docfmt.c - Take the output from extract program and format it.
Copyright (c) 1989, Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.
... 10-06-89 Matt Saettler ... 10-15-89 Matt Saettler - Autodoc'ed added functions
3-26-91 Ported for use with Win32 (NigelT)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef MMWIN
#include <mmsysver.h>
#include "version.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "docfmt.h"
#include "readext.h"
#include "ventura.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "rtf.h"
#include "errstr.h"
void addexternal(char *pch); int levelOK(aBlock *pBlock); void parseargfile(char *filename);
/* globals */ char *progName = "docfmt"; // name of our program.
char *dirPath = NULL; // path for creation of temporary files
char *outputFile = NULL; // the final output file name
int noOutput = OFF; // if ON then no output is generated.
int outputType; // type of output to be generated
int fprocessFiles; // flag: should files be processed?
int fCleanFiles; // flag: should temporary files be cleaned up?
int fMMUserEd=FALSE; // flag: generating for User Ed?
logentry *head_log=NULL; // head of list of log files
aLine *headExternal=NULL; // head of list of external names to process
int fprocessOverride=FALSE; // has fprocessFiles been set by user?
int fCleanOverride=FALSE; // has fCleanFiles been set by user?
char achtmpbuf[128]; // a global temporary buffer
int verbose=FALSE;
// Definitions for Error Strings
int warninglevel=2; // warning level
int prlineno=TRUE; // print line numbers
int prinfo=TRUE; // print INFO messages ?
long haderror=0; // count of number of errors
int therewaserror=FALSE; // flag: TRUE if there was an error
int dumplevels=FALSE; // flag: TRUE if want to dump doc levels
int fSortMessage=TRUE; // flag: TRUE if want to sort messages
// seperately from APIs
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func int | docfmt | Formats the input from the given file and * prints it to 'stdout'. If the given filename is NULL, input is * taken from 'stdin'. * * @parm char * | fileName | Specifies the name of the * file to be processed. * * @rdesc A return value of zero indicates success; a non-zero return value * indicates an error. */ int docfmt(fileName, pcur_log) char *fileName; logentry *pcur_log; { int nStatus; int wtag; aBlock *pcurBlock; EXTFile *pExt; char ach[120];
pExt=(EXTFile *)clear_alloc(sizeof (struct _EXTFile)); if(!pExt) { error(ERROR3); exit(7); } /* file from standard input? */ if( fileName == NULL ) { pExt->EXTFilename=cp_alloc("<stdin>"); pExt->fp = stdin; } else { pExt->EXTFilename=cp_alloc(fileName); pExt->fp = fopen( pExt->EXTFilename, "r"); if(pExt->fp == NULL ) { /* or from user-supplied filename? */ strcpy( achtmpbuf, dirPath ); strcat( achtmpbuf, fileName ); my_free(pExt->EXTFilename); pExt->EXTFilename=cp_alloc(achtmpbuf);
pExt->fp = fopen( achtmpbuf, "r");
/* can file be opened? */ if(pExt->fp == NULL) { error( ERROR1, achtmpbuf); exit(1); } } }
#if 0
// get header information
getLine(pExt); wtag=HIWORD(getTag(pExt));
while(wtag == T2_HEADER) { wtag=(int)getTag(pExt); switch( wtag) { case TG_BEGINHEAD: getLine(pExt); break;
case TG_EXTRACTID: nStatus = processText( pExt, &((pcur_log->pExt)->extractid) ); if( nStatus) return( nStatus ); getLine(pExt); break;
case TG_EXTRACTVER: nStatus = processText( pExt, &((pcur_log->pExt)->extractver) ); if( nStatus) return( nStatus ); getLine(pExt); break; case TG_EXTRACTDATE: nStatus = processText( pExt, &((pcur_log->pExt)->extractdate) ); if( nStatus) return( nStatus ); getLine(pExt); break; case TG_ENDHEAD: break;
wtag=HIWORD(getTag(pExt)); }
if( getLine(pExt) ) { pcurBlock=(aBlock *)1; // a do.. while loop
while( pcurBlock ) { if(verbose>1) fprintf(errfp," Reading: "); pcurBlock = getBlock(pExt); if(pcurBlock && levelOK(pcurBlock) ) { if(verbose>1) fprintf(errfp," Writing.\n"); putblock(pcurBlock, pcur_log); } else if(verbose>1) if(pcurBlock) fprintf(errfp," Skipping\n"); else fprintf(errfp," End of File.\n"); if(pcurBlock) destroyblock(pcurBlock); } } else { nStatus = ST_EOF; }
/* close the file */ fclose(pExt->fp); pExt->fp=NULL;
