#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <win32.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <vfw.h>
#include "aviview.h"
#include "audplay.h"
#include "aviplay.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
extern void FAR CDECL dprintf(LPSTR, ...); #define DPF dprintf
#define DPF2 / ## /
#define DPF3 / ## /
#define DPF / ## /
#define DPF2 / ## /
#define DPF3 / ## /
#define ProfBegin() ProfClear(); ProfSampRate(5,1); ProfStart();
#define ProfEnd() ProfStop(); ProfFlush();
#define FillR(hdc, x, y, dx, dy, rgb) \
SetBkColor(hdc, rgb); \ SetRect(&rc, x, y, x+dx, y+dy); \ ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, NULL, 0, NULL);
// Why is this necessary?
#define HPBYTE BYTE huge *
// !!! All of this is out of thin air
#define AUD_BUFFERS_MAX_SIZE 4096L // never read > this many bytes
#define YIELD_WAIT_TIME 150
#define READ_WAIT_TIME 150
#define DRAW_WAIT_TIME 150
#ifndef WIN32
extern LONG FAR PASCAL muldiv32(LONG, LONG, LONG); #endif
extern BOOL gfCheat, gfDecompress; // do we cheat? does our queue hold
// compressed/decompressed data?
extern BOOL gfYieldBound, gfReadBound; // pretend to be these things?
extern BOOL gfDecompressBound, gfDrawBound;
static LPVOID AllocMem(DWORD dw);
// useful macros
#define ALIGNULONG(i) ((i+3)&(~3)) /* ULONG aligned ! */
#define WIDTHBYTES(i) ((unsigned)((i+31)&(~31))/8) /* ULONG aligned ! */
#define DIBWIDTHBYTES(bi) (int)WIDTHBYTES((int)(bi).biWidth * (int)(bi).biBitCount)
#define DIBPTR(lpbi) ((LPBYTE)(lpbi) + \
(int)(lpbi)->biSize + \ (int)(lpbi)->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD) )
extern BOOL gfPlaying; // are we playing?
extern HWND ghwndApp; extern HACCEL ghAccel;
// for DPF's
int Skip, Jump, Empty, Cheat; LONG frPlayed, frStart; BOOL fAudioBroke;
// Decide whether or not you want the profiler running
#define PROFILE
#ifdef PROFILE
#define TIME(x) \
LONG time ## x, cnt ## x;
#define ZERO(x) \
time ## x = 0, cnt ## x = 0
#define START(x) \
time ## x -= (LONG)timeGetTime()
#define END(x) \
(time ## x += (LONG)timeGetTime()), cnt ## x ++ #else
#define TIME(x)
#define ZERO(x)
#define START(x)
#define END(x)
TIME(Total); // for profiling
TIME(Other); TIME(Time); TIME(Key); TIME(Read); TIME(Copy); TIME(Draw); TIME(Audio); TIME(Decomp); TIME(Yield); TIME(Free);
// wFlags in Q structure
typedef struct { HWAVEOUT hWaveOut; WAVEHDR wavehdr[NUM_WAVE_HEADERS]; BOOL fBusy[NUM_WAVE_HEADERS]; // waiting for WHDR_DONE
typedef struct _QENTRY { LONG start; // first TIME!!! sample number in our buffer
LONG length; // number of samples in our buffer
LONG size; // length in bytes of the buffer
struct _QENTRY huge *next; // where to find the next bunch of data
// after struct comes the compressed data from the stream
typedef struct { PAVISTREAM pavi; // stream we'll read from
DWORD fccType;// what kind of stream is this? (eg. streamtypeVIDEO)
DWORD dwSampleSize; // 0 if samples are variable length
HIC hic; // a compressor that can decompress the stream
LPVOID lpfmtIn; // format of the compressed data in the stream
LPVOID lpfmtOut; // decompressed format stored in queue
LPVOID lpRender; // handle to rendering information
LONG timeStart; // the time when the stream started playing
LONG sampleStart; // the first sample number we played
LONG streamEnd; // the last sample in the stream
HPBYTE buffer; // points to the beginning of the buffer
LONG bufsize; // size of buffer
LONG buffree; // how many of these bytes are free?
HPQENTRY head; // where next chunk from disk is written
HPQENTRY tail; // other end of queue - start of real data
HPQENTRY read; // where render will read from to get data
HPQENTRY recent; // last thing read into the q (to update ->next)
int count; // how many chunks of junk in the queue?
int countR; // how many of them haven't started rendering?
long pos; // which sample we'll start reading next
DWORD dwSampPerRead; // How many samples to read at a time
HPBYTE lpBitsIn; // buffer for a stream read
LONG cbBitsIn; // size of buffer
LONG cbBitsInUsed; // amount of data read into buffer
BOOL fBitsInReady; // does this buffer have frame data in it?
LONG lBitsInSample; // 1st sample in the buffer
typedef struct { int count; LPQUEUE queue[MAXNUMSTREAMS]; } AVIQUEUE, *PAVIQUEUE, far *LPAVIQUEUE;
// global - for aviTime()
/***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /***** INTERNAL FUNCTIONS THAT KNOW ABOUT SPECIFIC STREAM TYPES **********/ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/
// Wait the specified number of milliseconds
void NEAR PASCAL Wait(LONG msec) { LONG l;
l = timeGetTime(); while ((LONG)timeGetTime() < l + msec); return; }
// Determine if the given stream is compressed.
BOOL NEAR qIsCompressed(LPQUEUE q) { if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { // If we want DRAWDIB to decompress for us, just pretend we're
// not comrpressed!
return gfDecompress && ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)->biCompression != BI_RGB; } else { return FALSE; // !!! decompression is pretty video specific now.
} }
// Return how much space it will take to decompress the given bits
LONG NEAR qDecompressedSize(LPQUEUE q, HPBYTE hp, LONG cb) { if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { if (qIsCompressed(q)) return ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtOut)->biSizeImage; else return cb; } else { return cb; // it's not compressed
} }
// Locate and return the HIC of a compressor that can decompress the given
// type of format from the given type of stream.
// This will return the output format that it will decompress into.
HIC NEAR qLocate(LPQUEUE q, LPVOID FAR *lplpfmtOut) { DWORD fccHandler; HIC hic; LONG cb;
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) {
if (lplpfmtOut == NULL) return NULL;
// ICM won't search for compressors to decompress BI_RLE8.
