Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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816 lines
19 KiB

  1. # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Format Version 40001
  2. # ** DO NOT EDIT **
  3. # TARGTYPE "Win32 (PPC) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0702
  4. # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102
  5. !IF "$(CFG)" == ""
  6. CFG=rtm - Win32 Release
  7. !MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to rtm - Win32 Release.
  8. !ENDIF
  9. !IF "$(CFG)" != "rtm - Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" !=\
  10. "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  11. !MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
  12. !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE on this makefile
  13. !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
  14. !MESSAGE
  15. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "rtm.mak" CFG="rtm - Win32 Release"
  16. !MESSAGE
  17. !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
  18. !MESSAGE
  19. !MESSAGE "rtm - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
  20. !MESSAGE "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release" (based on\
  21. "Win32 (PPC) Dynamic-Link Library")
  22. !MESSAGE
  23. !ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
  24. !ENDIF
  25. !IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
  26. NULL=
  27. !ELSE
  28. NULL=nul
  29. !ENDIF
  30. ################################################################################
  31. # Begin Project
  32. # PROP Target_Last_Scanned "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  33. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  34. # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
  35. # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
  36. # PROP BASE Output_Dir "WinRel"
  37. # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "WinRel"
  38. # PROP Use_MFC 0
  39. # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
  40. # PROP Output_Dir "obj\i386"
  41. # PROP Intermediate_Dir "obj\i386"
  42. OUTDIR=.\obj\i386
  43. INTDIR=.\obj\i386
  44. ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\rtm.dll"
  45. CLEAN :
  46. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtm.dll"
  47. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtmdlg.obj"
  48. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtmtest2.obj"
  49. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtm.obj"
  50. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtmdb.obj"
  51. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtmtest.obj"
  52. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtm.res"
  53. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtm.lib"
  54. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtm.exp"
  55. "$(OUTDIR)" :
  56. if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"
  57. CPP=cl.exe
  58. # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FR /YX /c
  59. # ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\inc" /D _X86_=1 /D i386=1 /D "STD_CALL" /D CONDITION_HANDLING=1 /D WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN=1 /D NT_UP=1 /D NT_INST=0 /D WIN32=100 /D _NT1X_=100 /D DBG=1 /D DEVL=1 /D FPO=0 /D _DLL=1 /D _MT=1 /Fp"obj\i386\ipxintf.pch" /YX"rtmp.h" /c
  60. # SUBTRACT CPP /Fr
  61. CPP_PROJ=/nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\inc" /D _X86_=1 /D i386=1 /D "STD_CALL"\
  63. WIN32=100 /D _NT1X_=100 /D DBG=1 /D DEVL=1 /D FPO=0 /D _DLL=1 /D _MT=1\
  64. /Fp"$(INTDIR)/ipxintf.pch" /YX"rtmp.h" /Fo"$(INTDIR)/" /c
  65. CPP_OBJS=.\obj\i386/
  66. CPP_SBRS=
  67. .c{$(CPP_OBJS)}.obj:
  68. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  69. .cpp{$(CPP_OBJS)}.obj:
  70. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  71. .cxx{$(CPP_OBJS)}.obj:
  72. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  73. .c{$(CPP_SBRS)}.sbr:
  74. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  75. .cpp{$(CPP_SBRS)}.sbr:
  76. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  77. .cxx{$(CPP_SBRS)}.sbr:
  78. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  79. MTL=mktyplib.exe
  80. # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /win32
  81. # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /win32
  82. MTL_PROJ=/nologo /D "NDEBUG" /win32
  83. RSC=rc.exe
  84. # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  85. # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  86. RSC_PROJ=/l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)/rtm.res" /d "NDEBUG"
  87. BSC32=bscmake.exe
  88. # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
  89. # ADD BSC32 /nologo
  90. BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.bsc"
  91. BSC32_SBRS=
  92. LINK32=link.exe
  93. # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386
  94. # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386
  95. LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib\
  96. advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo\
  97. /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no /pdb:"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.pdb" /machine:I386\
  98. /def:".\rtm.def" /out:"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.dll" /implib:"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.lib"
