* * AVICMPRS.C * * routine for compressing AVI files... * * AVISave() * * Copyright (c) 1992 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. * ***************************************************************************/
// What this file does:
// Given an AVI Stream (that is, essentially, a function that it can call
// to get video frames), this presents the same sort of interface and allows
// other people to call it to get compressed frames.
#include <win32.h>
#include <vfw.h>
#include "avifilei.h"
#include "avicmprs.h"
#include "debug.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#define AVIStreamInfoW AVIStreamInfo
#define ALIGNULONG(i) ((i+3)&(~3)) /* ULONG aligned ! */
#define WIDTHBYTES(i) ((unsigned)((i+31)&(~31))/8) /* ULONG aligned ! */
#define DIBWIDTHBYTES(bi) (int)WIDTHBYTES((int)(bi).biWidth * (int)(bi).biBitCount)
#define DIBPTR(lpbi) ((LPBYTE)(lpbi) + \
(int)(lpbi)->biSize + \ (int)(lpbi)->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD) )
void CAVICmpStream::ResetInst(void) { lFrameCurrent = -1; lLastKeyFrame = 0; dwQualityLast = ICQUALITY_HIGH; dwSaved = 0; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
HRESULT CAVICmpStream::Create( IUnknown FAR* pUnknownOuter, const IID FAR& riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { IUnknown FAR* pUnknown; CAVICmpStream FAR* pAVIStream; HRESULT hresult;
pAVIStream = new FAR CAVICmpStream(pUnknownOuter, &pUnknown); if (!pAVIStream) return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); hresult = pUnknown->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); if (FAILED(GetScode(hresult))) delete pAVIStream; return hresult; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStream( IUnknown FAR* pUnknownOuter, IUnknown FAR* FAR* ppUnknown) : m_Unknown(this), m_AVIStream(this) { // clear extra junk...
pavi = 0; pgf = 0; hic = 0; lpbiC = 0; lpbiU = 0; lpFormat = 0; cbFormat = 0; lpFormatOrig = 0; cbFormatOrig = 0; lpHandler = 0; cbHandler = 0; if (pUnknownOuter) m_pUnknownOuter = pUnknownOuter; else m_pUnknownOuter = &m_Unknown; *ppUnknown = &m_Unknown; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
CAVICmpStream::CUnknownImpl::CUnknownImpl( CAVICmpStream FAR* pAVIStream) { m_pAVIStream = pAVIStream; m_refs = 0; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CUnknownImpl::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown) *ppv = &m_pAVIStream->m_Unknown; else if (iid == IID_IAVIStream) *ppv = &m_pAVIStream->m_AVIStream; else { *ppv = NULL; return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); } AddRef(); return AVIERR_OK; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVICmpStream::CUnknownImpl::AddRef() { uUseCount++; return ++m_refs; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::CAVICmpStreamImpl( CAVICmpStream FAR* pAVIStream) { m_pAVIStream = pAVIStream; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::~CAVICmpStreamImpl() { }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { return m_pAVIStream->m_pUnknownOuter->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::AddRef() { return m_pAVIStream->m_pUnknownOuter->AddRef(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Release() { return m_pAVIStream->m_pUnknownOuter->Release(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
HRESULT CAVICmpStream::SetUpCompression() { LONG lRet = AVIERR_OK; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = this; // for convenience....
pinst->pgf = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(pinst->pavi, NULL); if (!pinst->pgf) { // !!! we couldn't decompress the stream!
lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; }
if (pinst->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeDIB) goto exit;
lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) AVIStreamGetFrame(pinst->pgf, 0);
if (lpbi == NULL) { lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; }
** get the size required to hold the format. ** if the compressor fails return an error */ dw = ICCompressGetFormatSize(pinst->hic, lpbi); if ((LONG) dw < (LONG)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) goto ic_error;
pinst->cbFormat = (DWORD) dw; pinst->lpFormat = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, pinst->cbFormat); if (!pinst->lpFormat) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
** get the compressed format from the compressor. */ dw = ICCompressGetFormat(pinst->hic, lpbi, pinst->lpFormat); if ((LONG) dw < 0) goto ic_error;
pinst->avistream.rcFrame.right = pinst->avistream.rcFrame.left + (int) pinst->lpFormat->biWidth; pinst->avistream.rcFrame.bottom = pinst->avistream.rcFrame.top + (int) pinst->lpFormat->biHeight;
dw = ICCompressBegin(pinst->hic, lpbi, pinst->lpFormat);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) goto ic_error;
** allocate buffer to hold compressed data. */ dw = ICCompressGetSize(pinst->hic, lpbi, pinst->lpFormat);
pinst->lpbiC = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, pinst->cbFormat + dw);
if (!pinst->lpbiC) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
hmemcpy((LPVOID)pinst->lpbiC, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->cbFormat);
pinst->lpC = (LPBYTE) pinst->lpbiC + pinst->lpbiC->biSize + pinst->lpbiC->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); //
// check for temporal compress, and allocate a previous
// DIB buffer if needed
if (pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery != 1 && !(dwICFlags & VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC)) { pinst->lpbiU = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
if (!pinst->lpbiU) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
dw = ICDecompressGetFormat(pinst->hic, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->lpbiU);
if ((LONG) dw < 0) goto ic_error;
if (pinst->lpbiU->biSizeImage == 0) pinst->lpbiU->biSizeImage = pinst->lpbiU->biHeight * DIBWIDTHBYTES(*pinst->lpbiU);
pinst->lpbiU = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalReAllocPtr(pinst->lpbiU, pinst->lpbiU->biSize + pinst->lpbiU->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + pinst->lpbiU->biSizeImage, GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE);
if (!pinst->lpbiU) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
pinst->lpU = (LPBYTE) pinst->lpbiU + pinst->lpbiU->biSize + pinst->lpbiU->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); dw = ICDecompressBegin(pinst->hic, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->lpbiU);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) goto ic_error; }
// !!! We really should check if the new stream has palette changes....
exit: if (lRet != AVIERR_OK) { // Clean up before returning...
return ResultFromScode(lRet);
ic_error: if (dw == ICERR_BADFORMAT) lRet = AVIERR_BADFORMAT; else if (dw == ICERR_MEMORY) lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; else lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Create(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream; ICINFO icinfo; AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS FAR *lpOpt = (AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS FAR *)lParam2; LONG lRet = AVIERR_OK;
// The AVI Stream that we're compressing is passsed in in the <szFile>
// parameter.
pinst->pavi = (PAVISTREAM)lParam1;
// Make sure the uncompressed stream doesn't go away without our
// knowledge....
AVIStreamAddRef(pinst->pavi); // !!! how can we check if pinst->pavi is valid?
// Get the stream header for future reference....
AVIStreamInfoW(pinst->pavi, &pinst->avistream, sizeof(pinst->avistream));
if (!lpOpt || (lpOpt->fccHandler == comptypeDIB)) { pinst->avistream.fccHandler = comptypeDIB; lRet = AVIERR_OK; goto exit; }
pinst->avistream.fccHandler = lpOpt->fccHandler;
// Open the compressor they asked for in the options structure...
pinst->hic = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, lpOpt->fccHandler, ICMODE_COMPRESS);
if (!pinst->hic) { lRet = AVIERR_NOCOMPRESSOR; goto exit; }
if (lpOpt->cbParms) { ICSetState(pinst->hic, lpOpt->lpParms, lpOpt->cbParms); }
pinst->avistream.dwQuality = lpOpt->dwQuality;
if (pinst->avistream.dwQuality == ICQUALITY_DEFAULT) { pinst->avistream.dwQuality = ICGetDefaultQuality(pinst->hic); }
** get info about this compressor */ ICGetInfo(pinst->hic,&icinfo,sizeof(icinfo));
pinst->dwICFlags = icinfo.dwFlags;
if (lpOpt->dwFlags & AVICOMPRESSF_KEYFRAMES) pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery = lpOpt->dwKeyFrameEvery; else pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery = 1;
if (!(icinfo.dwFlags & VIDCF_TEMPORAL)) pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery = 1; // compressor doesn't do temporal
if (lpOpt->dwFlags & AVICOMPRESSF_DATARATE) pinst->dwMaxSize = muldiv32(lpOpt->dwBytesPerSecond, pinst->avistream.dwScale, pinst->avistream.dwRate); else pinst->dwMaxSize = 0;
iccf.lpbiOutput = pinst->lpbiC; iccf.lOutput = 0;
iccf.lpbiInput = pinst->lpbiU; iccf.lInput = 0;
iccf.lStartFrame = 0; iccf.lFrameCount = (LONG) pinst->avistream.dwLength;
iccf.lQuality = (LONG) pinst->avistream.dwQuality; iccf.lDataRate = (LONG) lpOpt->dwBytesPerSecond;
iccf.lKeyRate = (LONG) pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery;
iccf.dwRate = pinst->avistream.dwRate; iccf.dwScale = pinst->avistream.dwScale;
iccf.dwOverheadPerFrame = 0; iccf.dwReserved2 = 0; iccf.GetData = NULL; iccf.PutData = NULL;
dw = ICSendMessage(pinst->hic, ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO, (DWORD_PTR) (LPVOID) &iccf, sizeof(iccf));
// If they support this message, don't give
// warning for data rate!
