// Copyright (C) 1993 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// mmcaps.c
// Description:
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "appport.h"
#include "mmcaps.h"
#include "debug.h"
// globals, no less
HINSTANCE ghinst; TCHAR gszAppSection[] = TEXT("MMCaps"); TCHAR gszNull[] = TEXT("");
TCHAR gszUnknown[] = TEXT("Unknown"); TCHAR gszNotSpecified[] = TEXT("Not Specified");
// Application helper functions
// BOOL AppProfileWriteBytes
// Description:
// This function writes a raw structure of bytes to the application's
// ini section that can later be retrieved using AppProfileReadBytes.
// This gives an application the ability to write any structure to
// the ini file and restore it later--very useful.
// NOTE! Starting with Windows for Workgroups 3.1 there are two new
// profile functions that provide the same functionality of this
// function. Specifically, these functions are GetPrivateProfileStruct
// and WritePrivateProfileStruct. These new functions are provided
// by the Common Controls DLL. The prototypes are as follows:
// BOOL GetPrivateProfileStruct
// (
// LPSTR szSection,
// LPSTR szKey,
// LPBYTE lpStruct,
// UINT uSizeStruct,
// LPSTR szFile
// );
// BOOL WritePrivateProfileStruct
// (
// LPSTR szSection,
// LPSTR szKey,
// LPBYTE lpStruct,
// UINT uSizeStruct,
// LPSTR szFile
// );
// If you are building an application that is for Window for Workgroups
// or newer versions of Windows, you will probably want to use the
// above functions.
// Arguments:
// PCTSTR pszKey: Pointer to key name for the stored data.
// LPBYTE pbStruct: Pointer to the data to be saved.
// UINT cbStruct: Count in bytes of the data to store.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is TRUE if the function is successful. It is FALSE
// if it fails.
// History:
// 3/10/93
BOOL FNGLOBAL AppProfileWriteBytes ( PCTSTR pszKey, LPBYTE pbStruct, UINT cbStruct ) { static TCHAR achNibbleToChar[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', }; #define NIBBLE2CHAR(x) (achNibbleToChar[x])
TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_RC_CHARS]; LPTSTR psz; LPTSTR pch; UINT cchTemp; BOOL fAllocated; BOOL fReturn; BYTE b; BYTE bChecksum;
// if pbStruct is NULL, then erase the key from the ini file, otherwise
// format the raw bytes into a hex string and write that out...
fAllocated = FALSE; psz = NULL; if (NULL != pbStruct) { //
// check if the quick buffer can be used for formatting the output
// text--if it cannot, then alloc space for it. note that space
// must be available for an ending checksum byte (2 bytes for high
// and low nibble) as well as a null terminator.
psz = (LPTSTR)ach; cchTemp = cbStruct * 2 + 3; if (cchTemp > SIZEOF(ach)) { psz = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, cchTemp * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == psz) return (FALSE);
fAllocated = TRUE; } //
// step through all bytes in the structure and convert it to
// a string of hex numbers...
bChecksum = 0; for (pch = psz; 0 != cbStruct; cbStruct--, pbStruct++) { //
// grab the next byte and add into checksum...
bChecksum += (b = *pbStruct); *pch++ = NIBBLE2CHAR((b >> (BYTE)4) & (BYTE)0x0F); *pch++ = NIBBLE2CHAR(b & (BYTE)0x0F); }
// add the checksum byte to the end and null terminate the hex
// dumped string...
*pch++ = NIBBLE2CHAR((bChecksum >> (BYTE)4) & (BYTE)0x0F); *pch++ = NIBBLE2CHAR(bChecksum & (BYTE)0x0F); *pch = '\0'; }
// write the string of hex bytes out to the ini file...
fReturn = WriteProfileString(gszAppSection, pszKey, psz);
// free the temporary buffer if one was allocated (lots of bytes!)
if (fAllocated) GlobalFreePtr(psz); return (fReturn); } // AppProfileWriteBytes
// BOOL AppProfileReadBytes
// Description:
// This function reads a previously stored structure of bytes from
// the application's ini file. This data must have been written with
// the AppProfileWriteBytes function--it is checksumed to keep bad
// data from blowing up the application.
// NOTE! Starting with Windows for Workgroups 3.1 there are two new
// profile functions that provide the same functionality of this
// function. Specifically, these functions are GetPrivateProfileStruct
// and WritePrivateProfileStruct. These new functions are provided
// by the Common Controls DLL. The prototypes are as follows:
// BOOL GetPrivateProfileStruct
// (
// LPSTR szSection,
// LPSTR szKey,
// LPBYTE lpStruct,
// UINT uSizeStruct,
// LPSTR szFile
// );
// BOOL WritePrivateProfileStruct
// (
// LPSTR szSection,
// LPSTR szKey,
// LPBYTE lpStruct,
// UINT uSizeStruct,
// LPSTR szFile
// );
// If you are building an application that is for Window for Workgroups
// or newer versions of Windows, you will probably want to use the
// above functions.
// Arguments:
// PCTSTR pszKey: Pointer to key that contains the data.
// LPBYTE pbStruct: Pointer to buffer to receive the data.
// UINT cbStruct: Number of bytes expected.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is TRUE if the function is successful. It is FALSE
// if the function fails (bad checksum, missing key, etc).
// History:
// 3/10/93
BOOL FNGLOBAL AppProfileReadBytes ( PCTSTR pszKey, LPBYTE pbStruct, UINT cbStruct ) { //
// note that the following works for both upper and lower case, and
// will return valid values for garbage chars
#define CHAR2NIBBLE(ch) (BYTE)( ((ch) >= '0' && (ch) <= '9') ? \
(BYTE)((ch) - '0') : \ ((BYTE)(10 + (ch) - 'A') & (BYTE)0x0F) )
TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_RC_CHARS]; LPTSTR psz; LPTSTR pch; UINT cchTemp; UINT u; BOOL fAllocated; BOOL fReturn; BYTE b; BYTE bChecksum; TCHAR ch;
// add one the the number of bytes needed to accomodate the checksum
// byte placed at the end by AppProfileWriteBytes...
