// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: client.c
// History:
// Abolade Gbadegesin July-25-1995 Created
// Client struct routines and I/O routines for tracing dll
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include "trace.h"
// assumes server is locked for writing
DWORD TraceCreateClient( LPTRACE_CLIENT *lplpclient ) {
lpclient = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(TRACE_CLIENT));
if (lpclient == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// initialize fields in the client structure
lpclient->TC_ClientID = MAX_CLIENT_COUNT; lpclient->TC_Flags = 0; lpclient->TC_File = NULL; lpclient->TC_Console = NULL; lpclient->TC_ConfigKey = NULL; lpclient->TC_ConfigEvent = NULL; lpclient->TC_MaxFileSize = DEF_MAXFILESIZE;
ZeroMemory(lpclient->TC_ClientNameA, MAX_CLIENTNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(CHAR)); ZeroMemory(lpclient->TC_ClientNameW, MAX_CLIENTNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
lstrcpy(lpclient->TC_FileDir, DEF_FILEDIRECTORY);
#ifdef UNICODE
wcstombs( lpclient->TC_FileDirA, lpclient->TC_FileDirW, lstrlenW(lpclient->TC_FileDirW) + 1 ); #else
mbstowcs( lpclient->TC_FileDirW, lpclient->TC_FileDirA, lstrlenA(lpclient->TC_FileDirA) + 1 ); #endif
__try { TRACE_STARTUP_LOCKING(lpclient); dwErr = NO_ERROR; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpclient); lpclient = NULL; }
InterlockedExchangePointer(lplpclient, lpclient);
return dwErr; }
// assumes server is locked for writing and client is locked for writing
DWORD TraceDeleteClient( LPTRACE_SERVER lpserver, LPTRACE_CLIENT *lplpclient ) {
if (lplpclient == NULL || *lplpclient == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
lpclient = *lplpclient;
InterlockedExchangePointer(lplpclient, NULL);
InterlockedExchange(lpserver->TS_FlagsCache + lpclient->TC_ClientID, 0);
// closing this key will cause the event to be signalled
// however, we hold the lock on the table so the server thread
// will be blocked until the cleanup completes
if (lpclient->TC_ConfigKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(lpclient->TC_ConfigKey); }
if (lpclient->TC_ConfigEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(lpclient->TC_ConfigEvent); }
if (TRACE_CLIENT_USES_CONSOLE(lpclient)) { TraceCloseClientConsole(lpserver, lpclient); }
if (TRACE_CLIENT_USES_FILE(lpclient)) { TraceCloseClientFile(lpclient); }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpclient);
return 0; }
// assumes server is locked for reading or for writing
LPTRACE_CLIENT TraceFindClient( LPTRACE_SERVER lpserver, LPCTSTR lpszClient ) {
DWORD dwClient; LPTRACE_CLIENT *lplpc, *lplpcstart, *lplpcend;
lplpcstart = lpserver->TS_ClientTable; lplpcend = lplpcstart + MAX_CLIENT_COUNT;
for (lplpc = lplpcstart; lplpc < lplpcend; lplpc++) { if (*lplpc != NULL && lstrcmp((*lplpc)->TC_ClientName, lpszClient) == 0) { break; } }
return (lplpc < lplpcend) ? *lplpc : NULL; }
// assumes that the server is locked for writing,
// and that the client is locked for writing
// also assumes the client is not already a console client
DWORD TraceOpenClientConsole(LPTRACE_SERVER lpserver, LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient) { DWORD dwErr; COORD screen; HANDLE hConsole;
// if all console tracing is disabled, do nothing
if ((lpserver->TS_Flags & TRACEFLAGS_USECONSOLE) == 0) { return 0; }
// create the console if it isn't already created
if (lpserver->TS_Console == NULL) { COORD screen;
// allocate a console and set the buffer size
lpserver->TS_Console = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
if (lpserver->TS_Console == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return GetLastError(); }
// allocate a console for this client
hConsole = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL ); if (hConsole == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return GetLastError(); }
// set the buffer to the standard size
// and save the console buffer handle
screen.X = DEF_SCREENBUF_WIDTH; screen.Y = DEF_SCREENBUF_HEIGHT; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsole, screen);
lpclient->TC_Console = hConsole;
// see if there was a previous console client;
// if not, set this new one's screen buffer to be
// the active screen buffer
if (lpserver->TS_ConsoleOwner == MAX_CLIENT_COUNT) { TraceUpdateConsoleOwner(lpserver, 1); }
return 0; }
// assumes that the server is locked for writing,
