// Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Microsoft Corporation
// You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
// distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
// any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
// Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
// Sample Application Files which are modified.
// debug.c
// Description:
// This file contains code yanked from several places to provide debug
// support that works in win 16 and win 32.
// History:
// 11/23/92 cjp [curtisp]
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "debug.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#define BCODE
#define BCODE __based(__segname("_CODE"))
#endif // End #ifdef WIN32
#ifdef WIN32
#define GlobalSmartPageLock(a) (TRUE)
#endif // End #ifdef WIN32
#define WSPRINTF_LIMIT 1024
typedef struct tagLOG { LPTSTR lpszQueue; // TCHAR Representation
UINT cchBuffer; // Size of Log in TCHAR's
UINT idxRead; // Read index
UINT idxWrite; // Write index
#define LOG_INCIDX(pl,x) ((++x >= pl->cchBuffer) ? x = 0 : x)
void FAR CDECL DbgVPrintF (LPTSTR szFmt, va_list va);
BOOL NEAR PASCAL LogInit (LPLOG lpLog, UINT ckBuffer); void NEAR PASCAL LogWrite (LPLOG lpLog, LPTSTR lpstrEvent); BOOL NEAR PASCAL LogRead (LPLOG lpLog, LPTSTR lpstrBuffer, UINT cchBuffer);
int wivsprintf (LPTSTR lpOut, LPCTSTR lpFmt, VOID FAR* lpParms) ;
LPCTSTR NEAR PASCAL SP_GetFmtValue (LPCTSTR lpch, UINT * lpw) ; UINT NEAR PASCAL SP_PutNumber (LPTSTR lpb, DWORD n, UINT limit, UINT radix, UINT icase) ; VOID NEAR PASCAL SP_Reverse (LPTSTR lpFirst, LPTSTR lpLast) ; UINT NEAR PASCAL ilstrlen (LPTSTR lpstr) ; VOID NEAR PASCAL ilstrcat (LPTSTR lpstrDest, LPTSTR lpstrSrc) ; #endif
// Use interruptable versions of functions
#define wvsprintf wivsprintf
#define lstrcat ilstrcat
#define lstrlen ilstrlen
BOOL __gfDbgEnabled = TRUE; // master enable
UINT __guDbgLevel = 0; // current debug level
BOOL __gfLogging = 0; // Are we logging as well?
HWND ghWndCB = (HWND)NULL; LOG gLog; WORD wDebugLevel = 0;
//** WinAssert();
//** LPSTR lpstrExp
//** LPSTR lpstrFile
//** DWORD dwLine
//** void
VOID WINAPI WinAssert( LPSTR lpstrExp, LPSTR lpstrFile, DWORD dwLine) { static TCHAR szWork[256]; static TCHAR BCODE szFormat[] = TEXT ("Assertion failed!\n\nFile:\t%s\nLine:\t%lu\n\n[%s]"); static TCHAR BCODE szOops[] = DEBUG_MODULE_NAME TEXT (" is confused");
// Use regular wsprintf here; assert's can't be at interrupt time
// anyway.
#ifdef UNICODE
static TCHAR szFile[256]; static TCHAR szMsg[256];
// Convert File to UNICODE
INT cLen = lstrlenA (lpstrFile); if (cLen >= 255) cLen = 255;
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpstrFile, cLen, szFile, 256); szFile[cLen] = 0;
// Convert Message to UNICODE
cLen = lstrlenA (lpstrExp); if (cLen >= 255) cLen = 255;
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpstrExp, cLen, szMsg, 256); szMsg[cLen] = 0;
// Create Assert String
wsprintf (szWork, szFormat, szFile, dwLine, szMsg); #else
wsprintf (szWork, szFormat, lpstrFile, dwLine, lpstrExp); #endif
if (IDCANCEL == MessageBox(NULL, szWork, szOops, MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) DebugBreak();
//** DbgVPrintF();
//** LPSTR szFmt
//** LPSTR va
//** void
void FAR CDECL DbgVPrintF( LPTSTR szFmt, va_list va) { TCHAR ach[DEBUG_MAX_LINE_LEN]; BOOL fDebugBreak = FALSE; BOOL fPrefix = TRUE; BOOL fCRLF = TRUE;
ach[0] = TEXT ('\0');
for (;;) { switch(*szFmt) { case '!': fDebugBreak = TRUE; szFmt++; continue;
case '`': fPrefix = FALSE; szFmt++; continue;
case '~': fCRLF = FALSE; szFmt++; continue; }
break; }
if (fDebugBreak) { ach[0] = TEXT ('\007'); ach[1] = TEXT ('\0'); }
if (fPrefix) lstrcat (ach, DEBUG_MODULE_NAME TEXT (": "));
wvsprintf (ach + lstrlen(ach), szFmt, va);
if (fCRLF) lstrcat (ach, TEXT ("\r\n") );
if (__gfLogging) { LogWrite (&gLog, ach); if (ghWndCB) PostMessage (ghWndCB, WM_DEBUGUPDATE, 0, 0); }
OutputDebugString (ach);
if (fDebugBreak) DebugBreak(); } //** DbgVPrintF()
//** dprintf();
//** dprintf() is called by the DPF macro if DEBUG is defined at compile
//** time.
