// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: T C P D H C P . C P P
// Contents: Functions related to Calling Dhcpcsvc.dll entry point
// called from HrSetMisc
// HrNotifyDhcp, HrCallDhcpConfig
// Notes: These functions are based on what was in ncpa1.1
// HrNotifyDHCP is from CTcpGenPage::NotifyDHCP
// HrCallDhcpConfig is from CallDHCPConfig
// Author: tongl 11 May 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "tcpipobj.h"
#include "ncatlui.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncsvc.h"
#include "tcpconst.h"
#include "tcputil.h"
#include "atmcommon.h"
#define ConvertIpDword(dwIpOrSubnet) ((dwIpOrSubnet[3]<<24) | (dwIpOrSubnet[2]<<16) | (dwIpOrSubnet[1]<<8) | (dwIpOrSubnet[0]))
// CTcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp
// Makes on the fly IP Address changes for all cards in the system
// hkeyTcpipParam Handle to \CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters reg key
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK;
for (VCARD::iterator iterAdapter = m_vcardAdapterInfo.begin(); iterAdapter != m_vcardAdapterInfo.end(); iterAdapter ++) { pAdapter = *iterAdapter;
if((pAdapter->m_BindingState == BINDING_ENABLE) && (pAdapter->m_InitialBindingState != BINDING_DISABLE) && (!pAdapter->m_fIsWanAdapter)) { // 1) Static IP-> Dhcp
// The new value is enable DHCP,
// but the old value was disable DHCP
if(pAdapter->m_fEnableDhcp && !pAdapter->m_fOldEnableDhcp) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip,"[HrNotifyDhcp] adapter:%S: Static IP->DHCP", pAdapter->m_strBindName.c_str());
HKEY hkeyTcpipParam = NULL; hrTmp = m_pnccTcpip->OpenParamKey(&hkeyTcpipParam);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { // Enable Dhcp
HKEY hkeyInterfaces = NULL; DWORD dwGarbage;
// Open the interfaces key
hrTmp = HrRegCreateKeyEx(hkeyTcpipParam, c_szInterfacesRegKey, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hkeyInterfaces, &dwGarbage);
if(SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { Assert(hkeyInterfaces); HKEY hkeyInterfaceParam = NULL;
// Open the interface key for the specified interface
hrTmp = HrRegCreateKeyEx( hkeyInterfaces, pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ_WRITE, NULL, &hkeyInterfaceParam, &dwGarbage);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { // Clear up the IP address and subnet registry entries
hrTmp = HrRegSetString(hkeyInterfaceParam, RGAS_DHCP_IPADDRESS, tstring(ZERO_ADDRESS));
if(SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { hrTmp = HrRegSetString(hkeyInterfaceParam, RGAS_DHCP_SUBNETMASK, tstring(FF_ADDRESS));
if(SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { // Enable Dhcp & remove first static IP address
hrTmp = HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, FALSE, // static->dhcp
0, // index
0, // IP address
0, // Subnet mask
DhcpEnable); //Flag: enable Dhcp
} } } RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyInterfaceParam); } RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyInterfaces); } RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyTcpipParam); }
// 2) Static IP change
// DHCP is disabled now, and also used to be disabled before
if(!pAdapter->m_fEnableDhcp && !pAdapter->m_fOldEnableDhcp) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip,"[HrNotifyDhcp] adapter:%S: Static IP change.", pAdapter->m_strBindName.c_str());
HRESULT hrTmp2 = S_OK; BOOL fStaticIpChanged = FALSE;
// We should have equal number of IP addresses & subnet masks
Assert(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses.size() == pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask.size());
Assert(pAdapter->m_vstrOldIpAddresses.size() == pAdapter->m_vstrOldSubnetMask.size());
// We need to check if individual IP addresses are different
// and call HrCallDhcpConfig once for each difference
int iCountNew = pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses.size(); int iCountOld = pAdapter->m_vstrOldIpAddresses.size();
int iCount = iCountNew>iCountOld ? iCountOld :iCountNew; Assert(iCount>0);
int iIp;
// For each static IP address index in both old and new
// Update IP
for (iIp=0; iIp<iCount; iIp++) { // Change address if mismatch
