// ntdomain.cpp
// Defines the clas NTDomain.
// 05/07/1998 Original version.
// 06/23/1998 Changes to DCLocator. Use ntldap constants.
// 07/13/1998 Clean up header file dependencies.
// 02/18/1999 Connect by DNS name not address.
// 03/10/1999 Cache mixed-mode and native-mode connections.
// 03/12/1999 Do not perform I/O from constructor.
// 04/14/1999 Specify domain and server when opening a connection.
// 09/14/1999 Always specify timeout for LDAP searches.
#include <ias.h>
#include <iasutil.h>
#include <iaslsa.h>
#include <iasntds.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <ldapcxn.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <ntdomain.h>
// Attributes of interest.
const WCHAR NT_MIXED_DOMAIN[] = L"nTMixedDomain";
// Default search filter.
const WCHAR ANY_OBJECT[] = L"(objectclass=*)";
// Domain attributes that we need.
// Utility function for getting the current system time as a 64-bit integer.
inline DWORDLONG GetSystemTimeAsDWORDLONG() throw () { ULARGE_INTEGER ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((LPFILETIME)&ft); return ft.QuadPart; }
// Number of 100 nsec intervals in one second.
const DWORDLONG ONE_SECOND = 10000000ui64;
// Defaults for poll interval and retry interval.
DWORDLONG NTDomain::pollInterval = 60 * 60 * ONE_SECOND; DWORDLONG NTDomain::retryInterval = 1 * 60 * ONE_SECOND;
inline NTDomain::NTDomain(PWSTR domainName) : refCount(1), name(domainName), mode(MODE_UNKNOWN), connection(NULL), status(NO_ERROR), expiry(0) { }
inline NTDomain::~NTDomain() { if (connection) { connection->Release(); } delete[] name; }
inline BOOL NTDomain::isExpired() throw () { return GetSystemTimeAsDWORDLONG() >= expiry; }
inline BOOL NTDomain::isConnected() throw () { if (connection && connection->isDisabled()) { closeConnection(); }
return connection != NULL; }
void NTDomain::Release() throw () { if (!InterlockedDecrement(&refCount)) { delete this; } }
DWORD NTDomain::getConnection(LDAPConnection** cxn) throw () { Lock();
// Is it time to try for a new connection ?
if (!isConnected() && isExpired()) { findServer(); }
// Return the current connection ...
if (*cxn = connection) { (*cxn)->AddRef(); }
// ... and status to the caller.
DWORD retval = status;
return retval; }
NTDomain::Mode NTDomain::getMode() throw () { Lock();
if (isExpired()) { if (isConnected()) { readDomainMode(); } else { findServer(); } }
Mode retval = mode;
return retval; }
NTDomain* NTDomain::createInstance(PCWSTR name) throw () { // We copy the domain name here, so that we don't have to throw an
// exception from the constructor.
PWSTR nameCopy = ias_wcsdup(name);
if (!nameCopy) { return NULL; }
return new (std::nothrow) NTDomain(nameCopy); }
void NTDomain::openConnection( PCWSTR domain, PCWSTR server ) throw () { closeConnection();
IASTracePrintf("Opening LDAP connection to %S.", server);
status = LDAPConnection::createInstance( domain, server, &connection ); if (status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { IASTraceString("Access denied -- purging Kerberos ticket cache.");
IASTracePrintf("Retrying LDAP connection to %S.", server);
status = LDAPConnection::createInstance( domain, server, &connection ); }
if (status == NO_ERROR) { readDomainMode(); }
if (status == NO_ERROR) { IASTraceString("LDAP connect succeeded."); } else { IASTraceFailure("LDAP connect", status); } }
void NTDomain::closeConnection() throw () { if (connection) { connection->Release(); connection = NULL; } expiry = 0; }
void NTDomain::findServer() throw () { // First try to get a DC from the cache.
PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO dci1 = NULL; status = IASGetDcName( name, DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED, &dci1 ); if (status == NO_ERROR) { if (dci1->Flags & DS_DS_FLAG) { openConnection( dci1->DomainName, dci1->DomainControllerName + 2 ); } else { // No DS. We'll treat this as if IASGetDcName failed.
NetApiBufferFree(dci1); dci1 = NULL; status = ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED; } }
// If the cached DC failed, try again with the force flag.
if (status != NO_ERROR) { PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO dci2; DWORD err = IASGetDcName( name, DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED | DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY, &dci2 ); if (err == NO_ERROR) { if (dci2->Flags & DS_DS_FLAG) { // Don't bother connecting unless this is a different DC than we
// tried above.
if (!dci1 || wcscmp( dci1->DomainControllerName, dci2->DomainControllerName )) { openConnection( dci2->DomainName, dci2->DomainControllerName + 2 ); } } else { status = ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED; }
NetApiBufferFree(dci2); } else { status = err; } }
// Process the result of our 'find'.
if (status == ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED) { mode = MODE_NT4; expiry = GetSystemTimeAsDWORDLONG() + pollInterval; } else if (status != NO_ERROR) { expiry = GetSystemTimeAsDWORDLONG() + retryInterval; } else if (mode == MODE_NATIVE) { expiry = _UI64_MAX; } else { // mode == MODE_MIXED
expiry = GetSystemTimeAsDWORDLONG() + pollInterval; } }
void NTDomain::readDomainMode() throw () { LDAPMessage* res = NULL; ULONG ldapError = ldap_search_ext_sW( *connection, const_cast<PWCHAR>(connection->getBase()), LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, const_cast<PWCHAR>(ANY_OBJECT), const_cast<PWCHAR*>(DOMAIN_ATTRS), 0, NULL, NULL, &LDAPConnection::SEARCH_TIMEOUT, 0, &res );
// We have to check two error codes.
if (ldapError == LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldapError = res->lm_returncode; }
if (ldapError == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PWCHAR* vals = ldap_get_valuesW( *connection, ldap_first_entry(*connection, res), const_cast<PWCHAR>(NT_MIXED_DOMAIN) );
if (vals && *vals) { mode = wcstoul(*vals, NULL, 10) ? MODE_MIXED : MODE_NATIVE; } else { status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
ldap_value_freeW(vals); } else { status = LdapMapErrorToWin32(ldapError); }
if (status != NO_ERROR) { closeConnection(); } }