// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: E V T A P I . C P P
// Contents: Private low-level APIs dealing with UPnP events.
// Notes:
// Author: danielwe 18 Oct 1999
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <hostinc.h>
#include "evtapi.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "interfacelist.h"
#include <wininet.h>
#include <winsock.h>
HANDLE g_hTimerQ = NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION g_csListEventSource; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * g_pesList = NULL; HINTERNET g_hInetSess = NULL; static const DWORD c_csecTimeout = 30; // Internet connect
// timeout (in seconds)
// Default subscription timeout (6 hours)
static const DWORD c_csecDefSubsTimeout = 60 * 60 * 6;
// Minimum subscription timeout (10 minutes??)
static const DWORD c_csecMinSubsTimeout = 60 * 10;
VOID FreeEventSourceBlocking(UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes);
// Function: HrInitEventApi
// Purpose: Initializes the low-level eventing API
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrInitEventApi() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { AssertSz(!g_hTimerQ, "Already initialized timer queue?!?");
g_hTimerQ = CreateTimerQueue(); if (!g_hTimerQ) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrInitEventApi: CreateTimerQueue", hr); } }
TraceError("HrInitEventApi", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT HrInitInternetSession() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
AssertSz(!g_hInetSess, "Already initialized?");
g_hInetSess = InternetOpen(L"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; UPnP/1.0; Windows NT/5.1)", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0); if (g_hInetSess) { DWORD dwTimeout = c_csecTimeout * 1000;
if (!InternetSetOption(g_hInetSess, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (LPVOID)&dwTimeout, sizeof(DWORD))) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrFromLastWin32Error: InternetSetOption", HrFromLastWin32Error()); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrFromLastWin32Error: Suscessfully set " "internet connect timeout to %d seconds", c_csecTimeout); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INTERNET_PROXY_INFO ipi; ZeroMemory(&ipi, sizeof(ipi)); ipi.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; if(!InternetSetOption(g_hInetSess, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, &ipi, sizeof(ipi))) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrFromLastWin32Error: InternetSetOption", HrFromLastWin32Error()); } } } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrInitInternetSession: InternetOpen", hr); }
TraceError("HrInitInternetSession", hr); return hr; }
// Function: DeInitEventApi
// Purpose: De-initializes the low-level eventing API
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: The debug version fills the critsec struct after deleting it
// to catch use afterwards
VOID DeInitEventApi() { UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pesCur; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pesNext;
// Delete any remaining event sources from the list. This will block until
// all event sources have been deleted
for (pesCur = g_pesList; pesCur; pesCur = pesNext) { pesNext = pesCur->pesNext;
FreeEventSourceBlocking(pesCur); }
g_pesList = NULL;
if (g_hInetSess) { InternetCloseHandle(g_hInetSess); g_hInetSess = NULL; }
if (g_hTimerQ) { // This will wait for all callback threads to finish before continuing
// (in other words, it blocks)
DeleteTimerQueueEx(g_hTimerQ, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "DeInitEventApi: Deleted timer queue");
g_hTimerQ = NULL; }
#if DBG
FillMemory(&g_csListEventSource, sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION), 0xDA); #endif
// Function: FreeSubscriber
// Purpose: Frees the memory and resources used by a subscriber and frees
// the subscriber itself
// Arguments:
// psub [in] Subscriber to free
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
VOID FreeSubscriber(UPNP_SUBSCRIBER *psub) { UPNP_EVENT * pevtCur; UPNP_EVENT * pevtNext; HANDLE hWait = NULL;
if (!psub) { return; }
#if DBG
if (psub->szSid) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Freeing subscriber %S", psub->szSid); } #endif
DWORD isz;
for (isz = 0; isz < psub->cszUrl; isz++) { delete [] psub->rgszUrl[isz]; }
delete [] psub->szSid; delete [] psub->rgszUrl;
// Free the event queue
for (pevtCur = psub->pevtQueue; pevtCur; pevtCur = pevtNext) { delete [] pevtCur->szBody;
pevtNext = pevtCur->pevtNext; delete pevtCur; }
if (psub->hWait) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "About to call UnregisterWaitEx()"); // This will wait for all callback threads to finish before continuing
// (in other words, it blocks)
if (!UnregisterWaitEx(psub->hWait, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { TraceError("FreeSubscriber: UnregisterWaitEx", HrFromLastWin32Error()); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "FreeSubscriber: Unregistered wait"); } }
if (psub->hEventQ && psub->hEventQ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(psub->hEventQ); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "FreeSubscriber: Closed event handle"); }
