Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. ; Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001 National Semiconductor Corp.
  2. ; Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation.
  3. ; This INF is designed for installation as part of the NT CD. To change it to
  4. ; floppy based install, comment out any lines ending with "; CD only"
  5. ; and uncomment all lines ending with "; floppy only"
  6. [Version]
  7. Signature = "$Windows NT$"
  8. Provider = %NSC%
  9. Class = Infrared
  10. ClassGUID = {6bdd1fc5-810f-11d0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}
  11. DriverVer = 05/24/2001,
  12. CatalogFile =
  13. [SourceDisksNames] ; floppy only
  14. 1 = %MediaDescription%,, ; floppy only
  15. [SourceDisksFiles] ; floppy only
  16. nscirda.sys = 1 ; floppy only
  17. [DestinationDirs]
  18. ;
  19. ; Specify destination directories for groups of files.
  20. ; '12' indicates the Windows drivers directory.
  21. ; '17' indicates the Windows Inf directory.
  22. ;
  23. DefaultDestDir=12
  24. [NSC_CopySys]
  25. ;
  26. ; This section lists the source and destination names of files that need
  27. ; to be copied to the user's drive. The destination directory is given
  28. ; in the [DestinationDirs] section above.
  29. ;
  30. nscirda.sys,,,2 ; Do not Skip File
  31. [ControlFlags]
  32. ExcludeFromSelect= *NSC6001
  33. [Manufacturer]
  34. ;
  35. ; Specify a name and devices section for each supported manufacturer that
  36. ; makes products of this class.
  37. ;
  38. %NSC% = NSC_Devices
  39. [NSC_Devices]
  40. ;
  41. ; This section describes the devices of this class made by a particular
  42. ; manufacturer.
  43. ; The first descriptor, delimited by '%', is a symbolic string whose actual
  44. ; value is given in the [Strings] section below.
  45. ;
  46. %NSC6001.DeviceDesc% = NSC6001_ndi, *NSC6001 ; Generic NSC driver
  47. [NSC6001_ndi]
  48. DelReg = NSC_DelReg
  49. AddReg = NSC_AddReg,*NSC6001_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  50. BusType = 1
  51. Characteristics = 0x4 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  52. CopyFiles = NSC_CopySys
  53. [NSC6001_ndi.Services]
  54. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  55. [NSC6001_ndi.Coinstallers]
  56. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  57. [NSC_AddReg]
  58. ; Interfaces
  59. HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "NSCIRDA"
  60. HKR, NDI\Interfaces, DefUpper, 0, ndisirda
  61. HKR, NDI\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, ndisirda
  62. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, DefLower, 0, nolower
  63. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, nolower
  64. HKR, Ndi, RequiredAll, 0, "MS_IrDA"
  65. [*NSC6001_AddReg]
  66. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  67. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  68. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  69. [Dongle_Addreg]
  70. ;
  71. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  72. ; Base Address that the IR108 driver uses from network properties
  73. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  74. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  75. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  76. ;
  77. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,ParamDesc,,%Dongle_A%
  78. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  79. ;HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"5"
  80. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,type,,enum
  81. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"0",,%DongleType_0%
  82. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"1",,%DongleType_1%
  83. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"2",,%DongleType_2%
  84. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"3",,%DongleType_3%
  85. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"4",,%DongleType_4%
  86. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"5",,%DongleType_5%
  87. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"6",,%DongleType_6%
  88. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"7",,%DongleType_7%
  89. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"8",,%DongleType_8%
  90. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"9",,%DongleType_9%
  91. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"10",,%DongleType_10%
  92. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"11",,%DongleType_11%
  93. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,ParamDesc,,%Dongle_B%
  94. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  95. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,default,,"0"
  96. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,type,,enum
  97. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"0",,%DongleType_0%
  98. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"1",,%DongleType_1%
  99. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"2",,%DongleType_2%
  100. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"3",,%DongleType_3%
  101. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"4",,%DongleType_4%
  102. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"5",,%DongleType_5%
  103. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"6",,%DongleType_6%
  104. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"7",,%DongleType_7%
  105. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"8",,%DongleType_8%
  106. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"9",,%DongleType_9%
  107. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"10",,%DongleType_10%
  108. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"11",,%DongleType_11%
  109. [Speed_Addreg]
  110. ;
  111. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  112. ; Base Address that the IR108 driver uses from network properties
  113. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  114. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  115. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  116. ;
  117. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,ParamDesc,,%MaxConnectRate%
  118. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,type,,enum
  119. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"4000000",,"4,000,000 bps"
  120. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"1152000",,"1,152,000 bps"
  121. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"115200",, " 115,200 bps"
  122. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"57600",, " 57,600 bps"
  123. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"38400",, " 38,400 bps"
  124. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"19200",, " 19,200 bps"
  125. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"9600",, " 9,600 bps"
  126. [TurnAroundTime_Addreg]
  127. ; Turnaround time will be used by future version of the driver.
