Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains code which performs the following TDI services:
o TdiQueryInformation o TdiSetInformation
David Beaver (dbeaver) 1-July-1991
Kernel mode
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Only the following routine is active in this module. All is is commented
// out waiting for the definition of Get/Set info in TDI version 2.
// Useful macro to obtain the total length of an MDL chain.
#define NbfGetMdlChainLength(Mdl, Length) { \
PMDL _Mdl = (Mdl); \ *(Length) = 0; \ while (_Mdl) { \ *(Length) += MmGetMdlByteCount(_Mdl); \ _Mdl = _Mdl->Next; \ } \ }
// Local functions used to satisfy various requests.
VOID NbfStoreProviderStatistics( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PTDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS ProviderStatistics );
VOID NbfStoreAdapterStatus( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PUCHAR SourceRouting, IN UINT SourceRoutingLength, IN PVOID StatusBuffer );
VOID NbfStoreNameBuffers( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN ULONG NamesToSkip, OUT PULONG NamesWritten, OUT PULONG TotalNameCount OPTIONAL, OUT PBOOLEAN Truncated );
NTSTATUS NbfTdiQueryInformation( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PIRP Irp )
Routine Description:
This routine performs the TdiQueryInformation request for the transport provider.
Irp - the Irp for the requested operation.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ NTSTATUS status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PVOID adapterStatus; PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_QUERY_INFORMATION query; PTA_NETBIOS_ADDRESS broadcastAddress; PTDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS ProviderStatistics; PTDI_CONNECTION_INFO ConnectionInfo; ULONG TargetBufferLength; PFIND_NAME_HEADER FindNameHeader; LARGE_INTEGER timeout = {0,0}; PTP_REQUEST tpRequest; PTP_CONNECTION Connection; PTP_ADDRESS_FILE AddressFile; PTP_ADDRESS Address; ULONG NamesWritten, TotalNameCount, BytesWritten; BOOLEAN Truncated; BOOLEAN RemoteAdapterStatus; TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS * RemoteAddress; struct { ULONG ActivityCount; TA_NETBIOS_ADDRESS TaAddressBuffer; } AddressInfo; PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS TaAddress; TDI_DATAGRAM_INFO DatagramInfo; BOOLEAN UsedConnection; PLIST_ENTRY p; KIRQL oldirql; ULONG BytesCopied;
// what type of status do we want?
irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (Irp);
switch (query->QueryType) {
#if 0
case 0x12345678:
{ typedef struct _NBF_CONNECTION_STATUS { UCHAR LocalName[16]; UCHAR RemoteName[16]; BOOLEAN SendActive; BOOLEAN ReceiveQueued; BOOLEAN ReceiveActive; BOOLEAN ReceiveWakeUp; ULONG Flags; ULONG Flags2; } NBF_CONNECTION_STATUS, *PNBF_CONNECTION_STATUS;
CurStatus = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl (Irp->MdlAddress); TotalStatus = 0; AllowedStatus = MmGetMdlByteCount (Irp->MdlAddress) / sizeof(NBF_CONNECTION_STATUS);
for (p = DeviceContext->AddressDatabase.Flink; p != &DeviceContext->AddressDatabase; p = p->Flink) {
if ((Address->Flags & ADDRESS_FLAGS_STOPPING) != 0) { continue; }
for (q = Address->ConnectionDatabase.Flink; q != &Address->ConnectionDatabase; q = q->Flink) {
Connection = CONTAINING_RECORD (q, TP_CONNECTION, AddressList);
if ((Connection->Flags & CONNECTION_FLAGS_READY) == 0) { continue; }
if (TotalStatus >= AllowedStatus) { continue; }
RtlMoveMemory (CurStatus->LocalName, Address->NetworkName->NetbiosName, 16); RtlMoveMemory (CurStatus->RemoteName, Connection->RemoteName, 16);
CurStatus->Flags = Connection->Flags; CurStatus->Flags2 = Connection->Flags2; CurStatus->SendActive = (BOOLEAN)(!IsListEmpty(&Connection->SendQueue)); CurStatus->ReceiveQueued = (BOOLEAN)(!IsListEmpty(&Connection->ReceiveQueue)); CurStatus->ReceiveActive = (BOOLEAN)((Connection->Flags & CONNECTION_FLAGS_ACTIVE_RECEIVE) != 0); CurStatus->ReceiveWakeUp = (BOOLEAN)((Connection->Flags & CONNECTION_FLAGS_RECEIVE_WAKEUP) != 0);
++CurStatus; ++TotalStatus;
} }
Irp->IoStatus.Information = TotalStatus * sizeof(NBF_CONNECTION_STATUS); status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
break; #endif
// Connection info is queried on a connection,
// verify this.
if (irpSp->FileObject->FsContext2 != (PVOID) TDI_CONNECTION_FILE) { return STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; }
Connection = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
status = NbfVerifyConnectionObject (Connection);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { #if DBG
NbfPrint2 ("TdiQueryInfo: Invalid Connection %lx Irp %lx\n", Connection, Irp); #endif
return status; }
ConnectionInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( NonPagedPool, sizeof (TDI_CONNECTION_INFO), NBF_MEM_TAG_TDI_CONNECTION_INFO);
if (ConnectionInfo == NULL) {
PANIC ("NbfQueryInfo: Cannot allocate connection info!\n"); NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 6, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFO), 0); status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
} else if ((Connection->Flags & CONNECTION_FLAGS_READY) == 0) {
status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; ExFreePool (ConnectionInfo);
} else {
PTP_LINK Link = Connection->Link;
RtlZeroMemory ((PVOID)ConnectionInfo, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFO));
// Get link delay and throughput.
if (Link->Delay == 0xffffffff) {
// If delay is not known, assume 0.
ConnectionInfo->Delay.HighPart = 0; ConnectionInfo->Delay.LowPart = 0;
} else {
// Copy the delay as an NT relative time.
ConnectionInfo->Delay.HighPart = -1L; ConnectionInfo->Delay.LowPart = (ULONG)-((LONG)(Link->Delay));
if (DeviceContext->MacInfo.MediumAsync) {
ULONG PacketsSent; ULONG PacketsResent; ULONG MultiplyFactor;
// Calculate the packets sent and resent since the
// last time the throughput was queried.
PacketsSent = Link->PacketsSent - Connection->LastPacketsSent; PacketsResent = Link->PacketsResent - Connection->LastPacketsResent;
// Save these for next time.
Connection->LastPacketsSent = Link->PacketsSent; Connection->LastPacketsResent = Link->PacketsResent;
// To convert exactly from 100 bits-per-second to
// bytes-per-second, we need to multiply by 12.5.
// Using lower numbers will give worse throughput.
// If there have been no errors we use 12, if there
// have been 20% or more errors we use 1, and in
// between we subtract 11 * (error%/20%) from 12
// and use that.
if (PacketsResent == 0 || PacketsSent <= 10) {
MultiplyFactor = 12;
} else if ((PacketsSent / PacketsResent) <= 5) {
MultiplyFactor = 1;
} else {
// error%/20% is error%/(1/5), which is 5*error%,
// which is 5 * (resent/send).
ASSERT (((11 * 5 * PacketsResent) / PacketsSent) <= 11); MultiplyFactor = 12 - ((11 * 5 * PacketsResent) / PacketsSent);
ConnectionInfo->Throughput.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64(DeviceContext->MediumSpeed, MultiplyFactor);
} else if (!Link->ThroughputAccurate) {
// If throughput is not known, then guess. We
// have MediumSpeed in units of 100 bps; we
// return four times that number as the throughput,
// which corresponds to about 1/3 of the
// maximum bandwidth expressed in bytes/sec.
ConnectionInfo->Throughput.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64(DeviceContext->MediumSpeed, 4);
} else {
// Throughput is accurate, return it.
