** Copyright 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** */
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
struct JumpBuffer { jmp_buf buf; };
#define mysetjmp(x) setjmp((x)->buf)
#define mylongjmp(x,y) longjmp((x)->buf, y)
/* <<AT&T USL C++ Language System <3.0.1> 02/03/92>> */ /* < ../clients/glsurfeval.c++ > */
void *__vec_new (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_ct (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_dt (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_delete (void *, int , int , void *, int , int ); typedef int (*__vptp)(void); struct __mptr {short d; short i; __vptp f; };
typedef unsigned int GLenum ; typedef unsigned char GLboolean ; typedef unsigned int GLbitfield ; typedef signed char GLbyte ; typedef short GLshort ; typedef int GLint ; typedef int GLsizei ; typedef unsigned char GLubyte ; typedef unsigned short GLushort ; typedef unsigned int GLuint ; typedef float GLfloat ; typedef float GLclampf ; typedef double GLdouble ; typedef double GLclampd ; typedef void GLvoid ;
typedef unsigned int size_t ;
// extern void *malloc (size_t );
// extern void free (void *);
typedef float REAL ; typedef void (*Pfvv )(void ); typedef void (*Pfvf )(float *); typedef int (*cmpfunc )(void *, void *); typedef REAL Knot ;
typedef REAL *Knot_ptr ;
struct CachingEvaluator; enum __Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode { play__Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode = 0, record__Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode = 1, playAndRecord__Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode = 2} ;
struct CachingEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ; };
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ; };
static void *__nw__FUi (size_t );
struct SurfaceMap;
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator;
struct StoredVertex;
struct StoredVertex;
struct StoredVertex {
int type__12StoredVertex ; REAL coord__12StoredVertex [2]; long point__12StoredVertex [2]; };
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator;
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ;
struct StoredVertex *vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [3]; int tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ; int which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ; int vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ; };
void __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, REAL , REAL ); void __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, long , long );
extern struct __mptr* __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gls0[];
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__gl__ct__22OpenGLSurfaceEvalu0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { int __1i ;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator *__0__X7 ;
struct CachingEvaluator *__0__X4 ;
void *__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ;
if (__0this || (__0this = (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)( (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa = malloc ( (sizeof (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator))) ), (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ?(((void *)__1__Xp0025pnaiaa )):(((void *)__1__Xp0025pnaiaa )))) )){ ( (__0this = (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)( (__0__X7 = (((struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ))), ( ((__0__X7 || (__0__X7 = (struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator *)__nw__FUi ( sizeof (struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator)) ))?( (__0__X7 = (struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator *)( (__0__X4 = (((struct CachingEvaluator *)__0__X7 ))), ( ((__0__X4 || (__0__X4 = (struct CachingEvaluator *)( (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa = malloc ( (sizeof (struct CachingEvaluator))) ), (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ?(((void *)__1__Xp0025pnaiaa )):(((void *)__1__Xp0025pnaiaa )))) ))?(__0__X4 -> __vptr__16CachingEvaluator = (struct __mptr *) __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gls0[0]):0 ), ((__0__X4 ))) ) ), (__0__X7 -> __vptr__16CachingEvaluator = (struct __mptr *) __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gls0[1])) :0 ), ((__0__X7 ))) ) ), (__0this -> __vptr__16CachingEvaluator = (struct __mptr *) __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gls0[2])) ;
for(__1i = 0 ;__1i < 3 ;__1i ++ ) { struct StoredVertex *__0__X8 ;
struct StoredVertex *__0__X9 ;
void *__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ;
(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [__1i ])= ( (__0__X9 = 0 ), ( ((__0__X9 || (__0__X9 = (struct StoredVertex *)( (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa = malloc ( (sizeof (struct StoredVertex))) ), (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ?(((void *)__1__Xp0025pnaiaa )):(((void *)__1__Xp0025pnaiaa )))) ))?( (__0__X9 -> type__12StoredVertex = 0 ), 0 ) :0 ), ((__0__X9 ))) ) ; } /* XXX Add the following 3 lines - hockl */ /* XXX tnurb.exe crashes if memory is not zero init'd */ __0this -> tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 0; __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 0; __0this -> vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 0; } return __0this ;
void __gl__dt__22OpenGLSurfaceEvalu0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , int __0__free ) { if (__0this ){ __0this -> __vptr__16CachingEvaluator = (struct __mptr *) __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gls0[2];
if (__0this )if (__0__free & 1)( (((void *)__0this )?( free ( ((void *)__0this )) , 0 ) :( 0 ) )) ; } }
// extern void glDisable (GLenum );
void __gldisable__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1type ) { glDisable ( (unsigned int )__1type ) ; }
// extern void glEnable (GLenum );
void __glenable__22OpenGLSurfaceEva0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1type ) { glEnable ( (unsigned int )__1type ) ; }
// extern void glMapGrid2d (GLint , GLdouble , GLdouble , GLint , GLdouble , GLdouble );
