// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This is unpublished source code of Microsoft.
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : Implementation of MIPAddressAdmin
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// include files
#include "MIPAddressAdmin.h"
#include "MWmiParameter.h"
#include "Mtrace.h"
#include "NICCard.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// constructor for doing remotely.
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin( const _bstr_t& machineIP, const _bstr_t& nicName ) : _machineIP( machineIP ), _nicName( nicName ), machine( machineIP, L"root\\cimv2", NLBMGR_USERNAME, NLBMGR_PASSWORD) { }
// constructor for doing things locally.
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin( const _bstr_t& nicName ) : _machineIP( L"Not Set" ), _nicName( nicName ), machine( L"root\\cimv2" ) { }
// copy constructor
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin( const MIPAddressAdmin& obj ) : _machineIP( obj._machineIP ), _nicName( obj._nicName ), machine( obj.machine ) { }
// assignment operator
MIPAddressAdmin& MIPAddressAdmin::operator=(const MIPAddressAdmin& rhs ) { _machineIP = rhs._machineIP; _nicName = rhs._nicName; machine = rhs.machine;
return *this; }
// destructor
MIPAddressAdmin::~MIPAddressAdmin() { }
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::refreshConnection() { return status; }
// addIPAddress
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::addIPAddress(const _bstr_t& ipAddrToAdd, const _bstr_t& subnetMask) { // do basic verification.
// ensure that machine specified exists.
vector<MWmiInstance> nicInstance; checkStatus( &nicInstance );
// get present ip addresses.
vector<_bstr_t> ipAddressStore; vector<_bstr_t> subnetMaskStore;
bool dhcpEnabled; isDHCPEnabled( dhcpEnabled ); if( dhcpEnabled == false ) { getIPAddresses( &ipAddressStore, &subnetMaskStore ); }
if( find( ipAddressStore.begin(), ipAddressStore.end(), ipAddrToAdd ) != ipAddressStore.end() ) { // the ip to add already exists.
// thus just return at this point.
return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } ipAddressStore.push_back( ipAddrToAdd ); subnetMaskStore.push_back( subnetMask );
// form the safearray.
// array has one dimension.
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; rgsabound[0].cElements = ipAddressStore.size();
SAFEARRAY* psaIPAddress = SafeArrayCreate( VT_BSTR, 1, rgsabound ); SAFEARRAY* psaSubnetMask = SafeArrayCreate( VT_BSTR, 1, rgsabound );
long rgIndices; HRESULT hr; for( int i = 0; i < ipAddressStore.size(); ++i ) { rgIndices = i; hr = SafeArrayPutElement( psaIPAddress, &rgIndices, ( wchar_t *) ipAddressStore[i] );
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( psaSubnetMask, &rgIndices, ( wchar_t *) subnetMaskStore[i] ); }
// run enable static method.
VariantInit( &ipsV ); VariantInit( &ipaV );
ipaV.parray = psaIPAddress; ipaV.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR;
ipsV.parray = psaSubnetMask; ipsV.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR;
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters; MWmiParameter ipa(L"IPAddress"); ipa.setValue( ipaV ); inputParameters.push_back( &ipa );
MWmiParameter ips(L"SubnetMask"); ips.setValue( ipsV ); inputParameters.push_back( &ips );
// set output parameters
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
nicInstance[0].runMethod(L"EnableStatic", inputParameters, outputParameters );
VariantClear( &ipsV ); VariantClear( &ipaV );
// SafeArrayDestroy( psaIPAddress );
// SafeArrayDestroy( psaSubnetMask );
if( long( returnValue.getValue()) == 0 ) { return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } else { cout << "enablestatic has return " << long( returnValue.getValue() ) << endl; #if DBG
WCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"EnableStatic failed with error 0x%08lx\n", long( returnValue.getValue() ) ); OutputDebugString(buf); #endif // DBG
return COM_FAILURE; } }
// deleteIPAddress
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::deleteIPAddress(const _bstr_t& ipAddrToDelete ) { // do basic verification.
