// BUGBUG: make sure this stuff really works with the DWORD
// ranges
#include "ctlspriv.h"
#include "tracki.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "muldiv32.h"
#define MulDiv32 MulDiv
#define THUMBSLOP 2
#define TICKHEIGHT 2
#define ABS(X) (X >= 0) ? X : -X
#define BOUND(x,low,high) max(min(x, high),low)
#define LONG2POINT(l, pt) ((pt).x = (SHORT)LOWORD(l), (pt).y = (SHORT)HIWORD(l))
TCHAR aszTrackbarClassName[] = TRACKBAR_CLASS;
LPARAM FAR CALLBACK _loadds TrackBarWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// convert a logical scroll-bar position to a physical pixel position
static int NEAR PASCAL TBLogToPhys(PTrackBar tb, DWORD dwPos) { if (tb->lLogMax == tb->lLogMin) return tb->rc.left;
return (UINT)MulDiv32(dwPos - tb->lLogMin, tb->iSizePhys - 1, tb->lLogMax - tb->lLogMin) + tb->rc.left; }
static LONG NEAR PASCAL TBPhysToLog(PTrackBar tb, int iPos) { if (tb->iSizePhys <= 1) return tb->lLogMin;
if (iPos <= tb->rc.left) return tb->lLogMin;
if (iPos >= tb->rc.right) return tb->lLogMax;
return MulDiv32(iPos - tb->rc.left, tb->lLogMax - tb->lLogMin, tb->iSizePhys - 1) + tb->lLogMin; }
Initialize the trackbar code. */
if (!GetClassInfo(hInstance, aszTrackbarClassName, &wc)) { // See if we must register a window class
wc.lpszClassName = aszTrackbarClassName; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)TrackBarWndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(NULL); wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS | CS_DBLCLKS; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = EXTRA_TB_BYTES; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static void NEAR PASCAL PatRect(HDC hdc,int x,int y,int dx,int dy) { RECT rc;
rc.left = x; rc.top = y; rc.right = x + dx; rc.bottom = y + dy;
ExtTextOut(hdc,0,0,ETO_OPAQUE,&rc,NULL,0,NULL); }
static void NEAR PASCAL DrawTic(PTrackBar tb, int x, int yTic) { SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); PatRect(tb->hdc,(x),yTic,1,TICKHEIGHT); SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT)); PatRect(tb->hdc,(x)+1,yTic,1,TICKHEIGHT); }
/* DrawTics() */ /* There is always a tick at the beginning and end of the bar, but you can */ /* add some more of your own with a TBM_SETTIC message. This draws them. */ /* They are kept in an array whose handle is a window word. The first */ /* element is the number of extra ticks, and then the positions. */
static void NEAR PASCAL DrawTics(PTrackBar tb) { PDWORD pTics; int iPos; int yTic; int i;
yTic = tb->rc.bottom + THUMBSLOP + 1;
// !!! Not for MCIWnd
// DrawTic(tb, tb->rc.left, yTic); // first
// DrawTic(tb, tb->rc.right-1, yTic); // last
// those inbetween
pTics = tb->pTics; if (pTics) { for (i = 0; i < tb->nTics; ++i) { iPos = TBLogToPhys(tb,pTics[i]); DrawTic(tb, iPos, yTic); } }
// draw the selection range (triangles)
if ((tb->Flags & TBF_SELECTION) && (tb->lSelStart <= tb->lSelEnd) && (tb->lSelEnd >= tb->lLogMin)) {
SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
iPos = TBLogToPhys(tb,tb->lSelStart);
for (i=0; i < TICKHEIGHT; i++) PatRect(tb->hdc,iPos-i,yTic+i,1,TICKHEIGHT-i);
iPos = TBLogToPhys(tb,tb->lSelEnd);
for (i=0; i < TICKHEIGHT; i++) PatRect(tb->hdc,iPos+i,yTic+i,1,TICKHEIGHT-i); }
// !!! Not for MCIWnd
// line across the bottom
// SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
// PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left, yTic+TICKHEIGHT,tb->iSizePhys,1);
// SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT));
// PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left, yTic+TICKHEIGHT+1,tb->iSizePhys,1);
/* This draws the track bar itself */
static void NEAR PASCAL DrawChannel(PTrackBar tb) { HBRUSH hbrTemp;
// draw the frame around the window
SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME));
PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left, tb->rc.top, tb->iSizePhys, 1); PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left, tb->rc.bottom-2, tb->iSizePhys, 1); PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left, tb->rc.top, 1, tb->rc.bottom-tb->rc.top-1); PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.right-1, tb->rc.top, 1, tb->rc.bottom-tb->rc.top-1);
SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT)); PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left, tb->rc.bottom-1, tb->iSizePhys, 1);
SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)); PatRect(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left+1, tb->rc.top + 1, tb->iSizePhys-2,1);
// draw the background in dither gray
hbrTemp = SelectObject(tb->hdc, hbrDither); if (hbrTemp) { PatBlt(tb->hdc, tb->rc.left+1, tb->rc.top + 2, tb->iSizePhys-2, tb->rc.bottom-tb->rc.top-4, PATCOPY); SelectObject(tb->hdc, hbrTemp); }
// now highlight the selection range
if ((tb->Flags & TBF_SELECTION) && (tb->lSelStart <= tb->lSelEnd) && (tb->lSelEnd > tb->lLogMin)) { int iStart, iEnd;
iStart = TBLogToPhys(tb,tb->lSelStart); iEnd = TBLogToPhys(tb,tb->lSelEnd);
SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); PatRect(tb->hdc, iStart,tb->rc.top+1,1,tb->rc.bottom-tb->rc.top-2); PatRect(tb->hdc, iEnd, tb->rc.top+1,1,tb->rc.bottom-tb->rc.top-2);
if (iStart + 2 <= iEnd) { SetBkColor(tb->hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT)); PatRect(tb->hdc, iStart+1, tb->rc.top+1, iEnd-iStart-1, tb->rc.bottom-tb->rc.top-3); } } }
static void NEAR PASCAL MoveThumb(PTrackBar tb, LONG lPos) { InvalidateRect(tb->hwnd, &tb->Thumb, TRUE);
tb->lLogPos = BOUND(lPos,tb->lLogMin,tb->lLogMax);
tb->Thumb.left = TBLogToPhys(tb, tb->lLogPos) - tb->wThumbWidth/2; tb->Thumb.right = tb->Thumb.left + tb->wThumbWidth; tb->Thumb.top = tb->rc.top - THUMBSLOP; tb->Thumb.bottom = tb->rc.bottom + THUMBSLOP;
InvalidateRect(tb->hwnd, &tb->Thumb, TRUE); UpdateWindow(tb->hwnd); }
static void NEAR PASCAL DrawThumb(PTrackBar tb) { HBITMAP hbmT; HDC hdcT; int x;
hdcT = CreateCompatibleDC(tb->hdc);
if( (tb->Cmd == TB_THUMBTRACK) || !IsWindowEnabled(tb->hwnd) ) x = tb->wThumbWidth; else x = 0;
hbmT = SelectObject(hdcT, hbmThumb); if (hbmT) { BitBlt(tb->hdc,tb->Thumb.left, tb->rc.top-THUMBSLOP, tb->wThumbWidth, tb->wThumbHeight, hdcT, x + 2*tb->wThumbWidth, 0, SRCAND); BitBlt(tb->hdc,tb->Thumb.left, tb->rc.top-THUMBSLOP, tb->wThumbWidth, tb->wThumbHeight, hdcT, x, 0, SRCPAINT); }
SelectObject(hdcT, hbmT); DeleteDC(hdcT); }
/* SetTBCaretPos() */ /* Make the caret flash in the middle of the thumb when it has the focus */
static void NEAR PASCAL SetTBCaretPos(PTrackBar tb) { // We only get the caret if we have the focus.