ConnectionInfo->Throughput = Link->Throughput;
// Calculate reliability using the sent/resent ratio,
// if there has been enough activity to make it
// worthwhile. >10% resent is unreliable.
if ((Link->PacketsResent > 0) && (Link->PacketsSent > 20)) {
ConnectionInfo->Unreliable = ((Link->PacketsSent / Link->PacketsResent) < 10);
} else {
ConnectionInfo->Unreliable = FALSE;
ConnectionInfo->TransmittedTsdus = Connection->TransmittedTsdus; ConnectionInfo->ReceivedTsdus = Connection->ReceivedTsdus; ConnectionInfo->TransmissionErrors = Connection->TransmissionErrors; ConnectionInfo->ReceiveErrors = Connection->ReceiveErrors; status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( (PVOID)ConnectionInfo, 0L, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFO), Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied;
ExFreePool (ConnectionInfo); }
NbfDereferenceConnection ("query connection info", Connection, CREF_BY_ID);
if (irpSp->FileObject->FsContext2 == (PVOID)TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_FILE) {
AddressFile = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
status = NbfVerifyAddressObject(AddressFile);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { #if DBG
NbfPrint2 ("TdiQueryInfo: Invalid AddressFile %lx Irp %lx\n", AddressFile, Irp); #endif
return status; }
UsedConnection = FALSE;
} else if (irpSp->FileObject->FsContext2 == (PVOID)TDI_CONNECTION_FILE) {
Connection = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
status = NbfVerifyConnectionObject (Connection);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { #if DBG
NbfPrint2 ("TdiQueryInfo: Invalid Connection %lx Irp %lx\n", Connection, Irp); #endif
return status; }
AddressFile = Connection->AddressFile;
UsedConnection = TRUE;
} else {
Address = AddressFile->Address;
TdiBuildNetbiosAddress( Address->NetworkName->NetbiosName, (BOOLEAN)(Address->Flags & ADDRESS_FLAGS_GROUP ? TRUE : FALSE), &AddressInfo.TaAddressBuffer);
// Count the active addresses.
AddressInfo.ActivityCount = 0;
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Address->SpinLock, &oldirql);
for (p = Address->AddressFileDatabase.Flink; p != &Address->AddressFileDatabase; p = p->Flink) { ++AddressInfo.ActivityCount; }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Address->SpinLock, oldirql);
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( &AddressInfo, 0, sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(TA_NETBIOS_ADDRESS), Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied;
if (UsedConnection) {
NbfDereferenceConnection ("query address info", Connection, CREF_BY_ID);
} else {
NbfDereferenceAddress ("query address info", Address, AREF_VERIFY);
// for this provider, the broadcast address is a zero byte name,
// contained in a Transport address structure.
broadcastAddress = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( NonPagedPool, sizeof (TA_NETBIOS_ADDRESS), NBF_MEM_TAG_TDI_QUERY_BUFFER); if (broadcastAddress == NULL) { PANIC ("NbfQueryInfo: Cannot allocate broadcast address!\n"); NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 2, sizeof(TA_NETBIOS_ADDRESS), 0); status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else {
broadcastAddress->TAAddressCount = 1; broadcastAddress->Address[0].AddressType = TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETBIOS; broadcastAddress->Address[0].AddressLength = 0;
Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof (broadcastAddress->TAAddressCount) + sizeof (broadcastAddress->Address[0].AddressType) + sizeof (broadcastAddress->Address[0].AddressLength);
BytesCopied = (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information;
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( (PVOID)broadcastAddress, 0L, BytesCopied, Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied); Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied;
ExFreePool (broadcastAddress); }
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( &(DeviceContext->Information), 0, sizeof (TDI_PROVIDER_INFO), Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied;
// This information is probablt available somewhere else.
NbfGetMdlChainLength (Irp->MdlAddress, &TargetBufferLength);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
} else {
if (ProviderStatistics == NULL) {
PANIC ("NbfQueryInfo: Cannot allocate provider statistics!\n"); NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 7, sizeof(TDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS), 0); status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
} else {
NbfStoreProviderStatistics (DeviceContext, ProviderStatistics);
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( (PVOID)ProviderStatistics, 0L, sizeof(TDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS) + ((NBF_TDI_RESOURCES-1) * sizeof(TDI_PROVIDER_RESOURCE_STATS)), Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied;
ExFreePool (ProviderStatistics); }
NbfGetMdlChainLength (Irp->MdlAddress, &TargetBufferLength);
// Determine if this is a local or remote query. It is
// local if there is no remote address specific at all,
// or if it is equal to our reserved address.
RemoteAdapterStatus = FALSE;
if (query->RequestConnectionInformation != NULL) {
if (!NbfValidateTdiAddress( query->RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddress, query->RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddressLength)) { return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; }
RemoteAddress = NbfParseTdiAddress(query->RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddress, FALSE);
if (!RemoteAddress) { return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; } if (!RtlEqualMemory( RemoteAddress->NetbiosName, DeviceContext->ReservedNetBIOSAddress, NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH)) {
RemoteAdapterStatus = TRUE;
} }
if (RemoteAdapterStatus) {
// We need a request object to keep track of this TDI request.
// Attach this request to the device context.
status = NbfCreateRequest ( Irp, // IRP for this request.
DeviceContext, // context.
REQUEST_FLAGS_DC, // partial flags.
Irp->MdlAddress, // the data to be received.
TargetBufferLength, // length of the data.
timeout, // do this ourselves here.
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) {
NbfReferenceDeviceContext ("Remote status", DeviceContext, DCREF_REQUEST); tpRequest->Owner = DeviceContextType;
// Allocate a temp buffer to hold our results.
tpRequest->ResponseBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, TargetBufferLength, NBF_MEM_TAG_TDI_QUERY_BUFFER);
if (tpRequest->ResponseBuffer == NULL) {
NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 12, TargetBufferLength, 0); NbfCompleteRequest (tpRequest, STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0);
} else {
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,&oldirql);
if (DeviceContext->State != DEVICECONTEXT_STATE_OPEN) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,oldirql); NbfCompleteRequest (tpRequest, STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY, 0);
} else {
PUCHAR SingleSR; UINT SingleSRLength;
InsertTailList ( &DeviceContext->StatusQueryQueue, &tpRequest->Linkage);
tpRequest->FrameContext = DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier | 0x8000; ++DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier; if (DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier == 0x8000) { DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier = 1; }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
// The request is queued. Now send out the first packet and
// start the timer.
tpRequest->Retries = DeviceContext->GeneralRetries; tpRequest->BytesWritten = 0;
// STATUS_QUERY frames go out as
// single-route source routing.
MacReturnSingleRouteSR( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, &SingleSR, &SingleSRLength);
NbfSendStatusQuery( DeviceContext, tpRequest, &DeviceContext->NetBIOSAddress, SingleSR, SingleSRLength);
// As long as the request is created, pend here.
// The IRP will complete when the request completes.
} else {
// Local.
adapterStatus = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( NonPagedPool, TargetBufferLength, NBF_MEM_TAG_TDI_QUERY_BUFFER);
if (adapterStatus == NULL) { PANIC("NbfQueryInfo: PANIC! Could not allocate adapter status buffer\n"); NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 3, TargetBufferLength, 0); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
NbfStoreAdapterStatus ( DeviceContext, NULL, 0, adapterStatus);
NbfStoreNameBuffers ( DeviceContext, (PUCHAR)adapterStatus + sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS), TargetBufferLength - sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS), 0, &NamesWritten, &TotalNameCount, &Truncated);
((PADAPTER_STATUS)adapterStatus)->name_count = (WORD)TotalNameCount;
BytesWritten = sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS) + (NamesWritten * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER));
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( adapterStatus, 0, BytesWritten, Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied); Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied;
if (Truncated) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; }
ExFreePool (adapterStatus);
NbfGetMdlChainLength (Irp->MdlAddress, &TargetBufferLength);
// Check that there is a valid Netbios remote address.
if (!NbfValidateTdiAddress( query->RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddress, query->RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddressLength)) { return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; }
RemoteAddress = NbfParseTdiAddress(query->RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddress, FALSE);
if (!RemoteAddress) { return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; }
// We need a request object to keep track of this TDI request.
// Attach this request to the device context.
status = NbfCreateRequest ( Irp, // IRP for this request.
DeviceContext, // context.
REQUEST_FLAGS_DC, // partial flags.
Irp->MdlAddress, // the data to be received.
TargetBufferLength, // length of the data.
timeout, // do this ourselves here.
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) {
NbfReferenceDeviceContext ("Find name", DeviceContext, DCREF_REQUEST); tpRequest->Owner = DeviceContextType;
// Allocate a temp buffer to hold our results.
tpRequest->ResponseBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, TargetBufferLength, NBF_MEM_TAG_TDI_QUERY_BUFFER);
if (tpRequest->ResponseBuffer == NULL) {
NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 4, TargetBufferLength, 0); NbfCompleteRequest (tpRequest, STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0);
} else {
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,&oldirql);
if (DeviceContext->State != DEVICECONTEXT_STATE_OPEN) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,oldirql); NbfCompleteRequest (tpRequest, STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY, 0);
} else {
InsertTailList ( &DeviceContext->FindNameQueue, &tpRequest->Linkage);
tpRequest->FrameContext = DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier | 0x8000; ++DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier; if (DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier == 0x8000) { DeviceContext->UniqueIdentifier = 1; }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
// The request is queued. Now send out the first packet and
// start the timer.
