NOT_EXIST, szComName, 256 ); for(int j=0; j<g_dwNumOfComponents; j++) { if(0 == lstrcmp( szComName, g_component[j].szComName)) { g_component[j].iSelectedForTest = 1; // get test file num for this selected DMO
sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d", TX_NO_OF_TEST_FILES_ENTRY, i); g_component[j].iNumTestFiles = g_IShell->GetProfileInt(szEntryStr, 0 ); // g_IShell->GetProfileString(szEntryStr, TX_NOT_EXIST, szNumFiles , 256 );
// = atoi( szNumFiles);
for (int k = 0; k<g_component[j].iNumTestFiles; k++) { sprintf(szEntryStr, "%s.%d.%d", TX_FILENAME_ENTRY, j, k); g_IShell->GetProfileString( szEntryStr, TX_NOT_EXIST, g_component[j].szInputFile[k], 256); } } } } } }
return 0; }
// run the test cases for each of the selected components
DWORD CDmoTest::RunTest ( DWORD dwTestID ) { DWORD dw; m_pShell->IncrementIndent(); PPCDmoTestCase CaseArray = ((PPCDmoTestCase)m_rgTestCaseInfo);
dw = CaseArray[dwTestID]->RunTest(); m_pShell->DecrementIndent(); return(dw); }
| Function: CDmoTest::OnInitialUpdate | Purpose: create event window | Arguments: None | Returns: 0 = Success, otherwise failure \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDmoTest::OnInitialUpdate() {
// install customized menu item
m_pShell->InstallMenuItem("&Tests", "Select DMOs ...", IDM_SELECTDMO); m_pShell->InstallMenuItem("&Tests", "Generate DMO Data ...", IDM_DATAGEN);
m_hSelectDmoDlg = CreateDialogParam(m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DMODIALOG), m_pShell->m_hwndShell, SelectDmoDialogProc, (LPARAM)this);
m_hSelectFilesDlg = CreateDialogParam(m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TESTFILEDIALOG), m_pShell->m_hwndShell, SelectTestFileDialogProc, (LPARAM)this); m_hMediaTypeDlg = CreateDialogParam(m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MEDIATYPEDIALOG), m_pShell->m_hwndShell, MediaTypeDialogProc, (LPARAM)this);
m_hDataGenDlg = CreateDialogParam(m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DATAGENDIALOG), m_pShell->m_hwndShell, DataGenDialogProc, (LPARAM)this);
return FNS_PASS; }
| Function: CDmoTest::ProcessMenuItem | Purpose: processing custom menuitem \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDmoTest::ProcessMenuItem(DWORD nID, HWND hWndCtl, DWORD codeNotify, HMENU hOptionMenu) { switch(nID) { case IDM_SELECTDMO: pThis->InitListView( pThis->m_hDmoList); ShowWindow(m_hSelectDmoDlg, SW_SHOW); break; case IDM_DATAGEN: //pThis->InitListView( pThis->m_hDmoList);
ShowWindow(m_hDataGenDlg, SW_SHOW); break;
default: break; } return; }
| Function: CDmoTest::SelectDmoDialogProc | Purpose: processing messages for Play path/Duration window \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT_PTR CALLBACK CDmoTest::SelectDmoDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HWND hwndEdit;
INT dIndex = 0; int iMarkedDmo = 0; int iItemNum = 0;
switch( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = (CDmoTest*) lParam; pThis->m_hDmoList = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DMOLIST); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(pThis->m_hDmoList, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES); return TRUE;
case WM_NOTIFY: switch (wParam) { case IDC_DMOLIST: POINT p; LPNM_LISTVIEW pnlv = (LPNM_LISTVIEW)lParam;
switch (pnlv->hdr.code) { case NM_RCLICK: HMENU hMenu; hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_ENABLED | MF_STRING, ID_GETTESTFILE, (LPSTR)&"&Select Test File");
AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_ENABLED | MF_STRING, ID_GETPROPERTY, (LPSTR)&"&Get Properties"); GetCursorPos(&p); TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTBUTTON, p.x, p.y, 0, hDlg, NULL);
