#define TestWF(hwnf, f) (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & (f))
BOOL DVAIsClipped(HDC hdc, RECT& rc) { RECT rcClip;
if (GetClipBox(hdc, &rcClip) != SIMPLEREGION) return TRUE;
if (rc.left < rcClip.left || rc.top < rcClip.top || rc.right > rcClip.right || rc.bottom > rcClip.bottom)
return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
int DVAGetClipList(HWND hwnd, LPRECT prc, LPRECT RectList, int RectCount) { RECT rc; HWND hwndP; HWND hwndT;
if (RectCount == 0 || !IsVisible(hwnd)) return 0;
// get the client area of the window
GetClientRect(hwnd, RectList);
if (prcTest) IntersectRect(RectList, RectList, prc);
ClientToScreen(hwnd, (LPPOINT)RectList); ClientToScreen(hwnd, (LPPOINT)RectList + 1);
RectCount = 1; RectList[1] = RectList[0];
// walk all children of hwnd and remove them if needed
if (TestWF(hwnd WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) { RectCount = ExcludeWindowRects(RectList, RectCount, GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD), NULL);
if (RectCount == 0) return 0; }
// walk all the siblings of hwnd and exclude them from the list.
for (; (hwndP = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_PARENT)) != NULL; hwnd = hwndP) { GetWindowRect(hwndP, &rc); RectCount = IntersectRectList(RectList, RectCount, &rc;
if (RectCount == 0) return 0;
if (TestWF(hwnd, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) { RectCount = ExcludeWindowRects(RectList, RectCount, GetWindow(hwndP, GW_CHILD), hwnd);
if (RectCount == 0) return 0; } }
return RectCount; }
int ExcludeWindowRects(LPRECT RectList, int RectCount, HWND hwndA, HWND hwndB) { RECT rc;
for (hwnd = hwndA; hwnd != NULL && hwnd != hwndB; hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) continue;
// Don't subtract off transparent windows...
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFTRANSPARENT)) continue;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
RectCount = ExcludeRectList(RectList, RectCount, &rc);
if (RectCount == 0) return 0; }
return RectCount; }
int ExcludeRectList(LPRECT RectList, int RectCount, LPRECT prc) { int i; int n; RECT rc;
if (RectCount == 0) return 0;
SubtractRect(RectList, prc);
for (i=1; i <= RectCount; i++) { if (!IntersectRect(&rc, &RectList[i], prc)) continue;
} }