// We need to provide the handler of a known decompressor that comes
// with our AVIFile read API code. !!! HACK
if (((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)->biCompression == BI_RLE8) fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('R','L','E',' '); else fccHandler = 0;
// trust that the default format to decompress to is something usable
hic = ICLocate(ICTYPE_VIDEO, fccHandler, q->lpfmtIn, NULL, ICMODE_DECOMPRESS); if (hic == NULL) return NULL;
// get ready for the Decompress calls we'll be making later
*lplpfmtOut = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); if (*lplpfmtOut == NULL) { ICClose(hic); return NULL; }
//!!! pass the size of the video so it knows whether to dither or not.
// Making it stretch the dither will look ugly!
ICGetDisplayFormat(hic, q->lpfmtIn, *lplpfmtOut, 0, 0, 0); // !!! ICM bug... biSizeImage is not set right by ICGetDisplayFormat
// Luckily I happen to know it's uncompressed and can set it myself
} else { hic = NULL;
if (hic) { // get ready for the Decompress calls we'll be making later
cb = ICDecompressGetFormatSize(hic, q->lpfmtIn); *lplpfmtOut = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, cb); if (*lplpfmtOut == NULL) { ICClose(hic); return NULL; } ICDecompressGetFormat(hic, q->lpfmtIn, *lplpfmtOut); } }
return hic; }
// Set flags specific to the type of data we're handling.
WORD NEAR qSetFlags(LPQUEUE q) { ICINFO icinfo; WORD wFlags = 0;
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { // Figure out if we can do fast temporal compression or not.
// (Do we need to decompress on top of the previous frame?)
if (q->hic) { ICGetInfo(q->hic, &icinfo, sizeof(ICINFO)); if (icinfo.dwFlags & VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALD) wFlags |= FAST_TEMPORAL; } }
q->wFlags = wFlags; return wFlags; }
// Pick an arbitrary size to make the buffer in the queue
BOOL NEAR qBufferStuff(LPQUEUE q) { LONG cb;
// !!! Pick a better size for our video queue?
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { if (q->lpfmtOut) { // stream is compressed, use uncompressed size
cb = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)(q->lpfmtOut))->biSizeImage; q->bufsize = cb * NUM_VID_BUFFERS + NUM_VID_BUFFERS *sizeof(QENTRY); } else { // stream is not compressed, use input size
cb = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)(q->lpfmtIn))->biSizeImage; q->bufsize = cb * NUM_VID_BUFFERS + NUM_VID_BUFFERS *sizeof(QENTRY); } q->dwSampPerRead = 1; q->buffree = q->bufsize;
// We want n reads of Audio to exactly fill the buffer so no space is wasted
// and we'll never waste time trying to read into buffers that are too small
} else if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) { if (q->dwSampleSize == 0) { DPF("***********ASSERT! Audio has variable sample size!"); } q->dwSampPerRead = AUD_BUFFERS_MAX_SIZE / q->dwSampleSize; cb = AUD_BUFFERS_MAX_SIZE; q->bufsize = cb * NUM_WAVE_HEADERS + NUM_WAVE_HEADERS * sizeof(QENTRY); q->buffree = q->bufsize;
} else { cb = 0; q->dwSampPerRead = 0; q->bufsize = 0; q->buffree = q->bufsize;
// Make a buffer to read the stream data into. Unfortunately, I have
// no good way of knowing how big the buffer needs to be. I can't
// re-alloc it bigger while we're playing if my guess is wrong (not
// enough time). Hopefully 3/2 the uncompressed size is big enough
// Use DOS Memory for speed
q->fBitsInReady = FALSE; q->cbBitsInUsed = 0; q->cbBitsIn = cb * 3 / 2; q->lpBitsIn = AllocMem(cb * 3 / 2); // !!! What is the real size?
if (q->lpBitsIn == NULL) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
// Return the decompressed format
LPVOID NEAR qFmt(LPQUEUE q) { // If we're decompressing, we know it already
if (qIsCompressed(q)) return q->lpfmtOut; // If not, it's the same as the input format
else { return q->lpfmtIn; } }
// !!! ouch
BOOL NEAR qRender(LPQUEUE q, LPVOID lpBits, LONG cbBits, BOOL fRender) { #define VidRender ((LPVIDEORENDER)q->lpRender)
#define AudRender ((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { RECT rc = VidRender->rc; WORD wFlags = DDF_SAME_HDC | DDF_SAME_DRAW;
if (lpBits == NULL) return FALSE;
// We don't want to draw this, but the decompressor needs to see it
// (eg. for temporal compression)
if (!fRender) wFlags |= DDF_DONTDRAW;
START(Draw); DrawDibDraw(VidRender->hdd, VidRender->hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, VidRender->lpbi, lpBits, 0, 0, -1, -1, wFlags); if (fRender) qEat(q); // we're done with this right away - remove w/o render
if (!gfDecompress && gfDecompressBound) Wait(DECOMPRESS_WAIT_TIME); if (gfDrawBound) Wait(DRAW_WAIT_TIME); DPF3("DRAW: Rendered a video frame"); END(Draw);
return TRUE;
} else if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) { BOOL f = FALSE; int i; UINT w;
START(Audio); //
// First of all, free up any buffers from the queue that are done
// !!! Assumes they come back in the order they were sent
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WAVE_HEADERS; i++) { if (AudRender->fBusy[i] && (AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwFlags & WHDR_DONE)) { DPF3("AUDIO: Wave Buffer %d freed", i); qEat(q); // remove from queue - without rendering it
AudRender->fBusy[i] = FALSE; } }
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WAVE_HEADERS; i++) { if (!(AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwFlags & WHDR_DONE)) break; } if (i == NUM_WAVE_HEADERS && !fAudioBroke && q->pos < AVIStreamEnd(q->pavi)) { DPF("AUDIO: ************** AUDIO BROKE!!! ***************"); fAudioBroke = TRUE; }
if (!lpBits || !fRender) { DPF3("AUDIO: No bits to render"); END(Audio); return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WAVE_HEADERS; i++) { if ((AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwFlags & WHDR_DONE) && AudRender->hWaveOut) { AudRender->wavehdr[i].lpData = lpBits; AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwBufferLength = cbBits; AudRender->fBusy[i] = TRUE; w = waveOutWrite(AudRender->hWaveOut, &AudRender->wavehdr[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); f = TRUE; DPF3("AUDIO: Wrote audio buffer %d", i);