if (dw == ICERR_OK) { DPF("Compressor supports COMPRESSFRAMESINFO\n"); // !!! fDataRateChanged = TRUE;
ICSetStatusProc(pinst->hic, 0, pinst, CompressStatusProc); #endif
exit: if (lRet != AVIERR_OK) { // Clean up before returning...
return ResultFromScode(lRet); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVICmpStream::CUnknownImpl::Release() { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
uUseCount--; if (!--m_refs) { if (pinst->hic) { ICCompressEnd(pinst->hic);
if (pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery != 1 && pinst->lpbiU) ICDecompressEnd(pinst->hic);
if (pinst->lpbiU) GlobalFreePtr((LPVOID) pinst->lpbiU);
if (pinst->lpbiC) GlobalFreePtr((LPVOID) pinst->lpbiC);
ICClose(pinst->hic); }
if (pinst->pgf) { AVIStreamGetFrameClose(pinst->pgf); pinst->pgf = 0; }
if (pinst->pavi) { // Release our hold on the uncompressed stream....
AVIStreamClose(pinst->pavi); }
if (pinst->lpFormat) GlobalFreePtr(pinst->lpFormat);
if (pinst->lpFormatOrig) GlobalFreePtr(pinst->lpFormatOrig);
delete pinst; return 0; }
return m_refs; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Info(AVISTREAMINFOW FAR * psi, LONG lSize) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
hmemcpy(psi, &pinst->avistream, min(lSize, sizeof(pinst->avistream)));
// return sizeof(pinst->avistream);
return ResultFromScode(0); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Read( LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer, LONG FAR * plBytes, LONG FAR * plSamples) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; LONG lRet;
if (!pinst->pgf) { HRESULT hr; hr = pinst->SetUpCompression();
if (hr != NOERROR) return hr; }
if (pinst->hic == 0) { lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) AVIStreamGetFrame(pinst->pgf, lStart);
if (!lpbi) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
if (plBytes) *plBytes = lpbi->biSizeImage;
if (lpBuffer) { if ((LONG) lpbi->biSizeImage > cbBuffer) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); hmemcpy(lpBuffer, DIBPTR(lpbi), min((DWORD) cbBuffer, lpbi->biSizeImage)); }
if (plSamples) *plSamples = 1;
return AVIERR_OK; }
if (lStart < pinst->lFrameCurrent) pinst->ResetInst();
while (pinst->lFrameCurrent < lStart) { ++pinst->lFrameCurrent;
lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) AVIStreamGetFrame(pinst->pgf, pinst->lFrameCurrent);
if (lpbi == NULL) { pinst->ResetInst(); // Make sure we don't assume anything
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_INTERNAL); } // !!! Check if format has changed!
lRet = pinst->ICCrunch(lpbi, DIBPTR(lpbi)); if (lRet != AVIERR_OK) { pinst->ResetInst(); // Make sure we don't assume anything
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_INTERNAL); // !!! error < 0.