if( nStatus == ST_EOF ) return( 0 ); else return( nStatus ); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func int | levelOK | Returns TRUE if the specified Block is * OK to output. * * @parm aBlock * | pBlock | Specifies the Block to check. * * @rdesc A return value of TRUE indicates the specified Block is * valid to output. If not valid to print, the return value is FALSE. */ int levelOK(aBlock *pBlock) { aLine *pextern; aLine *pLevel;
pextern=headExternal; while(pextern) { if(!strcmp(pextern->text,"*")) // '*' means everything
return TRUE; pLevel=pBlock->doclevel; while(pLevel) { if(!stricmp(pLevel->text,pextern->text)) return(TRUE); /* we found a match */ pLevel=pLevel->next; } pextern=pextern->next;
/* no matches. */ return FALSE; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | Usage | Prints usage information to 'stderr'. * * @comm This function does not exit. */ void Usage() { fprintf(stdout, "usage: \n%s [-x[ ]name] [-r[dh]] [-c[01] [-p[01] \n", progName); fprintf(stdout, "\t[-o[ ]filename] [-d[ ]dirpath] [-l[ ]logfile] [-Zs] [-V[level]] [files]\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t[@argfile]\n\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-x[ ]name\tDefines <name> to be generated from the extracted file.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(Default is external.)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-X\t\tProcesses all names from extract file.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-Zs]\t\t\tNo output, error check only.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-Ze]\t\t\tEnables extensions: dump doc level in API.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-rd]\t\t\tGenerate RTF output for printing.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-rh]\t\t\tGenerate RTF output for WinHelp.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(Default is generate for Ventura.)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(Default RTF is for printing.)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-p[01]] \t\tProcess output files.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(0 means don't process)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-c[01]] \t\tClean up intermediate files.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(0 means don't clean)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-m[01]] \t\tSort Messages seperately from APIs.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(0 means don't sort seperate)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-d dirpath] \t\tSpecify the directory for temporary files.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(only one tmp path should be specified)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-l logfile] \t\tSpecify the logfile.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(many logfiles may be specified)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t(the logfile maps functions to files)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-o outputfile] \tSpecify the output file.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-v[level]] \t\tSets the Verbosity level.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[-M]] \t\t\tSets processing for MM User Ed.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[files] \t\tList of files to be processed.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[@argfile]\t\tName of file to get list of arguments from.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\nOptions may be placed in any order.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "example: %s /xinternal /rd dspmgr.ext\n",progName); fprintf(stdout, "example: %s dspmgr.ext\n",progName); fprintf(stdout, "example: %s /d \\tmp /rh dspmgr.ext\n",progName); fprintf(stdout, "example: %s -x internal -x dspmgr -d\\tmp /rh dspmgr.ext /c0 /p0\n",progName); fprintf(stdout, "example: %s /rd @args /c0\n",progName); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func int | main | This function formats documentation information * from the given input file and sends it to the standard output. * Information is not sorted or formatted. * * @parm int | argc | Specified the number of arguments. * * @parm char * | argv[] | Specifies an arrayof points to the arguments. * * @rdesc The return value is zero if there are no errors, otherwise the * return value is a non-zero error code. */ int main(argc, argv) int argc; /* Specifies the number of arguments. */ char *argv[]; /* Specifies an array of pointers to the arguments */ { int nFiles = 0; /* # of files processed */ int nStatus; int done; int temp;