// We used some data - advance the read pointer so the next
// read will give us new wave data
break; }
} if (i == NUM_WAVE_HEADERS) { // braces necessary
DPF3("AUDIO: Can't render - no free buffers"); }
END(Audio); return f; } else { return FALSE; } }
void NEAR qRenderFini(LPQUEUE q) { #define VidRender ((LPVIDEORENDER)q->lpRender)
#define AudRender ((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)
int i; UINT w;
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { SelectPalette(VidRender->hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE), FALSE); RealizePalette(VidRender->hdc);
DrawDibClose(VidRender->hdd); ReleaseDC(VidRender->hwnd, VidRender->hdc);
} else if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) {
if (AudRender->hWaveOut) { w = waveOutReset(AudRender->hWaveOut); for (i = 0; i < NUM_WAVE_HEADERS; i++) { // set these back to what they were when we prepared them
AudRender->wavehdr[i].lpData = (LPBYTE) q->buffer; AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwBufferLength = q->bufsize; waveOutUnprepareHeader(AudRender->hWaveOut, &AudRender->wavehdr[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } w = waveOutClose(AudRender->hWaveOut); }
} else { } }
BOOL NEAR qRenderInit(LPQUEUE q, HWND hwnd, RECT rc) { #define VidRender ((LPVIDEORENDER)q->lpRender)
#define AudRender ((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)
int i; UINT w;
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { LPVOID lpfmt = qFmt(q);
VidRender = (LPVIDEORENDER)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(VIDEORENDER)); if (VidRender == NULL) return FALSE;
VidRender->hwnd = hwnd; VidRender->hdc = GetDC(hwnd); VidRender->lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpfmt; VidRender->hdd = DrawDibOpen(); VidRender->rc = rc;
// !!! Error code?
DrawDibBegin(VidRender->hdd, VidRender->hdc, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, VidRender->lpbi, (int)VidRender->lpbi->biWidth, (int)VidRender->lpbi->biHeight, 0);
DrawDibRealize(VidRender->hdd, VidRender->hdc, FALSE);
q->timeStart = timeGetTime(); // start the clock
return TRUE;
} else if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) {
AudRender = (LPAUDIORENDER)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(AUDIORENDER)); if (AudRender == NULL) return FALSE;
w = waveOutOpen(&AudRender->hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, q->lpfmtIn, 0, 0L, 0); if (w) { // close the device and try once more before giving up
// !!! Hack for known bugs in other people's stuff
LPWAVEFORMAT lpwf = q->lpfmtIn; if (lpwf->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { lpwf->nAvgBytesPerSec = lpwf->nSamplesPerSec*lpwf->nBlockAlign; }
sndPlaySound(NULL, 0); w = waveOutOpen(&AudRender->hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, q->lpfmtIn, 0, 0L, 0); } if (w) { DPF("AUDIO: *************Cannot open the wave device"); AudRender->hWaveOut = NULL; // paranoia?
return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_WAVE_HEADERS; i++) { AudRender->fBusy[i] = FALSE; // not outstanding
AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwFlags = 0; AudRender->wavehdr[i].lpData = (LPBYTE) q->buffer; AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwBufferLength = q->bufsize; if (waveOutPrepareHeader(AudRender->hWaveOut,&AudRender->wavehdr[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR))) { DPF("AUDIO: *************Cannot prepare header %d", i); qRenderFini(q); return FALSE; } AudRender->wavehdr[i].dwFlags |= WHDR_DONE; // nuked by Prepare
// Pause for now so we can start instantly by un-pausing
// we must pre-stuff our audio wave buffers with all the data we have
// so that whenever a buffer is free we know it's because it's done with
// some more data
// !!! If we have more wavebuffers than data, the leftovers will think
// !!! that they've completed and destroy some audio!
while (qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE)); //don't remove from Q
q->timeStart = timeGetTime(); // start the clock
return TRUE; } else { return 0; } }
/***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /************* END OF SPECIFIC STREAM TYPE FUNCTIONS ********************/ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/
// Determine if a queue is getting low on data.
// Returns the percentage of queue buffer space that is full.
int NEAR qStarved(LPQUEUE q) { int i;
i = (int)(100L - (q->buffree * 100L / q->bufsize)); DPF3("STARVED: %ld%%", i); return i; }
// Shut down the queueing system
void NEAR PASCAL qFini(LPQUEUE q) { if (q->lpfmtIn) GlobalFreePtr(q->lpfmtIn); q->lpfmtIn = NULL;
if (q->hic) { ICDecompressEnd(q->hic); ICClose(q->hic);
if (q->lpfmtOut) GlobalFreePtr(q->lpfmtOut); q->lpfmtOut = NULL; } q->hic = NULL;
if (q->lpBitsIn) GlobalFreePtr(q->lpBitsIn); q->lpBitsIn = NULL;
if (q->buffer) GlobalFreePtr(q->buffer); q->buffer = NULL; q->head = q->tail = q->read = NULL; }
// initialize the queueing system
if (q == NULL) return FALSE;
q->pavi = pavi; q->lpfmtIn = q->lpfmtOut = NULL; q->buffer = q->lpBitsIn = NULL; q->recent = NULL; q->hic = NULL;
if (pavi == NULL) return FALSE;
if (AVIStreamInfo(pavi, &avis, sizeof(avis)) != AVIERR_OK) goto qInitError; q->fccType = avis.fccType; q->dwSampleSize = avis.dwSampleSize;
// Get the format of the compressed data from the stream
AVIStreamReadFormat(pavi, AVIStreamStart(pavi), NULL, &cb); q->lpfmtIn = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, cb); if (q->lpfmtIn == NULL) goto qInitError; AVIStreamReadFormat(pavi, 0, q->lpfmtIn, &cb);
// Maybe we haven't been given the size of a compressed image. Fix it.
if (((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)->biSizeImage == 0) ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)->biSizeImage = avis.dwSuggestedBufferSize; if (((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)->biSizeImage == 0) ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)->biSizeImage = 20000; // !!!
