// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// ntsamauth.cpp
// Defines the class NTSamAuthentication.
#include <ias.h>
#include <ntsamauth.h>
#include <autohdl.h>
#include <blob.h>
#include <iaslsa.h>
#include <iastlutl.h>
#include <lockout.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <samutil.h>
#include <sdoias.h>
bool NTSamAuthentication::allowLM;
STDMETHODIMP NTSamAuthentication::Initialize() { DWORD error = IASLsaInitialize(); if (error == NO_ERROR) { AccountLockoutInitialize(); }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error); }
STDMETHODIMP NTSamAuthentication::Shutdown() { AccountLockoutShutdown(); IASLsaUninitialize(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP NTSamAuthentication::PutProperty(LONG Id, VARIANT *pValue) { if (Id == PROPERTY_NTSAM_ALLOW_LM_AUTHENTICATION && pValue != NULL && V_VT(pValue) == VT_BOOL) { allowLM = V_BOOL(pValue) ? true : false; IASTracePrintf( "Setting LM Authentication allowed to %s.", (allowLM ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") ); }
return S_OK; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::enforceLmRestriction( IASTL::IASRequest& request ) { if (!allowLM) { IASTraceString("LanManager authentication is not enabled."); IASProcessFailure(request, IAS_LM_NOT_ALLOWED); }
return allowLM; }
void NTSamAuthentication::doMsChapAuthentication( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, BYTE identity, PBYTE challenge, PBYTE ntResponse, PBYTE lmResponse ) { DWORD status; auto_handle<> token; IAS_MSCHAP_PROFILE profile; status = IASLogonMSCHAP( username, domainName, challenge, ntResponse, lmResponse, &profile, &token );
if (status == NO_ERROR) { MSChapMPPEKeys::insert( request, profile.LanmanSessionKey, profile.UserSessionKey, challenge ); MSChapDomain::insert( request, identity, profile.LogonDomainName ); }
storeLogonResult(request, status, token); }
void NTSamAuthentication::doMsChap2Authentication( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, BYTE identity, IAS_OCTET_STRING& challenge, PBYTE response, PBYTE peerChallenge ) { //////////
// Get the hash username.
PIASATTRIBUTE attr = IASPeekAttribute( request, IAS_ATTRIBUTE_ORIGINAL_USER_NAME, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING ); if (!attr) { attr = IASPeekAttribute( request, RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_USER_NAME, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING ); if (!attr) { _com_issue_error(IAS_MALFORMED_REQUEST); } }
PCSTR rawUserName = IAS_OCT2ANSI(attr->Value.OctetString); PCSTR hashUserName = (PCSTR)_mbschr((const BYTE*)rawUserName, '\\'); hashUserName = hashUserName ? (hashUserName + 1) : rawUserName;
// Authenticate the user.
DWORD status; auto_handle<> token; IAS_MSCHAP_V2_PROFILE profile; status = IASLogonMSCHAPv2( username, domainName, hashUserName, challenge.lpValue, challenge.dwLength, response, peerChallenge, &profile, &token );
// Process the result.
if (status == NO_ERROR) { MSMPPEKey::insert( request, sizeof(profile.RecvSessionKey), profile.RecvSessionKey, FALSE );
MSMPPEKey::insert( request, sizeof(profile.SendSessionKey), profile.SendSessionKey, TRUE );
MSChap2Success::insert( request, identity, profile.AuthResponse );
MSChapDomain::insert( request, identity, profile.LogonDomainName ); }
storeLogonResult(request, status, token); }
IASREQUESTSTATUS NTSamAuthentication::onSyncRequest(IRequest* pRequest) throw () { HANDLE hAccount = 0;
try { IASTL::IASRequest request(pRequest);
// Extract the NT4-Account-Name attribute.
IASTL::IASAttribute identity; if (!identity.load( request, IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME, IASTYPE_STRING )) { return IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_CONTINUE; }
// Convert the User-Name to SAM format.