if (psub->hTimer) { AssertSz(g_hTimerQ, "No timer queue??");
if (!DeleteTimerQueueTimer(g_hTimerQ, psub->hTimer, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { TraceError("FreeSubscriber: DeleteTimerQueueTimer", HrFromLastWin32Error()); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "FreeSubscriber: Deleted timer " "queue timer"); } }
// Delete renewal params
delete [] psub->ur.szEsid; delete [] psub->ur.szSid;
// Delete event queue worker wait params
delete [] psub->uwp.szEsid; delete [] psub->uwp.szSid;
delete psub; }
VOID FreeEventSourceBlocking(UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubCur; UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubNext;
for (psubCur = pes->psubList; psubCur; psubCur = psubNext) { psubNext = psubCur->psubNext;
FreeSubscriber(psubCur); }
delete [] pes->szEsid; delete pes; }
// Function: FreeEventSourceWorker
// Purpose: Worker function to free an event source and the resources it
// uses
// Arguments:
// pvContext [in] Context data = event source to free
// Returns: 0
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: This function is always called from a separate thread
DWORD WINAPI FreeEventSourceWorker(LPVOID pvContext) { UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes;
pes = (UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE *)pvContext;
return 0; }
// Function: FreeSubscriberWorker
// Purpose: Worker function to free a subscriber and the resources it uses
// Arguments:
// pvContext [in] Context data = subscriber to free
// Returns: 0
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: This function is always called from a separate thread
DWORD WINAPI FreeSubscriberWorker(LPVOID pvContext) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psub;
psub = (UPNP_SUBSCRIBER *)pvContext;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "FreeSubscriberWorker: Freeing subscriber %S", psub->szSid);
return 0; }
// Function: FreeEventSource
// Purpose: Frees an event source structure and the resources it uses
// Arguments:
// pes [in] Event source to free
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: The free is done asynchronously, on a separate thread
VOID FreeEventSource(UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes) { if (pes) { #if DBG
AssertSz(!PesFindEventSource(pes->szEsid), "I will not let you free" " an event source that's still in the global list!");
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); #endif
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Queueing a work item to free event " "source %S", pes->szEsid);
// Now that the event source is off the list and no external function can
// access it anymore we can queue a work item to do the time consuming stuff
QueueUserWorkItem(FreeEventSourceWorker, (LPVOID)pes, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION); } }
// Function: HrRegisterEventSource
// Purpose: Registers a service as an event source
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// Returns: S_OK if successful, E_OUTOFMEMORY, or Win32 error
// Author: danielwe 10 Jul 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRegisterEventSource(LPCWSTR szEsid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pesNew = NULL;
Assert(szEsid && *szEsid);
if (!PesFindEventSource(szEsid)) { pesNew = new UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE; if (pesNew) { ZeroMemory(pesNew, sizeof(UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE));
pesNew->szEsid = WszDupWsz(szEsid); if (!pesNew->szEsid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRegisterEventSource - duplicated event " "source %S", szEsid); hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Link in this event source at the head of the global list
pesNew->pesNext = g_pesList; g_pesList = pesNew; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { FreeEventSource(pesNew); } else { //DbgDumpListEventSource();
TraceError("HrRegisterEventSource", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrDeregisterEventSource
// Purpose: Deregisters a service as an event source
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// Returns: S_OK if success, E_INVALIDARG
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDeregisterEventSource(LPCWSTR szEsid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pesCur; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pesPrev;
for (pesCur = pesPrev = g_pesList; pesCur; pesPrev = pesCur, pesCur = pesCur->pesNext) { if (!lstrcmpi(pesCur->szEsid, szEsid)) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Deregistering event source %S", szEsid);
if (pesCur == g_pesList) { g_pesList = pesCur->pesNext; } else { AssertSz(pesPrev != pesCur, "Event sourcelist is messed up!"); AssertSz(pesCur != g_pesList, "Event sourcelist is messed up!");
pesPrev->pesNext = pesCur->pesNext; }
break; } }
if (pesCur) { FreeEventSource(pesCur); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Event source %S not found!", szEsid); hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
TraceError("HrDeregisterEventSource", hr); return hr; }