//** The messages will be send to COM1: like any debug message. To
//** enable debug output, add the following to WIN.INI :
//** [debug]
//** UINT uDbgLevel
//** LPCSTR szFmt
//** ...
//** void
//** 06/12/93 [t-kyleb]
void FAR CDECL dprintf( UINT uDbgLevel, LPTSTR szFmt, ...) { va_list va;
if (!__gfDbgEnabled || (__guDbgLevel < uDbgLevel)) return;
va_start (va, szFmt); DbgVPrintF (szFmt, va); va_end (va); } //** dprintf()
//** DbgEnable();
//** BOOL fEnable
//** BOOL
//** 06/12/93 [t-kyleb]
BOOL WINAPI DbgEnable( BOOL fEnable) { BOOL fOldState;
fOldState = __gfDbgEnabled; __gfDbgEnabled = fEnable;
return (fOldState); } //** DbgEnable()
//** DbgSetLevel();
//** UINT uLevel
//** UINT
//** 06/12/93 [t-kyleb]
UINT WINAPI DbgSetLevel( UINT uLevel) { UINT uOldLevel;
uOldLevel = __guDbgLevel; __guDbgLevel = wDebugLevel = uLevel;
return (uOldLevel); } //** DbgSetLevel()
// UINT DbgInitialize(void)
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return (UINT):
// History:
// 11/24/92 cjp [curtisp]
UINT WINAPI DbgInitialize(BOOL fEnable) { TCHAR szTemp[64]; LPTSTR pstr; UINT uLevel; UINT uLogMem; GetProfileString (DEBUG_SECTION, DEBUG_MODULE_NAME, TEXT (""), szTemp, sizeof(szTemp));
pstr = szTemp; uLevel = 0; while (*pstr >= TEXT ('0') && *pstr <= TEXT ('9')) { uLevel = uLevel*10 + (UINT)(*pstr - TEXT ('0')); pstr++; }
__gfLogging = FALSE; if (*pstr == TEXT (',')) { pstr++; uLogMem = 0; while (*pstr >= TEXT ('0') && *pstr <= TEXT ('9')) { uLogMem = uLogMem*10 + (UINT)(*pstr - TEXT ('0')); pstr++; }
if (0 == uLogMem) uLogMem = K_DEFAULT_LOGMEM; if (uLogMem > K_MAX_LOGMEM) uLogMem = K_MAX_LOGMEM;
__gfLogging = TRUE; } if (__gfLogging) __gfLogging = LogInit(&gLog, uLogMem); DbgSetLevel (GetProfileInt(DEBUG_SECTION, DEBUG_MODULE_NAME, 0)); DbgEnable (fEnable);
return (__guDbgLevel); } // DbgInitialize()
void WINAPI DbgRegisterCallback (HWND hWnd) { ghWndCB = hWnd; }
BOOL WINAPI DbgGetNextLogEntry (LPTSTR lpstrBuffer, UINT cchBuffer) { if (!__gfLogging) return FALSE;
return LogRead (&gLog, lpstrBuffer, cchBuffer); }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL LogInit (LPLOG lpLog, UINT ckMem) { DWORD cbMem = 1024L * ckMem;
LPTSTR lpszQueue = GlobalAllocPtr (GPTR, cbMem); if (NULL == lpszQueue) return FALSE;
if (! GlobalSmartPageLock (HIWORD(lpszQueue))) { GlobalFreePtr (lpszQueue); return FALSE; }
lpLog->lpszQueue = (LPTSTR)lpszQueue; lpLog->cchBuffer = (UINT)cbMem/sizeof(TCHAR); lpLog->idxRead = 0; lpLog->idxWrite = 0;
return TRUE; }
void NEAR PASCAL LogWrite (LPLOG lpLog, LPTSTR lpstrEvent) { if (!*lpstrEvent) return;
while (*lpstrEvent) { lpLog->lpszQueue[lpLog->idxWrite] = *lpstrEvent++; LOG_INCIDX (lpLog,lpLog->idxWrite); }
lpLog->idxRead = lpLog->idxWrite;
while (lpLog->lpszQueue[lpLog->idxRead]) { lpLog->lpszQueue[lpLog->idxRead] = TEXT ('\0'); LOG_INCIDX(lpLog,lpLog->idxRead); } LOG_INCIDX(lpLog,lpLog->idxRead); LOG_INCIDX(lpLog,lpLog->idxWrite); }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL LogRead(LPLOG lpLog, LPTSTR lpstrBuffer, UINT cchBuffer) { TCHAR ch; UINT idx;
if (!cchBuffer) return FALSE; idx = lpLog->idxRead;
while (TEXT ('\0') == lpLog->lpszQueue[idx]) { LOG_INCIDX(lpLog,idx); if (idx == lpLog->idxRead) return FALSE; }
cchBuffer--; while (0 != (ch = lpLog->lpszQueue[idx])) { if (cchBuffer) { *lpstrBuffer++ = ch; cchBuffer--; } lpLog->lpszQueue[idx] = TEXT ('\0'); LOG_INCIDX(lpLog,idx); }
*lpstrBuffer = TEXT ('\0');
LOG_INCIDX (lpLog,idx);
lpLog->idxRead = idx; return TRUE; }
// The rest of the code is only needed if we're in Win16 and need to be
// interrupt callable.