// Open a compressor that can decompress it
if (qIsCompressed(q)) {
// Find a decompressor and get the decompressed format
q->hic = qLocate(q, &(q->lpfmtOut)); if (q->hic == NULL) goto qInitError;
ICDecompressBegin(q->hic, q->lpfmtIn, q->lpfmtOut);
// Pick a buffer size, and the number of samples to read each time
// !!! Must have a valid output format before we call this.
if (!qBufferStuff(q)) goto qInitError;
// Queue starts empty, and is about to read the first sample
q->count = q->countR = 0; q->pos = q->sampleStart = AVIStreamStart(pavi); q->streamEnd = AVIStreamEnd(pavi);
q->buffer = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, q->bufsize); q->head = q->tail = q->read = (HPQENTRY)q->buffer; if (q->buffer == NULL) goto qInitError;
return TRUE;
qInitError: qFini(q); return FALSE; }
#if 0
// return the previous buffer of the queue
// !!! Even if the queue is empty, the old information is still there.
// Special case that we're at the beginning of the buffer
if (hp == q->buffer) return hp + (QSIZE - 1) * q->size; else return hp - q->size; } #endif
#define HeadBuf(q) (HPBYTE)((q)->head + 1)
#define TailBuf(q) (HPBYTE)((q)->tail + 1)
#define ReadBuf(q) (HPBYTE)((q)->read + 1)
#define BufEnd(q) (HPBYTE)((HPBYTE)((q)->buffer) + (q)->bufsize)
// Decompress the entry in our input buffer into the queue
BOOL NEAR qDecompress(LPQUEUE q) { LONG lBytesNeeded, lBytesFree; LONG lKey; BOOL fHack;
// Sometimes the RLE8 file has RGB frames in it and will blow if we
// try to decompress them.
// !!! fix RLEC so this hack is not needed!
#define qlpbi ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)q->lpfmtIn)
fHack = q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO && qlpbi->biCompression == BI_RLE8 && (LONG)(qlpbi->biSizeImage) == q->cbBitsInUsed;
lBytesNeeded = (qIsCompressed(q) && !fHack) ? qDecompressedSize(q, q->lpBitsIn, q->cbBitsInUsed) : q->cbBitsInUsed;
// How many contiguous bytes do we have left in the queue?
if ((HPBYTE)(q->tail) <= (HPBYTE)(q->head)) { lBytesFree = BufEnd(q) - HeadBuf(q); // If head and tail are equal - some special cases
if ((HPBYTE)(q->tail) == (HPBYTE)(q->head)) { if (q->count > 0) lBytesFree = 0; else { q->head = q->tail = q->read = (HPQENTRY)q->buffer; lBytesFree = BufEnd(q) - HeadBuf(q); } } } else { lBytesFree = (HPBYTE)(q->tail) - HeadBuf(q); }
// Not enough space in the queue to decompress this frame!
if (lBytesFree < lBytesNeeded) { // Did we fail because we're at the end of the queue? Then
// try reading into the beginning of the queue.
if ((HPBYTE)(q->head) > (HPBYTE)(q->tail) && (HPBYTE)(q->tail) != (HPBYTE)(q->buffer)) { q->head = (HPQENTRY)q->buffer; if (q->countR == 0) q->read = q->head; lBytesFree = (HPBYTE)(q->tail) - HeadBuf(q); } else { lBytesFree = 0; } }
// Still not enough space in the queue? Then the queue is really full
if (lBytesFree < lBytesNeeded) { DPF3("Q too full to decompress into"); return FALSE; }
// Now decompress the frame into our buffer
// If we're not compressed, we can do a straight copy.
if (fHack || !qIsCompressed(q)) { START(Copy); hmemcpy(HeadBuf(q), q->lpBitsIn, lBytesNeeded); END(Copy); } else {
// !!! This is kind of video specific, isn't it? What will decompressing
// audio look like?
START(Key); lKey = AVIStreamFindKeyFrame(q->pavi, q->lBitsInSample, 0); END(Key);
// We need to copy of the previous bits and decompress on top of them
// !!! This assumes the previous entry is the previous bits!
// !!! And that they're still there!
if (!(q->wFlags & FAST_TEMPORAL) && lKey != q->lBitsInSample && q->recent) { START(Copy); hmemcpy(HeadBuf(q), q->recent + 1, q->recent->size); END(Copy); }
START(Decomp); ICDecompress(q->hic, 0, q->lpfmtIn, q->lpBitsIn, q->lpfmtOut, HeadBuf(q)); if (gfDecompressBound) Wait(DECOMPRESS_WAIT_TIME); DPF3("DECOMPRESS: %ld --> %ld bytes", q->cbBitsInUsed, lBytesNeeded); END(Decomp); }
// Now recognize that less space is available in the queue
q->buffree -= lBytesNeeded + sizeof(QENTRY);
// Fix the link from the previous read to this one in case it's moved
if (q->recent && q->count) q->recent->next = q->head;
q->recent = q->head; q->head->start = q->pos; // !!! Audio picked it's own number of samples to read -- video read one
q->head->length = q->dwSampleSize ? lBytesNeeded / q->dwSampleSize : q->dwSampPerRead; q->head->size = lBytesNeeded;
q->head = (HPQENTRY)(HeadBuf(q) + lBytesNeeded);
if ((HPBYTE)(q->head) > BufEnd(q)) { DPF("*************Head went past Buffer End!"); }
if ((HPBYTE)(q->head) >= BufEnd(q)) q->head = (HPQENTRY)q->buffer;
// Initially, the block we just read in will say its next block will be
// wherever the new head is. This could change later.
q->recent->next = q->head;
q->pos += q->dwSampleSize ? lBytesNeeded / q->dwSampleSize : q->dwSampPerRead; q->count++; q->countR++; q->fBitsInReady = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// read something into the queue
// If there is already a compressed frame in the buffer, stuff it in the
// queue before reading another frame.
if (q->fBitsInReady) { DPF3("Purging a previous buffer"); f = qDecompress(q); } // The buffer is still full! I guess the queue was full. Bail.
if (q->fBitsInReady) { DPF3("Can't purge buffer!"); return FALSE; }
// Seems we're at the end of the stream! No more to read.
if (q->pos >= q->streamEnd) return FALSE;
START(Read); // For fixed sample sizes, read a "convenient" number of samples, ie.