// Function: SzGetNewSid
// Purpose: Returns a new "uuid:{SID}" identifier
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Newly allocated SID string
// Author: danielwe 13 Oct 1999
// Notes: Caller must free the returned string with delete []
LPWSTR SzGetNewSid() { WCHAR szSid[256]; UUID uuid; unsigned short *szUuid;
if (UuidCreate(&uuid) == RPC_S_OK) { if (UuidToString(&uuid, &szUuid) == RPC_S_OK) { wsprintf(szSid, L"uuid:%s", szUuid); RpcStringFree(&szUuid); return WszDupWsz(szSid); } }
return NULL; }
// Function: EventQueueWorker
// Purpose: Worker function to remove an event off the event queue for
// a specific subscriber and submit it to that subscriber
// Arguments:
// pvContext [in] Context data = event source and subscriber
// fTimeOut [in] UNUSED
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: This function calls into WinINET
VOID WINAPI EventQueueWorker(LPVOID pvContext, BOOLEAN fTimeOut) { UPNP_WAIT_PARAMS * puwp; LPWSTR szSid = NULL; LPWSTR * rgszUrl = NULL; DWORD cszUrl = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fLeave = TRUE; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes; DWORD isz;
puwp = (UPNP_WAIT_PARAMS *)pvContext;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Event queue worker (%S:%S) entering critsec...", puwp->szEsid, puwp->szSid);
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "...entered");
pes = PesFindEventSource(puwp->szEsid); if (pes) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psub; UPNP_EVENT * pevt; DWORD iSeq; HANDLE hEvent;
psub = PsubFindSubscriber(pes, puwp->szSid); if (psub) { if (CUPnPInterfaceList::Instance().FShouldSendOnInterface(psub->dwIpAddr)) { BOOL fEmpty;
// Remove first event off the list
pevt = psub->pevtQueue;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Processing event %p", pevt);
AssertSz(pevt, "Worker is awake but nothing to do today!");
psub->pevtQueue = pevt->pevtNext;
// Any more items on the queue?
fEmpty = !psub->pevtQueue;
if (fEmpty) { psub->pevtQueueTail = NULL; }
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Event queue is%s empty", fEmpty ? "" : " NOT");
szSid = WszDupWsz(psub->szSid); if (!szSid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Copy the list of URLs so we can access it safely outside of the
// critsec
cszUrl = psub->cszUrl;
rgszUrl = new LPWSTR[cszUrl]; if (!rgszUrl) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
for (isz = 0; isz < cszUrl; isz++) { rgszUrl[isz] = WszDupWsz(psub->rgszUrl[isz]); if (!rgszUrl[isz]) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } }
// Wrap sequence number to 1 to avoid overflow
if (psub->iSeq == MAXDWORD) { psub->iSeq = 1; }
// Increment the sequence number after assigning it to a local
// variable.
iSeq = psub->iSeq++;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "New sequence # is %d. About to send " "sequence #%d", psub->iSeq, iSeq);
// Last thing to do is signal the queue event so another worker
// can pick up the next event off the queue. Only do this if the
// event queue is still not empty.
if (!fEmpty) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Signalling event again"); SetEvent(psub->hEventQ); }
// Don't need the lock anymore
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Released lock on global event source list");
fLeave = FALSE;
LPWSTR szHeaders;
hr = HrComposeUpnpNotifyHeaders(iSeq, szSid, &szHeaders); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = E_FAIL;
// Try the list of URLs until either we run out of them, or
// we succeed
for (isz = 0; FAILED(hr) && isz < cszUrl; isz++) { hr = HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber(szHeaders, pevt->szBody, rgszUrl[isz]); }
delete [] szHeaders; }
delete [] pevt->szBody; delete pevt; } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "EventQueueWorker: Not sending to subscriber since it" " came in on IP address %s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&psub->dwIpAddr)); } } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "EventQueueWorker: Did not find " "subscriber %S in event source %S", puwp->szEsid, puwp->szSid); } } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "EventQueueWorker: Did not find " "event source %S", puwp->szEsid); }
delete [] szSid;
if (rgszUrl) { for (isz = 0; isz < cszUrl; isz++) { delete [] rgszUrl[isz]; } }
delete [] rgszUrl;
if (fLeave) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Release lock (2) on global event source list"); }
TraceError("EventQueueWorker", hr) }
// Function: RenewalCallback
// Purpose: Callback function that is called when a subscriber's renewal
// timer has expired, which means it should be removed
// Arguments:
// pvContext [in] Context data = event source identifier and subscriber
// fTimeOut [in] UNUSED
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
VOID WINAPI RenewalCallback(LPVOID pvContext, BOOLEAN fTimeOut) { UPNP_RENEWAL * pur; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes; HRESULT hr = S_OK; UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubToDelete = NULL;