// check if the quick buffer can be used for retrieving the input
// text--if it cannot, then alloc space for it. note that there must
// be space available for the null terminator (the +1 below).
fAllocated = FALSE; psz = (LPTSTR)ach; cchTemp = cbStruct * 2 + 1; if (cchTemp > SIZEOF(ach)) { psz = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, cchTemp * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == psz) return (FALSE);
fAllocated = TRUE; }
// read the hex string... if it is not the correct length, then assume
// error and return.
fReturn = FALSE; u = (UINT)GetProfileString(gszAppSection, pszKey, gszNull, psz, cchTemp); if ((cbStruct * 2) == u) { bChecksum = 0; for (pch = psz; 0 != cbStruct; cbStruct--, pbStruct++) { ch = *pch++; b = CHAR2NIBBLE(ch) << (BYTE)4; ch = *pch++; b |= CHAR2NIBBLE(ch);
// if this is not the final byte (the checksum byte), then
// store it and accumulate checksum..
if (cbStruct != 1) bChecksum += (*pbStruct = b); }
// check the last byte read against the checksum that we calculated
// if they are not equal then return error...
fReturn = (bChecksum == b); }
// free the temporary buffer if one was allocated (lots of bytes!)
if (fAllocated) GlobalFreePtr(psz); return (fReturn); } // AppProfileReadBytes
// int AppMsgBox
// Description:
// This function displays a message for the application in a standard
// message box.
// Note that this function takes any valid argument list that can
// be passed to wsprintf. Because of this, the application must
// remember to cast near string pointers to FAR when built for Win 16.
// You will get a nice GP fault if you do not cast them correctly.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to parent window for message box holding the
// message.
// UINT fuStyle: Style flags for MessageBox().
// PCTSTR pszFormat: Format string used for wvsprintf().
// Return (int):
// The return value is the result of MessageBox() function.
// History:
// 2/13/93
int FNCGLOBAL AppMsgBox ( HWND hwnd, UINT fuStyle, PCTSTR pszFormat, ... ) { va_list va; TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_ERROR_CHARS]; int n;
// format and display the message..
va_start(va, pszFormat); wvsprintf(ach, pszFormat, va); va_end(va);
n = MessageBox(hwnd, ach, gszAppName, fuStyle);
return (n); } // AppMsgBox()
// int AppMsgBoxId
// Description:
// This function displays a message for the application. The message
// text is retrieved from the string resource table using LoadString.
// Note that this function takes any valid argument list that can
// be passed to wsprintf. Because of this, the application must
// remember to cast near string pointers to FAR when built for Win 16.
// You will get a nice GP fault if you do not cast them correctly.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to parent window for message box holding the
// message.
// UINT fuStyle: Style flags for MessageBox().
// UINT uIdsFormat: String resource id to be loaded with LoadString()
// and used a the format string for wvsprintf().
// Return (int):
// The return value is the result of MessageBox() if the string
// resource specified by uIdsFormat is valid. The return value is zero
// if the string resource failed to load.
// History:
// 2/13/93
int FNCGLOBAL AppMsgBoxId ( HWND hwnd, UINT fuStyle, UINT uIdsFormat, ... ) { va_list va; TCHAR szFormat[APP_MAX_STRING_RC_CHARS]; TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_ERROR_CHARS]; int n;
n = LoadString(ghinst, uIdsFormat, szFormat, SIZEOF(szFormat)); if (0 != n) { //
// format and display the message..
va_start(va, uIdsFormat); wvsprintf(ach, szFormat, va); va_end(va);
n = MessageBox(hwnd, ach, gszAppName, fuStyle); }
return (n); } // AppMsgBoxId()
// void AppHourGlass
// Description:
// This function changes the cursor to that of the hour glass or
// back to the previous cursor.
// This function can be called recursively.
// Arguments:
// BOOL fHourGlass: TRUE if we need the hour glass. FALSE if we need
// the arrow back.
// Return (void):
// On return, the cursor will be what was requested.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
void FNGLOBAL AppHourGlass ( BOOL fHourGlass ) { static HCURSOR hcur; static UINT uWaiting = 0;
if (fHourGlass) { if (!uWaiting) { hcur = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); ShowCursor(TRUE); }
uWaiting++; } else { --uWaiting;
if (!uWaiting) { ShowCursor(FALSE); SetCursor(hcur); } } } // AppHourGlass()
// int AppDialogBox
// Description:
// This function is used to display a dialog modal box.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to parent window for new dialog.
// LPCSTR pszDlg: Dialog template to use.
// DLGPROC pfnDlg: Pointer to dialog procedure.
// LPARAM lParam: Any lParam to be passed as lParam for WM_INITDIALOG.
// Return (int):
// The return value is the nResult from EndDialog.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
int FNGLOBAL AppDialogBox ( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszDlg, DLGPROC pfnDlg, LPARAM lParam ) { int nResult;
// !!! NT doesn't need this--neither does Win 3.1 with C7/C8 !!!
nResult = 0; pfnDlg = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)pfnDlg, ghinst); if (NULL != pfnDlg) { nResult = DialogBoxParam(ghinst, pszDlg, hwnd, pfnDlg, lParam); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC)pfnDlg); }
return (nResult); } // AppDialogBox()
// int AppSetWindowText
// Description:
// This function formats a string and sets the specified window text
// to the result.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window to receive the new text.
// PCTSTR pszFormat: Pointer to any valid format for wsprintf.
// Return (int):
// The return value is the number of bytes that the resulting window
// text was.