// We fill in the FIND_NAME_HEADER in the buffer, but
// set BytesWritten to 0; we don't include the header
// in BytesWritten until we get a response, so that
// a BytesWritten of 0 means "no response".
tpRequest->Retries = DeviceContext->GeneralRetries; tpRequest->BytesWritten = 0; FindNameHeader = (PFIND_NAME_HEADER)tpRequest->ResponseBuffer; FindNameHeader->node_count = 0; FindNameHeader->unique_group = NETBIOS_NAME_TYPE_UNIQUE;
NbfSendQueryFindName (DeviceContext, tpRequest);
// As long as the request is created, pend here.
// The IRP will complete when the request completes.
status = STATUS_PENDING; }
TaAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)&AddressInfo.TaAddressBuffer; TaAddress->TAAddressCount = 1; TaAddress->Address[0].AddressLength = 6; if (query->QueryType == TDI_QUERY_DATA_LINK_ADDRESS) { TaAddress->Address[0].AddressType = DeviceContext->MacInfo.MediumAsync ? NdisMediumWan : DeviceContext->MacInfo.MediumType; } else { TaAddress->Address[0].AddressType = TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNSPEC; } RtlCopyMemory (TaAddress->Address[0].Address, DeviceContext->LocalAddress.Address, 6);
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( &AddressInfo.TaAddressBuffer, 0, sizeof(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS)+5, Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied); Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied; break;
DatagramInfo.MaximumDatagramBytes = 0; DatagramInfo.MaximumDatagramCount = 0;
status = TdiCopyBufferToMdl ( &DatagramInfo, 0, sizeof(DatagramInfo), Irp->MdlAddress, 0, &BytesCopied); Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesCopied; break;
default: status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; }
return status;
} /* NbfTdiQueryInformation */
// Quick macros, assumes DeviceContext and ProviderStatistics exist.
#define STORE_RESOURCE_STATS_1(_ResourceNum,_ResourceId,_ResourceName) \
{ \ PTDI_PROVIDER_RESOURCE_STATS RStats = &ProviderStatistics->ResourceStats[_ResourceNum]; \ RStats->ResourceId = (_ResourceId); \ RStats->MaximumResourceUsed = DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## MaxInUse; \ if (DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Samples > 0) { \ RStats->AverageResourceUsed = DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Total / DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Samples; \ } else { \ RStats->AverageResourceUsed = 0; \ } \ RStats->ResourceExhausted = DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Exhausted; \ }
#define STORE_RESOURCE_STATS_2(_ResourceNum,_ResourceId,_ResourceName) \
{ \ PTDI_PROVIDER_RESOURCE_STATS RStats = &ProviderStatistics->ResourceStats[_ResourceNum]; \ RStats->ResourceId = (_ResourceId); \ RStats->MaximumResourceUsed = DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Allocated; \ RStats->AverageResourceUsed = DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Allocated; \ RStats->ResourceExhausted = DeviceContext->_ResourceName ## Exhausted; \ }
VOID NbfStoreProviderStatistics( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PTDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS ProviderStatistics )
Routine Description:
This routine writes the TDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS structure from the device context into ProviderStatistics.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context.
ProviderStatistics - The buffer that holds the result. It is assumed that it is long enough.
Return Value:
// Copy all the statistics up to NumberOfResources
// in one move.
RtlCopyMemory( ProviderStatistics, &DeviceContext->Statistics, FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_PROVIDER_STATISTICS, NumberOfResources));
// Calculate AverageSendWindow.
if (DeviceContext->SendWindowSamples > 0) { ProviderStatistics->AverageSendWindow = DeviceContext->SendWindowTotal / DeviceContext->SendWindowSamples; } else { ProviderStatistics->AverageSendWindow = 1; }
// Copy the resource statistics.
ProviderStatistics->NumberOfResources = NBF_TDI_RESOURCES;
} /* NbfStoreProviderStatistics */
VOID NbfStoreAdapterStatus( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PUCHAR SourceRouting, IN UINT SourceRoutingLength, IN PVOID StatusBuffer )
Routine Description:
This routine writes the ADAPTER_STATUS structure for the device context into StatusBuffer. The name_count field is initialized to zero; NbfStoreNameBuffers is used to write name buffers.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context.
SourceRouting - If this is a remote request, the source routing information from the frame.
SourceRoutingLength - The length of SourceRouting.
StatusBuffer - The buffer that holds the result. It is assumed that it is at least sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS) bytes long.
Return Value:
PADAPTER_STATUS AdapterStatus = (PADAPTER_STATUS)StatusBuffer; UINT MaxUserData;
RtlZeroMemory ((PVOID)AdapterStatus, sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS));
RtlCopyMemory (AdapterStatus->adapter_address, DeviceContext->LocalAddress.Address, 6); AdapterStatus->rev_major = 0x03;
switch (DeviceContext->MacInfo.MediumType) { case NdisMedium802_5: AdapterStatus->adapter_type = 0xff; break; default: AdapterStatus->adapter_type = 0xfe; break; }
AdapterStatus->frmr_recv = (WORD)DeviceContext->FrmrReceived; AdapterStatus->frmr_xmit = (WORD)DeviceContext->FrmrTransmitted;
AdapterStatus->recv_buff_unavail = (WORD)(DeviceContext->ReceivePacketExhausted + DeviceContext->ReceiveBufferExhausted); AdapterStatus->xmit_buf_unavail = (WORD)DeviceContext->PacketExhausted;
AdapterStatus->xmit_success = (WORD)(DeviceContext->Statistics.DataFramesSent - DeviceContext->Statistics.DataFramesResent); AdapterStatus->recv_success = (WORD)DeviceContext->Statistics.DataFramesReceived; AdapterStatus->iframe_recv_err = (WORD)DeviceContext->Statistics.DataFramesRejected; AdapterStatus->iframe_xmit_err = (WORD)DeviceContext->Statistics.DataFramesResent;
AdapterStatus->t1_timeouts = (WORD)DeviceContext->Statistics.ResponseTimerExpirations; AdapterStatus->ti_timeouts = (WORD)DeviceContext->TiExpirations; AdapterStatus->xmit_aborts = (WORD)0;
AdapterStatus->free_ncbs = (WORD)0xffff; AdapterStatus->max_cfg_ncbs = (WORD)0xffff; AdapterStatus->max_ncbs = (WORD)0xffff; AdapterStatus->pending_sess = (WORD)DeviceContext->Statistics.OpenConnections; AdapterStatus->max_cfg_sess = (WORD)0xffff; AdapterStatus->max_sess = (WORD)0xffff;
MacReturnMaxDataSize( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, NULL, 0, DeviceContext->MaxSendPacketSize, TRUE, &MaxUserData); AdapterStatus->max_dgram_size = (WORD)(MaxUserData - (sizeof(DLC_FRAME) + sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS)));
MacReturnMaxDataSize( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, SourceRouting, SourceRoutingLength, DeviceContext->MaxSendPacketSize, FALSE, &MaxUserData); AdapterStatus->max_sess_pkt_size = (WORD)(MaxUserData - (sizeof(DLC_I_FRAME) + sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTION)));
} /* NbfStoreAdapterStatus */
VOID NbfStoreNameBuffers( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN ULONG NamesToSkip, OUT PULONG NamesWritten, OUT PULONG TotalNameCount OPTIONAL, OUT PBOOLEAN Truncated )
Routine Description:
This routine writes NAME_BUFFER structures for the device context into NameBuffer. It can skip a specified number of names at the beginning, and returns the number of names written into NameBuffer. If a name will only partially fit, it is not written.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context.
NameBuffer - The buffer to write the names into.
NameBufferLength - The length of NameBuffer.
NamesToSkip - The number of names to skip.
NamesWritten - Returns the number of names written.
TotalNameCount - Returns the total number of names available, if specified.
Truncated - More names are available than were written.
Return Value:
ULONG NameCount = 0; ULONG BytesWritten = 0; KIRQL oldirql; PLIST_ENTRY p; PNAME_BUFFER NameBuffer = (PNAME_BUFFER)Buffer; PTP_ADDRESS address;
// Spin through the address list for this device context.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, &oldirql);
p = DeviceContext->AddressDatabase.Flink;
for (p = DeviceContext->AddressDatabase.Flink; p != &DeviceContext->AddressDatabase; p = p->Flink) {
address = CONTAINING_RECORD (p, TP_ADDRESS, Linkage);
// Ignore addresses that are shutting down.
if ((address->Flags & ADDRESS_FLAGS_STOPPING) != 0) { continue; }
// Ignore the broadcast address.
if (address->NetworkName == NULL) { continue; }
// Ignore the reserved address.
if ((address->NetworkName->NetbiosName[0] == 0) && (RtlEqualMemory( address->NetworkName->NetbiosName, DeviceContext->ReservedNetBIOSAddress, NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH))) {
continue; }
// Check if we are still skipping.
if (NameCount < NamesToSkip) { ++NameCount; continue; }
// Make sure we still have room.
if (BytesWritten + sizeof(NAME_BUFFER) > BufferLength) { break; }
RtlCopyMemory( NameBuffer->name, address->NetworkName->NetbiosName, NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH);
++NameCount; NameBuffer->name_num = (UCHAR)NameCount;
NameBuffer->name_flags = REGISTERED; if (address->Flags & ADDRESS_FLAGS_GROUP) { NameBuffer->name_flags |= GROUP_NAME; }
// name_flags should be done more accurately.