  99. DEF_FILE= \
  100. ".\rtm.def"
  101. LINK32_OBJS= \
  102. ".\obj\i386\rtmdlg.obj" \
  103. "$(INTDIR)/rtmtest2.obj" \
  104. "$(INTDIR)/rtm.obj" \
  105. "$(INTDIR)/rtmdb.obj" \
  106. "$(INTDIR)/rtmtest.obj" \
  107. "$(INTDIR)/rtm.res"
  108. "$(OUTDIR)\rtm.dll" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
  109. $(LINK32) @<<
  110. $(LINK32_FLAGS) $(LINK32_OBJS)
  111. <<
  112. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  113. # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
  114. # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
  115. # PROP BASE Output_Dir "rtm___Wi"
  116. # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "rtm___Wi"
  117. # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
  118. # PROP Use_MFC 0
  119. # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
  120. # PROP Output_Dir "rtm___Wi"
  121. # PROP Intermediate_Dir "rtm___Wi"
  122. # PROP Target_Dir ""
  123. OUTDIR=.\rtm___Wi
  124. INTDIR=.\rtm___Wi
  125. "$(OUTDIR)" :
  126. if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"
  127. ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\rtm.dll"
  128. CLEAN :
  129. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtm.dll"
  130. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtm.obj"
  131. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtmtest2.obj"
  132. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtmtest.obj"
  133. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtmdb.obj"
  134. -@erase ".\obj\i386\rtmdlg.obj"
  135. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtm.res"
  136. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtm.lib"
  137. -@erase ".\rtm___Wi\rtm.exp"
  138. MTL=mktyplib.exe
  139. # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /PPC32
  140. # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /PPC32
  141. MTL_PROJ=/nologo /D "NDEBUG" /PPC32
  142. CPP=cl.exe
  143. # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /c
  144. # ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\inc" /I "..\..\..\inc" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /c
  145. CPP_PROJ=/nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\inc" /I "..\..\..\inc" /D "WIN32" /D\
  146. "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"$(INTDIR)/rtm.pch" /YX /Fo"$(INTDIR)/" /c
  147. CPP_OBJS=.\rtm___Wi/
  148. CPP_SBRS=
  149. .c{$(CPP_OBJS)}.obj:
  150. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  151. .cpp{$(CPP_OBJS)}.obj:
  152. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  153. .cxx{$(CPP_OBJS)}.obj:
  154. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  155. .c{$(CPP_SBRS)}.sbr:
  156. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  157. .cpp{$(CPP_SBRS)}.sbr:
  158. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  159. .cxx{$(CPP_SBRS)}.sbr:
  160. $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
  161. RSC=rc.exe
  162. # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  163. # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  164. RSC_PROJ=/l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)/rtm.res" /d "NDEBUG"
  165. BSC32=bscmake.exe
  166. # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
  167. # ADD BSC32 /nologo
  168. BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.bsc"
  169. BSC32_SBRS=
  170. LINK32=link.exe
  171. # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:PPC
  172. # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:PPC
  173. LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib\
  174. advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo\
  175. /subsystem:windows /dll /pdb:"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.pdb" /machine:PPC /def:".\rtm.def"\
  176. /out:"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.dll" /implib:"$(OUTDIR)/rtm.lib"
  177. DEF_FILE= \
  178. ".\rtm.def"
  179. LINK32_OBJS= \
  180. "$(INTDIR)/rtm.obj" \
  181. "$(INTDIR)/rtmtest2.obj" \
  182. "$(INTDIR)/rtmtest.obj" \
  183. "$(INTDIR)/rtmdb.obj" \
  184. ".\obj\i386\rtmdlg.obj" \
  185. "$(INTDIR)/rtm.res"
  186. "$(OUTDIR)\rtm.dll" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
  187. $(LINK32) @<<
  188. $(LINK32_FLAGS) $(LINK32_OBJS)
  189. <<
  190. !ENDIF
  191. ################################################################################
  192. # Begin Target
  193. # Name "rtm - Win32 Release"
  194. # Name "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  195. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  196. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  197. !ENDIF
  198. ################################################################################
  199. # Begin Source File
  200. SOURCE=.\rtm.c
  201. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  202. DEP_CPP_RTM_C=\
  203. ".\rtmp.h"\
  204. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nt.h"\
  205. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntrtl.h"\
  206. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nturtl.h"\
  207. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  208. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  209. ".\..\inc\rtutils.h"\
  210. ".\rtmdlg.h"\