// History:
// 2/ 7/93
int FNCGLOBAL AppSetWindowText ( HWND hwnd, PCTSTR pszFormat, ... ) { va_list va; TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_ERROR_CHARS]; int n;
// format and display the string in the window...
va_start(va, pszFormat); n = wvsprintf(ach, pszFormat, va); va_end(va);
SetWindowText(hwnd, ach);
return (n); } // AppSetWindowText()
// int AppSetWindowTextId
// Description:
// This function formats a string and sets the specified window text
// to the result. The format string is extracted from the string
// table using LoadString() on the uIdsFormat argument.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window to receive the new text.
// UINT uIdsFormat: String resource id to be loaded with LoadString()
// and used a the format string for wvsprintf().
// Return (int):
// The return value is the number of bytes that the resulting window
// text was. This value is zero if the LoadString() function fails
// for the uIdsFormat argument.
// History:
// 2/ 7/93
int FNCGLOBAL AppSetWindowTextId ( HWND hwnd, UINT uIdsFormat, ... ) { va_list va; TCHAR szFormat[APP_MAX_STRING_RC_CHARS]; TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_ERROR_CHARS]; int n;
n = LoadString(ghinst, uIdsFormat, szFormat, SIZEOF(szFormat)); if (0 != n) { //
// format and display the string in the window...
va_start(va, uIdsFormat); n = wvsprintf(ach, szFormat, va); va_end(va);
SetWindowText(hwnd, ach); }
return (n); } // AppSetWindowTextId()
// int AppMEditPrintF
// Description:
// This function is used to print formatted text into a Multiline
// Edit Control as if it were a standard console display. This is
// a very easy way to display small amounts of text information
// that can be scrolled and copied to the clip-board.
// Arguments:
// HWND hedit: Handle to a Multiline Edit control.
// PCTSTR pszFormat: Pointer to any valid format for wsprintf. If
// this argument is NULL, then the Multiline Edit Control is cleared
// of all text.
// Return (int):
// Returns the number of characters written into the edit control.
// History:
// 05/16/93
int FNCGLOBAL AppMEditPrintF ( HWND hedit, PCTSTR pszFormat, ... ) { va_list va; TCHAR ach[APP_MAX_STRING_RC_CHARS]; int n;
// if the pszFormat argument is NULL, then just clear all text in
// the edit control..
if (NULL == pszFormat) { SetWindowText(hedit, gszNull); return (0); }
// format and display the string in the window...
va_start(va, pszFormat); n = wvsprintf(ach, pszFormat, va); va_end(va);
Edit_SetSel(hedit, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)-1); Edit_ReplaceSel(hedit, ach);
return (n); } // AppMEditPrintF()
// DWORD AppGetWindowsVersion
// Description:
// This function returns the version of Windows that the application
// is running on plus some platform information.
// Arguments:
// PTSTR pach: Options pointer to buffer to receive text string of
// the Windows version and platform.
// Return (LRESULT):
// The return value will be the version and platform information of
// the current operating system in the following format:
// 0xPPPPMMRR where:
// MM : major version of Windows
// RR : minor version (revision) of Windows
// PPPP : the platform the application is running on which
// will be one of the following:
// #ifdef WIN32
// the HIWORD() is RESERVED except for the high bit:
// high bit is 0 = Windows NT
// high bit is 1 = Win32s/Windows 3.1
// #else
// 0xMMRR = Major and Minor version of [MS-]DOS
// GetWinFlags() & 0x8000 = Windows on OS/2 (WLO)
// GetWinFlags() & 0x4000 = Windows on Windows NT (WOW)
// #endif
// History:
// 2/13/93
LRESULT FNGLOBAL AppGetWindowsVersion ( PTSTR pszEnvironment, PTSTR pszPlatform ) {
BYTE bVerWinMajor; BYTE bVerWinMinor; UINT uVerEnv; DWORD dw; LRESULT lr;
dw = GetVersion();
// massage the version information into something intelligent
bVerWinMajor = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dw)); bVerWinMinor = HIBYTE(LOWORD(dw)); uVerEnv = HIWORD(dw); lr = MAKELPARAM(((UINT)bVerWinMajor << 8) | bVerWinMinor, uVerEnv);
// if caller wants the environment string version...
if (NULL != pszEnvironment) { //
#ifdef WIN32
{ static TCHAR szFormatVersion[] = TEXT("%s Version %u.%.2u"); static TCHAR szEnvWinNT[] = TEXT("Windows NT"); static TCHAR szEnvWin32s[] = TEXT("Win32s");
wsprintf(pszEnvironment, szFormatVersion, (LPSTR)((0x8000 & uVerEnv) ? szEnvWin32s : szEnvWinNT), bVerWinMajor, bVerWinMinor); } #else
{ #ifndef WF_WINNT
#define WF_CPUR4000 0x0100
#define WF_CPUALPHA21064 0x0200
#define WF_WINNT 0x4000
#define WF_WLO 0x8000
static TCHAR szFormatSubSys[]= TEXT("Windows Version %u.%.2u (%s%s)\n%s Subsystem, DOS Version %u.%.2u"); static TCHAR szFormatDOS[] = TEXT("Windows Version %u.%.2u (%s%s)\nDOS Version %u.%.2u"); static TCHAR szSubSysWLO[] = TEXT("WLO"); static TCHAR szSubSysWOW[] = TEXT("WOW"); static TCHAR szModeEnhanced[]= TEXT("Enhanced"); static TCHAR szModeStandard[]= TEXT("Standard"); static TCHAR szEnvPaging[] = TEXT(", Paging");
DWORD dwWinFlags; PTSTR pszMode;
BYTE bVerEnvMajor = HIBYTE(LOWORD(uVerEnv)); BYTE bVerEnvMinor = LOBYTE(LOWORD(uVerEnv));
dwWinFlags = GetWinFlags();
pszMode = (dwWinFlags & WF_ENHANCED) ? szModeEnhanced : szModeStandard; if (dwWinFlags & (WF_WLO | WF_WINNT)) { wsprintf(pszEnvironment, szFormatSubSys, bVerWinMajor, bVerWinMinor, (LPSTR)pszMode, (LPSTR)((dwWinFlags & WF_PAGING) ? szEnvPaging : gszNull), (LPSTR)((dwWinFlags & WF_WINNT) ? szSubSysWOW : szSubSysWLO), bVerEnvMajor, bVerEnvMinor); } else { wsprintf(pszEnvironment, szFormatDOS, bVerWinMajor, bVerWinMinor, (LPSTR)pszMode, (LPSTR)((dwWinFlags & WF_PAGING) ? szEnvPaging : gszNull), bVerEnvMajor, bVerEnvMinor); } } #endif
// if caller wants the platform string version...