pur = (UPNP_RENEWAL *)pvContext;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "RenewalCallback: Called for %S:%S (%d)", pur->szEsid, pur->szSid, pur->iRenewal);
pes = PesFindEventSource(pur->szEsid); if (pes) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubCur; UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubPrev;
for (psubCur = psubPrev = pes->psubList; psubCur; psubPrev = psubCur, psubCur = psubCur->psubNext) { if (!lstrcmpi(psubCur->szSid, pur->szSid)) { if (psubCur->cRenewals == pur->iRenewal) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "RenewalCallback: Removing subscriber" " %S from event source %S", psubCur->szSid, pes->szEsid);
// Remove subscriber from the list
if (psubCur == pes->psubList) { // Removal of head item
pes->psubList = psubCur->psubNext; } else { psubPrev->psubNext = psubCur->psubNext; }
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "RenewalCallback: Queuing work item" " to free subscriber %S", pur->szSid);
// Can no longer rely on this because once the subscriber is
// removed from the list, its owning event source is off limits
psubCur->pes = NULL;
psubToDelete = psubCur; } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "RenewalCallback: Found subscriber %S" "but renewal counter does not match %d vs. %d", psubCur->szSid, psubCur->cRenewals, pur->iRenewal); } break; } } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "RenewalCallback: Did not find event" " source %S", pur->szEsid); }
if (psubToDelete) { QueueUserWorkItem(FreeSubscriberWorker, (LPVOID)psubToDelete, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION); } }
// Function: HrAddSubscriber
// Purpose: Adds a new subscriber to the list for a particular event source
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// dwIpAddr [in] Local IP address that the subscribe came in on
// cszUrl [in] Number of callback URLs
// rgszCallbackUrl [in] Callback URLs of subscriber
// pcsecTimeout [in out] Subscription timeout requested by subscriber
// Upon return, receives the timeout chosen by
// the device host
// pszSid [out] Returns the newly allocated SID
// Returns: S_OK if success, E_OUTOFMEMORY,
// or ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if the event source did not exist
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: Caller should free the returned pszSid with delete []
HRESULT HrAddSubscriber(LPCWSTR szEsid, DWORD dwIpAddr, DWORD cszUrl, LPCWSTR *rgszCallbackUrl, LPCWSTR szEventBody, DWORD *pcsecTimeout, LPWSTR *pszSid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psub; UPNP_WAIT_PARAMS * puwp; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes; LPWSTR szSid = NULL;
Assert(pszSid); Assert(pcsecTimeout);
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Adding subscriber from %S (%d) to %S", rgszCallbackUrl[0], cszUrl, szEsid);
psub = new UPNP_SUBSCRIBER; if (!psub) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
ZeroMemory(psub, sizeof(UPNP_SUBSCRIBER));
psub->dwIpAddr = dwIpAddr;
psub->hEventQ = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!psub->hEventQ || psub->hEventQ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrAddSubscriber: CreateEvent", hr); goto cleanup; }
psub->szSid = SzGetNewSid(); if (!psub->szSid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Allocated new SID: %S", psub->szSid);
// Make a local copy of this for later use in HrSubmitEventZero() and also
// so we can return it to the caller
szSid = WszDupWsz(psub->szSid); if (!szSid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
DWORD isz;
psub->cszUrl = cszUrl; psub->rgszUrl = new LPWSTR[cszUrl]; if (!psub->rgszUrl) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
for (isz = 0; isz < cszUrl; isz++) { psub->rgszUrl[isz] = WszDupWsz(rgszCallbackUrl[isz]); if (!psub->rgszUrl[isz]) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } }
psub->uwp.szEsid = WszDupWsz(szEsid); if (!psub->uwp.szEsid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
psub->uwp.szSid = WszDupWsz(psub->szSid); if (!psub->uwp.szSid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// ISSUE-2000/10/2-danielwe: Registering the wait with the
// WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION flag means that a new thread will be created
// FOR EACH SUBSCRIBER. This may be a bad thing depending on how many
// subscribers there are expected to be. Creating threads with this flag
// would be to handle the case where one or more subscribers are timing
// out sending the NOTIFY to them or they are just plain slow. If this
// flag is not used, these subscribers will cause the eventing queues to
// bottleneck because no free threads are available to service them. So,
// to summarize:
// --------------------------------------
// Pros: Never a bottleneck sending event notifications. They always
// arrive when expected.
// Cons: Will end up with lots of threads if there are lots of subscribers
// However, once the subscribers unsubscribe, the thread count would
// eventually go back down again.
// Not using the flag:
// -------------------
// Pros: Efficient. Only create the threads that are needed.
// Cons: May end up with events backing up in the queue if subscribers
// time out frequently.