  211. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntdef.h"\
  212. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntstatus.h"\
  213. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkeapi.h"\
  214. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\nti386.h"\
  215. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntmips.h"\
  216. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  217. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntppc.h"\
  218. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntseapi.h"\
  219. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntobapi.h"\
  220. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntimage.h"\
  221. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntldr.h"\
  222. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpsapi.h"\
  223. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntxcapi.h"\
  224. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntlpcapi.h"\
  225. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntioapi.h"\
  226. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntiolog.h"\
  227. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpoapi.h"\
  228. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntexapi.h"\
  229. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkxapi.h"\
  230. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntmmapi.h"\
  231. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntregapi.h"\
  232. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntelfapi.h"\
  233. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntconfig.h"\
  234. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntnls.h"\
  235. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpnpapi.h"\
  236. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  237. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  238. {$(INCLUDE)}"\devioctl.h"\
  239. {$(INCLUDE)}"\cfg.h"\
  240. ".\RTDlg.H"\
  241. "$(INTDIR)\rtm.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTM_C) "$(INTDIR)"
  242. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  243. DEP_CPP_RTM_C=\
  244. ".\rtmp.h"\
  245. ".\nt.h"\
  246. ".\ntrtl.h"\
  247. ".\nturtl.h"\
  248. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  249. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  250. ".\..\inc\rtutils.h"\
  251. ".\rtmdlg.h"\
  252. ".\ntdef.h"\
  253. ".\ntstatus.h"\
  254. ".\ntkeapi.h"\
  255. ".\inc\nti386.h"\
  256. ".\inc\ntmips.h"\
  257. ".\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  258. ".\inc\ntppc.h"\
  259. ".\ntseapi.h"\
  260. ".\ntobapi.h"\
  261. ".\ntimage.h"\
  262. ".\ntldr.h"\
  263. ".\ntpsapi.h"\
  264. ".\ntxcapi.h"\
  265. ".\ntlpcapi.h"\
  266. ".\ntioapi.h"\
  267. ".\ntiolog.h"\
  268. ".\ntpoapi.h"\
  269. ".\ntexapi.h"\
  270. ".\ntkxapi.h"\
  271. ".\ntmmapi.h"\
  272. ".\ntregapi.h"\
  273. ".\ntelfapi.h"\
  274. ".\ntconfig.h"\
  275. ".\ntnls.h"\
  276. ".\ntpnpapi.h"\
  277. ".\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  278. ".\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  279. ".\devioctl.h"\
  280. ".\cfg.h"\
  281. ".\RTDlg.H"\
  282. "$(INTDIR)\rtm.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTM_C) "$(INTDIR)"
  283. !ENDIF
  284. # End Source File
  285. ################################################################################
  286. # Begin Source File
  287. SOURCE=.\rtmdb.c
  288. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  289. DEP_CPP_RTMDB=\
  290. ".\rtmp.h"\
  291. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nt.h"\
  292. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntrtl.h"\
  293. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nturtl.h"\
  294. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  295. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  296. ".\..\inc\rtutils.h"\
  297. ".\rtmdlg.h"\
  298. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntdef.h"\
  299. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntstatus.h"\
  300. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkeapi.h"\
  301. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\nti386.h"\
  302. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntmips.h"\
  303. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  304. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntppc.h"\
  305. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntseapi.h"\
  306. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntobapi.h"\
  307. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntimage.h"\
  308. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntldr.h"\
  309. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpsapi.h"\
  310. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntxcapi.h"\
  311. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntlpcapi.h"\
  312. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntioapi.h"\
  313. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntiolog.h"\
  314. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpoapi.h"\
  315. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntexapi.h"\
  316. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkxapi.h"\
  317. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntmmapi.h"\