#define OUT(ch) if (--cchLimit) *lpOut++=(ch); else goto error_Out
//** wivsprintf();
//** Interrupt callable version of wvsprintf()
//** LPTSTR lpOut - Buffer to format into.
//** LPCTSTR lpFmt - Format string.
//** VOID FAR* lpParms - Points to the first of args
//** described by lpFmt.
//** int - Number of characters stored.
//** 3/28/93 jfg [jimge]
int wivsprintf( LPTSTR lpOut, LPCTSTR lpFmt, VOID FAR* lpParms) { int left ; TCHAR prefix ; int width ; int prec ; TCHAR fillch ; int size ; int sign ; int radix ; int upper ; int cchLimit = WSPRINTF_LIMIT; int cch ; LPTSTR lpT ; union { long l ; unsigned long ul ; TCHAR sz[sizeof(long)] ; } val; while (*lpFmt) { if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('%')) { //
// Read the format flags.
left = 0 ; prefix = 0 ;
while (*++lpFmt) { if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('-')) { left++; } else if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('#')) { prefix++; } else { break; } }
// Find the fill character (either '0' or ' ')
if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('0')) { fillch = TEXT ('0') ; lpFmt++ ; } else { fillch = TEXT (' ') ; }
// Now parse [width[.precision]]
lpFmt = SP_GetFmtValue(lpFmt,&cch); width = cch;
if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('.')) { lpFmt = SP_GetFmtValue(++lpFmt,&cch); prec = cch; } else { prec = (UINT)-1 ; }
// Get the operand size modifier
if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('l')) { size = 1 ; lpFmt++ ; } else { size = 0 ; if (*lpFmt==TEXT ('h')) { lpFmt++ ; } } //
// We've gotten all the modifier; now format the output
// based on the type (which should now be pointed at
// by lpFmt).
upper = 0 ; sign = 0 ; radix = 10 ;
switch (*lpFmt) { case 0: goto error_Out ;
case TEXT ('i') : case TEXT ('d') : sign++ ;
case TEXT ('u'): //
// Don't show a prefix for decimal formats
prefix=0 ; do_Numeric: //
// Special cases to act like MSC v5.10
if (left || prec>=0) { fillch = TEXT (' '); }
// Get value from parm list into val union
if (size) { val.l=*((long far *)lpParms)++; } else { if (sign) { val.l=(long)*((short far *)lpParms)++; } else { val.ul=(unsigned long)*((unsigned far *)lpParms)++; } }
// Save sign of val.l in sign and set val.l positive.
if (sign && val.l<0L) { val.l=-val.l; } else { sign=0; }
// Save start of output stream for later reverse
lpT = lpOut;
// Blast the number backwards into the user buffer
cch = SP_PutNumber(lpOut,val.l,cchLimit,radix,upper) ; if (!(cchLimit-=cch)) goto error_Out ;
lpOut += cch ; width -= cch ; prec -= cch ;
if (prec>0) { width -= prec ; }
// Fill in up to precision
while (prec-- > 0) { OUT(TEXT ('0')) ; }
if (width>0 && !left) { //
// If we're filling with spaces, put sign first
if (fillch != '0') { if (sign) { sign = 0 ; OUT(TEXT ('-')) ; width-- ; }
if (prefix) { OUT(prefix) ; OUT(TEXT ('0')) ; prefix = 0 ; } }
if (sign) { width-- ; }
// Now fill to width
while (width-- > 0) { OUT(fillch) ; }
// Still have a sign?
if (sign) { OUT(TEXT ('-')) ; }
if (prefix) { OUT(prefix) ; OUT(TEXT ('0')) ; }
// Now reverse the string in place
SP_Reverse(lpT,lpOut-1); } else { //
// Add the sign character
if (sign) { OUT(TEXT ('-')) ; width-- ; }
if (prefix) { OUT(prefix); OUT(TEXT ('0')); }
// Now reverse the string in place
// Pad to the right of the string in case left aligned
while (width-- > 0) { OUT(fillch) ; } } break ;
case TEXT ('X'): upper++ ; //
// Falling through...