DestroyMenu(hMenu); break; default: break; } } // end switch (wParam)
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
// get registered DMO names and display them
// delete previous content from list view and load new content from memory for display
pThis->InitTestFileListView( pThis->m_hTestFileList ); ShowWindow(m_hSelectFilesDlg, SW_SHOW); break;
case ID_GETPROPERTY: // get the CLSID of the selected DMO
UINT ii; LPSTR szDmoClsid;
ii = ListView_GetItemCount(pThis->m_hDmoList); for(; ii; ii--) { if(0!= ListView_GetItemState( pThis->m_hDmoList, ii-1, LVIS_SELECTED)) { szDmoClsid = pThis->GetDmoClsid(ii-1); } } // clean the MEDIATYPELIST
iItemNum = SendMessage(pThis->m_hMediaTypeList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0,0); if(iItemNum > 0) { for(int i = 0; i< iItemNum; i++) SendMessage(pThis->m_hMediaTypeList, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)0,0); } // add types to the media type list
GetDmoTypeInfo(szDmoClsid,pThis->m_hMediaTypeList); ShowWindow(m_hMediaTypeDlg, SW_SHOW); break; case IDOK:
// get a list of selected DMOs and test files (struct)
// and write to the profile:
WriteSelectedDmos(); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE ; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; } /******************************************************************************
BOOL CDmoTest::InitListView(HWND hwndListView) { LV_COLUMN lvColumn; int i; TCHAR szString[3][MAX_LEN] = {"DMO Component", "Class ID", "Number of Test Files Selected"};
//empty the list
for(i = 0; i < NUM_OF_DMO_SUBITEM_COLUMN; i++) { ListView_DeleteColumn(hwndListView, 0); }
//initialize the columns
lvColumn.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvColumn.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvColumn.cx = 200; for(i = 0; i < NUM_OF_DMO_SUBITEM_COLUMN; i++) { lvColumn.pszText = szString[i]; lvColumn.iSubItem = 0; ListView_InsertColumn(hwndListView, i, &lvColumn); }
// set the number of items in the list
ListView_SetItemCount(hwndListView, ITEM_COUNT); AddListViewItems(pThis->m_hDmoList);
return TRUE; }
BOOL AddListViewItems(HWND hLV) { LVITEM lvI; INT dIndex; char szNumFile[MAX_NUM];
for(int i = g_dwNumOfComponents-1; i>=0;i--) { lvI.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_IMAGE; lvI.iItem = 0; lvI.iSubItem = 0; lvI.pszText = g_component[i].szComName; dIndex = ListView_InsertItem(hLV,&lvI);
if( g_component[i].iSelectedForTest != 0 ) // selected
{ ListView_SetCheckState( pThis->m_hDmoList, dIndex, TRUE); }
lvI.mask = TVIF_TEXT; lvI.iItem = dIndex; lvI.iSubItem = 1; lvI.pszText = g_component[i].szClsid; ListView_SetItem(hLV,&lvI);
_itoa( g_component[i].iNumTestFiles, szNumFile, 10);
lvI.mask = TVIF_TEXT; lvI.iItem = dIndex; lvI.iSubItem = 2; lvI.pszText = szNumFile; ListView_SetItem(hLV,&lvI);
} return TRUE; }
| Function: CQAsfModule::SelectDmoDialogProc | Purpose: processing messages for Play path/Duration window \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT_PTR CALLBACK CDmoTest::SelectTestFileDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // static HWND hwndEdit;
INT dIndex = 0; int iSelectedDmo = ListView_GetSelectionMark( pThis->m_hDmoList );
switch( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = (CDmoTest*) lParam; pThis->m_hTestFileList = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TESTFILELIST); return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
case ID_ADDFILE: // Call the FileOpen common dialog to get test files
// and display in file selection dialog
GetTestFileName( hDlg, pThis->m_hTestFileList ); break; case IDOK: //save selected files in global variables.