if (NULL != pszPlatform) { #ifdef WIN32
{ static TCHAR szFormatPlatform[] = TEXT("%s%u, %u Processor(s)"); static TCHAR szProcessorIntel[] = TEXT("Intel "); static TCHAR szProcessorMIPS[] = TEXT("MIPS R"); static TCHAR szProcessorAlpha[] = TEXT("DEC Alpha "); static TCHAR szProcessorDunno[] = TEXT("Dunno zYz");
SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; PTSTR pszProcessor;
// this is absolutely silly. one would think that the dwOemId member
// would provide something useful like the processor class... but
// no, it doesn't--it is always 0.
GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); switch (sysinfo.dwProcessorType) { case PROCESSOR_INTEL_386: case PROCESSOR_INTEL_486: pszProcessor = szProcessorIntel; break;
case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000: pszProcessor = szProcessorMIPS; break;
case PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064: pszProcessor = szProcessorAlpha; break;
default: pszProcessor = szProcessorDunno; break; }
wsprintf(pszPlatform, szFormatPlatform, (LPSTR)pszProcessor, sysinfo.dwProcessorType, sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors); } #else
{ static TCHAR szPlat286[] = TEXT("80286"); static TCHAR szPlat386[] = TEXT("80386"); static TCHAR szPlat486[] = TEXT("i486"); static TCHAR szPlatR4000[] = TEXT("MIPS R4000, Emulation: "); static TCHAR szPlatAlpha21064[] = TEXT("Alpha 21064, Emulation: "); static TCHAR szPlat80x87[] = TEXT(", 80x87");
DWORD dwWinFlags;
dwWinFlags = GetWinFlags(); pszPlatform[0] = '\0';
if (dwWinFlags & (WF_WLO | WF_WINNT)) { if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPUR4000) lstrcpy(pszPlatform, szPlatR4000); else if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPUALPHA21064) lstrcpy(pszPlatform, szPlatAlpha21064); }
if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPU286) lstrcat(pszPlatform, szPlat286); else if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPU386) lstrcat(pszPlatform, szPlat386); else if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPU486) lstrcat(pszPlatform, szPlat486);
if (dwWinFlags & WF_80x87) lstrcat(pszPlatform, szPlat80x87); } #endif
// return the result
return (lr); } // AppGetWindowsVersion()
// HFONT AppChooseFont
// Description:
// This function is a wrapper for the ChooseFont() common dialog.
// The purpose of this function is to let the user choose a font that
// looks good to them--regardless of how stupid it really looks.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to parent window for chooser dialog.
// HFONT hfont: Handle to current font (default for chooser dialog).
// PLOGFONT plf: Pointer to optional LOGFONT structure to receive a
// copy of the LOGFONT information for the newly chosen font.
// Return (HFONT):
// The return value is the newly chosen font. If no new font was chosen
// then the return value is NULL.
// History:
// 2/ 7/93
HFONT FNGLOBAL AppChooseFont ( HWND hwnd, HFONT hfont, PLOGFONT plf ) { LOGFONT lf; CHOOSEFONT cf; BOOL f; HFONT hfontNew;
// get the font info for the current font...
GetObject(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), (LPVOID)&lf);
// fill in the choosefont structure
cf.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSEFONT); cf.hwndOwner = hwnd; cf.hDC = NULL; cf.Flags = CF_SCREENFONTS | CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT; cf.lCustData = 0; cf.lpfnHook = NULL; cf.hInstance = NULL; cf.nFontType = SCREEN_FONTTYPE; cf.lpLogFont = (LPLOGFONT)&lf;
// splash a dialog into the user's face..
hfontNew = NULL; f = ChooseFont(&cf); if (f) { //
// create the new font..
hfontNew = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (NULL == hfontNew) return (NULL);
// copy the logfont structure if caller wants it
if (NULL != plf) *plf = lf; }
// return the new font (if one was chosen)
return (hfontNew); } // AppChooseFont()
// Misc rarely used application dialogs and stuff...
// BOOL AboutDlgProc
// Description:
// This dialog procedure is used for the ubiquitous about box.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window.
// UINT uMsg: Message being sent to the window.
// WPARAM wParam: Specific argument to message.
// LPARAM lParam: Specific argument to message.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is specific to the message that was received. For
// the most part, it is FALSE if this dialog procedure does not handle
// a message.
// History:
// 1/ 2/93
BOOL FNEXPORT AboutDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HWND hwndT; PTSTR pach; UINT u;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: //
// display some OS version information
pach = (PTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, APP_MAX_STRING_RC_BYTES); if (NULL == pach) return (TRUE);
AppGetWindowsVersion(pach, NULL); hwndT = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_ABOUT_VERSION_OS); SetWindowText(hwndT, pach);
AppGetWindowsVersion(NULL, pach); hwndT = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_ABOUT_VERSION_PLATFORM); SetWindowText(hwndT, pach);
wsprintf(pach, "MMREG.H V%u.%.02u", (_INC_MMREG / 100), (_INC_MMREG % 100)); hwndT = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_ABOUT_VERSION_MMSYSTEM); SetWindowText(hwndT, pach);
// return nonzero to set the input focus to the control
// identified by the (hwndFocus = (HWND)wParam) argument.
