// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// File: C O M P R E F S . C P P
// Contents: Implements the interface to a component's references. A
// component can be referenced (installed by) other components,
// the user, or other software. This module manages the
// interface to that data.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 15 Jan 1999
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "comp.h"
#include "comprefs.h"
#include "icomp.h"
#include "nceh.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
// Cannot be inline because comprefs.h cannot include comp.h.
CComponentReferences::~CComponentReferences () { Assert (this);
// Must use delete on m_pData to get destructors of its members
// to be called.
delete m_pData; }
ULONG CComponentReferences::CountComponentsReferencedBy () const { Assert (this);
if (!m_pData) { return 0; }
return m_pData->RefByComponents.Count (); }
ULONG CComponentReferences::CountSoftwareReferencedBy () const { Assert (this);
if (!m_pData) { return 0; }
return m_pData->RefBySoftware.size (); }
ULONG CComponentReferences::CountTotalReferencedBy () const { Assert (this);
if (!m_pData) { return 0; }
return ((m_pData->fRefByUser) ? 1 : 0) + m_pData->RefByComponents.Count () + m_pData->RefBySoftware.size (); }
HRESULT HrGetSoftwareOboTokenKey ( IN const OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken, BOOL fRegister, OUT PWSTR* ppszKey) { HRESULT hr; UINT cch;
Assert (pOboToken); Assert (OBO_SOFTWARE == pOboToken->Type); Assert (pOboToken->pszwManufacturer && *pOboToken->pszwManufacturer); Assert (pOboToken->pszwProduct && *pOboToken->pszwProduct); Assert (ppszKey);
cch = wcslen (pOboToken->pszwManufacturer) + wcslen (pOboToken->pszwProduct);
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppszKey = (PWSTR)MemAlloc ((cch + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppszKey) { hr = S_OK; wcscpy (*ppszKey, pOboToken->pszwManufacturer); wcscat (*ppszKey, pOboToken->pszwProduct);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrRegSetSz ( hkeyRefNames, *ppszKey, pOboToken->pszwDisplayName);
RegCloseKey (hkeyRefNames); } } }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrGetSoftwareOboTokenKey"); return hr; }
BOOL CComponentReferences::FIsReferencedByComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) const { Assert (pComponent);
if (!m_pData) { return FALSE; }
return m_pData->RefByComponents.FComponentInList (pComponent); }
BOOL CComponentReferences::FIsReferencedByOboToken ( IN const OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken) const { HRESULT hr; BOOL fIsReferenced; PWSTR pszKey;
Assert (pOboToken);
if (!m_pData) { return FALSE; }
fIsReferenced = FALSE;
CComponent* pComponent;
switch (pOboToken->Type) { case OBO_USER: fIsReferenced = m_pData->fRefByUser; break;
case OBO_COMPONENT: // Can't be referenced if there are no references.
if (m_pData->RefByComponents.Count() > 0) { pComponent = PComponentFromComInterface (pOboToken->pncc);
fIsReferenced = m_pData->RefByComponents.FComponentInList ( pComponent); } break;
case OBO_SOFTWARE: // Can't be referenced if there are no references.
if (m_pData->RefBySoftware.size() > 0) { // Get the key for the software token, but don't register
// the display name.
hr = HrGetSoftwareOboTokenKey (pOboToken, FALSE, &pszKey); if (S_OK == hr) { fIsReferenced = find (m_pData->RefBySoftware.begin(), m_pData->RefBySoftware.end(), pszKey) != m_pData->RefBySoftware.end();
MemFree (pszKey); } } break;
default: AssertSz (FALSE, "Invalid obo token"); }
return fIsReferenced; }
VOID CComponentReferences::GetReferenceDescriptionsAsMultiSz ( IN BYTE* pbBuf OPTIONAL, OUT ULONG* pcbBuf) const { ULONG cbBuf; ULONG cbBufIn; ULONG cb; CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent; vector<CWideString>::const_iterator pStr;
Assert (this); Assert (m_pData); Assert (pcbBuf);
cbBufIn = *pcbBuf; cbBuf = 0;
// Get/Size the component descriptions.
for (iter = m_pData->RefByComponents.begin(); iter != m_pData->RefByComponents.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
cb = CbOfSzAndTermSafe(pComponent->Ext.PszDescription()); cbBuf += cb; if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { wcscpy ((PWSTR)pbBuf, pComponent->Ext.PszDescription()); pbBuf += cb; } }
// Get/Size the software descriptions.
if (!m_pData->RefBySoftware.empty()) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyRefNames;
if (S_OK == hr) { for (pStr = m_pData->RefBySoftware.begin(); pStr != m_pData->RefBySoftware.end(); pStr++) { cb = cbBufIn - cbBuf;
hr = HrRegQuerySzBuffer (hkeyRefNames, pStr->c_str(), (PWSTR)pbBuf, &cb);
if (S_OK == hr) { cbBuf += cb;
if (pbBuf) { pbBuf += cb; } } }
RegCloseKey (hkeyRefNames); } }
// Terminate the multi-sz.
cbBuf += sizeof(WCHAR); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(PWSTR)pbBuf = 0; }
// Return the size of the buffer required.