if(initerror()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Internal Error 01\n",progName); exit(765); }
errfp=stderr; // set error logging file to stderr
/* announce our existance */
noOutput = FALSE; done = FALSE;
outputType=VENTURA; fprocessFiles=TRUE;
parsearg(argc,argv, FALSE);
sprintf(achtmpbuf," Version %d.%02d.%02d %s %s - %s %s\n", rmj, rmm, rup, __DATE__, __TIME__, szVerUser, MMSYSVERSIONSTR);
error(LOGON,achtmpbuf); #endif
if(!head_log) { Usage(); exit(1); }
if(!outputFile) { if(fprocessFiles) { if(head_log->inheadFile) { temp=findlshortname(head_log->inheadFile->filename); strncpy(achtmpbuf,head_log->inheadFile->filename,temp); } else { temp=findlshortname(head_log->pchlogname); strncpy(achtmpbuf,head_log->pchlogname,temp); } achtmpbuf[temp]='\0'; switch(outputType) { case VENTURA: strcat(achtmpbuf,".txt"); break; case RTFDOC: case RTFHELP: strcat(achtmpbuf,".rtf"); break; } outputFile=cp_alloc(achtmpbuf); error(INFO_OUTFILEDEFAULT, achtmpbuf); if(!fCleanOverride) fCleanFiles=TRUE; }
} if(!dirPath) { getcwd(achtmpbuf,128); if (achtmpbuf[strlen(achtmpbuf) - 1] != '\\') strcat(achtmpbuf,"\\"); dirPath=cp_alloc(achtmpbuf);
} if(!headExternal) { if(verbose>1) fprintf(errfp,"Document Level list DEFAULTS to %s\n","external"); addexternal("external"); }
if(verbose) fprintf(errfp,"Reading input files...\n"); formatFiles();
if(fprocessFiles) { if(verbose) fprintf(errfp,"Creating %s...\n",outputFile); processLog();
return(FALSE); /* we exit ok */ }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | formatFiles | This function formats the entire list * files and sends them to the specified output type. * * @comm The log files are filled in on exit. */ void formatFiles() { fileentry *cur_file; FILE * fp; logentry *cur_log=head_log;
while(cur_log) { fp=fopen(cur_log->pchlogname,"w"); if(!fp) { fprintf(errfp,"Can't open %s\n",cur_log->pchlogname); error(ERROR3); exit(1); }
/* output per-log header data */ cur_log->outputType=outputType; fprintf(fp,"%d\n",cur_log->outputType);
/* close log header */ fclose(fp); if(verbose>1) fprintf(errfp,"Processing log file %s\n",cur_log->pchlogname); cur_file=cur_log->inheadFile; while(cur_file) { cur_file->logfile=cur_log;
if(verbose>1) fprintf(errfp," Reading file %s\n",cur_file->filename); docfmt(cur_file->filename, cur_log); cur_file=cur_file->next; } cur_log=cur_log->next; } }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | parsearg | This function parses and process the * arguments that it is passed. * * @parm int | argc | Specified the number of arguments. * * @parm char * | argv[] | Specifies an arrayof points to the arguments. * * @parm int | flag | Specifies where the arguments came from. * * @flag TRUE | Arguments came from a file. * * @flag FALSE | Arguments came from the command line. * * @rdesc The return value is zero if there are no errors, otherwise the * return value is a non-zero error code. */ void parsearg(argc,argv, flag) unsigned argc; char **argv; int flag; { unsigned i,j; char copt; int fsamearg;
i = 1; while( i < argc ) { switch (*argv[i]) { case '@': ++argv[i]; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i]; if(strlen(argv[i])==0) /* we have @<space><file> */ i++;
if(*argv[i]) parseargfile(argv[i]); else { error(ERR_FILE_OPTION, '@'); Usage(); exit(1); }
break; #ifdef MSDOS
case '/' : #endif
case '-' : ++argv[i]; fsamearg=TRUE; while(*argv[i] && fsamearg) { copt=*argv[i]; switch( *argv[i] ) {
case 'V': case 'v': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]) verbose=atoi( argv[i]); else verbose=1; if(verbose>0) prinfo=TRUE; else prinfo=FALSE; break;
case 'o': case 'O': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i]; if(strlen(argv[i])==0) /* we have /o<space><file> */ i++;
if(*argv[i]) setoutputfile(argv[i]); else { if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_FILE_OPTION, copt); Usage(); exit(1); }
break; case 'd': case 'D': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i]; if(strlen(argv[i])==0) /* we have /d<space><file> */ i++;
if(*argv[i]) settmppath(argv[i]); else { if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_FILE_OPTION, copt); Usage(); exit(1); }
case 'X': ++argv[i]; addexternal("*"); break; case 'x': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i];