SaveSelectedTestFiles(pThis->m_hTestFileList); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE ;
case IDREMOVEALL: ListView_DeleteAllItems(pThis->m_hTestFileList); return TRUE;
case ID_REMOVEFILE: UINT ii; ii = ListView_GetItemCount(pThis->m_hTestFileList); for(; ii; ii--) { if(0!= ListView_GetItemState( pThis->m_hTestFileList, ii-1, LVIS_SELECTED)) { ListView_DeleteItem(pThis->m_hTestFileList, ii-1); } } return TRUE; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; } break; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CDmoTest::InitTestFileListView(HWND hwndListView) { LV_COLUMN lvColumn; int i; TCHAR szString[2][20] = {"File Name", "Media Format"};
//empty the list
//initialize the columns
lvColumn.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvColumn.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvColumn.cx = 400; for(i = 0; i < NUM_OF_FILE_SUBITEM_COLUMN+1; i++) { lvColumn.pszText = szString[i]; ListView_InsertColumn(hwndListView, i, &lvColumn); }
//set the number of items in the list
ListView_SetItemCount(hwndListView, ITEM_COUNT);
// get and highlight selected DMOs from ini or profile
// TBD
AddTestFilesInListView(hwndListView); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************************
******************************************************************************/ BOOL AddTestFilesInListView(HWND hLV) {
LVITEM lvI; int iNumDmo = 0; CHAR szFileNum[81];
int iSelectedDmo = ListView_GetSelectionMark( pThis->m_hDmoList );
for(int i=g_component[iSelectedDmo].iNumTestFiles-1; i>=0; i--) {
lvI.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_IMAGE; lvI.iItem = i; lvI.iSubItem = 0; lvI.pszText = (LPSTR)(g_component[iSelectedDmo].szInputFile[i]); //lvI.pszText = " ";
ListView_InsertItem(hLV,&lvI); } return TRUE; }
| Function: CQAsfModule::SelectDmoDialogProc | Purpose: processing messages for Play path/Duration window \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT_PTR CALLBACK CDmoTest::MediaTypeDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = (CDmoTest*) lParam; pThis->m_hMediaTypeList = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MEDIATYPELIST); return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
case IDOK:
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE ;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; } break; }
return FALSE; }
| Function: CDmoTest::DataGenDialogProc | Purpose: processing messages for Play path/Duration window \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT_PTR CALLBACK CDmoTest::DataGenDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char lpszInFilename[100]; DWORD dwInFilenameLen; char lpszOutFilename[100]; DWORD dwOutFilenameLen;
switch( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = (CDmoTest*) lParam; pThis->m_hInputFileField = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INPUTFIELD); pThis->m_hOutputFileField = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OUTPUTFIELD); return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_INPUTBROWSE: // Call the FileOpen common dialog to get test files
// and display in DataGenDialog
GetInOutFileName( hDlg, pThis->m_hInputFileField); break; case IDC_OUTPUTBROWSE: // Call the FileOpen common dialog to get test files
// and display in DataGenDialog
GetInOutFileName( hDlg, pThis->m_hOutputFileField); break;
case IDOK:
// get the input/output file names and use spliter and data dump filter
// to generate output data
// Get number of characters.
dwInFilenameLen = (DWORD) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_INPUTFIELD, EM_LINELENGTH, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0); dwOutFilenameLen = (DWORD) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_OUTPUTFIELD, EM_LINELENGTH, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0);
if (dwInFilenameLen == 0) { MessageBox(hDlg, "No characters entered.", "Error", MB_OK); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return FALSE; } if (dwOutFilenameLen == 0) { MessageBox(hDlg, "No characters entered.", "Error", MB_OK); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return FALSE; }
// Get the characters.