// how ever many samples are left in this AVI chunk. Never read more than
// a certain amount, though.
if (q->dwSampleSize) { // !!! READ CONVENIENT NUMBER!!!
hRet = AVIStreamRead(q->pavi, q->pos, q->dwSampPerRead, q->lpBitsIn, min((DWORD)q->cbBitsIn, q->dwSampPerRead * q->dwSampleSize), &lBytesRead, NULL); // for variable length samples, just read normally whatever we'd decided
} else { hRet = AVIStreamRead(q->pavi, q->pos, q->dwSampPerRead, q->lpBitsIn, q->cbBitsIn, &lBytesRead, NULL); } if (gfReadBound) Wait(READ_WAIT_TIME); DPF3("READ: Read %ld bytes", lBytesRead); END(Read);
if (hRet == AVIERR_OK) { q->fBitsInReady = TRUE; q->cbBitsInUsed = lBytesRead; q->lBitsInSample = q->pos; } else { DPF("******************Stream read failed"); return FALSE; // uh oh! This shouldn't happen!
// Now decompress into the queue
return (f || qDecompress(q)); }
// Fill the entire queue
void NEAR qPrime(LPQUEUE q) // Preroll for clockwork people
{ while (qFill(q)) ; }
// Return the number of entries in the queue
int NEAR qCount(LPQUEUE q) { return q->count; }
// Return the lowest sample number in the queue that hasn't been rendered yet.
// If the queue is empty, it will return the next sample it will read, because
// it would then become the lowest sample in the queue.
LONG NEAR PASCAL qSample(LPQUEUE q) { if (q->countR == 0) return q->pos; else return q->read->start; }
// Return a pointer to the lowest sample in the queue that hasn't been
// rendered yet. Don't eat it out of the queue because it's still needed,
// and don't skip past it or anything.
LPVOID NEAR PASCAL qPeek(LPQUEUE q) { if (q->countR == 0) return NULL;
return ReadBuf(q); }
// Return the size of what qPeek() would return.
LONG NEAR PASCAL qPeekSize(LPQUEUE q) { if (q->countR == 0) return 0;
return q->read->size; }
// Return a pointer to the lowest sample in the queue. Don't eat it out of the
// queue because it's still needed, but subsequent Peeks will get newer data
if (q->countR == 0) return NULL;
lp = ReadBuf(q);
// We can't destroy this data yet... so don't move the tail
q->read = (HPQENTRY)(q->read->next); q->countR--;
// paranoia
if (q->countR == 0) q->read = q->head;
return lp; }
// return the Next sample that will be read into the queue.
long qPos(LPQUEUE q) { return q->pos; }
// Remove something from the queue without decompressing or remembering it.
// But pass it to the renderer in case it needs to see the bits (eg. temporal
// compression).
// !!! This code should be identical to qEat() except it renders!
if (q->count == 0) return FALSE;
// More space is now available in the queue
q->buffree += sizeof(QENTRY) + q->tail->size;
if (q->count == 1) { // Renderer may need to see the data even though we're skipping it
// (e.g. for temporal video compression)
qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), FALSE); // DON'T ACTUALLY RENDER
q->tail = q->read = q->head = (HPQENTRY)q->buffer; q->countR = 0; // !!! q->recent = NULL; // hmemcpy needs recent bits for non key frames
} else { qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), FALSE); // DON'T ACTUALLY RENDER
if (q->tail == q->read && q->countR) { q->countR--; q->read = (HPQENTRY)(q->tail->next); } q->tail = (HPQENTRY)(q->tail->next); }
if ((HPBYTE)(q->tail) >= BufEnd(q)) { DPF("******************Tail went past Buffer End!"); }
q->count--; return TRUE; }
// Remove the first thing in the queue, without sending it to the renderer first
// Returns whether or not anything was removed.
// !!! This code should be identical to qSkip() except it doesn't render!
if (q->count == 0) return FALSE;
// More space is now available in the queue
q->buffree += sizeof(QENTRY) + q->tail->size;
if (q->count == 1) { q->tail = q->read = q->head = (HPQENTRY)q->buffer; q->countR = 0; // !!! q->recent = NULL; // hmemcpy needs recent bits for non key frames
} else { if (q->tail == q->read && q->countR) { q->countR--; q->read = (HPQENTRY)(q->tail->next); } q->tail = (HPQENTRY)(q->tail->next); }
if ((HPBYTE)(q->tail) >= BufEnd(q)) { DPF("******************Tail went past Buffer End!"); }
return TRUE; }
// set the Next sample to be read into the queue using the time provided
void NEAR qSeek(LPQUEUE q, LONG pos) { // !!! Don't necessarily just empty the queue!
while (qEat(q)); // remove from queue without rendering
q->fBitsInReady = FALSE; // never bother to decompress this guy
// !!! Do something intelligent if they seek to something in the queue
// !!! already
if (pos < q->pos) { DPF("******************Seeking backwards!"); } q->pos = pos;
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) frPlayed = max(frPlayed, pos - 1); }
// Inform a stream what time it is.
void NEAR PASCAL qInformTime(LPQUEUE q, LONG time) { LONG fr, frNextKey, frPrevKey;
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { LONG frEnd;
// What frame of video should be showing?
fr = AVIStreamTimeToSample(q->pavi, time) + q->sampleStart; DPF2("VIDEO: Time for frame %ld", fr);
// Don't go past the end
frEnd = AVIStreamEnd(q->pavi); if (fr >= frEnd) return;
// for DPF's at end
frPlayed = max(frPlayed, fr);
// The earliest frame available is later in the movie, so we'll
// need to wait until we can draw something. (We're caught up).
if (qSample(q) > fr) { START(Free); DPF2("VIDEO: First available frame is %ld. Free time!", qSample(q)); qFill(q); // read at LEAST one no matter how full we are
END(Free); goto DontStarve; // !!! make sure we're aren't starving?