if((*pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses[iIp] != *pAdapter->m_vstrOldIpAddresses[iIp]) || (*pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask[iIp] != *pAdapter->m_vstrOldSubnetMask[iIp])) { // if a mismatch found, change it
fStaticIpChanged = TRUE; break; } }
if (fStaticIpChanged) { int i;
// blow away the rest of the old addresses in reverse order
for (i= iCountOld-1; i>=iIp; i--) { // Remove IP address on the fly
hrTmp2= HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, // IsNewIpAddress: TRUE in static->static
i, // Index of old IP address
0, // Ip Address: remove
0, // Subnetmask: remove
IgnoreFlag); // Flag: static->static
TraceError("Ctcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp - remove static IP address", hrTmp2);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) hrTmp = hrTmp2; }
// add the rest of the new addresses in order
for (i= iIp; i< iCountNew; i++) { // Ip Address
DWORD dwIp[4]; GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses[i]->c_str(),dwIp); DWORD dwNewIp = ConvertIpDword(dwIp);
// Subnet mask
DWORD dwSubnet[4]; GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask[i]->c_str(),dwSubnet); DWORD dwNewSubnet = ConvertIpDword(dwSubnet);
if (0 == i) { // $REVIEW(tongl 6/3/98): the first address has to be added differently,
// yet another requirement by the api to change static ip list (bug #180015).
// Bug #180617 had my request to change the API to allow reconfigure whole
// static ip list instead of requiring caller to figure out everything needed
// for the internal data structure change for ip.
// must call "replace" instead of "add"
hrTmp2= HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, // IsNewIpAddress: TRUE in static->static
0, // Replace first address
dwNewIp, dwNewSubnet, IgnoreFlag); // Flag: static->static
} else { // Add IP address on the fly
hrTmp2= HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, // IsNewIpAddress: TRUE in static->static
0xFFFF, // New IP address
dwNewIp, dwNewSubnet, IgnoreFlag); // Flag: static->static
TraceError("Ctcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp - add static IP address", hrTmp2);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) hrTmp = hrTmp2; } } else { // existing addresses all match
if (iIp<iCountNew) // We ust get more new addresses to add
{ fStaticIpChanged = TRUE;
while (iIp<iCountNew) { DWORD dwIp[4]; Assert(!pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses.empty());
GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses[iIp]->c_str(), dwIp); DWORD dwNewIp = ConvertIpDword(dwIp);
// Subnet mask
DWORD dwSubnet[4]; Assert(!pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask.empty()); GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask[iIp]->c_str(), dwSubnet); DWORD dwNewSubnet = ConvertIpDword(dwSubnet);
// Add IP address on the fly
hrTmp2= HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, // IsNewIpAddress: TRUE in static->static
0xFFFF, // New IP address
dwNewIp, dwNewSubnet, IgnoreFlag); // Flag: static->static
TraceError("Ctcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp - add static IP address", hrTmp2);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) hrTmp = hrTmp2;
iIp++; } } else if (iIp<iCountOld) // We just get more old addresses to remove
{ fStaticIpChanged = TRUE;
int iIp2 = iCountOld-1;
while (iIp2 >= iIp) { // Remove IP address on the fly
hrTmp2= HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, // IsNewIpAddress: TRUE in static->static
iIp2, // Index of old IP address
0, // Ip Address: remove
0, // Subnetmask: remove
IgnoreFlag); // Flag: static->static
TraceError("Ctcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp - remove static IP address", hrTmp2);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) hrTmp = hrTmp2;
iIp2--; } } } }
// 3) Dhcp->Static
// DHCP is disabled now, but used to be enabled
if(!pAdapter->m_fEnableDhcp && pAdapter->m_fOldEnableDhcp) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip,"[HrNotifyDhcp] adapter:%S: DHCP->Static IP", pAdapter->m_strBindName.c_str());
// Disable Dhcp & add first static Ip address
// Ip Address
DWORD dwIp[4]; GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses[0]->c_str(), dwIp); DWORD dwNewIp = ConvertIpDword(dwIp);
// Subnet Mask
