/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-2000 **/ /********************************************************************/ /* :ts=4 */
//** DGRAM.C - Common datagram protocol code.
// This file contains the code common to both UDP and Raw IP.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "tdint.h"
#include "addr.h"
#include "dgram.h"
#include "tlcommon.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "mdlpool.h"
#include "pplasl.h"
#define NO_TCP_DEFS 1
#include "tcpdeb.h"
extern HANDLE TcpRequestPool;
USHORT DGHeaderBufferSize;
// Information for maintaining the DG Header structures and
// pending queue.
Queue DGHeaderPending; Queue DGDelayed;
CTEEvent DGDelayedEvent;
extern IPInfo LocalNetInfo;
#include "tcp.h"
#include "udp.h"
HANDLE DgHeaderPool;
// All of the init code can be discarded.
int InitDG(uint MaxHeaderSize); #pragma alloc_text(INIT, InitDG)
//* GetDGHeader - Get a DG header buffer.
// The get header buffer routine. Called with the SendReqLock held.
// Input: Nothing.
// Output: A pointer to an NDIS buffer, or NULL.
__inline PNDIS_BUFFER GetDGHeaderAtDpcLevel(UDPHeader **Header) { PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer;
Buffer = MdpAllocateAtDpcLevel(DgHeaderPool, Header);
if (Buffer) {
ASSERT(Buffer->ByteOffset >= 40);
Buffer->MdlFlags |= MDL_NETWORK_HEADER; #endif
} return Buffer; }
PNDIS_BUFFER GetDGHeader(UDPHeader **Header) { #if MILLEN
return GetDGHeaderAtDpcLevel(Header); #else
OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel();
Buffer = GetDGHeaderAtDpcLevel(Header);
return Buffer; #endif
//* FreeDGHeader - Free a DG header buffer.
// The free header buffer routine. Called with the SendReqLock held.
// Input: Buffer to be freed.
// Output: Nothing.
__inline VOID FreeDGHeader(PNDIS_BUFFER FreedBuffer) {
NdisAdjustBufferLength(FreedBuffer, DGHeaderBufferSize);
(ULONG_PTR)FreedBuffer->MappedSystemVa -= MAX_BACKFILL_HDR_SIZE; FreedBuffer->ByteOffset -= MAX_BACKFILL_HDR_SIZE; #endif
MdpFree(FreedBuffer); }
//* PutPendingQ - Put an address object on the pending queue.
// Called when we've experienced a header buffer out of resources condition,
// and want to queue an AddrObj for later processing. We put the specified
// address object on the DGHeaderPending queue, set the OOR flag and clear
// the 'send request' flag. It is invariant in the system that the send
// request flag and the OOR flag are not set at the same time.
// This routine assumes that the caller holds QueueingAO->ao_lock.
// Input: QueueingAO - Pointer to address object to be queued.
// Returns: Nothing.
void PutPendingQ(AddrObj * QueueingAO) { CTEStructAssert(QueueingAO, ao);
if (!AO_OOR(QueueingAO)) { CLEAR_AO_REQUEST(QueueingAO, AO_SEND); SET_AO_OOR(QueueingAO);
InterlockedEnqueueAtDpcLevel(&DGHeaderPending, &QueueingAO->ao_pendq, &DGQueueLock.Lock); } }
//* GetDGSendReq - Get a DG send request.
// Called when someone wants to allocate a DG send request. We assume
// the send request lock is held when we are called.
// Note: This routine and the corresponding free routine might
// be good candidates for inlining.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: Pointer to the SendReq, or NULL if none.
__inline DGSendReq * GetDGSendReq() { DGSendReq *Request; LOGICAL FromList;
Request = PplAllocate(TcpRequestPool, &FromList); if (Request != NULL) { #if DBG
Request->dsr_sig = dsr_signature; #endif
return Request; }
//* FreeDGSendReq - Free a DG send request.
// Called when someone wants to free a DG send request. It's assumed
// that the caller holds the SendRequest lock.
// Input: SendReq - SendReq to be freed.
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline VOID FreeDGSendReq(DGSendReq *Request) { CTEStructAssert(Request, dsr); PplFree(TcpRequestPool, Request); }
//* GetDGRcvReq - Get a DG receive request.
// Called when we need to get a DG receive request.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: Pointer to new request, or NULL if none.
__inline DGRcvReq * GetDGRcvReq() { DGRcvReq *Request;
Request = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(DGRcvReq), 'dPCT'); #if DBG
Request->drr_sig = drr_signature; #endif
return Request; }
//* FreeDGRcvReq - Free a DG rcv request.