// a zero return tells the dialog manager that this function
// has set the focus using SetFocus.
return (TRUE);
case WM_COMMAND: u = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam); if ((IDOK == u) || (IDCANCEL == u)) { EndDialog(hwnd, (IDOK == u)); } break; }
return (FALSE); } // AboutDlgProc()
// Initialization and exit code...
TCHAR gszKeyWindow[] = TEXT("Window"); TCHAR gszKeyFont[] = TEXT("Font");
// BOOL MMCapsChooseFont
// Description:
// This function lets the user choose a new font for the script window.
// After a new font is chosen, the font structure is stored to the
// .ini file so it can be restored on the next run of this application.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is TRUE if a new font was chosen. It is FALSE if
// the user canceled the operation.
// History:
// 2/ 7/93
BOOL FNGLOBAL MMCapsChooseFont ( HWND hwnd ) { LOGFONT lf; HWND hlb; HFONT hfont; HFONT hfontNew;
hlb = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_LIST_DEVICES);
// get the current font and pass it to the choose font dialog
hfont = GetWindowFont(gptlbDrivers->hlb);
hfontNew = AppChooseFont(hwnd, hfont, &lf); if (NULL == hfontNew) return (FALSE);
// select the new font into the script window and delete the old one
TlbSetFont(gptlbDrivers, hfontNew, TRUE); DeleteFont(hfont);
// save the complete description of the chosen font so there can be
// no strangness in the font mapping next run. this is overkill, but
// it works...
AppProfileWriteBytes(gszKeyFont, (LPBYTE)&lf, sizeof(lf));
return (TRUE); } // MMCapsChooseFont()
// BOOL MMCapsSettingsRestore
// Description:
// This function restores state information for the application. This
// function is called just after the main window is created (it has
// not been ShowWindow()'d). This function will generate the call
// to ShowWindow before returning.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to main window that has just been created but
// not shown.
// int nCmdShow: The state that the application window should show as.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is always TRUE.
// History:
// 05/11/93
BOOL FNLOCAL MMCapsSettingsRestore ( HWND hwnd, int nCmdShow ) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; PRECT prc; HFONT hfont; LOGFONT lf; RECT rc; POINT pt; int n; BOOL f;
// restore the user's preferred font.
hfont = NULL; f = AppProfileReadBytes(gszKeyFont, (LPBYTE)&lf, sizeof(lf)); if (f) { hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); }
if (NULL == hfont) { hfont = GetStockFont(ANSI_VAR_FONT); }
TlbSetFont(gptlbDrivers, hfont, TRUE);
// grab the stored window position and size from the .ini file...
// there must be four arguments stored or the entry is considered
// invalid.
prc = &wp.rcNormalPosition; f = AppProfileReadBytes(gszKeyWindow, (LPBYTE)prc, sizeof(*prc)); if (f) { //
// to make sure the user can always get at the window, check to
// see if the midpoint of the caption is visible--if it is not,
// then default to the default position used when creating the
// window.
n = (prc->right - prc->left) / 2; pt.x = (n + prc->left);
n = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) / 2 + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME); pt.y = (n + prc->top);
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rc); if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) { //
// fill out the window placement structure--default the
// maximized and minimized states to default placement by
// getting its current placement.
wp.length = sizeof(wp); GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp);
wp.flags = 0; wp.showCmd = nCmdShow;
SetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp); return (TRUE); } }
// show defaulted and succeed
ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow); return (TRUE); } // MMCapsSettingsRestore()
// BOOL MMCapsSettingsSave
// Description:
// This function saves the current state information for the application.
// It is called just before the main window is closed (destroyed); or
// as Windows is exiting (query end session).
// Note that this function should not destroy any resources--it can
// be called at any time to save a snapshot of the application state.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to main window that will be destroyed shortly.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is always TRUE.
// History:
// 05/11/93
// save the current window placement--only store the size and location
// of the restored window. maximized and minimized states should
// remain defaulted on the next invocation of this application.
wp.length = sizeof(wp); f = GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp); if (f) { prc = &wp.rcNormalPosition;
DPF(0, "WindowPlacement: show=%d, minX=%d, minY=%d, maxX=%d, maxY=%d", wp.showCmd, wp.ptMinPosition.x, wp.ptMinPosition.y, wp.ptMaxPosition.x, wp.ptMaxPosition.y);
DPF(0, " normX=%d, normY=%d, normW=%d, normH=%d", prc->left, prc->top, prc->right, prc->bottom);
// save the _bounding rectangle_ of the restored window state...
AppProfileWriteBytes(gszKeyWindow, (LPBYTE)prc, sizeof(*prc)); }
// succeed
return (TRUE); } // MMCapsSettingsSave()
// BOOL MMCapsDlgProc
// Description:
// This dialog procedure is used to display driver capabilities.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window.
// UINT uMsg: Message being sent to the window.
// WPARAM wParam: Specific argument to message.
// LPARAM lParam: Specific argument to message.
// Return (BOOL):
// The return value is specific to the message that was received. For
// the most part, it is FALSE if this dialog procedure does not handle
// a message.
// History:
// 1/ 2/93
BOOL FNEXPORT MMCapsDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HWND hedit; UINT u;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hedit = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_DEVCAPS_EDIT_DETAILS); SetWindowFont(hedit, GetStockFont(ANSI_FIXED_FONT), FALSE);
switch (guDriverType) { case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_LOWLEVEL: MMCapsDetailLowLevel(hedit, lParam); break;
#if 0
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_MCI: MMCapsDetailMCI(hedit, lParam); break;
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_ACM: MMCapsDetailACM(hedit, lParam); break;
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_VIDEO: MMCapsDetailVideo(hedit, lParam); break; #endif
// return nonzero to set the input focus to the control
// identified by the (hwndFocus = (HWND)wParam) argument.