void __glmapgrid2f__22OpenGLSurface0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1nu , REAL __1u0 , REAL __1u1 , long __1nv , REAL __1v0 , REAL __1v1 ) { glMapGrid2d ( (int )__1nu , (double )__1u0 , (double )__1u1 , (int )__1nv , (double )__1v0 , (double )__1v1 ) ; }
// extern void glPolygonMode (GLenum , GLenum );
void __glpolymode__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1style ) { switch (__1style ){ default : case 0 : glPolygonMode ( (unsigned int )0x0408 , (unsigned int )0x1B02 ) ; break ; case 1 : glPolygonMode ( (unsigned int )0x0408 , (unsigned int )0x1B01 ) ; break ; case 2 : glPolygonMode ( (unsigned int )0x0408 , (unsigned int )0x1B00 ) ; break ; } }
// extern void glBegin (GLenum );
void __glbgnline__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glBegin ( (unsigned int )0x0003 ) ; }
// extern void glEnd (void );
void __glendline__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glEnd ( ) ; }
void __glrange2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1type , REAL *__1from , REAL *__1to ) { }
void __gldomain2f__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , REAL __1ulo , REAL __1uhi , REAL __1vlo , REAL __1vhi ) {
void __glbgnclosedline__22OpenGLSur0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glBegin ( (unsigned int )0x0002 ) ; }
void __glendclosedline__22OpenGLSur0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glEnd ( ) ; }
void __glbgntmesh__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { __0this -> tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 1 ; __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 0 ; __0this -> vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 0 ; glBegin ( (unsigned int )0x0004 ) ; }
void __glswaptmesh__22OpenGLSurface0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = (1 - __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ); }
void __glendtmesh__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { __0this -> tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = 0 ; glEnd ( ) ; }
void __glbgnqstrip__22OpenGLSurface0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glBegin ( (unsigned int )0x0008 ) ; }
void __glendqstrip__22OpenGLSurface0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glEnd ( ) ; }
// extern void glPushAttrib (GLbitfield );
void __glbgnmap2f__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1__A10 ) { glPushAttrib ( (unsigned int )0x00010000 ) ; }
// extern void glPopAttrib (void );
void __glendmap2f__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this ) { glPopAttrib ( ) ; }
// extern void glMap2f (GLenum , GLfloat , GLfloat , GLint , GLint , GLfloat , GLfloat , GLint , GLint , GLfloat *);
void __glmap2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEval0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1_type , REAL __1_ulower , REAL __1_uupper , long __1_ustride , long __1_uorder , REAL __1_vlower , REAL __1_vupper , long __1_vstride , long __1_vorder , REAL *__1pts ) { glMap2f ( (unsigned int )__1_type , __1_ulower , __1_uupper , (int )__1_ustride , (int )__1_uorder , __1_vlower , __1_vupper , (int )__1_vstride , (int )__1_vorder , (float *)__1pts ) ; }
// extern void glEvalMesh2 (GLenum , GLint , GLint , GLint , GLint );
void __glmapmesh2f__22OpenGLSurface0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1style , long __1umin , long __1umax , long __1vmin , long __1vmax ) { switch (__1style ){ default : case 0 : glEvalMesh2 ( (unsigned int )0x1B02 , (int )__1umin , (int )__1umax , (int )__1vmin , (int )__1vmax ) ; break ; case 1 : glEvalMesh2 ( (unsigned int )0x1B01 , (int )__1umin , (int )__1umax , (int )__1vmin , (int )__1vmax ) ;
break ; case 2 : glEvalMesh2 ( (unsigned int )0x1B00 , (int )__1umin , (int )__1umax , (int )__1vmin , (int )__1vmax ) ;
break ; } }
void __glnewtmeshvert__22OpenGLSurf1 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, REAL , REAL );
void __glevalcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfa0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1__A11 , REAL __1u , REAL __1v ) { __glnewtmeshvert__22OpenGLSurf1 ( __0this , __1u , __1v ) ; }
void __glnewtmeshvert__22OpenGLSurf0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, long , long );
void __glevalpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfa0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1u , long __1v ) { __glnewtmeshvert__22OpenGLSurf0 ( __0this , __1u , __1v ) ; }
// extern void glEvalPoint2 (GLint , GLint );
void __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1u , long __1v ) { glEvalPoint2 ( (int )__1u , (int )__1v ) ; }
// extern void glEvalCoord2f (GLfloat , GLfloat );
void __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , REAL __1u , REAL __1v ) { glEvalCoord2f ( __1u , __1v ) ; }
void __glnewtmeshvert__22OpenGLSurf0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , long __1u , long __1v ) { if (__0this -> tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ){ struct StoredVertex *__0__X14 ;
if (__0this -> vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator == 2 ){ struct StoredVertex *__0__X12 ;
struct StoredVertex *__0__X13 ;
{ __0__X12 = (struct StoredVertex *)(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [0 ]);
{ switch (__0__X12 -> type__12StoredVertex ) { case 1 : __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X12 -> coord__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X12 -> coord__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
case 2 : __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X12 -> point__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X12 -> point__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
default : break ;
{ __0__X13 = (struct StoredVertex *)(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [1 ]);
{ switch (__0__X13 -> type__12StoredVertex ) { case 1 : __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X13 -> coord__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X13 -> coord__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