// the frame we want is not in the q at all, and not the next frame
// what should we do?
if (fr - qPos(q) > 0) {
START(Key); frPrevKey = AVIStreamFindKeyFrame(q->pavi, fr,SEARCH_BACKWARD); frNextKey = AVIStreamFindKeyFrame(q->pavi, fr, SEARCH_FORWARD); END(Key);
DPF2("VIDEO: Panic! qPos=%ld prev=%ld fr=%ld next=%ld",qPos(q),frPrevKey,fr,frNextKey);
// If the previous key frame is in the queue somewhere, let's
// draw it !!!
if (qCount(q) && frPrevKey >= qSample(q) && frPrevKey < qPos(q)) { while (qSample(q) < frPrevKey) { // find the prev key
qSkip(q); Skip++; // remember we skipped a frame
} if (qSample(q) == frPrevKey) { DPF2("VIDEO: Found PREV key %ld in queue", frPrevKey); qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE); // draw it
if (gfCheat) Cheat++; // not at exact time we wanted
} if (qCount(q) == 0) Empty++; }
// !!! Random if statement
if (frPrevKey >= qPos(q) && (fr - frPrevKey) <= (frNextKey - fr)) {
DPF2("VIDEO: Jumping %d to PREV key frame %ld", (int)(frPrevKey - qSample(q)), frPrevKey); Jump += (int)(frPrevKey - qSample(q)); Empty++; qSeek(q, frPrevKey); if (qFill(q)) { // get prev key frame
qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE); // draw it
if (fr != frPrevKey && gfCheat) Cheat++; // weren't supposed to draw now
} //qFill(q); // !!! waste of time?
return; // !!! goto DontStarve would waste time ???
} else if (frNextKey >= fr && frNextKey < frEnd) { DPF2("VIDEO: Jumping %d to NEXT key frame %ld", (int)(frNextKey - qSample(q)), frNextKey); Jump += (int)(frNextKey - qSample(q)); Empty++; if (frPrevKey >= qPos(q)) { qSeek(q, frPrevKey); if (qFill(q)) { // get prev key frame
qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE); // draw it
Jump -= 1; // we didn't jump this 1
if (gfCheat) Cheat++; } } qSeek(q, frNextKey); qFill(q); // put something in the empty queue
return; // !!! goto DontStarve ???
} else { // braces necessary
DPF2("VIDEO: Not jumping anywhere. End of movie"); } }
// The frame available is too early, get some more frames until we
// have the one we need.
while (!qCount(q) || qSample(q) < fr) { DPF2("VIDEO: We're behind! Count=%d, Available=%ld Want=%ld", qCount(q), qSample(q), fr);
if (qCount(q) == 0) { // get another sample if we're empty
Empty++; // remember we've been empty
DPF2("VIDEO: Queue is empty. Reading frame %ld, want frame %ld - SAME???", qPos(q), fr); if (!qFill(q)) { // don't get caught in endless loop
DPF("VIDEO: ********Assertion failure! Heading south!"); break; } continue; }
if (qSample(q) == fr - 1 && gfCheat) { // Cheat! If we only need to skip one frame, draw it now
// and pretend we never skipped it
DPF2("VIDEO: Cheating at frame %ld", fr - 1); qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE); Cheat++; // !!! Return now? Or always draw frame fr next?
} else { Skip++; // remember we skipped a frame
qSkip(q); // skip the frame we'll never need
// Something went wrong, abort
if (qSample(q) != fr) { DPF("VIDEO: ***********Assertion failure! Wanted frame %ld but we died at frame %ld with %d entries in the queue", fr, qSample(q), qCount(q)); // !!! How to abort the main loop from here?
return; }
// Read something if we're empty - we're about to need it
if (qCount(q) == 0) { DPF("VIDEO: *************Why are we empty?"); Empty++; // remember we've been empty
if (!qFill(q)) // can't draw if this fails
return; }
// Eat a frame and draw it
qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE);
// It's bad to let the queue get too empty
while (qStarved(q) < 50 && qFill(q)) { // braces necessary
DPF2("VIDEO: Filling a starving queue"); }
} else if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) {
// I don't care what time it is, I'm going to read and play audio
// as fast as I possibly can!
// Send all the information we can to the wave device to make sure
// audio never breaks. If there's nothing to send, it'll at least
// notice all of the buffers that are done and let them be re-used.
while (qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE));
// Now Read and render at least one chunk of audio
qFill(q); qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE);
// If we're starving, keep reading and rendering
while (qStarved(q) < 50 && qFill(q)) { DPF2("AUDIO: Filling a starving queue"); qRender(q, qPeek(q), qPeekSize(q), TRUE); }
} else { return; } }
// !!! static variables
static LONG timeDriverPrev = -1, timeClockBase, timeBase;
// Video Stream method:
// Just take the current time minus the start time
// Audio Stream method:
// We can't just use timeGetTime cuz the audio clock drifts from the real
// time clock and we need to sync to the audio we're hearing, even if it's the
// wrong time. But we can't use the wave driver call to find out what time it
// is either, cuz it may only be accurate to 1/5 of a second. So we have to
// use a combination of the two.
if (q->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { return timeGetTime() - q->timeStart;
} else if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) { MMTIME mmtime; LONG now, timeDriver, l;
// Get the current time
now = timeGetTime();
// Ask the wave driver how long it's been playing for
if (((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)->hWaveOut) { mmtime.wType = TIME_SAMPLES; waveOutGetPosition(((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)->hWaveOut, &mmtime, sizeof(mmtime)); if (mmtime.wType == TIME_SAMPLES) timeDriver = AVIStreamSampleToTime(q->pavi, q->sampleStart) + muldiv32(mmtime.u.sample, 1000, ((LPWAVEFORMAT)q->lpfmtIn)->nSamplesPerSec); else if (mmtime.wType == TIME_BYTES) timeDriver = AVIStreamSampleToTime(q->pavi, q->sampleStart) + muldiv32(mmtime.u.cb, 1000, ((LPWAVEFORMAT)q->lpfmtIn)->nAvgBytesPerSec); else timeDriver = -1; } else timeDriver = -1;
// Something's wrong with the audio clock.. just use the main clock
if (timeDriver == -1) { DPF("AUDIO: **********Can't get current time from audio driver!"); return now - q->timeStart; }
// Audio driver still thinks it's playing the same spot as last time
if (timeDriver == timeDriverPrev) { // !!! Assumes timeDriver was 0 at the beginning of play
l = now - timeClockBase + timeDriverPrev - timeBase;
// Ah! A new sample of audio being played
} else { timeClockBase = now; timeDriverPrev = timeDriver; // !!! Assumes timeDriver was 0 at the beginning of play
l = timeDriverPrev - timeBase; }
return l;
} else { return timeGetTime() - q->timeStart; } }
// Set the first sample we will play, so we can time things properly
// This is the first thing in our queue, or the sample we're going to read next
// if it's empty.