// and that the client is locked for writing
// also assumes the client is already a console client
DWORD TraceCloseClientConsole( LPTRACE_SERVER lpserver, LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient ) {
HANDLE hConsole;
// if all console tracing is disabled, do nothing
if ((lpserver->TS_Flags & TRACEFLAGS_USECONSOLE) == 0) { return 0; }
// close the client's screen buffer and associated handles
if (lpclient->TC_Console != NULL) {
CloseHandle(lpclient->TC_Console); lpclient->TC_Console = NULL; }
// if the client owned the screen, find another owner
if (lpserver->TS_ConsoleOwner == lpclient->TC_ClientID) {
TraceUpdateConsoleOwner(lpserver, 1); }
// if no owner was found, free the server's console
if (lpserver->TS_ConsoleOwner == MAX_CLIENT_COUNT || lpserver->TS_ConsoleOwner == lpclient->TC_ClientID) {
lpserver->TS_ConsoleOwner = MAX_CLIENT_COUNT;
lpserver->TS_Console = NULL;
FreeConsole(); }
return 0; }
// assumes that the server is locked for reading or writing
// and that the client is locked for writing
DWORD TraceCreateClientFile( LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient ) {
// create the directory in case it doesn't exist
CreateDirectory(lpclient->TC_FileDir, NULL);
// figure out the file name
lstrcpy(szFilename, lpclient->TC_FileDir); lstrcat(szFilename, STR_DIRSEP); lstrcat(szFilename, lpclient->TC_ClientName); lstrcat(szFilename, STR_LOGEXT);
// open the file, disabling write sharing
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return GetLastError(); }
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
lpclient->TC_File = hFile;
return 0; }
// assumes that the server is locked for reading or writing
// and that the client is locked for writing
DWORD TraceMoveClientFile( LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient ) {
TCHAR szDestname[MAX_PATH], szSrcname[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy(szSrcname, lpclient->TC_FileDir); lstrcat(szSrcname, STR_DIRSEP); lstrcat(szSrcname, lpclient->TC_ClientName); lstrcpy(szDestname, szSrcname); lstrcat(szSrcname, STR_LOGEXT); lstrcat(szDestname, STR_OLDEXT);
// close the file handle if it is open
// do the move
// re-open the log file
return TraceCreateClientFile(lpclient); }
// assumes that the server is locked for reading or writing
// and that the client is locked for writing
DWORD TraceCloseClientFile( LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient ) {
if (lpclient->TC_File != NULL) { CloseHandle(lpclient->TC_File); lpclient->TC_File = NULL; }
return 0; }
// assumes that the server is locked for reading or writing
// and that the client is locked for reading
DWORD TraceWriteOutput( LPTRACE_SERVER lpserver, LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient, DWORD dwFlags, LPCTSTR lpszOutput ) {
BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwFileMask, dwConsoleMask; DWORD dwErr, dwFileSize, dwBytesToWrite, dwBytesWritten, dwChars;
dwBytesWritten = 0; dwBytesToWrite = lstrlen(lpszOutput) * sizeof(TCHAR);
dwFileMask = dwConsoleMask = 1;
// if the client uses output masking, compute the mask for this message
if (dwFlags & TRACE_USE_MASK) { dwFileMask = (dwFlags & lpclient->TC_FileMask); dwConsoleMask = (dwFlags & lpclient->TC_ConsoleMask); }
if (TRACE_CLIENT_USES_FILE(lpclient) && dwFileMask != 0 && lpclient->TC_File != NULL) {
// check the size of the file to see if it needs renaming
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(lpclient->TC_File, NULL);
if ((dwFileSize + dwBytesToWrite) > lpclient->TC_MaxFileSize) {
// move the existing file over and start with an empty one
dwErr = TraceMoveClientFile(lpclient); if (dwErr!=NO_ERROR) return dwErr;
dwFileSize = 0;
// perform the write operation
bSuccess = WriteFile( lpclient->TC_File, lpszOutput, dwBytesToWrite, &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
if (TRACE_CLIENT_USES_CONSOLE(lpclient) && dwConsoleMask != 0 && lpclient->TC_Console != NULL) { //
// write to the console directly; this is less costly
// than writing to a file, which is fortunate since we
// cannot use completion ports with console handles
dwChars = dwBytesToWrite / sizeof(TCHAR);
bSuccess = WriteConsole( lpclient->TC_Console, lpszOutput, dwChars, &dwChars, NULL );
return dwBytesWritten; }
// Function: TraceDumpLine
// Parameters:
// LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient pointer to client struct for caller