PCWSTR domain, username; EXTRACT_SAM_IDENTITY(identity->Value.String, domain, username);
IASTracePrintf( "NT-SAM Authentication handler received request for %S\\%S.", domain, username );
// Check if the account has been locked out.
if (AccountLockoutOpenAndQuery( username, domain, &hAccount )) { IASTraceString("Account has been locked out locally -- rejecting."); AccountLockoutClose(hAccount); request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_REJECT, IAS_DIALIN_LOCKED_OUT); return IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_CONTINUE; }
// Try each authentication type.
if (!tryMsChap2All(request, domain, username) && !tryMsChapAll(request, domain, username) && !tryMd5Chap(request, domain, username) && !tryPap(request, domain, username)) { // Since the EAP request handler is invoked after policy
// evaluation, we have to set the auth type here.
if (IASPeekAttribute( request, RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_EAP_MESSAGE, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_EAP); } else { // Otherwise, the auth type is "Unauthenticated".
storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_NONE); } }
// Update the lockout database based on the results.
if (request.get_Response() == IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_ACCEPT) { AccountLockoutUpdatePass(hAccount); } else if (request.get_Reason() == IAS_AUTH_FAILURE) { AccountLockoutUpdateFail(hAccount); } } catch (const _com_error& ce) { IASTraceExcept(); IASProcessFailure(pRequest, ce.Error()); }
void NTSamAuthentication::storeAuthenticationType( IASTL::IASRequest& request, DWORD authType ) { IASTL::IASAttribute attr(true); attr->dwId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE; attr->Value.itType = IASTYPE_ENUM; attr->Value.Enumerator = authType; attr.store(request); }
void NTSamAuthentication::storeLogonResult( IASTL::IASRequest& request, DWORD status, HANDLE token ) { if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { IASTraceString("LogonUser succeeded."); storeTokenGroups(request, token); request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_ACCEPT, S_OK); } else { IASTraceFailure("LogonUser", status); IASProcessFailure(request, IASMapWin32Error(status, IAS_AUTH_FAILURE)); } }
void NTSamAuthentication::storeTokenGroups( IASTL::IASRequest& request, HANDLE token ) { DWORD returnLength;
// Determine the needed buffer size.
BOOL success = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenGroups, NULL, 0, &returnLength );
DWORD status = GetLastError();
// Should have failed with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
if (success || status != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { IASTraceFailure("GetTokenInformation", status); _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status)); }
// Allocate an attribute.
IASTL::IASAttribute groups(true);
// Allocate a buffer to hold the TOKEN_GROUPS array.
groups->Value.OctetString.lpValue = (PBYTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(returnLength); if (!groups->Value.OctetString.lpValue) { _com_issue_error(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Get the Token Groups info.
GetTokenInformation( token, TokenGroups, groups->Value.OctetString.lpValue, returnLength, &groups->Value.OctetString.dwLength );
// Set the id and type of the initialized attribute.
// Inject the Token-Groups into the request.
groups.store(request); }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChap( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, PBYTE challenge ) { // Is the necessary attribute present?
IASAttribute attr; if (!attr.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_RESPONSE, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { return false; } MSChapResponse& response = blob_cast<MSChapResponse>(attr);
IASTraceString("Processing MS-CHAP v1 authentication."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_MSCHAP);
if (!response.isLmPresent() || enforceLmRestriction(request)) { doMsChapAuthentication( request, domainName, username, response.get().ident, challenge, (response.isNtPresent() ? response.get().ntResponse : NULL), (response.isLmPresent() ? response.get().lmResponse : NULL) ); }
return true; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChapCpw1( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, PBYTE challenge ) { // Is the necessary attribute present ?
IASAttribute attr; bool present = attr.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_CPW1, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING ); if (present) { IASTraceString("Deferring MS-CHAP-CPW-1."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_MSCHAP_CPW); }
return present; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChapCpw2( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, PBYTE challenge ) { // Is the necessary attribute present ?