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_INPUTFIELD, EM_GETLINE, (WPARAM) 0, // line 0
(LPARAM) lpszInFilename);
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_OUTPUTFIELD, EM_GETLINE, (WPARAM) 0, // line 0
(LPARAM) lpszOutFilename);
// Null-terminate the string.
lpszInFilename[dwInFilenameLen] = 0; lpszOutFilename[dwOutFilenameLen] = 0;
g_IShell->Log(1, "retrieved input filename is %s", lpszInFilename); g_IShell->Log(1, "retrieved output filename is %s", lpszOutFilename);
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE ;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; } break; }
return FALSE; }
// FUNCTION: OpenTheFile(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndEdit)
// PURPOSE: Invokes common dialog function to open a file and opens it.
// This function initializes the OPENFILENAME structure and calls
// the GetOpenFileName() common dialog function.
// TRUE - The file was opened successfully and read into the buffer.
// FALSE - No files were opened.
unsigned int CALLBACK ComDlg32DlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: break;
case WM_DESTROY: break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
**********************************************************************************/ BOOL GetTestFileName( HWND hWnd, HWND hLV ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwFileSize; OPENFILENAME OpenFileName; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; char *lpBufPtr; DWORD ret = 0; strcpy( szFile, "");
// Fill in the OPENFILENAME structure to support a template and hook.
OpenFileName.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); OpenFileName.hwndOwner = hWnd; OpenFileName.hInstance = g_hInst; OpenFileName.lpstrFilter = NULL; OpenFileName.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxCustFilter = 0; OpenFileName.nFilterIndex = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrFile = szFile; OpenFileName.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); OpenFileName.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxFileTitle = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; OpenFileName.lpstrTitle = "Open a File"; OpenFileName.nFileOffset = 0; OpenFileName.nFileExtension = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrDefExt = NULL; OpenFileName.lCustData = (LPARAM)&sMyData; // OpenFileName.lpfnHook = pThis->SelectDmoDialogProc;
// OpenFileName.lpfnHook = ComDlg32DlgProc;
// add error checking ...
if (GetOpenFileName(&OpenFileName) == 0) { char buffer[20]; ret = CommDlgExtendedError(); sprintf(buffer,"(%x)",ret); OutputDebugStringA(buffer); }
// display selected files
LVITEM lvI; INT dIndex; // get the file path and names from OpenFileName.lpstrFile:
char szPath[MAX_LEN]; char szFileNames[MAX_NUM][MAX_LEN]={0}; char szFullFileName[MAX_NUM][MAX_LEN]={0}; int iNumFiles = 0; int offset = 0; char* strFile;
lstrcpyn( szPath, (LPSTR)OpenFileName.lpstrFile,OpenFileName.nFileOffset );
for(;;) { lstrcpy(szFileNames[iNumFiles], OpenFileName.lpstrFile + OpenFileName.nFileOffset + offset); int size = lstrlen(szFileNames[iNumFiles]); if (size == 0) break; sprintf(szFullFileName[iNumFiles], "%s\\%s", szPath, szFileNames[iNumFiles]); offset += size + 1; lvI.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_IMAGE; lvI.iItem = iNumFiles; lvI.iSubItem = 0; lvI.pszText = (LPSTR)(szFullFileName[iNumFiles]); dIndex = ListView_InsertItem(hLV,&lvI);
iNumFiles++; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetInOutFileName( HWND hWnd, HWND hLV ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwFileSize; OPENFILENAME OpenFileName; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; char *lpBufPtr; DWORD ret = 0; strcpy( szFile, "");
// Fill in the OPENFILENAME structure to support a template and hook.
