// pollseg.cpp
// Defines the class PollSegment.
// 06/10/1998 Original version.
// 06/23/1998 Use constants from ntldap.
// 07/13/1998 Clean up header file dependencies.
#include <ias.h>
#include <pollseg.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <ntldap.h>
#include <ldapcache.h>
#include <ldapcxn.h>
#include <ntglobal.h>
PollSegment::PollSegment() throw () : server(NULL), base(NULL), scope(LDAP_SCOPE_BASE), highestUsnSeen(0) { }
PollSegment::~PollSegment() throw () { finalize(); }
DWORD PollSegment::initialize(PCWSTR pszHostName, PCWSTR pszBaseDN, ULONG ulScope) throw () { // If we already have a server, don't allow initialization.
if (server) { return ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; }
DWORD error;
// Initialize the NTDS API. This is a ref. counted call, so there's little
// overhead in doing it for every PollSegment instance.
error = IASNtdsInitialize(); if (error != NO_ERROR) { goto ntds_init_failed; }
// Retrieve the server object from the cache.
error = theServers.getServer(pszHostName, &server); if (error != NO_ERROR) { goto get_server_failed; }
// Store the base DN.
if (pszBaseDN && !(base = _wcsdup(pszBaseDN))) { goto copy_base_failed; }
// Store the scope.
scope = ulScope;
// Read the current state of the server.
// We don't care if this is successful.
LDAPConnection* cxn; if (server->getConnection(&cxn) == NO_ERROR) { highestUsnSeen = readHighestCommittedUsn(cxn); cxn->Release(); }
return NO_ERROR;
copy_base_failed: server->Release(); server = NULL;
get_server_failed: IASNtdsUninitialize();
ntds_init_failed: return error; }
void PollSegment::finalize() throw () { // server will be non-zero iff we were successfully initialized.
if (server) { free(base); base = NULL;
server->Release(); server = NULL;
IASNtdsUninitialize(); } }
BOOL PollSegment::hasChanged() throw () { // Open a connection to the server.
LDAPConnection* cxn; ULONG ldapError = server->getConnection(&cxn); if (ldapError != LDAP_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
// Default is TRUE.
BOOL retval = TRUE;
// We've got the same server, so we can do a search for recently
// modified objects. We must first query the USN to avoid race
// conditions.
DWORDLONG newUsn = readHighestCommittedUsn(cxn);
if (newUsn) { // We successfully read the USN.
if (newUsn == highestUsnSeen) { // The server hasn't performed any updates since the last poll.
retval = FALSE; } else { // The USN has changed since last time, so poll the segment.
ldapError = conductPoll(cxn);
switch (ldapError) { case LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: // We found no objects, so the segement hasn't changed.
retval = FALSE; // Fall through.
case LDAP_SUCCESS: case LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: // We successfully polled the server, so update USN.
highestUsnSeen = newUsn; } } }
return retval; }
ULONG PollSegment::conductPoll(LDAPConnection* cxn) { // Unsigned 64-bit integer requires max. of 20 characters.
WCHAR filter[35];
// Format the search filter.
swprintf(filter, L"(uSNChanged>=%I64u)", highestUsnSeen + 1);
// We don't need any attributes.
PWCHAR attrs[] = { NULL };
PLDAPControlW serverControls[] = { const_cast<PLDAPControlW>(&INCLUDE_TOMBSTONES), NULL };
LDAPMessage* res; ULONG ldapError = ldap_search_ext_sW( *cxn, base, scope, filter, attrs, TRUE, serverControls, NULL, NULL, 1, // SizeLimit
&res );
if (ldapError != LDAP_SUCCESS) { cxn->disable(); } else { if (res->lm_returncode == LDAP_SUCCESS && ldap_count_entries(*cxn, res) == 0) { ldapError = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } else { ldapError = res->lm_returncode; }
ldap_msgfree(res); }
return ldapError; }
DWORDLONG PollSegment::readHighestCommittedUsn(LDAPConnection* cxn) { static WCHAR HIGHEST_COMMITTED_USN[] = LDAP_OPATT_HIGHEST_COMMITTED_USN_W;
DWORDLONG retval = 0;
LDAPMessage* res; ULONG ldapError = ldap_search_sW( *cxn, L"", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectclass=*)", attrs, 0, &res );
if (ldapError != LDAP_SUCCESS) { cxn->disable(); } else { if (res->lm_returncode == LDAP_SUCCESS) { LDAPMessage* entry = ldap_first_entry(*cxn, res);
PWCHAR* vals = ldap_get_valuesW( *cxn, entry, HIGHEST_COMMITTED_USN ); if (vals && *vals) { retval = _wtoi64(*vals); } ldap_value_freeW(vals); }
ldap_msgfree(res); }
return retval; }