// Called when someone wants to free a DG rcv request.
// Input: RcvReq - RcvReq to be freed.
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline VOID FreeDGRcvReq(DGRcvReq *Request) { CTEStructAssert(Request, drr); ExFreePool(Request); }
//* DGDelayedEventProc - Handle a delayed event.
// This is the delayed event handler, used for out-of-resources conditions
// on AddrObjs. We pull from the delayed queue, and is the addr obj is
// not already busy we'll send the datagram.
// Input: Event - Pointer to the event structure.
// Context - Nothing.
// Returns: Nothing
void DGDelayedEventProc(CTEEvent *Event, void *Context) { Queue* Item; AddrObj *SendingAO; DGSendProc SendProc; CTELockHandle AOHandle;
while ((Item = InterlockedDequeueIfNotEmpty(&DGDelayed, &DGQueueLock.Lock)) != NULL) { SendingAO = STRUCT_OF(AddrObj, Item, ao_pendq); CTEStructAssert(SendingAO, ao);
CTEGetLock(&SendingAO->ao_lock, &AOHandle);
CLEAR_AO_OOR(SendingAO); if (!AO_BUSY(SendingAO)) { DGSendReq *SendReq;
if (!EMPTYQ(&SendingAO->ao_sendq)) { DEQUEUE(&SendingAO->ao_sendq, SendReq, DGSendReq, dsr_q);
CTEStructAssert(SendReq, dsr); ASSERT(SendReq->dsr_header != NULL);
SendingAO->ao_usecnt++; SendProc = SendingAO->ao_dgsend; CTEFreeLock(&SendingAO->ao_lock, AOHandle);
(*SendProc) (SendingAO, SendReq); DEREF_AO(SendingAO); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); CTEFreeLock(&SendingAO->ao_lock, AOHandle); }
} else { SET_AO_REQUEST(SendingAO, AO_SEND); CTEFreeLock(&SendingAO->ao_lock, AOHandle); } } }
//* DGSendComplete - DG send complete handler.
// This is the routine called by IP when a send completes. We
// take the context passed back as a pointer to a SendRequest
// structure, and complete the caller's send.
// Input: Context - Context we gave on send (really a
// SendRequest structure).
// BufferChain - Chain of buffers sent.
// Returns: Nothing.
void DGSendComplete(void *Context, PNDIS_BUFFER BufferChain, IP_STATUS SendStatus) { DGSendReq *FinishedSR = (DGSendReq *) Context; CTELockHandle AOHandle; CTEReqCmpltRtn Callback; // Completion routine.
PVOID CallbackContext; // User context.
ushort SentSize; AddrObj *AO; Queue* Item;
CTEStructAssert(FinishedSR, dsr);
Callback = FinishedSR->dsr_rtn; CallbackContext = FinishedSR->dsr_context; SentSize = FinishedSR->dsr_size;
// If there's nothing on the header pending queue, just free the
// header buffer. Otherwise pull from the pending queue, give him the
// resource, and schedule an event to deal with him.
Item = InterlockedDequeueIfNotEmpty(&DGHeaderPending, &DGQueueLock.Lock); if (!Item) { FreeDGHeader(BufferChain); } else { AO = STRUCT_OF(AddrObj, Item, ao_pendq); CTEStructAssert(AO, ao);
CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle);
if (!EMPTYQ(&AO->ao_sendq)) { DGSendReq *SendReq;
PEEKQ(&AO->ao_sendq, SendReq, DGSendReq, dsr_q);
if (!SendReq->dsr_header) {
SendReq->dsr_header = BufferChain; // Give him this buffer.
InterlockedEnqueueAtDpcLevel(&DGDelayed, &AO->ao_pendq, &DGQueueLock.Lock); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); CTEScheduleEvent(&DGDelayedEvent, NULL); } else { CLEAR_AO_OOR(AO); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); FreeDGHeader(BufferChain); }
} else { // On the pending queue, but no sends!