BytesWritten += sizeof(NAME_BUFFER); ++NameBuffer;
*NamesWritten = (ULONG)(NameBuffer - (PNAME_BUFFER)Buffer);
if (p == &DeviceContext->AddressDatabase) {
*Truncated = FALSE; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TotalNameCount)) { *TotalNameCount = NameCount; }
} else {
*Truncated = TRUE;
// If requested, continue through the list and count
// all the addresses.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TotalNameCount)) {
for ( ; p != &DeviceContext->AddressDatabase; p = p->Flink) {
address = CONTAINING_RECORD (p, TP_ADDRESS, Linkage);
// Ignore addresses that are shutting down.
if ((address->Flags & ADDRESS_FLAGS_STOPPING) != 0) { continue; }
// Ignore the broadcast address.
if (address->NetworkName == NULL) { continue; }
// Ignore the reserved address, since we count it no matter what.
if ((address->NetworkName->NetbiosName[0] == 0) && (RtlEqualMemory( address->NetworkName->NetbiosName, DeviceContext->ReservedNetBIOSAddress, NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH))) {
continue; }
*TotalNameCount = NameCount;
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
} /* NbfStoreNameBuffers */
Routine Description:
This routine processes a STATUS.QUERY packet.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context the frame was received on.
Address - The address we are responding from, or NULL if the STATUS.QUERY was sent to the reserved address.
UiFrame - The packet in question, starting at the Netbios header.
SourceAddress - The source hardware address of the packet.
SourceRouting - Source routing data in the query.
SourceRoutingLength - The length of SourceRouting.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
NTSTATUS Status; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; PTP_UI_FRAME RawFrame; PVOID ResponseBuffer; UINT ResponseBufferLength; ULONG NamesWritten, TotalNameCount; ULONG BytesWritten; UCHAR RequestType; BOOLEAN Truncated, UsersBufferTooShort; USHORT UsersBufferLength; UINT HeaderLength; UCHAR TempSR[MAX_SOURCE_ROUTING]; PUCHAR ResponseSR; PNDIS_BUFFER NdisBuffer;
// Allocate a buffer to hold the status.
MacReturnMaxDataSize( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, SourceRouting, SourceRoutingLength, DeviceContext->CurSendPacketSize, FALSE, &ResponseBufferLength);
ResponseBufferLength -= (sizeof(DLC_FRAME) + sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS));
UsersBufferLength = (UiFrame->Data2High * 256) + UiFrame->Data2Low;
// See how big to make our buffer; if the amount remaining in the user's
// buffer is less than our max size, chop it down.
if (UiFrame->Data1 <= 1) {
// This is the initial request.
if (ResponseBufferLength > (UINT)UsersBufferLength) { ResponseBufferLength = UsersBufferLength; }
} else {
// Subsequent request; compensate for already-sent data.
UsersBufferLength -= (sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS) + (UiFrame->Data1 * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER)));
if (ResponseBufferLength > (UINT)UsersBufferLength) { ResponseBufferLength = UsersBufferLength; }
// If the remote station is asking for no data, ignore this request.
// This prevents us from trying to allocate 0 bytes of pool.
if ( (LONG)ResponseBufferLength <= 0 ) { return STATUS_ABANDONED; }
ResponseBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, ResponseBufferLength, NBF_MEM_TAG_TDI_QUERY_BUFFER);
if (ResponseBuffer == NULL) { NbfWriteResourceErrorLog( DeviceContext, EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESOURCE_POOL, 5, ResponseBufferLength, 0); return STATUS_ABANDONED; }
// Fill in the response buffer.
if (UiFrame->Data1 <= 1) {
// First request.
NbfStoreAdapterStatus ( DeviceContext, SourceRouting, SourceRoutingLength, ResponseBuffer);
NbfStoreNameBuffers ( DeviceContext, (PUCHAR)ResponseBuffer + sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS), ResponseBufferLength - sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS), 0, &NamesWritten, &TotalNameCount, &Truncated);
BytesWritten = sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS) + (NamesWritten * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER));
// If the data was truncated, but we are returning the maximum
// that the user requested, report that as "user's buffer
// too short" instead of "truncated".
if (Truncated && (ResponseBufferLength >= (UINT)UsersBufferLength)) { Truncated = FALSE; UsersBufferTooShort = TRUE; } else { UsersBufferTooShort = FALSE; }
((PADAPTER_STATUS)ResponseBuffer)->name_count = (WORD)TotalNameCount;
} else {
NbfStoreNameBuffers ( DeviceContext, ResponseBuffer, ResponseBufferLength, UiFrame->Data1, &NamesWritten, NULL, &Truncated);
BytesWritten = NamesWritten * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER);
if (Truncated && (ResponseBufferLength >= (UINT)UsersBufferLength)) { Truncated = FALSE; UsersBufferTooShort = TRUE; } else { UsersBufferTooShort = FALSE; }
// Allocate a UI frame from the pool.
Status = NbfCreateConnectionlessFrame (DeviceContext, &RawFrame); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { // couldn't make frame.
ExFreePool (ResponseBuffer); return STATUS_ABANDONED; }
IF_NBFDBG (NBF_DEBUG_DEVCTX) { NbfPrint2 ("NbfProcessStatusQuery: Sending Frame: %lx, NdisPacket: %lx\n", RawFrame, RawFrame->NdisPacket); }
// Build the MAC header. STATUS_RESPONSE frames go out as
// non-broadcast source routing.
if (SourceRouting != NULL) {
RtlCopyMemory( TempSR, SourceRouting, SourceRoutingLength);
MacCreateNonBroadcastReplySR( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, TempSR, SourceRoutingLength, &ResponseSR);
} else {
ResponseSR = NULL;
MacConstructHeader ( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, RawFrame->Header, SourceAddress->Address, DeviceContext->LocalAddress.Address, sizeof (DLC_FRAME) + sizeof (NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS) + BytesWritten, ResponseSR, SourceRoutingLength, &HeaderLength);
// Build the DLC UI frame header.
NbfBuildUIFrameHeader(&RawFrame->Header[HeaderLength]); HeaderLength += sizeof(DLC_FRAME);
// Build the Netbios header.
switch (UiFrame->Data1) { case 0: // pre 2.1 request
RequestType = (UCHAR)0; break; case 1: // 2.1, first request
RequestType = (UCHAR)NamesWritten; break; default: // 2.1, subsequent request
RequestType = (UCHAR)(UiFrame->Data1 + NamesWritten); break; }
ConstructStatusResponse ( (PNBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS)&(RawFrame->Header[HeaderLength]), RequestType, // request type.
Truncated, // more data.
UsersBufferTooShort, // user's buffer too small
(USHORT)BytesWritten, // bytes in response
RESPONSE_CORR(UiFrame), // correlator
UiFrame->SourceName, // receiver permanent name
(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Address)) ? Address->NetworkName->NetbiosName : DeviceContext->ReservedNetBIOSAddress); // source name
HeaderLength += sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS);
// Munge the packet length (now, before we append the second
// buffer).
NbfSetNdisPacketLength(RawFrame->NdisPacket, HeaderLength);
// Now, if we have any name data, attach our buffer onto the frame.
// Note that it's possible at the end of the user's buffer for us
// to not have room for any names, and thus we'll have no data to
// send.
if ( BytesWritten != 0 ) {
RawFrame->DataBuffer = ResponseBuffer;
NdisAllocateBuffer( &NdisStatus, &NdisBuffer, DeviceContext->NdisBufferPool, ResponseBuffer, BytesWritten);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PANIC ("ConstructStatusResponse: NdisAllocateBuffer failed.\n"); NbfDestroyConnectionlessFrame (DeviceContext, RawFrame); return STATUS_ABANDONED; }
NdisChainBufferAtBack (RawFrame->NdisPacket, NdisBuffer);
} else {
RawFrame->DataBuffer = NULL;
NbfSendUIFrame ( DeviceContext, RawFrame, FALSE); // no loopback (MC frame)
} /* NbfProcessStatusQuery */
VOID NbfSendQueryFindName( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PTP_REQUEST Request )
Routine Description:
This routine will send a FIND.NAME packet for the specified find name request, and start the request timer.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context to send the find name on.
Request - The find name request.