case 2 : __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X13 -> point__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X13 -> point__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
default : break ;
glEvalPoint2 ( (int )__1u , (int )__1v ) ; } else { __0this -> vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ++ ; } ( (__0__X14 = (struct StoredVertex *)(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [__0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ])), ( ((__0__X14 -> point__12StoredVertex [0 ])= __1u ), ( ((__0__X14 -> point__12StoredVertex [1 ])= __1v ), (__0__X14 -> type__12StoredVertex = 2 )) ) ) ; __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = (1 - __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ); } else { glEvalPoint2 ( (int )__1u , (int )__1v ) ; } }
void __glnewtmeshvert__22OpenGLSurf1 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *__0this , REAL __1u , REAL __1v ) { if (__0this -> tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ){ struct StoredVertex *__0__X17 ;
if (__0this -> vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator == 2 ){ struct StoredVertex *__0__X15 ;
struct StoredVertex *__0__X16 ;
{ __0__X15 = (struct StoredVertex *)(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [0 ]);
{ switch (__0__X15 -> type__12StoredVertex ) { case 1 : __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X15 -> coord__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X15 -> coord__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
case 2 : __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X15 -> point__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X15 -> point__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
default : break ;
{ __0__X16 = (struct StoredVertex *)(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [1 ]);
{ switch (__0__X16 -> type__12StoredVertex ) { case 1 : __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X16 -> coord__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X16 -> coord__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
case 2 : __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)((struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)__0this ), __0__X16 -> point__12StoredVertex [0 ], __0__X16 -> point__12StoredVertex [1 ]) ;
break ;
default : break ;
glEvalCoord2f ( __1u , __1v ) ; } else { __0this -> vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ++ ; } ( (__0__X17 = (struct StoredVertex *)(__0this -> vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [__0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ])), ( ((__0__X17 -> coord__12StoredVertex [0 ])= __1u ), ( ((__0__X17 -> coord__12StoredVertex [1 ])= __1v ), (__0__X17 -> type__12StoredVertex = 1 )) ) ) ; __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator = (1 - __0this -> which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ); } else { glEvalCoord2f ( __1u , __1v ) ; } } int __glcanRecord__16CachingEvalua0 (struct CachingEvaluator *); int __glcanPlayAndRecord__16Cachin0 (struct CachingEvaluator *); int __glcreateHandle__16CachingEva0 (struct CachingEvaluator *, int ); void __glbeginOutput__16CachingEval0 (struct CachingEvaluator *, int , int ); void __glendOutput__16CachingEvalua0 (struct CachingEvaluator *); void __gldiscardRecording__16Cachin0 (struct CachingEvaluator *, int ); void __glplayRecording__16CachingEv0 (struct CachingEvaluator *, int ); struct __mptr __gl__vtbl__22OpenGLSurfaceEva0[] = {0,0,0, 0,0,(__vptp)__glcanRecord__16CachingEvalua0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glcanPlayAndRecord__16Cachin0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glcreateHandle__16CachingEva0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glbeginOutput__16CachingEval0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glendOutput__16CachingEvalua0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__gldiscardRecording__16Cachin0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glplayRecording__16CachingEv0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glrange2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__gldomain2f__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glenable__22OpenGLSurfaceEva0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__gldisable__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glbgnmap2f__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glmap2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEval0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glmapgrid2f__22OpenGLSurface0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glmapmesh2f__22OpenGLSurface0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glevalcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfa0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glevalpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfa0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glendmap2f__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glpolymode__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glbgnline__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glendline__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glbgnclosedline__22OpenGLSur0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glendclosedline__22OpenGLSur0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glbgntmesh__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glswaptmesh__22OpenGLSurface0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glendtmesh__22OpenGLSurfaceE0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glbgnqstrip__22OpenGLSurface0 , 0,0,(__vptp)__glendqstrip__22OpenGLSurface0 , 0,0,0}; extern struct __mptr __gl__vtbl__21BasicSurfaceEval0[]; extern struct __mptr __gl__vtbl__16CachingEvaluator[];
static void *__nw__FUi ( size_t __1s ) { void *__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ;
__1__Xp0025pnaiaa = malloc ( __1s ) ; if (__1__Xp0025pnaiaa ){ return __1__Xp0025pnaiaa ; } else { return __1__Xp0025pnaiaa ; } } struct __mptr* __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gls0[] = { __gl__vtbl__16CachingEvaluator, __gl__vtbl__21BasicSurfaceEval0, __gl__vtbl__22OpenGLSurfaceEva0,
/* the end */