ASSERT(0); CLEAR_AO_OOR(AO); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); } }
if (!(SendStatus == IP_GENERAL_FAILURE)) { WMIInfo.wmi_destaddr = FinishedSR->dsr_addr; WMIInfo.wmi_destport = FinishedSR->dsr_port; WMIInfo.wmi_srcaddr = FinishedSR->dsr_srcaddr; WMIInfo.wmi_srcport = FinishedSR->dsr_srcport; WMIInfo.wmi_context = FinishedSR->dsr_pid; WMIInfo.wmi_size = SentSize;
CPCallBack = TCPCPHandlerRoutine; if (CPCallBack!=NULL) { ulong GroupType; GroupType = EVENT_TRACE_GROUP_UDPIP + EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_SEND ; (*CPCallBack)(GroupType, (PVOID)&WMIInfo, sizeof(WMIInfo), NULL); } } #endif
if (Callback != NULL) { if (SendStatus == IP_GENERAL_FAILURE) (*Callback) (CallbackContext, TDI_REQ_ABORTED, (uint) SentSize); else if (SendStatus == IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG) (*Callback) (CallbackContext, TDI_BUFFER_TOO_BIG, (uint) SentSize); else (*Callback) (CallbackContext, TDI_SUCCESS, (uint) SentSize); } }
// NT supports cancellation of DG send/receive requests.
#define TCP_DEBUG_SEND_DGRAM 0x00000100
#define TCP_DEBUG_RECEIVE_DGRAM 0x00000200
extern ULONG TCPDebug;
VOID TdiCancelSendDatagram( AddrObj * SrcAO, PVOID Context, CTELockHandle inHandle ) { CTELockHandle lockHandle; DGSendReq *sendReq = NULL; Queue *qentry; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; PTCP_CONTEXT tcpContext; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; VOID *CancelContext, *CancelID; PIRP Irp = Context;
irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); tcpContext = (PTCP_CONTEXT) irpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
CTEStructAssert(SrcAO, ao);
CTEGetLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, &lockHandle);
// Search the send list for the specified request.
for (qentry = QNEXT(&(SrcAO->ao_sendq)); qentry != &(SrcAO->ao_sendq); qentry = QNEXT(qentry) ) {
sendReq = STRUCT_OF(DGSendReq, qentry, dsr_q);
CTEStructAssert(sendReq, dsr);
if (sendReq->dsr_context == Context) { //
// Found it. Dequeue
REMOVEQ(qentry); found = TRUE;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_SEND_DGRAM) { TCPTRACE(( "TdiCancelSendDatagram: Dequeued item %lx\n", Context )); }
break; } }
CTEFreeLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, lockHandle);
CancelContext = Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0]; CancelID = Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[1];
CTEFreeLock(&tcpContext->EndpointLock, inHandle);
if (found) { //
// Complete the request and free its resources.
(*sendReq->dsr_rtn) (sendReq->dsr_context, (uint) TDI_CANCELLED, 0);
if (sendReq->dsr_header != NULL) { FreeDGHeader(sendReq->dsr_header); } FreeDGSendReq(sendReq);
} else { //Now try calling ndis cancel routine to complete queued up packets
//for this request
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_cancelpackets) (CancelContext, CancelID); }
} // TdiCancelSendDatagram
VOID TdiCancelReceiveDatagram( AddrObj * SrcAO, PVOID Context, CTELockHandle inHandle ) { CTELockHandle lockHandle; DGRcvReq *rcvReq = NULL; Queue *qentry; BOOLEAN found = FALSE;
PTCP_CONTEXT tcpContext; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PIRP Irp = Context;
irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); tcpContext = (PTCP_CONTEXT) irpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
CTEStructAssert(SrcAO, ao);
CTEGetLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, &lockHandle);
// Search the send list for the specified request.
for (qentry = QNEXT(&(SrcAO->ao_rcvq)); qentry != &(SrcAO->ao_rcvq); qentry = QNEXT(qentry) ) {
rcvReq = STRUCT_OF(DGRcvReq, qentry, drr_q);
CTEStructAssert(rcvReq, drr);
if (rcvReq->drr_context == Context) { //
// Found it. Dequeue
REMOVEQ(qentry); found = TRUE;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_SEND_DGRAM) { TCPTRACE(( "TdiCancelReceiveDatagram: Dequeued item %lx\n", Context )); }
break; } }
CTEFreeLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, lockHandle); CTEFreeLock(&tcpContext->EndpointLock, inHandle);
if (found) {
// Complete the request and free its resources.
(*rcvReq->drr_rtn) (rcvReq->drr_context, (uint) TDI_CANCELLED, 0);
FreeDGRcvReq(rcvReq); }
} // TdiCancelReceiveDatagram
//** TdiSendDatagram - TDI send datagram function.
// This is the user interface to the send datagram function. The
// caller specified a request structure, a connection info
// structure containing the address, and data to be sent.
// This routine gets a DG Send request structure to manage the
// send, fills the structure in, and calls DGSend to deal with
// it.
// Input: Request - Pointer to request structure.