  318. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntregapi.h"\
  319. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntelfapi.h"\
  320. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntconfig.h"\
  321. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntnls.h"\
  322. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpnpapi.h"\
  323. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  324. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  325. {$(INCLUDE)}"\devioctl.h"\
  326. {$(INCLUDE)}"\cfg.h"\
  327. ".\RTDlg.H"\
  328. "$(INTDIR)\rtmdb.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMDB) "$(INTDIR)"
  329. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  330. DEP_CPP_RTMDB=\
  331. ".\rtmp.h"\
  332. ".\nt.h"\
  333. ".\ntrtl.h"\
  334. ".\nturtl.h"\
  335. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  336. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  337. ".\..\inc\rtutils.h"\
  338. ".\rtmdlg.h"\
  339. ".\ntdef.h"\
  340. ".\ntstatus.h"\
  341. ".\ntkeapi.h"\
  342. ".\inc\nti386.h"\
  343. ".\inc\ntmips.h"\
  344. ".\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  345. ".\inc\ntppc.h"\
  346. ".\ntseapi.h"\
  347. ".\ntobapi.h"\
  348. ".\ntimage.h"\
  349. ".\ntldr.h"\
  350. ".\ntpsapi.h"\
  351. ".\ntxcapi.h"\
  352. ".\ntlpcapi.h"\
  353. ".\ntioapi.h"\
  354. ".\ntiolog.h"\
  355. ".\ntpoapi.h"\
  356. ".\ntexapi.h"\
  357. ".\ntkxapi.h"\
  358. ".\ntmmapi.h"\
  359. ".\ntregapi.h"\
  360. ".\ntelfapi.h"\
  361. ".\ntconfig.h"\
  362. ".\ntnls.h"\
  363. ".\ntpnpapi.h"\
  364. ".\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  365. ".\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  366. ".\devioctl.h"\
  367. ".\cfg.h"\
  368. ".\RTDlg.H"\
  369. "$(INTDIR)\rtmdb.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMDB) "$(INTDIR)"
  370. !ENDIF
  371. # End Source File
  372. ################################################################################
  373. # Begin Source File
  374. SOURCE=.\rtmdlg.c
  375. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  376. # PROP Intermediate_Dir "obj\i386"
  377. DEP_CPP_RTMDL=\
  378. ".\rtmp.h"\
  379. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nt.h"\
  380. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntrtl.h"\
  381. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nturtl.h"\
  382. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  383. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  384. ".\..\inc\rtutils.h"\
  385. ".\rtmdlg.h"\
  386. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntdef.h"\
  387. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntstatus.h"\
  388. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkeapi.h"\
  389. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\nti386.h"\
  390. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntmips.h"\
  391. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  392. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntppc.h"\
  393. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntseapi.h"\
  394. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntobapi.h"\
  395. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntimage.h"\
  396. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntldr.h"\
  397. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpsapi.h"\
  398. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntxcapi.h"\
  399. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntlpcapi.h"\
  400. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntioapi.h"\
  401. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntiolog.h"\
  402. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpoapi.h"\
  403. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntexapi.h"\
  404. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkxapi.h"\
  405. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntmmapi.h"\
  406. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntregapi.h"\
  407. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntelfapi.h"\
  408. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntconfig.h"\
  409. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntnls.h"\
  410. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpnpapi.h"\
  411. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  412. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  413. {$(INCLUDE)}"\devioctl.h"\
  414. {$(INCLUDE)}"\cfg.h"\
  415. ".\RTDlg.H"\
  416. INTDIR_SRC=.\obj\i386
  417. ".\obj\i386\rtmdlg.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMDL) "$(INTDIR_SRC)"
  418. $(CPP) /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\inc" /D _X86_=1 /D i386=1 /D\
  420. NT_INST=0 /D WIN32=100 /D _NT1X_=100 /D DBG=1 /D DEVL=1 /D FPO=0 /D _DLL=1 /D\
  421. _MT=1 /Fp"$(INTDIR_SRC)/ipxintf.pch" /YX"rtmp.h" /Fo"$(INTDIR_SRC)/" /c\
  422. $(SOURCE)
  423. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  424. # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "obj\i386"
  425. # PROP Intermediate_Dir "obj\i386"
  426. DEP_CPP_RTMDL=\
  427. ".\rtmp.h"\
  428. ".\nt.h"\
  429. ".\ntrtl.h"\
  430. ".\nturtl.h"\
  431. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  432. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  433. ".\..\inc\rtutils.h"\
  434. ".\rtmdlg.h"\