Return Value:
{ TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS * remoteAddress; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; NTSTATUS Status; PTP_UI_FRAME RawFrame; PUCHAR SingleSR; UINT SingleSRLength; UINT HeaderLength; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout;
irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (Request->IoRequestPacket);
remoteAddress = NbfParseTdiAddress( ((PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_QUERY_INFORMATION)(&irpSp->Parameters))-> RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddress, FALSE);
// Start the timer for this request.
Request->Flags |= REQUEST_FLAGS_TIMER; // there is a timeout on this request.
KeInitializeTimer (&Request->Timer); // set to not-signaled state.
NbfReferenceRequest ("Find Name: timer", Request, RREF_TIMER); // one for the timer
Timeout.LowPart = (ULONG)(-(LONG)DeviceContext->GeneralTimeout); Timeout.HighPart = -1; KeSetTimer (&Request->Timer, Timeout, &Request->Dpc);
// Allocate a UI frame from the pool.
Status = NbfCreateConnectionlessFrame (DeviceContext, &RawFrame); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { // couldn't make frame.
return; }
IF_NBFDBG (NBF_DEBUG_DEVCTX) { NbfPrint2 ("NbfSendFindNames: Sending Frame: %lx, NdisPacket: %lx\n", RawFrame, RawFrame->NdisPacket); }
// Build the MAC header. NAME_QUERY frames go out as
// single-route source routing.
MacReturnSingleRouteSR( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, &SingleSR, &SingleSRLength);
MacConstructHeader ( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, RawFrame->Header, DeviceContext->NetBIOSAddress.Address, DeviceContext->LocalAddress.Address, sizeof (DLC_FRAME) + sizeof (NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS), SingleSR, SingleSRLength, &HeaderLength);
// Build the DLC UI frame header.
NbfBuildUIFrameHeader(&RawFrame->Header[HeaderLength]); HeaderLength += sizeof(DLC_FRAME);
// Build the Netbios header.
ConstructNameQuery ( (PNBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS)&(RawFrame->Header[HeaderLength]), NETBIOS_NAME_TYPE_UNIQUE, // call from a unique name.
Request->FrameContext, // corr. in 1st NAME_RECOGNIZED.
DeviceContext->ReservedNetBIOSAddress, (PNAME)remoteAddress->NetbiosName);
HeaderLength += sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS);
// Munge the packet length.
NbfSetNdisPacketLength(RawFrame->NdisPacket, HeaderLength);
NbfSendUIFrame ( DeviceContext, RawFrame, FALSE); // no loopback (MC frame)
} /* NbfSendQueryFindName */
Routine Description:
This routine processes a NAME.RECOGNIZED request with a correlator of 0, indicating it was a response to a previous FIND.NAME packet.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context the frame was received on.
Packet - The packet in question, starting at the MAC header.
UiFrame - The packet, starting at the Netbios header.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
KIRQL oldirql; PTP_REQUEST Request; PFIND_NAME_BUFFER FindNameBuffer; PFIND_NAME_HEADER FindNameHeader; PUCHAR DestinationAddress; HARDWARE_ADDRESS SourceAddressBuffer; PHARDWARE_ADDRESS SourceAddress; PUCHAR SourceRouting; UINT SourceRoutingLength; PUCHAR TargetBuffer; USHORT FrameContext; PLIST_ENTRY p;
MacReturnDestinationAddress( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, Packet, &DestinationAddress);
MacReturnSourceAddress( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, Packet, &SourceAddressBuffer, &SourceAddress, NULL);
MacReturnSourceRouting( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, Packet, &SourceRouting, &SourceRoutingLength);
// Find the request that this is for, using the frame context.
FrameContext = TRANSMIT_CORR(UiFrame);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, &oldirql);
for (p=DeviceContext->FindNameQueue.Flink; p != &DeviceContext->FindNameQueue; p=p->Flink) {
if (Request->FrameContext == FrameContext) {
if (p == &DeviceContext->FindNameQueue) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
NbfReferenceRequest ("Name Recognized", Request, RREF_FIND_NAME);
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
// Make sure that this physical address has not
// responded yet.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, &oldirql);
// Make sure this request is not stopping.
if ((Request->Flags & REQUEST_FLAGS_STOPPING) != 0) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); NbfDereferenceRequest ("Stopping", Request, RREF_STATUS); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// If this is the first response, update BytesWritten to include
// the header that is already written in ResponseBuffer.
if (Request->BytesWritten == 0) { Request->BytesWritten = sizeof(FIND_NAME_HEADER); }
TargetBuffer = Request->ResponseBuffer; FindNameBuffer = (PFIND_NAME_BUFFER)(TargetBuffer + sizeof(FIND_NAME_HEADER));
for ( ; FindNameBuffer < (PFIND_NAME_BUFFER)(TargetBuffer + Request->BytesWritten); FindNameBuffer++) {
if (RtlEqualMemory (FindNameBuffer->source_addr, SourceAddress->Address, 6)) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); NbfDereferenceRequest ("Duplicate NR", Request, RREF_FIND_NAME); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
// This is a new address, update if there is room.
if ((Request->BytesWritten + sizeof(FIND_NAME_BUFFER)) > Request->Buffer2Length) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,&oldirql); RemoveEntryList (&Request->Linkage); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
NbfCompleteRequest (Request, STATUS_SUCCESS, Request->BytesWritten); NbfDereferenceRequest ("No Buffer", Request, RREF_FIND_NAME); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
FindNameHeader = (PFIND_NAME_HEADER)TargetBuffer; FindNameHeader->unique_group = UiFrame->Data2High;
Request->BytesWritten += sizeof(FIND_NAME_BUFFER); ++FindNameHeader->node_count;
RtlCopyMemory(FindNameBuffer->source_addr, SourceAddress->Address, 6);
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql);
RtlCopyMemory(FindNameBuffer->destination_addr, DestinationAddress, 6); FindNameBuffer->length = 14;
if (DeviceContext->MacInfo.MediumType == NdisMedium802_5) {
// token-ring, copy the correct fields.
FindNameBuffer->access_control = Packet[0]; FindNameBuffer->frame_control = Packet[1];
if (SourceRouting != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory (FindNameBuffer->routing_info, SourceRouting, SourceRoutingLength); FindNameBuffer->length += (UCHAR) SourceRoutingLength; }
} else {
// non-token-ring, nothing else is significant.
FindNameBuffer->access_control = 0x0; FindNameBuffer->frame_control = 0x0;
// If this is a unique name, complete the request now.
if (UiFrame->Data2High == NETBIOS_NAME_TYPE_UNIQUE) {
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,&oldirql); RemoveEntryList (&Request->Linkage); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
NbfCompleteRequest(Request, STATUS_SUCCESS, Request->BytesWritten);
NbfDereferenceRequest ("NR processed", Request, RREF_FIND_NAME); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} /* NbfProcessQueryNameRecognized */
VOID NbfSendStatusQuery( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN PTP_REQUEST Request, IN PHARDWARE_ADDRESS DestinationAddress, IN PUCHAR SourceRouting, IN UINT SourceRoutingLength )
Routine Description:
This routine will send a STATUS.NAME packet for the specified find name request, and start the request timer.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context to send the status query on.
Request - The find name request.
DestinationAddress - The hardware destination address of the frame.
SourceRouting - Optional source routing information in the frame.
SourceRoutingLength - The length of SourceRouting.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS * remoteAddress; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; NTSTATUS Status; PTP_UI_FRAME RawFrame; PUCHAR SingleSR; UINT SingleSRLength; UINT HeaderLength; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; UCHAR RequestType;
irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (Request->IoRequestPacket);
remoteAddress = NbfParseTdiAddress( ((PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_QUERY_INFORMATION)(&irpSp->Parameters))-> RequestConnectionInformation->RemoteAddress, FALSE);
// Start the timer for this request.
Request->Flags |= REQUEST_FLAGS_TIMER; // there is a timeout on this request.
KeInitializeTimer (&Request->Timer); // set to not-signaled state.
NbfReferenceRequest ("Find Name: timer", Request, RREF_TIMER); // one for the timer
Timeout.LowPart = (ULONG)(-(LONG)DeviceContext->GeneralTimeout); Timeout.HighPart = -1; KeSetTimer (&Request->Timer, Timeout, &Request->Dpc);
// Allocate a UI frame from the pool.
Status = NbfCreateConnectionlessFrame (DeviceContext, &RawFrame); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { // couldn't make frame.
return; }
IF_NBFDBG (NBF_DEBUG_DEVCTX) { NbfPrint2 ("NbfSendFindNames: Sending Frame: %lx, NdisPacket: %lx\n", RawFrame, RawFrame->NdisPacket); }
// Build the MAC header. STATUS_QUERY frames go out as
// single-route source routing.