} }
if (plBytes) *plBytes = pinst->lpbiC->biSizeImage;
if (lpBuffer) { if ((LONG) pinst->lpbiC->biSizeImage > cbBuffer) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); hmemcpy(lpBuffer, pinst->lpC, min((DWORD) cbBuffer, pinst->lpbiC->biSizeImage)); }
if (plSamples) *plSamples = 1;
return AVIERR_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::FindSample(LONG lPos, LONG lFlags) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream; if (lFlags & FIND_KEY) { if (pinst->hic == 0) return lPos; if (lFlags & FIND_PREV) { /* If the frame they're asking about isn't the one we have,
** we have to go actually do the work and find out. */ if (lPos < pinst->lLastKeyFrame || lPos > pinst->lFrameCurrent) Read(lPos, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
return pinst->lLastKeyFrame; } else { return -1; // !!! Find Next KeyFrame
} } if (lFlags & FIND_ANY) { return lPos; } if (lFlags & FIND_FORMAT) { // !!! This is wrong in the case where we're compressing something
// with a palette change and the compressor preserves it....
if (lFlags & FIND_PREV) return 0; else return -1; }
return -1;
// ICCrunch()
// crunch a frame and make it fit into the specifed size, by varing the
// quality. the suplied quality is the upper bound.
// if the compressor can crunch, then let it crunch
// if the compressor does quality, then vary the quality
// if the compressor does not do quality, then the caller gets what
// ever it will do.
// The frame to be compressed is passed in in lpbi.
// The compressed frame can be found in the lpC member variable....
LONG CAVICmpStream::ICCrunch(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPVOID lp) { DWORD dw; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwSize; DWORD ckid; DWORD dwQuality = avistream.dwQuality; DWORD dwQualityMin; DWORD dwQualityMax; DWORD dwMaxSizeThisFrame; DWORD dwSizeMin; DWORD dwSizeMax; BOOL fKeyFrame=FALSE; BOOL fFastTemporal = (dwICFlags & VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC) != 0; BOOL fCrunch; /* are we crunching? */ BOOL fFirst=TRUE;
dwMaxSizeThisFrame = dwMaxSize;
if (lFrameCurrent == 0 || (dwKeyFrameEvery != 0 && lFrameCurrent - lLastKeyFrame >= (long)dwKeyFrameEvery)) { fKeyFrame = TRUE; }
// give the key frames more space, and take some away from the
// non key frames.
// give the key frame two shares, assuming we have more frames to
// go around.
if (dwKeyFrameEvery > 0) { if (lFrameCurrent == 0) { dwMaxSizeThisFrame = 0xffffff; } else if (fKeyFrame) { dwMaxSizeThisFrame = dwMaxSizeThisFrame + dwSaved; dwSaved = 0; } else { DWORD dwTakeAway;
dwTakeAway = dwMaxSizeThisFrame / dwKeyFrameEvery; if (dwSaved > dwMaxSizeThisFrame) dwTakeAway = 0; dwMaxSizeThisFrame -= dwTakeAway; dwSaved += dwTakeAway;
/* Try to give a little extra space to each frame */ dwMaxSizeThisFrame += dwSaved / dwKeyFrameEvery; dwSaved -= dwSaved / dwKeyFrameEvery; } } else { // the only key frame is frame zero
if (lFrameCurrent == 0) dwMaxSizeThisFrame = 0xffffff; else { /* Give each frame whatever extra there is.... */ dwMaxSizeThisFrame += dwSaved; dwSaved = 0; } }
// if the device supports crunching or does not do quality we dont
// crunch.
fCrunch = dwMaxSizeThisFrame > 0 && !(dwICFlags & VIDCF_CRUNCH) && (dwICFlags & VIDCF_QUALITY);
////if (lFrameCurrent > 0 && fCrunch)
//// dwQuality = dwQualityLast;
DPF("ICCrunch: Frame %ld, Quality = %ld, MaxSize = %ld\n", lFrameCurrent, avistream.dwQuality, dwMaxSizeThisFrame);
dwQualityMin = 0; dwQualityMax = dwQuality;
dwSizeMin = 0; dwSizeMax = dwMaxSizeThisFrame;
for (;;) { ckid = 0L;
// This is NOT how we tell the compressor to make a keyframe, but
// somebody might think it is, so this is just to avoid the possibility
// of breaking an old compressor. Probably not necessary.
dwFlags = fKeyFrame ? AVIIF_KEYFRAME : 0;
// compress the frame
dw = ICCompress(hic, // THIS is how we tell the compressor to make a keyframe
fKeyFrame ? ICCOMPRESS_KEYFRAME : 0, // flags
lpbiC, // output format
lpC, // output data
lpbi, // format of frame to compress
lp, // frame data to compress
&ckid, // ckid for data in AVI file
&dwFlags, // flags in the AVI index.