// ensure that machine specified exists with nic.
vector<MWmiInstance> nicInstance; checkStatus( &nicInstance );
// check if dhcp is enabled,
// if enabled we cannot delete anything
bool dhcpEnabled; isDHCPEnabled( dhcpEnabled ); if( dhcpEnabled == true ) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// get present ip addresses.
vector<_bstr_t> ipAddressStore; vector<_bstr_t> subnetMaskStore;
getIPAddresses( &ipAddressStore, &subnetMaskStore );
// check if ip address to delete exists.
vector<_bstr_t>::iterator posnToDelete; posnToDelete = find( ipAddressStore.begin(), ipAddressStore.end(), ipAddrToDelete ); if( posnToDelete == ipAddressStore.end() ) { // the ip to delete does not exist.
return NO_SUCH_IP; }
// remove this ip.
vector<_bstr_t> ipAddressNewStore; vector<_bstr_t> subnetMaskNewStore; bool ipAddrToDeleteFound = false;
for( int i = 0; i < ipAddressStore.size(); ++i ) { if( ipAddressStore[i] == ipAddrToDelete ) { ipAddrToDeleteFound = true; } else { ipAddressNewStore.push_back( ipAddressStore[i] ); subnetMaskNewStore.push_back( subnetMaskStore[i] ); } }
if( ipAddrToDeleteFound == false ) { // ip to delete does not exist on
// this nic.
return NO_SUCH_IP; }
if( ipAddressNewStore.size() == 0 ) { // the ip to remove is the last ip which exists.
// thus need to switch to dhcp.
return enableDHCP(); }
// form the safearray.
// array has one dimension.
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; rgsabound[0].cElements = ipAddressNewStore.size();
SAFEARRAY* psaIPAddress = SafeArrayCreate( VT_BSTR, 1, rgsabound ); SAFEARRAY* psaSubnetMask = SafeArrayCreate( VT_BSTR, 1, rgsabound );
long rgIndices[1]; HRESULT hr; for( int i = 0; i < ipAddressNewStore.size(); ++i ) { rgIndices[0] = i; hr = SafeArrayPutElement( psaIPAddress, rgIndices, ( wchar_t *) ipAddressNewStore[i] );
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( psaSubnetMask, rgIndices, ( wchar_t *) subnetMaskNewStore[i] ); }
// run enable static method.
ipsV.parray = psaSubnetMask; ipsV.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR;
ipaV.parray = psaIPAddress; ipaV.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR;
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters; MWmiParameter ipa(L"IPAddress"); ipa.setValue( ipaV ); inputParameters.push_back( &ipa );
MWmiParameter ips(L"SubnetMask"); ips.setValue( ipsV ); inputParameters.push_back( &ips );
// set output parameters
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
nicInstance[0].runMethod(L"EnableStatic", inputParameters, outputParameters );
VariantClear( &ipsV ); VariantClear( &ipaV );
// SafeArrayDestroy( psaIPAddress );
// SafeArrayDestroy( psaSubnetMask );
if( long( returnValue.getValue()) == 0 ) { return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } else { cout << "enablestatic has return " << long( returnValue.getValue() ) << endl; return COM_FAILURE; }
return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS;
// getIPAddresses
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::getIPAddresses( vector<_bstr_t>* ipAddress, vector<_bstr_t>* subnetMask ) { // do basic verification.
// ensure that machine specified exists.
vector<MWmiInstance> nicInstance; checkStatus( &nicInstance );
// get the present values for ip address and subnet
vector<MWmiParameter* > parameterStore; MWmiParameter ipsPresent(L"IPSubnet"); parameterStore.push_back( &ipsPresent );
MWmiParameter ipaPresent(L"IPAddress"); parameterStore.push_back( &ipaPresent );
nicInstance[0].getParameters( parameterStore );
_variant_t ipsT = ipsPresent.getValue(); VARIANT ipsV = ipsT.Detach();
_variant_t ipaT = ipaPresent.getValue(); VARIANT ipaV = ipaT.Detach();
if ( (ipsV.vt != (VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR)) || (ipaV.vt != (VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR))) { // Ugh, let's pretend we didn't get anything.
