Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains routines to manipulate ipx addresses.
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
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// Include files //
// //
#include <snmp.h>
#include <snmputil.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <wsipx.h>
#define bcopy(slp, dlp, size) (void)memcpy(dlp, slp, size)
BOOL isHex(LPSTR str, int strLen) { int ii;
for (ii=0; ii < strLen; ii++) if (isxdigit(*str)) str++; else return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
unsigned int toHex(unsigned char x) { if (x >= '0' && x <= '9') return x - '0'; else if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F') return x - 'A' + 10; else if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'f') return x - 'a' + 10; else return 0; }
// convert str to hex number of NumDigits (must be even) into pNum
void atohex(IN LPSTR str, IN int NumDigits, OUT unsigned char *pNum) { int i, j;
j=0; for (i=0; i < (NumDigits>>1) ; i++) { pNum[i] = (toHex(str[j]) << 4) + toHex(str[j+1]); j+=2; } }
// return true if addrText is of the form 123456789ABC or
// 000001.123456789abc
// if pNetNum is not null, upon successful return, pNetNum = network number
// if pNodeNum is not null, upon successful return, pNodeNum = node number
BOOL SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpSvcAddrIsIpx( IN LPSTR addrText, OUT char pNetNum[4], OUT char pNodeNum[6]) { int addrTextLen;
addrTextLen = strlen(addrText); if (addrTextLen == 12 && isHex(addrText, 12)) { if (pNetNum) *((UNALIGNED unsigned long *) pNetNum) = 0L; if (pNodeNum) atohex(addrText, 12, pNodeNum); return TRUE; } else if (addrTextLen == 21 && addrText[8] == '.' && isHex(addrText, 8) && isHex(addrText+9, 12)) { if (pNetNum) atohex(addrText, 8, pNetNum); if (pNodeNum) atohex(addrText+9, 12, pNodeNum); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpSvcAddrToSocket( LPSTR addrText, struct sockaddr *addrEncoding ) { struct hostent * hp; struct sockaddr_in * pAddr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)addrEncoding; struct sockaddr_ipx * pAddr_ipx = (struct sockaddr_ipx *)addrEncoding; unsigned long addr;
// check for ipx addr
if (SnmpSvcAddrIsIpx( addrText, pAddr_ipx->sa_netnum, pAddr_ipx->sa_nodenum )) {
// see if ip host name which looks like ipx
if ((hp = gethostbyname(addrText)) == NULL) {
// host really is ipx machine
pAddr_ipx->sa_family = AF_IPX; pAddr_ipx->sa_socket = htons(DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_IPX);
// address transferred above...
} else {
// host is really ip machine
pAddr_in->sin_family = AF_INET; pAddr_in->sin_port = htons(DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_UDP); pAddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = *(unsigned long *)hp->h_addr; }
} else if (strncmp(addrText, "", 15) == 0) {
// host is a broadcast address
pAddr_in->sin_family = AF_INET; pAddr_in->sin_port = htons(DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_UDP); pAddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
} else if ((long)(addr = inet_addr(addrText)) != -1) {
// host is ip machine
struct servent * pServEnt = NULL;
// attempt to get server information
pServEnt = getservbyname("snmptrap","udp"); pAddr_in->sin_family = AF_INET; pAddr_in->sin_port = (pServEnt != NULL) ? (SHORT)pServEnt->s_port : htons(DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_UDP) ; pAddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
} else if ((hp = gethostbyname(addrText)) != NULL) {
// host is really ip machine
struct servent * pServEnt = NULL;
// attempt to get server information
pServEnt = getservbyname("snmptrap","udp");
pAddr_in->sin_family = AF_INET; pAddr_in->sin_port = (pServEnt != NULL) ? (SHORT)pServEnt->s_port : htons(DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_UDP) ; pAddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = *(unsigned long *)hp->h_addr;
} else {
SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: could not convert %s to socket.\n", addrText ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
// success
return TRUE; }