Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
Description: Smart card helper functions.
History: 13 Dec 1997: Amanda Matlosz created original version. 12 May 1998: Vijay Baliga moved things around.
#undef UNICODE
#include <winscard.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
VOID EapTlsTrace( IN CHAR* Format, ... );
GETOPENCARDNAMEA g_fnGetOpenCardNameA = NULL; HINSTANCE g_hInstanceScardDlg = NULL;
Notes: */
DWORD LoadScardDlgDll( VOID ) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
if (NULL == g_hInstanceScardDlg) { g_hInstanceScardDlg = LoadLibrary("scarddlg.dll"); }
if (NULL == g_hInstanceScardDlg) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("LoadLibrary(scarddlg.dll) failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
if (NULL == g_fnGetOpenCardNameA) { g_fnGetOpenCardNameA = (GETOPENCARDNAMEA) GetProcAddress(g_hInstanceScardDlg, "GetOpenCardNameA"); }
if (NULL == g_fnGetOpenCardNameA) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("GetProcAddress(GetOpenCardNameA) failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
return(dwErr); }
Notes: */
VOID FreeScardDlgDll( VOID ) { if (NULL != g_hInstanceScardDlg) { FreeLibrary(g_hInstanceScardDlg); g_hInstanceScardDlg = NULL; g_fnGetOpenCardNameA = NULL; } }
Notes: */
DWORD LocalCryptGetProvParamW( IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN DWORD dwParam, OUT WCHAR** ppwsz ) { CHAR* psz = NULL; WCHAR* pwszTemp = NULL; DWORD cb; int count; BOOL fSuccess; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
fSuccess = CryptGetProvParam(hProv, dwParam, NULL, &cb, 0);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CryptGetProvParam failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
psz = (CHAR*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb);
if (NULL == psz) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("LocalAlloc failed and returned %d", dwErr); goto LDone; }
fSuccess = CryptGetProvParam(hProv, dwParam, (BYTE*)psz, &cb, 0);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CryptGetProvParam failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0);
if (0 == count) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("MultiByteToWideChar(%s) failed: %d", psz, dwErr); goto LDone; }
pwszTemp = (WCHAR*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, count * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (NULL == pwszTemp) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("LocalAlloc failed and returned %d", dwErr); goto LDone; }
count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, psz, -1, pwszTemp, count);
if (0 == count) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("MultiByteToWideChar(%s) failed: %d", psz, dwErr); goto LDone; }
*ppwsz = pwszTemp; pwszTemp = NULL;
LocalFree(pwszTemp); LocalFree(psz); return(dwErr); }
Notes: This internal routine generates a certificate context with (static) keyprov info suitable for CertStore-based operations. */
DWORD BuildCertContext( IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN BYTE* pbCert, IN DWORD dwCertLen, OUT PCCERT_CONTEXT* ppCertContext ) { CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO KeyProvInfo; WCHAR* pwszContainerName = NULL; WCHAR* pwszProviderName = NULL; BOOL fCertContextCreated = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
if ( (0 == hProv) || (NULL == pbCert) || (0 == dwCertLen)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto LDone; }
RTASSERT(NULL != ppCertContext);
// Convert the certificate into a cert context.
*ppCertContext = CertCreateCertificateContext( X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, pbCert, dwCertLen);
if (NULL == *ppCertContext) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CertCreateCertificateContext failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
fCertContextCreated = TRUE;
// Associate cryptprovider w/ the private key property of this cert
dwErr = LocalCryptGetProvParamW(hProv, PP_CONTAINER, &pwszContainerName);
if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto LDone; }
EapTlsTrace("Container: %ws", pwszContainerName);
dwErr = LocalCryptGetProvParamW(hProv, PP_NAME, &pwszProviderName);
if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto LDone; }
EapTlsTrace("Provider: %ws", pwszProviderName);
// Set the cert context properties to reflect the prov info
KeyProvInfo.pwszContainerName = pwszContainerName; KeyProvInfo.pwszProvName = pwszProviderName; KeyProvInfo.dwProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL; KeyProvInfo.dwFlags = 0; KeyProvInfo.cProvParam = 0; KeyProvInfo.rgProvParam = NULL; KeyProvInfo.dwKeySpec = AT_KEYEXCHANGE;
fSuccess = CertSetCertificateContextProperty( *ppCertContext, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, 0, (void *)&KeyProvInfo);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CertSetCertificateContextProperty failed and returned " "0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { if (fCertContextCreated) { CertFreeCertificateContext(*ppCertContext); }
*ppCertContext = NULL; }
LocalFree(pwszContainerName); LocalFree(pwszProviderName);
return(dwErr); }
Notes: The "Select Card" common dialog is raised, then the certificate is read from the card, a certificate context complete with key prov info is migrated to the cert store and also returned to the caller.