lFrameCurrent, // frame number of seq.
dwMaxSizeThisFrame, // reqested size in bytes. (if non zero)
dwQuality, // quality value
fKeyFrame | fFastTemporal ? NULL : lpbiU, fKeyFrame | fFastTemporal ? NULL : lpU);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) break;
dwSize = lpbiC->biSizeImage;
DPF(" Quality = %ld, Size = %ld, %c\n", dwQuality, dwSize, (dwFlags & AVIIF_KEYFRAME) ? 'K' : ' ');
// if the device can't crunch (does not do it it self, or does not do
// quality) then we are done.
if (!fCrunch) break;
// we are crunching, see if the frame fit.
if (dwSize <= dwMaxSizeThisFrame) { dwQualityMin = dwQuality; dwSizeMin = dwSize;
// when the quality gets too close bail out.
if (dwQualityMax - dwQualityMin <= 10) break;
// if we get within 512 bytes it is good enough
if ((LONG) (dwMaxSizeThisFrame - dwSize) <= (LONG) min(512L, dwMaxSizeThisFrame / 8L)) break;
// if the first try, (with the user specifed quality) made it
// then use it. otherwise we need to search.
if (fFirst) break; } else { //
// when the quality gets too close bail out.
if (dwQualityMax - dwQualityMin <= 1) break;
dwQualityMax = dwQuality; dwSizeMax = dwSize; }
if (fFirst && dwQuality != dwQualityLast) dwQuality = dwQualityLast; else dwQuality = (dwQualityMin + dwQualityMax) / 2;
#if 0
// make a guess based on how close we are now.
dwQuality = dwQualityMin + muldiv32(dwQualityMax-dwQualityMin, dwMaxSizeThisFrame-dwSizeMin,dwSizeMax-dwSizeMin); #endif
fFirst = FALSE; }
#if 0
/* If this wasn't the first frame, save up any extra space for later */ if (dwSize < dwMaxSizeThisFrame && lFrameCurrent > 0) { dwSaved += dwMaxSizeThisFrame - dwSize;
// HACK: limit this, so it doesn't get too big!!!
if (dwSaved > 32768L) dwSaved = 32768L; if (dwSaved > dwMaxSizeThisFrame * 5) dwSaved = dwMaxSizeThisFrame * 5; } #endif
if (dw != ICERR_OK) { if (dw == ICERR_BADFORMAT) return AVIERR_BADFORMAT; else return AVIERR_INTERNAL; }
if (dwFlags & AVIIF_KEYFRAME) { lLastKeyFrame = lFrameCurrent; }
// remember the quality that worked, it will be the best guess next time.
dwQualityLast = dwQuality;
// decompress the image into the offscreen buffer, for use next time.
if (dwKeyFrameEvery != 1 && lpbiU && !fFastTemporal) { dw = ICDecompress(hic, 0, lpbiC,lpC, lpbiU,lpU);
// !!! error check?
// return the dwFlags and ckid, by stuffing them in the stream info.
m_ckid = ckid; m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
return AVIERR_OK; }
* @doc INTERNAL DRAWDIB * * @api BOOL | DibEq | This function compares two dibs. * * @parm LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi1 | Pointer to one bitmap. * this DIB is assumed to have the colors after the BITMAPINFOHEADER * * @parm LPBITMAPINFOHEADER | lpbi2 | Pointer to second bitmap. * this DIB is assumed to have the colors after biSize bytes. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE if bitmaps are identical, FALSE otherwise. * **************************************************************************/ static inline BOOL DibEq(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi1, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi2) { return lpbi1->biCompression == lpbi2->biCompression && lpbi1->biSize == lpbi2->biSize && lpbi1->biWidth == lpbi2->biWidth && lpbi1->biHeight == lpbi2->biHeight && lpbi1->biBitCount == lpbi2->biBitCount; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::SetFormat(LONG lPos,LPVOID lpFormat,LONG cbFormat) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
if (pinst->pgf) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); if (lpbi->biCompression != BI_RGB) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
if (pinst->avistream.fccHandler == 0) pinst->avistream.fccHandler = comptypeDIB;
if (pinst->lpFormatOrig) { if ((cbFormat = pinst->cbFormatOrig) && (_fmemcmp(pinst->lpFormatOrig, lpFormat, (int) cbFormat) == 0)) return AVIERR_OK;
DPF("AVICmprs: SetFormat when format already set!\n"); }
// Can only currently set the palette at the end of the file
if (lPos < (LONG) (pinst->avistream.dwStart + pinst->avistream.dwLength)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
if (pinst->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeDIB) { return AVIStreamSetFormat(pinst->pavi, lPos, lpFormat, cbFormat); }
if (pinst->lpFormatOrig) { //
// We can only change the palette for things with palettes....
