Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility routines called by entry point functions. Split out into a separate file to keep the "entry point" files clean.
Revision History:
Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- rmachin 2-18-97 Created (from pxutils) DChen 3-16-98 Bug fixing and cleanup JameelH 4-18-98 Cleanup Notes:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "atm.h"
#include "stdio.h"
NTSTATUS RCAIoComplete( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description: Callback function for KsStreamIo() - invoked when stream write is complete. Here we just free any packets we allocated, return any NDIS packets back to NDIS, and return the stream header to the global pool. Arguments: DeviceObject - Our Device Object Irp - The IRP that completed Context - A pointer to the stream header Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS --*/ { PRCA_STREAM_HEADER StreamHeader; PNDIS_BUFFER pNdisBuffer = 0;
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCAIoComplete(): enter, context == %x\n", Context));
StreamHeader = (PRCA_STREAM_HEADER)Context;
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCAIoComplete(): exit"));
VOID CopyStreamHeaderToIrp( IN PRCA_STREAM_HEADER NetRCAStreamHeader, IN PIRP Irp ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpStack; ULONG NetBufferLength, BufferLength; PBYTE NetBuffer, Buffer; PKSSTREAM_HEADER NetStreamHdr, StreamHdr; PMDL NetMdl, Mdl; ULONG BytesLeft; ULONG BytesFree; ULONG BytesToCopy; ULONG BytesRead = 0;
NetStreamHdr = &NetRCAStreamHeader->Header; NetBuffer = NetStreamHdr->Data; BytesLeft = NetStreamHdr->DataUsed;
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("CopyStreamHeaderToIrp(): Going to copy %lu bytes\n", BytesLeft)); // read IRP
IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
BufferLength = IrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; StreamHdr = (PKSSTREAM_HEADER)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; StreamHdr->DataUsed = 0; //StreamHdr->PresentationTime.Time = StreamHdr->PresentationTime.Time;
Mdl = Irp->MdlAddress; Buffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Mdl); Mdl = Mdl->Next; //
// Enumerate the stream headers, filling in each one.
// Assume the net IRP has one stream header
while (BytesLeft) { BytesFree = StreamHdr->FrameExtent - StreamHdr->DataUsed; if(BytesFree) { BytesToCopy = BytesFree < BytesLeft ? BytesFree : BytesLeft; BytesLeft -= BytesToCopy;
RtlCopyMemory(Buffer+StreamHdr->DataUsed, NetBuffer, BytesToCopy);
BytesRead += BytesToCopy; StreamHdr->DataUsed += BytesToCopy; BytesFree = StreamHdr->FrameExtent - StreamHdr->DataUsed; NetBuffer += BytesToCopy; }
// read stream full?
if (!BytesFree) { //StreamHdr->PresentationTime.Numerator = 1;
//StreamHdr->PresentationTime.Denominator = 1;
//StreamHdr->Duration = StreamHdr->DataUsed;
// get the next stream header
BufferLength -= sizeof(KSSTREAM_HEADER); if (BufferLength) { StreamHdr++; StreamHdr->DataUsed = 0; //StreamHdr->PresentationTime.Time = StreamHdr->PresentationTime.Time + BytesRead;
if(StreamHdr->FrameExtent) { if(Mdl) { Buffer = (PUCHAR) MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Mdl); RCAAssert(Buffer); Mdl = Mdl->Next; } else { break; } } } else { break; } } }
#if DBG
if(BytesLeft) { RCADEBUGP(RCA_ERROR,("CopyIrpData: OOPS - There are bytes left over: BytesLeft = %d BytesRead = %d \n", BytesLeft, BytesRead)); //RCAAssert(FALSE);
} #endif
// free the IRP's
RCAIoComplete(NULL, NULL, (PVOID)NetRCAStreamHeader);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = IrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
VOID RCAIoWorker( IN PNDIS_WORK_ITEM pNdisWorkItem, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description: This is the work item for the capture filter bridge pins. It streams the data in the work queue associated with a pin instance to the next connected filter. Arguments: PVOID Context - pointer to bridge pin instance. Return: Nothing.
Comments: Not pageable, uses SpinLocks.
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCAIoWorker(): enter\n"));
while(!IsListEmpty(&PinInstance->WorkQueue)) { RcaGlobal.QueueSize--; RCADEBUGP(RCA_LOUD,("RCAIoWorker: Queue-- is %d\n", RcaGlobal.QueueSize));
pList = RemoveHeadList(&PinInstance->WorkQueue);
pWorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(pList, WORK_ITEM, ListEntry);
RCA_RELEASE_BRIDGE_PIN_LOCK(PinInstance); StreamHeader = pWorkItem->StreamHeader;
DevIoPin = PinInstance->FilterInstance->DevIoPin; //
// The DevIo pin could have gone away between when we queued this packet and now.
if (DevIoPin == NULL) { RCAIoComplete(NULL, NULL, (PVOID)StreamHeader); //
// Have to continue instead of breaking because we have to IoComplete everything
// in the queue.