DWORD dwSubnet[4]; Assert(!pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask.empty()); GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask[0]->c_str(), dwSubnet); DWORD dwNewSubnet = ConvertIpDword(dwSubnet);
// change IP address on the fly
hrTmp = HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, 0, // index: update dhcp address to first static address
dwNewIp, dwNewSubnet, DhcpDisable); // Flag: disable Dhcp
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { HRESULT hrTmp2 = S_OK;
// Add the rest of new static IP addresses
for (size_t iIp = 1; iIp < pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses.size(); iIp++) { // Ip Address
DWORD dwIp[4]; Assert(!pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses.empty()); GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses[iIp]->c_str(), dwIp); DWORD dwNewIp = ConvertIpDword(dwIp);
// Subnet Mask
DWORD dwSubnet[4]; Assert(!pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask.empty()); GetNodeNum(pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask[iIp]->c_str(), dwSubnet); DWORD dwNewSubnet = ConvertIpDword(dwSubnet);
// change IP address on the fly
hrTmp2= HrCallDhcpConfig( NULL, (PWSTR)pAdapter->m_strTcpipBindPath.c_str(), pAdapter->m_guidInstanceId, TRUE, 0xFFFF, // index: new address
dwNewIp, dwNewSubnet, IgnoreFlag ); // Flag: static->static
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp - add static IP address", hrTmp2);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) hrTmp = hrTmp2; } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// 4) Dhcp Class ID, DNS server list and domain change
// $REVIEW(tongl 6/12): Notify DNS server list and domain changes
// here (Raid #175766)
DHCP_PNP_CHANGE DhcpPnpChange; ZeroMemory(&DhcpPnpChange, sizeof(DHCP_PNP_CHANGE));
DhcpPnpChange.Version = DHCP_PNP_CHANGE_VERSION_0; DhcpPnpChange.HostNameChanged = FALSE; DhcpPnpChange.MaskChanged = FALSE;
//Bug 257868 If there is user specified default gateway, notify dhcp client
DhcpPnpChange.GateWayChanged = !fIsSameVstr(pAdapter->m_vstrDefaultGateway, pAdapter->m_vstrOldDefaultGateway) || !fIsSameVstr(pAdapter->m_vstrDefaultGatewayMetric, pAdapter->m_vstrOldDefaultGatewayMetric); DhcpPnpChange.RouteChanged = FALSE; DhcpPnpChange.OptsChanged = FALSE; DhcpPnpChange.OptDefsChanged = FALSE;
DhcpPnpChange.DnsListChanged = !fIsSameVstr(pAdapter->m_vstrDnsServerList, pAdapter->m_vstrOldDnsServerList); DhcpPnpChange.DomainChanged = pAdapter->m_strDnsDomain != pAdapter->m_strOldDnsDomain; DhcpPnpChange.ClassIdChanged = FALSE; DhcpPnpChange.DnsOptionsChanged = ((!!pAdapter->m_fDisableDynamicUpdate) != (!!pAdapter->m_fOldDisableDynamicUpdate)) || ((!!pAdapter->m_fEnableNameRegistration) != (!!pAdapter->m_fOldEnableNameRegistration));
if(DhcpPnpChange.DnsListChanged || DhcpPnpChange.DnsOptionsChanged || DhcpPnpChange.DomainChanged || (DhcpPnpChange.GateWayChanged && pAdapter->m_fEnableDhcp)) { hrTmp = HrCallDhcpHandlePnPEvent(pAdapter, &DhcpPnpChange); if (FAILED(hrTmp)) { TraceError("HrCallDhcpHandlePnPEvent returns failure, requesting reboot...", hrTmp); hr = NETCFG_S_REBOOT; } }
if (pAdapter->m_fBackUpSettingChanged) { hrTmp = HrDhcpRefreshFallbackParams(pAdapter); if (FAILED(hrTmp)) { TraceError("HrDhcpRefreshFallbackParams returns failure, requesting reboot...", hrTmp); hr = NETCFG_S_REBOOT; } } } }
if (NETCFG_S_REBOOT != hr) hr = hrTmp;
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrNotifyDhcp", hr); return hr; }
// Define the export function prototype from dhcpcsvc.dll
typedef DWORD (APIENTRY *T_DhcpNotifyConfigChange)(PWSTR ServerName, PWSTR AdapterName, BOOL IsNewIpAddress, DWORD IpIndex, DWORD IpAddress, DWORD SubnetMask, SERVICE_ENABLE DhcpServiceEnabled);
// CTcpipcfg::HrCallDhcpConfig
// Sets the IP address on the fly (without re-booting)
// ServerName always set to NULL
// AdapterName the adapter BindPathName to tcpip
// IsNewIpAddress set to TRUE if Dhcp->Static or Statis->Static changes
// set to FALSE if Static->Dhcp changes
// IpIndex the index of the IP Address for the card
// adapters can have more than 1 IP Address
// (as seen in the Advanced dialog)
// (this is causing problem for Munil
// because the use of this index is buggy in his code