  128. ;
  129. ; These entries allow the user to select the Minimum Turn Around Time.
  130. ; The default value is 1000 microseconds (1 ms)
  131. ; The selection is given using under the 'Advanced' options
  132. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  133. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  134. ;
  135. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,ParamDesc,,%TurnaroundTime%
  136. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  137. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,type,,enum
  138. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,default,,"1000" ; 1 ms
  139. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"10000",,"10 ms"
  140. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"5000",," 5 ms"
  141. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"1000",," 1 ms"
  142. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"500",," 0.5 ms"
  143. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"100",," 0.1 ms"
  144. [Help_Addreg]
  145. HKR,NDI,HelpText,0,%IRMINI_HELP%
  146. [NSC_DelReg]
  147. HKR,,EnumPropPages32
  148. [NSC_DelCoinstallers]
  149. HKR,,CoInstallers32
  150. [NSCIRDA.AddService]
  151. DisplayName = %NSCIRDA.ServiceDesc%
  152. ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
  153. StartType = 3 ; %SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
  154. ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
  155. ServiceBinary = %12%\nscirda.sys ;12=drivers directory
  156. LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
  157. [common.EventLog]
  158. AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg
  159. [common.AddEventLog.reg]
  160. HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  161. HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
  162. [Strings]
  163. ;
  164. ; This section defines symbolic string constants for use in the rest
  165. ; of the .inf script. You should create and use symbols for all
  166. ; translatable strings in order to make localization easier.
  167. ; Also, spaces within strings elsewhere in the script confuse infedit.exe;
  168. ; so use symbolic constants for any multi-word strings.
  169. ;
  170. MediaDescription = "Sample IrDA miniport install disk"
  171. IRMINI_HELP="The IrDA infrared port. It can be used to establish wireless serial and network links to other computers."
  172. NSCIRDA.ServiceDesc="NSC Infrared Device Driver"
  173. NSC6001.DeviceDesc="IrDA Fast Infrared Port(Sample)"
  174. V_CLASSNAME="Infrared adapters"
  175. NSC="National Semiconductor"
  176. Dongle_A="Infrared Transceiver A"
  177. Dongle_B="Infrared Transceiver B"
  178. DongleType_0="SIR Transceiver"
  179. DongleType_1="HP HSDL-1100/2100"
  180. DongleType_2="HP HSDL-2300/3600"
  181. DongleType_3="IBM 31T1100"
  182. DongleType_4="Sharp RY5HD01/KD01"
  183. DongleType_5="Sharp RY6FD11E"
  184. DongleType_6="Vishay TFDS-6000"
  185. DongleType_7="Vishay TFDS-6500"
  186. DongleType_8="Siemens IRMS/T6400"
  187. DongleType_9="TI TSLM1100"
  188. DongleType_10="IBM SC-20H2987"
  189. DongleType_11="Dell T-97"
  190. MaxConnectRate="Maxiumum Connect Rate"
  191. TurnaroundTime="Minimum Turn Around Time"