  435. ".\ntdef.h"\
  436. ".\ntstatus.h"\
  437. ".\ntkeapi.h"\
  438. ".\inc\nti386.h"\
  439. ".\inc\ntmips.h"\
  440. ".\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  441. ".\inc\ntppc.h"\
  442. ".\ntseapi.h"\
  443. ".\ntobapi.h"\
  444. ".\ntimage.h"\
  445. ".\ntldr.h"\
  446. ".\ntpsapi.h"\
  447. ".\ntxcapi.h"\
  448. ".\ntlpcapi.h"\
  449. ".\ntioapi.h"\
  450. ".\ntiolog.h"\
  451. ".\ntpoapi.h"\
  452. ".\ntexapi.h"\
  453. ".\ntkxapi.h"\
  454. ".\ntmmapi.h"\
  455. ".\ntregapi.h"\
  456. ".\ntelfapi.h"\
  457. ".\ntconfig.h"\
  458. ".\ntnls.h"\
  459. ".\ntpnpapi.h"\
  460. ".\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  461. ".\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  462. ".\devioctl.h"\
  463. ".\cfg.h"\
  464. ".\RTDlg.H"\
  465. INTDIR_SRC=.\obj\i386
  466. "$(INTDIR_SRC)" :
  467. if not exist "$(INTDIR_SRC)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(INTDIR_SRC)"
  468. ".\obj\i386\rtmdlg.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMDL) "$(INTDIR_SRC)"
  469. $(CPP) /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\inc" /I "..\..\..\inc" /D "WIN32" /D\
  470. "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"rtm___Wi/rtm.pch" /YX /Fo"$(INTDIR_SRC)/" /c\
  471. $(SOURCE)
  472. !ENDIF
  473. # End Source File
  474. ################################################################################
  475. # Begin Source File
  476. SOURCE=.\rtmtest.c
  477. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  478. DEP_CPP_RTMTE=\
  479. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nt.h"\
  480. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntrtl.h"\
  481. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nturtl.h"\
  482. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  483. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  484. ".\cldlg.h"\
  485. ".\enumdlg.h"\
  486. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntdef.h"\
  487. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntstatus.h"\
  488. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkeapi.h"\
  489. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\nti386.h"\
  490. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntmips.h"\
  491. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  492. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntppc.h"\
  493. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntseapi.h"\
  494. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntobapi.h"\
  495. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntimage.h"\
  496. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntldr.h"\
  497. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpsapi.h"\
  498. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntxcapi.h"\
  499. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntlpcapi.h"\
  500. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntioapi.h"\
  501. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntiolog.h"\
  502. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpoapi.h"\
  503. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntexapi.h"\
  504. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkxapi.h"\
  505. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntmmapi.h"\
  506. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntregapi.h"\
  507. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntelfapi.h"\
  508. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntconfig.h"\
  509. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntnls.h"\
  510. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpnpapi.h"\
  511. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  512. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  513. {$(INCLUDE)}"\devioctl.h"\
  514. {$(INCLUDE)}"\cfg.h"\
  515. "$(INTDIR)\rtmtest.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMTE) "$(INTDIR)"
  516. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  517. DEP_CPP_RTMTE=\
  518. ".\nt.h"\
  519. ".\ntrtl.h"\
  520. ".\nturtl.h"\
  521. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  522. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  523. ".\cldlg.h"\
  524. ".\enumdlg.h"\
  525. ".\ntdef.h"\
  526. ".\ntstatus.h"\
  527. ".\ntkeapi.h"\
  528. ".\inc\nti386.h"\
  529. ".\inc\ntmips.h"\
  530. ".\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  531. ".\inc\ntppc.h"\
  532. ".\ntseapi.h"\
  533. ".\ntobapi.h"\
  534. ".\ntimage.h"\
  535. ".\ntldr.h"\
  536. ".\ntpsapi.h"\
  537. ".\ntxcapi.h"\
  538. ".\ntlpcapi.h"\
  539. ".\ntioapi.h"\
  540. ".\ntiolog.h"\
  541. ".\ntpoapi.h"\
  542. ".\ntexapi.h"\
  543. ".\ntkxapi.h"\
  544. ".\ntmmapi.h"\
  545. ".\ntregapi.h"\
  546. ".\ntelfapi.h"\
  547. ".\ntconfig.h"\
  548. ".\ntnls.h"\
  549. ".\ntpnpapi.h"\
  550. ".\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  551. ".\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  552. ".\devioctl.h"\
  553. ".\cfg.h"\
  554. "$(INTDIR)\rtmtest.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMTE) "$(INTDIR)"
  555. !ENDIF
  556. # End Source File
  557. ################################################################################
  558. # Begin Source File
  559. SOURCE=.\sources
  560. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  561. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  562. !ENDIF