DWORD GetCertFromCard( OUT PCCERT_CONTEXT* ppCertContext ) { CHAR* pszReader = NULL; CHAR* pszCard = NULL; DWORD cbReaderOrCard = MAX_PATH; SCARDCONTEXT hContext = 0; OPENCARDNAMEA OpenCardName; CHAR* pszProviderName = NULL; DWORD cchProvider; HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; DWORD cbCertLen; BYTE* pbCert = NULL; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = NULL;
BOOL fSuccess; LONG lErr; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
RTASSERT(NULL != ppCertContext);
dwErr = LoadScardDlgDll();
if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto LDone; }
pszReader = (BYTE*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbReaderOrCard);
if (NULL == pszReader) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("LocalAlloc failed and returned %d", dwErr); goto LDone; }
pszCard = (BYTE*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbReaderOrCard);
if (NULL == pszCard) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("LocalAlloc failed and returned %d", dwErr); goto LDone; }
lErr = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_USER, NULL, NULL, &hContext);
if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != lErr) { dwErr = lErr; EapTlsTrace("SCardEstablishContext failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
ZeroMemory(&OpenCardName, sizeof(OpenCardName));
OpenCardName.dwStructSize = sizeof(OpenCardName); OpenCardName.hSCardContext = hContext; OpenCardName.lpstrCardNames = NULL; OpenCardName.lpstrRdr = pszReader; OpenCardName.nMaxRdr = cbReaderOrCard; OpenCardName.lpstrCard = pszCard; OpenCardName.nMaxCard = cbReaderOrCard; OpenCardName.lpstrTitle = "Select smartcard"; OpenCardName.dwFlags = SC_DLG_MINIMAL_UI; OpenCardName.dwShareMode = 0; OpenCardName.dwPreferredProtocols = 0;
lErr = g_fnGetOpenCardNameA(&OpenCardName);
if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != lErr) { dwErr = lErr; EapTlsTrace("GetOpenCardNameA failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
EapTlsTrace("Reader: %s, Card: %s", pszReader, pszCard);
RTASSERT(0 == OpenCardName.hCardHandle);
pszProviderName = NULL; cchProvider = SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE;
lErr = SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameA(hContext, OpenCardName.lpstrCard, SCARD_PROVIDER_CSP, (CHAR*) &pszProviderName, &cchProvider);
if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != lErr) { dwErr = lErr; EapTlsTrace("SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameA failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
if (NULL != pszProviderName) { EapTlsTrace("Provider: %s", pszProviderName); }
// Load the CSP
fSuccess = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL /* default container */, pszProviderName, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_SILENT /* or 0, to show CSP UI as needed */);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CryptAcquireContext failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
// Get the key handle.
fSuccess = CryptGetUserKey(hProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &hKey);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CryptGetUserKey failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
// Upload the certificate.
cbCertLen = 0;
fSuccess = CryptGetKeyParam(hKey, KP_CERTIFICATE, NULL, &cbCertLen, 0);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != dwErr) { EapTlsTrace("CryptGetKeyParam(KP_CERTIFICATE) failed and returned " "0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
dwErr = NO_ERROR; }
pbCert = (BYTE*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbCertLen);
if (NULL == pbCert) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("LocalAlloc failed and returned %d", dwErr); goto LDone; }
fSuccess = CryptGetKeyParam(hKey, KP_CERTIFICATE, pbCert, &cbCertLen, 0);
if (!fSuccess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CryptGetKeyParam(KP_CERTIFICATE) failed and returned " "0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
// Get the cert context...
dwErr = BuildCertContext(hProv, pbCert, cbCertLen, ppCertContext);
if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto LDone; }
// ...and migrate it to the My store
if (NULL == hCertStore) { dwErr = GetLastError(); EapTlsTrace("CertOpenStore failed and returned 0x%x", dwErr); goto LDone; }
fSuccess = CertAddCertificateContextToStore(hCertStore, *ppCertContext, CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING, NULL);
if (!fSuccess) { // This is OK. Don't return an error.
EapTlsTrace("CertAddCertificateContextToStore failed and returned 0x%x", GetLastError()); }
LocalFree(pszReader); LocalFree(pszCard); LocalFree(pbCert);
if (0 != hProv) { CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); }
if (NULL != hCertStore) { CertCloseStore(hCertStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG); }
if (NULL != pszProviderName) { SCardFreeMemory(hContext, pszProviderName); }
if (0 != hContext) { SCardReleaseContext(hContext); }
if (0 != hKey) { CryptDestroyKey(hKey); }
RTASSERT( (NO_ERROR == dwErr) || (NULL == *ppCertContext));
if ( (NULL == *ppCertContext) && (NO_ERROR == dwErr)) { EapTlsTrace("CertContext is NULL. Returning E_FAIL"); dwErr = E_FAIL; }
return(dwErr); }