if (lpbi->biBitCount > 8 || lpbi->biClrUsed == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
// Be sure only the palette is changing, nothing else....
if (cbFormat != pinst->cbFormatOrig) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
if (!DibEq((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) lpFormat, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) pinst->lpFormatOrig)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
dw = ICCompressGetFormat(pinst->hic, lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat); if ((LONG) dw < 0) goto ic_error;
ICCompressEnd(pinst->hic); dw = ICCompressBegin(pinst->hic, lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) goto ic_error;
if (pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery != 1 && pinst->lpbiU && !(pinst->dwICFlags & VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC)) { ICDecompressEnd(pinst->hic);
dw = ICDecompressGetFormat(pinst->hic, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->lpbiU);
if ((LONG) dw < 0) goto ic_error;
dw = ICDecompressBegin(pinst->hic, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->lpbiU);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) goto ic_error; }
goto setformatandexit; }
pinst->lpFormatOrig = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, cbFormat); pinst->cbFormatOrig = cbFormat;
if (!pinst->lpFormatOrig) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
hmemcpy(pinst->lpFormatOrig, lpFormat, cbFormat);
** get the size required to hold the format. ** if the compressor fails return an error */ dw = ICCompressGetFormatSize(pinst->hic, lpFormat); if ((LONG) dw < (LONG)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) goto ic_error;
pinst->cbFormat = (DWORD) dw; pinst->lpFormat = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, pinst->cbFormat); if (!pinst->lpFormat) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
** get the compressed format from the compressor. */ dw = ICCompressGetFormat(pinst->hic, lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat); if ((LONG) dw < 0) goto ic_error;
pinst->avistream.rcFrame.right = pinst->avistream.rcFrame.left + (int) pinst->lpFormat->biWidth; pinst->avistream.rcFrame.bottom = pinst->avistream.rcFrame.top + (int) pinst->lpFormat->biHeight;
dw = ICCompressBegin(pinst->hic, lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) goto ic_error;
** allocate buffer to hold compressed data. */ dw = ICCompressGetSize(pinst->hic, lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat);
pinst->lpbiC = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, pinst->cbFormat + dw);
if (!pinst->lpbiC) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
hmemcpy((LPVOID)pinst->lpbiC, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->cbFormat);
pinst->lpC = (LPBYTE) pinst->lpbiC + pinst->lpbiC->biSize + pinst->lpbiC->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); //
// check for temporal compress, and allocate a previous
// DIB buffer if needed
if (pinst->dwKeyFrameEvery != 1 && !(pinst->dwICFlags & VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC)) { pinst->lpbiU = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
if (!pinst->lpbiU) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
dw = ICDecompressGetFormat(pinst->hic, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->lpbiU);
if ((LONG) dw < 0) goto ic_error;
if (pinst->lpbiU->biSizeImage == 0) pinst->lpbiU->biSizeImage = pinst->lpbiU->biHeight * DIBWIDTHBYTES(*pinst->lpbiU);
pinst->lpbiU = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalReAllocPtr(pinst->lpbiU, pinst->lpbiU->biSize + pinst->lpbiU->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + pinst->lpbiU->biSizeImage, GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE);
if (!pinst->lpbiU) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
pinst->lpU = (LPBYTE) pinst->lpbiU + pinst->lpbiU->biSize + pinst->lpbiU->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); dw = ICDecompressBegin(pinst->hic, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->lpbiU);
if (dw != ICERR_OK) goto ic_error; }
setformatandexit: hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(pinst->pavi, lPos, pinst->lpFormat, pinst->cbFormat);
if (hr != NOERROR) return hr;
exit: if (lRet != AVIERR_OK) { // Clean up before returning...