// Choice is still up in the air. We'll set the flag for now and see how
// bad this gets during stress time.
if (!RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&psub->hWait, psub->hEventQ, EventQueueWorker, (LPVOID)&psub->uwp, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrAddSubscriber: RegisterWaitForSingleObject", hr); goto cleanup; }
pes = PesFindEventSource(szEsid); if (!pes) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrAddSubscriber: Event source %S not found!", szEsid); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); goto cleanup; }
psub->ur.iRenewal = psub->cRenewals;
psub->ur.szEsid = WszDupWsz(pes->szEsid); if (!psub->ur.szEsid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); goto cleanup; }
psub->ur.szSid = WszDupWsz(psub->szSid); if (!psub->ur.szSid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); goto cleanup; }
if (!*pcsecTimeout) { *pcsecTimeout = c_csecDefSubsTimeout; } else { *pcsecTimeout = max(c_csecMinSubsTimeout, *pcsecTimeout); }
psub->csecTimeout = *pcsecTimeout;
if (!CreateTimerQueueTimer(&psub->hTimer, g_hTimerQ, RenewalCallback, (LPVOID)&psub->ur, *pcsecTimeout * 1000, 0, WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD)) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrAddSubscriber: CreateTimerQueueTimer", hr); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); goto cleanup; }
psub->pes = pes;
// Link in the new subscriber to the event source's list (add at head
// of list because it's quicker and order doesn't matter one bit)
if (!pes->psubList) { pes->psubList = psub; } else { psub->psubNext = pes->psubList; pes->psubList = psub; }
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Adding psub = %p to list", psub);
*pszSid = szSid;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Adding event zero notification for %S:%S", szEsid, szSid);
hr = HrSubmitEventZero(szEsid, szSid, szEventBody);
done: TraceError("HrAddSubscriber", hr); return hr;
delete [] szSid;
FreeSubscriber(psub); goto done; }
// Function: HrRenewSubscriber
// Purpose: Renews the given subscriber's subscription
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// pcsecTimeout [in out] Subscription timeout requested by subscriber
// Upon return, receives the timeout chosen by
// the device host
// szSid [in] Subscriber identifier (SID)
// Returns: S_OK if success, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if event source or
// subscription was not found
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRenewSubscriber(LPCWSTR szEsid, DWORD *pcsecTimeout, LPCWSTR szSid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pes; HANDLE hTimerDel = NULL;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRenewSubscriber: Renewing subscriber with " "SID %S for event source %S", szSid, szEsid); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Tickcount for renewal callback is %d", GetTickCount());
pes = PesFindEventSource(szEsid); if (pes) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psub;
psub = PsubFindSubscriber(pes, szSid); if (psub) { // We don't care if the timer is currently executing because we're
// inside the critsec right now and so if we got here before the
// timer proc did, then we made it just in time to bump the
// renewal count so the proc doesn't delete this guy. If the timer
// proc had acquired the critsec first, then we couldn't possibly
// be here because it would have removed the subscriber from the
// list already
hTimerDel = psub->hTimer;
// Delete the old renewal structure
delete [] psub->ur.szEsid; delete [] psub->ur.szSid;
psub->ur.szEsid = NULL; psub->ur.szSid = NULL; psub->ur.iRenewal = psub->cRenewals;
psub->ur.szEsid = WszDupWsz(pes->szEsid); if (!psub->ur.szEsid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { psub->ur.szSid = WszDupWsz(psub->szSid); if (!psub->ur.szSid) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { if (!*pcsecTimeout) { *pcsecTimeout = c_csecDefSubsTimeout; } else { *pcsecTimeout = max(c_csecMinSubsTimeout, *pcsecTimeout); }
psub->csecTimeout = *pcsecTimeout;
if (!CreateTimerQueueTimer(&psub->hTimer, g_hTimerQ, RenewalCallback, (LPVOID)&psub->ur, *pcsecTimeout * 1000, 0, WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD)) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrRenewSubscriber: CreateTimerQueueTimer", hr); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Started server renewal " "timer for %d seconds at tickcount %d", *pcsecTimeout, GetTickCount()); } } } } else { // Return 412 Precondition Failed
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRenewSubscriber: Did not find" " subscriber %S in event source %S", szSid, szEsid); } } else { // Return 404 Not Found
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRenewSubscriber: Did not find event" " source %S", szEsid); }
// ISSUE-2000/12/1-danielwe: DeleteTimerQueueTimer() apparently
// will block if called on a timer that is currently executing