// ConnInfo - Pointer to ConnInfo structure which points to
// remote address.
// DataSize - Size in bytes of data to be sent.
// BytesSent - Pointer to where to return size sent.
// Buffer - Pointer to buffer chain.
// Returns: Status of attempt to send.
TDI_STATUS TdiSendDatagram(PTDI_REQUEST Request, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConnInfo1, uint DataSize, uint * BytesSent, PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer) { AddrObj *SrcAO; // Pointer to AddrObj for src.
DGSendReq *SendReq; // Pointer to send req for this request.
// First, get a send request. We do this first because of MP issues
// if we port this to NT. We need to take the SendRequest lock before
// we take the AddrObj lock, to prevent deadlock and also because
// GetDGSendReq might yield, and the state of the AddrObj might
// change on us, so we don't want to yield after we've validated
// it.
SendReq = GetDGSendReq();
// Now get the lock on the AO, and make sure it's valid. We do this
// to make sure we return the correct error code.
SrcAO = Request->Handle.AddressHandle; if (SrcAO != NULL) {
CTEStructAssert(SrcAO, ao);
CTEGetLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, &Handle);
if (AO_VALID(SrcAO)) {
ConnInfo = ConnInfo1;
if ((ConnInfo1 == NULL) && AO_CONNUDP(SrcAO)) { ConnInfo = &SrcAO->ao_udpconn; }
// Make sure the size is reasonable.
if (DataSize <= SrcAO->ao_maxdgsize) {
// The AddrObj is valid. Now fill the address into the send request,
// if we've got one. If this works, we'll continue with the
// send.
if (SendReq != NULL) { // Got a send request.
if (ConnInfo && GetAddress(ConnInfo->RemoteAddress, &SendReq->dsr_addr, &SendReq->dsr_port)) {
SendReq->dsr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; SendReq->dsr_context = Request->RequestContext; SendReq->dsr_buffer = Buffer; SendReq->dsr_size = (ushort) DataSize;
// We've filled in the send request. If the AO isn't
// already busy, try to get a DG header buffer and send
// this. If the AO is busy, or we can't get a buffer, queue
// until later. We try to get the header buffer here, as
// an optimazation to avoid having to retake the lock.
if (!AO_OOR(SrcAO)) { // AO isn't out of resources
if (!AO_BUSY(SrcAO)) { // or or busy
UDPHeader *UH;
SendReq->dsr_header = GetDGHeaderAtDpcLevel(&UH); if (SendReq->dsr_header != NULL) { REF_AO(SrcAO); // Lock out exclusive
// activities.
SendProc = SrcAO->ao_dgsend;
CTEFreeLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, Handle);
// Allright, just send it.
(*SendProc) (SrcAO, SendReq);
// See if any pending requests occured during
// the send. If so, call the request handler.
return TDI_PENDING; } else { // We couldn't get a header buffer. Put this
// guy on the pending queue, and then fall
// through to the 'queue request' code.
PutPendingQ(SrcAO); } } else { // AO is busy, set request for later
SET_AO_REQUEST(SrcAO, AO_SEND); } } // AO is busy, or out of resources. Queue the send request
// for later.
SendReq->dsr_header = NULL; ENQUEUE(&SrcAO->ao_sendq, &SendReq->dsr_q); CTEFreeLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, Handle); return TDI_PENDING;
} else { // The remote address was invalid.
ReturnValue = TDI_BAD_ADDR; } } else { // Send request was null, return no resources.
ReturnValue = TDI_NO_RESOURCES; } } else { // Buffer was too big, return an error.
ReturnValue = TDI_BUFFER_TOO_BIG; } } else { // The addr object is invalid, possibly because it's deleting.
ReturnValue = TDI_ADDR_INVALID; }
CTEFreeLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, Handle);
if (SendReq != NULL) FreeDGSendReq(SendReq);
return ReturnValue; }
//** TdiReceiveDatagram - TDI receive datagram function.
// This is the user interface to the receive datagram function. The
// caller specifies a request structure, a connection info
// structure that acts as a filter on acceptable datagrams, a connection
// info structure to be filled in, and other parameters. We get a DGRcvReq
// structure, fill it in, and hang it on the AddrObj, where it will be removed
// later by incomig datagram handler.
// Input: Request - Pointer to request structure.
// ConnInfo - Pointer to ConnInfo structure which points to
// remote address.
// ReturnInfo - Pointer to ConnInfo structure to be filled in.
// RcvSize - Total size in bytes receive buffer.