if (tb->hwnd == GetFocus()) SetCaretPos(tb->Thumb.left + tb->wThumbWidth / 2, tb->Thumb.top + THUMBSLOP); }
static void NEAR PASCAL DoAutoTics(PTrackBar tb) { LONG NEAR *pl; LONG l;
if (!(GetWindowLong(tb->hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & TBS_AUTOTICKS)) return;
tb->nTics = (int)(tb->lLogMax - tb->lLogMin - 1);
// If our length is zero, we'll blow!
if (tb->nTics <= 0) { tb ->nTics = 0; return; }
if (tb->pTics) LocalFree((HANDLE)tb->pTics);
tb->pTics = (DWORD NEAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(DWORD) * tb->nTics); if (!tb->pTics) { tb->nTics = 0; return; }
for (pl = (LONG NEAR *)tb->pTics, l = tb->lLogMin + 1; l < tb->lLogMax; l++) *pl++ = l; }
LPARAM FAR CALLBACK _loadds TrackBarWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PTrackBar tb; PAINTSTRUCT ps; BITMAP bm; HANDLE h; HDC hdc; HBRUSH hbr; RECT rc;
tb = TrackBarLock(hwnd);
switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: if (!CreateDitherBrush(FALSE)) return -1; // Get us our window structure.
TrackBarCreate(hwnd); tb = TrackBarLock(hwnd);
tb->hwnd = hwnd; tb->Cmd = (UINT)-1;
/* load the 2 thumb bitmaps (pressed and released) */ CreateThumb(FALSE);
GetObject(hbmThumb, sizeof(bm), &bm);
// bitmap has up and down thumb and up&down masks
tb->wThumbWidth = (UINT)(bm.bmWidth/4); tb->wThumbHeight = (UINT)bm.bmHeight; // all lLog fields are zero inited by
// the LocalAlloc();
// fall through to WM_SIZE
case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(hwnd, &tb->rc);
tb->rc.bottom = tb->rc.top + tb->wThumbHeight - THUMBSLOP; tb->rc.top += THUMBSLOP; tb->rc.left += tb->wThumbWidth/2; tb->rc.right -= tb->wThumbWidth/2;
// Figure out how much room we have to move the thumb in
//!!! -2
tb->iSizePhys = tb->rc.right - tb->rc.left; // Elevator isn't there if there's no room.
if (tb->iSizePhys == 0) { // Lost our thumb.
tb->Flags |= TBF_NOTHUMB; tb->iSizePhys = 1; } else { // Ah. We have a thumb.
tb->Flags &= ~TBF_NOTHUMB; } InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); MoveThumb(tb, tb->lLogPos); break; case WM_DESTROY: TrackBarDestroy(hwnd); FreeDitherBrush(); DestroyThumb(); break; case WM_SETFOCUS: // We gots the focus. We need a caret.
CreateCaret(hwnd, (HBITMAP)1, 3, tb->wThumbHeight - 2 * THUMBSLOP); SetTBCaretPos(tb); ShowCaret(hwnd); break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: DestroyCaret(); break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: hdc = (HDC) wParam; #ifdef _WIN32
hbr = (HBRUSH)(UINT)SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, (WPARAM) hdc, (LPARAM)hwnd); #else
hbr = (HBRUSH)(UINT)SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_CTLCOLOR, (WPARAM) hdc, MAKELONG(hwnd, CTLCOLOR_STATIC); #endif
if (hbr) { GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr); return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); break;
case WM_ENABLE: InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); break;
case WM_PAINT: if (wParam == 0) tb->hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); else tb->hdc = (HDC)wParam;
// Update the dither brush if necessary.
DrawTics(tb); DrawThumb(tb); ExcludeClipRect(tb->hdc, tb->Thumb.left, tb->Thumb.top, tb->Thumb.right, tb->Thumb.bottom); DrawChannel(tb); SetTBCaretPos(tb); if (wParam == 0) EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
tb->hdc = NULL; break;
case WM_GETDLGCODE: return DLGC_WANTARROWS; break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* Give ourselves focus */ // !!! MCIWnd wants to keep focus
// SetFocus(hwnd);
TBTrackInit(tb, lParam); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: // We're through doing whatever we were doing with the
// button down.
