Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: IPX Forwarder Driver packet allocator
Vadim Eydelman
Revision History:
// Forward structure prototypes
// Forwarder data associated with each packet it allocates
struct _PACKET_TAG { union { UCHAR PT_Identifier; // this should be IDENTIFIER_RIP
PPACKET_TAG PT_Next; // link in packet segment
// for padding on ethernet
PINTERFACE_CB PT_SourceIf; // Source interface reference needed
// for spoofing keep-alives and
// queuing connection requests
}; PPACKET_SEGMENT PT_Segment; // segment where it belongs
LONGLONG PT_PerfCounter; ULONG PT_Flags; #define PT_NB_DESTROY 0x1 // NB packet to be not requeued
#define PT_SOURCE_IF 0x2 // Spoofing packet with src if reference
PUCHAR PT_Data; // Data buffer
PNDIS_BUFFER PT_MacHdrBufDscr; // buffer descriptor for
// mac header buffer required
// by IPX
PINTERFACE_CB PT_InterfaceReference; // points to the interface CB where
// it is queued
LIST_ENTRY PT_QueueLink; // links this packet in send queue
IPX_LOCAL_TARGET PT_Target; // destination target for ipx
// stack
UCHAR PT_MacHeader[1];// Mac header buffer reserved for IPX
// Segment of preallocated packets complete with buffers
struct _PACKET_SEGMENT { LIST_ENTRY PS_Link; // Link in segment list
PSEGMENT_LIST PS_SegmentList; // Segment list we belong to
PPACKET_TAG PS_FreeHead; // List of free packets in
// this segment
ULONG PS_BusyCount; // Count of packets allocated
// from this segment
NDIS_HANDLE PS_PacketPool; // Pool of NDIS packet
// descriptors used by the
// packets in this segment
NDIS_HANDLE PS_BufferPool; // Pool of NDIS buffer
// descriptors used by the
// packets in this segment
LONGLONG PS_FreeStamp; // Time when last packet was freed
union { UCHAR PS_Buffers[1]; // Memory used by buffers
LONGLONG PS_BuffersAlign; }; };
// List of segment with preallocated packets
struct _SEGMENT_LIST { const ULONG SL_BlockSize; // Size of packet's buffer
LIST_ENTRY SL_Head; // Head of the segment list
ULONG SL_FreeCount; // Total number of free packets
// in all segment in the list
ULONG SL_BlockCount; // Number of packets per segment
ULONG SL_LowCount; // Free count at which we
// will preallocate new segment
LONG SL_RefCount; // Number of consumers that are
// using packets in this list
BOOLEAN SL_TimerDpcPending; BOOLEAN SL_AllocatorPending; WORK_QUEUE_ITEM SL_Allocator; // Allocation work item
KTIMER SL_Timer; // Timer to free unused segments
KDPC SL_TimerDpc; // DPC of the timer of unused segments
KSPIN_LOCK SL_Lock; // Access control
// The number of rcv packets per segment (config parameter)
extern ULONG RcvPktsPerSegment;
// Maximum size of memory that can be used to allocate packets (config
// param). 0 means no limit
extern ULONG MaxRcvPktsPoolSize;
// There are currently three known frame sizes: ethernet-1500,
// token ring 4k - 4500, token ring 16k - 17986
// List of packet segments for Ethernet packets
extern SEGMENT_LIST ListEther; // List of packet segments for Token Ring 4K packets
extern SEGMENT_LIST ListTR4; // List of packet segments for Token Ring 16K packets
extern SEGMENT_LIST ListTR16; // Mapping from src and destination packet size requirments
// to the appropriate segment list
extern PSEGMENT_LIST SegmentMap[FRAME_SIZE_VARIATIONS][FRAME_SIZE_VARIATIONS]; // Timeout for unused segment
extern const LONGLONG SegmentTimeout; extern KSPIN_LOCK AllocatorLock;
******************************************************************* I n i t i a l i z e P a c k e t A l l o c a t o r
Routine Description: Initializes packet allocator Arguments: None Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ // VOID
// InitializePacketAllocator (
// void
// );
#define InitializePacketAllocator() { \
KeInitializeSpinLock(&AllocatorLock); \ InitializeSegmentList(&ListEther); \ InitializeSegmentList(&ListTR4); \ InitializeSegmentList(&ListTR16); \ }
******************************************************************* D e l e t e P a c k e t A l l o c a t o r
Routine Description: Disposes of all resources in packet allocator Arguments: None Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ // VOID
// DeletePacketAllocator (
// void
// );
#define DeletePacketAllocator() { \
DeleteSegmentList(&ListEther); \ DeleteSegmentList(&ListTR4); \ DeleteSegmentList(&ListTR16); \ }
******************************************************************* A l l o c a t e P a c k e t
Routine Description: Allocate packet for source - destination combination Arguments: srcListId - identifies max frame size for source interface dstListId - identifies max frame size for destination packet - receives pointer to allocated packet or NULL if allocation fails Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ // VOID
// AllocatePacket (
// IN INT srcListId,
// IN INT dstListId,
// );
#define AllocatePacket(srcListId,dstListId,packet) { \
PSEGMENT_LIST list; \ ASSERT ((srcListId>=0) && (srcListId<FRAME_SIZE_VARIATIONS)); \ ASSERT ((dstListId>=0) && (dstListId<FRAME_SIZE_VARIATIONS)); \ list = SegmentMap[srcListId][dstListId]; \ AllocatePacketFromList(list,packet); \ }
******************************************************************* D u p l i c a t e P a c k e t
Routine Description: Duplicates packet Arguments: src - source packet dst - receives pointer to duplicated packet or NUUL if operation failed Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ // VOID