// index is always set to 0 if there is only one IP Address
// for the card
// IpAddress the new IP Address
// SubnetMask the new SubnetMask
// DhcpServiceEnabled enum type, can be set to :
// DhcpEnable -> if DHCP was disabled,
// but now being changed to enabled
// IgnoreFlag -> DHCP was disabled and is still disabled
// DhcpDisable -> DHCP was enabled, but now being changed
// to disabled
// For extra reference talk to Munil -> these parameters correspond to the
// DhcpNotifyConfigChange API of the dhcpcsvc.dll file
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrCallDhcpConfig(PWSTR ServerName, PWSTR AdapterName, GUID & guidAdaputer, BOOL IsNewIpAddress, DWORD IpIndex, DWORD IpAddress, DWORD SubnetMask, SERVICE_ENABLE DhcpServiceEnabled) {
// Make sure TCP/IP is running.
// Scoping brackets cause service and service controller to be
// closed when we don't need them anymore.
{ CServiceManager smng; CService serv;
hr = smng.HrOpenService(&serv, c_szTcpip, NO_LOCK, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwState;
hr = serv.HrQueryState(&dwState); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(dwState != SERVICE_RUNNING) { //TCPIP must always be running if installed!!!
AssertSz(FALSE, "Tcpip service must always be running if installed!"); hr = E_FAIL; } } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HMODULE hDll; FARPROC pDhcpConfig; hr = HrLoadLibAndGetProc (L"dhcpcsvc.dll", "DhcpNotifyConfigChange", &hDll, &pDhcpConfig); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip,"Begin calling DhcpNotifyConfigChange...");
// Parameter dump for debugging
TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] ServerName:%S", ServerName); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] AdapterName:%S", AdapterName); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] IsNewIpAddress:%d", IsNewIpAddress); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] IpIndex:%d", IpIndex); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] IpAddress:%d", IpAddress); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] SubnetMask:%d", SubnetMask); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpNotifyConfigChange] DhcpServiceEnabled:%d", DhcpServiceEnabled);
DWORD dwError;
dwError = (*(T_DhcpNotifyConfigChange)pDhcpConfig)( ServerName, AdapterName, IsNewIpAddress, IpIndex, IpAddress, SubnetMask, DhcpServiceEnabled);
TraceTag(ttidTcpip,"Finished calling DhcpNotifyConfigChange..."); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError);
if FAILED(hr) { // Added as part of fix for #107373
if (ERROR_DUP_NAME == dwError) { // Warn the user about duplicate IP address
hr = S_OK; } else if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError) { // The adapter we want to reconfig is not connected
TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "The adater is disconnected or not bound to TCP/IP."); hr = S_OK; } else if (STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID == dwError) { // fix for 320797
TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "The address is already configured for the adapter"); hr = S_OK; } else if (ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE == dwError) { // fix for 320797
TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "The address has already been deleted from the stack"); hr = S_OK; } else { TraceError("Error on DhcpNotifyConfigChange from dhcpcsvc.dll", hr);
FARPROC pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus = NULL; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK; HMODULE hNetman = NULL; NETCON_STATUS ncStatus = NCS_CONNECTED; hrTmp = HrLoadLibAndGetProc(L"netman.dll", "HrGetPnpDeviceStatus", &hNetman, &pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { Assert(pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus); hrTmp = (*(PHRGETPNPDEVICESTATUS)pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus)( &guidAdaputer, &ncStatus); FreeLibrary(hNetman); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) && NCS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED == ncStatus) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "The connection is media disconnected. Do not need to reboot"); hr = S_OK; } else { // Mask the specific error so NCPA does not fail.