goto end; }
LONG count = ipsV.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements; HRESULT hr;
BSTR* pbstr; BSTR* pbstr1;
if( SUCCEEDED( SafeArrayAccessData( ipaV.parray, ( void **) &pbstr))) { hr = SafeArrayAccessData( ipsV.parray, (void **) &pbstr1 );
for( LONG x = 0; x < count; x++ ) { ipAddress->push_back( _bstr_t( pbstr[x] ) ); subnetMask->push_back( _bstr_t( pbstr1[x] ) ); }
hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData( ipsV.parray ); hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData( ipaV.parray ); }
VariantClear( &ipsV ); VariantClear( &ipaV );
return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; }
// checkStatus
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::checkStatus( vector<MWmiInstance>* nicInstance ) { _bstr_t temp;
if( _machineIP == _bstr_t( L"Not Set") ) { NICCard::NICCard_Error errN; vector< NICCard::Info > nicList; errN = NICCard::getNics( &nicList ); if( errN != NICCard::NICCard_SUCCESS ) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
bool foundNic = false; _bstr_t myguid; for( int i = 0; i < nicList.size(); ++i ) { if( _bstr_t( nicList[i].fullName.c_str() ) == _nicName ) { // found nic
foundNic = true; myguid = _bstr_t( nicList[i].guid.c_str() ); break; } }
if( foundNic == false ) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
vector< MWmiInstance > instanceStore; machine.getInstances( L"Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", &instanceStore ); // set parameters to get.
vector<MWmiParameter* > parameterStore; MWmiParameter SettingID(L"SettingID"); parameterStore.push_back( &SettingID ); for( int i = 0; i < instanceStore.size(); ++i ) { instanceStore[i].getParameters( parameterStore ); temp = SettingID.getValue(); if( myguid == temp ) { nicInstance->push_back( instanceStore[i] ); return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } } throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } else { //
// ensure that the nic specified exists.
MWmiObject machineNlbsNic( _machineIP, L"root\\microsoftnlb", NLBMGR_USERNAME, NLBMGR_PASSWORD); vector< MWmiInstance > instanceStoreNlbsNic; _bstr_t relPath = L"NlbsNic.FullName=\"" + _nicName + "\""; machineNlbsNic.getSpecificInstance( L"NlbsNic", relPath, &instanceStoreNlbsNic ); // set parameters to get.
vector<MWmiParameter* > parameterStoreNlbsNic; MWmiParameter AdapterGuid(L"AdapterGuid"); parameterStoreNlbsNic.push_back( &AdapterGuid ); instanceStoreNlbsNic[0].getParameters( parameterStoreNlbsNic ); vector< MWmiInstance > instanceStore; machine.getInstances( L"Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", &instanceStore ); // set parameters to get.
vector<MWmiParameter* > parameterStore; MWmiParameter SettingID(L"SettingID"); parameterStore.push_back( &SettingID ); for( int i = 0; i < instanceStore.size(); ++i ) { instanceStore[i].getParameters( parameterStore ); temp = SettingID.getValue(); if( _bstr_t( AdapterGuid.getValue() ) == temp ) { nicInstance->push_back( instanceStore[i] ); return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } } throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } }
// isDHCPEnabled
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::isDHCPEnabled( bool& dhcpEnabled ) { // do basic verification.
// ensure that machine specified exists.
vector<MWmiInstance> nicInstance; checkStatus( &nicInstance );
// get the present value for DHCPEnabled
vector<MWmiParameter* > parameterStore; MWmiParameter DHCPEnabled( L"DHCPEnabled" ); parameterStore.push_back( &DHCPEnabled ); nicInstance[0].getParameters( parameterStore );
dhcpEnabled = DHCPEnabled.getValue();
return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; }
// enableDHCP
MIPAddressAdmin::MIPAddressAdmin_Error MIPAddressAdmin::enableDHCP() { // do basic verification.
// ensure that machine specified exists.
vector<MWmiInstance> nicInstance; checkStatus( &nicInstance );
bool dhcpEnabled; isDHCPEnabled( dhcpEnabled ); if( dhcpEnabled == true ) { // dhcp is already enabled.
return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; }
// set input parameters.
// no input parameters.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters;
// set output parameters
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
nicInstance[0].runMethod(L"EnableDHCP", inputParameters, outputParameters );
if( long ( returnValue.getValue() ) == 0 ) { return MIPAddressAdmin_SUCCESS; } else { cout << "enablestatic has return " << long( returnValue.getValue() ) << endl; return COM_FAILURE; } }