/* common.c
* * Common functions useful for Windows programs. */
//#include <windows.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "graphic.h"
#include "profile.h"
#ifdef DEBUG // On NT, ntavi.h might do an undef debug...
#include "common.h"
/* globals */ int giDebugLevel = -1; // current debug level (0 = disabled)
int gfhDebugFile = -1; // file handle for debug output (or -1)
int giTimingLevel = -1;
/* InitializeDebugOutput(szAppName)
* * Read the current debug level of this application (named <szAppName>) * from the [debug] section of win.ini, as well as the current location * for debug output. */ void FAR PASCAL InitializeDebugOutput(LPSTR szAppName) { char achLocation[300]; // debug output location
/* debugging is disabled by default (and if an error occurs below) */ giDebugLevel = -1; gfhDebugFile = -1;
/* get the debug output location */ if ( (mmGetProfileStringA("debug", "Location", "", achLocation, sizeof(achLocation)) == sizeof(achLocation)) || (achLocation[0] == 0) ) return;
if (achLocation[0] == '>') { /* <achLocation> is the name of a file to overwrite (if
* a single '>' is given) or append to (if '>>' is given) */ if (achLocation[1] == '>') gfhDebugFile = _lopen(achLocation + 2, OF_WRITE); else gfhDebugFile = _lcreat(achLocation + 1, 0); if (gfhDebugFile < 0) return; if (achLocation[1] == '>') _llseek(gfhDebugFile, 0, SEEK_END); } else if (lstrcmpiA(achLocation, "aux") == 0) { /* use OutputDebugString() for debug output */ } else if ((lstrcmpiA(achLocation, "com1") == 0) || (lstrcmpiA(achLocation, "com2") == 0)) { gfhDebugFile = _lopen(achLocation, OF_WRITE); } else { /* invalid "location=" -- keep debugging disabled */ return; }
/* get the debug level */ giDebugLevel = mmGetProfileIntA("debug", szAppName, 0); giTimingLevel = mmGetProfileIntA("debug", "Timing", 0); }
/* TerminateDebugOutput()
* * Terminate debug output for this application. */ void FAR PASCAL TerminateDebugOutput(void) { if (gfhDebugFile >= 0) _lclose(gfhDebugFile); gfhDebugFile = -1; giDebugLevel = -1; }
/* _Assert(szExpr, szFile, iLine)
* * If <fExpr> is TRUE, then do nothing. If <fExpr> is FALSE, then display * an "assertion failed" message box allowing the user to abort the program, * enter the debugger (the "Retry" button), or igore the error. * * <szFile> is the name of the source file; <iLine> is the line number * containing the _Assert() call. */ #ifndef _WIN32
#pragma optimize("", off)
#define ASSERTPREFIX "(NT) "
void FAR PASCAL _Assert(char *szExp, char *szFile, int iLine) { static char ach[300]; // debug output (avoid stack overflow)
int id; int iExitCode; void FAR PASCAL DebugBreak(void);
/* display error message */
if (szExp) wsprintfA(ach, ASSERTPREFIX "(%s)\nFile %s, line %d", (LPSTR)szExp, (LPSTR)szFile, iLine); else wsprintfA(ach, ASSERTPREFIX "File %s, line %d", (LPSTR)szFile, iLine);
MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); id = MessageBoxA(NULL, ach, "Assertion Failed", #ifdef BIDI
/* abort, debug, or ignore */ switch (id) {
/* kill this application */ iExitCode = 0; #ifndef _WIN32
_asm { mov ah, 4Ch mov al, BYTE PTR iExitCode int 21h } #else
FatalAppExit(0, TEXT("Good Bye")); #endif // WIN16
case IDRETRY: /* break into the debugger */ DebugBreak(); break;
case IDIGNORE: /* ignore the assertion failure */ break; } } #ifndef _WIN32
#pragma optimize("", on)
/* _DebugPrintf(szFormat, ...)
* * If the application's debug level is at or above <iDebugLevel>, * then output debug string <szFormat> with formatting codes * replaced with arguments in the argument list pointed to by <szArg1>. */ #define MODNAME "MCIAVI"
void FAR CDECL _DebugPrintf(LPSTR szFormat, ...) { static char ach[300]; // debug output (avoid stack overflow)
int cch; // length of debug output string
#ifndef _WIN32
NPSTR pchSrc, pchDst; if (*szFormat == '!') { ++szFormat; } wvsprintf(ach, szFormat, (LPVOID)(&szFormat+1)); #else
UINT n; va_list va;
va_start(va, szFormat); if (*szFormat == '!') { ++szFormat; n=0; } else if (*szFormat=='.') { n=0; } else { n = wsprintfA(ach, MODNAME ": (tid %x) ", GetCurrentThreadId()); } wvsprintfA(ach+n, szFormat, va); va_end(va); #endif
#ifndef _WIN32
/* expand the newlines into carrige-return-line-feed pairs;
* first, figure out how long the new (expanded) string will be */ for (pchSrc = pchDst = ach; *pchSrc != 0; pchSrc++, pchDst++) if (*pchSrc == '\n') pchDst++; /* is <ach> large enough? */ cch = pchDst - ach; Assert(cch < sizeof(ach)); *pchDst-- = 0;
/* working backwards, expand \n's to \r\n's */ while (pchSrc-- > ach) if ((*pchDst-- = *pchSrc) == '\n') *pchDst-- = '\r';
cch = strlen(ach); #endif //no expansion on Win32
/* output the debug string */ if (gfhDebugFile > 0) _lwrite(gfhDebugFile, ach, cch); else { OutputDebugStringA(ach); } }