void NEAR PASCAL qSetStartSample(LPQUEUE q) { q->sampleStart = qSample(q); }
// Set the start time of the movie to the current time
void NEAR PASCAL qStartClock(LPQUEUE q) {
q->timeStart = timeGetTime();
if (q->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) { MMTIME mmtime; LONG timeDriver;
if (!((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)->hWaveOut) { timeBase = timeDriver = -1; DPF("AUDIO: Can't Start Clock"); return; }
// un-pause the device
// Ask the wave driver how long it's been playing for
mmtime.wType = TIME_SAMPLES; waveOutGetPosition(((LPAUDIORENDER)q->lpRender)->hWaveOut, &mmtime, sizeof(mmtime)); if (mmtime.wType == TIME_SAMPLES) timeDriver = AVIStreamSampleToTime(q->pavi, q->sampleStart) + muldiv32(mmtime.u.sample, 1000, ((LPWAVEFORMAT)q->lpfmtIn)->nSamplesPerSec); else if (mmtime.wType == TIME_BYTES) timeDriver = AVIStreamSampleToTime(q->pavi, q->sampleStart) + muldiv32(mmtime.u.cb, 1000, ((LPWAVEFORMAT)q->lpfmtIn)->nAvgBytesPerSec); else timeDriver = -1;
timeBase = timeDriver; } }
/////// Top layer q routines an application would call //////////////////
aviQ = (LPAVIQUEUE)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(AVIQUEUE)); if (!aviQ) return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < MAXNUMSTREAMS; i++) { if (AVIFileGetStream(pfile, &pavi, 0L, i) != AVIERR_OK) break; aviQ->queue[i] = (LPQUEUE)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(QUEUE)); if (!qInit(pavi, aviQ->queue[i])) goto QIError; } aviQ->count = i;
if (i == 0) return NULL;
return aviQ;
QIError: for (--i; i >= 0; i--) { if (aviQ->queue[i]) { GlobalFreePtr(aviQ->queue[i]); qFini(aviQ->queue[i]); } } return NULL; }
// Throw away all the queue stuff
void NEAR PASCAL QueueFini(LPAVIQUEUE q) { int i;
// Just tell each stream to seek there
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qFini(q->queue[i]); AVIStreamClose(q->queue[i]->pavi); GlobalFreePtr(q->queue[i]); }
GlobalFreePtr(q); }
// Seek to a certain spot in the movie. We are given a TIME and convert it to
// a sample number for each stream. This is the point we'll start playing
// from, so remember this sample number.
void NEAR PASCAL QueueSeek(LPAVIQUEUE q, LONG time) { int i;
// Just tell each stream to seek there
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qSeek(q->queue[i], AVIStreamTimeToSample(q->queue[i]->pavi, time)); qSetStartSample(q->queue[i]); // FOR DPF ONLY
if (q->queue[i]->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) frStart = frPlayed = qPos(q->queue[i]); }
// Prime all the queues -- (fill them up entirely)
void NEAR PASCAL QueuePrime(LPAVIQUEUE q) { int i;
// Prime each queue
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qPrime(q->queue[i]); } }
// Get the time when the movie ends
LONG NEAR PASCAL QueueGetEndTime(LPAVIQUEUE q) { int i; LONG time = 0;
// Ask each stream
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { time = max(time, AVIStreamEndTime(q->queue[i]->pavi)); } return time; }
// Get the decompressed video format that will be used to display this movie
// (use the first video stream found). If DRAWDIB is decompressing for us,
// we don't know it and will return some compressed format !!!
LPVOID NEAR PASCAL QueueGetVideoDisplayFormat(LPAVIQUEUE q) { int i;
// Ask each stream
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { if (q->queue[i]->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) return qFmt(q->queue[i]); } return NULL; // no video streams
// Prepare to render each stream. We are passed pointers to an array of
// hwnd's and rc's to use for the different video streams. Audio streams ignore
// those parameters.
// !!! Does audio need anything passed to it?
// !!! Return an error code? Abort on error? Continue anyway?
BOOL NEAR PASCAL QueueRenderInit(LPAVIQUEUE q, HWND FAR *phwnd, RECT FAR *prc) { int i, v = 0;
// Init each stream, give different parms to each video stream
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qRenderInit(q->queue[i], *(phwnd + v), *(prc + v)); if (q->queue[i]->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) v++; } return TRUE; }
// Finish up rendering.
void NEAR PASCAL QueueRenderFini(LPAVIQUEUE q) { int i;
// Tell each stream
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qRenderFini(q->queue[i]); } }
// Inform the master queue what time it is. This should be called often.
void NEAR PASCAL QueueInformTime(LPAVIQUEUE q, LONG time) { int i;
// Just tell each stream what time it is
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qInformTime(q->queue[i], time); } }
void NEAR PASCAL QueueStartClock(LPAVIQUEUE q) { int i;
// Set the play start time for each stream
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { qStartClock(q->queue[i]); }
// Find out how many milliseconds since we started playing. Ask an AUDIO stream
// first, if there is one (they have priority). If not, ask a VIDEO stream.
// If not, ask any stream.
for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { if (q->queue[i]->fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) return qNow(q->queue[i]); } for (i = 0; i < q->count; i++) { if (q->queue[i]->fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) return qNow(q->queue[i]); } return qNow(q->queue[0]); }
START(Yield); DPF2("YIELDING..."); while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE) fAbort = TRUE; if (msg.message == WM_SYSCOMMAND && (msg.wParam & 0xFFF0) == SC_CLOSE) fAbort = TRUE;
if (TranslateAccelerator(ghwndApp, ghAccel, &msg)) continue; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (gfYieldBound) Wait(YIELD_WAIT_TIME); END(Yield); return fAbort; }
// should have function take :
// pavis[] and a count
// along with a "draw" proc () to render wierd custom streams
LONG FAR PASCAL aviPlay(HWND hwnd, PAVIFILE pfile, LONG movieStart) { extern UINT gwZoom;
LONG l = 0, movieEnd; int iYield=0; RECT rcFrame, rc; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; HDC hdc;
// Clear these out, so we don't abort by mistake
GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE); GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON);
fAudioBroke = TRUE;
// Init the queue and fill it up
if ((qAVI = QueueInit(pfile)) == NULL) return movieStart; // error code?
