Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Router Manager private interface for Routing Table Manager DLL
Vadim Eydelman
Revision History:
// Two protocol families are currently supported (IP, IPX)
// It should be enough to modify this constant to support additional
// protocol families (from the RTM's point of view). Up to 256 families
// can be supported (if somebody needs more (???!!!), the next constant should
// be modified to free more low order bits for use by protocol family constants)
// Changed the number of protocol families from 2
// to 1 (as we support only IPX). IP and other
// future address families are supported by RTMv2.
// Tag that rtm ors in Protocol Family field of the handles it
// exports to clients for validation purposes
N E T W O R K _ N U M B E R _ C M P _ F U N C
Routine Description: Compares two network numbers and returns result that can be used for route sorting Arguments: Net1,Net2 - pointers to protocol family dependent network number structures to be compared Return Value: <0 - Net2 follows Net1 >0 - Net1 follows Net2 =0 - Net1==Net2
******************************************************************* --*/ typedef INT (*PNETWORK_NUMBER_CMP_FUNC) ( PVOID Net1, PVOID Net2 );
N E X T _ H O P _ A D D R E S S _ C M P _ F U N C
Routine Description: Compares next hop addresses of two routes and returns result that can be used for route sorting Arguments: Route1,Route2 - pointers to protocol family dependent route structures whose next hop addresses are to be compared Return Value: <0 - Route2 should follow Route1 if sorted by next hop address >0 - Route1 should follow Route2 if sorted by next hop address =0 - Route1 has same next hop address as Route2
******************************************************************* --*/ typedef INT (*PNEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_CMP_FUNC) ( PVOID Route1, PVOID Route2 );
F A M I L Y _ S P E C I F I C _ D A T A _ C M P _ F U N C
Routine Description: Compares family specific data fields of two routes and returns if the are equal Arguments: Route1,Route2 - pointers to protocol family dependent route structures whose protocol family specific data fields are to be compared Return Value: TRUE - protocol family specific data fields of Route1 and Route2 are equivalent FALSE - protocol family specific data fields of Route1 and Route2 are different
******************************************************************* --*/ typedef BOOL (*PFAMILY_SPECIFIC_DATA_CMP_FUNC) ( PVOID Route1, PVOID Route2 );
R O U T E _ M E T R I C _ C M P _ F U N C
Routine Description: Compares two routes and returns result that identifies the better route Arguments: Route1,Route2 - pointers to protocol family dependent route structures whose parameters are to be compared Return Value: <0 - Route1 is better than Route2 >0 - Route2 is better than Route1 =0 - Route1 is as good as Route2
******************************************************************* --*/ typedef INT (*PROUTE_METRIC_CMP_FUNC) ( PVOID Route1, PVOID Route2 );
R O U T E _ H A S H _ F U N C
Routine Description: Retuns value that can be used for route hashing by network number Arguments: Net - network number to be used for hashing Return Value: Hash value
******************************************************************* --*/ typedef INT (*PROUTE_HASH_FUNC) ( PVOID Net );
R O U T E _ V A L I D A T E _ F U N C
Routine Description: Validates the data in the route structure and possibly updates some of them. This routine is called each time the new route is added to tha table or any of parameters of an existing route changes Arguments: Route - pointer to protocol family dependent route structure to be validated Return Value: NO_ERROR - route was successfully validated ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - route structure is invalid, RTM will reject client's request to add or change the route
******************************************************************* --*/ typedef DWORD (*PROUTE_VALIDATE_FUNC) ( PVOID Route );
R O U T E _ C H A N G E _ C A L L B A C K
Routine Description: Gets called whenever the best route to some desination network changes (intended to be used by the protocol family manager to notify kernel mode forwarders of route changes) Arguments: Flags - identifies what kind of change caused the call and what information is provided in the route buffers: RTM_ROUTE_ADDED - first route was added for a destination network, CurBestRoute is contains added route info RTM_ROUTE_DELETED - the only route available for a destination network was deleted, PrevBestRoute contains deleted route info RTM_ROUTE_CHANGED - there was a change in any of the following parameters of the BEST route to a destination network: RoutingProtocol, InterfaceID, Metric, NextHopAddress, FamilySpecificData. PrevBestRoute contains the route info as it was before the change, CurBestRoute contains current best route info. Note that the route change message can be generated both as result of protocol adding/deleting the route that becomes/was the best and changing best route parameters such that the route becomes/no longer is the best route. CurBestRoute - current best route info (if any) PrevBestRoute - previous best route info (if any) Return Value: None ******************************************************************* --*/ typedef VOID (*PROUTE_CHANGE_CALLBACK) ( DWORD Flags, PVOID CurBestRoute, PVOID PrevBestRoute );