TBTrackEnd(tb, lParam); break; case WM_TIMER: // The only way we get a timer message is if we're
// autotracking.
lParam = GetMessagePos(); ScreenToClient(tb->hwnd, (LPPOINT)&lParam);
// fall through to WM_MOUSEMOVE
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // We only care that the mouse is moving if we're
// tracking the bloody thing.
if (tb->Cmd != (UINT)-1) { if (GetCapture() != tb->hwnd) { TBTrackEnd(tb, lParam); return 0L; } TBTrack(tb, lParam); } return 0L; case WM_KEYUP: // If key was any of the keyboard accelerators, send end
// track message when user up clicks on keyboard
switch (wParam) { case VK_HOME: case VK_END: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT: case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN: DoTrack(tb, TB_ENDTRACK, 0); break; default: break; } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_HOME: wParam = TB_TOP; goto KeyTrack; case VK_END: wParam = TB_BOTTOM; goto KeyTrack; case VK_PRIOR: wParam = TB_PAGEUP; goto KeyTrack; case VK_NEXT: wParam = TB_PAGEDOWN; goto KeyTrack; case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: wParam = TB_LINEUP; goto KeyTrack; case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN: wParam = TB_LINEDOWN; KeyTrack: DoTrack(tb, wParam, 0); break; default: break; } break;
case TBM_GETPOS: return tb->lLogPos; case TBM_GETSELSTART: return tb->lSelStart;
case TBM_GETSELEND: return tb->lSelEnd;
case TBM_GETRANGEMIN: return tb->lLogMin;
case TBM_GETRANGEMAX: return tb->lLogMax; case TBM_GETPTICS: return (LONG)(LPVOID)tb->pTics; case TBM_CLEARSEL: tb->Flags &= ~TBF_SELECTION; tb->lSelStart = -1; tb->lSelEnd = -1; goto RedrawTB;
case TBM_CLEARTICS: if (tb->pTics) LocalFree((HLOCAL)tb->pTics);
tb->nTics = 0; tb->pTics = NULL; goto RedrawTB;
if (tb->pTics == NULL || (int)wParam >= tb->nTics) return -1L;
return tb->pTics[wParam];
if (tb->pTics == NULL || (int)wParam >= tb->nTics) return -1L;
return TBLogToPhys(tb,tb->pTics[wParam]);
case TBM_GETNUMTICS: return tb->nTics;
case TBM_SETTIC: /* not a valid position */ if (lParam < 0) break;
if (tb->pTics) h = LocalReAlloc((HLOCAL)tb->pTics, sizeof(DWORD) * (UINT)(tb->nTics + 1), LMEM_MOVEABLE | LMEM_ZEROINIT); else h = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(DWORD));
if (h) tb->pTics = (PDWORD)h; else return (LONG)FALSE;
tb->pTics[tb->nTics++] = (DWORD)lParam;
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); return (LONG)TRUE; break; case TBM_SETPOS: /* Only redraw if it will physically move */ if (wParam && TBLogToPhys(tb, lParam) != TBLogToPhys(tb, tb->lLogPos)) MoveThumb(tb, lParam); else tb->lLogPos = BOUND(lParam,tb->lLogMin,tb->lLogMax); break;
case TBM_SETSEL: tb->Flags |= TBF_SELECTION; tb->lSelStart = LOWORD(lParam); tb->lSelEnd = HIWORD(lParam); if (tb->lSelEnd < tb->lSelStart) tb->lSelEnd = tb->lSelStart; goto RedrawTB; case TBM_SETSELSTART: tb->Flags |= TBF_SELECTION; tb->lSelStart = lParam; if (tb->lSelEnd < tb->lSelStart || tb->lSelEnd == -1) tb->lSelEnd = tb->lSelStart; goto RedrawTB; case TBM_SETSELEND: tb->Flags |= TBF_SELECTION; tb->lSelEnd = lParam; if (tb->lSelStart > tb->lSelEnd || tb->lSelStart == -1) tb->lSelStart = tb->lSelEnd; goto RedrawTB; case TBM_SETRANGE: tb->lLogMin = LOWORD(lParam); tb->lLogMax = HIWORD(lParam); DoAutoTics(tb); goto RedrawTB;
case TBM_SETRANGEMIN: tb->lLogMin = (DWORD)lParam; goto RedrawTB;
case TBM_SETRANGEMAX: tb->lLogMax = (DWORD)lParam; RedrawTB: tb->lLogPos = BOUND(tb->lLogPos, tb->lLogMin,tb->lLogMax); /* Only redraw if flag says so */ if (wParam) { InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); MoveThumb(tb, tb->lLogPos); } break; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
/* DoTrack() */
static void NEAR PASCAL DoTrack(PTrackBar tb, int cmd, DWORD dwPos) { // note: we only send back a WORD worth of the position.