RCA_ACQUIRE_BRIDGE_PIN_LOCK(PinInstance); continue; }
if (DevIoPin->ConnectedAsSink) { if (IsListEmpty(&DevIoPin->ActiveQueue)) { //
// No IRP waiting for data, so just dump it.
RCAIoComplete(NULL, NULL, (PVOID)StreamHeader); RCA_ACQUIRE_BRIDGE_PIN_LOCK(PinInstance); continue; }
Irp = KsRemoveIrpFromCancelableQueue(&DevIoPin->ActiveQueue, &DevIoPin->QueueLock, KsListEntryHead, KsAcquireAndRemove); if (Irp == NULL) { //
// No IRP waiting for data, so just dump it.
RCAIoComplete(NULL, NULL, (PVOID)StreamHeader); RCA_ACQUIRE_BRIDGE_PIN_LOCK(PinInstance); continue; }
CopyStreamHeaderToIrp(StreamHeader, Irp); Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { #endif
if (PinInstance->FilterInstance->NextFileObject == (PFILE_OBJECT)NULL) { RCADEBUGP(RCA_WARNING, ("RCAIoWorker(): NextFileObject is NULL\n")); // FIXME: Calling RCAIoComplete() with two null args is OK for now since we don't use
// those args anyway. But this is bad coding because it will break if we ever
// change RCAIoComplete() to use them. Fix by abstracting out the functionality
// we want from RCAIoComplete into another function (which we can then call from
// RCAIoComplete).
RCAIoComplete(NULL, NULL, (PVOID)StreamHeader);
// FIXME: Leak: nothing ever completes the IRP here.
RCA_ACQUIRE_BRIDGE_PIN_LOCK(PinInstance); continue; } ASSERT(PinInstance->FilterInstance->NextFileObject); Status = KsStreamIo(PinInstance->FilterInstance->NextFileObject, NULL, NULL, RCAIoComplete, (PVOID)StreamHeader, KsInvokeOnSuccess | KsInvokeOnError | KsInvokeOnCancel, &RcaGlobal.SHPool.IoStatus, (PVOID)&StreamHeader->Header, StreamHeader->Header.Size, KSSTREAM_WRITE, KernelMode);
if (!((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) || (Status == STATUS_PENDING))) { RCADEBUGP(RCA_ERROR, ("KsStreamIo failed with Status == %x\n", Status)); }
} #endif
// Ok to schedule another work item now.
PinInstance->bWorkItemQueued = FALSE;
if (PinInstance->SignalMe) { RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCAIoWorker(): Unblocking PinDispatchClose()\n")); RCASignal(&PinInstance->Block, Status); }
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCAIoWorker(): exit\n"));
VOID RCASHPoolInit( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Initializes the global stream header pool from which all RCA filters will obtain stream headers. Arguments: (None)
Return Value: (None)
{ RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolInit(): enter\n"));
ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList(&RcaGlobal.SHPool.LookAsideList, NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(RCA_STREAM_HEADER), RCA_TAG, (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(RCA_STREAM_HEADER))); RcaGlobal.SHPool.FailCount = 0;
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolInit(): exit\n")); }
Routine Description: Obtains an stream header from the global pool. Arguments: (None) Return Value: A pointer to the stream header, or NULL if no stream header could be obtained. --*/ { PRCA_STREAM_HEADER StreamHeader;
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolGet(): enter\n")); StreamHeader = (PRCA_STREAM_HEADER)(ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&RcaGlobal.SHPool.LookAsideList)); if (StreamHeader == NULL) { InterlockedIncrement(&RcaGlobal.SHPool.FailCount); }
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolGet(): exit\n")); return StreamHeader; }
VOID RCASHPoolReturn( IN PRCA_STREAM_HEADER StreamHeader ) /*++
Routine Description: Returns a stream header to the global pool. The stream header will be recycled for use later. Arguments: StreamHeader - Pointer to the stream header being returned Return Value: (None) --*/
{ RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolReturn(): enter\n"));
ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&RcaGlobal.SHPool.LookAsideList, (PVOID)StreamHeader);
RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolReturn(): exit\n")); }
VOID RCASHPoolFree( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Frees any stream headers in the global IRP pool. Arguments: (None) Return Value: (None) --*/ { RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolFree(): enter\n"));
ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList(&RcaGlobal.SHPool.LookAsideList); RCADEBUGP(RCA_INFO, ("RCASHPoolFree(): exit\n")); }