// LPBYTE lpbBytes address of buffer to dump
// DWORD dwLine length of line in bytes
// DWORD dwGroup size of byte groupings
// BOOL bPrefixAddr if TRUE, prefix lines with addresses
// LPBYTE lpbPrefix address with which to prefix lines
// LPTSTR lpszPrefix optional string with which to prefix lines
DWORD TraceDumpLine( LPTRACE_SERVER lpserver, LPTRACE_CLIENT lpclient, DWORD dwFlags, LPBYTE lpbBytes, DWORD dwLine, DWORD dwGroup, BOOL bPrefixAddr, LPBYTE lpbPrefix, LPCTSTR lpszPrefix ) {
INT offset; LPTSTR lpszHex, lpszAscii; TCHAR szBuffer[256] = TEXT("\r\n"); TCHAR szAscii[BYTES_PER_DUMPLINE + 2] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szHex[(3 * BYTES_PER_DUMPLINE) + 1] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szDigits[] = TEXT("0123456789ABCDEF");
// prepend prefix string if necessary
if (lpszPrefix != NULL) { lstrcat(szBuffer, lpszPrefix); }
// prepend address if needed
if (bPrefixAddr) {
LPTSTR lpsz; ULONG_PTR ulpAddress = (ULONG_PTR) lpbPrefix; ULONG i;
// each line prints out a hex-digit
// with the most-significant digit leftmost in the string
// prepend address to lpsz[1]..lpsz[2*sizeof(ULONG_PTR)]
lpsz = szBuffer + lstrlen(szBuffer);
for (i=0; i<2*sizeof(ULONG_PTR); i++) {
lpsz[2*sizeof(ULONG_PTR)-i] = szDigits[ulpAddress & 0x0F];
ulpAddress >>= 4; }
lpsz[2*sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + 1] = TEXT(':'); lpsz[2*sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + 2] = TEXT(' '); lpsz[2*sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + 3] = TEXT('\0'); }
lpszHex = szHex; lpszAscii = szAscii;
// rather than test the size of the grouping every time through
// a loop, have a loop for each group size
switch(dwGroup) {
// single byte groupings
case 1: { while (dwLine >= sizeof(BYTE)) {
// print hex digits
*lpszHex++ = szDigits[*lpbBytes / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[*lpbBytes % 16]; *lpszHex++ = TEXT(' ');
// print ascii characters
*lpszAscii++ = (*lpbBytes >= 0x20 && *lpbBytes < 0x80) ? *lpbBytes : TEXT('.');
++lpbBytes; --dwLine; } break; }
// word-sized groupings
case 2: { WORD wBytes; BYTE loByte, hiByte;
// should already be aligned on a word boundary
while (dwLine >= sizeof(WORD)) {
wBytes = *(LPWORD)lpbBytes;
loByte = LOBYTE(wBytes); hiByte = HIBYTE(wBytes);
// print hex digits
*lpszHex++ = szDigits[hiByte / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[hiByte % 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[loByte / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[loByte % 16]; *lpszHex++ = TEXT(' ');
// print ascii characters
*lpszAscii++ = (hiByte >= 0x20 && hiByte < 0x80) ? hiByte : TEXT('.'); *lpszAscii++ = (loByte >= 0x20 && loByte < 0x80) ? loByte : TEXT('.');
dwLine -= sizeof(WORD); lpbBytes += sizeof(WORD); } break; }
// double-word sized groupings
case 4: { DWORD dwBytes; BYTE loloByte, lohiByte, hiloByte, hihiByte;
// should already be aligned on a double-word boundary
while (dwLine >= sizeof(DWORD)) {
dwBytes = *(LPDWORD)lpbBytes;
hihiByte = HIBYTE(HIWORD(dwBytes)); lohiByte = LOBYTE(HIWORD(dwBytes)); hiloByte = HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwBytes)); loloByte = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwBytes));
// print hex digits
*lpszHex++ = szDigits[hihiByte / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[hihiByte % 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[lohiByte / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[lohiByte % 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[hiloByte / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[hiloByte % 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[loloByte / 16]; *lpszHex++ = szDigits[loloByte % 16]; *lpszHex++ = TEXT(' ');
// print ascii characters
*lpszAscii++ = (hihiByte >= 0x20 && hihiByte < 0x80) ? hihiByte : TEXT('.'); *lpszAscii++ = (lohiByte >= 0x20 && lohiByte < 0x80) ? lohiByte : TEXT('.'); *lpszAscii++ = (hiloByte >= 0x20 && hiloByte < 0x80) ? hiloByte : TEXT('.'); *lpszAscii++ = (loloByte >= 0x20 && loloByte < 0x80) ? loloByte : TEXT('.');
// on to the next double-word
dwLine -= sizeof(DWORD); lpbBytes += sizeof(DWORD); } break; } default: break; }
*lpszHex = *lpszAscii = TEXT('\0'); lstrcat(szBuffer, szHex); lstrcat(szBuffer, TEXT("|")); lstrcat(szBuffer, szAscii); lstrcat(szBuffer, TEXT("|"));
return TraceWriteOutput(lpserver, lpclient, dwFlags, szBuffer);