// its callback. It is unknown whether this is a bug in its
// implementation or not. To work around this problem, we'll
// leave the critsec so that the RenewalCallback() function can complete
// and then delete the timer. After deleting the timer, we signal the
// event that allows FreeEventSourceWorker() to delete the timer queue
if (hTimerDel) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer(g_hTimerQ, hTimerDel, NULL); }
TraceError("HrRenewSubscriber", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRemoveSubscriber
// Purpose: Removes a subscriber from the list of subscribers to an
// event source
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// szSid [in] Subscriber identifier (SID)
// Returns: S_OK if success, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if event source or
// subscription was not found
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRemoveSubscriber(LPCWSTR szEsid, LPCWSTR szSid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRemoveSubscriber: Removing subscriber with " "SID %S for event source %S", szSid, szEsid);
pes = PesFindEventSource(szEsid); if (pes) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubCur; UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubPrev;
for (psubCur = psubPrev = pes->psubList; psubCur; psubPrev = psubCur, psubCur = psubCur->psubNext) { if (!lstrcmpi(psubCur->szSid, szSid)) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRemoveSubscriber: Removing subscriber" " %S from event source %S", psubCur->szSid, pes->szEsid);
// Remove subscriber from the list
if (psubCur == pes->psubList) { // Removal of head item
pes->psubList = psubCur->psubNext; } else { psubPrev->psubNext = psubCur->psubNext; } break; } }
if (psubCur) { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRemoveSubscriber: Removing subscriber" " %S", szSid);
// Can no longer rely on this because once the subscriber is
// removed from the list, its owning event source is off limits
psubCur->pes = NULL;
QueueUserWorkItem(FreeSubscriberWorker, (LPVOID)psubCur, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRemoveSubscriber: Did not find" " subscriber %S in event source %S", szSid, szEsid); } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrRemoveSubscriber: Did not find event" " source %S", szEsid); }
TraceError("HrRemoveSubscriber", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrSubmitEvent
// Purpose: Submits an event for an event source
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// szEventBody [in] Full XML body of event message
// Returns: S_OK if success, E_OUTOFMEMORY, or ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if
// event source was not found
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrSubmitEvent(LPCWSTR szEsid, LPCWSTR szEventBody) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrSubmitEvent: Submitting event for %S ", szEsid);
if (!g_hInetSess) { hr = HrInitInternetSession(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(g_hInetSess);
pes = PesFindEventSource(szEsid); if (pes) { UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psub;
for (psub = pes->psubList; psub; psub = psub->psubNext) { if (psub->iSeq > 0) { UPNP_EVENT * pevt;
pevt = new UPNP_EVENT; if (!pevt) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } else { pevt->pevtNext = NULL;
pevt->szBody = WszDupWsz(szEventBody); if (pevt->szBody) { AppendToEventQueue(psub, pevt); } else { delete pevt; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } } } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "HrSubmitEvent: Did not find event" " source %S", szEsid); } }
TraceError("HrSubmitEvent", hr); return hr; }
// Function: AppendToEventQueue
// Purpose: Adds the given event structure to the end of the event queue
// for that subscriber
// Arguments:
// psub [in] Subscriber to add event to
// pevt [in] Event to add
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
VOID AppendToEventQueue(UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psub, UPNP_EVENT * pevt) { if (psub->pevtQueue) { psub->pevtQueueTail->pevtNext = pevt; psub->pevtQueueTail = pevt;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Adding %p to event queue for sub %S", pevt, psub->szSid); } else { AssertSz(!psub->pevtQueueTail, "If head is NULL so should tail be too");
psub->pevtQueue = pevt; psub->pevtQueueTail = pevt;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Adding %p to event queue for sub %S and" " signalling event", pevt, psub->szSid);
// Signal the event that says that a new item is ready on the queue
SetEvent(psub->hEventQ); }
Assert(!pevt->pevtNext); AssertSz(psub->pevtQueueTail == pevt, "Didn't insert at the tail?"); }
// Function: HrSubmitEventZero
// Purpose: Submits the initial notify event for a subscriber
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// szSid [in] Subscriber to submit the event to