MacReturnSingleRouteSR( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, &SingleSR, &SingleSRLength);
MacConstructHeader ( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, RawFrame->Header, DeviceContext->NetBIOSAddress.Address, DeviceContext->LocalAddress.Address, sizeof (DLC_FRAME) + sizeof (NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS), SingleSR, SingleSRLength, &HeaderLength);
// Build the DLC UI frame header.
NbfBuildUIFrameHeader(&RawFrame->Header[HeaderLength]); HeaderLength += sizeof(DLC_FRAME);
// Build the Netbios header.
// Determine what RequestType should be.
if (Request->BytesWritten == 0) {
// No way to know if he is 2.1 or not, so we put a 1 here
// instead of 0.
RequestType = 1;
} else {
RequestType = (UCHAR)((Request->BytesWritten - sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS)) / sizeof(NAME_BUFFER));
ConstructStatusQuery ( (PNBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS)&(RawFrame->Header[HeaderLength]), RequestType, // request status type.
(USHORT)Request->Buffer2Length, // user's buffer length
Request->FrameContext, // corr. in 1st NAME_RECOGNIZED.
(PNAME)remoteAddress->NetbiosName, DeviceContext->ReservedNetBIOSAddress);
HeaderLength += sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS);
// Munge the packet length.
NbfSetNdisPacketLength(RawFrame->NdisPacket, HeaderLength);
NbfSendUIFrame ( DeviceContext, RawFrame, FALSE); // no loopback (MC frame)
} /* NbfSendStatusQuery */
NTSTATUS NbfProcessStatusResponse( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN NDIS_HANDLE ReceiveContext, IN PNBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS UiFrame, IN PHARDWARE_ADDRESS SourceAddress, IN PUCHAR SourceRouting, IN UINT SourceRoutingLength )
Routine Description:
This routine processes a STATUS.RESPONSE packet.
DeviceContext - a pointer to the device context the frame was received on.
ReceiveContext - The context for calling NdisTransferData.
UiFrame - The packet in question, starting at the Netbios header.
SourceAddress - The source hardware address of the packet.
SourceRouting - Source routing data in the query.
SourceRoutingLength - The length of SourceRouting.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
KIRQL oldirql; PTP_REQUEST Request; PUCHAR TargetBuffer; USHORT FrameContext; USHORT NamesReceived; USHORT ResponseLength, ResponseBytesToCopy; PLIST_ENTRY p; PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY linkage; NDIS_STATUS ndisStatus; PNDIS_BUFFER NdisBuffer; PNDIS_PACKET ndisPacket; ULONG ndisBytesTransferred; PRECEIVE_PACKET_TAG receiveTag; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus;
// Find the request that this is for, using the frame context.
FrameContext = TRANSMIT_CORR(UiFrame);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, &oldirql);
for (p=DeviceContext->StatusQueryQueue.Flink; p != &DeviceContext->StatusQueryQueue; p=p->Flink) {
if (Request->FrameContext == FrameContext) {
if (p == &DeviceContext->StatusQueryQueue) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
NbfReferenceRequest ("Status Response", Request, RREF_STATUS);
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, &oldirql);
// Make sure this request is not stopping.
if ((Request->Flags & REQUEST_FLAGS_STOPPING) != 0) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); NbfDereferenceRequest ("Stopping", Request, RREF_STATUS); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// See if this is packet has new data.
if (Request->BytesWritten == 0) {
NamesReceived = 0;
} else {
NamesReceived = (USHORT)(Request->BytesWritten - sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS)) / sizeof(NAME_BUFFER);
if ((UiFrame->Data1 > 0) && (UiFrame->Data1 <= NamesReceived)) {
// If it is a post-2.1 response, but we already got
// this data, ignore it.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); NbfDereferenceRequest ("Duplicate SR", Request, RREF_STATUS); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
// This is new data, append if there is room.
ResponseLength = ((UiFrame->Data2High & 0x3f) * 256) + UiFrame->Data2Low;
if ((ULONG)(Request->BytesWritten + ResponseLength) > Request->Buffer2Length) {
ResponseBytesToCopy = (USHORT)(Request->Buffer2Length - Request->BytesWritten);
} else {
ResponseBytesToCopy = ResponseLength;
// Allocate a receive packer for this operation.
linkage = ExInterlockedPopEntryList( &DeviceContext->ReceivePacketPool, &DeviceContext->Interlock);
if (linkage != NULL) { ndisPacket = CONTAINING_RECORD( linkage, NDIS_PACKET, ProtocolReserved[0] ); } else {
// Could not get a packet, oh well, it is connectionless.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
receiveTag = (PRECEIVE_PACKET_TAG)(ndisPacket->ProtocolReserved); receiveTag->PacketType = TYPE_STATUS_RESPONSE; receiveTag->Connection = (PTP_CONNECTION)Request;
TargetBuffer = (PUCHAR)Request->ResponseBuffer + Request->BytesWritten;
// Allocate an MDL to describe the part of the buffer we
// want transferred.
NdisAllocateBuffer( &NdisStatus, &NdisBuffer, DeviceContext->NdisBufferPool, TargetBuffer, ResponseBytesToCopy);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
ExInterlockedPushEntryList( &DeviceContext->ReceivePacketPool, linkage, &DeviceContext->Interlock);
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Assume success, if not we fail the request.
Request->BytesWritten += ResponseBytesToCopy;
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql);
NdisChainBufferAtFront(ndisPacket, NdisBuffer);
// See if the response was too big (we can complete the
// request here since we still reference it).
if ((ResponseLength > ResponseBytesToCopy) || (UiFrame->Data2High & 0x40)) {
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,&oldirql); RemoveEntryList (&Request->Linkage); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
receiveTag->CompleteReceive = TRUE; receiveTag->EndOfMessage = FALSE;
} else {
// If we are done, complete the packet, otherwise send off
// the next request (unless it is a pre-2.1 response).
if ((UiFrame->Data1 > 0) && (UiFrame->Data2High & 0x80)) {
receiveTag->CompleteReceive = FALSE;
// Try to cancel the timer, no harm if we fail.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, &oldirql); if ((Request->Flags & REQUEST_FLAGS_TIMER) != 0) {
Request->Flags &= ~REQUEST_FLAGS_TIMER; RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); if (KeCancelTimer (&Request->Timer)) { NbfDereferenceRequest ("Status Response: stop timer", Request, RREF_TIMER); }
} else { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Request->SpinLock, oldirql); }
Request->Retries = DeviceContext->GeneralRetries;
// Send a STATUS_QUERY directed.
if (SourceRouting != NULL) {
RtlCopyMemory( TempSR, SourceRouting, SourceRoutingLength);
MacCreateNonBroadcastReplySR( &DeviceContext->MacInfo, TempSR, SourceRoutingLength, &ResponseSR);
} else {
ResponseSR = NULL;
NbfSendStatusQuery( DeviceContext, Request, SourceAddress, ResponseSR, SourceRoutingLength);
} else {
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock,&oldirql); RemoveEntryList (&Request->Linkage); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&DeviceContext->SpinLock, oldirql);
receiveTag->CompleteReceive = TRUE; receiveTag->EndOfMessage = TRUE;
// Now do the actual data transfer.
if (DeviceContext->NdisBindingHandle) { NdisTransferData ( &ndisStatus, DeviceContext->NdisBindingHandle, ReceiveContext, DeviceContext->MacInfo.TransferDataOffset + 3 + sizeof(NBF_HDR_CONNECTIONLESS), ResponseBytesToCopy, ndisPacket, (PUINT)&ndisBytesTransferred); } else { ndisStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE; }
if (ndisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_PENDING) {
NbfTransferDataComplete( (NDIS_HANDLE)DeviceContext, ndisPacket, ndisStatus, ndisBytesTransferred);
} /* NbfProcessStatusResponse */
NTSTATUS NbfTdiSetInformation( IN PIRP Irp )
Routine Description:
This routine performs the TdiSetInformation request for the transport provider.
Irp - the Irp for the requested operation.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (Irp); // prevent compiler warnings
} /* NbfTdiQueryInformation */
#if 0
NTSTATUS NbfQueryInfoEndpoint( IN PTP_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PTDI_REQ_QUERY_INFORMATION TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength, OUT PTDI_ENDPOINT_INFO InfoBuffer, IN ULONG InfoBufferLength, OUT PULONG InformationSize )
Routine Description:
This routine returns information for the specified endpoint.
Endpoint - Pointer to transport endpoint context.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
InfoBuffer - Pointer to output buffer to return information into.
InfoBufferLength - Length of output buffer.