// a zero return tells the dialog manager that this function
// has set the focus using SetFocus.
return (TRUE);
case WM_COMMAND: u = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam); if ((IDOK == u) || (IDCANCEL == u)) { EndDialog(hwnd, (IDOK == u)); } break; }
return (FALSE); } // MMCapsDlgProc()
// BOOL MMCapsRefreshDriverList
// Description:
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle of main window.
// Return (BOOL):
// History:
// 05/16/93
BOOL FNLOCAL MMCapsRefreshDriverList ( PZYZTABBEDLISTBOX ptlb ) { static UINT uIdPrev = (UINT)-1;
BOOL fComplete;
SetWindowRedraw(ptlb->hlb, FALSE); ListBox_ResetContent(ptlb->hlb);
// only force complete update if the driver type is different from
// previous...
fComplete = (guDriverType != uIdPrev); uIdPrev = guDriverType;
switch (guDriverType) { case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_LOWLEVEL: MMCapsEnumerateLowLevel(ptlb, fComplete); break;
#if 0
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_MCI: MMCapsEnumerateMCI(ptlb, fComplete); break;
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_ACM: MMCapsEnumerateACM(ptlb, fComplete); break;
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_VIDEO: MMCapsEnumerateVideo(ptlb, fComplete); break;
case MMCAPS_DRIVERTYPE_DRIVERS: MMCapsEnumerateDrivers(ptlb, fComplete); break; #endif
SetWindowRedraw(ptlb->hlb, TRUE);
return (TRUE); } // MMCapsRefreshDriverList()
// Main application window handling code...
// LRESULT AppCreate
// Description:
// This function is called to handle the WM_CREATE message for the
// application's window. The application should finish the creation
// of the window (create controls, allocate resources, etc). The
// window has not been displayed (CreateWindow[Ex] has not returned).
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to the window that is in the process of being
// created.
// LPCREATESTRUCT pcs: Pointer to a CREATESTRUCT that contains info
// about the window being created.
// Return (LRESULT):
// The return value should be nonzero if the application wishes to
// let the window finish being created. A return of zero tells
// CreateWindow[Ex] to fail the creation of the window.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
LRESULT FNGLOBAL AppCreate ( HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ) { DPF(0, "AppCreate(hwnd=%Xh, cs.x=%d, cs.y=%d, cs.cx=%d, cs.cy=%d)", hwnd, pcs->x, pcs->y, pcs->cx, pcs->cy);
// create the driver selection listbox
gptlbDrivers = TlbCreate(hwnd, IDD_APP_LIST_DEVICES, NULL); if (NULL == gptlbDrivers) return (0L);
// we want the focus to default to the device listbox window
// return nonzero to succeed the creation of the window
return (1L); } // AppCreate()
// LRESULT AppQueryEndSession
// Description:
// This function handles the WM_QUERYENDSESSION. This message is sent
// by USER when ExitWindows has been called to end the Windows session.
// This function can stop Windows from exiting if it is not convenient
// for Windows to end.
// Giving the user the option to save modified data before continueing
// with the shutdown of Windows is a good idea.
// Telling Windows to continue with the exit procedure does not
// necessarily mean Windows will exit. All applications are queried
// for shutdown approval. When the actual decision is made on whether
// Windows will exit, WM_ENDSESSION will be sent with the result.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window that received the message.
// Return (LRESULT):
// Returns zero to STOP Windows from exiting. Returns non-zero to
// allows windows to shut down.
// History:
// 2/ 9/93
LRESULT FNGLOBAL AppQueryEndSession ( HWND hwnd ) { DPF(0, "AppQueryEndSession(hwnd=%Xh)", hwnd);
// tell Windows to proceed with the shutdown process!
return (1L); } // AppQueryEndSession()
// LRESULT AppEndSession
// Description:
// This function is called to handle the WM_ENDSESSION message. This
// message is generated after the application answers the
// WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. The purpose of the WM_ENDSESSION
// message is to tell the application if Windows will be exiting
// (TRUE == fEndSession) or the end session was canceled by an
// application (FALSE == fEndSession).
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window that received the message.
// BOOL fEndSession: TRUE if Windows is exiting. FALSE if the end
// session was canceled.
// Return (LRESULT):
// Returns zero if the message is processed. Note that an application
// cannot halt the termination of Windows from this message--the
// WM_QUERYENDSESSION is the only message that allows that behaviour.
// If fEndSession is TRUE, Windows *WILL* exit--whether you like it
// or not.
// History:
// 2/ 9/93
LRESULT FNGLOBAL AppEndSession ( HWND hwnd, BOOL fEndSession ) { DPF(0, "AppEndSession(hwnd=%Xh, fEndSession=%d)", hwnd, fEndSession);
// we processed the message, return zero..
return (0L); } // AppEndSession()
// LRESULT AppClose
// Description:
// This function handles the WM_CLOSE message for the application.
// If the application should close, DestroyWindow() must be called
// by this function. Otherwise the application will not close.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window that generated the WM_CLOSE message.
// Return (LRESULT):
// There return value is zero. The DestroyWindow function will have
// been called if the application should actually close.
// History:
// 2/ 6/93
LRESULT FNGLOBAL AppClose ( HWND hwnd ) { HWND hlb; HFONT hfont;
DPF(0, "AppClose(hwnd=%Xh)", hwnd);
// save any settings that should be saved on app termination...