*pcbBuf = cbBuf; }
BOOL CComponentReferences::FIsReferencedByOthers () const { Assert (this);
if (!m_pData) { return FALSE; }
return m_pData->fRefByUser || !m_pData->RefByComponents.empty() || !m_pData->RefBySoftware.empty(); }
CComponent* CComponentReferences::PComponentReferencedByAtIndex ( IN UINT unIndex) const { Assert (this);
if (!m_pData) { return NULL; }
return m_pData->RefByComponents.PGetComponentAtIndex (unIndex); }
const CWideString* CComponentReferences::PSoftwareReferencedByAtIndex ( IN UINT unIndex) const { Assert (this);
if (!m_pData) { return NULL; }
return &m_pData->RefBySoftware[unIndex]; }
HRESULT CComponentReferences::HrEnsureAllocated () { Assert (this);
if (m_pData) { return S_OK; }
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; m_pData = new COMPONENT_REFERENCE_DATA; if (m_pData) { ZeroMemory (m_pData, sizeof(COMPONENT_REFERENCE_DATA)); hr = S_OK; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CComponentReferences::HrEnsureAllocated"); return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceByUser () { HRESULT hr;
Assert (this);
hr = HrEnsureAllocated (); if (S_OK == hr) { m_pData->fRefByUser = TRUE; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CComponentReferences::AddReferenceByUser"); return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceByComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) { HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponent);
hr = HrEnsureAllocated (); if (S_OK == hr) { // If someone wants to add a reference by the same component
// multiple times, we'll allow it. The component only goes in the
// list once.
hr = m_pData->RefByComponents.HrInsertComponent ( pComponent, INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP | INS_NON_SORTED); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceByComponent"); return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceByOboToken ( IN const OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken) { Assert (pOboToken);
HRESULT hr; CComponent* pComponent; PWSTR pszKey;
switch (pOboToken->Type) { case OBO_USER: hr = HrAddReferenceByUser (); break;
case OBO_COMPONENT: pComponent = PComponentFromComInterface (pOboToken->pncc);
hr = HrAddReferenceByComponent (pComponent); break;
case OBO_SOFTWARE: // Register the display name of the obo token.
hr = HrGetSoftwareOboTokenKey (pOboToken, TRUE, &pszKey); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrAddReferenceBySoftware (pszKey);
MemFree (pszKey); } break;
default: AssertSz (FALSE, "Invalid obo token"); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceByOboToken"); return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceBySoftware ( IN PCWSTR pszKey) { HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pszKey && *pszKey);
hr = HrEnsureAllocated (); if (S_OK == hr) { // If the key is not in the list, add it.
if (find (m_pData->RefBySoftware.begin(), m_pData->RefBySoftware.end(), pszKey) == m_pData->RefBySoftware.end()) { NC_TRY { m_pData->RefBySoftware.push_back (pszKey); Assert (S_OK == hr); } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CComponentReferences::HrAddReferenceBySoftware"); return hr; }
VOID CComponentReferences::RemoveAllReferences() { Assert (this);
if (m_pData) { m_pData->fRefByUser = FALSE; m_pData->RefByComponents.Clear(); m_pData->RefBySoftware.clear(); } }
HRESULT CComponentReferences::HrRemoveReferenceByOboToken ( IN const OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken) { Assert (pOboToken);
HRESULT hr; CComponent* pComponent; PWSTR pszKey;
if (!m_pData) { return S_OK; }
hr = S_OK;
switch (pOboToken->Type) { case OBO_USER: // Don't allow the user's reference to be removed until all
// other references are. This is to prevent the case where
// the user wants to remove IPX, but it is still referenced by
// SAP. If we remove the user's reference to IPX, then we will
// report that it was not removed. If the user then removes
// SAP, both SAP and IPX will be removed. While this will
// certainly work, to end users, they feel that if we tell them
// we can't remove IPX because it is still referenced, then they
// believe we have left IPX untouched and they should first remove
// SAP and then come back and remove IPX.
if (m_pData->RefByComponents.empty() && m_pData->RefBySoftware.empty()) { m_pData->fRefByUser = FALSE; } break;
case OBO_COMPONENT: pComponent = PComponentFromComInterface (pOboToken->pncc);
m_pData->RefByComponents.RemoveComponent(pComponent); break;
case OBO_SOFTWARE: // Register the display name of the obo token.
hr = HrGetSoftwareOboTokenKey (pOboToken, TRUE, &pszKey); if (S_OK == hr) { vector<CWideString>::iterator iter;
iter = find (m_pData->RefBySoftware.begin(), m_pData->RefBySoftware.end(), pszKey); Assert (m_pData->RefBySoftware.end() != iter);
m_pData->RefBySoftware.erase (iter);
Assert (m_pData->RefBySoftware.end() == find (m_pData->RefBySoftware.begin(), m_pData->RefBySoftware.end(), pszKey));
MemFree (pszKey); } break;
default: AssertSz (FALSE, "Invalid obo token"); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CComponentReferences::HrRemoveReferenceByOboToken"); return hr; }