InformationSize - Pointer to ulong where actual size of returned information is to be stored.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ KIRQL oldirql;
TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength; // prevent compiler warnings
if (InfoBufferLength < sizeof (TDI_ENDPOINT_INFO)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &oldirql);
*InfoBuffer = Endpoint->Information; // structure copy.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Endpoint->SpinLock, oldirql);
*InformationSize = sizeof (Endpoint->Information);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfQueryInfoEndpoint */
NTSTATUS NbfQueryInfoConnection( IN PTP_CONNECTION Connection, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength, OUT PTDI_CONNECTION_INFO InfoBuffer, IN ULONG InfoBufferLength, OUT PULONG InformationSize )
Routine Description:
This routine returns information for the specified connection.
Connection - Pointer to transport connection object.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
InfoBuffer - Pointer to output buffer to return information into.
InfoBufferLength - Length of output buffer.
InformationSize - Pointer to ulong where actual size of returned information is to be stored.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ KIRQL oldirql;
TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength; // prevent compiler warnings
if (InfoBufferLength < sizeof (TDI_CONNECTION_INFO)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
ACQUIRE_C_SPIN_LOCK (&Connection->SpinLock, &oldirql);
*InfoBuffer = Connection->Information; // structure copy.
RELEASE_C_SPIN_LOCK (&Connection->SpinLock, oldirql);
*InformationSize = sizeof (Connection->Information);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfQueryInfoConnection */
NTSTATUS NbfQueryInfoAddress( IN PTP_ADDRESS Address, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength, OUT PTDI_ADDRESS_INFO InfoBuffer, IN ULONG InfoBufferLength, OUT PULONG InformationSize )
Routine Description:
This routine returns information for the specified address. We don't acquire a spinlock in this routine because there are no statistics which must be read atomically.
Address - Pointer to transport address object.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
InfoBuffer - Pointer to output buffer to return information into.
InfoBufferLength - Length of output buffer.
InformationSize - Pointer to ulong where actual size of returned information is to be stored.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ SHORT i; PSZ p, q;
TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength; // prevent compiler warnings
// Calculate whether his buffer is big enough to return the entire
// information. The total size of the address information is the
// size of the fixed part, plus the size of the variable-length flat
// string in the NETWORK_NAME component of the TRANSPORT_ADDRESS
// component.
if (InfoBufferLength < sizeof (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO) + Address->NetworkName.Length) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
// Copy both the fixed part of the address information, and the variable
// part. The variable part comes from the NETWORK_NAME component of the
// TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure. This component contains a FLAT_STRING,
// which is of variable length.
InfoBuffer->Address.AddressComponents = Address->AddressComponents; InfoBuffer->Address.Tsap = Address->Tsap;
InfoBuffer->Address.NetworkName.Name.Length = Address->NetworkName.Length;
p = Address->NetworkName.Buffer; // p = ptr, source string.
q = InfoBuffer->Address.NetworkName.Name.Buffer; // q = ptr, dest string.
for (i=0; i<InfoBuffer->Address.NetworkName.Name.Length; i++) { *(q++) = *(p++); }
*InformationSize = sizeof (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO) + Address->NetworkName.Length;
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfQueryInfoAddress */
NTSTATUS NbfQueryInfoProvider( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT Provider, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength, OUT PTDI_PROVIDER_INFO InfoBuffer, IN ULONG InfoBufferLength, OUT PULONG InformationSize )
Routine Description:
This routine returns information for the transport provider.
Provider - Pointer to device context for provider.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
InfoBuffer - Pointer to output buffer to return information into.
InfoBufferLength - Length of output buffer.
InformationSize - Pointer to ulong where actual size of returned information is to be stored.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ KIRQL oldirql;
TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength; // prevent compiler warnings
if (InfoBufferLength < sizeof (TDI_PROVIDER_INFO)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, &oldirql);
*InfoBuffer = Provider->Information; // structure copy.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, oldirql);
*InformationSize = sizeof (Provider->Information);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfQueryInfoProvider */
NTSTATUS NbfQueryInfoNetman( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT Provider, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength, OUT PTDI_NETMAN_INFO InfoBuffer, IN ULONG InfoBufferLength, OUT PULONG InformationSize )
Routine Description:
This routine returns information for the specified network-managable variable managed by the transport provider.
Provider - Pointer to device context for provider.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
InfoBuffer - Pointer to output buffer to return information into.
InfoBufferLength - Length of output buffer.
InformationSize - Pointer to ulong where actual size of returned information is to be stored.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength; // prevent compiler warnings
InfoBufferLength, InformationSize;
// check param lengths here.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, &oldirql); NbfReferenceDeviceContext ("Query InfoNetMan", Provider, DCREF_QUERY_INFO); for (v=Provider->NetmanVariables; v != NULL; v=v->Fwdlink) { if (TdiRequest->Identification == v->VariableSerialNumber) {
// Return the variable information here.
NameOffset = sizeof (TDI_NETMAN_INFO); ValueOffset = NameOffset + (sizeof (FLAT_STRING)-1) + v->VariableName.Length;
InfoBuffer->VariableName = NameOffset; InfoBuffer->VariableValue = ValueOffset;
// Copy the variable name to the user's buffer.
p = (PFLAT_STRING)((PUCHAR)InfoBuffer + NameOffset); p->MaximumLength = v->VariableName.Length; p->Length = v->VariableName.Length; for (i=0; i<v->VariableName.Length; i++) { p->Buffer [i] = v->VariableName.Buffer [i]; }
// Now copy the variable's contents to the user's buffer.
n = (PTDI_NETMAN_VARIABLE)((PUCHAR)InfoBuffer + ValueOffset); n->VariableType = v->VariableType;
switch (v->VariableType) {
case NETMAN_VARTYPE_ULONG: n->Value.LongValue = v->Value.LongValue; break;
case NETMAN_VARTYPE_HARDWARE_ADDRESS: n->Value.HardwareAddressValue = v->Value.HardwareAddressValue; break;
case NETMAN_VARTYPE_STRING: p = &n->Value.StringValue; p->MaximumLength = v->Value.StringValue.Length; p->Length = v->Value.StringValue.Length; for (i=0; i<v->Value.StringValue.Length; i++) { p->Buffer [i] = v->Value.StringValue.Buffer [i]; }
} /* switch */
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, oldirql); NbfDereferenceDeviceContext ("Query InfoNetMan success", Provider, DCREF_QUERY_INFO); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* if */ } /* for */
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, oldirql);
NbfDereferenceDeviceContext ("Query InfoNetMan no exist", Provider, DCREF_QUERY_INFO);
return STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; // variable does not exist.
} /* NbfQueryInfoNetman */
NTSTATUS NbfSetInfoEndpoint( IN PTP_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength )
Routine Description:
This routine sets information for the specified endpoint.
Endpoint - Pointer to transport endpoint context.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ KIRQL oldirql; PTDI_ENDPOINT_INFO InfoBuffer;
if (TdiRequestLength != sizeof (TDI_ENDPOINT_INFO) + sizeof (TDI_REQ_SET_INFORMATION) - sizeof (TDI_INFO_BUFFER)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; // buffer sizes must match.
InfoBuffer = (PTDI_ENDPOINT_INFO)&TdiRequest->InfoBuffer;
if ((InfoBuffer->MinimumLookaheadData <= NBF_MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DATA) || (InfoBuffer->MaximumLookaheadData <= NBF_MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DATA) || (InfoBuffer->MinimumLookaheadData > InfoBuffer->MaximumLookaheadData)) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &oldirql);
// Set minimum lookahead data size. This is the number of bytes of
// contiguous data that will be supplied to TDI_IND_RECEIVE and
// TDI_IND_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM event handlers at indication time.
Endpoint->Information.MinimumLookaheadData = InfoBuffer->MinimumLookaheadData;
// Set maximum lookahead data size. This is the number of bytes of
// contiguous data that will be supplied to TDI_IND_RECEIVE and
// TDI_IND_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM event handlers at indication time.
Endpoint->Information.MaximumLookaheadData = InfoBuffer->MaximumLookaheadData;
// Reset all the statistics to his new values.
Endpoint->Information.TransmittedTsdus = InfoBuffer->TransmittedTsdus; Endpoint->Information.ReceivedTsdus = InfoBuffer->ReceivedTsdus; Endpoint->Information.TransmissionErrors = InfoBuffer->TransmissionErrors; Endpoint->Information.ReceiveErrors = InfoBuffer->ReceiveErrors; Endpoint->Information.PriorityLevel = InfoBuffer->PriorityLevel; Endpoint->Information.SecurityLevel = InfoBuffer->SecurityLevel; Endpoint->Information.SecurityCompartment = InfoBuffer->SecurityCompartment;
// The State and Event fields are read-only, so we DON'T set them here.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Endpoint->SpinLock, oldirql);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfSetInfoEndpoint */
NTSTATUS NbfSetInfoAddress( IN PTP_ADDRESS Address, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength )
Routine Description:
This routine sets information for the specified address. Currently, all the user-visible fields in the transport address object are read-only.