return ResultFromScode(lRet);
ic_error: if (dw == ICERR_BADFORMAT) lRet = AVIERR_BADFORMAT; else if (dw == ICERR_MEMORY) lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; else lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Write(LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer, DWORD dwFlags, LONG FAR *plSampWritten, LONG FAR *plBytesWritten) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
LONG lRet;
if (pinst->pgf) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); if (lStart < (LONG) (pinst->avistream.dwStart + pinst->avistream.dwLength)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
if (lSamples > 1) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
pinst->lFrameCurrent = lStart;
if (pinst->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeDIB) { // !!! Check here that the frame is the right size....
dwFlags |= AVIIF_KEYFRAME; } else { lRet = pinst->ICCrunch(pinst->lpFormatOrig, lpBuffer); if (lRet != AVIERR_OK) return ResultFromScode(lRet); lpBuffer = pinst->lpC; cbBuffer = pinst->lpbiC->biSizeImage; dwFlags = pinst->lLastKeyFrame == lStart ? AVIIF_KEYFRAME : 0; }
return AVIStreamWrite(pinst->pavi, lStart, lSamples, lpBuffer, cbBuffer, dwFlags, plSampWritten, plBytesWritten); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Delete(LONG lStart,LONG lSamples) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::ReadData(DWORD fcc, LPVOID lp, LONG FAR *lpcb) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
// Don't pass through 'strd' data!
if (fcc == ckidSTREAMHANDLERDATA) { if (pinst->cbHandler) { hmemcpy(lp, pinst->lpHandler, min(*lpcb, pinst->cbHandler)); } *lpcb = pinst->cbHandler; return AVIERR_OK; }
return AVIStreamReadData(pinst->pavi, fcc, lp, lpcb); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::WriteData(DWORD fcc, LPVOID lp, LONG cb) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
#if 0
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Clone(PAVISTREAM FAR * ppaviNew) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
#ifdef _WIN32
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::SetInfo(AVISTREAMINFOW FAR *lpInfo, LONG cbInfo) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Reserved1(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Reserved2(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Reserved3(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Reserved4(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::Reserved5(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } #endif
/* - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef _WIN32
static void C816InternalCompilerError(CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPVOID lpFormat, LONG cbFormat) { if (pinst->hic == 0) { pinst->cbFormat = lpbi->biSize + lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
if (lpFormat) hmemcpy(lpFormat, lpbi, min(cbFormat, (LONG) pinst->cbFormat)); } else { if (lpFormat) { hmemcpy(lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat, min(cbFormat, (LONG) pinst->cbFormat));
if (pinst->lpFormat->biClrUsed > 0) { // Make sure we have the right colors!
// !!! This is bad--We may need to restart the compressor...
hmemcpy((LPBYTE) lpFormat + pinst->lpFormat->biSize, (LPBYTE) lpbi + lpbi->biSize, pinst->lpFormat->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); } } } } #endif
STDMETHODIMP CAVICmpStream::CAVICmpStreamImpl::ReadFormat(LONG lPos, LPVOID lpFormat, LONG FAR *lpcbFormat) { CAVICmpStream FAR * pinst = m_pAVIStream;
if (!pinst->pgf) { HRESULT hr; hr = pinst->SetUpCompression();
if (hr != NOERROR) return hr; }
lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) AVIStreamGetFrame(pinst->pgf, lPos);
if (!lpbi) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY); #ifdef _WIN32
if (pinst->hic == 0) { pinst->cbFormat = lpbi->biSize + lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
if (lpFormat) hmemcpy(lpFormat, lpbi, min(*lpcbFormat, (LONG) pinst->cbFormat)); } else { if (lpFormat) { hmemcpy(lpFormat, pinst->lpFormat, min(*lpcbFormat, (LONG) pinst->cbFormat));
if (pinst->lpFormat->biClrUsed > 0) { // Make sure we have the right colors!
// !!! This is bad--We may need to restart the compressor...
hmemcpy((LPBYTE) lpFormat + pinst->lpFormat->biSize, (LPBYTE) lpbi + lpbi->biSize, pinst->lpFormat->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); } } } #else
::C816InternalCompilerError(pinst, lpbi, lpFormat, *lpcbFormat); #endif
*lpcbFormat = pinst->cbFormat; return AVIERR_OK; }