OpenFileName.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); OpenFileName.hwndOwner = hWnd; OpenFileName.hInstance = g_hInst; OpenFileName.lpstrFilter = NULL; OpenFileName.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxCustFilter = 0; OpenFileName.nFilterIndex = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrFile = szFile; OpenFileName.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); OpenFileName.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxFileTitle = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; OpenFileName.lpstrTitle = "Open a File"; OpenFileName.nFileOffset = 0; OpenFileName.nFileExtension = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrDefExt = NULL; OpenFileName.lCustData = (LPARAM)&sMyData; // OpenFileName.lpfnHook = pThis->SelectDmoDialogProc;
// OpenFileName.lpfnHook = ComDlg32DlgProc;
// add error checking ...
if (GetOpenFileName(&OpenFileName) == 0) { char buffer[20]; ret = CommDlgExtendedError(); sprintf(buffer,"(%x)",ret); OutputDebugStringA(buffer); }
// display selected files
// get the file path and names from OpenFileName.lpstrFile:
char szPath[MAX_LEN]; char szFileNames[MAX_NUM][MAX_LEN]={0}; char szFullFileName[MAX_NUM][MAX_LEN]={0}; int iNumFiles = 0; int offset = 0; char* strFile;
lstrcpyn( szPath, (LPSTR)OpenFileName.lpstrFile, OpenFileName.nFileOffset );
for(;;) { lstrcpy(szFileNames[iNumFiles], OpenFileName.lpstrFile + OpenFileName.nFileOffset + offset); int size = lstrlen(szFileNames[iNumFiles]); if (size == 0) break; sprintf(szFullFileName[iNumFiles], "%s\\%s", szPath, szFileNames[iNumFiles]); offset += size + 1;
g_IShell->Log(1, "%d selected files is %s", iNumFiles, szFullFileName[iNumFiles]); SendMessage(hLV, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) szFullFileName[iNumFiles]);
iNumFiles++; }
return TRUE; }
Save selected test files:
BOOL SaveSelectedTestFiles(HWND hLV) { // save the selected test files and number in global variables:
int iSelectedDmo = ListView_GetSelectionMark( pThis->m_hDmoList ); g_component[iSelectedDmo].iNumTestFiles = ListView_GetItemCount(hLV); for(int j= 0; j<g_component[iSelectedDmo].iNumTestFiles; j++) { ListView_GetItemText( hLV, j, 0, g_component[iSelectedDmo].szInputFile[j], MAX_LEN); }
// display the number of test files in the DMO selection dialog
LVITEM lvDmoItem; char szNumFiles[MAX_NUM]; _itoa(g_component[iSelectedDmo].iNumTestFiles, szNumFiles, 10);
lvDmoItem.mask = TVIF_TEXT; lvDmoItem.iItem = iSelectedDmo; lvDmoItem.iSubItem = 2; lvDmoItem.pszText = szNumFiles; ListView_SetItem(pThis->m_hDmoList,&lvDmoItem);
return TRUE;
// get a list of selected DMOs and test files, save to global variables
// and write to the .ini file:
**************************************************************************************/ BOOL WriteSelectedDmos() { int count = 0; for(int i=0; i<g_dwNumOfComponents; i++) { if(0 != ListView_GetCheckState(pThis->m_hDmoList, i)) { g_component[i].iSelectedForTest = 1; count++; } else { g_component[i].iSelectedForTest = 0; }
g_dwNumOfSelectedComponents = count; pThis->SaveSettings(" "," "); return TRUE; }
// get a list of registered DMOs, save to global variables
**************************************************************************************/ BOOL GetRegisteredDmos() { DMOINFO rgDmoInfo[ITEM_COUNT]; int iNumDmo = 0; LPSTR pDMO[1000];
OutputDMOs( &iNumDmo, rgDmoInfo );
g_dwNumOfComponents = iNumDmo;
for(int i=0; i<iNumDmo; i++) { lstrcpy( g_component[i].szComName, rgDmoInfo[i].szName); lstrcpy( g_component[i].szClsid, rgDmoInfo[i].szClsId); }
return TRUE;