  563. # End Source File
  564. ################################################################################
  565. # Begin Source File
  566. SOURCE=.\build.log
  567. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  568. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  569. !ENDIF
  570. # End Source File
  571. ################################################################################
  572. # Begin Source File
  573. SOURCE=.\rtm.def
  574. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  575. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  576. !ENDIF
  577. # End Source File
  578. ################################################################################
  579. # Begin Source File
  580. SOURCE=.\rtm.rc
  581. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  582. DEP_RSC_RTM_R=\
  583. ".\ntverp.h"\
  584. ".\rtdlg.DLG"\
  585. ".\cldlg.h"\
  586. ".\cldlg.dlg"\
  587. ".\enumdlg.h"\
  588. ".\enumdlg.DLG"\
  589. "$(INTDIR)\rtm.res" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_RSC_RTM_R) "$(INTDIR)"
  590. $(RSC) $(RSC_PROJ) $(SOURCE)
  591. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  592. DEP_RSC_RTM_R=\
  593. ".\ntverp.h"\
  594. ".\rtdlg.DLG"\
  595. ".\cldlg.h"\
  596. ".\cldlg.dlg"\
  597. ".\enumdlg.h"\
  598. ".\enumdlg.DLG"\
  599. "$(INTDIR)\rtm.res" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_RSC_RTM_R) "$(INTDIR)"
  600. $(RSC) /l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)/rtm.res" /d "NDEBUG" $(SOURCE)
  601. !ENDIF
  602. # End Source File
  603. ################################################################################
  604. # Begin Source File
  605. SOURCE=.\rtmtest2.c
  606. !IF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 Release"
  608. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nt.h"\
  609. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntrtl.h"\
  610. {$(INCLUDE)}"\nturtl.h"\
  611. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  612. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  613. ".\cldlg.h"\
  614. ".\enumdlg.h"\
  615. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntdef.h"\
  616. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntstatus.h"\
  617. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkeapi.h"\
  618. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\nti386.h"\
  619. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntmips.h"\
  620. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  621. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ntppc.h"\
  622. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntseapi.h"\
  623. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntobapi.h"\
  624. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntimage.h"\
  625. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntldr.h"\
  626. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpsapi.h"\
  627. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntxcapi.h"\
  628. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntlpcapi.h"\
  629. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntioapi.h"\
  630. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntiolog.h"\
  631. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpoapi.h"\
  632. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntexapi.h"\
  633. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntkxapi.h"\
  634. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntmmapi.h"\
  635. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntregapi.h"\
  636. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntelfapi.h"\
  637. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntconfig.h"\
  638. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntnls.h"\
  639. {$(INCLUDE)}"\ntpnpapi.h"\
  640. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  641. ".\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  642. {$(INCLUDE)}"\devioctl.h"\
  643. {$(INCLUDE)}"\cfg.h"\
  644. "$(INTDIR)\rtmtest2.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMTES) "$(INTDIR)"
  645. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "rtm - Win32 (PPC) Release"
  647. ".\nt.h"\
  648. ".\ntrtl.h"\
  649. ".\nturtl.h"\
  650. ".\..\inc\RTM.h"\
  651. ".\..\inc\RMRTM.h"\
  652. ".\cldlg.h"\
  653. ".\enumdlg.h"\
  654. ".\ntdef.h"\
  655. ".\ntstatus.h"\
  656. ".\ntkeapi.h"\
  657. ".\inc\nti386.h"\
  658. ".\inc\ntmips.h"\
  659. ".\inc\ntalpha.h"\
  660. ".\inc\ntppc.h"\
  661. ".\ntseapi.h"\
  662. ".\ntobapi.h"\
  663. ".\ntimage.h"\
  664. ".\ntldr.h"\
  665. ".\ntpsapi.h"\
  666. ".\ntxcapi.h"\
  667. ".\ntlpcapi.h"\
  668. ".\ntioapi.h"\
  669. ".\ntiolog.h"\
  670. ".\ntpoapi.h"\
  671. ".\ntexapi.h"\
  672. ".\ntkxapi.h"\
  673. ".\ntmmapi.h"\
  674. ".\ntregapi.h"\
  675. ".\ntelfapi.h"\
  676. ".\ntconfig.h"\
  677. ".\ntnls.h"\
  678. ".\ntpnpapi.h"\
  679. ".\inc\mipsinst.h"\
  680. ".\inc\ppcinst.h"\
  681. ".\devioctl.h"\
  682. ".\cfg.h"\
  683. "$(INTDIR)\rtmtest2.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RTMTES) "$(INTDIR)"
  684. !ENDIF
  685. # End Source File
  686. # End Target
  687. # End Project
  688. ################################################################################