// Copyright(C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: sdocomponent.h
// Project: Everest
// Description: IAS Server Data Object - IAS Component Class Definition
// Author: TLP 6/16/98
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include <ias.h>
#include <sdoiaspriv.h>
#include "sdobasedefs.h"
#include "sdo.h"
#include <sdofactory.h>
class CComponentCfg; // Forward declaration
// CSdoComponent
class CSdoComponent : public CSdo {
// ATL Interface Map
CSdoComponent(); virtual ~CSdoComponent();
HRESULT FinalInitialize( /*[in]*/ bool fInitNew, /*[in]*/ ISdoMachine* pAttachedMachine );
HRESULT Load(void);
HRESULT Save(void);
HRESULT InitializeComponentCollection( /*[in]*/ LONG CollectionPropertyId, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR CreateClassId, /*[in]*/ IDataStoreContainer* pDSContainer );
HRESULT PutComponentProperty( /*[in]*/ LONG Id, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue );
HRESULT ChangePropertyDefault( /*[in]*/ LONG Id, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue );
IDataStoreObject* GetComponentDataStore(void) const { return m_pDSObject; }
ISdoMachine* GetMachineSdo(void) const { return m_pAttachedMachine; }
CSdoComponent(const CSdoComponent& rhs); CSdoComponent& operator = (CSdoComponent& rhs);
CComponentCfg* m_pComponentCfg; ISdoMachine* m_pAttachedMachine; };
typedef CComObjectNoLock<CSdoComponent> SDO_COMPONENT_OBJ; typedef CComObjectNoLock<CSdoComponent>* PSDO_COMPONENT_OBJ;
// The Base Componet Configureation Class (Envelope )
class CComponentCfgAuth; class CComponentCfgRADIUS; class CComponentCfgAccounting; class CComponentCfgNoOp;
// Dummy class used for letter construction
struct DummyConstructor { DummyConstructor(int=0) { } };
// This class is in place to handle loading and saving component
// configuration data to the registry
class CComponentCfg {
CComponentCfg(LONG lComponentId);
virtual ~CComponentCfg() { // if m_pComponent is not NULL then the envelope is being destroyed
if ( m_pComponentCfg ) delete m_pComponentCfg; }
virtual HRESULT Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return m_pComponentCfg->Initialize(pSdoComponent); }
virtual HRESULT Load(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return m_pComponentCfg->Load(pSdoComponent); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
virtual HRESULT Save(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return m_pComponentCfg->Save(pSdoComponent); }
virtual HRESULT Validate (CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return m_pComponentCfg->Validate (pSdoComponent); }
LONG GetId(void) const { return m_lComponentId; }
// Invoked explicitly by derived (letter) classes
CComponentCfg(LONG lComponentId, DummyConstructor theDummy) : m_lComponentId(lComponentId), m_pComponentCfg(NULL) { }
// No default constructor since we would'nt know what
// type of component configurator to build by default
// No copy or assignment of component configurators
CComponentCfg(const CComponentCfg& theComponent); CComponentCfg& operator = (CComponentCfg& theComponent);
LONG m_lComponentId; CComponentCfg* m_pComponentCfg; };
// The Derived Componet Configureation Class (Letters)
class CComponentCfgNoOp : public CComponentCfg { // By default we load the component configuration from the default
// configuration source (.mdb file) - the do nothing case
HRESULT Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Load(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Save(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Validate(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
friend CComponentCfg; CComponentCfgNoOp(LONG lComponentId) : CComponentCfg(lComponentId, DummyConstructor()) { }
// No copy or assignment of component configurators
CComponentCfgNoOp(); CComponentCfgNoOp(const CComponentCfgNoOp& theComponent); CComponentCfgNoOp& operator = (CComponentCfgNoOp& theComponent); };
#define IAS_NTSAM_AUTH_ALLOW_LM L"Allow LM Authentication"
class CComponentCfgAuth : public CComponentCfg { // Since we have no UI for request handlers we allow the
// CPW1 parameter to be set via the registry
HRESULT Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; } HRESULT Load(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent);
HRESULT Save(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Validate(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
friend CComponentCfg; CComponentCfgAuth(LONG lComponentId) : CComponentCfg(lComponentId, DummyConstructor()) { }
// No copy or assignment of component configurators
CComponentCfgAuth(); CComponentCfgAuth(const CComponentCfgAuth& rhs); CComponentCfgAuth& operator = (CComponentCfgAuth& rhs); };
class CComponentCfgRADIUS : public CComponentCfg { // Need to initialize and configure the clients collection
// of the RADIUS protocol component.
HRESULT Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent); HRESULT Load(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Save(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Validate(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent);
HRESULT ValidatePort (PWCHAR pwszPortInfo); friend CComponentCfg; CComponentCfgRADIUS(LONG lComponentId) : CComponentCfg(lComponentId, DummyConstructor()) { }
// No copy or assignment of component configurators
CComponentCfgRADIUS(); CComponentCfgRADIUS(const CComponentCfgRADIUS& rhs); CComponentCfgRADIUS& operator = (CComponentCfgRADIUS& rhs); };
class CComponentCfgAccounting : public CComponentCfg {
HRESULT Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent); HRESULT Load(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Save(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Validate(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { return S_OK; }
friend CComponentCfg; CComponentCfgAccounting(LONG lComponentId) : CComponentCfg(lComponentId, DummyConstructor()) { }
// No copy or assignment of component configurators
CComponentCfgAccounting(); CComponentCfgAccounting(const CComponentCfgAccounting& rhs); CComponentCfgAccounting& operator = (CComponentCfgAccounting& rhs); };