if(strlen(argv[i])==0) /* we have /l<space><name> */ i++;
if(*argv[i]) addexternal(argv[i]); else { if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_NAME_OPTION, copt); Usage(); exit(1); }
break; case 'l': case 'L': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i];
if(strlen(argv[i])==0) /* we have /l<space><file> */ i++;
if(*argv[i]) add_logtoprocess(argv[i]); else { if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_FILE_OPTION, copt); Usage(); exit(1); }
case 'c': case 'C': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i]; fCleanFiles=atoi( argv[i]); fCleanOverride=TRUE; break; case 'm': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i]; fSortMessage=atoi( argv[i]); break;
case 'p': case 'P': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=FALSE; if(*argv[i]==':') ++argv[i]; fprocessFiles=atoi( argv[i]); fprocessOverride=TRUE; break;
case 'r': case 'R': ++argv[i];
if(!argv[i][0]) /* if no parms, default to RTFDOC */ { outputType=RTFDOC; break; }
switch(argv[i][0]) { case 'h': case 'H': outputType=RTFHELP; break; case 'd': case 'D': outputType=RTFDOC; break;
default: if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_XOPTION, copt, argv[i][0]); break; } ++argv[i]; break; case 'M': ++argv[i]; fsamearg=TRUE; fMMUserEd=1; break;
case 'Z': ++argv[i]; while(argv[i][0]) { switch(argv[i][0]) { case 'e': // enable extensions
dumplevels= TRUE; break; case 's': // syntax check only
noOutput = YES; break; default: if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_XOPTION,copt, argv[i][0]); break; } ++argv[i]; } break;
default: error(ERR_OPTION, copt); Usage(); exit(1); } } break; default: /* let's look to see what kind of file it is */ j=findlshortname(argv[i]); if(j==strlen(argv[i])) { /* it has no extension */ if(flag) { fprintf(errfp,"%s. Line %d\n",argv[0],i); } error(ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE, argv[i]); Usage(); exit(1);
} else { #if 0
if(!stricmp(argv[i]+j,".sav")) { add_infile(argv[i]); } else if(!stricmp(argv[i]+j,".ind")) { /* it's an input file */ add_infile(argv[i]); } else if(!stricmp(argv[i]+j,".db")) { /* it's an input file */ add_infile(argv[i]); } else if(!stricmp(argv[i]+j,".xrf")) { add_xrffile(argv[i]); } else #endif
{ /* default file type */ /* add it */
if(!head_log) { j=findlshortname(argv[i]); strncpy(achtmpbuf,argv[i],j); achtmpbuf[j]='\0'; strcat(achtmpbuf,".log"); add_logtoprocess(achtmpbuf); error(INFO_LOGFILEDEFAULT, achtmpbuf); if(!fprocessOverride) fprocessFiles=TRUE; }
add_filetoprocess(argv[i], head_log); #if 0
if(!baseFile) { argv[i][j]='\0'; while(j>=0 && (argv[i][j]!='\\' || argv[i][j]!='/') ) j--; j++;
baseFile=cp_alloc(argv[i]+j); } #endif
} break; } /* switch */ i++; } /*while */
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | parseargfile | This function processes a file as arguments. * * @parm char * | filename | specifies the filename to process. * */ void parseargfile(char *filename) { static reenter=0;
FILE *fp; int lineno,i; char * * ppch; char *pch; aLine *pLine=NULL; aLine *pHLine=NULL;
assert(!reenter); reenter++; fp=fopen(filename,"r"); if(!fp) { fprintf(errfp,"Cannot open argument file %s\n",filename); exit(1); }
lineno=0; while(fgets(achtmpbuf,128,fp)) { // comment is # or ; on first significant character
pch=achtmpbuf; while(*pch && isspace(*pch)) pch++;
if(*pch=='#' || *pch==';') continue;
pLine=lineMake(pch); if(pHLine) pLine->next=pHLine; pHLine=pLine; lineno++; } fclose(fp);
if(lineno>0 && pHLine ) { lineno++; // leave room for arg 0
ppch=(char * *)clear_alloc( (sizeof (char *)) * (lineno+1)); assert(ppch);
pLine=pHLine; sprintf(achtmpbuf,"Arg file: %s",filename); ppch[0]=cp_alloc(achtmpbuf); for(i=1;i<lineno;i++) { assert(pLine); ppch[i]=pLine->text; pLine=pLine->next; } parsearg(lineno,ppch, TRUE); /* do the dirty work */
lineDestroy(pHLine); my_free(*ppch); my_free(ppch); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | addexternal | This function adds the specified string * to the list of defined externals to extract. * * @parm char * | pch | Specifies the string to add. * */ void addexternal(char *pch) { aLine *pLine;
pLine=lineMake(pch); assert(pLine); assert(pch);
if(headExternal) /* insert at head */ pLine->next=headExternal;