Address - Pointer to transport address object.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ Address, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength; // prevent compiler warnings
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfSetInfoAddress */
NTSTATUS NbfSetInfoConnection( IN PTP_CONNECTION Connection, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength )
Routine Description:
This routine sets information for the specified connection.
Connection - Pointer to transport connection object.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
if (TdiRequestLength != sizeof (TDI_CONNECTION_INFO) + sizeof (TDI_REQ_SET_INFORMATION) - sizeof (TDI_INFO_BUFFER)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; // buffer sizes must match.
InfoBuffer = (PTDI_CONNECTION_INFO)&TdiRequest->InfoBuffer;
ACQUIRE_C_SPIN_LOCK (&Connection->SpinLock, &oldirql);
// Reset all the statistics to his new values.
Connection->Information.TransmittedTsdus = InfoBuffer->TransmittedTsdus; Connection->Information.ReceivedTsdus = InfoBuffer->ReceivedTsdus; Connection->Information.TransmissionErrors = InfoBuffer->TransmissionErrors; Connection->Information.ReceiveErrors = InfoBuffer->ReceiveErrors;
// The State and Event fields are read-only, so we DON'T set them here.
RELEASE_C_SPIN_LOCK (&Connection->SpinLock, oldirql);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfSetInfoConnection */
NTSTATUS NbfSetInfoProvider( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT Provider, IN PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength )
Routine Description:
This routine sets information for the specified transport provider.
Provider - Pointer to device context.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
{ KIRQL oldirql; PTDI_PROVIDER_INFO InfoBuffer;
if (TdiRequestLength != sizeof (TDI_PROVIDER_INFO) + sizeof (TDI_REQ_SET_INFORMATION) - sizeof (TDI_INFO_BUFFER)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; // buffer sizes must match.
InfoBuffer = (PTDI_PROVIDER_INFO)&TdiRequest->InfoBuffer;
// By changing the service flags the caller can request additional
// or fewer services on the fly. Make sure that he is requesting
// services we can provide, or else fail the request.
if (InfoBuffer->ServiceFlags & ~NBF_SERVICE_FLAGS) { return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, &oldirql);
// Reset all the statistics to his new values.
Provider->Information.TransmittedTsdus = InfoBuffer->TransmittedTsdus; Provider->Information.ReceivedTsdus = InfoBuffer->ReceivedTsdus; Provider->Information.TransmissionErrors = InfoBuffer->TransmissionErrors; Provider->Information.ReceiveErrors = InfoBuffer->ReceiveErrors; Provider->Information.DiscardedFrames = InfoBuffer->DiscardedFrames; Provider->Information.ReceiveErrors = InfoBuffer->ReceiveErrors; Provider->Information.OversizeTsdusReceived = InfoBuffer->OversizeTsdusReceived; Provider->Information.UndersizeTsdusReceived = InfoBuffer->UndersizeTsdusReceived; Provider->Information.MulticastTsdusReceived = InfoBuffer->MulticastTsdusReceived; Provider->Information.BroadcastTsdusReceived = InfoBuffer->BroadcastTsdusReceived; Provider->Information.MulticastTsdusTransmitted = InfoBuffer->MulticastTsdusTransmitted; Provider->Information.BroadcastTsdusTransmitted = InfoBuffer->BroadcastTsdusTransmitted; Provider->Information.SendTimeouts = InfoBuffer->SendTimeouts; Provider->Information.ReceiveTimeouts = InfoBuffer->ReceiveTimeouts; Provider->Information.ConnectionIndicationsReceived = InfoBuffer->ConnectionIndicationsReceived; Provider->Information.ConnectionIndicationsAccepted = InfoBuffer->ConnectionIndicationsAccepted; Provider->Information.ConnectionsInitiated = InfoBuffer->ConnectionsInitiated; Provider->Information.ConnectionsAccepted = InfoBuffer->ConnectionsAccepted;
// The following fields are read-only, so we DON'T set them here:
// Version, MaxTsduSize, MaxConnectionUserData, MinimumLookaheadData,
// MaximumLookaheadData.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK (&Provider->SpinLock, oldirql);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfSetInfoProvider */
Routine Description:
This routine sets information for the specified transport provider's network-managable variable.
Provider - Pointer to device context.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
Provider; // prevent compiler warnings
if (TdiRequestLength != sizeof (TDI_NETMAN_INFO) + sizeof (TDI_REQ_SET_INFORMATION) - sizeof (TDI_INFO_BUFFER)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; // buffer sizes must match.
InfoBuffer = (PTDI_NETMAN_INFO)&TdiRequest->InfoBuffer;
// set the network-managable variable here.
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NbfSetInfoNetman */
NTSTATUS NbfTdiQueryInformation( IN PTP_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PTDI_REQ_QUERY_INFORMATION TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength, OUT PTDI_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer, IN ULONG InfoBufferLength, OUT PULONG InformationSize )
Routine Description:
This routine performs the TdiQueryInformation request for the transport provider.
Endpoint - Pointer to transport endpoint context.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
InfoBuffer - Pointer to output buffer to return information into.
InfoBufferLength - Length of output buffer.
InformationSize - Pointer to ulong where actual size of returned information is to be stored.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
switch (TdiRequest->InformationClass) {
// ENDPOINT information: return information about the endpoint
// to which this request was submitted.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_ENDPOINT: Status = NbfQueryInfoEndpoint ( Endpoint, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength, (PTDI_ENDPOINT_INFO)InfoBuffer, InfoBufferLength, InformationSize); break;
// CONNECTION information: return information about a connection
// that is associated with the endpoint on which this request was
// submitted.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_CONNECTION: // This causes a connection reference which is removed below.
Connection = NbfLookupConnectionById ( Endpoint, TdiRequest->Identification); if (Connection == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; break; }
Status = NbfQueryInfoConnection ( Connection, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength, (PTDI_CONNECTION_INFO)InfoBuffer, InfoBufferLength, InformationSize);
NbfDereferenceConnection("Query Connection Info", Connection, CREF_BY_ID); break;
// ADDRESS information: return information about the address object
// that is associated with the endpoint on which this request was
// submitted.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_ADDRESS: Status = NbfQueryInfoAddress ( Endpoint->BoundAddress, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength, (PTDI_ADDRESS_INFO)InfoBuffer, InfoBufferLength, InformationSize); break;
// PROVIDER information: return information about the transport
// provider itself.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_PROVIDER: Status = NbfQueryInfoProvider ( Endpoint->BoundAddress->Provider, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength, (PTDI_PROVIDER_INFO)InfoBuffer, InfoBufferLength, InformationSize); break;
// NETMAN information: return information about the network-managable
// variables managed by the provider itself.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_NETMAN: Status = NbfQueryInfoNetman ( Endpoint->BoundAddress->Provider, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength, (PTDI_NETMAN_INFO)InfoBuffer, InfoBufferLength, InformationSize); break;
} /* switch */
return Status; } /* TdiQueryInformation */
NTSTATUS TdiSetInformation( IN PTP_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PTDI_REQ_SET_INFORMATION TdiRequest, IN ULONG TdiRequestLength )
Routine Description:
This routine performs the TdiSetInformation request for the transport provider.
Endpoint - Pointer to transport endpoint context.
TdiRequest - Pointer to request buffer.
TdiRequestLength - Length of request buffer.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - status of operation.
switch (TdiRequest->InformationClass) {
// ENDPOINT information: set information on the endpoint
// to which this request was submitted.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_ENDPOINT: Status = NbfSetInfoEndpoint ( Endpoint, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength); break;
// CONNECTION information: set information for a connection
// that is associated with the endpoint on which this request
// was submitted.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_CONNECTION: // This causes a connection reference which is removed below.
Connection = NbfLookupConnectionById ( Endpoint, TdiRequest->Identification); if (Connection == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; break; }
Status = NbfSetInfoConnection ( Connection, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength);
NbfDereferenceConnection("Set Connection Info", Connection, CREF_BY_ID); break;
// ADDRESS information: set information for the address object
// that is associated with the endpoint on which this request
// was submitted.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_ADDRESS: Status = NbfSetInfoAddress ( Endpoint->BoundAddress, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength); break;
// PROVIDER information: set information for the transport
// provider itself.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_PROVIDER: Status = NbfSetInfoProvider ( Endpoint->BoundAddress->Provider, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength); break;
// NETMAN information: set information for the network-managable
// variables managed by the provider itself.
case TDI_INFO_CLASS_NETMAN: Status = NbfSetInfoNetman ( Endpoint->BoundAddress->Provider, TdiRequest, TdiRequestLength); break;
} /* switch */
return Status; } /* TdiSetInformation */