// szEventBody [in] XML body of event message
// Returns: S_OK if success, E_OUTOFMEMORY
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes: The subscriber's event queue MUST be empty when this function
// is called
if (!g_hInetSess) { hr = HrInitInternetSession(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(g_hInetSess);
pes = PesFindEventSource(szEsid); if (pes) { UPNP_EVENT * pevt;
psub = PsubFindSubscriber(pes, szSid); if (psub) { pevt = new UPNP_EVENT; if (!pevt) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { pevt->pevtNext = NULL;
pevt->szBody = WszDupWsz(szEventBody); if (pevt->szBody) { AssertSz(!psub->pevtQueue, "Event queue is not empty!!!"); AppendToEventQueue(psub, pevt); } else { delete pevt; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Interesting.. Subscriber %S was removed" " before event zero was submitted for a subscriber?? Oh well" " no big deal.", szSid); } } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Interesting.. Event source %S was removed" " before event zero was submitted for a subscriber?? Oh well" " no big deal.", szEsid); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); }
TraceError("HrSubmitEventZero", hr); return hr; }
static const WCHAR c_szHeaderNt[] = L"NT"; static const WCHAR c_szHeaderNts[] = L"NTS"; static const WCHAR c_szHeaderSid[] = L"SID"; static const WCHAR c_szHeaderSeq[] = L"SEQ"; static const WCHAR c_szHeaderContentType[] = L"Content-Type";
const WCHAR c_szNotifyMethod[] = L"NOTIFY";
const WCHAR c_szHttpVersion[] = L"HTTP/1.1";
static const DWORD c_cchHeaderNt = celems(c_szHeaderNt); static const DWORD c_cchHeaderNts = celems(c_szHeaderNts); static const DWORD c_cchHeaderSid = celems(c_szHeaderSid); static const DWORD c_cchHeaderSeq = celems(c_szHeaderSeq); static const DWORD c_cchHeaderContentType = celems(c_szHeaderContentType);
static const WCHAR c_szNt[] = L"upnp:event"; static const WCHAR c_szNts[] = L"upnp:propchange";
static const DWORD c_cchNt = celems(c_szNt); static const DWORD c_cchNts = celems(c_szNts);
static const WCHAR c_szColon[] = L":"; static const WCHAR c_szCrlf[] = L"\r\n";
static const DWORD c_cchColon = celems(c_szColon); static const DWORD c_cchCrlf = celems(c_szCrlf);
const WCHAR c_szTextXml[] = L"text/xml";
const DWORD c_cchTextXml = celems(c_szTextXml);
// Function: HrComposeUpnpNotifyHeaders
// Purpose: Composes the headers for a NOTIFY request to be sent to a
// subscriber.
// Arguments:
// iSeq [in] Sequence number of event
// szSid [in] SID of subscriber
// pszHeaders [out] Returns newly allocated headers in proper format
// Returns: S_OK if success or E_OUTOFMEMORY if no memory
// Author: danielwe 12 Oct 1999
// Notes: Caller must free pszHeaders with delete []
HRESULT HrComposeUpnpNotifyHeaders(DWORD iSeq, LPCTSTR szSid, LPWSTR *pszHeaders) { DWORD cchHeaders = 0; WCHAR szSeq[32]; LPWSTR szHeaders; DWORD iNumOfBytes = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
wsprintf(szSeq, L"%d", iSeq);
cchHeaders += c_cchHeaderNt + c_cchColon + c_cchNt + c_cchCrlf; cchHeaders += c_cchHeaderNts + c_cchColon + c_cchNts + c_cchCrlf; cchHeaders += c_cchHeaderSid + c_cchColon + lstrlen(szSid) + c_cchCrlf; cchHeaders += c_cchHeaderSeq + c_cchColon + lstrlen(szSeq) + c_cchCrlf; cchHeaders += c_cchHeaderContentType + c_cchColon + c_cchTextXml + c_cchCrlf;
szHeaders = new WCHAR[cchHeaders + 1]; if (szHeaders) { iNumOfBytes += wsprintf(szHeaders + iNumOfBytes, L"%s%s%s%s", c_szHeaderNt, c_szColon, c_szNt, c_szCrlf); iNumOfBytes += wsprintf(szHeaders + iNumOfBytes, L"%s%s%s%s", c_szHeaderNts, c_szColon, c_szNts, c_szCrlf); iNumOfBytes += wsprintf(szHeaders + iNumOfBytes, L"%s%s%s%s", c_szHeaderSid, c_szColon, szSid, c_szCrlf); iNumOfBytes += wsprintf(szHeaders + iNumOfBytes, L"%s%s%s%s", c_szHeaderSeq, c_szColon, szSeq, c_szCrlf); iNumOfBytes += wsprintf(szHeaders + iNumOfBytes, L"%s%s%s%s", c_szHeaderContentType, c_szColon, c_szTextXml, c_szCrlf);
*pszHeaders = szHeaders; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceError("HrComposeUpnpNotifyHeaders", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber
// Purpose: Submits a NOTIFY request to the given URL
// Arguments:
// szHeaders [in] Headers of request
// szBody [in] Body of request (in XML)
// szUrl [in] URL to send request to
// Returns: S_OK if successful, E_UNEXPECTED if the internet session
// was not initialized
// Author: danielwe 7 Aug 2000
// Notes:
urlComp.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS);
urlComp.lpszHostName = (LPWSTR) &szHostName; urlComp.dwHostNameLength = INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH;
urlComp.lpszUrlPath = (LPWSTR) &szUrlPath; urlComp.dwUrlPathLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH;
if (InternetCrackUrl(szUrl, 0, 0, &urlComp)) { // Hack for not able to send to loopback in LocalService
if(0 == lstrcmp(szHostName, L"")) { lstrcpy(szHostName, L"localhost"); } HINTERNET hinC;