// BytesRcvd - Pointer to where to return size received.
// Buffer - Pointer to buffer chain.
// Returns: Status of attempt to receive.
TDI_STATUS TdiReceiveDatagram(PTDI_REQUEST Request, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConnInfo, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ReturnInfo, uint RcvSize, uint * BytesRcvd, PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer) { AddrObj *RcvAO; // AddrObj that is receiving.
DGRcvReq *RcvReq; // Receive request structure.
CTELockHandle AOHandle; uchar AddrValid;
RcvReq = GetDGRcvReq();
RcvAO = Request->Handle.AddressHandle; CTEStructAssert(RcvAO, ao);
CTEGetLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); if (AO_VALID(RcvAO)) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_RAW) { TCPTRACE(("posting receive on AO %lx\n", RcvAO)); }
if (RcvReq != NULL) { if (ConnInfo != NULL && ConnInfo->RemoteAddressLength != 0) AddrValid = GetAddress(ConnInfo->RemoteAddress, &RcvReq->drr_addr, &RcvReq->drr_port); else { AddrValid = TRUE; RcvReq->drr_addr = NULL_IP_ADDR; RcvReq->drr_port = 0; }
if (AddrValid) {
// Everything'd valid. Fill in the receive request and queue it.
RcvReq->drr_conninfo = ReturnInfo; RcvReq->drr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; RcvReq->drr_context = Request->RequestContext; RcvReq->drr_buffer = Buffer; RcvReq->drr_size = (ushort) RcvSize; ENQUEUE(&RcvAO->ao_rcvq, &RcvReq->drr_q); CTEFreeLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, AOHandle);
return TDI_PENDING; } else { // Have an invalid filter address.
CTEFreeLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, AOHandle); FreeDGRcvReq(RcvReq); return TDI_BAD_ADDR; } } else { // Couldn't get a receive request.
CTEFreeLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, AOHandle); return TDI_NO_RESOURCES; } } else { // The AddrObj isn't valid.
CTEFreeLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, AOHandle); }
// The AddrObj is invalid or non-existent.
if (RcvReq != NULL) FreeDGRcvReq(RcvReq);
//* DGFillIpPktInfo - Create an ancillary data object and fill in
// IP_PKTINFO information.
// This is a helper function for the IP_PKTINFO socket option supported for
// datagram sockets only. The caller provides the destination address as
// specified in the IP header of the packet and the IP address of the local
// interface the packet was delivered on. This routine will create the
// proper ancillary data object and fill in the destination IP address
// and the interface number of the local interface. The data object must
// be freed by the caller.
// Input: DestAddr - Destination address from IP header of packet.
// LocalAddr - IP address of local interface on which packet
// arrived.
// Size - Buffer that will be filled in with size in bytes
// of the ancillary data object.
// Returns: NULL if unsuccessful, an ancillary data object for IP_PKTINFO
// if successful.
PTDI_CMSGHDR DGFillIpPktInfo(IPAddr DestAddr, IPAddr LocalAddr, int *Size) { PTDI_CMSGHDR CmsgHdr;
*Size = TDI_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(IN_PKTINFO)); CmsgHdr = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, *Size, 'uPCT');
if (CmsgHdr) { IN_PKTINFO *pktinfo = (IN_PKTINFO*)TDI_CMSG_DATA(CmsgHdr);
// Fill in the ancillary data object header information.
pktinfo->ipi_addr = DestAddr;
// Get the index of the local interface on which the packet arrived.
pktinfo->ipi_ifindex = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getifindexfromaddr) (LocalAddr,IF_CHECK_NONE); } else { *Size = 0; }
return CmsgHdr; } #pragma BEGIN_INIT
//* InitDG - Initialize the DG stuff.
// Called during init time to initalize the DG code. We initialize
// our locks and request lists.
// Input: MaxHeaderSize - The maximum size of a datagram transport header,
// not including the IP header.
// Returns: True if we succeed, False if we fail.
int InitDG(uint MaxHeaderSize) { CTEInitLock(&DGQueueLock.Lock);
DGHeaderBufferSize = (USHORT)(MaxHeaderSize + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
DGHeaderBufferSize += MAX_BACKFILL_HDR_SIZE; #endif
DgHeaderPool = MdpCreatePool ( DGHeaderBufferSize, 'uhCT');
if (!DgHeaderPool) { return FALSE; }
INITQ(&DGHeaderPending); INITQ(&DGDelayed);
CTEInitEvent(&DGDelayedEvent, DGDelayedEventProc);
return TRUE; }
#pragma END_INIT