} }
FreeLibrary (hDll); } }
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrCallDhcpConfig", hr); return hr; }
typedef DWORD (WINAPI * PFNDhcpHandlePnPEvent) ( IN DWORD Flags, IN DWORD Caller, IN PWSTR AdapterName, IN LPDHCP_PNP_CHANGE Changes, IN LPVOID Reserved );
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrCallDhcpHandlePnPEvent(ADAPTER_INFO * pAdapterInfo, LPDHCP_PNP_CHANGE pDhcpPnpChange) { // load the dll and get function pointer
HMODULE hDll; FARPROC pDhcpHandlePnPEvent; HRESULT hr = HrLoadLibAndGetProc (L"dhcpcsvc.dll", "DhcpHandlePnPEvent", &hDll, &pDhcpHandlePnPEvent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpHandlePnPEvent] Flags: 0"); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpHandlePnPEvent] Caller: DHCP_CALLER_TCPUI"); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpHandlePnPEvent] AdapterName: %S", pAdapterInfo->m_strBindName.c_str()); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpHandlePnPEvent] Changes.DnsListChanged: %d", pDhcpPnpChange->DnsListChanged); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpHandlePnPEvent] Changes.DomainChanged: %d", pDhcpPnpChange->DomainChanged); TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpHandlePnPEvent] Changes.ClassIdChanged: %d", pDhcpPnpChange->ClassIdChanged);
DWORD dwRet = (*(PFNDhcpHandlePnPEvent)pDhcpHandlePnPEvent)( 0, DHCP_CALLER_TCPUI, (PWSTR)pAdapterInfo->m_strBindName.c_str(), pDhcpPnpChange, NULL);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet);
if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwRet) { // The adapter we want to reconfig is not connected
TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "DhcpHandlePnPEvent returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. The adater is disconnected or not bound to TCP/IP."); hr = S_OK; }
FreeLibrary (hDll); }
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrCallDhcpHandlePnPEvent", hr); return hr; }
typedef DWORD (WINAPI * PFDhcpFallbackRefreshParams) ( IN LPWSTR AdapterName );
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrDhcpRefreshFallbackParams(ADAPTER_INFO * pAdapterInfo) { // load the dll and get function pointer
HMODULE hDll; FARPROC pDhcpFallbackRefreshParams; HRESULT hr = HrLoadLibAndGetProc (L"dhcpcsvc.dll", "DhcpFallbackRefreshParams", &hDll, &pDhcpFallbackRefreshParams); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "[DhcpFallbackRefreshParams] AdapterName: %S", pAdapterInfo->m_strBindName.c_str()); DWORD dwRet = (*(PFDhcpFallbackRefreshParams)pDhcpFallbackRefreshParams)( (LPWSTR)pAdapterInfo->m_strBindName.c_str() );
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet);
if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwRet) { // The adapter we want to reconfig is not connected
TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "DhcpFallbackRefreshParams returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. The adater is disconnected or not bound to TCP/IP."); hr = S_OK; }
FreeLibrary (hDll); } TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrDhcpRefreshFallbackParams", hr); return hr; }