// DuplicatePacket (
// );
#define DuplicatePacket(src,dst) { \
PSEGMENT_LIST list; \ list = src->PT_Segment->PS_SegmentList; \ AllocatePacketFromList(list,dst); \ }
******************************************************************* A l l o c a t e P a c k e t F r o m L i s t
Routine Description: Allocate packet from specified packet segment list Arguments: list - list from which to allocate packet - receives pointer to allocated packet or NULL if allocation fails Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ // VOID
// AllocatePacketFromList (
// );
#define AllocatePacketFromList(list,packet) { \
PPACKET_SEGMENT segment; \ KIRQL oldIRQL; \ KeAcquireSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, &oldIRQL); \ do { \ if (list->SL_FreeCount>0) { \ segment = CONTAINING_RECORD (list->SL_Head.Flink, \ PACKET_SEGMENT, PS_Link); \ while (segment->PS_FreeHead==NULL) { \ segment = CONTAINING_RECORD (segment->PS_Link.Flink, \ PACKET_SEGMENT, PS_Link); \ ASSERT (&segment->PS_Link!=&list->SL_Head); \ } \ list->SL_FreeCount -= 1; \ if ((list->SL_FreeCount<list->SL_LowCount) \ && !list->SL_AllocatorPending \ && EnterForwarder ()) { \ list->SL_AllocatorPending = TRUE; \ ExQueueWorkItem (&list->SL_Allocator, DelayedWorkQueue);\ } \ } \ else { \ segment = CreateSegment (list); \ if (segment!=NULL) { \ InsertTailList (&list->SL_Head, &segment->PS_Link); \ segment->PS_SegmentList = list; \ list->SL_FreeCount = list->SL_BlockCount-1; \ } \ else { \ packet = NULL; \ break; \ } \ } \ packet = segment->PS_FreeHead; \ segment->PS_FreeHead = packet->PT_Next; \ segment->PS_BusyCount += 1; \ packet->PT_Identifier = IDENTIFIER_RIP; \ packet->PT_Flags = 0; \ } \ while (FALSE); \ KeReleaseSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, oldIRQL); \ }
******************************************************************* F r e e P a c k e t
Routine Description: Free allocated packet Arguments: packet - packet to free Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ // VOID
// FreePacket (
// IN PPACKET_TAG packet
// );
#define FreePacket(packet) { \
PPACKET_SEGMENT segment=packet->PT_Segment; \ PSEGMENT_LIST list; \ KIRQL oldIRQL; \ list = segment->PS_SegmentList; \ KeAcquireSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, &oldIRQL); \ packet->PT_Next = segment->PS_FreeHead; \ segment->PS_FreeHead = packet; \ list->SL_FreeCount += 1; \ segment->PS_BusyCount -= 1; \ if (segment->PS_BusyCount==0) { \ if (list->SL_TimerDpcPending) { \ KeQuerySystemTime ((PLARGE_INTEGER)&segment->PS_FreeStamp); \ KeReleaseSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, oldIRQL);\ } \ else if (EnterForwarder ()) { \ list->SL_TimerDpcPending = TRUE; \ KeReleaseSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, oldIRQL);\ KeSetTimer (&list->SL_Timer, \ *((PLARGE_INTEGER)&SegmentTimeout), \ &list->SL_TimerDpc); \ } \ else { \ KeReleaseSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, oldIRQL);\ } \ } \ else { \ KeReleaseSpinLock (&list->SL_Lock, oldIRQL); \ } \ }
******************************************************************* C r e a t e S e g m e n t
Routine Description: Allocates and initializes packet segment Arguments: list - segment list to which new segment will be added Return Value: Pointer to allocated segment, NULL if fails
******************************************************************* --*/ PPACKET_SEGMENT CreateSegment ( PSEGMENT_LIST list );
******************************************************************* D e l e t e S e g m e n t
Routine Description: Frees packet segment Arguments: segment - segment to free Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID DeleteSegment ( PPACKET_SEGMENT segment );
******************************************************************* R e g i s t e r P a c k e t C o n s u m e r
Routine Description: Registers a consumer (bound interface) of packets of the given size Arguments: pktsize - maximum size of packets needed listId - buffer to return packet list id where packets of required size are located Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - registration succeded STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES - not enogh resources to register
******************************************************************* --*/ NTSTATUS RegisterPacketConsumer ( IN ULONG pktsize, OUT INT *listID );
******************************************************************* D e r e g i s t e r P a c k e t C o n s u m e r
Routine Description: Deregisters a consumer (bound interface) of packets of the given size Arguments: listId - packet list id used by the consumer Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID DeregisterPacketConsumer ( IN INT listID );
******************************************************************* I n i t i a l i z e S e g m e n t L i s t
Routine Description: Initializes list of packet segments Arguments: list - list to initalize Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID InitializeSegmentList( PSEGMENT_LIST list );
******************************************************************* D e l e t e S e g m e n t L i s t
Routine Description: Deletes list of packet segments Arguments: list - list to delete Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID DeleteSegmentList ( PSEGMENT_LIST list );