// if the Shift key is held down during the close message, then just
// save the current state but don't destroy the window... this is
// useful if the user does not want to exit the app and rerun it
// to make sure the state is saved--just before the user does something
// that may crash Windows or something..
if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) { return (0L); }
// destroy the font we are using... before deleting the font, select
// the system font back into the script window so the font won't
// be 'in use' anymore.
hlb = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_LIST_DEVICES);
hfont = GetWindowFont(hlb); SetWindowFont(hlb, NULL, FALSE); DeleteFont(hfont);
// make the window close and terminate the application
return (0L); } // AppClose()
// LRESULT AppInitMenuPopup
// Description:
// This function handles the WM_INITMENUPOPUP message. This message
// is sent to the window owning the menu that is going to become
// active. This gives an application the ability to modify the menu
// before it is displayed (disable/add items, etc).
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window that generated the WM_INITMENUPOPUP
// message.
// HMENU hmenu: Handle to the menu that is to become active.
// int nItem: Specifies the zero-based relative position of the menu
// item that invoked the popup menu.
// BOOL fSysMenu: Specifies whether the popup menu is a System menu
// (TRUE) or it is not a System menu (FALSE).
// Return (LRESULT):
// Returns zero if the message is processed.
// History:
// 1/ 2/93
LRESULT FNLOCAL AppInitMenuPopup ( HWND hwnd, HMENU hmenu, int nItem, BOOL fSysMenu ) { UINT u;
DPF(0, "AppInitMenuPopup(hwnd=%Xh, hmenu=%Xh, nItem=%d, fSysMenu=%d)", hwnd, hmenu, nItem, fSysMenu);
// if the system menu is what got hit, succeed immediately... this
// application has no stuff in the system menu.
if (fSysMenu) return (0L);
// initialize the menu that is being 'popped up'
switch (nItem) { case APP_MENU_ITEM_FILE: break;
uCheck = (u == guDriverType) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED; CheckMenuItem(hmenu, u, uCheck); } break; }
// we processed the message--return 0...
return (0L); } // AppInitMenuPopup()
// LRESULT AppCommand
// Description:
// This function handles the WM_COMMAND message.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window receiving the WM_COMMAND message.
// int nId: Control or menu item identifier.
// HWND hwndCtl: Handle of control if the message is from a control.
// This argument is NULL if the message was not generated by a control.
// UINT uCode: Notification code. This argument is 1 if the message
// was generated by an accelerator. If the message is from a menu,
// this argument is 0.
// Return (LRESULT):
// Returns zero if the message is processed.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
LRESULT FNLOCAL AppCommand ( HWND hwnd, int nId, HWND hwndCtl, UINT uCode ) { int n; LRESULT lr;
switch (nId) { case IDM_FILE_FONT: MMCapsChooseFont(hwnd); break;
case IDM_FILE_ABOUT: AppDialogBox(hwnd, DLG_ABOUT, (DLGPROC)AboutDlgProc, 0L); break;
case IDM_FILE_EXIT: FORWARD_WM_CLOSE(hwnd, SendMessage); break;
guDriverType = (UINT)nId;
// -- fall through -- //
case IDM_UPDATE: MMCapsRefreshDriverList(gptlbDrivers); break;
case IDD_APP_LIST_DEVICES: switch (uCode) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: break;
case LBN_DBLCLK: n = ListBox_GetCurSel(hwndCtl); lr = ListBox_GetItemData(hwndCtl, n); AppDialogBox(hwnd, DLG_DEVCAPS, (DLGPROC)MMCapsDlgProc, lr); break; } break; }
return (0L); } // AppCommand()
// LRESULT AppSize
// Description:
// This function handles the WM_SIZE message for the application's
// window. This message is sent to the application window after the
// size has changed (but before it is painted).
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window that generated the WM_SIZE message.
// UINT fuSizeType: Specifies the type of resizing requested. This
// argument is one of the following: SIZE_MAXIMIZED, SIZE_MINIMIZED,
// int nWidth: Width of the new client area for the window.
// int nHeight: Height of the new client area for the window.
// Return (LRESULT):
// Returns zero if the application processes the message.
// History:
// 2/ 5/93
LRESULT FNLOCAL AppSize ( HWND hwnd, UINT fuSizeType, int nWidth, int nHeight ) { RECT rc;
DPF(0, "AppSize(hwnd=%Xh, fuSizeType=%u, nWidth=%d, nHeight=%d)", hwnd, fuSizeType, nWidth, nHeight);
// unless this application is the one being resized then don't waste
// time computing stuff that doesn't matter. this applies to being
// minimized also because this application does not have a custom
// minimized state.
if ((SIZE_RESTORED != fuSizeType) && (SIZE_MAXIMIZED != fuSizeType)) return (0L);
// size the devices listbox to be the total size of the client area--
// inflate the rect by one so borders are not visible. note that
// we need to leave room at the top for the title text which is one
// line of text in height...
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); InflateRect(&rc, 1, 1);
TlbMove(gptlbDrivers, &rc, FALSE);
// we processed the message..
return (0L); } // AppSize()
// LRESULT AppPaint
// Description:
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd:
// Return (LRESULT):
// History:
// 05/11/93
BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
TlbPaint(gptlbDrivers, hwnd, ps.hdc);
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
// we processed the message
return (0L); } // AppPaint()
// LRESULT AppWndProc
// Description:
// This is the main application window procedure.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd: Handle to window.
// UINT uMsg: Message being sent to the window.
// WPARAM wParam: Specific argument to message.
// LPARAM lParam: Specific argument to message.
// Return (LRESULT):
// The return value depends on the message that is being processed.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
LRESULT FNEXPORT AppWndProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lr;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: lr = HANDLE_WM_CREATE(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppCreate); return (lr);
case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: HANDLE_WM_INITMENUPOPUP(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppInitMenuPopup); return (0L);
case WM_COMMAND: lr = HANDLE_WM_COMMAND(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppCommand); return (lr);
case WM_SIZE: //
// handle what we want for sizing, and then always call the
// default handler...