IASAttribute attr; bool present = attr.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_CPW2, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING ); if (present) { IASTraceString("Deferring MS-CHAP-CPW-2."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_MSCHAP_CPW); }
return present; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChap2( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, IAS_OCTET_STRING& challenge ) { // Is the necessary attribute present?
IASAttribute attr; if (!attr.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP2_RESPONSE, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { return false; } MSChap2Response& response = blob_cast<MSChap2Response>(attr);
IASTraceString("Processing MS-CHAP v2 authentication."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_MSCHAP2);
// Authenticate the user.
doMsChap2Authentication( request, domainName, username, response.get().ident, challenge, response.get().response, response.get().peerChallenge );
return true; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChap2Cpw( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username, IAS_OCTET_STRING& challenge ) { // Is the necessary attribute present ?
IASAttribute attr; bool present = attr.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP2_CPW, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING ); if (present) { IASTraceString("Deferring MS-CHAP v2 change password."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_MSCHAP2_CPW); }
return present; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMd5Chap( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username ) { // Is the necessary attribute present?
IASTL::IASAttribute chapPassword; if (!chapPassword.load( request, RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_PASSWORD, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { return false; }
IASTraceString("Processing MD5-CHAP authentication."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_MD5CHAP);
// Split up the CHAP-Password attribute.
// The ID is the first byte of the value ...
BYTE challengeID = *(chapPassword->Value.OctetString.lpValue);
// ... and the password is the rest.
PBYTE password = chapPassword->Value.OctetString.lpValue + 1;
// Use the CHAP-Challenge if available, request authenticator otherwise.
IASTL::IASAttribute chapChallenge, radiusHeader; if (!chapChallenge.load( request, RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_CHALLENGE, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING ) && !radiusHeader.load( request, IAS_ATTRIBUTE_CLIENT_PACKET_HEADER, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { _com_issue_error(IAS_MALFORMED_REQUEST); }
PBYTE challenge; DWORD challengeLength;
if (chapChallenge) { challenge = chapChallenge->Value.OctetString.lpValue; challengeLength = chapChallenge->Value.OctetString.dwLength; } else { challenge = radiusHeader->Value.OctetString.lpValue + 4; challengeLength = 16; }
// Try to logon the user.
auto_handle<> token; DWORD status = IASLogonCHAP( username, domainName, challengeID, challenge, challengeLength, password, &token );
// Store the results.
storeLogonResult(request, status, token);
return true; }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChapAll( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username ) { // Do we have the necessary attribute?
IASTL::IASAttribute msChapChallenge; if (!msChapChallenge.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_CHALLENGE, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { return false; }
if (msChapChallenge->Value.OctetString.dwLength != _MSV1_0_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) { _com_issue_error(IAS_MALFORMED_REQUEST); }
PBYTE challenge = msChapChallenge->Value.OctetString.lpValue;
return tryMsChap(request, domainName, username, challenge) || tryMsChapCpw2(request, domainName, username, challenge) || tryMsChapCpw1(request, domainName, username, challenge); }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryMsChap2All( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username ) { // Do we have the necessary attribute?
IASTL::IASAttribute msChapChallenge; if (!msChapChallenge.load( request, MS_ATTRIBUTE_CHAP_CHALLENGE, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { return false; }
IAS_OCTET_STRING& challenge = msChapChallenge->Value.OctetString;
return tryMsChap2(request, domainName, username, challenge) || tryMsChap2Cpw(request, domainName, username, challenge); }
bool NTSamAuthentication::tryPap( IASTL::IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username ) { // Do we have the necessary attribute?
IASTL::IASAttribute password; if (!password.load( request, RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_USER_PASSWORD, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { return false; }
IASTraceString("Processing PAP authentication."); storeAuthenticationType(request, IAS_AUTH_PAP);
// Convert the password to a string.
PSTR userPwd = IAS_OCT2ANSI(password->Value.OctetString);
// Try to logon the user.
auto_handle<> token; DWORD status = IASLogonPAP( username, domainName, userPwd, &token );
// Store the results.
storeLogonResult(request, status, token);
return true; }