if (g_hInetSess) { hinC = InternetConnect(g_hInetSess, szHostName, urlComp.nPort, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if (hinC) { HINTERNET hinR;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Connected to host %S:%d.", szHostName, urlComp.nPort); hinR = HttpOpenRequest(hinC, c_szNotifyMethod, szUrlPath, c_szHttpVersion, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION, 0); if (hinR) { LPSTR szaBody;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Sending the following request to " "subscriber at %S:", szUrlPath); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "-------------------------------------------"); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "\n%S\n%S", szHeaders, szBody); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "-------------------------------------------");
szaBody = Utf8FromWsz(szBody); if (szaBody) { if (!HttpSendRequest(hinR, szHeaders, 0, (LPVOID)szaBody, CbOfSza(szaBody))) { TraceTag(ttidError, "Failed to send request [http://%S:%d%S]", szHostName, urlComp.nPort, szUrlPath); hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber: " "HttpSendRequest", hr); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Request sent successfully!"); }
delete [] szaBody; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; TraceError("HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber: SzFromWsz", hr); }
InternetCloseHandle(hinR); } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber: HttpOpenRequest", hr); }
InternetCloseHandle(hinC); } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber: InternetConnect", hr); } } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; TraceError("HrSubmitEventToSubscriber: No internet session!", hr); } } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError("HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber: InternetCrackUrl", hr); }
TraceError("HrSubmitNotifyToSubscriber", hr); return hr; }
// Function: PesFindEventSource
// Purpose: Helper function to return the event source identified by
// szEsid.
// Arguments:
// szEsid [in] Event source identifier
// Returns: Pointer to event source that matches the identifier passed in
// or NULL if not found
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
for (pesCur = g_pesList; pesCur; pesCur = pesCur->pesNext) { if (!lstrcmpi(pesCur->szEsid, szEsid)) { break; } }
return pesCur; }
// Function: PsubFindSubscriber
// Purpose: Helper function to return the subscriber identified by the
// SID passed in
// Arguments:
// pes [in] Event source to search in
// szSid [in] Subscription identifier
// Returns: Pointer to subscriber that matches the SID or NULL if not
// found
// Author: danielwe 4 Aug 2000
// Notes:
for (psubCur = pes->psubList; psubCur; psubCur = psubCur->psubNext) { if (!lstrcmpi(psubCur->szSid, szSid)) { break; } }
return psubCur; }
// Debug functions
VOID DbgDumpSubscriber(UPNP_SUBSCRIBER *psub) { SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR szLocalDate[255]; WCHAR szLocalTime[255];
FileTimeToSystemTime(&psub->ftTimeout, &st); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_LONGDATE, &st, NULL, szLocalDate, 255); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, NULL, szLocalTime, 255);
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Subscription at address 0x%08X", psub); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "--------------------------------------");
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Subscription timeout is %d seconds from " "now. It expires at %S %S", psub->csecTimeout, szLocalDate, szLocalTime);
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Sequence # : %d", psub->iSeq); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Callback Url: %S", psub->rgszUrl[0]); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "SID : %S", psub->szSid); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "--------------------------------------"); }
VOID DbgDumpEventSource(UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE *pes) { DWORD iVar; UPNP_SUBSCRIBER * psubCur;
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Event source 0x%08X - %S", pes, pes->szEsid); TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "-------------------------------------------------");
if (pes->psubList) { for (psubCur = pes->psubList; psubCur; psubCur = psubCur->psubNext) { DbgDumpSubscriber(psubCur); } } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "NO SUBSCRIBERS"); }
TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "-------------------------------------------------"); }
VOID DbgDumpListEventSource() { UPNP_EVENT_SOURCE * pesCur;
if (g_pesList) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource);
for (pesCur = g_pesList; pesCur; pesCur = pesCur->pesNext) { DbgDumpEventSource(pesCur); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csListEventSource); } else { TraceTag(ttidEventServer, "Event source list is EMPTY!"); } }