Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#ifndef WINAPI
#ifdef BUILDDLL /* ;Internal */
#define WINAPI _loadds far pascal /* ;Internal */
#define CALLBACK _loadds far pascal /* ;Internal */
#else /* ;Internal */
#define WINAPI far pascal
#define CALLBACK far pascal
#endif /* ;Internal */
#define LWORD(x) ((int)((x)&0xFFFF))
/* spooler error code */ #define SP_ERROR (-1) /* general error - mostly used when spooler isn't loaded */
#define SP_APPABORT (-2) /* app aborted the job through the driver */
#define SP_USERABORT (-3) /* user aborted the job through spooler's front end */
#define SP_OUTOFDISK (-4) /* simply no disk to spool */
#define SP_OUTOFMEMORY (-5)
#define SP_RETRY (-6) /* retry sending to the port again */
#define SP_NOTREPORTED 0x4000 /* set if GDI did not report error */
/* subfunctions of the Spooler support function, GetSpoolJob()
* CP_* are used by the control panel for modifying the printer setup/ */ #define SP_PRINTERNAME 20
#define SP_REGISTER 21
#define SP_DISKFREED 27
#define SP_INIT 28
// #define CP_ISPORTFREE 30
#define CP_REINIT 31
#define SP_TXTIMEOUT 32
#define SP_DNSTIMEOUT 33
#define CP_SET_TT_ONLY 35
#define CP_SETSPOOLER 36
#define SP_DISK_BUFFER (20000) /* wait for about 20 K of disk space to free
free up before attempting to write to disk */
/* messages posted or sent to the spooler window */ // change these to WM_SPOOLER_ messages
#define SP_NEWJOB 0x1001
#define SP_DELETEJOB 0x1002
#define SP_DISKNEEDED 0x1003
#define SP_QUERYDISKAVAIL 0x1004
#define SP_ISPORTFREE 0x1005
#define SP_CHANGEPORT 0x1006
/* in /windows/oem/printer.h */
// JCB.type status flag bits
// job is done printing (no more pages will be spooled)
#define JB_ENDDOC 0x0001
// spooler canceled the job (user deleted it) either while it
// is being spooled (spool routines care about this) or after
// it is done spooling (no one really cares about this).
#define JB_CANCELED_JOB 0x0002
// the spool data is a metafile (with the devmode stuck on the end)
#define JB_METAFILE 0x0080
// don't spool, send data straight to the desired port (gdi
// does all comm IO, deals with timeouts etc).
#define JB_DIRECT_OUTPUT 0x8000
// printing to a file ("FILE:" or file name). use dos
// writes when outputting data. also used for non spooled net jobs
// (net data goes through dos)
#define JB_PRINT_TO_FILE 0x4000
// this is a spooled job (going to be sent to printman eventually)
#define JB_SPOOLED_JOB 0x2000
// when the spooler is notified we mark the job with this, be careful
// because the user can close down printman after notification
#define JB_NOTIFIED_SPOOLER 0x1000
// we are in an out of disk condition and we are waiting for printman
// to finish outputting some spool data to get more disk space
#define JB_WAITFORDISK 0x0800
// tell printman to "print through dos" instead of using comm routines
#define JB_DOS_WRITES 0x0200
// use WNetCloseJob() instead of _lclose(), this is a net job
#define JB_NET_JOB 0x0100
// no deletion of file after spool (USED?)
// #define JB_DEL_FILE 0x0400
#define NAME_LEN 32
#define BUF_SIZE 128
#define MAX_PROFILE 80
#define JCBBUF_LEN 256
/* comm driver buffer sizes (used by print manager and gdi when opening ports) */ #define COMM_INQUE 0x010
#define COMM_OUTQUE 0x400
#define COMM_ERR_BIT 0x8000
#define TXTIMEOUT 45000 /* milliseconds */
#define DNSTIMEOUT 15000 /* milliseconds */
#define BAUDRATE 0
#define PARITY 1
#define BYTESIZE 2
#define STOPBITS 3
#define REPEAT 4
#define MAXPORTLIST 20 /* max # ports listed in win.ini [ports] */
#define MAXSPOOL 100 /* max # jobs spooled per port */
#define MAXMAP 18
#define PORTINDENT 2
#define JOBINDENT 3
#define MAXPAGE 7 /* allow 7 pages at first */
#define INC_PAGE 8 /* increase by 8 pages at a time */
typedef struct { ATOM aPortName; ATOM aPrinterName; ATOM aDriverName; long txtimeout; long dnstimeout; } JCBQ;
typedef struct jcb { unsigned type; int pagecnt; int maxpage; int portnum; HDC hDC; int chBuf; long timeSpooled; char buffer[JCBBUF_LEN]; unsigned long size; unsigned long iLastPage; WORD psp; // the PSP of the app that started printing
// PORT pPort; // use this instead of overloading page[1]
char jobName[NAME_LEN]; int page[MAXPAGE]; } JCB, FAR *LPJCB;
// DIALOGMARK.type values (NOT USED)
// #define SP_TEXT 0 /* text type */
// #define SP_NOTTEXT 1 /* not text type */
// #define SP_DIALOG 2 /* dialog type data */
// #define SP_CALLBACK 3 /* call back type function */
// the PAGE structure containes an array of these, one for every dialog
typedef struct { int size; // size of the dialog data
long data_offset; // offset into the spool file of this data
// change these to 2 (these are rare things) and rename
#define SP_DLGINC 8 // this many dlg msgs per page (initially)
#define SP_DLGINIT 8 // grow DIALOGMARK.dialog array by this amount
typedef struct page { int filenum; // file handle
int maxdlg; // max number of dialog
int dlg_index; // index into dialog[] of next dialog
long spoolsize; // size of this page spool file
OFSTRUCT fileBuf; // OpenFile() buffer
// #define SP_COMM_PORT 0
// #define SP_FILE_PORT 1
// #define SP_REMOTE_QUEUE 2
// GDI uses this (not printman)
typedef struct { int type; int fn; long retry; /* system timer on first error */ } PORT;
/* exported routines */
// these should be in windows.h or printers.h, remove from here
int WINAPI WriteDialog(HANDLE hJCB, LPSTR str, int n); int WINAPI WriteSpool(HANDLE hJCB, LPSTR str, int n);
LONG WINAPI GetSpoolJob(int, long); // printman and control panel call here
char WINAPI GetSpoolTempDrive(void); // no one should call this
BOOL WINAPI QueryJob(HANDLE, int); // no one should call this