headExternal=pLine; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | setoutputfile | This sets the output file name. * * @parm char * | pch | Specifies the filename. * */ void setoutputfile(char * pch) { assert(pch); assert(!outputFile);
outputFile=cp_alloc(pch); return; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | settmppath | This sets the path for temporary files. * * @parm char * | pch | Specifies the path name. * */ void settmppath(char *pch) { int temp; char ach[80];
assert(pch); assert(!dirPath);
strcpy( ach, pch ); temp = strlen( ach ); if( (temp != 0) && (ach[temp-1] != '\\') ) { ach[temp++] = '\\'; ach[temp] = '\0'; } dirPath=cp_alloc(ach); return; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func files | add_outfile | This function adds the specified file to * the list of output files for the specified log file. * * @parm char * | pchfile | Specifies the filename. * * @parm logentry * | pcur_log | Specifies the log file. * * @rdesc The return value is the outfile of the specified file. * */ files add_outfile(char *pchfile, logentry *pcur_log) { files pfile; files pcurfile;
pfile=(files)clear_alloc(sizeof (struct strfile)); if(!pfile) return(NULL);
pfile->filename=cp_alloc(pchfile); pfile->logfile=pcur_log; if(pcur_log->outheadFile) { pcurfile=pcur_log->outheadFile; while(pcurfile->next) { pcurfile=pcurfile->next; } pcurfile->next=pfile;
} else pcur_log->outheadFile=pfile;
return(pfile); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func int | putblock | This function outputs a specifed block. * * @parm aBlock * |pBlock | Specifies the block to output. * * @parm logentry * | pcur_log | Specifies the log to add the output file. * * @rdesc The return value is TRUE if no error has occured. * */ int putblock( aBlock *pBlock, logentry *pcur_log) { char achFile[128]; FILE *tFile; files pfile;
assert(pBlock); assert(pcur_log);
/* output function documentation */ if( !noOutput ) {
pfile=add_outfile(achFile, pcur_log);
/* open the file */ tFile = fopen( pfile->filename, "w" ); if( !tFile ) { error(ERROR10, pfile->filename); return(FALSE); }
/* output information */ switch(outputType) { case VENTURA: VenturaBlockOut(pBlock, tFile); break;
case RTFDOC: case RTFHELP:
RTFBlockOut( pBlock, tFile ); break;
default: fprintf(errfp, "\nInternal Error: Unknown Output Type. Block name:%s\n",pBlock->name->text); break; }
/* add to the logfile */ tFile = fopen(pcur_log->pchlogname, "a"); if( !tFile ) { error(ERROR9, pcur_log->pchlogname ); } else { fprintf(tFile, "%d ", pBlock->blockType); // output type
VentextOut( tFile, pBlock->name, FALSE ); // block name
fprintf( tFile, " \t%s\n", pfile->filename ); // filename
fclose( tFile ); }
} return(TRUE);
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void |destroyblock | This functions deletes all the data structures * associated withe a block. * * @parm aBlock *| pcurblock | Specifies the Block to be destroyed. * */ void destroyblock(aBlock *pcurblock) { aBlock *pcbBlock;
if(!pcurblock) return;
destroyBlockchain(pcurblock->cb); pcurblock->cb=NULL;
/* free all elements of the aBlock structure */ my_free( pcurblock->srcfile ); pcurblock->srcfile=NULL; lineDestroy( pcurblock->doclevel ); pcurblock->doclevel=NULL;
lineDestroy( pcurblock->name ); pcurblock->name=NULL;
lineDestroy( pcurblock->type ); pcurblock->type=NULL;
lineDestroy( pcurblock->desc ); pcurblock->desc=NULL;
parmDestroy( pcurblock->parm ); pcurblock->parm=NULL;
regDestroy( pcurblock->reg ); pcurblock->reg=NULL;
fieldDestroy( pcurblock->field); pcurblock->field=NULL; otherDestroy( pcurblock->other); pcurblock->other=NULL; lineDestroy( pcurblock->tagname); pcurblock->tagname=NULL; lineDestroy( pcurblock->rtndesc ); pcurblock->rtndesc=NULL;
flagDestroy( pcurblock->rtnflag ); pcurblock->rtnflag=NULL;
lineDestroy( pcurblock->comment ); pcurblock->comment=NULL;
lineDestroy( pcurblock->xref ); pcurblock->xref=NULL; /* now, free the aBlock structure itself */ my_free( pcurblock ); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void |destroyBlockchain | This function deletes a list of Blocks. * * @parm aBlock * |pcurblock | Specifies the head of the list of Blocks. * * @comm This function is recursive. */ void destroyBlockchain(aBlock *pcurblock) { if(!pcurblock) return;
if(pcurblock->next) destroyBlockchain(pcurblock->next);
destroyblock(pcurblock); }