typedef struct _RTM_PROTOCOL_FAMILY_CONFIG { ULONG RPFC_MaxTableSize; // Size of address space reserved
// for the table
INT RPFC_HashSize; // Size of hash table
INT RPFC_RouteSize; // Size of route structure
R t m C r e a t e R o u t e T a b l e
Routine Description: Create route table for protocol family Arguments: ProtocolFamily - index that identifies protocol family Config - protocol family table configuration parameters Return Value: NO_ERROR - table was created ok ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - protocol family is out of range supported by the RTM ERROR_ALREDY_EXISTS - protocol family table already exists ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - could not allocate memory to perform the operation ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES - not enough resources to perform the operation, try again later
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD RtmCreateRouteTable ( IN DWORD ProtocolFamily, IN PRTM_PROTOCOL_FAMILY_CONFIG Config );
R t m D e l e t e R o u t e T a b l e
Routine Description: Dispose of all resources allocated for the route table Arguments: ProtocolFamily - index that identifies protocol family Return Value: NO_ERROR - table was deleted ok ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - no table to delete
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD RtmDeleteRouteTable ( DWORD ProtocolFamily );
R t m B l o c k S e t R o u t e E n a b l e
Routine Description: Disables/Reenables all routes in subset specified by enumeration flags and corresponding criteria. This operation can only be performed by the registered client and applies only to routes added by this client. Route change messages will be generated for disabled/reenabled routes that were/became the best. Disabled routes are invisible for route queries, but could still be maintained by the RTM itself or routing protocol handler that added these routes (add, delete, and aging mechanisms still apply) Arguments: ClientHandle - handle that identifies the client and routing protocol of routes to be disabled/reenabled EnumerationFlags - further limit subset of routes being enabled to only those that have same values in the fields specified by the flags as in CriteriaRoute Note that only RTM_ONLY_THIS_NETWORK and RTM_ONLY_THIS_INTERFACE can be used (RTM_ONLY_BEST_ROUTES does not apply because best route designation is adjusted as routes are enabled/disabled and all routes will be affected anyway) CriteriaRoute - protocol family dependent structure (RTM_??_ROUTE) with set values in fields that correspond to EnumerationFlags Enable - FALSE: disable, TRUE: reenable Return Value: NO_ERROR - routes were disabled/reenabled ok ERROR_NO_ROUTES - no routes exist that match specified criteria ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - client handle is not a valid RTM handle ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - could not allocate memory to perform the operation ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES - not enough resources to perform the operation, try again later
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD WINAPI RtmBlockSetRouteEnable ( IN HANDLE ClientHandle, IN DWORD EnumerationFlags, IN PVOID CriteriaRoute, IN BOOL Enable ); #define RtmBlockDisableRoutes(Handle,Flags,CriteriaRoute) \
RtmBlockSetRouteEnable(Handle,Flags,CriteriaRoute,FALSE) #define RtmBlockReenableRoutes(Handle,Flags,CriteriaRoute) \
// Use this flags in enumeration methods to enumerate disabled routes
R t m B l o c k C o n v e r t R o u t e s T o S t a t i c
Routine Description: Converts all routes as specified by enumeration flags to routes of static protocol (as defined by StaticClientHandle). No route change messages are generated as the result of this operation. This functionality is normally used only by Router Manager for a specific protocol family Arguments: ClientHandle - handle that identifies static protocol client EnumerationFlags - limit subset of routes being converted to only those that have same values in the fields specified by the flags as in CriteriaRoute CriteriaRoute - protocol family dependent structure (RTM_??_ROUTE) with set values in fields that correspond to EnumerationFlags Return Value: NO_ERROR - routes were converted ok ERROR_NO_ROUTES - no routes exist that match specified criteria ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - client handle is not a valid RTM handle ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - could not allocate memory to perform the operation ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES - not enough resources to perform the operation, try again later ******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD WINAPI RtmBlockConvertRoutesToStatic ( IN HANDLE ClientHandle, IN DWORD EnumerationFlags, IN PVOID CriteriaRoute );