#ifdef _WIN32
SendMessage(GetParent(tb->hwnd), WM_HSCROLL, MAKELONG(cmd, LOWORD(dwPos)), (LPARAM)tb->hwnd); #else
SendMessage(GetParent(tb->hwnd), WM_HSCROLL, cmd, MAKELONG(LOWORD(dwPos), tb->hwnd)); #endif
/* WTrackType() */
static WORD NEAR PASCAL WTrackType(PTrackBar tb, LONG lParam) { POINT pt; #ifdef _WIN32
LONG2POINT(lParam, pt); #else
pt = MAKEPOINT(lParam); #endif
if (tb->Flags & TBF_NOTHUMB) // If no thumb, just leave.
return 0;
if (PtInRect(&tb->Thumb, pt)) return TB_THUMBTRACK;
if (!PtInRect(&tb->rc, pt)) return 0;
if (pt.x >= tb->Thumb.left) return TB_PAGEDOWN; else return TB_PAGEUP; }
/* TBTrackInit() */
static void NEAR PASCAL TBTrackInit(PTrackBar tb, LONG lParam) { UINT wCmd;
if (tb->Flags & TBF_NOTHUMB) // No thumb: just leave.
wCmd = WTrackType(tb, lParam); if (!wCmd) return;
HideCaret(tb->hwnd); SetCapture(tb->hwnd);
tb->Cmd = wCmd; tb->dwDragPos = (DWORD)-1;
// Set up for auto-track (if needed).
if (wCmd != TB_THUMBTRACK) { // Set our timer up
tb->Timer = (UINT)SetTimer(tb->hwnd, TIMER_ID, REPEATTIME, NULL); }
TBTrack(tb, lParam); }
/* EndTrack() */
static void near PASCAL TBTrackEnd(PTrackBar tb, long lParam) { lParam = lParam; // Just reference this variable
// If we lose mouse capture we need to call this
// if (GetCapture() != tb->hwnd)
// return;
// Let the mouse go.
// Decide how we're ending this thing.
if (tb->Cmd == TB_THUMBTRACK) DoTrack(tb, TB_THUMBPOSITION, tb->dwDragPos);
if (tb->Timer) KillTimer(tb->hwnd, TIMER_ID);
tb->Timer = 0;
// Always send TB_ENDTRACK message.
DoTrack(tb, TB_ENDTRACK, 0);
// Give the caret back.
// Nothing going on.
tb->Cmd = (UINT)-1;
MoveThumb(tb, tb->lLogPos); }
static void NEAR PASCAL TBTrack(PTrackBar tb, LONG lParam) { DWORD dwPos;
// See if we're tracking the thumb
if (tb->Cmd == TB_THUMBTRACK) { dwPos = TBPhysToLog(tb, LOWORD(lParam));
// Tentative position changed -- notify the guy.
if (dwPos != tb->dwDragPos) { tb->dwDragPos = dwPos; MoveThumb(tb, dwPos); DoTrack(tb, TB_THUMBTRACK, dwPos); } } else { if (tb->Cmd != WTrackType(tb, lParam)) return;
DoTrack(tb, tb->Cmd, 0); } }