case TEXT ('x'): radix=16 ; if (prefix) { prefix = upper ? TEXT ('X') : TEXT ('x') ; } goto do_Numeric ;
case TEXT ('c'): //
// Save as one character string and join common code
val.sz[0] = *((TCHAR far*)lpParms) ; val.sz[1] = 0 ; lpT = val.sz ; cch = 1 ;
// Note: this may need to be fixed for UNICODE
(BYTE far*)lpParms += sizeof(WORD) ;
goto put_String ;
case 's': lpT = *((LPTSTR FAR *)lpParms)++ ; cch = ilstrlen(lpT) ; put_String: if (prec>=0 && cch>prec) { cch = prec ; }
width -= cch ;
if (left) { while (cch--) { OUT(*lpT++) ; }
while (width-->0) { OUT(fillch) ; } } else { while (width-- > 0) { OUT(fillch) ; }
while (cch--) { OUT(*lpT++) ; } } break ;
default: //
// An unsupported type character was given. We just
// print the character and go on.
OUT(*lpFmt) ; break ;
} // switch(*lpfmt)
} // if (*lpfmt == '%')
else { //
// Normal not-format character
OUT(*lpFmt) ; } lpFmt++ ; } // while (*lpFmt)
error_Out: *lpOut = 0 ;
return WSPRINTF_LIMIT-cchLimit ; } //** wivsprintf()
//** SP_GetFmtValue();
//** Parse a decimal integer forming part of a format string.
//** LPCSTR lpch - Points to the string to parse.
//** LPWORD lpw - Points to a word where the value will be
//** returned.
//** LPCSTR - Pointer of first character past the format value.
//** 3/28/93 jfg [jimge]
LPCTSTR NEAR PASCAL SP_GetFmtValue( LPCTSTR lpch, UINT * lpw) { UINT i = 0 ;
while (*lpch>=TEXT ('0') && *lpch<=TEXT ('9')) { i *= 10; i += (UINT)(*lpch++-TEXT ('0')); }
*lpw = i;
return(lpch); } //** SP_GetFmtValue()
//** SP_PutNumber();
//** Formats the given number in the given radix into the buffer
//** *backwards*. The entire string will be reversed after printf
//** has added sign, prefix, etc. to it.
//** LPSTR lpb - Points to the output buffer.
//** DWORD n - Number to convert.
//** UINT limit - Maximum number of characters to store.
//** UINT radix - Base to format in.
//** UINT icase - Non-zero if the string should be upper case (hex).
//** UINT - Number of characters output.
UINT NEAR PASCAL SP_PutNumber( LPTSTR lpb, DWORD n, UINT limit, UINT radix, UINT icase) { TCHAR bTemp; UINT cchStored = 0;
// Set icase to the offset to add to the character if it
// represents a value > 10
icase = (icase ? TEXT ('A') : TEXT ('a')) - TEXT ('0') - 10 ;
while (limit--) { bTemp = TEXT ('0') + (TCHAR)(n%radix);
if (bTemp > TEXT ('9')) { bTemp += icase ; }
*lpb++ = bTemp; ++cchStored;
n /= radix;
if (n == 0) { break ; } }
return cchStored ; } //** SP_PutNumber()
//** SP_Reverse();
//** Reverse string in place.
//** LPSTR pFirst
//** LPSTR pLast
//** VOID
VOID NEAR PASCAL SP_Reverse( LPTSTR pFirst, LPTSTR pLast) { UINT uSwaps = (pLast - pFirst + sizeof(TCHAR)) / (2 * sizeof(TCHAR)); TCHAR bTemp;
while (uSwaps--) { bTemp = *pFirst; *pFirst = *pLast; *pLast = bTemp;
pFirst++, pLast--; } } //** SP_Reverse()
//** ilstrlen();
//** Interrupt callable version of strlen().
//** LPSTR pstr
//** UINT
UINT NEAR PASCAL ilstrlen( LPTSTR pstr) { UINT cch = 0 ;
while (*pstr++) ++cch;
return(cch); } //** ilstrlen()
//** ilstrcat();
//** Interrupt callable version of lstrcat().
//** LPSTR pstrDest
//** LPSTR pstrSrc
//** VOID
VOID NEAR PASCAL ilstrcat( LPTSTR pstrDest, LPTSTR pstrSrc) { while (*pstrDest) pstrDest++;
while (*pstrDest++ = *pstrSrc++) ;
} //** ilstrcat()
#endif // #ifdef ISRDEBUG
#endif // #ifdef DEBUG