QueueSeek(qAVI, movieStart); // decide where we'll start playing
QueuePrime(qAVI); // pre-stuff all the queues
// When does this AVI end?
movieEnd = QueueGetEndTime(qAVI);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); ////PatBlt(hdc, 0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, WHITENESS);
// Calculate the location to play the video based on its frame size
lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)QueueGetVideoDisplayFormat(qAVI); rcFrame.left = rc.right / 2 -((int)lpbi->biWidth*gwZoom/4)/2; rcFrame.top = 40; //!!! yStreamTop + TSPACE;
rcFrame.right = rcFrame.left + (int)lpbi->biWidth*gwZoom/4; rcFrame.bottom = rcFrame.top + (int)lpbi->biHeight*gwZoom/4;
// Play the AVI in our window, centred.
// !!! This will die if > 1 video stream in a movie!
QueueRenderInit(qAVI, &hwnd, &rcFrame);
hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
if (WinYield()) // let palette change happen
// goto byebye;
// ProfBegin();
ZERO(Total); ZERO(Other); ZERO(Time); ZERO(Key); ZERO(Read); ZERO(Copy); ZERO(Draw); ZERO(Audio); ZERO(Decomp); ZERO(Yield); ZERO(Free);
// for DPF
Skip = Jump = Empty = Cheat = 0; fAudioBroke = FALSE;
// Call just before main loop to set start time and waveBase hack
while (1) {
// We've been told to stop, so do so
// -1 means close after stopping
if (gfPlaying == 0 || gfPlaying == -1) break;
// What time is it right now?
START(Time); // What time in the movie are we at right now?
l = QueueNow(qAVI); // elapsed time since play start
END(Time); DPF3("Time %ld", l);
// Ah! The movie is done!
if (l > movieEnd - movieStart) break;
QueueInformTime(qAVI, l);
#ifdef DDEBUG
{ int i; char ach[128];
i = wsprintfA(ach, "Time %d.%02d S %d J %d E %d ", (int)(l/1000), (int)(l%1000)/10, Skip, Jump, Empty);
SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(255,255,255)); TextOutA(hdc, 0, 0, ach, i); } #endif
#ifdef DDEBUG // !!! move into a specific stream
#define W 16
#define H 16
i = qCount(q) * W; FillR(hdc, 4, 20, i, H, RGB(255,255,0)); FillR(hdc, 4+i, 20, QSIZE*W-i, H, RGB(255,0,0));
i = (fr - qSample(q)) * W; FillR(hdc, 4+i, 20, 1, H, RGB(0,0,0)); #endif
// Yield every once in a while. Always yielding makes performance
// plummet.
if ((++iYield % 8) == 0) { if (WinYield()) break; }
// ProfEnd();
timeOther = timeTotal - timeTime - timeKey - timeRead - timeCopy - timeDraw - timeAudio - timeDecomp - timeYield;
#ifdef PROFILE
DPF("***********************************************************"); if (fAudioBroke) { // braces necessary
DPF("****************** AUDIO BROKE!!! ************************"); } DPF("Total Frames: %d", frPlayed - frStart + 1); DPF("Frames skipped: %d", Skip); DPF("Frames jumped: %d", Jump); DPF("Total Frames missed: %d, (%d %%)", Skip + Jump, (int)(100l * (Skip + Jump) / (frPlayed - frStart + 1))); DPF("Times cheated: %d", Cheat); DPF("Times empty: %d", Empty);
#define SEC(x) SECA(x), SECB(x), (timeTotal ? (int)(time ## x * 100 / timeTotal) : 0)
#define SECA(x) (time ## x / 1000l) , (time ## x % 1000l)
#define SECB(x) (cnt ## x ? (time ## x / cnt ## x / 1000l) : 0l), (cnt ## x ? ((time ## x / cnt ## x) % 1000l) : 0l)
DPF(" timeTotal: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Total)); DPF(" timeOther: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Other)); DPF(" timeTime: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Time)); DPF(" timeKey: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Key)); DPF(" timeRead: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Read)); DPF(" timeCopy: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Copy)); DPF(" timeDraw: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Draw)); DPF(" timeAudio: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Audio)); DPF(" timeDecompress: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Decomp)); DPF(" timeYield: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Yield)); DPF(""); DPF(" timeFree: %3ld.%03ldsec (%3ld.%03ldsec) %d%%",SEC(Free)); DPF("***********************************************************"); #endif
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
QueueRenderFini(qAVI); QueueFini(qAVI); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); // we've hosed their DC
// Tell where the movie stopped
return movieStart + l; }
void FAR PASCAL aviStop(void) { gfPlaying = 0; }
LONG FAR PASCAL aviTime(void) { if (gfPlaying && qAVI) return QueueNow(qAVI); else return -1; }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api LPVOID | AllocMem | try to allocate DOS memory (< 1Mb) * * @parm DWORD | dw | size in bytes * ***************************************************************************/
static LPVOID AllocMem(DWORD dw) { #ifndef WIN32
/* Memory allocation internal routines */
extern DWORD FAR PASCAL GlobalDosAlloc(DWORD);
if (p = (LPVOID)MAKELONG(0, LOWORD(GlobalDosAlloc(dw)))) { GlobalReAlloc((HANDLE)HIWORD((DWORD)p), 0, GMEM_MODIFY|GMEM_SHARE); return p; } else #endif
{ DPF("Couldn't get DOS Memory"); return GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_SHARE, dw)); } }
* * dprintf() is called by the DPF macro if DEBUG is defined at compile time. * * The messages will be send to COM1: like any debug message. To * enable debug output, add the following to WIN.INI : * * [debug] * AVIView=1 * ****************************************************************************/
#ifdef DEBUG
#define MODNAME "AVIView"
void FAR cdecl dprintf(LPSTR szFormat, ...) { char ach[128]; va_list va;
static BOOL fDebug = -1;
if (fDebug == -1) fDebug = GetProfileIntA("Debug", MODNAME, FALSE);
if (!fDebug) return;
lstrcpyA(ach, MODNAME ": "); va_start(va, szFormat); wvsprintfA(ach+lstrlenA(ach),szFormat, va); va_end(va); lstrcatA(ach, "\r\n");
OutputDebugStringA(ach); }