HANDLE_WM_SIZE(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppSize); break;
case WM_PAINT: HANDLE_WM_PAINT(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppPaint); break;
case WM_QUERYENDSESSION: lr = HANDLE_WM_QUERYENDSESSION(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppQueryEndSession); return (lr);
case WM_ENDSESSION: HANDLE_WM_ENDSESSION(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppEndSession); return (0L);
case WM_CLOSE: HANDLE_WM_CLOSE(hwnd, wParam, lParam, AppClose); return (0L);
case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return (0L); }
return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); } // AppWndProc()
// BOOL AppInit
// Description:
// This function is called to initialize a new instance of the
// application. We want to parse our command line, create our window,
// allocate resources, etc.
// The arguments passed to this function are exactly the same as
// those passed to WinMain.
// Arguments:
// HINSTANCE hinst: Identifies the current instance of the
// application.
// HINSTANCE hinstPrev: Identifies the previous instance of the
// application (NULL if first instance). For Win 32, this argument
// is _always_ NULL.
// LPTSTR pszCmdLine: Points to null-terminated unparsed command line.
// If the application is compiled for Unicode, then this argument is
// ignored.
// int nCmdShow: How the main window for the application is to be
// shown by default.
// Return (HWND):
// Returns the newly created handle to the applications main window.
// This handle is NULL if something went wrong and tells the application
// to exit immediately.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
HWND FNGLOBAL AppInit ( HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hinstPrev, LPTSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { LRESULT FNEXPORT AppWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
DPF(0, "AppInit(hinst=%Xh, hinstPrev=%Xh, pszCmdLine='%s', nCmdShow=%d)", hinst, hinstPrev, pszCmdLine, nCmdShow);
LoadString(hinst, IDS_APP_NAME, gszAppName, SIZEOF(gszAppName));
// determine whether a new window class needs to be registered for
// this application. for Win 16, this only needs to be done for the
// first instance of the application created. for Win 32, this must
// be done for EVERY instance of the application.
if (NULL == hinstPrev) { wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)AppWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hinst; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, ICON_APP); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.lpszMenuName = MENU_APP; wc.lpszClassName = gszAppName;
if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return (NULL); }
// create the application's main window
// style bits available:
// WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES : will receive WM_DROPFILES messages
// WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME : creates window with double border
// WS_EX_TOPMOST : puts window in topmost space
// WS_EX_TRANSPARENT : a very bizarre style indeed (Win 16 only)
if (NULL == hwnd) return (NULL);
#ifdef UNICODE
// the application--which is different than the pszCmdLine argument
// passed through WinMain()...
// so, skip over the command name to get to the argument string
pszCmdLine = GetCommandLine(); if (NULL != pszCmdLine) { while (('\0' != *pszCmdLine) && (' ' != *pszCmdLine++)) ; } #endif
MMCapsSettingsRestore(hwnd, nCmdShow);
// finally, get the window displayed and return success
// the ShowWindow call is made during MMCapsInit
// ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow);
// UpdateWindow(hwnd);
return (hwnd); } // AppInit()
// int AppExit
// Description:
// This function is called just before the application exits from
// WinMain. Its purpose is to clean up any resources that were allocated
// for running the application: brushes, heaps, etc..
// Arguments:
// HINSTANCE hinst: Identifies the current instance of the
// application that is exiting.
// int nResult: The result of the WM_QUIT message (in wParam of the
// MSG structure. This argument will usually be 0 (even if the message
// loop was never entered).
// Return (int):
// The return value is usually nResult--be we give this function the
// opportunity to modify its value.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
int FNGLOBAL AppExit ( HINSTANCE hinst, int nResult ) { DPF(0, "AppExit(hinst=%Xh, nResult=%d)", hinst, nResult);
return (nResult); } // AppExit()
// Main entry and message dispatching code
// int WinMain
// Description:
// This function is called by the system as the initial entry point
// for a Windows application.
// Arguments:
// HINSTANCE hinst: Identifies the current instance of the
// application.
// HINSTANCE hinstPrev: Identifies the previous instance of the
// application (NULL if first instance). For Win 32, this argument
// is _always_ NULL.
// LPSTR pszCmdLine: Points to null-terminated unparsed command line.
// This string is strictly ANSI regardless of whether the application
// is built for Unicode. To get the Unicode equivalent call the
// GetCommandLine() function (Win 32 only).
// int nCmdShow: How the main window for the application is to be
// shown by default.
// Return (int):
// Returns result from WM_QUIT message (in wParam of MSG structure) if
// the application is able to enter its message loop. Returns 0 if
// the application is not able to enter its message loop.
// History:
// 11/ 8/92
int PASCAL WinMain ( HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hinstPrev, LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { int nResult; HWND hwnd; MSG msg; HACCEL haccl;
// our documentation states that WinMain is supposed to return 0 if
// we do not enter our message loop--so assume the worst...
nResult = 0;
// make our instance handle global for convenience..
ghinst = hinst;
// init some stuff, create window, etc.. note the explicit cast of
// pszCmdLine--this is to mute a warning (and an ugly ifdef) when
// compiling for Unicode. see AppInit() for more details.
hwnd = AppInit(hinst, hinstPrev, (LPTSTR)pszCmdLine, nCmdShow); if (hwnd) { haccl = LoadAccelerators(hinst, ACCEL_APP);
// dispatch messages
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { //
// do all the special stuff required for this application
// when dispatching messages..
if (!TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, haccl, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
// return result of WM_QUIT message.
nResult = (int)msg.wParam; }
// shut things down, clean up, etc.
nResult = AppExit(hinst, nResult);
return (nResult); } // WinMain()